Fallow Fields [Naruto SI]

Chapter Eighteen: Magnanimity
She still goes to sit on the stump by Might Duy's house and watches him train from time to time. Even like she is now, sometimes you just have to go on a long walk and stare up at the moon.

He's always up.

"Gai's still gone?"

He wipes the sweat from his brow with the hand not doing pushups.

"Yes! I have been assured that it is perfectly normal for spirit journeys of this nature to take several months!"

"Time's a bit different over there," Seiko agrees.

Time always feels a bit different when she's here, too.

"I thought it would be really easy to forgive him," Seiko says, breaking a half an hour of silence. "My brother, that is. Not Gai, he's sweet as always."

Might Duy has moved on to leg lifts after pausing to bring her a cup of warm tea from inside.

He stops, sitting up to look at her. There's a bit of white in his hair these days.

"I always knew Kakashi's not a bad kid, so obviously he'd eventually...decide he wants to be less distant," Seiko says. "Some time in the future. When he grew up a bit."

She'd been so nice to him.

Seiko stares at the tea cup dully.

"Maybe if I'd been meaner to him before now I'd be in the mood to forgive him. But taking out your bad mood on your own brother. What a terrible thing to do."

She stares at Might Duy, almost defensive.

"I wouldn't do something like that just because it's convenient."

There's a somberness to Duy as well. He drapes a towel across his neck and sits down next to her.

"Of course you wouldn't," he says.

She waits for him to continue, and watches clouds pass over the moon in the time it takes him to open up his mouth.

"Have you ever forgiven a single person in your entire life?"

Seiko is startled into a sharp hiccup of a laugh.

"No," she says. "You don't need to forgive people to work with them and try to help them, so there's no need."

Even her forgiveness of Sakumo comes and goes, and stays gone for long periods of time. What does he need that for? He's off in the Pure Lands.

There's both sadness and amusement in Duy's eyes.

"What can be done indeed, valorous maiden. It's possible to help others without forgiveness, but being helped by people you haven't forgiven..."

Forget her brother, she still doesn't like accepting help from Ensui. Ignore Ensui, and she doesn't like being offered a single thing by Hoheto.

The only difference is they aren't her little brother, so she's not obligated to... no, is obligation even the right word? It's just her own standards that are the problem. She'd look down on someone who couldn't manage to not be cruel to their younger siblings.

"Have you ever had a problem with that type of thing, Duy?"

The older man gives a hearty laugh.

"It's been quite fun being a chunin!" He says. "When I was doing my physical re-training after my promotion, I received many delightful gift baskets and words of wisdom from my new and former fellows!"

That's right. All of the career genin that had made fun of him for his entire career are now officially below him in the hierarchy.

"And did you accept any offers of help," Seiko says. She knows his game. No being distracted by the shiny smile.

"How could I accept their kind offers when my son was already there to help me!" Duy says. "What words of wisdom could they have greater than the wisdom of the valorous maiden herself! What greater gift could they offer than the gallant Hoheto, who personally came to escort me out of the hospital and check on my wounds!"

"He really did that," Seiko says, caught by surprise once again.

"He is a wintery young man, but his own Springtime is approaching!" Duy says, staunchly supportive. "I can feel it."

She lets the conversation drift.

"He was named after a poem, you know."

"I didn't know that!"

"A lot of branch Hyuuga have names derived from it. The first line starts 'Iroha nihoheto'..."

Does he even care about this? But Seiko supposes someone must. She went to all that effort so long ago for Hoheto to explain it to her properly. Even if just the first lines of the poem.

Even the blossoming flowers
Will eventually scatter

Asking Hoheto about it had actually been very awkward, because his name wasn't a direct word as much as syllables from the part of the poem based around regret. Akin to the 'even' in the descriptor of the blossoming flowers.

Named after an unresigned feeling of mourning, rather than after the flowers themselves.

Doesn't that make her name so perfectly optimistic by comparison?

She can tell it doesn't really mean anything to Duy, but at least he's not bored by it. Even Hoheto doesn't care much for poetry, and it's his name.

"Kakashi prefers external forms of responsibility," Seiko says, unmoored from the subject, careless with her words as the tea cools in her hands. "So I suppose blaming him plays into that as well. If the world looks down on him, he can take comfort in knowing that he can simply earn back that rejection, or rise above it, or something. But if nobody blames him, what is he supposed to do?"

The cup is cold in her hands.

"No matter how I look at it, the right thing to do is just forgive him, accept his apology, apologize to him for not reaching out more when I was younger as well, and then both our lives will be better for it. I only have one brother in this entire world, and it's him!"

The first tear splashes into the tea.

"Why can't I do that?" She asks Might Duy, still staring down at her own scarred hands.

"I'm right, so why can't I do it?"

Hoheto is waiting incredibly awkwardly around the desk when Seiko gets back from her lunch break, mostly due to the fact that Yakumi keeps sending him bigger and bigger disdainful looks. She's still not over the fact that he didn't bring an accessory when he was attending the wedding, huh?

"Hi," Seiko says.

He looks relieved for a second before switching back to being angry, probably about being relieved.

"You're finally here," he says. "Lady Kushina wants to talk to you."

Seiko blinks.

"She couldn't come herself?"

Hoheto gives her a truly annoyed glare this time.

"She's been non-stop working on seals that will help the Hokage and also taking care of a baby," he says sharply. "You're the one with free time."

"She doesn't have 'free time'," Yakumi cuts in, arms crossed. "She's working. Here. When Kushina came before, she always waited until Seiko was done for the day."

Kushina had only come here the once, but Seiko supposes that still counts as 'always'.

Seiko had been willing to go, but she's not willing to undercut Yakumi when she's doing something nice for her.

"I'll be off in just a few hours," Seiko says. It's arbitrary-- the tower doesn't really have an official start or end to the day-- but it's around when she usually starts preparing to leave.

Hoheto scowls, but doesn't argue further, slipping back out to haunt around the main streets or do other chores.

Yakumi clicks her tongue once he's left.

"He has no manners at all when it comes to you. You shouldn't be so soft on him."

Yeah, Yakumi still wants to assassinate him for real.

"He's dealing with a lot," Seiko says.

"So? Is he dealing with anything the rest of his clan is not? And yet they manage to be perfectly polite."

The politeness of most branch Hyuuga seems a lot more like a natural consequence of being at risk of being hit by a sudden spike of agonizing pain if they at any point disrespect or dishonor the main house rather than some virtue of the clan.

"How are you doing lately, Yakumi?" Seiko asks, changing the subject.

An unhappy twist to the mouth.

"My parent's house got destroyed during the Kyuubi's rampage," she says, finally. "I think it must have had a grudge against the Uchiha in particular, because it hit a part of the central town where a lot of us live. I didn't think it would be so hard to get it rebuilt in the same spot..."

Seiko slowly looks up at the tower above her head, and the people in it.

"It doesn't make sense for that to be difficult," she says.

Yakumi nods.

"I really don't understand it," she says. "Tonbo from Tracking also had an issue with his house being badly damaged, but he got it straightened out right away. It's not at the point where I feel the need to bring it up with the clan and ask for help, but..."

Seiko has a lot more focus on this conversation than she had a minute ago.

"Who's even in charge of where houses get to be built?" she says. "I never thought about it before."

"Neither did I," Yakumi mutters. "If you find out, let me know so I can give them a piece of my mind. Actually, didn't that orphanage you help out with get built relatively recently? Maybe Nono knows who can help get things settled."

Seiko suspects that Nono very much knows the guy in question.

"I'll do that," she says.

Biter spends the entire time that it takes to walk with Hoheto over to Kushina's place weaving in and out of Hoheto's legs in a playful attempt to make him fall on his face.

"Tell him to knock it off," Hoheto says, teeth clenched.

"He's just playing," Seiko says.


"If you just trip and fall over once, he'll get bored and do something else," Seiko suggests.

However, almost immediately she feels Biter stiffen and stop messing around, ears pressed down to his skull.

Her hand falls to the sword sheathed on Biter's back as Hoheto also whirls, hands rising up in front of him and Byakugan activating.

"What's out there?" Hoheto asks, eyes still surveilling. "Nothing within the first hundred yards, including ground and sky."

Biter snarls.

"Someone was watching us," Seiko says, voice quiet. "He says they're gone now."

Hoheto nods, but doesn't deactivate his bloodline.

"Scent familiarity?"

Another low growl.

"Scent was overly heavy with specific medicinal plants," Seiko says. "Probably deliberately disguised to avoid familiarity."

"Let's hurry to Lady Kushina's house," Hoheto says.

Seiko sighs.

"I could--"

"You will not be carrying me," Seiko says, voice flattening out.

So they hurry according to her walking pace.

The loudness of a wailing baby certainly cuts through the large, echoing spaces of Kushina's house in its own way.

"Hoheto! Seiko!" Kushina says, giving them both an extremely harried and tired smile. She's been using red chains to rock the cradle while she kneels on the floor to write out seals, and her hands are covered in ink. "It's good you could make it. I put it off too much already, it's just--"

"We need to activate the house security seals," Hoheto says flatly. "Do I have permission?"

"Huh? Yes, of course, but why--"

Hoheto claps his hands together, and a green seal expands out from his feet, flaring red when it reaches the edges of the rooms until every single seal hanging from a window or door has changed from its normal black to crimson red.

"No intruders," he says.

Kushina jumps to her feet, bolting over to snatch Naruto back up from the cradle and keep him in her arms.

"Is something wrong," she says, tired eyes becoming ever more vigilant.

"Biter sensed something he didn't like on our way here," Seiko says. "It's probably nothing, but--"

"That's what he sounded like just before Chiyo Poisontogue's team ambushed us," Hoheto says flatly. "It's not 'probably nothing'."

Alright. So the last time Hoheto had seen Biter do that was pretty bad.

Kakashi, spiked hair tucked behind a white ANBU Dog mask bolts into the room alongside four others that she doesn't recognize.

"We saw the activation," Kakashi says, voice cold and professional. "What caused the seal activation, Lady Uzumaki?"

Kushina looks between the guards and Hoheto and Seiko, herself still confused.

"Just some precautions," she says, stepping forwards. "I'd like if you did another sweep of the--"

Hoheto, who had still not deactivated his Byakugan, bolts forward to push Kushina and her baby to the side as one of the ANBU blows a fireball towards her.

An Uchiha style fireball.

Kushina's eyes narrow as her own chains manifest and surge out, the ability that could take down Kurama far greater than what any one of these would be assassins could ever fight.

Compared to who they are trying to kill, these assassins are far too weak. Their plan is too flawed.

"Don't kill them!" Kushina snaps out even as she pins them, Kakashi catching his bearings from betrayal and lunging at the mask next to him. "Who are you!? And why are you doing this!"

Under what circumstances would you use a self sacrifice technique?

Seiko takes in a deep breath, mind working faster than her useless body ever can. Her hands clench around her sword.

"Everybody shield yours--"

The activation of the wards means that not a single piece of the explosion escapes from inside Kushina's house. As for those inside..

"Adamantine Chain Barrier!"

"Eight Trigrams Seal of Heaven,"

"Lightning Wall!"

Seiko's sword cuts down.

Ah, she can't hear anything.

Seiko is quietly amused for a second, even as she reaches up to feel the blood trickling down from her ears.

Every single piece of furniture in the room, including the cradle, is ash. Every wall blackened, and one of them completely gone, leaving its seal to hang suspended from nothing. Except for a smooth circle around Hoheto, a jagged almost square around Kakashi, and a triangular pattern behind her where she had cut flame as if it were shadow.

Kushina's barrier, rather than prioritizing any of them, had shielded her child, herself, and the seal work she'd been working on.

All of the paper scrolls scattered across the floor she'd been hastily writing on are completely, perfectly intact, white against an utterly black floor.

Kushina sighs in relief.

"Thank goodness you're all alright," she says. The words buzz against Seiko's ears as she tries to adjust.

Kushina stares down at the bodies of their assailants, her free hand on her hip.

"Infiltrators?" She suggests almost tentatively. "But, infiltrators who used Uchiha..."

"They were the same people behind the masks who had always been behind the masks," Hoheto says, eyes still active and looking as far as he can see. Even though long distance has never been his strong point.

"I don't see any others within the house."

"They were not replaced," Kakashi says a second later, his own mask still on even as he does his own summoning, calling Pakkun to go do his own checks of the house. "Their scent is the same as it was the first time I met them. More than a year ago. I have seen some of them without masks."

Kushina falls silent.

"Traitors," she says.

"Uchiha traitors?" Hoheto suggests, voice going very, very quiet.

Kushina's mouth twists into a frown.

