Shapeshift: A → B
Allows Rider to change shape to beasts and birds and back. These animals are limited to mundane species, bu

This seems to be incomplete? For the vote, I'll go with taking Rider's contract since literally anything is better than Lancer right now.

[X] Take Rider's contract for yourself and Tommy into your house. It'll make your house a vulnerability if anyone learns Rider's (former) Master is living there, and you won't be able to fight as effectively directly when supporting a proper servant.

It's kind of strange that Menw ended up in a such an less than ideal servant container though. Everything about that sheet shouts that he should have been the Caster and he was pretty much forced into the Rider container instead. I mean he's even missing one of the Rider container's Class Skills. Could it be that whoever ended up as Caster also hijacked Menw's summoning as well?
I'm beginning to suspect that Caster's Master interfered to allow the current Caster to be summoned. It seems like Menw's original summoner was trying to get him as a Caster but got killed (by a Kiritsugu expy, apparently). Since he was shot in the back he might have been betrayed by someone? Although I guess Menw would mention something like that, so probably not. On the bright side, it's not a proper Grail War before a Master is preemptively killed so there's that!
The Third Day - Transfer
You stare at the command seals for a moment. Who designed these, you wonder. It's not a bad design, with the symmetrical, sharp angles at one end that petered out to curves at the other end.


Rider gives you a firm nod, then heads over to Tommy, kneeling by him. They talk to each other quietly for a few minutes, then he brings the boy over to you. You kneel by him, your left hand clasped with Tommy's hand holding his command seals. Rider takes each of your free hands in his.

You stop him. "We're heading to the Church first. This has to be done officially, otherwise he may still remain a target," you say, gesturing to the boy.

Menw frowns, his dilemma clearly apparent by his creased eyebrows. Finally, he acquiesces. "I'll need time to take down the territory and unbind Invisible Air. We'll travel under its cover as long as we can."

It takes him a few minutes more, which you spend outside the bounds. He sweeps away the camp with a wave of his arm that causes roots to erupt and pull the campfire and ashes down, burying them under the ground. You take the tent and fold it up, then leave it in the corner of a low-lying branch. Someone or other would find it and could make use of it later, you suppose. You check Tommy's jacket's sleeves are long enough to hide his command seals, then set off.

Rider's invisible air takes the form of a shimmering curtain that covers the top of his staff, which he uses as a walking stick. The curtain blurs the shape of the staff, but isn't fully invisible. He leaves it disabled while you're in the forest. The three of you stroll through the forest, making small talk and keeping Tommy in line. He's as energetic as any ten year old, looking around and chatting gleefully, but strangely, he never shouts or cries out.

By late morning, you're back in civilization. This area's a distance from both your house and the church. After being stumped for a few moments by a lack of transportation, you eventually hail down a taxi.

Rider vanishes into ethereal shimmers as the two of you climb in. You keep your head turned away slightly. Up close, the bits of thorns sticking out the side of your face could be alarming.

The driver is chatty to start with, but eventually peters down as you shush Tommy from answering and keep your own short. It's only a few minutes' drive to Father Michael's church.

"Think this was a terrorist attack or something?" The cab driver asks.

You shrug, "Could be. What're the newspapers saying?

He hands you a rumpled and folded newspaper from beside his seat. It's todays, and just as expected, the headlines and most of the front page mention nothing except for the catastrophic explosion last night that had bought down a building and heavily damaged two others. There's a photo of the wrecked area, taken aerially at night just a bit after the battle. The article talks about possible causes, including more gas explosions (and many hidden jabs at the City for not maintaining its underground lines properly), a terrorist attack (accompanied by jabs at the government for lax security), or a spontaneous collapse caused by shoddy construction (also accompanied by jabs at money-grubbing private corporations and corrupt officials).

Tommy leans over to look at the picture, "Ooh, is that where you-"

You clamp your hand over his mouth, shushing him. The cabbie doesn't notice. "Don't talk about this now, okay?"

After Tommy nods, you let go, "Sorry, there'll be a lot of time to talk later, don't worry."

