Fallout Equestria: Ebon King of the North


Smol Pone GM
Two-hundred and fifty years ago, Equestria went to war against the zebras. A tragic misunderstanding led to a terrible massacre led to a tremendous mobilization of armies and the Ministries. Technology advanced, neighboring nations were swept up, and the world was wound tighter and tighter.

Two-hundred years ago, Equestria as everyone knew it ended in balefire and death. Its heroes, its cities, its rulers, all destroyed in a single morning. Some of its inhabitants were lucky, surviving in underground Stables to wait out the fallout. Others less so- those who weren't caught in the blasts must eke out their existence scavenging the poisoned world, fighting monsters, raiders, slavers, and worse for scraps. Not even the sun shines for it anymore- the pegasi long ago left to hide in their floating cities and blanketed the sky under an unbroken cloud.

Most would kill for any opportunity to have something better. And over the radio, DJ Pon3 informs the wasteland of a long-lost empire emerging from a thousand years of banishment in the cold, mountainous north. A city of crystals and magic untouched by the end of the world. Pure water, rich soil, clean air, and a civilization unaware of the horrors of war all in abundance.

But the Equestrian wasteland never gives anything up for free.

- - - -

It's been a while, hasn't it? I want to dip back into GMing. I've missed it.

Player characters should be native to the setting. It's perfectly fine to play an OC that's very clearly an expy, but I want characters that have roots to trace back in Equestria's history and must engage with the fallout on a constant basis. Ponies are not the only option either; gryphons, changelings, zebras, kirin, ghouls; as long as you can convince me with interesting additions to the world with a personality, I'll probably allow it.

I'm looking for a few things in a character sheet: a name, a physical description, and a backstory. The backstory should include a history of how your character's tribe, family, friends, species, etc, fared in the aftermath of the apocalypse, a personal history to introduce what your character does well and what equipment they might have to start, and a motive for being out and about in the wasteland (and not just idling away in one place).

I am not looking for things like alicorns, grown dragons, faction leaders, unkillable horrors, and the like- the wasteland should be uncomfortable and threatening.

3-5 players preferred.

1) Dawn Blaze, Paladin Pilot
2) Morning Mist, Enclave Lieutenant
3) Bitterbriar, Ghoul Knight
4) Golden Gears, Lone Engineer
5) Ternox, Wandering Healer

1) Pharynx, Royal Infiltrator
2) Gallant, Stable Mechanic
3) Pratak, Merchant Dragon

IC thread
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And now to lean very hard on that expy rule considering a certain aspect of this character. :V

Dawn Blaze
He/Him | Young Adult | Kirin | Burgundy coat, yellow scales, orange-yellow mane, blue eyes

General Character Profile said:
The Balefire Bombs never reached Kirin Grove, hidden as it was. But in the post-war destruction, a place such as Kirin Grove could not remain safe. Driven from their home by slavers, marauders, and the Zebra Legions, the Kirin Tribe has wandered the Wasteland for the last two centuries, never finding a permanent home in that time. Dawn Blaze is but one of the scions of the tribe, and has never known a home.

Born on the road, living on the road, Dawn desperately has held onto the proverb 'home is family'. Even after the Kirins were split after running afoul of certain factions, scattering the tribe all across the Wasteland. As the strongest and eldest of his group, and with his only known family member being his little sibling Brush Fire, Dawn found himself as the de-facto leader of his particular splinter - a role he was not particularly suited for, in all honestly.

Then rumors began to circulate. A new, unpoisoned land to the north. A safe haven. Dawn doesn't know how real it might be or not, but he doesn't really have a choice. The young group begins to head north....


In a northward section of Equestria lies a long-abandoned supply warehouse, used by Equestria during the war as one of many shipping midpoints. The upper layers had long since been picked clean, of course. Nothing lasts in the Wasteland.

However. This warehouse has a secret. Below it lies a bunker - where top secret weapons had been stored. And in this secret, were one to delve downwards enough... they would find it.

A titanic machine, akin to a dragon, its body covered in armor in white and purple and gold. A single bladelike horn extends from its forehead, accentuated at its base with a shorter horned crest. Bipedal, with claws like that of a dragon. In all respects, a 'Guardian Deity'.

And yet, with a second look... the paint is flaking. The armor has long fallen off in some places. The weapons stored all around lie powerless, the charges long depleted due to time. The machine almost seems too small for its armor, as well - as if it was starved, lean, dying.

On its breast, should one peer closely at the fading paint, one might see words painted on:


It lies asleep. Starving. Unknowing that soon, it shall be found. It shall be awoken.

And that the Wasteland will never be the same, ever again.

