[] Stay hidden. Hans hadn't given the orders to kill yet. Assassin can investigate the room while avoiding the familiars on the ground.

Assassin closed her eye and let the woman and her Servant leave. Not yet.

The strike to kill had not been ordered yet. Assassin didn't want to burden her Master with retribution from the other Magus. So she remained quiet and out of reach of the Familiars stumbling on the ground. Assassin stared at them and noted how they walked as they tripped over and over, not really doing a good job as sentries.

She kept her presence concealment active as she slowly stood up from the shadows. Moving through the suite's living room and towards the quarters. There were two and they were both laced with trip alarms.

Assassin knelt down and produced a sealing tag, closing her eyes and uttering a short prayer. The sealing tag glowed an ominous light before she overwrote the wards in place with the power of her god.

This unlocked the door and allowed her entry. She slipped in and looked about to find that it was empty. It didn't seem lived in and a trunk of clothes seemed to be stowed to the corner. Assassin walked in and looked about before turning her gaze down.


Pushing the bed, she was able to uncover the remnants of a Summoning Circle. Running her hand over it, she rubbed the chalk between her fingers before standing up.

The Catalyst should provide a description on to what Servant that woman had. According to the file Assassin looked through, that woman was Matou Sakura. The last Magus of the Matou line if the file was correct.

She will be a problem but she doesn't have to be if Assassin remained hidden. She dragged the bed back over the circle and inspected the room a bit more closely. Something sat on top of the desk, causing Assassin to look at it.

It seemed to be an old mirror of some sort, far older to be called antique. It made her frown as the Grail provided her with the information that the design was of Greek Origin, a country in the Mediterranean filled with old myths and legends.

Assassin set it down and stepped towards the trunk of clothes to look for personal effects. Rifling through them, Assassin could only from as she found nothing save for a mystic code.

It looked like a sleeve of some sort colored black and red. To the side of the trunk was another case, opening it yielded the appearance of a bow and several dozen arrows. Was the Servant an Archer? Or was that woman a bow woman?

Was she planning to fight Magi with this?



Assassin shut the case and moved below the bed. Did they forget something? The footsteps drew close and a voice spoke up.

"That's strange, I thought I closed this."

It was Matou Sakura.

She opened the door and stepped in to inspect the room. Assassin slowed her heartbeat and did her best to be silent.

She walked to the mirror and picked it up.

"Um... Lancer?" Sakura called out, "Did you come in my room before we left?"

Looking at the pair of feet from beneath the bed, Assassin watched as another pair manifested out of thin air. They were facing away, Assassin used this chance to slid out of the bed on her belly.

"No. I did not, Sakura. There was no one here," Lancer replied in a cool mature tone.

Assassin got out of the bed and slipped out the door. Keeping quiet, Assassin moved low and away from the bedroom, turning her head and nearly stepping on the strange Familiars.

"Ugh!" The woman winced.

"Sakura?" Lancer asked in concern.

"Something is in the living room," Sakura said with a strained tone.

Assassin noticed that one of the familiars bumped into her feet. She jumped and attached herself to the ceiling just above the bedroom. A Servant came into view, a tall woman with flowing purple hair and a black and red hood covering her face from above.

Assassin remained quiet as she slowed her breathing upon seeing the wicked sickle the woman carried behind her back. The woman stepped forward and looked around the room, only to find the familiars tripping over one another.

"It's just the little ones being clumsy," Lancer said as she turned to look into the room.

Assassin used that chance to push herself off the ceiling down the ground. That single act made Lancer turn as Assassin moved behind the nearby piano.

"Lancer?" Sakura asked with a worried tone.

"Close the door. Lock it," Lancer snapped and the Magus stood to do as she was told. The door was shut and locked, a new ward washing over it to keep intruders out.

Assassin kept silent as she narrowed her gaze.

Lancer walked forward and drew her sickle, "I know you're in here. Whoever you are. I don't take kindly to intruders."

She moved to the center of the room as the tiny familiars' six eyes turned red and they swayed their tiny arms in the air. They grew more attentive and looked around more.

"Sneaking about, it reminds me of that man with his mantle," Lancer said as she gripped her weapon tight, "But you're no man, aren't you, Assassin?"

Assassin remained where she was in the shadows as Lancer looked about.

"You could have killed us twice but you didn't. Why not show yourself, Assassin, so that there may be proper dialogue with the two of us?" Lancer offered as she turned her head left to right, "I know you're here, enough with the hiding. I only wish to speak with you."

[] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.
[] Assassin will strike. Lancer has yet to pinpoint her location or presence. She can use this to her advantage.
[] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.
[X] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.
[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.
[X] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.