Seiko bangs her hand against her ear as if that's going to get rid of the ringing and then opens her mouth before things could get worse.

"Many things are not lining up," she says, voice flat. "There's no reason for Uchiha to attack Kushina at all-- she's a sincere ally."

"So are you," Kakashi says.

Hoheto turns to stare at Seiko.

"I wouldn't go that far," Seiko says. "Either way. Let's follow things to their natural conclusion. If this was an Uchiha attack, what do they have to gain?"

Hoheto crosses his arms.

"Eradication of knowledge about the Nine Tails," he says. "Obviously. Though I don't know why that would be important to them..." He trails off and looks between Kushina and Seiko. "Unless the rumours have some basis?"

Kushina shifts her eyes to the side and doesn't answer.

Kakashi crosses his own arms but he looks smug about it.

"I won't be saying more on this until Minato wakes up," Seiko says. And perhaps not even then.

She clears her throat.

"The alternative to it being Uchiha traitors is that this is someone else framing the Uchiha as traitors. Of course."

"So do you think the Nine Tails was also a frame job," Kushina says, voice careful.

As in, someone deliberately created an eye that looked like a fake sharingan to make people think that it was an Uchiha controlling Kurama?

How convenient would that be.

That's the problem. This isn't one throughline of a plot, it's several different people taking advantage of the same flaw in Konoha: distrust of the Uchiha.

"That seems awfully rushed no matter what," Hoheto chimes in. "Surely there's more time before anything happens with the people in this room, right?"

He glances between Seiko and Kushina.

"Since everyone's waiting for the Hokage to wake up before they say anything, and there's no guarantee he'll wake up any time soon."

"I am saying," Seiko says, "That with everyone in this room dead, there are no more people who both witnessed the controller of the nine tails and is willing to stand up for the Uchiha. Should Minato awaken to his wife dead--"

"If he wakes up at all," Kakashi says quietly.

"He's going to wake up," Seiko says, looking at her brother unhappily. Does he not have any tact. "I'm just saying, should he wake up to those circumstances--"

"No," Kakashi says. "I mean, he's also a witness."

Seiko's head jerks in his direction.


"That's what I was calling you here to talk about!" Kushina says. "Do you see all this seal work!?"

She bounces Naruto in one hand even as she gestures at the floor. Unlike the rest of them, Kushina has not dropped the shielding over her baby or over her work, so Seiko can only squint through the web of chains.

"Partially," Seiko says.

"That's exactly it! I think I've found a way to wake him up!"

Seiko swallows.

"So," she says quietly. "Irrespective of whether it was the Uchiha or not, perhaps the real target... was your work."

"That is... what makes me confused about it being Uchiha," Kushina says, finally. "I mean, me and Mikoto are best friends, right!? She'd know that I'd preserve my work above all else except Naruto! I'm a ninja of Konoha too! Why would they assume that even a suicidal strike would achieve any results?"

As long as the results are 'doubting the Uchiha', then even a suboptimal outcome is still an outcome.

"So you're saying the person who orchestrated this was looking down on you," Seiko says.

"On all of us!" Kushina says.

Seiko suspects Danzo was specifically looking down on Kushina. And perhaps her as well.

So it was probably... what? Highest hope, everyone dies, suspicion cast on the Uchiha. Secondary hope, destroy the seal work. Tertiary hope, take advantage of the fact that Seiko is well known to be unable to cast jutsu to have her die as collateral damage, unable to shield herself from the sacrifice technique.

Fourth hope..

If only her ears weren't ringing and she wasn't in such pain, she could think so much faster.

She can't even ask leading questions like 'who would be happiest if Minato never woke up?' because one of the answers is Fugaku. His ambition once again serving Danzo better than it serves himself.

Forget it.

"Perhaps you should pay the Hokage a visit as soon as possible," Seiko says.

Kushina nods decisively.

"I think we should all go," she says.

Seiko blinks.

It's not really necessary that she also go, is it?

"I won't be in danger if I go home," she says. "I'll--"

Kushina gives her a very unyielding smile.

"I know that Hoheto and our helpful Dog over here have to accompany me, but I think It'll be good to get you checked out in the hospital as well. Definitely."

Seiko blinks slowly.

"That's... but are we going to explain what--"

"Sealing accident," Hoheto says.

"Jutsu malfunction," Kakashi says.

Seiko's eyes flick over to Kakashi.

Even without being able to see his face, he seems very unhappy. Of course he is, everyone in his life has just had an assassination attempt get far too close.

"..I must have made a mistake when practicing my one handed seals," Seiko says finally. "Alright. I'll accompany you to the hospital. Even though you all will be way faster without me."

She'd thought that they would just leave her with a healer while they went on ahead, but instead Kushina stays right there, anxiously staring at her while a healer gives her a once over.

They look very young, probably too young to know about all of Seiko's problems, so there's a very funny double take she gets from them after the first medical diagnostic goes through her.

"Just fix my ears," Seiko says. "Don't worry about the other stuff."

An incredulous look.

"The other stuff is being taken care of by a specialist," Seiko says patiently.

That's finally enough to get them off her back and her ears patched up.

"You could have gone on ahead," Seiko repeats as she limps her way through the rest of the way. Kakashi, back on 'official duty' has vanished into the shadows, so she mostly just has Hoheto to complain to.

"It's not my choice, it's Lady Kushina's choice," Hoheto says.

Kushina gives Hoheto an incredulous look, and covers her mouth to conceal a laugh.

Though, the laughter cuts out quickly when Seiko is once again asked to leave the crutches behind before she can go inside Minato's room.

"I can walk without them," Seiko says, spurred into saying something by the awkward way they both look at her. "I was walking without them for years."

But nevertheless, the mood is sufficiently solemn by the time they reach Minato's side, Seiko pulling one of the chairs to the side so that she can sit down while Kushina and Hoheto get to work.

Biter slips under her chair, causing the legs to creak a little bit.

He's honestly getting too big to be able to still be sitting under there, but she doesn't have the heart to tell him that.

The seal gets wider and wider across the floor as Kushina gets to work, before she eventually pauses.

"Seiko-chan, can you hold Naruto for me? I think I'm going to need both hands for this."

"I can't do that," Seiko says.

"No?" Kushina immediately looks apologetic. "Your hands have been shaking way less lately, so I thought..."

Is 'way less' enough to guarantee she won't drop a baby?

"I'll hold him," Hoheto says, standing up.

There's a smear of ink on both of his knees, incredibly visible due to the fact that he wears off white clothing.

Kushina nods and gives Naruto a pat on the head before handing him over.

Hoheto holds Naruto so, so carefully.

Seiko looks away towards the ritual.

Kushina bends down over Minato, red hair falling over him and she gently cups his face for a second.

"Almost there," she murmurs to him.

Either side, invisible and visible, Hoheto and Kakashi are turned outwards, sensing for any further threats.

Kushina takes in a deep breath and then places a gentle hand on the usually invisible seal over Minato's stomach. The air immediately darkens, burning a little with just the lingering breath of Kurama's rage.

A single exhale of Kushina's breath stalls out that darkness, silencing it as her seal begins to glow crimson, the entire thing written to form a room spanning spiral of words.

"Five Elements, Eight Trigrams, Sixty-Four Hexagrams, One Deliverance."

Kushina's aura flares out everywhere, her face still concealed as it dips towards Minato.

"There is only one exit and one vengeance, Nine Tails. You already know your only way out. Let go of what you cannot have!"

Minato gives a low groan, mouth beginning to move even before his eyes have their first flutter.


Seiko stills. That's not Minato's voice.

"I. Will--"

"Minato!" Kushina yells. "Show that stupid fox who's boss! Wake up already!"

An odd, choking gasp, and then Minato's eyes finally open.

"I'm... alive?" Minato whispers, bright blue eyes staring up at Kushina.

But Seiko still flinches.

His voice...

Even though it's him who's speaking now, the voice that rumbles in him has been permanently changed by Kurama's ill will. Or, in other words, even though it's him, it still sounds like Kurama.

Combined with the fact that his teeth are still sharper than they should be...

She does worry for his reputation.

Kushina hugs him fiercely anyway.

"Minato!" She says. "Minato, look! Hoheto, bring Naruto over, let Minato look at his son! Look, isn't he cute! Doesn't he have your eyes!? See? See?? You must not have had a good enough look last time, what with you doing something so stupid so quickly!"

She's shaking Minato rather hard for a previously comatose patient, isn't she?

Seiko looks up to the corner where Kakashi has faded away and smiles.

She should stick around to try and talk to Minato and figure out the new official story on Obito, but...

She's so tired.

And there's one other thing she'll have to deal with when she goes home.

Kabuto is sitting on her porch even before she gets there, looking especially small against how big her house is.

It's a deliberate tactic on his part, but it's not like it's not true.

He stares at her from behind the large glasses.

"You're out late today," Seiko says. "Nono will be worried."

Kabuto doesn't respond, just staring at her.

...Such a difficult young man.

"It's cold outside," Seiko says. "And I need to sit somewhere with a cushion. Come in and make some tea or something."

She sits at her chair at the table and watches him make his own tea in her house. Imagine, she went to the extra effort to buy tea because she'd gotten used to actually having guests, and now she's so casual she forces them to make it themselves because it seems like too much work for her.

"Biter also wants a treat," Seiko adds.

Biter thumps his tail against the floor.

Kabuto stiffens slightly, but obediently also goes to pick out a dog treat for Biter before returning to the table.

Then she waits some more, comfortable now that her hands are at least warm.

"What if you also disappear?" Kabuto asks, finally. "Then will I disappear?"

He's a pretty cute kid underneath everything.

"Thank you for giving me some help," Seiko says. "I appreciate it."

Kabuto starts, eyes going wide for a second.

"No," he says. "I..."

"Ah, referring to your help with getting my hand to the state that it is," Seiko says easily. She hadn't been, of course. Familiar scent but disguised with medicinal herbs can be very specific if you, like her, have far too much knowledge.

Kabuto stabilizes, but still gives her a very wary look.

"It's still far from perfect," he says. "And I've barely gotten any work done on the other hand..."

"Lots of people's hands don't work together very well," Seiko says.

Kabuto scowls at her.

"Yours should."

He's hilarious.

"Alright. Well, Kabuto. How's school been?"

Such suspicion in his normally hollow eyes. He's quite lively today.

"I have made an effort to aid my classmate Yamato in his studies. He appears to be deliberately holding back during the jutsu training for some reason."

"For some reason?" Seiko repeats.

Kabuto is still so mad.

"You already know the reason," he mutters.

"Pop quiz! Your dear classmate, Yamato, is holding back! What could be his thought process?" Seiko says.

Kabuto straightens up.

"He probably doesn't want to be compared to the Uchiha heir directly," Kabuto says. "Since that kid is so far ahead, it doesn't make sense to try and show off when you're next to him anyway. Pointless. And he could just memorize all your hard work and immediately use it against you."

That sounds like far more of Kabuto's own bitterness than anything to do with Yamato.

"So you are saying that Yamato is a resentful kid?" Seiko says.

This is fun.

Kabuto immediately hesitates, suppressing his own scowl again.

"No," he says. "I didn't say that."

"Then, if not resentful...?"

"I'm not a kid, you don't have to carefully guide me towards the right answer," Kabuto repeats again, sullenness returning in full force. "I was wrong. He's not resentful. He's scared."

There we go.

"How odd for him to be so scared," Seiko says. "What's he scared of?"

Kabuto stares down at Biter like Biter will help him cheat.

"He's not afraid of being shown up by the Uchiha heir," Kabuto says, finally. "He's afraid that somehow, he'd be better than the Uchiha. That doesn't make any sense!"

"No?" Seiko says. "How strange."

He knows she's poking fun at him.

"I don't get it," Kabuto says finally, but his tone has altered again. He's talking about something else. "With your abilities, you'd be invaluable to... to many people. So why don't you do that kind of work?"

Is he asking her why she doesn't work for Danzo?

"People who think like me..." Seiko says. "I'm rather disdainful of them."

That gives him a start.

"Surprised? If you can spend the time to think about why people are the way they are, then isn't it doubly unkind when you deliberately stomp on their weaknesses? After all, you knew better. You could have found a different way, but you didn't. So when I think about working for someone else, I can only disdain them as well. I just don't get along well with any sort of leader who'd ask me to do that kind of work."

She smiles at him.

"Even Minato. And I like Minato."


"Of course," Seiko says. "I get to say that because I have a choice in the matter. Not everyone does."

"Everyone has choices," Kabuto says.

He's young.

"Worried, Kabuto? I'll still offer thanks even to people who's choices I don't like. Otherwise, none of my actions would make any sense at all."