The road in front of the church is blocked by a large crowd of onlookers. Yellow tape bars of the road beyond, and the area is surrounded by emergency services. Two ambulances and several fire trucks are standing by, though you're pretty sure no one got hurt. The police are interviewing people from nearby neighbourhoods. As you walk by them, you hear mentions of fire and lightning. You try to memorize as many of their faces as you can, since they saw something and might need to be hypnotized later.

Keeping a firm grip on your new ward, you push through the crowd and enter the church. Both Rider and Lancer wait outside, sitting at the edge of the crowd in spiritual form.

There're a few people inside the Church, sitting on the pews. As you enter, Michael looks up and at your approach, begins making his way to you. "This is a mess!" He exclaims as he approaches, "We can talk in private in my office."

"Lead the way." You say.

Just before the door of his office, he finally notices Tommy. He stammers a bit, unsure of how to ask, but you answer for him before he can, "This is Thomas, though he prefers to be called Tommy. He's the Master of Rider."

Father Michael does a double-take at that. You pull up the sleeve of Tommy's jacket and show him the command seals. "Inside." You tell them both.

The study is a small cramped room, lined with a few boxes at the back, a few books on a shelf and a desk. There're only two chairs, so you stay standing. Tommy looks unnerved, looking around frantically before asking, "Where's Rider?"

"He can't come in he-" you begin. Halfway through, you realise it's not a good answer. "Rider's outside the church. Can you give him permission to come in? He's part of our business here today." You ask the priest.

He's in a cramped room with you. The light in the room is on the wall left of you, casting your thorn-covered half into shadow. He couldn't have said no even if a true Guardian Angel was standing right behind him. When he answers positively, you tell Tommy to think of Rider and tell him he can come in.

Rider materializes inside the room a few seconds later. It's getting a little cramped now.

It takes Rider only a few minutes to tell Michael the same story he told you, about his Master and his contract with Tommy.

"This is- is highly irregular…" Father Michel says at length.

You shrug, "Just look outside. This War's getting out of hand. With Rider, I have a better chance of finishing it as fast as possible and keep damage to a minimum. It's both our jobs."

The transferring of Servant Ownership and Command Seals is a pretty quick task, for its implications. You and Tommy take the same position as before, with the priest taking the third position. Since Tommy's magical circuits are still almost all dormant, the Command Seals are barely a tattoo stuck on top of the one or two circuits that had been squeezed open to make the connection.

The first half done, you look down at the six Command Seals on your hand. This was as big an advantage as having a second servant.

Rider looks at you, "I ask of you, are you my master?"


"The pact is sealed."

Class: Rider
Master: Alexander Thorn
True Name: Menw fab Teirgwaedd, Son of Three Cries, Enchanter-Knight of Camelot
Noble Phantasm: Invisible Air - Windy Raiment of Six Knights / Beastbane Lance - Eye for Eye, Poison for Poison


Endurance: C → C-
Agility: D → D-
Magical Power: B
Luck: D


Riding: B(+)

As Rider is a knight, most vehicles can be handled with average skill. Rider receives bonuses to this skill when shapeshifted into any animal that can be mounted, and transfers this skill to the one riding him.

Magic Resistance: C
Cancels spells with less than two verses. Only suffices to blunt the impact of stronger magecraft.

Item Construction: C → D
The skill to manufacture magical items. At this level, Rider can create some poisons. Would be higher if Rider had been summoned as Caster

Territory Creation : B(+) → C(++)
Allows the creation of a Workshop. The potency of the Territory is boosted if it is built in an outdoors area, and has been further boosted by by Rider's summoning in his homeland, though also degraded by his class.

Animal Dialogue: B(+)
Allows communication with most intelligent animals. As Rider has been summoned in his homeland, the efficiency of this ability has improved.

Druidcraft: B → C
High proficiency with druidic magic. Degraded by being summoned in the Rider class rather than Caster.

Shapeshift: A → B
Allows Rider to change shape to beasts and birds and back. These animals are limited to mundane species, with phantasmal species out of Rider's reach. Degraded by the class container.

Weak Constitution: D → D(-)
Rider was poisoned by the enemy he sought to slay. The poison left him weakened for the rest of his life. Causes a Rank Down in Endurance and Agility.

