Fallout Equestria: Ebon King of the North

Honestly I could see these being a unique Stable idea:

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/P2mMHb1h6dc?si=oWP49FZKEg_eg35Z



The Lost are creatures found in the Skyline Valley region of Appalachia in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update. The Lost were created in 2095 as the result of the first activation of the Vault 63 weather machine. Because Vault 63 was not fully complete when the Great War struck...

Granted the only Weather control device I know is the SPP and the GPA has that.

And then there's the storm powered Storm Goliaths, who are pretty much Robobrains on steroids:

Storm Goliath

The Storm Goliaths are three unique robots in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update. They act as the boss enemies during Event: Neurological Warfare, in which the players face off against Storm Goliaths Decima, Morta and Nona. Numerous notes throughout Skyline Valley allude to some...
I should hopefully be able to access Discord again a bit after the start of the month, but things are ongoing currently so it may be further delayed.
I should hopefully be able to access Discord again a bit after the start of the month, but things are ongoing currently so it may be further delayed.
crossing fingers here, or I guess Talons in the case of Gallant.
For lore stuff, no idea what happened to the rest of the Young Six. While I enjoy the Gallus/Smolder pairing, that probably never happened. Smolder probably either was in a Dragon Stable or passed away during the bombs. I imagine either way maybe Gallus and Smolder did meet and were maybe friends, with Gallus in his own diary/memoirs noting how he missed her, but eventually moved on.
For lore stuff, no idea what happened to the rest of the Young Six. While I enjoy the Gallus/Smolder pairing, that probably never happened. Smolder probably either was in a Dragon Stable or passed away during the bombs. I imagine either way maybe Gallus and Smolder did meet and were maybe friends, with Gallus in his own diary/memoirs noting how he missed her, but eventually moved on.

It'd be super sad if she crushed on him but never told him and Gallant meets her older, slightly rad mutated self that lived through it all, with her mistaking him for Gallus with a bit of self-delusion.

So naturally that'd make a great scene.

No big rush. Fourth and Dalek are having a hell ot a time at home right now, so we're stuck in limbo.

I figured something along those lines. Just thought I'd mention my status. Hope things smooth out for them.

Damn Real Life coming in the way of everyone having free time and inspiration to game. *shakes fist at it*
It'd be super sad if she crushed on him but never told him and Gallant meets her older, slightly rad mutated self that lived through it all, with her mistaking him for Gallus with a bit of self-delusion.

So naturally that'd make a great scene.
Ooof, now that would be an emotional scene. Not sure how it would go honestly. Possibly letting her know that he isn't Gallus..but that Gallus himself had feelings for her and thought she was dead, plus the Stable was sealed till the modern day with communications cut. So there was no way to find out. I imagine there would be a lot of tears, but Smolder could possibly directed to help protect Stable 10.
@Cyreni Just checking before I do any kind of responding post, if you're planning a post.

In case of outside interrupts, Frostbite not dying properly to the plasma blast, Frostbite coming back as a crystalized zombie at the last moment, you wanting to describe something ominous about his death, etc.
Made that post as a temporary thing in case anyone wanted to do stuff at camp. If everyone wants to move onto tomorrow I'll edit more stuff in.
If anyone wonders what rules I have for Sawbone's accent, I don't have any, I just freestyle that from the heart.