Fallow Fields [Naruto SI]

Fallow Fields [Naruto SI]
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For every rising star that the shinobi world produces, a hundred other geniuses are chewed up and spit out. Seiko crawls out of that grinder, only to find that she still has the rest of her life to face head on.

icon by JGSXZ : )
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Chapter One: Sincerity
She really had tried her best. It seems arrogant to loudly proclaim to the heavens that she'd done everything right, that she'd trained hard, that she'd been proud to graduate even one year ahead of her genius little brother.

But she had been.

She'd wanted--

The medic drags another needle out of her leg.

Seiko screams, her dog picking up the sound and howling right alongside her.

"Shush, girl," the medic grunts. "We wouldn't even have to do this if you'd received proper care in the field. You look more like a pincushion than a person, and the person who got you back to Konoha must have dragged you by the foot for all the good it's done you."

They tap her knee, milky white eyes scrunched up as they activate the Byakugan.

"You've got another bit stuck inside your knee. I don't think that one's coming out short of a miracle-- or Lady Tsunade." They snort. "Don't think she's coming around for some genin, when she won't even enter the hospital for her own teammates. And--"

Seiko screams again, an ear piercing sound.

"Kami's grace, kiddo. How old are you? 12? You and that dog are going to bust my eardrums. I need those."

"I'm nine," Seiko says. "And he's not 'that dog'. He's Biter."

The med-nin's hands stop for just a second.

"He's the one that dragged me back here," Seiko says. She scratches his ears. "Aren't you a good boy, Biter?"

Even using her hands to pet him sends white hot flashes of pain to explode behind her eyes.

"The dog got you here?" The med-nin blinks, eyes narrowing even as their hands continue carefully plucking needles. "So your whole team is dead, then. Sorry for your loss. This one's going to hurt."

"They all h--"

She nearly goes unconscious from the pain.

"--hurt," she breathes, throat hoarse. "And no. I've still got one teammate. Biter said--" Barked, whatever. "The poison got in him, so--"

"Oh, dear," the med-nin says, staring at her knee. "I don't think that one's coming out."

"So, he was having trouble...closing his hands," Seiko finishes. She swallows. "What do you mean it's not..."

"You've got a piece of metal broken off inside the knee," the Hyuuga tells her. "Looks like you're going to be limping for the rest of your life, kiddo."


"Don't worry," the words keep going. "You've got a lot of long lasting injuries, and I've done the best of my abilities to deal with the poison, but Konoha doesn't discharge anyone during active wartime. You've got a family, right? A clan? This is a field station, I don't have anyone's records."

"My dad's.. An active ninja," Seiko says. "But my brother should still be at home. He's graduating this year, you know."

"Oh? Congratulations. I hope you make a full recovery in time to attend."

"I hope so too," Seiko says.

"You missed the graduation," Sakumo says. He's sitting beside her bed when she wakes up, one hand clamped firmly around Biter's muzzle to keep his growls from waking her up until he'd gotten into position.

She hasn't seen her father since...

Well, the second war had begun the year Kakashi was born, but he'd been around more in the beginning. But five years is a long time for a war to run, and the White Fang had been called to the battlefield more and more..

"You missed mine," She says. Though Kakashi had attended, the grouchy little brat. He'd wanted to graduate at the same time as her, even though he'd been four and she'd been...eight? No, that's not right. Nine. Her fault for having an early birthday.

Pain slices through his face, though she hadn't really meant it as a jab against him.

"I'm sorry about that, Seiko," he says. "I tried to return to the village, but--"

"-- the mission comes first," they both say together.

The lines cut into his face deepen even as she recites the line.

"At least you made it in time for his," she says. "He sulked for a month after you missed his birthday."

Sakumo slumps even further into his own shoulders. He used to put more effort into appearing invulnerable in front of her, but battle has ground him down as surely as poison has eroded her nerves.

"How's Kakashi been, really?" he asks her. "I know I gave him that mask, but he's so hard to read..."

"You're the one who's seen him most recently." Seiko shrugs, pushing herself off the hospital bed to go limp across the room and start packing her stuff. "He hasn't come to visit since they relocated me back to the main hospital. Figured he burned down the house trying to boil water and was too embarrassed to tell me or something."

"That's no way to treat your sister..." Sakumo says, disgruntled. "I'll talk to him once we get home."

Seiko blinks.

"He's still in Konoha? Thought they were still putting genin in the field." That's what they'd done to her not 10 months ago, afterall.

Sakumo shakes his head, clearly relieved.

"We're doing the final treaty negotiations now. The Hokage's pulled all genin back-- he doesn't want to risk any overexcited youngster causing the peace to fail."

So they let Kakashi speed through because they're on wartime footing, then immediately decide they don't need him..


Seiko sways on her feet, the world suddenly blurring around her as she reaches for her forehead protector. Her weak knee buckles first, dropping her down and sending a shockwave of pain up her leg as it hits the ground.


"--Seiko!" Sakumo grabs her arm, pulling her back up to standing.

"Let go of me," Seiko mutters. "That hurts."

Biter twines through her legs, soft black fur a comfort as he picks the fallen forehead protector up in his teeth and carefully tucks it away.

"Good dog. Good Biter."

"I thought--" Sakumo really can't afford the amount of worry lines he's picking up, not when he already has white hair. They're going to mistake him for Kakashi's grandfather or something. "Seiko, I thought you were healed."

"I'm..." Seiko rubs a hand across her face. "Recovered to the extent of the hospital's ability, Dad."

The field medic really had done their best, but they'd missed some of the poison-- or maybe some poison had remained in that one broken needle still stuck in her. Either way, the pain hadn't gone away, nor had the limp. And then the dizzy spells, the loss of balance, the trembles in her hands...

"Are you...still capable of doing missions, Seiko?"

She knows he's just asking her if she's doing okay. And there's really only one answer she can give him.

"Yeah, it'll be fine. The doctor actually said my chakra was attempting to act as phantom nerves... In a couple of years, all this stuff might just go away on its own. I'll be ship-shape and ready to go!" Seiko pumps her arm in an offhanded attempt at cheer, then immediately winces as her hand fails to curl all the way into a fist, pain her only reward for that attempt.

He knows battlefield injuries better than she does, but he doesn't disagree with her, even though she sees the hope that this is just a small hiccup in her life fade away in his eyes.

"You can get through this," he tells her, picking up her back and looping it over his own shoulder as he escorts her out. "You're tough. You'll make it."

But what about you, dad. Are you going to make it?



Kakashi throws a ninja star at her as his typical greeting.

Before she can say goodbye to her fleeting yet still remarkably painful life, Sakumo grabs it out of the air, tucking it into his own pockets and giving Kakashi a stern look.