Noble Phantasms

Beastbane Lance - Eye for Eye, Poison for Poison - D (Anti-Unit)

A great lance that Caster hurled at the enemy who kept his friend from the hand of his woman. Though this was not a killing blow, it injured the enemy enough that it was possible to gouge out its eyes.

As Rider's primary weapon, this spear deals additional damage to those who have a 'beastial' or 'gigantic' attribute. If this weapon manages to injure an opponent's face, they must make a Luck check or lose their sight. This lance can both be used in melee or thrown with incredible speed.

Invisible Air - Windy Raiment of the Six Knights - C (Anti-Unit, Self)
A powerful spell utilising wind magic to make the caster and up to five allies fully invisible from all enemies. Caster's journey with his knightly allies to win a young man his prophesied woman's hand would not have succeeded without use of this keeping him and his friends safe in foreign and heathen lands. This acts as Presence Concealment of Rank A, though the efficiency decreases considerably when preparing to attack. Can also be tethered around a larger area, though the maximum number of targets remains the same.

You feel the connection to Rider snap into place, as well as the far more noticeable drain of prana. The Brambleheart pokes an extra thorn out of your wrist. You can't help but grin. Under you, Rider can finally perform at a decent level, and is a large step up from Lancer.

Before the three of you leave, you ask, "Make sure you announce Rider's master has withdrawn from the war. And did you have any contact with Kirei after last night?"

Michael nods, "He informed me that Archer had not been eliminated, through I don't know how it turned out after Saber arrived."

You grimace, "Saber tore Archer apart. Archer's alive, called away by Command Seal, but pretty badly injured. Also, her Master claims to have been targeting Kotomine specifically.

"I don't know if you heard, but I placed a bounty on them. There were two familiars outside the church grounds, so at least two of the Masters know about it."

Nodding, you say, "Good. That's four out of five masters."

After concluding the business, you head back out. Picking up breakfast on the way home, you and Tommy eat side by side on a bus. You finish it just as the bus stops at the stop nearest your house.

Once inside, you crash on the sofa. Near you, Tommy looks around the house with his mouth wide open. You can't blame him, with how extravagant you house is compared to the typical. Having a family fortune handed down generations helped.

Before you can show him around the house, there's one pressing matter. You grab the phone and dial Alice's number.

Just like yesterday, the phone rings. It continues to ring.

No one picks it up.

Your heart drops.

"Fuck!" You're putting your coat back on and heading out of the door in moments, calling out to Tommy to stay inside the house and that you'll be back soon.

[ ] Leave Lancer at home, bring Rider.
[ ] Leave Rider at home, bring Lancer.
[ ] Bring both of them along with you.

Rider actually has Magic Resistance. I derped a bit on the sheet. Additionally, though this doesn't show up in-story since third-person limited, Rider was actually summoned via catalyst.
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[X] Bring both of them along with you.

WE are the weak point. Bring both

Territory Creation : B(+) → C(++)

Allows the creation of a Workshop. The potency of the Territory is boosted if it is built in an outdoors area, and has been further boosted by by Rider's summoning in his homeland, though also degraded by his class.
Does this get a kick out of our owning the territory?
[X] Bring both of them along with you.

They're going to cost us the same in spirit form regardless, so we can just decide how to materialize them once we get a better read of the situation. We should take Rider with us given that we might need the fire power and it's not like Lancer would make for a decent bodyguard, even if we leave him behind.
[X] Bring both of them along with you.

Lancer is not a good protector. Tommy would probably be safer without a Servant around through his sheer insignificance.
Does a catalyst get destroyed when it's used to summon a Servant? I don't quite remember. Would it be worth getting Rider's catalyst from wherever it is at some point? Seems like a bad idea to just leave it lying around (unless Menw already hid/destroyed it).
[X] Bring both of them along with you.

Also, am I the only one surprised that a Knight of the Round Table has such low stats? Most of Menw's parameters are D, which is like one step above the minimum. Did being summoned as a Rider affect him so much? You'd think his physical parameters would be better at least, especially with us as Master.