Equipment said:
Dawn Blaze's Tribe
- About a week and a half's worth of food and drink, over the 14 total Kirins in his group
- About one conflict's worth of medical supplies - running low
- a small water filter - heavily protected
- various kick-nacks
- various smallarms and melee weapons - smallarms only possess about one conflict's amount of ammunition

Mithryl Paladin Twilight Armaments (All the below are enchanted to scale to the current size of the Twilight unless stated otherwise)


  1. Vulcan Cannons: For purposes of battling infantry and harassing peers. Not necessarily particularly powerful or large caliber. The ones mounted to the Gundam Twilight have not been maintained and used in 200 years, thus has no functioning ammunition.
  2. Barrier Field: A magical barrier built into the arms/shoulders to protect against attacks. Currently completely nonfunctional. Would visually appear as a flat shimmery barrier when it gets back online.
  3. Beam Sabre: Literally magic-fueled lightsabers - A high-energy beam contained within a magical field, capable of cutting through things one would expect a weapon like it to cut through. The Gundam Twilight has four of these Beam Sabres, two in the gauntlets and two on the waist. Much like the rest, they have no charge, but are in otherwise really good condition.
  4. Railgun: An experimental shoulder-mounted railgun that normally folds behind the shoulder when not in use. Uses magic elctromagnetic fields to fling chunks of metal really really fast. If none of its kit works, why would this?
  5. Beam Magnum: A Gundam-sized magic energy rifle that fires magic beams to that carbonize and disintegrate living tissue and tear through non-living materials like paper. Built to annihilate ancient dragons, and uses magic cells as 'ammunition'. As it stands, has five 'cells' on its body, none of which have any charge.
  1. A giant sword-spear-polearm thing. Utterly mundane, designed as more of a dress weapon the suit would carry about as a backup in case its other weapons don't work.
  2. Tower Shield: A gigantic dress shield that still happens to be a gigantic shaped chunk of metal. Shockingly good for blocking most mundane attackers.
  3. Various systems that let the Gundam actually function - eg a magic core reactor, onboard computer, wireless link to the Crusader mainframe, movement systems, ect cetra.
  4. Nirik Finger: Dawn going Nirik while piloting the machine I'm imagining causes the machine to start glowing with Nirik Fire. This Nirik Fire, rather than being thrown around as blasts, can instead be concentrated in various points of the suit to amplify its unarmed attacks. Think of this as a 'finisher mode' that comes out even more rarely than otherwise because well, going Nirik on top of the magical energy drain of the suit is really really bad for sustain.
I make neither excuses nor apologies. Cyreni knows exactly what I've been on from the instant he hit me with this idea in DMs. :V
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Former Captain of the Changeling Patrols. Emissary of Queen Chrysalis and the Changeling Hives.

With the forging of the first megaspell, Queen Chrysalis shuddered. Attuned and grafted into the emotions of Equestria like no other, she was perhaps the first to understand the inevitability of this path, the balefire bombs only marginally accelerating the death of the old world.

Though she prepared what she could, she knew there was not enough love to feed the hives, nor would there be for some time, and prepared them for deep hibernation, hoping that at least some would survive the coming apocalypse.

Whispers from the few survivors of her deepest infiltrators have reached back to her ears that the wave of magic that disturbed her slumber heralded a new land that could allow Equestria to grow, flourish, and become a fat juicy target once again, but only if the factions can work together to build that future. Aware of the irony that the first step to claiming the world that is rightfully hers is to rebuild Celestia's dream of a united Equestria, she knows that her infiltrators will be too easily discovered and rejected by the now suspicious, self-centered, and surreptitious ponies and so selects her most straightforward subject that is also sufficiently loyal to avoid the siren song of the ponies' Harmony while he works to rebuild it.

As a changeling, Pharynx is resistant to background radiation and more tolerant of low-quality water. He equipped himself with basic equipment that had been sent back to the hives for study after a short and respectful complaint about a changeling representative having to rely on pony tech that Chrysalis responded to with a firm reminder that food would be rare and magic would have to be conserved.
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He/Him/early-mid 20s/Griffon

Engineer, Programmer, and "volunteer"

*aka a large Griff who drew the short end of the Stick*


(This but chunkier)
Gallant is rather unusual Griffon, especially in the modern Equestrian Wasteland. Blue and cream colored and resembling his ancestor, a Stable-Tec employee named Gallus. Gallant always wears a Stable-Tec utility Jumpsuit with a pants option surprisingly, and has various saddlebags and a duffle bag for his gear. Usually you'd find him squeezing into a tight space in order to fix some device or to repair and program some computer.