"Kakashi, your sister is still...injured," Sakumo says, barely hesitating before moving on with that part of the sentence. "She's not going to be able to play with you right now."

Kakashi's fingers immediately flash into hand signals.

"It's not playing. It's training."

"Okay. She's not going to be able to train with you right now. She's on strict home rest orders for the next--" He looks over at her.

"I've got another month," Seiko says. "Then I go back in to see where they move me to. My sensei died, so I'm probably getting moved off jounin track." Unless another Jounin wants to take her on, of course, but that's not happening with her current condition.

"I'm sorry about your sensei," Sakumo says. "He was a good man."

Had he known him? She's doubly sorry, then. It had been a bad death.

Kakashi tucks his hands into his pants, sullenly looking between the two of them before his eyes settle on Sakumo.

"I'm--" he jabs his thumb into his chest as he makes the gesture. "Stuck doing stupid D levels while they wait for the Jounin I'm assigned to to get back. You could..."

"Sorry, Kakashi," Sakumo says. "I'm headed back into the field. I just came by to make sure you two were doing okay."

He apologizes to them more than he's home with them.

Seiko watches him go before she turns back to Kakashi.

"I thought you burned the house down trying to cook," she says.

"I can cook," Kakashi shoots back. "... noodles. And rice."

Seiko crosses her arms.

"Oh look, the little genin can cook. Okay, genius. Then why didn't you come visit? I was bored."

His gaze slides away.

"Training," he finally says. "For my graduation."

Seiko rolls her eyes at him, starting to limp her way into the house. She's already been standing for long enough that the pain is now pulsing through her leg and up into her spine, like some over eager chiropractor ready to use their self granted license.

"I thought you were going to say you finally made some friends," she says.

At least they don't live somewhere with more than two floors. Thank the kami for small mercies.

"They're all weak and stupid," Kakashi summarizes bluntly. "None of them even know how to fight."

"They're five year olds."

"I'm five."

She ruffles his hair. It's bristly and stiff, not soft at all.

"Okay then, genius. Make yourself dinner-- I'm going to bed."

He catches her hand, grumply shoving it off his head.

"You missed the graduation ceremony," he tells her. "It was really cool. Everyone wanted to go see dad."

"Yeah?" If she doesn't sit down within the next minute she's going to kill someone. "I thought they were all there to see you."

Kakashi wrinkles his nose at her, dark blue fabric of his mask distending with the motion.

"He's a war hero," he says, like it's obvious. "He's Konoha's strongest."

"Isn't that the Sanin?" She gives up on standing up and just sits on the floor. It doesn't help, just transferring the pulsing of her knee to a pulsing in her head. "Dad's just doing his duty."

"Doing his duty by being the strongest," Kakashi insists, hands moving at a rapid pace. "I missed my chance this time, but the next time a war happens, I'll be right there beside him."

"So certain another war is going to break out?" She says. "We haven't even finished this one."

"War's not like your gross cooking," Kakashi grumps. "I don't have to finish it all to leave the table."

"I won't be cooking this month," Seiko says, voice casual. "Doctor's orders." She can't even hold chopsticks properly, right now.


She knows he'd wanted to have her and Sakumo both home, and now he's getting the worst of both worlds. Their dad's still busy, and she's not going to be doing much more than lying around and taking Biter on walks.

"Oh no," Seiko says, voice empty. "Looks like I'm unable to do the dishes this month as well."

Such a look of betrayal on his face.

"Oh, and the laundry as well...."


It's a lot to pile onto a five year old. She really... wishes that she could do it. That Sakumo would come home and do it. That their mom would rise back out of the grave and do it.

They're not bad people, her family.

But trash compactors don't check for temperament.

It's good that her teammate waited to show up until a day when Kakashi had wandered off to go hang by a cliff with his bare hands, or whatever else he got up to in his spare time.

She'd hate to have a loud fight in front of her little brother.

Who knows what bad habits he'd pick up?

Hoheto Hyuga nearly always wore his hair in a ponytail while in the field, but back in Konoha he wears it the traditional Hyuga way: though his hair is short enough that leaving it free falling still barely covers the back of his neck.

He'd never wear his forehead protector anywhere other than his forehead, though. It's one thing to bend the knee, and another to be unashamed of servitude.

Or it could just be because he's, like, nine.

"Looks like you got your sight back," Seiko says. "What're you doing here, 'Heto? You never come to visit."

"You never went to our training spot," Hoheto states, trying to cross his arms but struggling a little with it due to the amount of bandages still wrapped up and down both arms and around his upper torso. "You... what are you doing, letting yourself lose your conditioning, when you never once missed a day! They're going to reassign us to the genin corps at this rate. We'll be eternal genin."

He says it like it's a curse.

But, aren't they already cursed? There's nothing to be done but sit in a castle and grow out their hair.

"Yeah..." Seiko says, wrists clasped loosely behind her back so that their interminably trembling doesn't make her seem weak. "I'm not applying for a new sensei, 'Heto. I'm going to ask to work in the tower."

He goes pale, rage eagerly shoving despair aside to claim its place as this month's local bingo winner.

"You're abandoning me!?"

Hey. That's not fair.

Biter bares his teeth, growling a little at the young man whose life he had saved.

"What are you, a lost kitten in a cardboard box? I'm just telling you my plans. You could go work at the tower as well, you know. Your injuries are pretty bad too, so--"

"I'm not some coward who refuses to return to the field just because of a few scratches. Seiko, this could be our--"

Hoheto's hands curl into fists.

"It could be my only chance at staying Jounin tracked, Seiko," he says. "I'm not the daughter of a war hero. I'm only ahead of the curve until I grow up-- It needs to be now. I need to make chunin before eleven, and the war's already as good as over."

He's too proud to beg. Good, because that would be an awful thing to do only to discover that it was pointless the whole time.

"You can do that without me," Seiko says.

Though, she doesn't know if he can. If they were a package deal, if a Jounin wanted the prestige of teaching The White Fang's eldest, then also teaching a young Hyuga prodigy was nothing. An easy acceptance.

If Hoheto is stuck doing it alone, well.. It's like he said. You're only a genius until your peers catch up. With his injuries, his peers have quite a head start. And he'll receive no help from his clan.

"I can't," Seiko says. "'Heto, I can't hold my sword."

She holds her hands out to him, watching them shudder and wobble outside of her control. Watches him see the scars on the back of both her wrists, flesh ripped out as if caught on a fishhook.

"No!" Hoheto insists, and she knows that he can't acknowledge reality anymore than she can change it. "Coward! You're just scared of heading back out there. My life's been harsh too, you know. But there's only one way out-- and it's on the battlefield."

She really hadn't realized how much of her world she'd been balancing on the edge of her blade.

And now, all of it is falling...

