Fallout: Vault Dwellers (d20 Modern)

Where should the campaign be located?

  • Dallas, Texas

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • San Diego, California

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • New Orleans, Louisiana

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Nashville, Tennessee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
In terms of equipment, what would we be allowed to have going into this campaign that we can get from the equipment list
Notes on Equipment and Buying
Well there is the list of standard vault dwellers have. Everybody should have those items period. And then it's fairly free reign from there as long as the purchase DC is below your wealth bonus. Your family could even have had a vehicle stored if you want (but most are expensive and will probably require a wealth check[1d20+wealth bonus] this in turn lowers your wealth bonus depending on how well you roll). Under vault dwellers on the Homebrew threadmark there are minor restrictions like no machine guns or automatic weapons to start. There are also illegal items that are highly accessable so yeah definitely feel free to buy whatever you want. I can't think of anything else that wouldnt really be allowed.
Good to know, thank you
Edit: Just wondering, why is Archaic Weapon Proficiency not available at the moment
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Switched my Wisdom/Perception with Intelligence/Intelligence. Treating wounds is wisdom based, not int based. Similarly dedicated hero is apparently what I want if I want to go doctor, not int hero.
Good to know, thank you
Edit: Just wondering, why is Archaic Weapon Proficiency not available at the moment

Only reason for this is that most people wouldn't have brought such weapons into the vault (they were kind of out dated with all the technology they had). So there really isn't a way to train in them until you get into the wastes where newly forged variants of these will be available.

Just wondering if the occupation Dilettante is alright for use?

Yep totally fine! They would of been the family that was like the first inside because of their wealth and power.
Anne-Marie Rillieux

Anne-Marie Rillieux, Vault Technical Support Specialist
Class & Level: Smart Hero 3
XP: 3,000
Background: Vault Dweller
Occupation: Investigative (Skills Chosen: Search, Sense Motive; Feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Skin: Fair

Backstory: To be continued.

Languages: English (speak/read/write), French (speak/read/write), & Mandarin (read/write)

  • Deus Vault: Favors community over unknown outsiders
  • Karma Chameleon: Favors neutraility, but willing/capable of more extreme actions/decisions
  • Silicon Sympathy: Treats/Views AI as individuals.
  • Southern Belle: Favors law-abiding & has positive opinions towards educated/well-mannered individuals.
Strength: 10 (+0)
Perception: 12 (+1)
Endurance: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 9 (-1)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Agility: 14 (+1) [Small Frame]
Luck: 10 (+0)

HP: 21 ( 18 [Smart Hero 3] + 1 END/level)
Defense: 14 (10 Base + 1 Class [Smart Hero 3] +2 AGI + 1 Vault 420 Reinforced Jumpsuit)

Carry Capacity:
  • Base: 8 STR (-2 Small Frame)
    • [0-26 lbs. / 27-53 lbs. / 54-80 lbs.]
  • w/ Vest: 10 STR (-2 Small Frame +2 Mesh Vest)
    • [0-33 lbs. / 34-66 lbs. / 67-100 lbs.]
    • Current Load: 27 lbs. - Unencumbered
  • w/ Vest & Toolbox: 11 STR (-2 Small Frame +2 Mesh Vest +1 Backpack)
    • [0-38 lbs. / 39-76 lbs. / 77-115 lbs.]
    • Current Load 102 lbs. - Heavily Encumbered
Initiative: +2 (+2 AGI)
Speed: 30 ft.

  • Melee Attack: +1 (+1 Base + 0 STR)
  • Ranged Attack: +3 (+1 Base + 2 AGI)
Saving Throws:
  • Fortitude: +2 (+1 Base [Smart Hero 3] + 1 END)
  • Reflex: +3 (+1 Base [Smart Hero 3] + 2 AGI)
  • Will: +3 (+2 Base [Smart Hero 3] + 1 PER)
Reputation: +1 (Smart Hero 3)
Action Points: 18 @ 1d6 (Smart Hero 3)
Wealth: 14 (3d4 [9] +3 base + 2 Investigative occupation)

