Fallout Equestria: Ebon King of the North

Name: Golden Gears
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Description: A small, young earth pony mare. Pale white coat, blue mane with a line of silver running through it. Green eyes. Light scar tissue around her mouth from long days spent as an engineer. Cutie mark is three golden cogs, overlapping one another.

When the bombs fell, and the cloud covering was cast over the world, Vanhoover was shattered over the course of a day. A major naval base for the Equestrian Navy, and home to a west coast branch of the Ministry of Wartime Technology, the city was a prime target. Magical defenses and Earth pony ingenuity struck down what bombs they could, but armageddon would not be denied. Grand Vanhoover was left a shell of its former self, its downtown area reduced to a radioactive crater. Those that survived the initial bombardment perished in the aftermath, killed by radioactive fallout, each other in the struggle to survive, or by the mysterious Great Storm that formed in the aftermath of the worlds end. But not all perished in this horrific deluge.

Underneath the MWT's Vanhoover branch office, lay a bunker. On the day of destiny, its doors stayed open as long as it could, taking in all the souls it could bear, before grinding shut. It stayed as such for ten years, its capacity stretched beyond its limit. Harsh measures had to be taken to sustain the new population, with many bitter days experienced. But, miraculously, the bunker held long enough for the radiation to reach 'safe' levels, its weary denizens introduced to the hell Vanhoover had become.

The people of the Tower, as it became known, were better off than most who had scraped by in the years since armageddon, yet even they suffered under the Great Storms touch. Freezing cold all year round, with slicing winds that cut through unprotected flesh on average days, the survivors were forced to scrounge through the ruins of Vanhoover for parts to power their great generators—the only thing that seemed to ward off the Great Storms freezing touch, so long as the walls were strong.

It was here Golden Gears was born.

Another mechanic in a long line of them, Golden Gear learned at her fathers side to maintain the lifegiving generators. She is aware more than most at how fragile the supposedly invincible Equestrian engineering really is, with more than a few sleepless nights spent maintaining the Towers aging infrastructure. Nevertheless, Golden Gears is a relentlessly cheerfully pony, firmly intent on trying to see the silver lining in everything. Something that has become increasingly frazzled in recent years, as the Great Storm grows harsher than ever before. The Towers generators are failing—a fact desperately hidden, yet quietly aware to most of its denizens. Yet few, save the head council and the engineering team, know how bad it's gotten.

Should a new source of energy not be found, or even a new home entirely, it is likely everyone in the Tower will be dead in a few years time.

Expeditions into Vanhoovers ruined hulk have increased, leaving the Tower to contend with the mutated wildlife and storm mad raiders that inhabit its corpse, to little avail. Measures have grown desperate. Simple Earth pony ingenuity will not save the Tower, not with the scraps they have to work with. Quietly, secretly, expeditions are being sent out to brave the Great Storm, find a way through, and hopefully bring the Tower's salvation back with them. Golden Gear is one of these expedition members, volunteering to brave the storm to save her home.

A week after it began, she's the only one left.

Radiant died to the Great Storm itself, simply picked off her hooves and smashed into a ruined building. Strongarm lasted longer, running alongside Golden Gears as they were chased by horrific Greenbacks—giant, mutated snapping turtles that moved faster than they had any right too—only to die of his wounds just as they finally cleared the storm's treacherous embrace.

Finally out in the wastes proper, Golden Gears is acutely aware that her people's survival may rest on her shoulders, and her shoulders alone.

Nothing that a little bit of can-do attitude can't fix, right?


-Winter clothing, Great Storm approved!
-Magical energy laser pistol.
-Combat knife.
-Poor rations: metallic tasting clean water & hardtacks.
-Mechanical kit: Perhaps the finest gear she has on her. With this kit, kept meticulously in good order, Golden Gear is confident she can make any stubborn 'ol machine tick.
-*Protect-buck: A waddling robot she found in a long abandoned grocery store. Reprogrammed to follow her along. Chats to 'Buddy' relentlessly. A poor conversationalist.
-Memory Orb reader: A device able to read memory orbs without a Unicorns assistance.
-Starlight Glimmers pistol: A semi-automatic pistol with a thirteen round clip. Belonged to Starlight Glimmer.


-Winter clothing, Great Storm approved!
-Magical energy laser pistol.
-Combat knife.
-Poor rations: metallic tasting clean water & hardtacks.
-Mechanical kit: Perhaps the finest gear she has on her. With this kit, kept meticulously in good order, Golden Gear is confident she can make any stubborn 'ol machine tick.
-*Protect-buck: A waddling robot she found in a long abandoned grocery store. Reprogrammed to follow her along. Chats to 'Buddy' relentlessly. A poor conversationalist.

Smh I look at the rp forum semi-regularly and this still slipped through grasp. Terrible, really.

*protectron, essentially. Couldn't find a name for it elsewhere.
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Very Frostpunk of a start for her. Looks interesting, and the wasteland is sure to wipe that grin off her face.

I've now reached the point where I'm going to have to start rejecting sheets due to volume. It's a huge disappointment, I want you all but I know I wouldn't be able to keep up with seven players and their attachments. I'll be making my deliberations later.
Very Frostpunk of a start for her. Looks interesting, and the wasteland is sure to wipe that grin off her face.

I've now reached the point where I'm going to have to start rejecting sheets due to volume. It's a huge disappointment, I want you all but I know I wouldn't be able to keep up with seven players and their attachments. I'll be making my deliberations later.
Fine with me, I'd be fine either way.
There are many difficult decisions to make in life. Taking out a loan. Buying a house. Committing to a degree. Getting married. Having children. And making a goddamn decision on who to take and who to leave because holy fuck you all have a ton of potential that I want to see. Unfortunately, I can't GM for everybody and expect to maintain good quality posting. Therefore, the list of applicants who get in are,

@Dalek Ix, @The Fourth Monado, @Sablonus, @triumph8w, and @Asmodemus

IC will be up some time tomorrow, assuming Sunday retail doesn't sap me like a starved changeling.
And Gallant will now only have to worry about getting sat on by his fellow dwellers, and making sure he can actually get cake when it's on the Cafe's dessert menu.

forever a benchwarmer. Still...your RPs are fun rides Cyreni.
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Felt that the crystals having a more buggy component made sense, and made it a bit more icky, which is a plus.

Lemme know as always if you feel things could use some adjustment!
Assuming you're talking about my stuff, thank you, I tend to roll with what makes sense as I describe things and consider the wider effect.
I was actually. I think I do that too with my stuff. With some talk from Golden's player, I edited my character page to include some added lore.

Namely Stable 10 developed Vim Cola as a replacement for Sparkle-Cola...in part because Sparkle-Cola was corrupt and one of the few executives who got into the Stable made a coup attempt that went violent...and failed.
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Wonder if that mine would yanno, have gems around. I'd have Ternox suggest it, but having him out of the way of the big mech.

Namely Stable 10 developed Vim Cola as a replacement for Sparkle-Cola...in part because Vim was corrupt and one of the few executives who got into the Stable made a coup attempt that went violent...and failed.

You mean Sparkle-Cola was corrupt? Cause otherwise it's a touch confusing.
Neat! My thoughts were a lot more generic on Ternox's disguise, but that is dope artwork. The coloration is just too great and the hat reminds me of The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers. Mane is great too.

Briar really showing they were a playcolt before ghoulifying.

Dawn a cute.

Golden a snow cute I at first thought should wipe her mouth.

Morning a 'done with your staring' cute.

Thanks for taking the time to link it all up for me!
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