"Okay," she says. "Let's fight. If you win... I'll go with you."

Biter holds the bandage roll in his teeth as she carefully, laboriously binds the blade to her hand. The sword is what Sakumo knows, so the sword is what he taught his children. Even though Kakashi had always been more interested in jutsus...

She wasn't joking about him nearly burning the house down. Honestly, that kid.

So, a sword in her left hand. Fighting Hyuga in close quarters was the type of thing stupid and suicidal people did, so she does have a few ideas about how to go about it.

She uses the dog to pull herself back up to her feet, posture falling into a shambling mockery of her preferred fighting stance. The blade hangs in her loose arm as she stares out at Hoheto through her silver hair.

He, too, assumes proper stance, bandaged fingers clumsily moving through a few warm ups before settling into their final position as his eyes flare and turn into the full Byakugan.

There's no signal of readiness. Just a single moment of stillness, and--

Seiko slams her palm on the ground, the shockwaves of putting that much weight on her hand sending pain spiking through her shoulder.

"Summoning: Earth Release: Gnashing Fang Technique!"

Biter disappears from her side, diving through the circle to run through the ground to his target.

"You know that won't work on me," Hoheto snaps, eyes following the dog through the ground long enough to jump away as Biter's jaws emerge from the grass to narrowly miss his ankles. He lunges at her instead of going after Biter, hands glowing with the ominous green of the only techniques he's allowed.

"Gentle Fist: Tenketsu Needle!" His two fingers lodge themselves deep into her right arm, at last causing the throbbing pain in that wrist to subside as she feels nothing at all, the entire limb rendered numb by the strike.

It shouldn't happen like that: the gentle fist only touched the chakra, not the nerve. But, didn't the doctor tell her that her nerves were already eaten up... It was just her chakra giving her the ghost of an arm to flop around.

Good riddance.

Her sword slashes down as she pivots on her busted knee and sweeps his leg out from under him, only managing to cut a narrow line across his cheek as he falls and twists away.

"First blood," she says.

"My techniques don't draw blood, you--" He bites off the word before it becomes an insult, too well taught to lower himself like that.

There's a tense worry in his eyes as he sees her arm hang limp. Does he need a little encouragement to keep going? She doesn't mind. Chakra begins to slide down her hand into the blade, heavy and dangerous.

"What's wrong, 'Heto? Too afraid to fight? I thought that was supposed to be me."

The more she fights, the calmer she gets. Though, she can't say the same for her knee. There's a guy who can't wait to explode.

"I guess you must have gotten too used to losing against me and Kiyomu?"

It's the mention of their dead teammate that gets him.

"I'm just sick of your attitude," Hoheto hisses, regaining his fire as he runs towards her. "Always so condescending. Always so aloof. You received more training than me, so what?"

Rage makes him sloppy.

Seiko's sword cuts through the cloth into the skin of his forehead, causing his forehead protector to fall over his eyes as blood seeps down.

For a second, his seal is exposed.

"I'm better than you..." Seiko echoes. "So what?"

It's unfortunate that blindness means nothing to a Hyuga. Hoheto kicks forward, fist finally finding its proper resting spot in her stomach. Seiko gasps, breath knocked out of her as Hoheto punches her again, following her down to the ground, hand around her one working arm to keep her locked in place as he punches her again in the jaw.


"Biter!" Seiko spits out, a bit of blood dribbling out of the corner of her mouth.

The jaws of a 150 pound japanese mastiff surge up from the ground to lock around Hoheto's leg.

He stiffens, silver eyes staring into hers as his hand stops inches from her nose.

He needs to be able to recover in order to be able to get a jounin sensei in order to get a promotion in order to become a chunin in order to gain even a scrap of recognition from his clan. A ripped tendon from a dog bite would be far, far too much.

She considers ordering Biter to bite down anyway.

He's not like her, who has nothing left to lose from a stupid fight with her only friend.

"Seiko," he says, voice resigned. "You're going to ruin my life, one way or the other."

His hair is down, his seal is exposed, he's dripping blood on her from both of the cuts she slashed into his face.

She smiles at him.

"Good luck out there, Hoheto."

His fist rushes down, hitting the ground next to her head.

"Traitor," he says.

"Loser," she says.

She's still laying on the grass when Kakashi gets back home in the late evening.

"What're you doing out here?" he says, though she can see him scan the scene, notice the blood droplets, check the broken parts of the grass.

"I'm cloud gazing," Seiko says. She can feel bits of feeling coming back to her right arm, which is nice. She holds her left hand out to her brother. "Hey. Help me up."

He looks like she's just asked him to move a mountain, contemplating and putting some deep thought into it as he stares down at her left hand. The short sword is still bound to it, since she naturally can't use her other hand to untie it.

He ends up crouching down to untie the bandages, leaving the sword to lie on the grass as he tugs her up--

Only for her knee to immediately drop her back down to kneeling. Well. Close enough. She grabs Kakashi's shoulder, using him as a rather short cane while she limps back into the house.

"And you?" She says. "Out training?"

Kakashi steps away from her as soon as she makes it through the front door, lighting fast.

"Did your sensei make you take a test before accepting you?" He asks directly, hands spelling things out even faster than normal.

Biter drags a chair out from the kitchen table for her to sit on, which she gratefully sinks down into, rubbing his ears in thanks.

"Yeah," she says, still looking at her dog. "It's not required, but a lot of jounin do it. Usually they're about teamwork, though.. I don't know why anyone would bother if you're going to be a solo protege."

"But did yours do it."

"No." Their sensei had had a good selection-- the Hatake heir, a talented Hyuga, and the highest performing civilian in the class. He'd been more than willing to take them at face value for what they were: relatively disciplined kids with a lot to prove.

Or maybe he'd just liked them. He had died for them, after all.

"Then I don't want to do it either," Kakashi says, crossing his arms. "I don't need this teacher. I can get another."

"Yeah? Who is he?"

Seiko props up her chin with the palm of her hand, discovering with excitement that this actually helped to stabilize her various tremors, for once giving her back a facsimile of her old attitude.

"I don't know. Some Inuzuka."

No wonder he's so defensive about it.

"Still haven't managed your first summon, genius?" She says, mouth curling up into a smile. "Don't worry. Me and Biter believe in you. Don't we, Biter."

Biter growls from his position underneath her chair. He's almost too big to even fit under there.

"See? Well, you can always give up, Kakashi. I'm sure you'll find another jounin willing to put up with you."

"I'm not the one who just lost a fight," Kakashi says, eyes flicking back to look at their front door.

"The fight with the clouds?" Seiko says, blinking her eyes lazily. "Oh, don't worry-- I won."


The Konoha Mission Assignment Desk is a rather large room within the ground floor of the tower, enclosed on all sides except for the six wide open windows situated behind the actual desk the room is named for.