  • Good Natured: - Simple Weapons Prof (Vault Dweller), + Builder feat
  • Small Frame: +1 Agility & -2 STR Carrying Capacity.
  • Smarty Pants x2: Gain +2 additional skill points per level (Smart Hero 1 & 3)
Skills: 17/level - (9 Base [Smart Hero] +3 INT +2 Talent [Smarty Pants x2] +3 feats [Swift Learner x3])
  • Balance [AGI]: +2 (+0 Base +2 AGI)
  • Barter [CHA]: -1 (+0 Base -1 CHA)
  • Bluff [CHA]: -1 (+0 Base -1 CHA)
  • Climb [STR]: +0 (+0 Base +0 STR)
  • Computer Use* [INT]: +11 (+6 Ranks [+3 Vault Dweller +3 Smart Hero 3] +3 INT +2 Gearhead)
  • Concentration [END]: +4 (+3 Ranks [Smart Hero 3, Cross Class] +1 END)
  • Craft (Chemical)* [INT]: +9 (+6 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Craft (Electronic)* [INT]: +11 (+6 Ranks +3 INT +2 Builder)
  • Craft (Mechanical)* [INT]: +11 (+6 Ranks +3 INT +2 Builder)
  • Craft (Structural)* [INT]: +9 (+6 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Craft (All Others)* [INT]: +3 (+0 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Decipher Script* [INT]: +9 (+6 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Demolitions* [INT]: +3 (+0 Ranks [Restricted Skill] +3 INT) [Skill unusable untrained]
  • Diplomacy [CHA]: -1 (+0 Base -1 CHA)
  • Disable Device* [INT]: +9 (+6 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Disguise [CHA]: -1 (+0 Ranks -1 CHA)
  • Drive [AGI]: +2 (+0 Ranks [Restricted Skill] +2 AGI)
  • Escape Artist [AGI]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 AGI)
  • Forgery* [INT]: +3 (+0 Ranks [Restricted Skill] +3 INT)
  • Gamble [PER]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 PER)
  • Gather Information [CHA]: -1 (+0 Ranks -1 CHA)
  • Handle Animal [CHA]: -1 (+0 Ranks -1 CHA) [Skill unusable untrained]
  • Hide [AGI]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 AGI)
  • Intimidate [CHA]: -1 (+0 Ranks -1 CHA)
  • Investigate [INT]: +3 (+0 Ranks [Restricted Skill] +3 INT) [Skill unusable untrained]
  • Jump [STR]: +0 (+0 Base +0 STR)
  • Knowledge (Physical Sciences)* [INT]: +9 (+6 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Knowledge (Technology)* [INT]: +9 (+6 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Knowledge (All Others)* [INT]: +3 (+0 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Listen [PER]: +5 (+3 Ranks [Smart Hero 3, Cross Class] +2 PER)
  • Move Silently [AGI]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 AGI)
  • Navigate* [INT]: +3 (+0 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Perform [CHA]: -1 (+0 Ranks -1 CHA)
  • Pilot [AGI]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 AGI) [Skill unusable untrained]
  • Profession* [PER]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 PER)
  • Read/Write Language* (None): English (Base), French (+1 Rank), Mandarin (+1 Rank)
  • Repair* [INT]: +11 (+6 Ranks +3 INT +2 Gearhead)
  • Research* [INT]: +9 (+6 Ranks +3 INT)
  • Ride [AGI]: +2 (+0 Ranks [Restricted Skill] +2 AGI)
  • Search* [INT]: +10 (+6 Ranks +3 INT +1 Occupation [Investigative])
  • Sense Motive* [PER]: +8 (+6 Ranks +2 PER)
  • Sleight Of Hand [AGI]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 AGI) [Skill unusable untrained]
  • Speak Language* (None): English (Base), French (+1 Rank)
  • Spot [PER]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 PER)
  • Survival [PER]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 PER)
  • Swim [STR]: +0 (+0 Base +0 STR)
  • Treat Injury [PER]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 PER)
  • Tumble [AGI]: +2 (+0 Ranks +2 AGI) [Skill unusable untrained]
  • Simple Weapons Proficiency (Smart Hero 1)
  • Builder [+2 Craft (electronic), +2 Craft (mechanical)] (Good Natured Trait)
  • Personal Firearms Proficiency (Investigative Occupation)
  • Gearhead [+2 Computer Use, +2 Repair] (Smart Hero 3)
  • Fast Learner 3 [+3 Skill Points/level] (Bonus Feat @ level 1, 1, & 3)