"I'm not worried about your thanks," Kabuto says. "I want--"


He bites down on the words and never tells her what he was going to say, changing the subject as he spends the evening trying to earn the favor of an amused and arrogant dog. He only admits it quietly, to himself, back at the orphanage.

'I want to be someone whose presence is strong enough that it would stop you from disappearing'

The day that Danzo had talked to him was the first day in his life that he'd known fear. How could he have possibly ended up with so much to lose?

A/N: the Iroha is a real poem, naturally. And Kishimoto probably did take Hoheto's name off of its first line. There's a bunch of different translations of this poem into english, but I like this version.

Even the blossoming flowers/
will eventually scatter/
who in our world/
shall always be?/
the deep mountains of karma/
we cross them today/
and we shall not have superficial dreams/
nor be deluded.
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Chapter Nineteen: Courage
Seiko stares out at Itachi's genin team and tries not to frown.

Yuki Minazuki is an unassuming jounin with short dark hair and a vague nod to a goatee, and the smile on his face is incredibly forced while two of the genin on his team push at each other and bicker while Itachi, incredibly short compared to his peers, just stands in silence.

It's honestly...she'd been there when they'd submitted prospective jounin-sensei, and she'd tried to get this guy off the list. He seems remarkably underqualified to lead anyone, he has a record of saying that genin aren't ready and having them put back in the academy, and he doesn't have any notable battle achievements. Maybe she should have pushed harder, but out of context, putting kids back into the academy isn't actually something she's against...

She can't believe Fugaku let this happen. She can't believe Shikaku let this happen.

"You guys ready for your first mission?" She says, and gets the other two genin to at least abandon their argument in favor of staring at her with wide puppy eyes.

"I am ready, Lady Hatake," Itachi says crisply.

Is that shade against his team?

"We are all ready," Yuki says, a bit snappy.

She pushes a D rank forwards and watches the entire team eye it unhappily, united in thinking that they deserve a C.

Are they going to be brave enough to ask?

Just as Itachi reaches for the task, stone faced and diligent, one of the others-- Tenma, speaks faster, hands clenched at his sides.

"Don't just take it, Itachi! Can't your bad personality ever be useful for anything!? Tell her we want a C!"

Itachi's hand stops, inches away from the scroll.

At a speed invisible to his fellow genin, his eyes flick between Yuki and her, clearly reluctant to take any further action before an adult speaks up.

But when neither of them speaks, he finally opens up his mouth.

"Shisui did D ranks," he says, voice soft.

Did Fugaku complain about that years later to the point where Itachi would have heard about it? Is he going to take her still handing them off to Itachi as a sign of something. The fact that she's trying to keep one of the most annoying men in Konoha alive is a personal joke at her expense.

"He did, and they were good for him," Seiko says.

"Who the hell is Shisui?" Tenma snaps.

Seiko ignores him and looks back at their useless teacher. Why didn't this guy die in the 3rd war.

"I look forward to seeing your progress," She says.

Yuki takes a small step back.

"Yes..." He mutters. "Come along, everyone. There's no need to linger."

Itachi still looks back, though.

It's Fugaku's fault, and also bad luck. If he'd simply stayed in the Academy for another few years, there would be plenty of opportunities for Itachi to meet better people.

Ruining your child's life for prestige. It's not even for honor.

The call of the Thunder God's Seal on her arm actually comes later than she'd thought.

Months have passed, and no one had ever called her back in to re-testify, so what's the point of calling on her now? The Hokage doesn't generally need to talk to his open supporters in secret.

But within one second and the next, Minato appears in front of her while she's sitting inside her own house, and with him, Jiraiya the Toad Sage.

He looks like he's had a bad year. To be fair, so does Minato. In place of showing his full face, Minato has taken to wearing a mask similar to Kakashi's that covers his mouth, concealing most of the changes wrought by his near death experience. Well, not exactly like Kakashi's. Minato's is white.

"Hokage, Lord Jiraiya," Seiko says politely. "Welcome to my home."

She doesn't think either of them have ever been here before.

The only thing that still remains on her table downstairs instead of in its proper location in the upstairs shrine is the picture of her, Hoheto, and Kiyomu. She'd kept a stick of incense for Kiyomu, but he was always a forgiving person. He won't mind the longer wait to be put with the rest.

Both of the people in front of her seem less interested in the picture frame than in the rest of the room.

There's nothing to see, though. Seiko doesn't tend to decorate.

"Seiko-chan!" Jiraiya says, still trying for a brightness of spirit. "It's been a long time since our last meeting, hasn't it?"

He pulls out a chair at her table and sits down across from her, while also getting a seat out for Minato at the same time.

Biter gives a disdainful sniff.

"More than a year," Seiko says.

She looks over at Minato, used to him doing everything possible to smooth over a bad conversational flow, but he stays silent even as he takes the seat Jiraiya had offered.

"...And it's good to see you awake," Seiko adds, slightly worried. "I apologize for not coming to visit."

There's such an odd look in Minato's eyes.

And then he opens his mouth.

"No need to. Apologize."


Instead of Kurama's voice, Seiko can vaguely make out a near constant seal activation emerging from the mask, doing its absolute best to convert the growling tones of the nine tailed fox into something much more Minato-ish. It doesn't appear to be very good at distinguishing or communicating tone, though.

Even so, it's still a genius level technique all on its own.

"I don't give genuine apologies very often," Seiko says. "You should accept it."

That makes them both laugh.

The seal doesn't convert laughter, making it a very creepy type of thing to hear, and Minato cuts himself off quickly.

She hadn't wanted to sacrifice laughter in exchange for his survival, so she really had meant the apology. Even though it's not a regrettable action.

But with pleasantries out of the way, she's now stuck with the Hokage and his spymaster.

"Seiko-chan," Jiraiya says again, voice soft. "You had quite a lot of suspicions about the mysterious assailant who dared to control the Nine Tails."

Seiko nods.

Even though she hadn't been able to sense them before Minato had appeared, she trusts that Jiraiya will have already gone to quite the effort to safeguard her house from prying ears. Though Biter does that already.

"I did," she says.

"In fact," Jiraiya says, eyes unreadable. "You acted quite out of character, inviting yourself along to guard Kushina. I've asked quite a lot of people about you, Seiko-chan. The Hatake clan head does not often leave Konoha's wide streets."

Seiko blinks. She hadn't thought he'd be asking her about that part of it.

"Yes," she says slowly. "I specifically asked the Hokage if I could accompany Kushina."

Jiraiya beams at her.

"Why'd you do that?"

She really doesn't think he has any malice towards her at all. Of course, he's a Sage. So would he really even bear malice towards his enemies?

"I thought she might die," Seiko says.

Minato's eyes lock onto her.

"Why." He says, even though the words are locked into one monotone. It's okay. She can hear his sincerity. "Did you think. That."

She's not being given a lot of time to come up with reasons for things today, is she? It's sad how well trained people aren't satisfied when you answer their queries with facts they already know.

The truth isn't important here. Drawing connections to relevant things is important. Didn't Danzo prove that just the other month?

"My brother," Seiko says, "Has a sharingan eye."

She knows that Jiraiya does not like her way of talking. It's unfortunate that her first encounter he asked her to do her party trick and tell him things he didn't want to hear, so now whenever he hears her he has to remember that she's someone who tells him things that he won't want to hear.

It would be good if she could tell him good things, but she isn't someone who tells people good things. He should talk to Gai.

"We know that," Jiraiya says, still staying patient with her. "Everyone knows that, even other villages."

"It constantly hurts him because it is too powerful," Seiko says, deciding to stare at the wall behind Jiraiya instead of directly at him. Looking people in the eye is annoying. "I of course don't believe that my brother is a liar, and so think everything that happened when Obito died happened exactly as he said it did. However-- how could someone with an eye that powerful die from being buried in rock?"

Minato freezes a little bit.

"It doesn't make sense," Jiraiya says softly.

"If it were Kakashi who was half buried," Seiko says, straightforward. "He would have lived."

"But Obito was not the genius that your brother is," Jiraiya points out, playing Devil's Advocate to the last.

Seiko rolls her eyes.

"You aren't the genius that Orochimaru is," she says. "I think you would have lived."

"Hey," Jiraiya says. He doesn't seem that offended, though. Rather, directly comparing Obito to himself seems to have finally sparked some vague ideas of his own.

"So, this explains why you thought it might have been plausible-- or, at least, within the same realm of speculation of Madara coming back from the dead-- that the assailant was, in fact, Minato's student. But, Seiko-chan, why did you initially think Kushina was in danger?"

He's really not letting her avoid this, is he? Can't he just let it go?

She'd somewhat implied that the idea 'this guy might be Obito' was something she thought after seeing him. Instead of something she'd thought before hand. Because that would, truly, be difficult to understand.

But then, why was she so afraid?

What truth can she tell him that will make him so unhappy that he'll accept it even if it doesn't explain anything?

"I think there are people within the village who want her dead," Seiko says. "So, it wasn't unreasonable for me to think that she might be targeted when she was most vulnerable. However, the threat turned out to be external."

Minato is in front of her in an instant, eyes burning into hers, hand on her shoulder.


'If I knew that, I would tell you'.

She can't say that. That's a lie. She does know.

'People who would be happy if Kushina died'. Obito would kill her and not even be happy about it. Danzo would be happy. Orochimaru would love to have more Uzumaki bloodlines as test subjects.

Is that enough of an angle? The Uzumaki bloodline?

Actually... can't she blame some of this on Orochimaru? That's useful. She's already known to be someone suspicious and prone to looking into Orochimaru's things.

"I was looking into some of the lingering results of Orochimaru's research of cell injection into young children," Seiko says. If by 'looking into' she means checking up on the children and making sure they aren't being re-kidnapped into ROOT.

Now Jiraiya's unhappy for a different reason.

"Oh?" He says. No more Seiko-chans, it seems. "I thought we failed to find anything successfully done to them."

"Not successfully," Seiko decides to not throw Yamato under the bus just because she's dealing with some annoyances. "But one of the older ones told me that some of the children who died showed signs of making plants and wood grow. Which is also the other half of what the mysterious assailant managed after his eye was removed."

Now she's under quite a lot of focused attention.

"You thought there was a risk of Orochimaru targeting Kushina and the baby," Jiraiya says. "That fucking snake."

"A very miniscule, minor risk," Seiko says fast.
"Do you think. Orochimaru. Healed. Obito." Minato says next, his mind working even faster and further ahead than Jiraiya.

No, she doesn't think that because she knows Obito was healed through even more bizarre means, but why not?

"We are in territory so speculative that I don't feel willing to make claims about it," Seiko says. "There is no proof of even the first step of my logic. I am relying on the hearsay of memory damaged lab raised children."

Minato is still staring at her.

"Do you think." He says. "Obito's memory. Has been damaged."

She fills in the hopeful note that he's been unable to properly convey.

"It's easier to listen to you without the mask," Seiko says.

No response to that one.

Well, turns out she's not the only one who gets to spout baseless speculation that lines up entirely with what would be more convenient if true than what's actually happening. It's much nicer when it's her who's doing it.

"He has a sharingan," Seiko says flatly. "His memory cannot be damaged."

"That's not true," Jiraiya corrects her. "Another, more powerful sharingan user could probably induce memory alterations."

Fascinating that he knows that.

"His sharingan seemed to be more powerful than any within Konoha," Seiko changes her statement. "If there is another sharingan user in addition to him outside of Konoha, it's possible."

"Two powerful sharingan users outside of Konoha.." Jiraiya says, voice dry. He doesn't need to voice how unlikely that is.

But it's depressing to see Minato look so upset.

"Even if it's not memory manipulation, there are lots of other methods of having people act against their loved ones," Seiko suggests carefully.

Minato sighs.

"Jiraiya-sensei," He says, consciously raising his hands and doing seals to give himself an approximation of a whisper. "I think that's enough questions asked of her. Can you. Go on ahead."

Jiraiya also gives his own sigh, hand reaching up to pat Minato on the shoulder but not quite reaching before it falls back down.

"I'll go hang out with my godson," he says, and steps out. "Watch out, Minato! Or else your wife will end up liking me more than you!"

Minato sits in silence for a long time before he takes off the mask.

"Are you sure you prefer listening to me like this?" He says, voice filling the space with a deep snarl.

"Yeah," Seiko says. "You know, I bet you could probably talk directly to Biter, now."

He looks down at her dog.

"Hello, Biter," He says.

He holds out one of his hands and Biter licks it.

"Is that so?" Minato murmurs. "How nice. Thank you."

Biter has always liked Minato. Otherwise, why would he have agreed to help him?

"It's quite something, for such a powerful summon to always exist in this world," Minato says. "I was very proud when I managed to summon Gerotora for a single hour."