The only thing special about the desk itself is its age. This room was one of the first rooms ever built for the newly founded village, the missions being justification for existence and the source of most funds all at once. Without missions, then what's the point of a village?

Well, maybe Hashirama had a different opinion than her about that.

"Seiko Hatake," she says, introducing herself to one of the chunin staffing the desk. "Returning to active duty." She's heard that apparently the Hokage likes to come down and give the missions in person, but with the war set to end, apparently he has better things to do.

"Hatake..." The woman recognizes the name, giving her a look over before quickly scanning through the scrolls in front of her to find the correct name. "Got it."

The guy next to her looks up. While the women was nondescript, this guy could not be more clearly a Nara, from his ponytail all the way down to the cold, bored look in his eyes.

"Oh, you," he says. "Your teammate came through here just last week. Sorry about your sensei, kid. He was a good one."

"Thanks," Seiko says.

"No problem. The Hyuga requested to go to a different jounin, though we're kinda understaffed right now... it might be a while. I can put you in with his application, just let me find it--"

"That won't be necessary," Seiko says, fingers curling into Biter's fur as she continues to stand there. She needs to get him a harness, if he'll let her-- something that she can really hang on to. He didn't sign up to be a makeshift walker, though. Hopefully he won't take it badly.

"No?" The guy discards the scroll. "Well, can't help you, then."

The woman she'd first talked to clears her throat, throwing an annoyed glance at her coworker. "So, Hatake. If you don't want another jounin sensei, your options get a lot more limited. Are you sure about this?"

She'd thought it would be harder.

"I'm sure," she says.

"Okay..." The woman gives her a dubious look, which is fair. Seiko's neck is the same height as the desk-- she's still got a lot of growing left to do. "So, you've got a couple of options. The hospital is always looking for people willing to train to become med-nins. It's important work, and what with Lady Tsunade... taking an extended term to study outside of the village, we need all the people we can get."

Seiko shakes her head.

"Girl, you really can't afford to be this picky. Next up is the normal genin corps. You'll be doing all the normal stuff you did before-- D ranks around the village, basic supply runs, the village's bread and butter. The only difference is that you'll be doing it with a random assortment of genin and chunin, whoever shows up for that assignment. A lot of them run in their own self-picked teams, so it's kind of rough in the beginning... but that's life. Other than that--" The woman shrugs. "We're alway looking for people to volunteer for long term undercover posts. It's not that bad, you just live in some out of nowhere village and send reports back every couple months. Some people like that kind of life... You're a little bit young for that, though. Come back in a few years; twelve is the current minimum age."

She hadn't thought it would be this straightforward.

"I don't want to do that," she says. "I want to work here. In the tower."

"Seriously?" The guy from earlier mutters.

"I..." The woman doesn't seem so excited, either. "It says here you're a close combat specialist, Hatake. There's not much of a place for that in this line of work. You are aware we don't offer promotions, right? You've got a lot of missions on your roster for barely being a genin one full year. You have a promising career ahead of you."

She gives Seiko an encouraging look.

"Look, I know it's rough out there. Hell, I've lost teammates before. It's normal to not want to head back out.. But it's our job to do just that. As long as you get your chunin promotion, there'll always be a place in the tower for you then, right?"

Biter growls as Seiko's fingers shakily dig deeper into his fur.

She was willing to show her shaking hands to Hoheto. He deserved to know. But she's not willing to do the same here. What do they get to know about her?


"It's my career," Seiko says, voice flat and cold. "I can ruin it if I want to."

"I'm just saying," the woman sighs, reaching over and writing something down onto Seiko's record. "It's not going to look good, kid. It's going to look like you gave up."

She slaps the paper down onto Seiko's side.

Seiko Hatake-- Reassigned from Genin-- (Jounin attached) to Genin-- (unassigned).

"Show up to the tower bright and early tomorrow morning, and someone will find something for you to do," the woman says. "Hope you like talking to strangers."

"Well," Seiko says. "I like saying goodbye to them."

"That's the spirit."
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Can't wait to see where you take this character.. Great writing and characterization! I have a feeling that Kakashi calling her a liar is going to be a integral theme of this story. There's so much fascinating directions this could go. Really excited to see it unfold.
If it were me, and my career involved murdering people and having people try to murder me constantly, I admit I'd have tried to ruin in before I even started. Then again, I didn't grow up in the culture she did, so I guess I'll just congratulate her for managing to get out now.
Incredibly interesting prospect and I'm incredibly excited to seen where this goes and how the life of someone who was on the climb to the mountaintop deals with seeing all those younger than them like their little brother come in trying to find that same path.

Looking forward to where Seiko's path of life goes from here!
"It's my career," Seiko says, voice flat and cold. "I can ruin it if I want to."

"I'm just saying," the woman sighs, reaching over and writing something down onto Seiko's record. "It's not going to look good, kid. It's going to look like you gave up."

They're talking like this to a nine year old.

I think my favorite thing about your previous Naruto fic (and this one too!) is your utter refusal to sugarcoat Konoha like canon loved to do.

Really the Ninja Village system only changed the scale of the violence, and not much else.
Ruining your career huh , is that supposed to be a shame (and lol saying that to 9 year old child)? She is just not going to go around fucking up her mental health more by being a killer that goes on terrible missions. And on top of that her recovery will take a lot of years (full one probably when Tsunade swings around in Konoha).
One of the things that Naruto never learned is that ninjas are mercenaries, not heroes, they are sold to the highest bidder to carry out missions of assassination, infiltration, espionage, kidnapping, and the leaf village is morally no better than the others.
Sucks that the MC got permanently injured but it probably is going to spare her a lot of pain. She can still use chakra, is a competent killer, and a genius so she'll be okay. Seeing how the MC interacts with Kakashi will be great, he could really use someone who gets it and is a shoulder to lean on. Also Sakumo is really bad at parenting, he means well and loves his kids but he's really horrible at showing it.
Chapter Two: Integrity
Seiko comes home from a long shift in the tower one day to a tiny, bristly little dog with an attitude. Oh, and she also met Pakkun.

"He's adorable," Seiko says, absolutely delighted. "Look-- he looks like he can fit on Biter's head!"

"Don't test that," Pakkun states, voice comically lower than what his little pug body should be able to produce. "Kakashi, tell her to leave me alone."

"Dad says he'll grow bigger," Kakashi says, hand gestures growing sweepingly large as he demonstrates Pakkun's potential size to her. Bigger than Biter, with sharp teeth and a heavy weight to him. A dog for ripping throats and guts and viscera.

"Uh huh," Seiko says.

Biter has consented to a modified harness, a simple one with a strap that she can grab on to. He hadn't wanted it-- something like that is a terrible weakness in a battlefield, a handhold your enemy will use against you.