I guess it might be because we're splitting our mana with Lancer, but given the fact that it's literally just an empty shell I'm not sure that's right..
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Riders have low base states to begin with. You can't really take Alexander the Great, Medusa, and Achilles to be the bog standard of what you get. Astolfos should be more typical. And you should ignore F/GO characters since that has stupid amounts of rank inflation going on.

This Menw seems to have low compatibility with the Rider Class. His kit is much more Caster. I think his whole basis here is that he can turn into animals? That could be ridden by others? Did Menw even have any notable riding feats to begin with?

And with any large group like the Round Table. Some are just going to get more focus and fame than others and Menw isn't one of the bigger names there.
Does a catalyst get destroyed when it's used to summon a Servant? I don't quite remember. Would it be worth getting Rider's catalyst from wherever it is at some point? Seems like a bad idea to just leave it lying around (unless Menw already hid/destroyed it).
Heracles' catalyst is the axe-sword thing he used. Arthuria's catalyst was Avalon itself. We see Rin opening a box containing a fossilized snake skin, which released enough magic to screw up all her clocks, but she didn't know what it was and wanted a Saber anyway so she just stuffed it away.

So they aren't necessarily destroyed. The catalyst is basically the search criteria you put into google.
The Third Day - Search
"Rider, Lancer, with me." You call out as you walk down the pathway at a pace just shy of an actual run.

You sense Rider's momentary confusion and concern, "Shouldn't we-"

"It's fine. He'll be safer without having any Servants around. The house is secure. Trust me."

There's a momentary hesitation from Rider, before he relents. The two servants follow you in spiritual form as you outline the issue at hand to Rider.

"I told my apprentice Alice to get out of town, the night I summoned Lancer. She should've taken a bus to Leeds and a train to London the same night."

"I see. You're unable to contact her?"

You shake your head. "Rider, can you give me a lift?"


You feel a cool breeze pass over your face as a shimmering curtain of air falls over you. Rider intones 'Invisible Air' quietly, before transforming into a great brown horse so tall his back is above your head. You pull yourself up and hang onto his neck tightly. Despite not having any experience riding horses or whatever, you sense Rider passing his Riding skill onto you. After a few minutes, you don't even have to hold on tightly. Sitting on his back feels natural.

Lancer remains in spirit form as the two of you gallop across the morning down, staying on the road itself. Rider passes cars with ease, leaving dust trailing behind his hooves as he runs right down the middle.

"Is it possible she misplaced her communication device… phone?"

Rider talks in your mind. A horse's mouth isn't really geared towards human speech. You answer in the same way, "It's possible, but unlikely. I emphasised the danger to her enough that she wouldn't have behaved so cavalierly and cut off contact with me. If she lost her phone, she would still have borrowed someone else's."

A small neigh tells you Rider's satisfied with the answer. He lowers his head and continues to run.

First, you head to Alice's house. It's actually an apartment, a few blocks away. Alice's flat is locked, and after asking around, you learn Alice had left in the evening, around five or six. While you're inside, you note Rider conversing with a bunch of birds outside. They're perched on the fence, seemingly chirping at the air.

Your next stop is the bus stand. The scheduling kiosk is one of those newfangled automated things, but unlike most of those doddering magi down at the Clock Tower you're just adept enough with technology to navigate through it and find the schedule for buses leaving on Friday. You find the time and route, and set off.

A few minutes at full gallop and you're outside the city.

"What're we looking for, precisely?" Rider questions.

You think for a moment. "Magical signatures, maybe. If someone tried to take her, she would've fought back. Even if it were a Servant…"

Something cold settles at the bottom of your chest. A possibility you don't want to waste energy thinking about. In the distance a phantom bell tolls.

The highway should've been busier, but you barely see any cars pass by. You're almost tempted to tell Rider to disable Invisible Air and save you the prana, after going nearly ten minutes without seeing a single vehicle.

"There should be more people on the road," you mutter. Rider throws his head left and right, nostrils flaring.

I sense magecraft ahead. Rider says. Two Magi.