On Person: 27 lbs total
  • Vault 420 Reinforced Jumpsuit, 4.5 lbs.
  • Mesh Vest, 7 lbs - 14 lbs. total
    • Car Opening Kit, 1 lb.
    • Duct Tape, 1 lb.
    • Flash Goggles, 2 lbs.
    • Lockpick Set, 1 lb.
    • Lock Release Gun, 0.5 lbs.
    • Masterwork +2 Multipurpose Tool, 0.5 lbs
    • Penlight, 0.5 lb.
    • Zip-Tie Handcuffs (25), 0.5 lbs.
  • Hip Holster/Gunbelt, 1 lb. - 5.5 lbs. total
    • FN Five-seveN, 1 lb.
    • x5 Magazines, 2.5 lbs (100 rounds)
    • Knife, 1 lb.
  • Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV, 3 lbs.
Owned: 75 lbs. total
  • Toolbox (as Aluminium Travel Case), 75 lbs
    • Basic Chemical Kit, 6 lbs
    • Basic Electrical Tool Kit, 12 lbs
    • Basic Mechanical Tool Kit, 22 lbs
    • Bolt Cutters, 5 lbs
    • Duct Tape x4, 4 lbs
    • Search and Rescue Kit, 7 lbs
    • Canteen, 2 lbs
    • Trail Rations (24), 2 lbs

Vault 420 Reinforced Jumpsuit (as leather jacket)
+1 Equip Bonus, +1 Nonprof. Bonus, +8 Max AGI Bonus, AP: -0, Speed: 30 ft.​


1d4 Damage, 19-20 Crit, Dam: Piercing, Range: 10 ft.

FN Five-seveN
2d8 Damage, 20 Crit, Dam: Ballistic, Range: 40 ft., ROF: S, Magazine: 20​
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2 feats for 1st&3rd level. 1 feat for being Human. Basically every class gives bonus feats, so you can choose more feats from the core book depending how many extra you get. (Generally there's only 1 bonus feat from classes at this level)
Quick question: In the core rulebook, characters at 1st level get 2 feats, then an 3rd level get another feat. So for our 3rd level characters, should it be:
* 2 feats (1st + 3rd level combined) + 1 feat (Human) + bonus feats = 3 + bonus feats, or
* 3 feats (1st + 3rd level combined) + 1 feat (Human) + bonus feats = 4 + bonus feats?
Finesse- The crit range for all weapons you wield are one greater (20=19-20,19-20=18-20,etc). When rolling for critical damage, roll twice as many damage dice as needed, and take only the Lowest die rolls.
To double check,
* increase critical hit threat range
* still need to roll to confirm critical hit?
* if confirmed, roll double the damage dice
* but deal less potential damage since we take the lowest dice rolls?
Way of the Fruit- Req.(CHA 16+, INT13+, Knowledge:Earth&Life Sciences 10 ranks) You understand the ancient way of the fruit. You gain strange and wonderful benefits whenever you eat irradiated fruit. These are random effects only discernable when eaten. The entire fruit must be eaten for the effect to activate. (this is a 1d12 roll) However I will not be saying the actual effects until someone takes this feat.
Critical distinction! Is this "strange AND wonderful benefits", or "strange OR wonderful benefits"? :D

Thanks for clarifying!
Quick question: In the core rulebook, characters at 1st level get 2 feats, then an 3rd level get another feat. So for our 3rd level characters, should it be:
* 2 feats (1st + 3rd level combined) + 1 feat (Human) + bonus feats = 3 + bonus feats, or
* 3 feats (1st + 3rd level combined) + 1 feat (Human) + bonus feats = 4 + bonus feats?

To double check,
* increase critical hit threat range
* still need to roll to confirm critical hit?
* if confirmed, roll double the damage dice
* but deal less potential damage since we take the lowest dice rolls?

Critical distinction! Is this "strange AND wonderful benefits", or "strange OR wonderful benefits"? :D

Thanks for clarifying!

You are absolutely right! I had a typo lol so 4 feats as a 3rd level character plus whichever class bonus feats.
Yes that's exactly how it's supposed to work. You potentially do more damage because of the double damage dice, but at the drawback that it could still be a fairly low critical hit. (Example. Rolling 2d8 instead of 1d8, then the lower of those 2 rolls is the damage you multiply for the critical hit). No need for confirms though! (I hate rolling to confirm so I wont make you guys do it)
AND wonderful benefits lol I'm still keeping the effects secret until someone decides to play a herbologist, botanist, etc. And only they will know the possible effects of this new fruit.

