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A certain youkai of boundaries notices a potential threat to Gensokyo's stability in a nearby universe. Rather than getting directly involved, she sends some of Gensokyo's inhabitants to take care of the problem.
Prologue - 1
//Got attacked by a plot bunny demon, so decided to make a quest out of it.

You are Yukari Yakumo, and a somewhat annoying problem has recently come to your attention.

As the Youkai of Boundaries, you are well aware of the existence of universes beyond your own, many of which have a Gensokyo of their own, as well as alternate versions of yourself. Others, such as the one you've taken an interest in observing recently, are radically different, they may have Earths or some other parallel, but how they've developed varies greatly between them.

Your current object of interest has several peculiarities, though two of them are the primary source of your concern: The first is that the temporal boundaries of this particular universe seem to suddenly loop on themselves after a period averaging about one month, give or take a couple of weeks; the second being that shortly before the ending of more than half of these iterations there is quite a noticeable spike of power, which seems to grow exponentially stronger every time it happens, to the point where its mere existence has started to cause ripples along the boundaries of nearby universes, which, unfortunately, includes your own…

You believe that if this is allowed to continue unchecked, these ripples of power could become strong enough to be potentially disastrous on a multiversal scale, so it's probably for the best that you nip whatever is causing this in the bud as soon as possible.

That being said, you see no reason to get directly involved at this point either. While you could easily solve the problem on your own, the result would be rather boring and take more effort than you're willing to spend at this time. Besides, it seems that there's still several loops it can go through before you have no choice to take action anyway. Of course, leaving it completely alone would only allow it to get to that point, which is why the simplest solution would be to send some people over there to take care of the problem for you, which would have the added benefit of providing you some entertainment.

That is why you are currently mulling over a short list of candidates who possess qualities that would suit well for this sort of mission. You could simply just send them all over at once, but that might make things less interesting to watch… Two would be acceptable for now, you think, should they fail, you could always drop one of the others in to assist them on the next iteration.

Therefore, with your mind made up, you request Ran -- your kitsune shikigami -- to prepare some tea as you open a pair of gaps to retrieve your initial choices...

Choose two names from the following list. Specify the one you wish to control with an asterisk (*) "(First)"
Edit: Noticed that the vote tally system isn't acknowledging the asterisk like I thought it would. Please use "(First)" and make your votes in plan format

[] Sanae Kochiya

-The Wind Priestess of the Moriya Shrine and a living god. Sanae recently immigrated to Gensokyo from the outside world -- of which your target universe is similar to, if not more advanced in development -- and would therefore have the most knowledge about how things work. Additionally, she has the ability to invoke miracles, which would be a great asset. The only downside is that she needs faith to make her miracles work. She will be able to bring some with her to the other world, but in order to get more she would need to find a new source of followers.

[] Patchouli Knowledge
-The Great Unmoving Library. Patchouli is the resident magician of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and quite a talented one at that. Her intelligence and expertise in magic might prove invaluable, and she can also bring support with her familiar Koakuma, whom she could potentially summon to her side once she's over there. The only limiting factors with Patchouli are her physical frailty and her infamously poor health which tends to fluctuate on a daily basis, preventing her from using her most powerful magic unless she's feeling particularly well that day.

[] Satori Komeiji
-A youkai from Gensokyo's underground. Satori is rather disliked simply for her species, which have the ability to read the minds and hearts of others with the gaze of their third eyes. While a despicable ability, you do acknowledge that it could have merits for gathering information. Additionally, the girl is able to use her third eye to perform powerful hypnosis on others, and she also possesses the ability to replicate magic that she finds inside of a person's memories. Aside from the obvious "violation of privacy" reactions her ability may provoke if found out, the only other downside is that her third eye is quite noticeable and distinct. You'll have to remember to toss her a trenchcoat when you send her over...

[] Youmu Konpaku
-A half-phantom gardener skilled in swordplay. To be fair, this is more of a favor to your dear friend Yuyuko than a practical contribution. Yuyuko had been wanting to give Youmu a challenging experience for some time, and had been quick to suggest her to you when she learned of your idea. As a half-phantom, Youmu's nature would be difficult to conceal, though her swords are potent weapons. Roukanken, her katana, can cut through almost anything, while Hakurouken, her wakizashi, is capable of dispelling confusion in those it cuts.

[] Fujiwara no Mokou
-A fire-manipulating human who drank the legendary Hourai Elixir. Mokou is immortal and cannot permanently die, and she is capable of regenerating from any injury, no matter how serious or fatal it is. Someone with that power would be useful, since you will be sending them into potentially dangerous territory. Of course, Mokou herself isn't the most social of people either, plus there's no telling how locals would react to discovering her ability.

