Not to mention he is very much in love with Saber. To put a quote from day 14 of Fate:
--My doubts disappear.
My path is so clear.

"-Sorry. I love you more than anything, Saber.
So I won't give you to a guy like him."

After I say that, I regret apologizing to her.
But I had to say it.

I wanted to say it now at this moment because there would be no impurities mixed in my words.
Fair. But there's no QM counters to my plans on Yang! Yang Route is a Go!- Proceeds to be Shot.
First you repair what damage you can on the broken sword boy, and then after realizing just how broken he is you reforge him in the fires of love clearly lol
Also easier to talk here while the votings going on with 3 separate media worlds to discuss than the other thread since I'm mostly waiting on both of em.
I get that I don't like going into quests with a set romance, and seeing how the interactions go if something happens go for it if nothing pops up then nothing pops up.
Shirou's soul is so broken that when she tries to use the glove on him it actually hurts her or fucks up her grimm arm in some weird way. I'm imagining that she tries to do it, and the end result is just her arm becoming more jagged and sharp in appearance or blades just straight up start stabbing out of the arm the same way swords stab out of shirou's body in the heavens feel route.
From what I remember, that explicitly happened because Archer and Shirou's souls were incompatible due to Shirou's ideals changing and thus, UBW was literally manifesting inside of his body. So yeah, Cinder quite literally exploding with blades the more she tries to steal Shirou's powers is a very real possibility.

Still want Shirou going to school though. Get ye socialization Shirou with normal kids.
To be fair, the Astral Express is pretty normal all things considered. Like, Himeko and Welt are actual functioning adults and do actually want the teens to have moments of normalcy and don't constantly want to chuck them in life or death situations like other certain adult characters coughozpincough. There's tons of downtime and just hanging out that isn't going to be represented in gameplay that could be shown in this Quest.
don't constantly want to chuck them in life or death situations like other certain adult characters coughozpincough.
To be fair, the first three seasons take place over a year and they have plenty of time to do normal kid stuff. It just so happens that most of the episodes focus on when things are actually going down. (outside of like, the food fight and a single board game they played)
I honestly don't know how well a Shirou can handle a regular life especially not a Fate route Shirou admittedly I'm completely down to see him try

But as I said before I'm mostly hoping for a Dark Horse Frankenshirou to win just because RWBY is the only one of the 3 universe I know anything about
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Shirou was a doormat, and he won't have Taiga to help him get the minimum amount of socializing he'd need and that's before you account for the Angry Mango.

Also a desire to reach Saber again.
Also slightly random thought i wonder what kind of landing strategy QM has in mind for shattered soul shirou.

Cause you know \o/ w'ere dropping from the sky like any respectable RWBY character does.
Well muscle memory would be to summon Saber to catch us lol, but considering that won't work clearly we stab a tree, or building, any suitably tall object we can stab and bleed momentum off by stabbing a blade into
Hey AbyssalDivine, compared to the average person how skilled would you say shirou is at a skill level of D, would the average also be an D, or would they be something like an E+ or E instead
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