Yeah I don't think attacking is a good idea and as much as I'd like to trust Lancer (medusa?) here I can't justify it. As long as assassin doesn't trip up or they start stabbing randomly or something we should be fine hiding, right?
[X] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.
Hah, so this gal met Perseus, apparently.

Maybe Sakura got to summon Medusa in her Lancer form.
[X] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.
[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.
Element of surprise is gone, we better find a way to push another servant against Luvia too since they will create countermeasures against assassin more easily with concret information. At least we should use this opportunity to gain some insight on her aliance with Luvia and general goals. Don't forget, for the love of god we also have a little sister to save and the scars to show for foolish sentimentality. Matou and Luvia are formidable treats in different ways that need to be put down.
[X] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.
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[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.
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[X] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.
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[X] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.

For one thing, a suspicious Assassin sneaking around is unlikely to be seen favorably. Even if she revealed herself, an alliance is just out of the picture. Best case scenario, they let Chiyome went on her way. Worst case scenario, a fight broke out.

I'm more interested in what happened if Assassin stayed quiet. It'll give some info on Lancer's personality at least, and it'll give Assassin an option for a quick getaway as well.
[X] Assassin will remain hidden. She will remain quiet and remain in the shadows. Her Master did not want her existence to be known to the other Masters yet.
[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.

They are both sneks. Sneks should ssssstick togezzzzzer.
[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.
I'm conflicted. I personally want to do the alliance option. But for Assassin it would be out of character from what little we've seen for her to go against her Lord's wishes.
It's tricky. On the one hand, I want to show that initiative isn't necessarily a bad thing, and we could do a lot worse than allying with Sakura (or even just making a truce of sorts), but on the other hand, I'm not sure if this is the time to show initiative.

I'm conflicted. I personally want to do the alliance option. But for Assassin it would be out of character from what little we've seen for her to go against her Lord's wishes.
Not trying to sway you in particular, but we can guide Assassin's character with our decisions as well.
[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.

The logic I'm going with is that if she stays hidden, it's going to be a bitch and a half to get out without being seen at this point or engaging. Hans would do better with a possible alliance than damaged or dead servant.
[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.

I doubt we can win a fight with lancer and her master at the same time, and hans did mention that alliances were a valid option and if lancer can manage to sense assassin then she must be at least a decent alliance option, besides nothing is stopping assassin from acting upon her title at another time if sakura turns out to be a bad alliance partner. Besides, it's possible lancer will become angry at the disrespect of not showing oneself when called out, and just straight up attack where she thinks Assassin is, which would be bad for us.
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I'm pretty sure we can still escape. Lancer knows we're here but that's it. We still have the initiative. Our best advantage at the moment is everyone not knowing who, what and where we are right now. We reveal ourselves and we lose a critical advantage.

Also the prevailing logic for not offing Lancer's master IC was because Hans didn't order it. Just like he didn't order a request for an alliance either.
[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.

hans did mention that alliances were a valid option and if lancer can manage to sense assassin then she must be at least a decent alliance option, besides nothing is stopping assassin from acting upon her title at another time if sakura turns out to be a bad alliance partner. Besides, it's possible lancer will become angry at the disrespect of not showing oneself when called out, and just straight up attack where she thinks Assassin is, which would be bad for us.
Alternatively, Lancer just wants a visible target to stick her lance into and this hiding is frustrating her.
Alternatively, Lancer just wants a visible target to stick her lance into and this hiding is frustrating her.
The question is then, can we sneak away from someone who knows we are nearby and are actively looking in the general right direction, while also surrounded by familiars, a mage and while inside that mages workshop with wards up? Faced with that i'd rather take the chances of an alliance, we already have 'goodwill' from not killing them but merely wandering around. I'd put better odds on succeeding in getting away by them letting us, than us evading all their defenses. To speak nothing of our odds of winning in a fight with them.
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It's pretty tricky since on one hand revealing herself seems out of character for Assassin and even Hans at this point, on the other hand, in the revealing option, at least "something happens" other than us observing and watching like what we have been doing before.

Admittedly had the Grail not escape with Caster, I might've been fine with taking things more slow on the possible alliance with Sakura since Hans might distrust them.

Now though it's not a question of "what's the best possible action", rather "what's the most interesting scenario." Still tricky though since we're the ones with the Assassin servant, which directs us to take the most cautious approach given our limited actions towards a direct fight.
[X] Assassin will reveal herself. She will make an independent decision and request an alliance with Lancer's Master.

They're fairly certain that we are here. If we open combat, then we're probably going to fare poorly. But, and this is an assumption, if we're willing to talk? I'd think that talking will work.