Gallant is self conscious about his coloration and his weight, the second differently than most expect. He was picked on in classes by some of the other Griffons because of he's thinner than average in Stable 10. Thus he considers being called chunky a compliment.

When working he puts on a pair of diagnostic goggles linked to his Pipbuck to aid in repairs and to keep materials out of his eyes, usually also putting on gloves and a face mask when welding is required (his goggles tint themselves)

Personality: somewhat gruff due to his upbringing and treatment, when he makes a friend he enjoys talking to others about technology and computers, alongside media from the stable. Sometimes snarks about his situation or grumbles about the lack of amenities.


  • Flight (unskilled): being a Griffon, Gallant can fly, but besides in certain green spaces in the stable, he isn't a skilled flyer
  • Cloud manipulation (unskilled): see above.
  • Programming/science
  • Repair
  • Firearms training: Was given basic firearms training in the stable as part of Stable activities, and can use his wings to fire and reload guns, alongside his hands.
  • Did well enough in the Stable's school, and has training in repairs and programming. In the Stable, the Science and Engineering teams tend to be be mixed, so Gallant has picked up a fair bit.
  • Also has basic survival training, but more in general and how to handle cold environments due to his Stable's location
  • Is an omnivore, but enjoys meat. Has a weakness for snack cakes.
  • HATES Sparkle-Cola. Not just for the flavors (who would even drink carrot and radish soda?) But also because of how the company was corrupt. Scootaloo herself had hated the company, and after the Stable was sealed, a junior Sparkle Cola Exec managed to get in and tried to stage a coup. It failed hard.
The Stable project wasn't meant to save everyone. Instead they were built to test new ideas, to see if new ways of doing things could keep the old world's mistakes from happening again.

Stable 10 was one of these experiments, built under a mountain range and carved out of the very living Rock, it was designed in part as a research center to develop new technologies separate from the Ministries, as Scootaloo had been worried at the corruption and tension in the various organizations. This including vehicles, robots, and weapons, most of which require very little magic to use.

An experiment of course was needed for Stable 10, so one involving the development of calorie dense foodstuffs that would eventually help feed the people of the resulting landscape landscape.

The Stable closed early due to the rising tensions of the war, the last communications ever received being of Balefire explosions devastating the landscape.

Most of Stable 10 was hoofpicked by Vice-president Scootaloo as a mix of Unicorns and Griffons, but there's still tension between the various inhabitants of the Stable. As the years have gone by the Scientists and engineers have tried to continue their work and deal with the side effects of the foodstuffs, namely weight gain.

The Stable was partially sponsored by Sparkle-Cola, but this was done so Scootaloo could get the funds. She did exclude most of the Sparkle-Cola exec's from the notifications call list, but a few employees and a junior exec did get in and tried to stage a coup of the Stable. The coup was struck down and hard, so afterwards Sparkle Cola wasn't all that trusted or used much in the stable, the scientists later developing their own soda called Vim.
Vim was developed as a far safer alternative to Sparkle-Cola, and comes in four varieties, all of which have numerous health benefits, vitamins, minerals, and a lot of calories:


A citrus flavored soda, Vin not only energizes, but helps in the restoration of minor injuries. Made with fermented oranges, noted to be even more refreshing than Sparkle Cola in a blind taste test

Vim Refresh:

made with fermented apples (said apples grown in the stable), Vim Refresh is even more energizing than regular Vim, and has far more potent healing properties as a result.

Vim Quartz:

Originally made by a Unicorn researcher, Vim Quartz is Bubblegum flavored with a slight twinge of carrots that tastes far better than the mostly carrot Sparkle-Cola. Due to a combination of factors, Vim Quartz has strength boosting properties. Allowing the drinker to carry a heavier load alongside more potent healing than even refresh. The magic properties cause Quartz to glow a light yellow, without being radioactive. More popular with Unicorns in the stable.

Vim Captain's Blend:

a glowing purple drink made with lobster shell extract, fiddleheads, and various herbs and mixed with regular Vim, Captain's Blend and heal serious injuries and energizes greatly, with the side effect of fishy sweat. Which does help at least in dealing with the Fish and lobster farms in the stable. Developed by Gina, Gallant's rather large chemist girlfriend, this type is popular with Griffons, it is still in testing.

And that's where Gallant comes in. Gallant, a programmer and engineer, drew the short end of the stick and now has to Scout out the nearby area to see if it's safe for reclamation, especially with the pulse of magical energy detected by the Stable's remaining exterior sensors.

Gallant is picked mostly because of his fitness level and technical skills. Granted no one expected the Wasteland to be this dangerous.