You look up sharply, reinforcing your eyes. The man on the left is older, with short silver hair and a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes are hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. The woman on the right is taller and slimmer than him and her black hair is tied into a ponytail. They're both wearing long dark coats, and the woman has a red scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Association Enforcers. They shouldn't be a problem in a fight, but we don't want trouble with them. Drop the Invisible Air and stay in spirit form."

Very well.

You dismount and Rider changes back to human form. The cool breeze of the Invisible Air being disabled washes over you at the same time Rider dematerializes.

Both Servants standing just behind, you walk up. At your approach, the male enforcer brandishes a long, plain staff. The female waits until you're within five meters, then tilts her head up.

"Travel in and out of York is restricted, even for the Second Owner, Magus Thorn." She announces, as if merely announcing the time of the day.

"Wouldn't dream of it. I just had some questions."

The man raises an eyebrow, "What could a distinguished Master in the Holy Grail War have to ask of us lowly enforcers?"

"Gren-" the woman whispers warningly.

He glares at her, lips tightening. You ignore the interaction of 'lowly enforcers' and ask away.

"Have you been guarding this route since the start of the war?"

The woman answers you again this time, "I'm Marya, Enforcer. To answer your question, yes, but not exclusively."

"Not exclusively?"

"Church Executors loitering around this place too." Gren mutters. "All in arms about that little Forest of theirs, as if the Association hasn't been killing Dead Apostle Ancestors for centuries."

"Lorelei isn't here," Marya reminds him, "We may not get along with them, but the Church's work is important."

"Have you had any other magi travelling out of the city by this road?" You ask. You give them a description of Alice, too.

Marya shakes her head, "Gren is a specialist with Bounded Fields. There's one set up, to detect any magical signatures in the area and prevent Servants or Masters from leaving. God knows we don't need a repeat of the last Great Grail War's Assassin."

She referred to the Yggdmillennia's Assassin, Jack the Ripper, whose master chose to ignore the War and lead her Servant in a merry path of brutal murder of both magi and civilians. Fortunately, none of the Masters or Servants in this war seem that unhinged.

"I see." You nod, "Fine, I'll ask the Church."

You turn around to leave, but Marya calls out to you, "Um, do you know how Ardron is doing? I know he's your enemy, but-"

"I don't know any Ardron." Her face falls at your confused look.

"He hasn't contacted the Association lately, he wouldn't know." Gren tells her and glances at you, " Her boyfriend's a master in the War. Archer."

"Oh. Not too well," You tell Marya, "He hit neutral ground, got a bounty placed on him, and his Archer got brutalized pretty badly by Tohsaka's Saber."

The enforcer's eyes widen in fear. Before she can say anything, you add, "Nobody's died so far. If he's smart, he'll lose the War without putting himself in danger."

Marya gathers herself. "Confident, are you?

You just smile at her and walk back to your Servants. You instruct them to stay in spirit form. No need to give away valuable information, such as the fact that you have two servants now, to a confidante of another Master.

What next, Master? Rider asks.

You check the time. It's getting late in the afternoon. "Let's find the Church guys."

[ ] Look for the executioners.
[ ] Contact Michael and Kirei.

Whew, my exams ended like a week ago so I can't use those as an excuse for this being so late XD.
[X] Contact Michael and Kirei.

I know Kirei is like, fundamentally untrustworthy but I enjoy interacting with him, so... He's also an executioner, right? So he'd probably know where the others are, although getting him to tell us honestly is another matter, I guess.

By the way, did Fate/Zero happen? This is apparently the Apocrypha timeline, and I don't remember the various alternate worlds of Fate.
[x] Look for the executioners.

On the off chance they don't know already, I'd rather not volunteer other Masters any information about our apprentice.
The Third Night - Priest
Kirei's holed up inside plush suburban house only a block from the overseer's church. You keep in mind to make a offhanded note about the implications of this the next time you talk to Father Michael, but for you, you stake out the outside of the house. Finding it hadn't been too hard, with Rider's animal communication abilities coming in handy.

A lot handier than you'd expected, really.