But he loved her more than he loved battle, so she wrapped her shaky hands around a harness.

"He will."

Her little brother is so defensive. What's he got to prove to anyone?

"Okay," Seiko says. "Sure. He'll be big and tall. Taller than me."

Pakkun looks between the two of them, lost and slightly confused.

"Kakashi..." he says. "I.. that's not..."

"He's going to be perfect," Kakashi says, scooping the little pug up and holding it in his arms.

Seiko smiles at him.

"It's not enough that he's a genius?" She says, voice gentle. "That he can talk? Most ninken can't do that."

That only makes Kakashi angrier.

"I bet Biter can talk," he mutters, shaping his fingers against Pakkun's back. "He just doesn't do it when I'm around."

She doesn't recognize the sound of her own laughter until Biter joins in with her, both of them shaking with it.

"Don't worry, genius," she says. "Everything Biter says about you, he says to your face."

Genin aren't allowed to sit at the main desk and hand out missions, owing to issues of life-or-death responsibility, classified information, and the ability to abuse your position to unfairly inconvenience anyone you don't like.

"D-Rank Mission: Clean Training Grounds 14-17," Seiko says, indifferently shoving the scroll in question towards the waiting band of genin corps staring down at her from the other side of the table.

"That's the ranged target areas!" The man shouts at her. "That's going to take ages."

"Have a nice day," Seiko says, and goes back to attempting to find whatever arcane system of a bygone era her 'supervisor' had used to organize the scrolls. So far she's managed to eliminate the idea that he had done it by rank, and now she was almost certain that it also hadn't been alphabetized, or color coded.

"Don't tell me to have a nice day, little girl--" The man pauses, perhaps realizing the terrible end that comes from yelling at someone who could not more clearly not want to hear it.

But that dim hope quickly fades.

"You're a genin," he says, managing to sound both deeply betrayed and smug at attaining the higher ground. "You've got less seniority than I do! Why don't you run along and clean the training grounds, and I take a look at those missions, hm?"

Seiko hears a vague growl from below the desk.

"The form to transfer from the genin corps to working in the tower is around her somewhere," Seiko says, eyes not even shifting from where she'd been scanning through the filing system below the desk. "We're very short staffed at the moment. I was ditched-- sorry, I was offered an emergency momentary promotion-- because the coffee machine exploded upstairs and took several files with it. But the transfer form was not in that file, I promise...."

Strangely, there's no response-- the man in question appears to have taken his mission and left while she wasn't paying attention.

"Biter," Seiko says, voice mild.

Biter's tail thumbs back and forth as it wags.

"Good boy."

"Good job, Hatake." Ensui Nara's hand claps her shoulder as the man stares down over her with unbelievably stereotypical Nara arrogance and laziness, for all the world a ninja unaware that he'd left his newest and least experienced recruit to handle the front lines for over 5 hours while he sat and contemplated the pros and cons of attempting to requisition a new coffee maker. "I knew you could handle it."

"I signed your name on all the forms," Seiko says. "Hope your handwriting is illegibly bad."

Her hands still shake, after all.

"Oh, it is." The jounin rummages around in one of his many pockets until he finds a new pack of bubblegum to pop into his mouth and blow out an obnoxiously large pink bubble. "You know, if you went and got a chunin promotion, you wouldn't need to put up with all this blowback."

This guy.

"I wouldn't have any blowback if I wasn't doing chunin jobs."

The bubble pops.

"We're understaffed, you know," the guy who does no work says. "No one works here all the time. Not Tonbo, not Chobee--This is just what you do while you wait to do something else."

Seiko glares at him.

"You run the whole tower," she says. "What are you waiting for?"

He fakes looking hurt.

"Now, Hatake. The Hokage runs the--"

Alarm bells erupt through the building.

Asuma Sarutobi is almost two years older than Kakashi, but what he lacks in her little brother's natural talent at being irritating, he makes up for in practice at being snotty, angry, and extremely petulant. His spiky brown hair both sticks straight up and manages to fall into place to form a sort of mullet, which is the sort of look that should make him very glad indeed that photography is a rare commodity not to be wasted on keeping funny pictures of your children.

Which is a shame, because Seiko has seen Kakashi do some truly humiliating things to his hair.

"All I did was take one thing from dad's office," Asuma mutters, scuffing his foot as he stares at his new entourage of several ANBU, all three of the current mission desk staff members who'd been working today, and the very displeased glare of the Yamanaka head of T&I, since they sometimes used the upper offices. "What's the big deal?"

Seiko's grip tightens on Biter's harness as she sways slightly, the stairs she'd needed to climb to get up here now making it feel like someone had jammed a whole new set of poisoned needles through her knee. She looks at Ensui in the vague hope that he'll take charge so everyone can go home, but he'd just gone right back to loudly chewing gum the minute he realized they were in no real danger.

The ANBU, too, seem more than content to just stand there, blank faced behind white masks. Bastards.

"Oh, only a matter of security that will involve me manually resetting all the seals specifically designed to warn me of thievery in the office," The T&I person says, airy voice not at all gentling the irritated cadence of his delivery. "Please, young master. Don't pay any consideration to the effort of protecting our precious village's secrets."

"What secrets?" Asuma demands, crossing his arms. "There's nothing interesting in here! Just a bunch of boring old junk! See!?"

He tosses an old kunai at the ground, causing both ANBU agents to quite suddenly dive for it, one closing their fingers over its handle seconds before it hits the ground.


Seiko distantly notices she's shifted back into a sword stance only when her hands close around nothing, not having brought her weapons to the tower. She blinks, awkwardly slinking a little further backward out of embarrassment that she'd been the only one to have such a noticeable flinch.

"I'll head back downstairs," she says, voice flat. "We left the desk unattended."

"Oh, no..." Ensui drawls, and she suddenly realizes that the shadows itself in the room have curled uncomfortably close to young Sarutobi, with one of the ANBU not moving to grab the kunai but instead, possibly, protect the kid from the edge of a startled jounin or two. "I couldn't possibly leave you to do that. Shouldn't kids be able to talk to each other? No, I think... I'm going to go head down there with Chobee. Have fun, all of you!"

She hopes he swallows his gum and it clogs his intestines and gives him constipation for the rest of his life. Chobee's half apologetic glance behind his tiny spectacles just makes her wish the same fate on him as they both escape, leaving her behind.

"I'm not a kid," Asuma says, voice sullen. "And who are you, anyway!? I thought 'kids weren't allowed in the Hokage's tower'" The sing-song tone of his voice as he looks back at his ANBU certainly conveys a well-tread argument.

"I'm not a kid," Seiko says. "I'm a ninja."

Did she remember to wear her... ah, yeah.