//This is meant to be a relatively straightforward quest with d100 based combat. This initial choice establishes what your initial party will be as well as who the "main" character of this quest would be. The one you specify to control will be the one you'll control the most, but you will occasionally have opportunities to control one of the others. Usually if the "main" character ends up either dying or is rendered unplayable through unfortunate circumstances.

//The main goal of this quest is to stop Kriemhild Gretchen from being born, and put an end to Homura's time loops. How you go about this is ultimately up to you, however, you have a limited number of attempts. You have six loops in total to stop it. Every failed loop will cause one of the characters you didn't pick to appear at the start of the next one, until all five are in play. After loop six, you will be locked into whatever ending you receive, or prompt Yukari to directly intervene (in itself a bad ending) should you fail your goal on that final loop.

//Loops can end in the following ways:
//Everyone dies. (They will be revived in the next loop with intact memories thanks to Yukari's manipulations. Note that having Mokou will allow the loop to continue, at the cost of her being the only one left alive.)
//Homura is forced to reset for the usual reasons.

//There really isn't much to worry about aside from that, so the only thing I have to say is have fun.

//Also Omakes are welcome and encouraged.
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Character Information
Satori Komeiji (You)

The Girl Even the Vengeful Spirits Fear

Species: Youkai (Satori)
>Third Eye - Allows Satori to read the hearts and minds of anything within her third eye's line of sight withing a certain range. Obstructing her third eye's view greatly reduces this range.
>Hypnosis - Satori can also use her third eye to induce hypnosis, this is most often used to awaken traumatic memories or induce amnesia.
>Recollection - Satori can replicate the magical attacks of others -- with some limitations -- by tapping into their surface memories. This can also include attacks from those she hasn't met yet but that the one she's copying from remembers, provided the relevant memories are brought up.

Permanent Combat Modifiers:
>Spellcard Duel Experience: +30 when dodging magical projectiles.

>Recollection ~ "Terrible Souvenir" - A radial pattern involving alternating rings of delayed lasers and spirals of projectiles. Satori copied it from somebody a long time ago, and has held on to it as a souvenir, as she had grown fond of the pattern. Cannot be overwritten.

>Recollection ~ "Snowflake's Sorrow"- A simple attack copied from a strange entity. It fires a fast laser capable of freezing its target. As a spellcard it's impossible for this attack to kill directly, though shattering the target is still a risk.

>Blank "Recollection" Spellcard (x4) - A specialized spellcard designed to store the patterns Satori copies. Allows copied attacks to be stored permanently until overwritten at the cost of lethality.
>Trenchcoat - A large, thick coat. Allows Satori to conceal her third eye and tendrils at the cost of making her mind reading range almost nonexistent and causing her some discomfort.

>She also possesses one unknown trinket and a stale cookie.
Youmu Konpaku

The Half-Human Half-Phantom Gardener

Species: Hybrid (Human/Phantom)
>Half Phantom - Youmu's physiology gives her effectively two bodies. Her phantom half is capable of phasing through objects like a normal phantom, but doing so for a prolonged period causes her major discomfort, a similar effect is experienced when they are too far away from one another. Additionally, she has a lower body temperature than normal humans, while her other half is warmer than other phantoms.
>Sword Techniques - Youmu is an accomplished swordswoman, and therefore excels in blade-based combat.

Permanent Combat Modifiers:
>Spellcard Duel Experience: +30 when dodging magical projectiles.
>Roukanken: +20 to melee strikes with the relevant weapon.

??? (You have yet to discover this information.)
>Roukanken - A youkai-forged katana capable of cutting through almost anything. Gives +20 to melee rolls by a competent user.
>Hakurouken - The ancestral wakizashi of the Konpaku family. This blade is capable of dispelling confusion on those it cuts.
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Oooh, neato! Mmm...

"Team Smard and Swort", AKA "Magic and Machetes"
[X] Patchouli Knowledge
[X] Youmu Konpaku (First)
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Youmu's my waifu. Mokou's a close second, but Satori is interesting and (in my limited exp of fan-hou) kinda underused too, so-

wait, are we doing this in plan or no? I'm going to assume no right now until told otherwise.

[X] Satori Komeiji

[X] Youmu Konpaku

Two people who stand out in a crowd? What could possibly go wrong? :V

I mean, at least it'll be interesting.
You can do plan if you want. In fact it might keep things more organized if you do.