There're wards surrounding the building, though nothing spectacular. They were the sort of wards any practicing Magus would throw up: a barrier to blunt hostile magecraft, a barrier to impede physical entry and an alarm ward. Plain, effective, and probably pointless against anyone trained in ward-breaking, or in more a more relevant context, against Assassin or Caster.

In your mind, you were already formulating attack strategies, to be used if things turned sour. There were several small bushes and trees in the yard, which in conjunction with the larger trees across the road right bedside the house's bounded field would let you tear apart the barrier's foundations in moments. Your servants together could hold off Berserker long enough for you to eliminate Kotomine. You may not be fully recovered from your fight with Assassin, but you likely have far more prana to spend than him, and your own magecraft has a lot more offensive and defensive potential in a fight than church sacraments.

Berserker isn't anywhere in sight, though. You're very much leery on the prospect of asking out your opponent in this free-for-all to help out with a personal matter, but Kirei didn't seem like the bad sort. A little nonchalant and suspicious perhaps, but certainly not the worst option. He was a magus as well as a priest, and you expect he'll have some idea of what honour as a magus means.

He emerges from the house only moments after you step out onto the street. Rider hangs back in the trees in ethereal form, while Lancer stands beside you fully materialized.

"Admirably touching," Kirei says in droll. "I have not been in touch with any of my fellows in the Church. Perhaps you should've paid more attention to this apprentice of yours rather than toss her by the wayside the moment something more important comes up, then desperately run around the city looking for her. It's certainly brazen of you to ask your opponent for help, though, considering we never formalized any alliance. Why don't I eliminate you now, considering your Lancer…" He raises his arms in a shrugging gesture, and Berserker takes a step forward.

You tense, calling out "Rider!". He materializes and your two servants flank you, ready for action.

"I wouldn't be so sure of your odds, priest." You stifle a smirk.

"Hm," Kirei disguises his surprise really, really well. "A second servant? You're certainly resourceful."

"Rethinking those odds? It would be a shame to eliminate you now, while madmen like Archer's master run around."

"You were the one to say 'We aren't allies' last night." Kirei gave an enigmatic smile, "If you're not here to fight, come inside."

Without a word, he turned and walked back inside his bounded field, leaving you standing there. Before you could decide on following after him or not, he stops for a second beside the door and taps the frame lightly in a sequence. You feel the bounded field shifting, letting you in.

Well, you've come too far to back out now.

Kirei's living room is a nice, cozy place. The furnishing looks expensive, and the fireplace already burns merrily even though the sun is still up and it's a warmer day today. It's an old fashioned wood-burning fireplace, not the electric types most people seemed to use these days. He's already sat down on an armchair, but his pose is rigid. It's like he doesn't really know how to make himself comfortable. You yourself take a second to lounge.

It's a very precarious situation, of course. Berserker is in Spirit Form about five paces from you. Lancer and Rider are both also in Spirit Form five paces from Kirei.

"Tea?" The priest asks, somehow having grabbed a cup and filled it with a dark coloured liquid in the time you'd glanced around the room.

You take it and hand it to Rider. He materializes and takes it in his hands for a moment. "It's not poisoned, but… I wouldn't drink it."

"Why not?" You ask and take it, taking a whiff of its scent. Alright, it's a little odd smelling.

If it's not poisoned… you take a sip.

You put it down.

"That's not tea, priest." You say, taking out your handkerchief and dabbing at your mouth and hands. The nice armchair has been ruined. There's a big splash of tea that you'd practically hurled out of your mouth at the utterly disgusting taste. "What in God's good name did you put in it? Chili peppers? Every spice you could get your hands on?" You spit at Kirei.

The damn priest only raises an eyebrow and sips his own identical concoction. In between sips, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do, no? It's still experimental, but I suppose it's too harsh on a natively British tongue. I was raised in Japan and food is relatively more flavourful there."

"I grew up in Japan. The original homeland of the Holy Grail Wars, but I honestly never expected to participate in one. Age has a way of dulling expectation. Tell me, Alexander Thorn, did you ever think you'd be battling in this war for the sake of one heartfelt wish?

"I-" You start, "No. My father thought all those subcategory wars were pointless shams. He looked at a different path to the Root."

"And you?"