General equipment:
  • 10mm pistol (see the Fallout 1 and 2 pistol) along with several reloads of ammunition
  • Survival knife
  • Pipbuck
  • Stable 10 suit (full body with two optional pairs of gloves and a pair of durable paw friendly boots)
  • Cold weather gear
  • Technician Goggles
  • Pipbuck repair kit
  • First aid kit (includes thread. Needle, magic bandages, various healing potions, splints, and so on)
  • Gas mask and filters (think Ulysses' mask from Lonesome road)
  • General repair kit for weapons
  • Portable Griffon Keyboard for hacking terminals.
  • Survival tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Flint and steel
  • Camp toilet
  • Toilet paper
  • Stable 10 canteen
  • Two weeks worth of Stable 10 MRE's, including purified water.
  • Enchanted camp stove and cooking equipment
  • Paper map of pre-war area
  • Compas
  • Gas mask
  • Geiger counter
  • Various pouches and duffel bag to hold all of this.

This is my first post in YEARS on SV...

And it's me making a chubby Griffon engineer for a Fallout Equestria meets GUNDAM RP. Huh.
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Now that's a name I haven't seen heading an ooc thread for a hot minute. Familiar with Fallout and fairly familiar with MLP, but is it alright to apply if we're somewhat less familiar with Fallout Equestria?
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Now that's a name I haven't seen heading an ooc thread for a hot minute. Familiar with Fallout and fairly familiar with MLP, but is it alright to apply if we're somewhat less familiar with Fallout Equestria?
Absolutely. I'm currently almost done with my binge of the original fic, so everything is very fresh in my mind.
Name: Pratak

Description: Pratak (or Takpra depending on who you ask) is an adolescent dragon, substantially larger than a pony but nowhere near the size of a full-grown dragon. Their scales are mottled grey and red, knobby and at places almost sharp, and a pair of ragged wings extend from their back whilst a long, sinuous tail swishes behind them. However, their most striking feature is that they have two heads mounted on long, serpentine necks, capable of full rotation to look in any direction. The inside-facing side of the heads and the necks is scaleless and raw, giving the appearance that they once had a single, massively oversized head that was split into two normal-sized ones with an axe, numerous eyes poking out amidst the exposed flesh. Nonetheless, each head is fully functional with its own brain, set of teeth, tongue and airway. Though connected to the same set of organs in the body, each head hosts an independent consciousness which do not always get along with each other, and sometimes struggle for control over their shared body.

Pra, the female right-sided head, is inquisitive and impulsive, and usually the driving force behind Pratak's interactions with other people, trading meat and hides for various interesting items. Fascinated with pony technology, she enjoys collecting various trinkets and devices, and although by no means an expert or even a trained mechanist, she has some skill with repairing equipment, particularly firearms. She enjoys using guns, and though Tak finds them superfluous to just breathing fire, she insists on carrying a large-caliber rifle slung over their back for long-ranged work. She's not particularly accurate with it, but she likes the sound it makes.

Tak, the male head on the left side of the body, is withdrawn and cynical by nature, handling the pair's long-term planning and counting the bottlecaps. Despite this, he is paradoxically something of an adrenaline junkie, enjoying the thrill of the hunt and the careful weighing of odds that one must make every day out in the Wasteland. While Pra prefers metals and gems, Tak likes being able to sink his teeth into meat, and his favorite activity is long hunts in the Wasteland. He also insists on referring to the two of them as Takpra, but since Pra is the friendlier of the two and Pratak tends to roll off the tongue better, most others call them by that name.

Backstory: Pratak is, in truth, quite ignorant of the wider background and historical context of the Equestrian Wasteland, only knowing the bare minimum they have picked up from conversations with ponies and from the pre-war materials they have run into while out in the Wasteland. Born from an abandoned egg tainted with balefire radiation, they have no connection to the history or culture of their own people, having never run into another dragon- at least one that was interested in talking with a mutant like them, that is. In truth, they do not even fully understand their own nature as a mutant, because to them it is the way they've always been, and that it is something unusual and unnatural is something that they struggle to wrap their heads around.

For the most part, their occupation is that of a wandering hunter, typically spending long periods out in the Wasteland finding gemstones and wildlife to consume, only occasionally venturing into civilization to barter and trade with items that they do not need, like hides and various items they find in the Wasteland, in exchange for useful equipment and spare parts for Pra's tinkering. Most of their meager possessions are carried in a simple backpack, containing various mechanical junk and spare parts that Pra fiddles with and uses to service her pride and joy, a large-caliber rifle fitted with a scope.

The added weight of two heads and two necks makes Pratak's posture awkward and gives them an unnatural scuttling gait, leading them to prefer to stand on four legs whenever possible. They are a decent enough flier in straight lines, but their front-heavy balance makes it difficult for them to perform aerial maneuvers. They are, however, a skilled hunter and wasteland survivalist, surprisingly adept at stealth despite their size.