"Biter doesn't take up that much energy," Seiko says. Comparable to Kakashi's eye, maybe? "And I'm not a jutsu caster, so the lack of chakra doesn't really affect me."

Biter wags his tail.

"If you say so," Minato says. "Seiko..."

She doesn't know what he's waited to ask her until even Jiraiya isn't around to hear. Unfortunately, she once again has far too many secrets.

"If you met Obito again," Minato says, finally. "Could you convince him to return to Konoha? If I never inquired a single thing about your methods, and turned a blind eye to everything, no matter how unusual."

Seiko stiffens.

"...You didn't tell anyone that you tagged him."

Minato smiles at her softly. Regretfully.


So this is the one secret that she has to keep no matter what.

Such a terrible weight.

Because Minato treasures his student.

Seiko licks her lips, and feels the ache of old pains rattle down through her bones.

"He's already killed Hiruzen's wife," Seiko says. "You still want to try?"

"I will take responsibility for my student's sins."

Seiko drops her hand down to pet Biter's head. Even her hesitation has already given Minato his answer: 'his dream isn't completely impossible, just almost impossible.'

"The longer I go without telling Kakashi about any of this, the more upset with me he's going to be," Seiko says finally. It doesn't really weight her decision either way, it's just... unfortunate.

She can withstand her brother being upset.

"I am sorry," Minato says. "This is my selfish desire."

If she was going to say no, she should have said no already.

"The more selfish you are, the more I want to help you," Seiko says, and laughs at how arrogant she sounds. "If I can help you. I don't... I didn't even consider it before."

She'd already given up on Obito once, after all.

How would anyone convince him to return to Konoha? Aside from the brute force method of Minato forcefully capturing him. Though.. Maybe that would bring its own sort of clarity. But obviously Minato didn't ask for her help for something he could accomplish on his own.

Well, even if it really is impossible.

It's the type of thing worth trying.


She does have some ideas.

"...Can you give me a couple of months," Seiko says, staring up at her ceiling. "To think about it. Maybe more than a couple of months."

"You have until he next attacks the village," Minato says.

Around five more years? That's a bit too long. She's planning to retire by then.

She'd really thought she was done having unexpected meetings for the entire year. But three months later, and there's still more stuff crashing into her.

"You're...one of Hoheto's cousins, right?" She's pretty sure this woman is also a branch member. Actually, should she have guessed Hoheto's aunt? But the woman seems relatively young. And it's way better to guess cousin and be wrong. Honestly, she seems like she could be a very, very distant cousin indeed. Maybe she's married into the clan...what would you even call that? Cousin-in-law? At that point it's all cousins.

The lady gives her a stiff nod, which could mean anything. She clasps her hands together and bows.

"I've been sent to invite you to dine with our Clan Head at your earliest convenience."

This is already more polite than Fugaku was about everything, but a lot more confusing. Aside from helping out Hoheto, she's not actually involved with the Hyuuga at all.

"...I've got a hospital check up next week," Seiko says, struggling to remember her own schedule. "So. Week after that is fine."

Should she invite Kakashi to this one, too?

"Lady Hatake," the woman says again.

She still doesn't like it when people use that address.


"Is your arm...alright?"

She always forgets that the Hyuuga can actually see what's wrong with her. Since Hoheto never brings it up.

"It's actually much better than it used to be," Seiko says.

This actually makes the woman more, and not less worried.

"I... see," she says. "Then, thank you for your time."

Having a formal dinner sounds like something with no positives and only downsides, and she's definitely going to drop some of their nice tea cups.

Biter nudges against her.

"You want a new outfit?" Seiko says, almost incredulous. "You got an outfit for Kushina's wedding!"

He paws at her.

"Well, that's right. This is Hoheto's pack, so it is different, isn't it?"

She waits another few minutes before bringing her next point up.

"It's not because Pakkun has been bragging that Kakashi outfitted his entire team of summons is it? We aren't having the world's most stupid bragging dispute between you and a chihuahua sized pug?"

Biter gives her a deeply indignant look. A woeful, how could you say that to me look. With his huge, sad eyes.

"That's what I thought," Seiko says.

Her next big idea for Ensui is figuring out how to convince someone to build a bench directly across the street from the store where she does her grocery shopping. So she's got a better spot to take a break.

Just something she thinks about whenever she's here.

Instead of having to get her dress custom made this time around, the shop she'd been to last time has several of the slash-sleeved variants in stock.

"That's convenient," Seiko says slowly.


The tailor cheerfully points to a sign at the window that declares that they made a garment for the Hokage's wedding.

Well, it's not like having more of the only style she can wear is a bad thing.

Second chore out of the way, she walks towards her house under the warm setting sun, arms slightly trembling from the foolish decision to carry a grocery bag in one hand and a clothes bag in the other. She's going to definitely drop one or both of them by the time she gets home.

Oh, there it--

A hand deftly snatches her fallen bag before it hits the ground.

"Can I help you with that?" Shisui Uchiha asks, voice filled with a soft lilt as if he's laughing at a joke that only he knows.

He's grown up a bit since the last time she saw him. He must be... ten? Eleven?

Has it really been that long? Maybe he's a tall eight year old. No, that doesn't seem right either.

Seiko rubs a hand across her face, annoyed by the reminder of her own bad memory.

"You already did," she says. "Hello, Shisui."


He falls into step with her, obvious in his intent to walk with her all the way to her house.

"Do you want to hold the other one as well?" Seiko suggests.

So then he gets to carry all of it. She suspects he could probably seal it away for actual complete convenience, but he doesn't.

"Seiko-san," Shisui starts. "I know you and my uncle don't really get along--"

"We've mended bridges," Seiko says.

More or less.

He laughs as if she's told a joke.

"--but I think you're pretty impressive," Shisui says.

He's laying it on kind of thick, isn't he?

"Your uncle would like me better if he thought I was less capable," Seiko says. "Do you need something from me, Shisui?"

It would probably be better to slowly let him talk, but that's his fault for coming to talk to her at sunset after a long day. Her leg hurts.

His eyes shift down awkwardly.

"I..." he says, voice slow. "My mother is in the hospital."

Seiko comes to a stop as she looks at him. She'd thought it would be something to do with the clan, but not this.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she says. "Was she injured..?"

"No, she's... she's a civilian. She just got sick."

Then Seiko is even sorrier to hear it.


Shisui shifts from foot to foot.

"I thought you would know. If anyone did. Do you think Lady Tsunade will come back soon? She can heal anything, right?"

All of the people her age and older are too used to not mentioning Tsunade, and most of the kids Kakashi's age and younger don't even know who she is.

But she supposes being scared and desperate can do a lot to motivate someone to start doing research.

"I don't think she's returning any time soon," Seiko says softly. If she had been, Jiraiya would have tried to use it as leverage during their last conversation. "Are you worried about the quality of care she's receiving?"

Shisui does a good job of not looking bitter.

"There's not a lot of Uchiha med-nin," he says. "I don't... I mean, it shouldn't be important...it's not like her condition is connected to our bloodline..."

All of the medical people Seiko knows are directly connected to Danzo, too.

"Okay," Seiko says, and decides to pass him on to someone else. "So do you know Nono Yakushi? She's currently running an orphanage?"

It's clear he's never heard of her, which is normal.

"She's a retired med-nin," Seiko says. "Very talented. Was in charge of my problems for years. Ask her for a recommendation from the current staff, I'm sure she's kept up with things."

Even if the person who she points out isn't particularly a stand out, the pressure from Nono's recommendation should be enough to alleviate some Uchiha bias. Hopefully.

Shisui stares up at her with wide eyes for a second.

"You can't run off now," Seiko says dryly. "You still have to help me carry that stuff home."

"I found her," Kakashi says immediately, arms crossed as he'd been leaning against a wall while waiting for her to show up outside the Hyuga's compound.


Seiko slowly files through her outstanding problems to figure out which ones Kakashi knows about. Ah.

"You found Anko? That's great."

Kakashi looks away.

"It wasn't that hard. They're just really worried about that seal she's got on her. Not so much of if it's going to kill her, but whether Orochimaru can use it to spy through her eyes. So she's still with-- oh, did you know there's going to be a new T&I head soon?"

"He's been saying he's going to retire for over a year."

A baffled look.

"To who? Anyway, Minato-sensei's got both me and Jiraiya looking at the stupid seal now, and I think the seal's fine. Well, it might be a death trap, but not a spy trap, which is what everyone was worried about. And it definitely won't be any sort of trap once we're through with it."

He's talking so fast.

How nostalgic.

"Yamato will be relieved," Seiko says. "The Hokage's got you immediately back to work, Kakashi?"

He slouches a bit more.

"Ah, well," he says. "Just a little."

She waits for him to fill the rest of the sentence with 'unlike you', but he doesn't.

"Well, let's go in," she says.

"I thought..." Kakashi says.


"I thought you'd remind me to be polite, or something. Like you did with the Uchiha."

Are they so similar?

"I've got very little respect for Hyuga traditions," Seiko says. "Though, I doubt the Uchiha refrain from doing the same thing due to moral reasons."

Kakashi snorts.

"You don't respect anyone," he says.

"I respect lots of people," Seiko corrects. "Clans aren't people. Alright, that's enough of this."

She knows he's making an annoying gesture behind her back as she makes her painfully slow way into Hoheto's childhood home.

Surely she was less annoying when she was 15.

As long as no one asks Ensui about it.

The lady who'd met her the other day is again here to greet her.

"Hello again," Seiko says. "I didn't catch your name last time."

"It's nothing important, Lady Hatake," the woman says. "I'm Hazako, Hizashi's wife."

Hizashi is... the younger twin, right? So then this is Neji's mother.
"You can just call me Seiko," Seiko says, the mundane correction once again falling out of her mouth. It's getting ingrained into her like another needle, this title. No one was constantly doing this to her when she was nine, even though she had the title then too.

"If you'd like," Hazako says, and doesn't.

"Do you know what the clan wants to talk about?" Seiko says, deciding there's nothing wrong with walking extra slow.

"How could I know something so important?" Hazako says. "I can only guess."

Kakashi rolls his eye beside her, but gives a blank-faced smile when she turns her head to glare at him.

"I'd love to hear your guess," Seiko says.

"...My brother in law is well aware of your long lasting friendship with Hoheto," Hazako says carefully.

That is certainly a description of her and Hoheto's relationship.

"How nice," Seiko says.

"So," Hazako says quietly. "Presumably, my wise brother-in-law seeks to make sure that whatever help you feel obligated to offer your friend and teammate does not extend to other members of the clan. Due to the emergence of the next generation."

"I did hear you had a son recently," Seiko says. "Congratulations."

Hazako blanches.

"Please, don't speak too highly of it," she says. "I am of course referring to Hisashi's own daughter."

"Yes, Hinata," Seiko says easily. "I'm sure she will grow up to be talented as well."

It's not like she'd actually been intending to do anything more than help Hoheto personally from time to time and simply hope he managed to achieve what he wanted. But being pressured like this...

Her eyes slide to her brother, who's gone back to hiding his emotions. But he looks pretty unhappy. Even though he doesn't even like Hoheto.

"What do you think of him?" Seiko asks.

"Of Hoheto?"


"I think he's unlucky."

He'd probably be pissed as hell if she ever said that to his face.

"Unlucky?" Seiko repeats. "Why?"

A lot of people would describe Hoheto as very lucky indeed.

Hazako looks at her straight on for the first time.

"I met his parents. They were hopeful, and they gave that hope to him. That one day he would be a great warrior, a great and important part of Konoha, a respected member of the clan."

"He is quite talented," Seiko says. "And he's managed to reach quite far."

"That's why he is unlucky," Hazako says. "No matter what he does, he cannot stop being a member of the Hyuga clan. So, it's all useless. His only duty is to one day sacrifice himself for something greater."

Having a child doomed to be a branch member must have caused Hazako to have quite a number of thoughts.

"Isn't that true for all ninjas of Konoha?" Seiko suggests.

She can feel Kakashi's gaze drilling a hole in her.

"Is it," Hazako says sadly. "I hope not."

Seiko doubts anything she'll hear from Hisashi is going to be as interesting as what she's getting to listen to right now.

"Hazako," Seiko starts. "You're a retired chunin, right?"

A very startled nod.

"Yes, I retired in order to help raise--"

"Do you have any medical training?"

"... Yes, I'm a trained med-nin."

Yeah, no one who's not would have bothered to comment on Seiko's injuries on first meeting. Not enough context to know how fucked up it is.

"Do you think there are a lot of clan healers?" Seiko asks.

Hazako shakes her head.