"I'm not here to talk about that." You reply tersely.

"Not even to the simple question of what you would wish for from the grail? Who knows, I might even step aside and let you get your wish."

"I don't need such charity from you, priest."

"But you do need something. Isn't that why you came? Equivalent exchange, Thorn. You tell me what I want to know, and I tell you."

"You might not even know what I want to know about." You say. The conversation's slipping away from you.

"I think he knows something." Rider tells you telepathically. "Even if its not about your apprentice, it's information he's judged valuable to you."

You close your eyes, taking a deep breath. It can't hurt to tell him just a bit. Skirt around the edges, so to speak. It's not like he can confirm it, not until after the point it has become irrelevant for him. And… it's probably time Rider also learned what he'd fighting for you for. Not the whole truth, then, but nor a lie by omission. You release the breath you're holding and glance towards the embers flitting around amidst the burning logs of the fireplace.

"I wish to know more about the Faeries. Why they disappeared with the fading of the Gods, despite being as different from them as we are. And I'm looking for my apprentice, who disappeared the night this War started. I've talked with Association Enforcers, who haven't seen her, and I'm here to talk to the Church."

A heartbeat passes.

Kirei smiles. It's the same smile a predator might give, yet a the same time there's genuine amusement as if he's stumbled upon some great coincidence. He stands up.

"Then rejoice, Alexander Thorn, for your wish shall be granted."

You look up at the older man in surprise and suspicion. "What do you mean?"

"Your apprentice is a hostage of Caster. Who herself is a Faerie."

"That is not possible!" "How do you know this?" You and Rider start at the same time. He's materialized, face in as much shock as yours. "How do you know this?" You repeat, standing up.

"Do you talk to all your elders that way?" Kirei turns and heads out of the room, "Some might consider that rude."

You step after him, "Some might not care. I know you don't. Can we stop playing games?"

"We haven't even started, Thorn. But in the interests of keeping this house intact. Caster sent a message to the one she deemed the best, impartial point of contact. It was quite a shock for our doddering overseer to be told to send her 'sons and daughters of Britain of worthy blood', in order to raise a barrier against 'that nettled leech'."

Your eyes widen. 'Worthy blood', to a Caster, could only mean those capable of Magecraft. "Nettled leech?" You ask, "Is Caster talking about the Dead Apostle Forest? That was a job for your people."

Kirei gives an enigmatic shrug, "Maybe they deem the Burial Agency's efforts not up to par."

"Do you know how Caster sent the message? Or if it was even from Caster?"

"Just a letter left upon the doorstep. I analysed it myself, and I have no doubts about it."

"How do I know you're telling me the truth and not sending me on a wild goose chase after Caster?"

He spread his arms, "I have no reason to lie. You have a reason to win this war, no matter how paltry it might be. Who knows, you might even win, and if you do it may even bring me some small measure of satisfaction. It's up to you. Even as a priest I won't force belief down your throat."

"Rider, what do you think? About Caster being a Faerie? I sensed something like faerie magic when I approached Caster's bounded field on the first night, but it seems impossible. You need to be human, to become a heroic spirit."

"It could be someone using an artifact, or someone who had dealings with faeries in the past. Even in my time, they were notoriously difficult to find. One could make contact with them, but it would be a long and arduous task with little good coming out of it."

"I get it. We'll have to investigate further. You should be able to handle it, won't you?"

"I- I don't know. I know just enough about faeries to have an idea of what I
don't. They're not to be trifled with, and even if magic is my strongest suit I don't think I could match a Caster in their own Territory. And, Master?"


"What you said about your wish. That's not all of it, is it?"

You don't answer Rider, glancing at Kirei instead. He's grabbed his long coat on his way out. "Feel free to join me in hunting down Archer." He says and simply leaves. You stare at him, unable to compose a reply before he's closed the door behind him on his way out of the house.

You turn back to Rider, "Did he just…?"

[ ] Join Kirei in hunting down Archer.
[ ] Investigate Caster on your own.
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[X] Join Kirei in hunting down Archer.

I think it's good for Thorn to see what Kirei is capable of, even if he's probably holding back.