Scoped .308 battle rifle
Backpack sewn from brahmin leather
Assorted electrical and mechanical junk and spare parts
Various gemstones, dried meat and water containers
Modest amount of bottlecaps
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Dawn Blaze
He/Him | Young Adult | Kirin | Burgundy coat, yellow scales, orange-yellow mane, blue eyes

I make neither excuses nor apologies. Cyreni knows exactly what I've been on from the instant h hit me with this idea in DMs. :V
I am no giant robot enthusiast but given the details we hashed out over discord, you're good. :V

For the uninformed, those details are: the mech is considerably smaller than an actual gundam and the bulk of its weapon systems are either offline, in disrepair, and/or lacking fuel and ammunition. Alicorns and hellhound packs and the like are significant threats. It's current usage is more for personal defense and being a pack mule, with repairs and spare parts to be found down the line.

In short: no I did not let him just get away with having a giant weapons platform on his sheet lmao.

Former Captain of the Changeling Patrols. Emissary of Queen Chrysalis and the Changeling Hives.
Given that I know your writing, I can only deem it deliberate that Pharynx's backstory focuses on Chrysalis instead. Perhaps the hoof-picked agent of the throne can develop a character beyond the role he serves to his queen and hive. Friendship has a habit of being infectious.
He/Him/Mid 30s/Griffon

Engineer, Programmer, and "volunteer"
Could use some expansion, mostly on what he's bringing with him. I would expect an engineer being sent out to scout from a Stable to have a decent kit.
Seems good all on its own. Nothing to really critique or ask more of.
Given that I know your writing, I can only deem it deliberate that Pharynx's backstory focuses on Chrysalis instead. Perhaps the hoof-picked agent of the throne can develop a character beyond the role he serves to his queen and hive. Friendship has a habit of being infectious.

"No! It's definitely just loyalty to the queen! To the mission! I am absolutely not enjoying the infectious desire to join in this singing."
Lieutenant Morning Mist

Comissioned by Cyreni

Physical Description:
Morning Mist is a Female Pegasus of around 20-something years. Her Coat is a dark grey-blue, and her Mane is a lighter grey-blue with streaks of white. Her eyes are Gold. She usually wears Enclave Power Armor armed with Plasma Rifles, with a light Interface Suit underneath. Her Cutie Mark is an image of clouds rolling over a hill, and her Talent is working with Enclave Cloud Technology.

If one could describe Morning Mist in two words, it would be "Mission Oriented". She is a very straight-forwards mare, with little tolerance for shenanigans and posessing an intense drive to succeed and excel. She believes strongly in the Grand Pegasus Enclave's stated mission of being the last barrier between the whisper-faint and precariously perched civilization above the clouds, and the cruel and horrific wasteland down below and will suffer no threat that might attack her home.

Despite (or, more tragically, because of) her upbringing in a military family and the near-constant exposure to propaganda from an early age, she posesses an idealized image of what an Enclave soldier should be and does her best to behave and lead her platoon in that way. She is also intensely loyal to her ponies; harming them in any way is a good way to invoke her wrath.

  • Enclave Special Forces Command (SFC) NORTH, watching over the section of the Wastland once called the Crystal Empire, has gone dark. Company A from the 84th Aeromobile Division has been dispatched to ascertain SFC-NORTH's status and provide assistance if necesssary.
  • Company A will transit using the Raptor-Class Cloudship Roanoke and Sky Tanks Greely and Brusilov. Security and Combat Air Patrol will be provided organically by Company A.
  • Mission is as follows:
    • Establish contact with SFC NORTH.
    • Investigate cause of comms silence.
    • Provide necessary assistance.
    • Relieve SFC Commander of his duty if necessary.
  • On the way to SFC-NORTH's HQ, heavy AA fire intercepted expeditionary force.
  • Second Platoon under LCPL Morning Mist survived the attack but has been separated from the rest of Company A.
  • Asset status:
    • Roanoke: UNKNOWN, heavy damage suspected.
    • Greely: UNKNOWN, last observed performing emergency descent.
    • Brusilov: DESTROYED.
    • Company A: SCATTERED.
      • Second Platoon (scouting):
        • First Squad:
          • A/CV-2 Vertibuck ACV0076 "Pelican One": HEAVY DAMAGE.
            • Pilot Eagle Eyes: WOUNDED.
            • LT Morning Mist: ALIVE.
            • CPL Cloud Bolt: WALKING WOUNDED.
            • LCPL Frostbite: DECEASED.
            • CSPM Soft Feather: ALIVE.
            • PVT Ocean Breeze: WOUNDED.
            • SGT Tornado "Blitz" Winds: UNKNOWN.
            • CPL Updraft Glide: UNKNOWN.
            • LCPL Sky Lance: UNKNOWN.
            • PVT Cloud Walker: UNKNOWN.
            • PVT Dew Breeze: UNKNOWN.
          • A/CV-2 Vertibuck ACV0099 "Pelican Two": UNKNOWN, last observed performing emergency descent.
  • Mission is as follows:
    • Confirm fate of expeditionary force, and DESTROY all equipment that cannot be recovered.
    • Investigate source of AA fire and DESTROY if possible.
    • Reach SFC-NORTH HQ. Find the trators.
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Almost finished with my sheet, but quick question- Is this first come first serve? :V
I am no giant robot enthusiast but given the details we hashed out over discord, you're good. :V