Luck will have a job in almost anything you do. Usually when doing something you can roll a Luck ability check to basically try to get something to fall in your favor. However if you have an extremely high luck score (15+) you automatically get a +1 to literally anything you do (attacks, skills, saves, etc).
Consequently, those with low luck scores (anything under 10) receive a -1 to literally everything.
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Going to redo my character. Think I'll go for a strong hero or tough hero. Not sure yet whether I want to be a jack-of-all-trades soldier or a tank. Thinking it over, not entirely sure what use a dedicated hero medic will actually be.

Besides being able to heal anybody And get paid for it? Benefits would include: Having the knowledge of true surgical skills instead of whatever hack jobs that the wastelanders try to pass off as "Medical Expertise"; As a dedicated hero you can make use of your high PER with Sense Motive, Survival, Spot, Listen, etc to extremes; You could also still multiclass (Be a dedicated yet very strong or tough doctor?)
Just my 2¢ cuz I tend to like playing doctors in RPGs actually ;)
Besides being able to heal anybody And get paid for it? Benefits would include: Having the knowledge of true surgical skills instead of whatever hack jobs that the wastelanders try to pass off as "Medical Expertise"; As a dedicated hero you can make use of your high PER with Sense Motive, Survival, Spot, Listen, etc to extremes; You could also still multiclass (Be a dedicated yet very strong or tough doctor?)
Just my 2¢ cuz I tend to like playing doctors in RPGs actually ;)

Not sure about the very strong or tough part. I just about reach 12 END if I make LUK a 10 but STR remains a miserable 8. 15 AGI/DEX does mean I can shoot somewhat well...if I can carry any weapon at all! :p

Anyway, all of that is less important. Do you really think its a good idea to set the game in 25XX? I mean...I dunno. By 2280s, the NCR - at least - was definitely recovering, if overstretched in their hubris. The point being 200 more years down the line, how much of the wasteland would remain untamed? Or am I overestimating the rate of society's recovery here.
Anyway, all of that is less important. Do you really think its a good idea to set the game in 25XX? I mean...I dunno. By 2280s, the NCR - at least - was definitely recovering, if overstretched in their hubris. The point being 200 more years down the line, how much of the wasteland would remain untamed? Or am I overestimating the rate of society's recovery here.

Pretty much. At least their rate of growth in MY eyes lol most wastelanders will be sorta unintelligent, and there will be much more tribals around. But yes the brotherhood and things still have a hold on what small territory they own. Also because of the far shot timeline, there will be more of the Earth trying to reclaim places with new plants and animals mutated by the radiation. Earth has a faster growth rate than the Humans at this point. But if you guys are able to open the vault from the inside, then you can try to turn the tides and strengthen the Human population with your non-radiated selves lol
Pretty much. At least their rate of growth in MY eyes lol most wastelanders will be sorta unintelligent, and there will be much more tribals around. But yes the brotherhood and things still have a hold on what small territory they own. Also because of the far shot timeline, there will be more of the Earth trying to reclaim places with new plants and animals mutated by the radiation. Earth has a faster growth rate than the Humans at this point. But if you guys are able to open the vault from the inside, then you can try to turn the tides and strengthen the Human population with your non-radiated selves lol
digging this^^^
plus, that's the cool thing about rpgs, it's your world, nothing true-to-life has to matter unless you want it to.

Question. We get Simple Weapon Proficiency as a Vault Dweller, but I also get it as a starter feat for being a Dedicated Hero. If I pick Good Natured, do I lose both or do I still get Simple Weapon Proficiency from my class feat?

EDIT: Also edited my reply in the modern RP over at giants.
always_confused threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Wealth 3d4 + 3 Total: 7
3 3 2 2 2 2

Question. We get Simple Weapon Proficiency as a Vault Dweller, but I also get it as a starter feat for being a Dedicated Hero. If I pick Good Natured, do I lose both or do I still get Simple Weapon Proficiency from my class feat?

EDIT: Also edited my reply in the modern RP over at giants.

Yeah simple weapons you'll get for free from that. So you can take good natured, no problem.
This has my interest I will have a character eventually trying to work out one for another RP also though.
I'm pulled in so many directions!

Sneaky and steal things, or explosives, or computers, or crazy fruit vendor!
Here is a link for the Discord Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Anything you want answered faster can be asked there. Or we can use it as just a general chatroom.

I'll be going over what sheets there are currently since I got rained out from work today XD so I got some free time to kill

I'll hopefully also get the campaign setting threadmark up today so there is an actual fleshed out idea of everything.
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I'll have a sheet completed soon. Fast Hero. It's Spring Break here, so... gigs and play time are gapping my role-playing atm.