"Healing is generally left to non-clan people," she says. "Most bloodlines aren't compatible with it, so any talented clan member would be asked to pursue something more suitable. Not to imply that Lady Tsunade is untalented, but in her case there just wasn't any clan left to ask her to do something else!"

No wonder Danzo's capable of getting so many people in the hospital. He doesn't even have to use up his kekkei genkai users. But it's not like having a good pipeline for non-clan users is bad. She's pretty sure that Tsunade deliberately designed the hospital with that in mind to begin with.

But non-clan are also the most susceptible to rumor campaigns. Due to not having the same amount of information.

"I'd consider it a personal favor," Seiko says. "If you went and checked in on how the Uchiha patients are being treated."

"Just that?"

Kakashi is still staring at her. Unfortunate. Now he gets to watch her be nosy about things that don't concern her at all. It's unfortunate that living in pain for over a decade has not managed to kill this part of her personality.

"Just that," Seiko says. "Ah, looks like we're here."
Chapter Twenty: Gratitude
In some ways, Yamato thinks that he probably did die down there in the green vats, and the strange white haired man who rescued him and took him away from there was some sort of misguided shinigami who had gotten confused as to which children were alive, and which were dead.

Or maybe the man wasn't confused at all, because Yamato had been transported from an existence of constantly drowning every day to some kind of paradise. Not only was there fresh air, sunshine, but he had a bed, and he had people he could turn to whenever he was scared, and there were also so many different types of noodles in the world that he'd never heard of before.

He's been categorizing them in lists based on shape and texture.

Is it possible to be this lucky and still be alive?

He still doesn't know.

But then, one day, the shinigami comes back, and he learns the truth.

"It wasn't luck," Jiraiya says gruffly.

"No?" Yamato says, puzzled. He'd been told that instead of attending the Academy today, he'd be going to one of the training grounds so he could talk to someone in particular. Nono had promised him that she would come pick him back up in a couple of hours if he, for some reason, did not come back.

And even if she didn't, he thinks Kabuto might. For some reason, even though that guy doesn't like him very much, he still will occasionally follow him around. Yamato's been politely pretending he doesn't notice.

Isn't that what you're supposed to do? He really didn't notice in the beginning, because it's hard to tell people apart, but he's pretty sure of it by now.

"No," Jiraiya says. "In fact, maybe you should blame me a little. You could have been rescued much earlier."

He doesn't understand.

"You were rescued when you were because 'that's when I was back in Konoha'," Jiraiya says. "Because Seiko-chan waited for me to come back to Konoha. So, if I'd been in Konoha a year earlier, that's when you would have been rescued."

"I don't get it," Yamato says.

"...Nevermind," Jiraiya sighs. "Tell me, kiddo. I know you've been asked about this a thousand times, but I'd love it if you could handle just one more round. No, actually. This is a different question. Not 'what' Orochimaru was researching. 'Why'. Why was he researching that?"

Yamato swallows.

It's good that Jiraiya is not asking the first question, because even for his savior, he won't answer it. He wants to serve Konoha, but..!

"Healing," Yamato says quietly. "He was... on some of the other kids... everything else that happened to us was just a side effect. He wanted to make kids that healed from anything, even death. I don't... my memories aren't..."

He mostly remembers the wet thud that would happen when a kid would die and then fall out of their containment.

Jiraiya looks ever more sad and tired, and Yamato doesn't know what to say to make him feel better. He struggles a bit, then brightens up.

"I could take you to the Uchiha place," he says.

This doesn't appear to cheer the man up at all! Because he's failed to properly explain himself. Even trying to copy Seiko-san's mannerisms doesn't work properly when he skips important steps! He needs to do better.

"The Uchiha?" Jiraiya repeats carefully.

"Yes!" He hasn't ruined anything yet. Good. "Seiko-san said that I should share my memories with one of the Uchiha so that if I lose that memory in the future I can always find it again. So even if I don't remember right now, I can take you there and we can ask if I did remember it previously!"

"Seiko-chan said that?"

Yamato nods. He definitely remembers that.

"Do the Uchiha ever ask you about your memories directly?" Jiraiya asks, voice staying soft and low.


He wouldn't tell almost anyone this, but this man did save him. It's important to be responsible and thankful.

"After... the big--" Yamato doesn't know how to describe it. "The big scary fox incident. Fugaku-san asked me if I had any memories at all of one of... of the other children... looking like. Him, you know? Like if they had red eyes."

He'd even shown Yamato his own red eyes, and then another, cooler transformation of his own eyes, just to see if it would jog his memory. Which it hadn't.

He jerks back a bit at the sudden intensity in Jiraiya's face.

"Did they?"

He wants Seiko here.

"I don't remember," Yamato mumbles. "I don't think so."

"I am sorry for scaring you, kiddo," Jiraiya says, voice gentling again. "You've been a huge help already. Okay, let's forget about that line of questioning. Seiko-chan told you that the Uchiha were safe to talk to?"

Yamato's panic is diverted into bafflement, and then defensiveness.

"Yes," he says. He straightens up a bit. "Seiko-san would never tell me something that would harm me."

His impressions of Jiraiya are blurry and hazy, the white in his hair when he picks Yamato off the cold floor. But his impression of Seiko is ironclad.

Her large dog; her crutches, the way that her hand had trembled when she reached down to pat his shoulder, the deep, deep steadiness in her eyes. It had been so, so strange, but he'd really felt like this adult who looked like they could fall from a strong breeze had such steady eyes that even if a whole tree fell on her it would be only the tree that never managed to get back up again.

"I agree," Jiraiya says quietly. "She has a soft spot for orphans, doesn't she?"

He doesn't think that's true.

"She also likes other kids, right?" Yamato says slowly. "Kabuto said that she liked Itachi."

That intense stillness again.

"Did he say why?"

"Kabuto said it might not be 'like' at all," Yamato eventually says. "He said she felt sorry for him. That she might only have pity."

He'd been sulking about it, but Yamato didn't think Kabuto would appreciate him bringing that part up. Personally, Yamato doesn't think the feeling is 'like' or 'pity', but whatever it is, it's too hard to describe.

"You know," Jiraiya says, voice odd, "Seiko-chan was a lot like Itachi at that age."


"This was long before you were born, kiddo. Can you imagine? Though Seiko-chan was a bit older than Itachi, so maybe her brother is a better example."

He can't imagine.

"She doesn't seem anything like Itachi," Yamato says, straightforward. "He doesn't have a dog." Itachi doesn't seem like a bad person, but he's hard to talk to or play with. And fighting against him isn't fun at all. If Seiko-san was his classmate, wouldn't she have a puppy with her? He wants to have a classmate with a puppy.

Jiraiya laughs, a deep chuckle.

"No? But they're both such intense kids."

In the end, the Sage has to go back to his important duties, and Yamato is left with a lot more thoughts than he wanted to be having.

And what does he do when he has too many thoughts?

He doesn't even get all the way to the Uchiha police building when a slightly older curly haired kid dashes in front of him.

"Hey, Yamato!" Shisui Uchiha says, giving him a light slap on the shoulder. "Welcome back!"

Shisui is the coolest person Yamato has ever met in his whole life, and he's a little bit jealous that Itachi has him as a cousin. Unfortunately, now that Itachi has graduated that means no more schoolwide occasions for every kid in the school to swarm when Shisui drops by.

"Hi," Yamato says shyly. "You didn't have to come out and greet me, I'm not really here for any important reason..."

"What, I was going to be in my neighborhood and not say hi? I'm already a chunin, I've gotta show some responsibility around here."

Shisui laughs it off, the two years he has on Yamato giving him almost half a foot of height on him as he settles down from a body flicker to a regular stroll.


Yamato glances up at Shisui, a little bit uncertain.

"Responsibility seems hard," he says quietly. "You look...tired."

A gentle, calloused hand reaches down to cover his eyes for a second.

"Let's tone down the perception just a notch, 'kay?" Shisui says, tone still light and joking. "I get enough of that with all the eyes around here."

Yamato immediately regrets saying anything.

"Sorry," he says quickly. "I get it. It's just, Nono is always telling us to look beneath the underneath..."

"Underneath the underneath," Shisui corrects, but his eyes have gained their own intensity. "Nono Yakushi? She runs... your orphanage."


Shisui shakes his head a little.

"No, that makes total sense. I guess I really am off my game today!" He laughs a bit. "It's pretty good, having a med-nin in charge."

Yamato nods.

"She's the best," he says. "Literally. I think she used to run the hospital before she retired...A lot of the older kids there are planning to also become med-nin, you know? She's just so good at it, and makes it seem so easy and cool-- That's on top of how many people are super excited to one day be able to show up in Seiko-san's office and announce that they're real ninja."

He's imagined it himself a couple of times. Some of the older kids come back after their graduation to brag and show off their first mission, and one time one of them came back with a C, and his mind went wild. A first mission being a C means that she really thinks you're capable, right? That she thinks you're great? He needs to be like that person, and like Anko.

"Real ninja," Shisui sighs. But the corner of his mouth kicks up a little. "I don't know if the Uchiha have the same perspective on the front desk as your orphanage does."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I got a D-rank to start with," Shisui says dryly. "And so did Itachi."

"But you're...so talented," Yamato says, his own dreams sidelined as he looks up in shock. "You're already a chunin! And Itachi's.. Itachi."

"Isn't he," Shisui says. "What do you think, Yamato? Does she have it out for the Uchiha?"

He's saying it like a joke. But it's not a joke anymore than the Sage had been joking around.

There are a lot of people around him who are very, very scared.

He does, at least, understand that feeling.

"No," Yamato says firmly. "Seiko-san said that it was safe for me here, and Seiko-san would not lie to me."

Shisui stumbles a bit, then regains his footing.

"Wow, I'm really acting strange today," he says awkwardly. "Sorry, Yamato. But that's a very sweet thing for her to say."

Yamato nods.

"Seiko-san," he says carefully, "Does not consider many places safe. So it is very specific of her to say that."

She doesn't even consider the orphanage safe, which is something he understands in his own way. Kabuto's told him she doesn't consider the tower safe. He'd asked Nono if Seiko thought her own house was safe, and Nono had smiled at him in a blank way that meant no, and stop asking.

Shisui sighs.

"There's something I'm not seeing," he mutters, frustration bubbling underneath his voice. "Sorry, Yamato. Let me walk you to where you're going, and then I've gotta head out and train."

"Oh, yes..."

Yamato watches Shisui, mouth opening and closing as he tries to think of what could help him.

"Lord Jiraiya told me that being rescued wasn't 'luck'," Yamato says, trying to communicate something he barely understands himself. "That it had happened when it did because that's when he and Seiko were in the same place. I didn't really understand why he was telling me that... maybe he wanted me to be able to blame someone. But I think... most things are like that."

Shisui's eyes are oddly dark.

"Most things are just coincidence?" he says.

"No. The opposite." Yamato stares down at the ground. "Nono was trying to teach us about this. Some things really are bad luck. But whenever something bad happens to you... it was bad luck that I was chosen for the lab. But it wasn't bad luck that Orochimaru had a lab. It's not the Sage's fault that he trusted his friend. But he wasn't absent from the village due to bad luck, but because he's busy working for the village!"

He manages the tiniest twitch of a shrug to cover an open, unhealable wound.

"Nono says that when you see people do the things that have been asked of them," he says, slowly, quietly, "You can't then say that what happens because of that is unlucky."


"But no one was ever asked to rescue me," Yamato says. "So that's what's special. That's what's good. It wasn't a horrible coincidence fixed by a lucky break. But for me-- for me, I feel so lucky. So, Shisui. I really hope that you get lucky too."

A rogue Uchiha.

Kakashi stares down at his own notebook, scowling. He understands, in a distant way, why Minato and Kushina and Seiko are so absolutely unwilling to tell their stories of what happened during the attack. Seiko is, more than anyone else in this entire village, unwilling to spread rumors that might have even mild repercussions on other members of Konoha, and he can't press her to open up more than she already has.

Kushina won't talk about something that could hurt her friend Mikoto. He understands that too.

But why won't his own sensei give him a straight answer!? He's got plenty of opportunities to talk to him one on one in complete privacy, and Minato's mouth might as well be sewn shut with iron wire.

...Not because of his new mask.

It's weird seeing Minato like that. He's.. quiet. Self-conscious. His jokes don't work.

It reminds Kakashi of when Seiko got back home from the hospital to the point where a memory he'd completely forgotten of her telling him he's going to have to do the laundry because she can't shakes itself out of a dusty corner and keeps replaying in his dreams.

That moment of utter unfairness that the second war had taken his whole family from him and he'd never gotten any of them back.

Even though that's not true. His dad hadn't even died during the second war, and he doesn't have any memories of his mother, and Seiko was still alive, stayed alive the whole time.