She points at the head piece slung casually over Biter's head, watching both the ANBU and T&I inspector's gaze latch onto the scars on the back of her wrists and not the forehead protector. They should guess what her elbows look like.


"That looks like the dog's the ninja, not you," Asuma says, not at all convinced. "I bet that's your dad's ninken. Okay, you two. You can kick her out of the tower as well!"

Now that the only people left are his guards, her, and the now mostly silent T&I guy, he's a lot more courageous, huh.

Biter growls a little, a low, unhappy sound.

"I'm glad it wasn't an emergency after all," Seiko says politely. "Looks like I'll also be heading back down. I have... files. Letters. Numbers, even."

"Hey!" Asuma's voice raises sharply. "Why aren't you guys kicking her out!"

The ANBU on the left-- she's never bothered looking at one for this long. Is her mask supposed to be a.. Lizard? Clears her throat.

"You're... Sakumo's eldest, right?"

Seiko freezes. Unfortunately, the Yamanaka also looks in her direction.

"Eldest and heir," Seiko says, voice dead. "If that's all--"

"I'll escort her downstairs," Lizard says. "Bullfrog, you take the kid for a bit."

"Hey!? Hey! I'm not--"

Seiko kind of wishes she was back in that room. A stairway with an overly interested ANBU is almost a downgrade in circumstances.


"Heard your team went down fighting Chiyo Poisontongue and her team," Lizard says. "Most don't walk away from that."

Seiko snorts.

"Wasn't walked. Dragged." She gives Biter another scratch behind the ear, then clings even tighter to the halter strap as she takes the first of hundreds of steps.

"She probably targeted you because of the hair," Lizard says, voice casual. "Her son died last year to the White Fang."

Don't let Hoheto hear that, or he'll really kill her for getting Kiyomu killed and him crippled.

"It's not common knowledge who I was up against," Seiko says, eyes flickering from the dog to the stairs to anywhere except her new conversation partner. "Don't think dad knows."

"I'm something of a poison expert myself," Lizard muses, voice completely unchanged from her original mild cadence. "No one thought you were going to make it, due to Lady Tsunade not being available to counter the poison."


Seiko doesn't know why this lady is so interested, and can think of absolutely no good reason.

"And yet here you are, whole and hearty."

"I'm not hearty. I take daily medicine."

"You're well enough to work," Lizard says.

"I'm sickly. I'm injured. I'm frail." Seiko is, in fact, about to lose her grip on the harness because her hands are shaking so badly. It works much less well as a balancing aid when going downstairs rather than upstairs, due to the cruel laws of gravity and all that.

"Yes, yes..." There's a strange, indulgent cadence to her tone. A mother speaking to a recalcitrant child. "If you ever tire of the doldrums of the tower, you could always visit the hospital. They're always on the lookout for people with poison resistance."

"I'm not poison resistant. I'm still poisoned."

Seiko closes her eyes for a second to resist a migraine spike that risks sending her tumbling into a neck breaking fall, and when she opens them, she's all alone in the stairwell.


Sakumo means well.

She knows that. She does. That's why it's good, and not frustrating, that he's managed to be home for almost a month straight. She wants him to be home. But-- she and Kakashi had their little, terrible routine. It was never obviously an issue that neither of them were ever home during daylight hours because both of them were busy, him with his new Jounin-sensei and her with the mission desk.

But it makes their dad sad that his children don't play.

Even so--

Even so--

Seiko swallows an ugly swear word as the frisbee Biter had jumped for and missed hits her square in the face, knocking her on her ass as Biter runs up to her, tail wagging back and forth.

"Nice catch, Seiko!" Sakumo yells from the other side of their yard. It's late evening, the setting sun jealously dyeing all of their silver hair in its own brilliant gold light. On the side lines, Kakashi scoffs, too cool to play until it becomes something he can show off and beat her at.

"Let me do it instead," Kakashi says, right on schedule. "Pakkun can catch that."

"Hmm..." Sakumu says, the deep tiredness in his voice slightly lifted as he pretends equivalent indifference to Kakashi's little play. "I don't know... I think Biter and Seiko were just getting into the moment."

What moment? The moment of asking a 180 pound dog to jump after a frisbee?

Biter whines as he rubs against her knees, apologetic that he let her get hit.

"Me and Pakkun can do it," Kakashi says, loyally supporting his tiny dog. Honestly.. She thought he'd have tried summoning more by now, but he appears to think that if he summons more that would imply that he thinks that Pakkun is less awesome than Biter, which, while obviously true, is unpalatable.

Biter came with the agreement that as long as she had him, she'd never summon another. That she would spend the rest of her life permanently hosting in him enough chakra that he would never have to de-summon.

Pakkun, has, like, pack-mates back in the Spirit World. Hopefully he'd talk to Kakashi about it.

"Catch!" Pakkun does the yell instead of Kakashi, just in time for the frisbee to hurtle over Seiko's head and bury itself with a solid thunk several inches into a tree trunk.

"That could really hurt someone," Seiko observes, not getting up off the ground.

"Not if you'd caught it," Kakashi says. "You used to be good at this game."


"Kids," Sakumo says, voice exasperated. "Let's try to get along for five minutes, alright?"

"Yes, Father,"

"Yes, dad."

"Excuse Me! Young Maiden of Valor!"

Oh, no.

Seiko blinks up from where she's been taking a short nap on the mission desk to see a true vision of green and black peering down at her.

"Yes...?" She says, scrambling to sit up straight. "Can I help you? Sir?"

There's a bit of an odd expression in his eyes, like he hadn't expected to get any sort of willing response at all.

"Sir?" Seiko repeats, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. It doesn't work.

"There Is No Need to Refer To Me as 'Sir', Young Maiden! After All, Are We Not the Same Rank?"

Oh, yeah. He's a genin.

"That's okay," Seiko says. "I don't use sir for higher ranks anyway. Can I help you?"

If people who work at the mission desk have baggage about how they're referred to, they don't last very long at the village's one and only place to receive complaints.

Another slight shift of his eyes underneath his very thick eyebrows. Is it.. What? Embarrassment?

"The Springtime of Youth is Eternal! Unfortunately, the Fleeting Nature of Meeting and Parting with My Fellow Man Has Lead Me To Constantly Be Searching For New Wonderful Training Partners!"

It's kind of him to pause long enough for her to parse out what on earth he's talking about.

"You... don't currently have some other genin working with you, and you need them because all D-ranks are team assignments," Seiko says, checking to make sure.

"Truly, Your--" he pauses, coughs. "Truly, the young maiden is both valiant and wise beyond her years."

"Thanks. Well..." Seiko rolls out the word as she shifts through various scrolls, pausing her and there for her fingers to quit twitching as she looks for what she needs. She doesn't envy whoever does this work when she's not in the office, because Ensui's organizational system based on time of arrival has now been thoroughly overlaid by her supplemental sort of rank qualification. Basically, where previously only Ensui could find things, now no one can.