For the uninformed, those details are: the mech is considerably smaller than an actual gundam and the bulk of its weapon systems are either offline, in disrepair, and/or lacking fuel and ammunition. Alicorns and hellhound packs and the like are significant threats. It's current usage is more for personal defense and being a pack mule, with repairs and spare parts to be found down the line.

In short: no I did not let him just get away with having a giant weapons platform on his sheet lmao.
Just give it time and a war, I'm sure it'll hit proper 20 meters tall in time :V

But at start it's closer to like. 6-7 meters tall. So more Knightmare Frame sized thanks to circumstances.
Nope, it's best sheets forward. Gimmie something cool~ to read.
Your wish is my hope :V Feel free to lambast me with inaccuracies- Never read Fallout Equestria. Totally open to any suggestions, or any adjustments you feel would make it more interesting too- I'm a big crowd pleaser that way. Oh, and some of the wording made me unsure how in depth you wanted PC supporting casts vs independence, so tried to go for one that could go either way.

Oh, and relevent link for this idiot below.


Bitterbriar, formerly Chivalric Acid- Wielder of the Sourpatch Saber
He/Him | Unicorn Ghoul

On the Last Day, a royal guard known more for his caustic vanity and ego than duty or compassion was scoured by Balefire, shattering his horn in a ludicrous effort to parry the magics and cleave its shockwaves. The few behind him to live through the blast were spared ghoulification. Weeks after the Last Day, the guard finished burying scores of dead and dreams of glory beneath the Whitetail Woods to begrudgingly escort survivors through the wastes.

Fifty years after the Last Day, the guard exiled himself from the descendants of Applewood, an ungodly ego the only thing curbing a feral descent. What remained of his magic diminished to dull lightshows and blunt, irradiated blasts. Too fearful to put himself down, he waited for his mind to fade, passing the time with an irregular campaign of terror on passing raiders and slavers, scaring scavengers and settlers from abominations in hiding.

Eighty years after the Last Day, he's shot in the head by panicked ponies and left for dead in the Whitetail Woods.

Two hundred years after the Last Day, a corpse wakes to the radiation of a balefire egg, terrifying raiders from a convoy of refugees bound for the north. Joining them as a guard, the ghoul claims to be seeking the new lands for a way to restore his magic when questioned, and more importantly, his looks. He also claims their paths only happen to align, that they shouldn't count on him actually helping them, and that they should really learn to not be so weak.

Bitterbriar makes no secret that he was apparently once a very pretty stallion, even considered for a promising career in Applewood before the Last Day. The specifics of these boasts, and his past in general, often change in second recountings. Half blind from sunken green cataracts, his most prominent features are an excarnated muzzle, faded black mane, mottled yellow skin, shattered horn, and flayed patch where his Cutie Mark should be.

Ever the dramatic, he drapes himself in bandages, a tattered burial shroud, and wide brimmed hat; a battered blue star the only remnant of his duties before the Last Day. In his heart are memory orbs. He carries a nightstick, and a baseball bat wrapped in nails and barbed wire. Bitterbriar is caustic, impatient, self centered and simple minded, gratingly cheerful, unfailingly rude, and quietly pragmatic. He will bluster, he will whine, he will seethe, and despite his every instinct, will always do the right thing- And always help those in need. Violence is an old friend.

He's not all that smart, not quite as strong as he was, not even quite all there, and it's been centuries since he was able to wield his iconic spellblade- But persistence, speed, and a furtively righteous heart have seen him and his through years of the wasteland. A decent tracker with a knack for audacity and irregular fighting, he also claims to have trained himself to sense radiation and radio waves. Almost more unbelievably, he has an actual talent for song and dance.
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I have also added more to my post.
And yeah, Gallant's stable had no idea what was out there, so he's just a biiiiiiit overencumbered.