But he doesn't remember it like that. He remembers waking up on the day of his academy graduation in a completely empty house and not having breakfast because he'd gotten sick of cooking for himself.

He'd wanted to hurry up and graduate and get away from there. Get assigned to a team like Seiko's team so the house would be noisy.

Kakashi crumples his notebook paper into a ball and throws it away, trying to stay focused on the current problem and not pathetic fantasies that he should know better than to have.

Minato, Kushina, and Seiko had all nearly died because of someone with a powerful Uchiha eye who was unknown to the current clan.

He hadn't wanted to speak up and suggest it, but a thought had crossed his mind.

What if someone had stolen Obito's other eye from his corpse?

It's what he'd been thinking about when Seiko brought him through the Hyuga's place. They have their seals in place specifically to prevent their eyes being stolen-- but the Uchiha don't.

They'd never been able to recover Obito's body. Kakashi has absolutely no way of resolving his own bitter suspicion. There's no way Seiko didn't also think of it, but there are some things that she's just-- too stubborn about. He folds his hands into an unconscious dog seal as he tries to think further.

Who should he ask? Who should he tell?

He had told Minato about the assassins that had gone after Kushina. The fact that they had been ANBU.

'Intended to frame the Uchiha,' Seiko had suggested.

He takes out his notebook and goes back to trying to see the forest beyond the individual trees.

External threat-- creep with orange mask. Uchiha eye. Powerful. Targeted kushina and baby highest priority (?)

Internal threat-- ANBU. uchiha themed attacks. Targeted kushina and seal notes highest priority, seiko second priority (?)

So, why?

No, is what he wrote down even accurate. 'Seal notes' were worthless on their own, that's just a roundabout way of saying that the Hokage had been targeted. Had Minato also been the top priority with the tailed beast assault?

It's difficult to say. If Kakashi were preparing to assassinate a man who was known to be able to teleport anywhere, he'd absolutely start by creating a situation where that man would refuse at all costs to leave.

But that's only if he knew Minato well enough to stage it, right? So that would mean an internal village leak, which spirals back to the internal threat.

An internal threat with a...grudge against the Uchiha.

Kakashi groans in frustration. That doesn't narrow it down at all! That's lots of people! A lot of Uchiha are pretentious assholes!

He needs to shift away from that line of attack.

An internal threat that has the ability to suborn ANBU agents.

That's the rotten bit. Of course he had gone through and tried to do a check on his fellow agents, and of course it had gone nowhere. ANBU only get through to their position after clearing their background checks and taking training and swearing loyalty oath seals. That's how it works.

Minato had asked Danzo to do another check, and Danzo hadn't found anything either.

It's just another dead end.

He scowls down at the paper, trying to find a new way through.

If he can--


Kakashi's head jerks up as he stares at the grinning face outside of his window. A deep, unanticipated mistake of having a first floor residence that he'd overlooked now rears its head.

"...Hey," Kakashi says. "You're back."

"INDEED!" Gai beams at him, teeth practically sparkling-- no, that must just be a weird light reflection off of the window glass. "I have returned triumphant! Behold, my symbol of victory!"

Kakashi opens his window just in time to avoid a red turtle shell smashing through them, catching the thing in one hand.


"Ningame!" Gai says gleefully. "This is my rival, Kakashi! I have told you much about him. See how he holds you with such poise! Such grace!"

Kakashi drops the turtle.

"Gai, I was busy--"

"How industrious! As expected of you!" Gai does a fistbump. "Well, how can I help?"

"Don't you... need to go tell your dad about the turtle?"

"I am sure he can feel it in his heart," Gai says confidently. "My connection with the tortoise is as strong as springtime itself."

He doesn't know how both his sister and Gai manage to be the conversational equivalents of a stone wall despite their very different temperaments.

His eye pulses painfully, and he sighs.

"Look, I don't expect anything, but-- if you were trying to find an infiltrator who had made it into ANBU, where would you start?"

A look of seriousness drops over Gai's face as he crawls through the window to come in and sit on Kakashi's bed.

"I would start by having someone to watch my back," he says.

"...Yeah," Kakashi says uncomfortably. "Obviously I thought of that. What else."

Gai picks up his tortoise and starts to pet its shell.

"Hmm... I'd ask people who have been around for a long time?" He says. "It's hard to know people's identities outside of work, but there's a lot of some of the older generation left who probably have a good sense of the organization. I don't know who to ask, though."

"I don't know a ton of people like that," Kakashi says, mind spinning a bit. Older ANBU-- so that would be second war type people. Twenties or even possibly early thirties, skilled ninja, likely to still know a lot of structural--


"Gai," Kakashi says aimlessly. "What do you think the odds are that Ensui Nara is..."

Gai's eyes widen.

"How wonderful to have such a senior!" He says cheerfully.


Kakashi stakes out the tower for several days whenever he's not working a bodyguard shift or being pressed into holding an incredibly loud and wriggly infant. When he is doing that, he makes Pakkun take his spot in the stake.

This is also useless, because what it really tells him is that Ensui Nara does not take lunch breaks outside of the tower. He shows up at dawn, sits in there all day, and goes home at dusk. Seiko usually shows up very early and leaves in the early afternoon, and her Uchiha coworker shows up in the late morning and then stays into the evening.

Seiko tends to send Biter out to pick up food from a vendor who's clearly very used to offering a bowl of ramen to a dog. The Uchiha takes an hour long break every day where she picks from a few nearby restaurants. Neither Seiko or her coworker have consistency when it comes to which days they don't show up, and Ensui never takes a day off.

If Kakashi wants to talk to him, he needs to--

"Well, how exciting," A slow drawl of a voice comes from behind him, a tinge of Nara ennui worsening the sneer of the line. "I thought I'd actually have to protect the village from a threat, but it's just Seiko-chan's little brother. Working your way up to talking to her, are you?"

Kakashi spins around, lightning crackling in his hands for a second as he stares at the man that had just managed to get behind him.

Ensui Nara is watching him, arms crossed, shadow falling forward to offer Kakashi some shade in the afternoon light.

"I can talk to her anytime I want," Kakashi says, teeth gritted.

It is, technically, true.

He ignores the eyebrow lift. He doesn't care about this guy's opinion.

"Then you're making the right call, not talking to her at work," Ensui says mildly. "Shouldn't family be more comfortable showing up at a sibling's house, instead?"

The thought of doing that nearly makes Kakashi physically ill.

If he shows up there one day and Seiko gets mad at him, that will be awful. If he shows up there and Seiko doesn't get mad at him--

Then shouldn't he have done that a decade ago?

"I don't need to do that," Kakashi says stiffly.

"Oh, of course," Ensui says dryly. "Well, my curiosity's been sated. Good luck not doing that." He turns to amble back to the tower, though even as he moves his shadow stretches to stay with Kakashi instead of pulling back into a normal shape.

"I... had something to ask you."

Ensui goes still, not even looking back.

"Oh? Little old me? What could I know?"

"Ask you privately," Kakashi says carefully.

There's no smile on Ensui's face now.

"I suppose that's what my office is for-- just jump in through the window. How exciting! A genuine instance for me to tell Seiko-chan I'm not to be disturbed."

It's a wretched way to frame it, but Ensui is a wretched, annoying guy. Is it really okay that someone like this is Seiko's sensei?

He waits another fifteen minutes to make sure that even someone walking slower than Seiko would still be back in their office before he scales the first floor effortlessly and drops in through the window into Ensui's office.

It's darker in there than it should be.

"Now then," Ensui says, hands laced together. "What could this be about? I'm dying of curiosity."

Since he's gone this far, there's no use in waffling around.

"Do you know about the assassination attempt on Kushina Uzumaki's life that happened around half a year ago."

Ensui's expression hardens.
"Well that is a private matter indeed. I believe all except for one ANBU were killed defending her, Seiko, and Hoheto from unknown infiltrators, yes?"

He watches Kakashi intently.

"Is that really what you think," Kakashi says.

"That's what's written in my report," Ensui says. "Well, Hatake. I'm sure you'd know more than me." He pronounces it with such an edge of mockery.

"I do know more than that," Kakashi snaps. "The 'unknown infiltrators' were all but one of the ANBU, after all."

The mockery fades, replaced by a cold chill.

"I see," Ensui says.

"What do you see."

"You're not impressed with the top down search? It was very inconvenient, being forced to resend all of our files back around to Lord Danzo. It's not like the problem is on my end. My cute subordinates are so dutiful, after all."

There's nothing amused in Ensui's eyes.

"I don't enjoy being forced to defend hiring an Uchiha," he says. "Yakumi's a fine girl. I won't get rid of her due to one old man's paranoia leftover from a bygone era. What a waste of my precious time."

Kakashi stiffens to the point where his entire body could be mistaken for a corpse.

He'd wanted to find the person who could see the whole of the ANBU corps, and he'd found him. Now if only he could make sense of what he's found.

Joining the corps had felt like being a safe cog in a well oiled machine. But now..

"Seiko's been keeping an eye on anti-Uchiha sentiment in the hospital," Kakashi says.

Behind the desk, Ensui grimaces.

"It's not just there, it's everywhere," he says, annoyed and vicious. "It's not like my dearest cousin doesn't know about it, either. But it's not like there's a war to fight, is there? It's just our own people. And it's Fugaku's job to take care of his own clan. A clan head should be able to take care of his own people."

Ensui sighs.

"It's your sister who's weird for doing more than the minimum," he says, finally. "There would be nothing dishonorable if the only thing she ever did with her life was make sure you were well taken care of."

He could not have said something more humiliatingly painful if he tried.

"I didn't come here to talk about that." Kakashi narrowly avoids biting down on his own tongue. "I wanted your opinion. How do you think we ended up with enemies within ANBU ranks?"

"So impatient."

Looking into his desk, he first pulls out a cigarette, looks at Kakashi reluctantly, then puts it back. Pulls a piece of pink gum out of his desk drawer, opens up the wrapper and pops it inside his mouth.

"The answer," Ensui says, chewing obnoxiously loudly, "Would be that they were suborned after they were recruited."

He blows a big bubble and lets it pop.

"Say, for example, you are a young man new to ANBU." He gives Kakashi an insincere smile. "You are very young, and in fact you're very distant from your family. You don't have any friends in the ordinary ninja corps or in civilian life. Then your captain comes to you and tells you that there's a special, super secret, even more close knit organization. He's been so impressed with you that he wants you to be in it. Wouldn't you do anything to join in?"

Kakashi falters.

"No," he says. "I.."

"This is just an example young man," Ensui says, smiling aimlessly. "And an example of a subordination plot. Of course, it's not you."

It had sounded extremely specific.

"And it's not... you, either," Kakashi says.

"How could it be me?" Ensui says. "My cousin is the Jounin chief. Does that sound like someone who's distant from his family?"

It kind of does.

"Thank you for telling me that," Kakashi says instead. Basically, the vague idea he'd had of trying to see if he could infiltrate the infiltrators is limited by the fact that he's Minato's only remaining student. And no one in their right mind would ever believe that Gai was distant from his family.

"You should be careful," Ensui says suddenly, voice a little clumsier than before. As if his tongue is stiffer, slower. Probably due to all that gum he's chewing. "The target of the last attack... who do you think it was?"

"Kushina, highest priority, but everyone in that room except for me was a target," Kakashi says.

Ensui looks at him.

"Except for you," he says, voice soft. "Are you so sure?"

Kakashi stops.

It had only made sense. Excepting him, the assassination would be aimed at everyone who was present for the masked fake Uchiha and the sealing of the Nine Tails and knew the full truth of the matter.

But if the targeting had included him, then...

The mastermind behind the assassination didn't really care about the tailed beast incident at all. It was a step further. Someone who wanted other people to think that they cared about the tailed beast incident, but in fact specifically cared about trying to kill a specific, targeted list of people. And, like Seiko had said, possibly a set-up meant to implicate the Uchiha as a further fall back option. In fact, maybe choosing to include Hoheto in the assassination at all had simply been part of the disguise of who the real targets were.

He'd been separating stuff in his head that probably shouldn't be separate, and combining things that were probably unrelated.

He still can't see the true picture. It's too muddled. But if he can just keep going--

"Time's up," Ensui says. "You know, I don't even take appointments. It's Seiko's job to tell people they can't meet with me for any reason. Never let them catch you slipping."

"Why would anyone even want to meet with you!?"

It bursts out of him even though he's just gotten a very visible demonstration.

"It's a terrible idea, right?" Ensui says cheerfully. "Seiko-chan's much more reliable than me, and more helpful besides. If she can't help them, then no one in this tower can."

The message is clear, but Kakashi does not want to hear it.