"Got it." She slaps a couple of different scrolls onto the table, drama ruined by a twitch of her finger sending one to roll off the edge of the desk, which Might Duy scrambles to catch and put back on the table. "Let's start with that one."

Might Duy opens it and scans the contents, brows wrinkling.

"I've never seen this before..." he says. "Is this a brand new assignment!?"

"It's not." It's just usually not the first option. "This is an open ended list for qualified ninja with a certain number of years of seniority to volunteer to field test any new seal that Konoha's hospital or any other department would like to be put through its paces. Payment and rank scales according to danger, and as a genin you'd only be allowed to work with the relatively safe ones. It's not exactly what you were--"

If his taijutsu was normally as fast as the hand that reached out to put brush to paper, there was no reason at all for him to have not made chunin.

"Not a maiden, but an angel!" He says, staring at her with burning eyes. "Helping Konoha Learn and Grow Is The Greatest Honor Imaginable!"

Seiko just blinks.

"Yeah. So, if you'll open the next scroll--"

He nearly rips the parchment he opens it so fast, eyebrows flying up across his forehead.

"Again, this isn't exactly what you asked for. This is a C-rank mission that the client sent back to us as failed. Naturally, the team that failed the task should be the ones to properly apologize and restore Konoha's reputation, but since the team in question promptly went on to die, there needs to be someone else. One of the T&I guys came down and investigated whether it really was a C-rank and not a missclassed B; he said yes but Tonbo from tracking said no, and Ensui believes Tonbo. So an apology but no refund."

Seiko pauses for breath.

"Unpopular as that will be," she tacks on.

Really, a solo job is just a job that no one wants to do.

Might Duy takes her warning in stride, eagerly accepting that scroll as well.

"An important mission..." he breathes. "I shall venture to deeply apologize and give all possible consolations!"

"As long as you don't give them money. The third one is--"

She stops talking as Might Duy frantically shakes his head back and forth.

"This is... more than enough," he says, cradling the one mission scroll in his hand while earnestly bobbing his head up and down. "I have just one last question-- I need the name of my most gracious benefactor!"

All she's done is offer him unwanted tasks that didn't even fulfill what he'd wanted from her.

"I'm Seiko."

The pause stretches on. As if most people couldn't tell just from looking at her.


His eyes round out until they could be mistaken for the bottom of exclamation points.

"Hatake-san," he starts.

"Just Seiko."

"Seiko-san! What an honor to meet my son's rival's older sister!"

Is that.. Anything?

"I didn't know Kakashi had made any friends his age," Seiko says. She should probably have tried to encourage him more to hang out with the other kids, but she'd been gone a lot of the only year he'd been in school. "What's his name?"

Duy nearly explodes with pride.

"Guy! I named him Guy. He's such a hard worker that they allowed him to enter the academy as a substitute candidate on his taijutsu alone! I know he has it in him to graduate and become a genin-- no, become chunin-- no, jounin! That's what it means when you're willing to work hard and embrace your passion! When you're spurred on by your Rival!"

"He sounds like a good kid," Seiko says, unaware of how it looks for a nine year old to say that. "I'm glad that--"

A jounin plus her genin team enters the room. Two of the genin graduated the same year as she did, though both of the girls are a little older than her.

"Oi, Seiko!" One of them yells. "Quit talking to that loser, his lack of potential's gonna rub off on you. We need a new mission-- a hard one. Who knows, the next time you see us, it might be at our promotion ceremony!"

Seiko ignores them.

"I'm glad that he's doing so well in school," she says. "I'll look into if any genin groups have an available slot. Ensui's the one who has final say over teams, even if he lets everyone sort it out among themselves."

If Ensui cracks down on a group, they won't dare tell Duy he can't be part of their team just because he's a little clumsy and talentless. That's nothing short of defying the will of fire.

Duy bows so low he's perpendicular to the floor.

"You are the everblooming rose of victory!" He announces. "Truly my son has new heights to aspire to!"

"Kakashi's pretty short, though," Seiko says. "It's all hair." She finally turns to the next team, who's jounin watches with indulgent indifference as the genin fidget and twitch. "Hi. How can I help you?"

"A hard mission," repeats Iwana, voice rising a little in frustration. "I just told you, Seiko!"

"A C Rank," their jounin says. His hands tap out the parameters behind his student's back-- Land of Rivers, or Land of Hotsprings if that's available.

Land of Hotsprings is never available. You want those, you had better be best friends with Ensui himself. Hells, forget Ensui. You'd better be friends with the Hokage.

Seiko pulls up a mission scroll.

"Congrats," she says. "Someone's fish has just recently gone missing."


She should've taken it as the huge warning sign it was when Sakumo had started trying to connect with Kakashi through helping him summon. Even though the dog contract was from their mother, just the act of supporting Kakashi's tiny little chakra reserves enough to get a few more little puppies to bounce through the summoning circle and chew on the furniture was enough to really make their house echo with nostalgic, long forgotten noise.

That nostalgia--

If only it had prevented Sakumo from offering her a sword.

Seiko stares at him, trying not to feel ambushed after coming back from walking Biter at the crack of dawn.

"Hi, Seiko," he says.

"Hi, dad," Seiko says. "You're up early."

He smiles down at her, weary lines deepening below his eyes at her observation.

"I actually have a mission coming up later today," he says. "Biter keeping you in shape?"

"He likes this time of day," Seiko says, hoping that if she continues to ignore the sword, he'll eventually drop it. "It makes him frisky."

Biter nuzzles into her side.

"I see," Sakumo says. "I thought you hated it, when I woke you up to train."
Seiko smiles at him helplessly.

"You get used to it," she says. "It was fun."

Don't ask her, please don't--

He brightens up so fast.

"We should run through a couple drills," he says. "I notice your hand tremors have been getting better, lately!"


There are many ways she can be more subtle about her injuries. Instead of using a bandage the way she'd done against Hoheto, for example, she could manipulate chakra to 'stick' the sword to her hand, allowing for a certain level of leeway whenever her fingers convulse around the hilt and she'd otherwise drop the weapon.

She could modify her stances to give up some level of stability in favor of positioning her knee in a way that hurts less. She could use Biter as a distraction whenever she needs to fall back. She could--

Kakashi should still be asleep right now. Good.

Seiko grabs the sword out of his hand and then throws it through a window, listening to the glass shriek and crack as the sword hits the ground outside.

"Oops," she says, voice flat. "My hand slipped."


Her stomach feels curdled, and her throat and neck is hot. She hates upsetting him.