Aka he can't really fly because he's carrying half a fucking camping store on him.
'Cid' Bitterbriar, formerly Chivalric Acid- Wielder of the Soursaber
He/Him | Unicorn Ghoul
Oh hello there's transparency at play.

So a thing about sprite-bots- they're entirely automated systems that blare patriotic music and act as cameras for the Ministry of Morale. While the Ministry has long since gone defunct, the camera part hasn't and someone's still monitoring the wasteland. Befriending a sprite-bot means you're actually befriending Spike, under the name Watcher, who is holed up in a mountain somewhere and acting as a vague guide for ponies with specific qualities he's looking for.

Also he doesn't tend to stick around for long periods of conversation, even if he's deemed you worthy of his attention. He's more of a "hey you should go check that place out" kind of guide.

Otherwise he seems pretty alright. The only concern for me is putting too many assholes into one place. At least, not without the right stimuli to ensure they don't hate each other more than something else! :V

EDIT: A link to our Discord, where most of our natter is held. I expect to turn this OOC thread into storage for sheets, location info, and the like.
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Oh hello there's transparency at play.
Sorry, I couldn't resist :V That Watcher / sprite-bot thing's good to know though- Should I adjust it so the bots just occasionally pointed him to people in need, or take it out altogether? I can definitely tone down the asshole thing in favor of a more 'self proclaimed cynic' or 'self absorbed ditz' vibe though- Mostly just wanted to avoid making him an edgelord or flawless, selfless hero of the wastes.
Otherwise he seems pretty alright.
You're obviously saying here he's the worst sheet you've seen by far- I'll need to do a full overhaul :V
Sorry, I couldn't resist :V That Watcher / sprite-bot thing's good to know though- Should I adjust it so the bots just occasionally pointed him to people in need, or take it out altogether? I can definitely tone down the asshole thing in favor of a more 'self proclaimed cynic' or 'self absorbed ditz' vibe though- Mostly just wanted to avoid making him an edgelord or flawless, selfless hero of the wastes.
Yeah, Littlepip's the only one to have made friends with the bots so far, and even then it was through extreme reluctance on Spike's end. Spike is very paranoid because he's guarding an extremely important secret that absolutely cannot have word get out to the wasteland at large. Lots of bad actors would love to get their hooves on the Elements and a Crusader mainframe.

Personality is up to you.
You're obviously saying here he's the worst sheet you've seen by far- I'll need to do a full overhaul :V
lmao, you'd have to try to make the worst sheet I've ever seen. I've GM'd for years before, I've been through some godawful laziness.
Ternox "Sawbone Sid"

Rogue Changeling doctor of The Scorched
Physical Description: Sawbone Sid is a sickly albino male unicorn with a burnt look to his flesh with his coat missing large gaps, though it's always covered in brown leathers concealing him from view, the white cross symbol of the old world healers on a red circle painted on the sides, a plague doctor mask covering his face acting as a primitive gas mask and mainly concealer from his patients, hiding his blue eyes away. Has a simple black cowboy hat with horn and earholes to wiggle through and fit more securely, without worry of it blowing away, black unkempt mane framing his head. Despite his frail and thin form he carries around medical supplies enough to cover about any emergency with carefully positioned saddlebags, though they're placed all over instead of in one spot to avoid taxing his form too much in one area.

Ternox is a rogue changeling from the Hive, his kind's pure black form mottled with green streaks ranging from bright to dark, one eye having a yellow central iris instead of the blue of the other, mutations from the norm. Their form is thin and weak teeth degraded, wings too feeble to lift them even with magical support for more than aiding in a leap, problems of malnourishment.

Backstory: Changelings have for reasons over time left the Hive, through strict banishment, through being outcast socially, through developing feelings for those around them, and so on. The Great War's aftermath resulted in many scattered away for one reason or another, most of which died off without support or adequate feeding grounds. Ternox comes from a small group that managed to network with one another despite spreading out to achieve the bare minimum necessary for survival, sharing the spoils as necessary for life in the expectation that the others would share back if needed, teamwork that achieved their continuance without the might of the Hive.

Over time their plotting to ensure their feeding while keeping their 'fields' of settlements alive lead them to create a united backstory of a group anyone would welcome into their homes, even if to just abuse them and force them to aid them. A group come from a settlement that fell prey to balefire radiation in proximity but managed to survive through a wandering doctor's help teaching them how to survive the radiation and ingraining medical knowledge in them, a group called The Scorched. Medical knowledge and supplies were in short after the war, and changelings only needed love for healing, so they could stockpile supplies up without relying on it themselves. Their extended lives comparatively allowing them easier time accumulating knowledge.