Kakashi flashes forward to stand on the edge of the windowsill, but ends up turning around a final time.

The only visible scar on Ensui's face is very new, probably some injury he sustained during the nine tail's attack. It kind of looks like a claw had ripped out some of the flesh above and below one of his eyes.

"I do remember when you escorted her all the way out to our father's grave," he says, words harsh and abrupt.

Seiko had been quiet, and pale, and her limp had been at the point where it might have hurt less to watch her give up walking and start to crawl. And right behind her had been her sensei.

Was that the first time he'd ever even seen the man?

He can't remember anything before that.

He clasps his hands together.

"Thank you for taking care of my older sister."

There's no smile on Ensui's face now.

"It was the bare minimum," Ensui says.

"There would be nothing dishonorable to say if," Kakashi says, eye staring at the floor, "That was all you ever did."
Chapter Twenty-One: Valor
Ensui appears at the desk when she prepares to leave in the afternoon, a situation so out of the ordinary that she's shocked to not be hearing the village invasion alarm bells go off.

Biter shows a bit of teeth.

"Ah, Seiko-chan," Ensui says, eyes sliding away from both of them. It smells like he's been smoking again.

"Ensui," Seiko says. "Did someone die?"

"No," Ensui says dourly. "It's... well..."

There shouldn't be any ongoing disaster that Enzo would know about and she wouldn't. He's not normally this slippery when it comes to direct bad news.

"Are you getting promoted or something?"


Okay. Is this twenty questions.

She can't even think of two more.

"Is it--"

"You should visit the Nara compound," Ensui says, mouth moving incredibly quickly.

She blinks at him.


"My aunts have been bothering me for years," Ensui mutters. "They want to meet you."

"Right now?"

"Not, right now, just whenever--"

It's a dizzying world out there.

"We can go today, if it's that important," Seiko says.


"I'm not visiting the Nara clan alone," Seiko says, deep unease prickling at the back of her spine at the thought. "And...it's not close to the center of Konoha, you know. It's a long walk."

The Nara raise deer and grow medicine, both things which take up a lot of space. So rather than compounds slightly further back like the Hyuuga or Uchiha, they let the Yamanaka be the sole representative for the center, and the Akimichi and Nara both guard different edges.

Or, perhaps, they just want an excuse to never be on time for meetings.

"You won't be visiting alone," Ensui says. "My cousin also goes home after work. He can escort you."

"You can't make the jounin commander--"

"What can't he ask the jounin commander to do?"

Speak of the devil.

Both Seiko and Ensui look over to where Shikaku Nara has slipped into the room, a wry smile on his face.

Is this a conspiracy?

"I was just telling Seiko-chan you could show her around the Nara place," Ensui says, lying.

Shikaku looks between Ensui and Seiko, before he finally gives Seiko an apologetic smile, gears clicking against other gears behind his eyes.

"Oh, of course," he says. "I'd be happy to. Did you hear, Hatake? I've got a son! Why, just looking at the curl of his fingers, I can tell you he's a once in a millennium genius. Let me show off a little."

Seiko slowly resigns herself to a long walk, and a longer walk back. She begins to pack her things and head for the door, Biter right beside her. She doesn't bother sparing Ensui another glance.

"If he's that much of a genius, I hope he's also not too hard working," Seiko says. "He'll need to leave some room for others."

Shikaku sighs as he slows his pace to match hers.

"His mother won't like that," he says.

"It depends," Seiko says. "If he's eager to do the things that come easy, and too lazy to do housework, then the person he's leaving no room for is her."

Shikaku winces.

"Your words are so sharp, Hatake," He says. "Let's not predict the future so easily."

Seiko rolls her eyes.

"Why did you agree to escort me instead of making Ensui do it? Commander."

"Isn't it just a matter of convenience...?" Shikaku mutters.

The silence drags on for close to ten minutes of Seiko carefully plodding forward.

"When my cousin took that position, part of the agreement was that no one would force him back onto the battlefield unless there was such a wide-scale war that meant that every single jounin in Konoha would be forced back out," Shikaku says. "It's a legacy agreement between my father and the 3rd Hokage and him."

He pauses, a strange expression on his face.

"Though, now he's the only one of the original three who's still working. They made that agreement when the second war was still on-- and my father took it very seriously."

Shikaku stares at the ground.

"A man should keep his father's oaths," he says finally. "So no matter how much anyone pushed me to put him back into the third war, I didn't do it."

It's very irritating to be talked in circles to. Seiko grimaces, pain in her knee going through an unpleasant spike as she stumbles on the dirt road.

"Is he being pushed now," she says. "Why? We're at peace now. No reason for him to do anything."

"For some people," Shikaku says. "Peace is more stressful than war. After all, it's the unknown."

Is Danzo already so restless as to be bothering everyone, even the Naras.

"Looking for new enemies..." Seiko sighs. "Well, Commander. What do you want me to do about that."

"I've got a petition I'm working on," Shikaku says. "New Hokage-- new council."

The air turns icy cold in Seiko's lungs while Biter gives a cheerful yip beside her.

"That's... not going to be popular with Danzo Shimura," she says, finally. "Even if the other two do want to retire."

Shikaku shrugs.

"It can't be delayed further than the next few years, or I lose the new Hokage justification," he says. "You are still too young to be on it, though. Don't worry. It would be more convenient if the Hokage still had his genin teammates alive to be candidates, but I've found alternatives."

She's very worried.

"You've still got a son to raise," Seiko says finally. "Don't get too involved in your own plan."

A sharp edged smile for her troubles.

"Speaking of which-- we're here! Let me start introducing you to everybody! This is Suzaku, another of my dear cousins. This is Daen, my nephew. And over there's Kasuga, Maen, and..."

Since Kakashi now lived on the bottom floor of his building, gift giving was a lot less of a pain than it had been the year before. Or at least, delivering the gift was less of a pain.

Thinking of what gift to give-- that was just as bad as ever.

In the end she'd strongly decided that it was the thought that really counted, and bought him new clothes that he'd probably never wear.

She heaps them down onto one of his tables and notices again how painfully neat the whole place is. She hadn't ever folded things when she could use her hands at will, let alone after, but he's living alone and still making his bed every morning.


"Seiko," Kakashi says hesitantly. "That's... a lot of..."

"You can't give them back," Seiko says.

"No! I mean, I wasn't going to anyway."

Kakashi sidles in between her and the door, a storage scroll clutched tight in his hands.

"You want to put them in there instead? That's fine."

He puts the storage scroll in her hand instead.

"Seiko," Kakashi says, one visible eye looking as far away from her as possible. "Happy 19th birthday."

It's still technically one week until it's her turn.

Seiko stares at it for a bit more until Biter rears up to take it from Kakashi, scroll delicately held in his teeth without a single tear.

Biter nudges her knee with his nose, waiting for her command.

"--Oh," Seiko mutters, forced out of her daze. She opens her hand and Biter drops the scroll into it.

It rips so easily.

"A...notebook?" Seiko says, looking at it. She'll still take it, because Kakashi gave it to her, but holding ink brushes or pens is really not--

"Look inside it," Kakashi says quickly.


Seiko fumbles a bit as she opens it, and then sees page after page of carefully sketched out hand seal diagrams and scrawled instructions.

"I... invented a bunch of jutsus, but you can't use any of them," Kakashi says, words jumbling together with the speed that he's trying to get them out of his mouth. "So I came up with a modification. It's called Chidori Tanto."

Seiko's eyes flicker to meet his.

"For use with my sword."


Seiko smiles at him.

"And you think I can do it without the sharingan? With my own skills?"

Kakashi's gaze is unflinching.

"You can."

Ah, what's she supposed to say to that?

"Thanks, Kakashi," she says, and reaches out to ruffle his hair.

"We're finally implementing the new exam standard for chunin that got tossed around a few years ago," Ensui says. "Behold! The Chunin Exam!"

He slaps a huge satchel full of scrolls down onto his desk, knocking abandoned papers off to be helplessly lost forever in the deep darkness of the room. Ensui's only got the one window in here, and towers of crap block more than half of it.

Seiko raises an eyebrow.

"Something wrong with our old way of doing it?"

Ensui snorts.

"Apparently, leaving so much to individual jounin discretion really resulted in uneven promotion timings, jealousy, and a lot of fighting."

"No," Seiko says tonelessly.

"Perish the thought." Ensui nods. "But mostly I think it's the fact that a lot of the new chunin haven't been able to carve out any fame or prestige for themselves since we're not at war. How is Konoha supposed to show off that our new geniuses are more talented than Sand and Mist's?"

"How is Konoha supposed to keep an eye on the talents of its rivals?" Seiko sighs.

They both look at each other.

"We're not actually in charge of organizing it, right," Seiko says. She does remember when Ensui had been worried that their department would be doing it.

"No, it's a T&I project so they'll be running it. I think it's Inoichi's successors' big concept, or, if it's not his concept, he's made it his personal project."

"I like it," Seiko says. "More theatre, less war. It'll be good."

Ensui gives her a bit of a somber look, shadows twisting across his face.

"Seiko," he says. "It means we're letting bygones by bygones. Konoha has to demonstrate proof of concept, after all. We'll be hosting enemies in the village."

She just blinks at him.


"Sand puppeteers. Swordsmen of the Mist." Ensui twitches a bit. "Foreign jinchuuriki, eventually. This type of thing is going to force old wounds back open under the light."

Seiko stares down at Ensui's desk, hands shaking visibly and then less visibly as she tucks them behind her.

The risk that Chiyo Poisontongue would ever come to personally visit Konoha is basically nil. She's old, and her one surviving genin is already a jounin himself. But that one will come, eventually.

"So what," Seiko says. "Healing's done best under the light."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. You should get out more, Ensui."

"That won't work out," Ensui says, and blows a bright pink bubble.

It pops almost immediately.

The news of Shikaku's proposal cracks across the upper echelons of Konoha like an echo of thunder ahead of the raging storm.

Especially since no one, including her, knows who he had suggested to Minato as the council replacements. If there are going to be replacements. She's kind of thinking he's going to have to get two newer people and just let Danzo hang on to his roost as a compromise.

She thinks he leaked the news on purpose. Let everyone have their chance to say something.

Even so, it's so chaotic.

"Seiko," Yakumi says, circles deep and dark under her eyes. "The clan head wants to talk to you again."

Seiko rubs her hand against her face and feels the ink smear onto her cheek.

"Can't he just talk to Minato directly? Or the Jounin Commander?"

Yakumi gives a helpless shrug.

"I don't know, Seiko. But going to the Hokage directly is really..."

Once you become obsessed with being someone who can't show weakness, suddenly everything in the world becomes a way of showing weakness.

Maybe if he took a crippling injury like hers he'd understand that the real weaknesses people have, nobody wants to see.

"I'll visit the police station," Seiko says. "No-- wait. That's too far to walk. He can meet me at the orphanage, since I was going to go there in a few days anyway."

Yakumi nods, and then fixes a smile on her face as ninja clutching an incredibly crumpled looking piece of paper heads over to her desk.

"Uhm, excuse me,"

Seiko hears a vague stammer.

"I.. don't know where this form is supposed to go..."

"No one ever does," Yakumi says.

Nono is waiting for her at the orphanage entrance when she gets there.

Seiko raises an eyebrow, leaning forward on her crutches.

"What did I do to deserve a welcoming ceremony?"

Nono snorts, arms crossed.

"Weren't you the one who pushed young Shisui to come all the way over here?"

Seiko immediately ups how much she was planning to donate to the orphanage this year in her mental tally.

"Nono," She starts. "He's really a nice kid-- and I know you're the best there is. Who else would I send him to?"

Nono unbends a little.

"At least sit down, Hatake." She steps aside to let Seiko in through the entrance, pushing back some giggling kids behind her.

On the back porch of the orphanage a rickety table with three chairs and a pot of tea is set up, Nono pulling one out for Seiko before she takes another for herself.

"I checked in on Shisui's mother personally," Nono says. "She's got perhaps another five years in her."

She pours tea into a chipped cup for Seiko and then for herself. Then bends down to fill Biter's dog bowl with water.

"As long as she's being cared for properly," Seiko says, cupping a hand around the tea without picking it up. She's not risking dropping Nono's things.

Nono rolls her eyes, tucking a blonde thread of hair back under the head covering she likes to wear.

"You're always picking at the small details," Nono says. "Now look what I end up with. Playing host to all sorts of things."

Seiko looks over at the empty third seat, left for when Fugaku arrives, and then clears her throat.

"Where's Kaubto today? I thought he'd be here."

"He's been busy lately," Nono says. "He hasn't been at your house?"

He has, but not as often as he used to.