She walks back out of the house. There's nothing wrong with showing up to the mission desk a few hours ahead of her normal shift-- Chobee runs it at this hour, and he'll have brought breakfast.

He squints at her through his spectacles, warm red swirls on his cheeks highlighting his walrus handle mustache as he offers her a full bowl of rice, still warm.

"Seiko-chan, you're limping," he observes, pulling out a chair for her. "Waking up too early can impact the chakra balance of the young mind."

That sounds like complete nonsense.

"Hi, Chobee," Seiko says. "What do you even do at this hour, anyway?"

He looks awfully busy for someone working at a place that doesn't receive any major traffic for another few hours.

"Oh, you know..." Chobee says vaguely, before very obviously looking around and checking for evesdroppers. "You know we're understaffed, so this is actually supposed to be jounin only. And kept in the upper offices. Ahem. Anyway, we keep a record of every ninja who's been killed or gone missing in the line of duty on file, as well as what mission they died on, known family, all of that. Someone's requested a look through and record of age of academy graduation versus known age of death in the past 5 years, I think because there's some pushing back and forth on changing the academy graduation requirements again? Honestly, it feels like they change that thing every year."

"I can help," Seiko says.

Chobee does a big show of hemming and hawing, but in the end he pushes a huge stack of papers in her direction.

"All of these need to be back under lock and seal in an hour," he says. "Or Ensui's going to kill us both."

"Isn't this his job to begin with?" Seiko sighs, feeling the tremors in her hands start up immediately as soon as she tries to put ink to paper. It's fine, no one cares if the marks are illegible.

"Technically, either Tonbo or Yakumi are qualified as well...ah, have you met Yakumi yet, Seiko?"

"No, I haven't."

Raido Namiashi, graduated age 10, current rank: genin. Still Alive.

"I think you'd like her. But she's Uchiha, so she's not allowed to work here full time. So she's over in the Police right now. But she'll come back next month!"

Aoba Yamashiro, graduated age 8, current rank: genin. Still Alive.

"Oh, wait... I think she might've been the one on duty when I asked to transfer here."

Kiyomu Fukuda, graduated age 9, current rank: genin. Died age 9 on Rank C mission upgraded to Rank S mission.

"Oh, is that so? That's wonderful! She usually gets a ton of complaints from the desk about not being helpful enough."

Iwana Akame, graduated age 11, current rank: genin. Still Alive.

"It was Ensui who wasn't helpful at all," Seiko mutters, quietly inputting more and more of the data points while doing her best to keep her rice and chopsticks away from everything.

Hoheto Hyuga, graduated age 9, current rank: genin. Still Alive

"It's his job to make sure everyone who works here can be trusted," Chobee says, voice matter of fact. "The Hokage trusts Ensui-san completely, and that means Ensui takes responsibility for all of this."

Yoshino Nara, graduated age 10, current rank: chunin. Still Alive.

"Responsibility? Ensui?"

Tsume Inuzuka, graduated age 9, current rank: jounin. Still Alive.

"He's actually quite young for this position, you know," Chobee says. "He just seems so old to you because you're so young yourself."

Kakashi Hatake, graduated age 5, current rank: genin. Still Alive.

"Why'd he come here, then? Surely there's better places for an up and coming young jounin."

Chobee gives her a rather sad look.

"Surely there's better places for an up and coming young genin," he says, voice gentle.

Seiko gives him an ugly look in return.

"You've made your point," she says.

"What's this?" Ensui's voice floats down the hallway as he wanders into the room, summoned from some cushioned pit of hell by Chobee's defense of his character. "Gossip? So early in the morning?"

"Data analysis is boring work," Seiko says.

"Wow!" Ensui yawns. "Sure glad that you two are so on top of that, then. A great day for you to pitch in and come to work ahead of time." His own hair is halfway falling out of its own ponytail, looking a lot like he'd done it in a hurry, blindly, in a windstorm.

Seiko glowers at him, then looks down at the sheet. What was--


Seiko Hatake, graduated age 9, current rank: genin. Still Alive.

A/N: It's a different kind of story than my other works, lol. But in the end, I don't really think of this story as angst. It's just slice of life, and sometimes the slice is bad.
A/N: It's a different kind of story than my other works, lol. But in the end, I don't really think of this story as angst. It's just slice of life, and sometimes the slice is bad.
I'm really enjoying this. Some of your other fics focus heavily on making big changes to canon pretty directly, Scorpion and the Frog and Impel Downer springing most readily to mind (and in pretty drastically different directions), but this...

Like, Seiko is clearly changing canon with her presence. But this doesn't feel (so far) like a story about how canon changes with her there, if that makes sense? It feels, as you say, like a slice of life with a character that happens to be explicitly noncanonical.

Also, I really like her, and am curious to see where she goes from here. It's hard to be disabled in an ableist society, and harder still no doubt in one like Konoha.
Absolutely loving this. It's one of my favorite tones of Naruto fics too, like Hear The Silence, focusing on a wide cast in their daily lives and lingering injuries of all sorts.
Seiko's very hurt and will be for a long time. It's weird how the adults don't seems to understand she's basically crippled in a knee and hand. There's some disconnect. Do they want her to continue being productive for the village or to go get herself killed on a mission?
They probably want her to do the shonen genius thing of just pulling something absurd to compensate and become a midboss type. That is, after all, something people can do in this setting.

And hey if she dies clearly she wasn't good enough to swing that so no loss right
Can't wait to see more of this fic! You don't often see any fan works addressing the issue of crippling injuries, and even canon handwaved them away offscreen.
Seiko's very hurt and will be for a long time. It's weird how the adults don't seems to understand she's basically crippled in a knee and hand. There's some disconnect. Do they want her to continue being productive for the village or to go get herself killed on a mission?
The physical injury isn't what's holding her back. The author has made it a point to show this several ways, through her thinking of ways she could get around it, to having people who know what they're doing comment on it, to having a fight with a 'genius' peer in the first chapter that she not only performed well in, but won.

Think about the title. A field lies fallow, or uncultivated, not because it's somehow broken, but because it's being neglected. In farming, this is often intentional, even, due to shortages in manpower or as part of crop rotation.

And what could cause her to act like this? Her team dying.

This story isn't about a crippled soldier dealing with the stigma that comes with that. It's a deconstruction of the standard Naruto self-insert where the genius protagonist always wins everything completely fine, and the deaths of people they care about, even if they're in risky situations, are incredibly rare, and easily moved on from when they do happen.

This story is about a person who thought that's who they were, thought they were the protagonist, and then suffered a brutal reality check.

@zarinthel Did I get the thematics right?
Huh, I was going to ask why Sakumo doesnt know how bad her injury is even if she is reluctant to talk about it herself.

But it makes much more sense if he DOES know and her problems are more to do with her head space than her physical issues.