Otherwise I'd just tally it by the most voted names (the name that's asterisked the most will be the player in that case, even if both of the top votes lack an asterisk).
Plan social and the power of western medicine
[X] Sanae Kochiya*

[X] Patchouli Knowledge

we need sanae as our social and firepower. She is extremely likeable and will probably get Mami and the gangs trust, and the fact that she more street smarts than anyone else in the selection and the fact she is a muggle means that any social gaffs will probably be avoided. And her firepower is more than adequate

Patchouli is needed because we actually need to find where the magical girls are. And her Power knowledge could give us insight to magical girl system and the means to defeat walpergischant. Her sickness is a problem but the wonders of antibiotics and puffers means she will be at least ok enough to explore. Hopefully...
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[X] Patchouli Knowledge
[X] Youmu Konpaku*

Youmu Youmu Youmu Youmu~
[X] Plan Miracle of the Mind
-[X] Satori Komeiji (First)
-[X] Sanae Kochiya

A solid duo to start with, and can probably handle any problems that come up between the two of them. And sort of work with each other occasionally already with the nuclear plant, which might help.

Also more Satori is always a good idea.
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[X] Youmu Konpaku
[X] Satori Komeiji *

Youmu is a solid counter to Despair and Incubator Tactics. Cutting Confusion on a Witch might or might not work, but theres no argument that someone in a despair spiral IS fatally confused.
Satori is ideal for realizing that its a problem.
[X] Youmu Konpaku *
[X] Satori Komeij

Youmu can social well enough to get by, and her ability to cut anything is priceless. Satori just to get a fix on everyone. No lying!

Really I'd like Mokou, because Mokou is great, but I really don't see her being helpful in this situation. She'd probably try to get Madoka to wish away her immortality.
//PSA: Noticed the vote tally isn't acknowledging the asterisk like I thought it would. Requesting everyone changes their asterisk to "(First)" for their votes.
//I apologize for the inconvenience.
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[X] Youmu Konpaku
[X] Satori Komeiji (first)

Like so?
Yeah that'll work.

also you didn't have to repost, simply editing your existing vote would've been enough.

EDIT: Just to clear up any confusion: Votes haven't been locked yet. I was merely using the vote tally to see who was voting for what so far and I noticed the issue.
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Wouldn't it be less messy to just vote for the two characters we want, then vote on who we control after?
//I mean that would work but to me it would've been simpler to consolidate both into one vote rather than split it across two.
//Besides most of the "messiness" is primarily due to the fact that I didn't realize the vote tally wouldn't acknowledge the asterisk like I thought it would.
//I mean that would work but to me it would've been simpler to consolidate both into one vote rather than split it across two.
//Besides most of the "messiness" is primarily due to the fact that I didn't realize the vote tally wouldn't acknowledge the asterisk like I thought it would.
Even with that in mind, it's still better to split it. It's going to be confusing otherwise. Like if Youmu has four votes and two votes with the (first) tag for six total, Sanae and Patchouli have five votes with no (first), and Mokou has three votes that are (first), then who in the world has won what? Sanae and Patchouli would have the most of one kind but neither have any first votes, Mokou has the most player votes but still the least total, while Youmu has the most votes total but neither are enough to beat anyone but Mokou.

You see how this is problematic?
Even with that in mind, it's still better to split it. It's going to be confusing otherwise. Like if Youmu has four votes and two votes with the (first) tag for six total, Sanae and Patchouli have five votes with no (first), and Mokou has three votes that are (first), then who in the world has won what? Sanae and Patchouli would have the most of one kind but neither have any first votes, Mokou has the most player votes but still the least total, while Youmu has the most votes total but neither are enough to beat anyone but Mokou.

You see how this is problematic?
//You make a good point. But I feel an effective solution would be to just strictly enforce plan format for this vote only as it would achieve the same effect while keeping things consolidated in one vote, so I'm going to do just that.

//I do apologize for asking everyone to edit their votes yet again, but rest assured that this will be the last time I ask this with regards to this vote. From this point forward, please make all your votes in "[] plan" format with whoever you want the main character to be specified with "(First)". Any votes not in this format will not be counted.

//To compensate, the vote has been extended by an extra day. I apologize for the inconvenience.
//You make a good point. But I feel an effective solution would be to just strictly enforce plan format for this vote only as it would achieve the same effect while keeping things consolidated in one vote, so I'm going to do just that.

//I do apologize for asking everyone to edit their votes yet again, but rest assured that this will be the last time I ask this with regards to this vote. From this point forward, please make all your votes in "[] plan" format with whoever you want the main character to be specified with "(First)". Any votes not in this format will not be counted.

//To compensate, the vote has been extended by an extra day. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Urgh, thats even worse. I care more about which pair gets in than who leads, and there's now an increased chance of getting the wrong pair without tactical voting.

[X] Plan Know The Problem, Cut The Problem
-[X] Youmu Konpaku
-[X] Satori Komeiji (first)
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