Seiko slowly closes her eyes, overcome with a dizzying sense of tiredness. Beneath her seat, Biter stirs, eyes lazily opening and then closing again.

"There's a lot less pain in my wrists than there used to be," she says. "He's very talented, but after a while, he hit a wall. He can get rid of most of the pain, but not all of the shakes. I told him to give up, just focus on the knee, but he got stubborn."

Nono shakes her head.

"He doesn't want to fail you," she says.

"There's a lot of ways he could fail me," Seiko says. "Healing or not healing... that's not important."

"Miss Nono, Lady Hatake, there's a scary guy at the front door!" One of the kids calls back to them.

"Oh, excuse me," Nono sighs, and stands up to go get him. "Coming, sir. Right this way."

Fugaku Uchiha is, as always, stern, frowning, and stiffnecked as he stands next to the table, not even sitting down until Seiko takes her hands away from her cup and gestures towards the open chair. Nono had not waited, and was already firmly back in her own seat, mouth zipped shut.

He's close to thirty now, isn't he? Not quite a full decade older than her.

"Hatake," he says.

"I told you last time it's Seiko."

Though she does understand that being informal must be painful for him.

"You knew about the announcement ahead of time," Fugaku says.

"The jounin commander mentioned it to me," Seiko says. "He wanted to reassure me I wasn't on it."

Strangely, this doesn't seem to reassure him.

"So he does already have candidates picked," Fugaku says, voice dark.

"He wouldn't do something like this without already having candidates picked," Seiko says. "But at the same time, he's capable of preventing information leaks if he wants it to be a total surprise. Because it's like this, he wants people to air their opinions in advance."

Fugaku sets his cup back down on the table with a hard thump.

"Just so that he can say that he heard everyone's thoughts, but he's going to do what he was going to do anyway!?"

That's not a very polite way of saying it.

"It's the Hokage's council, appointed by the Hokage," Seiko says. "Doing it like this isn't really Shikaku's methodology at all, you know? He's doing it like this because Minato prefers it like this."

Her hand flops around on the table as she watches it distantly.

"That's just a justification," Fugaku says. "Out with the old, in with the new. What, are he, Yamanaka, and Akimichi going to be the new council?"

Resentment drips from every word, but it's a different type of thing than what he's complained about before. Good old fashioned jealousy that someone else has close friends and you don't.

"Of course not," Seiko says. "He definitely didn't put his own name on the list, and Inoichi and Choza are both settling into retirement, and would refuse the position. They are close with Shikaku, but they aren't close with Minato. Minato doesn't actually have a lot of close friends... he's a friendly person, but that just means he has a lot of friendly acquaintances."

Fugaku's lip curls.

"So, stop beating around the bush. Who has Shikaku chosen?"

Does he think she's literally telepathic.

"It depends on whether he has the push to get Danzo out of his position," Seiko says. "What do you think, Nono?"

Nono gives Seiko a close mouthed smile.

"Lord Danzo is still an invaluable part of Konoha's operations," she says. "And he received that seat as consolation for Lord Hiruzen's ascension to the seat of Hokage. Is there anyone who dares to say they deserve it more than him?"

"So, assuming Shikaku can't get Danzo out of his seat, that's two openings," Seiko says. "One, I'd give to Kushina."

"She's his wife," Fugaku says. "Why does she also need a council seat? The 3rd Hokage didn't put his wife on the council."

"The 3rd Hokage had living teammates that he turned to for advice," Seiko says. "Kushina is Minato's only surviving battlefield companion."

She taps the table.

"It would be easy if Lady Tsunade and Jiraiya were in the village. Then they'd just get both seats, Danzo would have his seat, and then everything would be stable. But of course, that's not going to happen. The reason Shikaku wants to do this-- do you know?"

"He's trying to gather power," Fugaku says.

Seiko's hand slams down on the table.

"Do you think he needs to gather power," She snaps at him, losing the thread of her temper. "He's the jounin commander! Minato trusts him absolutely! He's got the backing of three clans! You are the one who needs power, not him!"

Fugaku stares back at her, eyes rimmed crimson red as his fists curl.

"I didn't come here to be insulted by you, Hatake," he grinds out through clenched teeth.

"No," Seiko says. "Then why did you come here, Uchiha?"

It makes him start back, since she never uses his last name. She's an informal, disrespectful type of person.

"Because I want that seat," he says finally, voice slow and more tired than before. "I need that seat."

She knows. Obviously.

But she's still going to make him say it. She's going to be helping this man for the rest of his life, he's going to have to be a little nicer to her about it.

"Fugaku," she says. "Why do you need that council seat?"

Nono stands up from her seat, bows politely to both of them, reaches down to pet Biter, and then leaves.

"You know why," Fugaku spits out. "Everyone, even a blind beggar on the street would know why! It's a conspiracy against the Uchiha! The village is turning it's back on us!"

'The village' is a meaningless term, for all the heart attached to it.

"You'll do better on the council than you will talking to Minato directly," Seiko says, cutting through the rant he's working up. "I agree with you. The seat will be good for you."

"I-- what?"

"Our Hokage doesn't like it when people get into loud fights. It bothers him that people don't get along well," Seiko sighs. "But Kushina approves of that kind of thing. So if you lose your temper over there, when she tells Minato about it separately, it will be a positive thing. To a large extent."

Seiko stares up at the sky.

"That's the other reason you should support Kushina as the other seat, by the way. Do you remember Kakashi's trial?"

"Do I remember," Fugaku scoffs.

"Quite. It will be like that. Danzo on one, side Kushina on the other. They're both the type of people who have opinions on every single part of the village, and they both, like you, wanted to be Hokage at one point. What a nightmare. But your nightmare, thankfully."


Fugaku's eyes are almost wide.


"You're talking like the seat is already mine. I came to talk about how to force an Uchiha into that role, not what comes after."

Oh, she skipped ahead.

"If you support Kushina as the other candidate, Minato will put you in as the third. He'll think, I thought he was old fashioned, but actually he's someone who supports the people I like even if it goes against tradition. What a good pick that shows a combination of old and new. If you don't show that kind of spirit, he'll ask Shikaku for other candidates."

Fugaku is silent for a long time.

"Why did you put Shisui on a D-Rank," he says, finally. "He was capable of more."

In the end, they're still back here where they started.

"I don't give C-Ranks to kids younger than nine," Seiko says. "You could have looked into it beforehand. It's a pattern of behavior. Easily predictable."

"People don't think like that, Hatake," Fugaku says, annoyance fading into sunken weariness. "They don't care about patterns. They were looking at Shisui as special and unique, and they called what you did a special and unique dislike of the Uchiha. Your reputation of giving C-Ranks to promising genin was more important."

"My reputation..." Seiko murmurs.

He is right about people dismissing patterns when there's something to fixate on, it's simply...

She laughs.

"My father died because of such a meaningless thing," she says. "No matter what the village thinks of me, it's worthless."

She carefully, ever so carefully, picks up her cup and toasts him.

"The Uchiha are being treated unfairly, so I should help you. But so what if your reputation is blackened? So what if people look at you as if you've failed them? So what if no one thinks you'd make a good Hokage?"

She takes a drink of tea. It's cooled down to room temperature by now.

"If you can't accept other people's hatred, then you should just step down, and let the next head after you take the weight."

She nearly walks directly into Hoheto, who had been awkwardly hovering outside of the tower instead of coming in.

"You've walked in tons of times before," Seiko mutters. "What, do you think Yakumi is going to actually kill you? Kushina's wedding was years ago. She's forgotten that whole incident already."

Hoheto clears his throat and ignores that.

"There's something I need to talk to you about," he says, white of his eyes almost luminescent from the Byakugan. "Come on."

"Where are you going?"

"The Might house," Hoheto says. As if she'd expect him to know where that is, let alone go there.

"You kept following up with him after he got out of the hospital," Seiko states, stumbling a bit on the uneven ground of the street and absentmindedly yanking an elbow out of the way of Hoheto's outstretched hand.

"The opening of the Eight Gates is a possibly once in a lifetime, chakra system altering activity," Hoheto says. "It's not something to be let alone just because the patient is walking around again." He clicks his tongue at the overworked hospital staff.

Hoheto's just an overly responsible person.

"So has something about Dai's condition worsened?" A drum of tension spikes through her as she follows her own thoughts to their natural conclusion.

"No," Hoheto says hastily. "Of course not."

"He's roped you into some training regime?"

"I have my own training regime."

"He's..." What on earth else would Might Dai ask of Hoheto. She knows they aren't doing missions together. Seiko gives up, realizing it's worse than the game of 20 questions she'd been stuck with with Ensui. "I don't know. What the hell are you doing, 'Heto?"

He stops in the middle of the street, pivoting to look back at her.

"I really thought you were going to ruin my life," he says.

Seiko leans more onto her crutches for balance as she comes to a stop next to him.

"I know," she says. "I did think about it. Forcing you to have a lame leg too."

Biter's teeth around his achille's tendon, and she'd thought about it.

"Not that," Hoheto says. "That was just a single moment. And it was a part of the fight. I thought that about you for..."

"Your life is very easy to ruin," Seiko says.

"Stop acting like you're forgiving me, Seiko. I know you don't do that kind of thing. Shut up and let me finish."

Biter gives a low growl as Seiko rolls her eyes.

"You haven't changed at all in twelve years," she mutters.

"Neither have you!" Hoheto spits back.


Seiko pauses in the middle of her next thought, blindsided.

"You're still as reckless, stubborn, arrogant, and honorbound as you were the day I met you! There are skeletons with necks less stiff than yours! You--"

Hoheto cuts himself off, grimacing as Biter headbuts him.

"You cut off my forehead protector when we fought," he says.

She had done that.

"I wasn't in good condition to win," Seiko says. "I needed to make you so angry you forgot strategy. Of course I cut it off."

He reaches up and touches the emblem of the leaf that still sits there.

"So cold when you're angry," he says dryly. "So cold when you're not angry, too. Who could tell the difference?"

"You seethe morning til night every day of your life," Seiko snaps. "What good does that do you? You'll boil yourself alive and others will mistake you for a freshly cooked meal."

"I'd boil my eyes and serve them if that would help me get what I wanted," Hoheto says. Then he shakes his head. "It's not easy talking to you about anything. I thought, since I finally had good news, it would work out somehow, but apparently not."

Seiko and Biter's heads move in unison to tilt to the side.

"What? Kushina's pregnant again already?"

"No!" Hoheto glowers. "Good news. Solely related. To me."

Seiko stills.

"You mean--"

"I think I found a way," Hoheto says. He leans forward, voice lowered. "To break my seal. So, Seiko. Please. Let's hurry to the Might place, yes? No more arguing in the middle of the street?"

"You started it," Seiko says. "You should at least apologize."

She reaches a trembling hand up and knocks him on the shoulder.

Hoheto freezes at the touch, gaze fixed on the ugly, deep scars on her wrists.

"...Sorry," he finally says.

"You really think I haven't changed at all?" Seiko says.

Hoheto sighs.

"I remember you were the one who didn't want to go," he says, finally.

"What are you talking about?"

"The ambush Chiyo Poisontongue set up for us. You sensed something was wrong, and you didn't want to go. But Kiyomu wanted a fight, and I scouted it and it didn't seem dangerous."

She doesn't remember this at all.

"Did I?"

"We didn't listen to you because you were always so paranoid when it came to that kind of stuff. You were... afraid. All the time."

She stares at him duly. Most of the war is completely gone from her mind, replaced piecemeal with vague, drifting mists of poison and wire. Even most of her encounter with Poisontongue is lost, pain overriding anything else she tries to grasp onto. Occasionally she gets fragments of clarity, but they tend to quickly fade away.

"Me and Kiyomu scouted it out," Hoheto says quietly. "We both also figured that something was wrong, but..."

She understands.

It's the blood that stains her own chunin promotion that has always driven her so crazy. Kiyomu had died for something so easily acquired.

"It wasn't your misjudgment," Seiko sighs. "She was after me specifically. It was an unavoidable outcome."

Hoheto smiles at her bitterly.

"Sometimes I wish you had changed more," he says. "If Kiyomu was the other one still alive, he wouldn't be making me look this bad."

She uses a crutch to smack him across the back of his legs.

"You'd find a way to look even worse," she says, and starts walking again. "So, 'Heto. You picked at least two separate fights with my little brother? My cute baby brother? My adorable, harmless, innocent--"

"He picked those fights with me," Hoheto starts, and they're off again.

It burns in her chest, unresolved resentment that ices every thought she ever has, and hurts her more than her knee and every slice through her arms. A poison worse than any sand puppeteer.

She just can't bear to forgive him. But still...

The setting sun seems oddly bright in her eyes.