To the outside they're ponies that spend their lives helping others the way they were helped, partly due to feeling the need to repay others the kindness they were given, partly due to their frail bodies not giving them other ways to make their bits, feeding the cynical and those that see good in one go. They hide their bodies in shame for how odd, burnt, and pale they are, meaning a bit less transformation magic required with the coloration hidden away, meaning less spent energy from their limited harvests.

Healers get into settlements easier, particularly when they actually know what they're doing. They spend time in the presence of those worrying over their loved ones, they learn when young couples seek 'safety' for their love, they're entrusted and respected, usually. And when emotional bonds dry up, another of The Scorched, a "younger" one can show up to make friends with the younger generation before the old one leaves to "retire" back home, or more accurately to appear as a younger one elsewhere. The only issues being when settlements... disappear from the map.

Ternox is in a frail position of late, the most vulnerable any Scorched can be, with no settlement attached to their responsibilities. It happens, raiders roll in, hellhounds get annoyed, such is life, or more accurately death, of a settlement being tended to. But when one is unattached it doesn't mean they starve, priorities shift, supplies of love get shared, and the Scorched heads off to find a new location, with a new name.

As one of the more capable, intelligent, steadfast and above all humble, he has confidence in finding a settlement with just a perfect spot for a doctor before too long, finding a way into their hearts and turning from a negative on the 'family' income into a positive. He's done it before after all. Even if he will miss Sunshine Creek in all it's overcast glory..

Well, that doesn't matter, what matters is the future. Armed with knowledge of how to put ponies back together, enough love crystals stored to last a long journey since times had been looking up lately for the Scorched in general, and a needler pistol, they were ready for anything.

Anything except the sudden announcement of 'a frozen kingdom in the north returning after a thousand years of banishment'. Every changeling knew that kingdom. Every changeling hungered for that kingdom. And as one of the few currently unattached Scorched.. he was very much in position to get in there, get what he could, before it all inevitably came crashing down. Or if they lasted long enough, get more Scorched in there with a good reputation.

But it was a long dangerous road. And while he might know the strength and surety of being truly full for once in.. he lacked that strength now. He needed to find a group to become indispensible to. Preferably that wouldn't pick a fight with the crystal ponies and get them all kicked out.

All covering light armored leather clothing
Plague Doctor mask
Saddlebags with medical logo on them (white cross, red circle, butterfly logo on it)
Doctoring gear (scalpels, forceps, cuffs, et cetera)
Doctoring meds (healing potions, rad-away, Radsafe, painkillers, etc)
Tarp (brown tarp to hide under to avoid sandstorms, sleep under while avoiding being seen, impromptu 'sterile' environment for surgery)
Needler Pistol (silent close range non-lethal paralyzing dart gun)
Love Crystals (Stored collected love essence in crystalized form for the changeling on the go, disguised as a small crystal collection)
Rations, water (A small amount of rations and water, untouched, for use of pretending to need it or better to form a bond with somepony that needs the aid)
Hoof-clipped radio (An on the go radio for traveling the wasteland without being utterly bored, earbud allowing for one ear to have it while the other is open to hearing about)
Map of the Equestrian Wasteland
Geiger Counter
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lmao, you'd have to try to make the worst sheet I've ever seen. I've GM'd for years before, I've been through some godawful laziness.

Not to mention breathtaking stupidity.

"Who gave Anthro Twilight Sparkle a schoolgirl outfit? Why?"

"Sir when I said 'disarm the prisioners' I did not mean you should remove their arms!"

"Sir please do not tell the Sith Lord that the child she adopted would be better off being permanently cripped than being with her. Sir, please, do not."

"Hahahaha! My Chaos Spess Mahrine shall take a toll on you!" *Gets killed without doing a single point of damage*

"Ma'am erasing agency is not a leadership technique."

I could go on :V

How Pharynx sees this sheet:

How Ternox sees Pharynx: "You're all still alive!?"

Morning Mist:⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Not to mention breathtaking stupidity.

"Who gave Anthro Twilight Sparkle a schoolgirl outfit? Why?"

"Sir when I said 'disarm the prisioners' I did not mean you should remove their arms!"

"Sir please do not tell the Sith Lord that the child she adopted would be better off being permanently cripped than being with her. Sir, please, do not."

"Hahahaha! My Chaos Spess Mahrine shall take a toll on you!" *Gets killed without doing a single point of damage*

I could go on :V

Morning Mist:⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️
My take on Gallant back then was... one of the least bad in that RP. And he was a lesser Draconequus as Kamen Rkder Blade for god's sake.

Gallant the Griffon: *shows up*

Probably someone in the party: A stable dweller? I thought all you dipshits were DEAD!