The Night of Blades
[] Order her to follow the girl and observe. We shall watch Saber and Berserker's bout.

"Assassin. Follow the girl. I'll keep observing here," you told her with a firm tone, "Don't come in contact with her until I say so. Relay to me new developments."

"Understood, Master," Assassin replied as she no doubt went to follow the girl. You stayed perched on the tree you were on as Saber and Berserker's battle continued.

Saber leaned forward and struck with a blinding flash but Berserker managed to avoid it. The taller man avoided the follow up and swung at Saber, forcing the shorter man to block the blow.

A titanic shockwave erupted as you saw Saber strike Berserker's fist with the pommel of his blade. The two Heroes were blown away from one another as Berserker grabbed his swords. Saber waited and moved just as the two of them clashed.

Flashes of light and sparks erupted between the two of them as they sought to overpower one another. The ground cracked and the trees shattered as lightning and magical energy coursed through the air. Their strength and skill caused the very park to shudder under the weight of their battle.

You had a hard time watching as they hacked and cleaved into one another, landing no clear strike upon their flesh. Saber was ultimately pushed back by Berserker but with another flash of lightning, Saber aimed for Berserker's head.

Instead of blocking the inhuman strike, Berserker rolled beneath it, slamming his sword upon Saber's legs and tripping the samurai through the air. Saber kicked off the air itself and slashed down as Berserker swung his twinblades.

The two Heroes clashed but as lightning smashed through the scenery, Berserker's aura began to change.

"Now it's on!" He laughed as his body burned with power, pushing back the lightning with sheer strength.

He stomped on the ground and primed the sword on his right hand.

"Don't fail me now, you piece of junk," he hissed as he thrust it forward.

Saber slid and swung his sword with the same strength as Berserker. The two Heroes clashed and they continued their contest of power. They are evenly matched.

Assassin was going to have a hard time killing those two. One was a wielder of lightning and carried with him an eastern sword while the other was a cocky brute with two massive blades.

This was was finally getting good.


Assassin turned to hear the sounds of clashes and explosions coming from the center of the park. She shadowed the girl as she ran through the park. The noises and violence that erupted no doubt struck fear into her heart.

As long as she didn't have the order to interfere, Assassin could only watch the child as she moved. The Servant could easily smell the desperation the child was experiencing alongside the confusion she felt.

Assassin kept silent, slipping from shadow to shadow until she paused. She raised her presence concealment to its maximum as something showed up.

The child tripped and fell but soon a figure appeared before her. A tall man dressed in a robust suited armor stood before the girl. His Cape billowed with the wind as his masked visage shined with blue light.

The girl looked up with tears in her eyes as she blinked.

"Please be careful," the man warned her as he knelt down, "Are you okay?"

The man's words were brief and cold but they were also gentle. The helmet concealing his face seemed threatening but the Grail simply stared back at him in surprise.

This man was a Servant...

Assassin rested her hand on her blade as she eyed him.

That was when she noticed something odd. The girl reached out for the man as he helped her up. However, as soon as she did, something clattered from her coat pocket.

The Servant looked down and was blasted away. Light erupted as Assassin tried to understand what was going on. An object fell from the girl's pocket. It was... A golden lamp.

Magical energy danced in the air as fire roared and erupted from the lamp. A monstrous being manifested and loomed over the armored Servant.

"Caster," he murmured behind his mask, "They got to her first and laid a trap?"

Assassin remained silent and watched as the fire demon launched an attack at the Servant, forcing him to dash back to avoid the hit. He raised his fists as his armor began to hum with power.

The flames circled around the Grail as a magic circle appeared beneath her feet. Some that looked like a carpet manifested and began to rise up.


You flew into the air as Berserker slammed Saber into the ground hard, only for the latter to kick him right on the neck and roll away. They clashed and slammed into one another but it was no use.

They were evenly mat-

"Master! I'm in the presence of one Servant and a Phantasmal Beast. Caster seems to be trying to take the Grail away," Assassin reported, making you jerk to look at the direction she went.

There was an inferno rising in that direction. That wasn't good... If there was a Servant in the vicinity, it would expose Chiyome but the Grail would be lost.

Should you act now? You still held the advantage of surprise.

It was still early in the war...

"Assassin, what does the Servant look like?" You asked her.

"An armored man. His plates seem too advanced to be described as from the past but... When I look at it, I feel that it's eerily familiar," Assassin said with a hiss.

Something from her past?

"Is it from your past life?" You asked her.

"I... I do not know. But I only know that the owner of that Armor is powerful," Assassin replied in turn.

Saber and Berserker seemed too engrossed with their duel to notice the other chaos which had erupted.

The Night of Blades
[] Order Assassin to take her chance and grab the Grail.
[] Order Assassin to remain hidden and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe.
[] It's time to pull back. You don't like how this is all going. Order Assassin to withdraw from the area now.
[] If there's an opening in the Servant's fight, use everything in Assassin's arsenal to eliminate that Servant. Order her to kill the Servant when they're caught off guard.
[] Write in...
[x] Order Assassin to remain hidden and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe.

I'm thinking track the grail to wherever she's being taken, then steal her from there rather than throwing Assassin into what has every chance of becoming a slugfest.
So Caster is Scheherazade. Not the time to strike yet,

[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.

Wait until the situation escalates more. And then strike.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.

Part of me wants to smash and grab now, but now that we know the grail had at least one trap on it, there's almost certainly more. I think we should let the other masters set them all off first.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.
(X] Order Assassin to remain hidden and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe.
If things go sour is Best to know now How well she can spy on servants than latter on. We can save her with a command seal If It come to this.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.

Hopefully we'll have the chance to do something other than just watch.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.
Ah, Nagayoshi, that goddamn cosplayer.
He's normally a Berserker though, so we can't rely on canon if it is him.
Not going to win, but I still do have a fear, that not being proactive will make us lose our chance. So...

[X] Order Assassin to take her chance and grab the Grail.
[X] Order Assassin to take her chance and grab the Grail.

I'm going to take a risk here, since being proactive is good. That being said, I'm fine with being passive because the big players are out in force today.
Votes closed
Adhoc vote count started by AnonymousRabbit on Jul 26, 2020 at 10:24 PM, finished with 21 posts and 14 votes.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.

Caster getting the grail would be worse than most any other class getting it, with the exception of us getting her. We find where caster is holed up and then leak the info to everyone else and step back.

edit: that's what I get for not refreshing before voting. oh well, my option won anyways.
[X] Write in: That's Saber, Berserker, and Caster, and maybe Lancer actively in play. Archer and Rider has not made any appearance yet. Track down where the Grail is going and under no circumstances will she reveal herself. Watch and observe. The moment to strike is near.

Caster getting the grail would be worse than most any other class getting it, with the exception of us getting her. We find where caster is holed up and then leak the info to everyone else and step back.

edit: that's what I get for not refreshing before voting. oh well, my option won anyways.
I thought caster already got the grail (or got to it) and boobytrapped it?