Neo-Walkers are an entirely different beasts to Commanders. What can fight and defeat one will not, necessarily, fight and defeat another.

The way they operate is completely different. Planeswalkers are singular beings that, barring really powerful magic that hasn't been seen since the Old Walkers, can only be in a single place at a single time. A Commander, on the other hand, will have spread over a planet in fairly short order in most circumstances.

This is not like saying 'Xeelee aren't a problem except for their technology', this is saying 'An average Commander is much better equipped to deal with Phyrexia than the average Neo Planeswalker, barring estoric and weird magic'. Even then, the number of Magics that might work on a Commander are few. The average Commander won't give a fuck about a fireball or whatever, but Mind Control, Exilement, Instant Destruction effects, Planeshifting?

Those are up to debate.

You fight them differently, too. Exhausting a Neo Planeswalker is theoretically possible, but trying that on a Commander is laughable.

Has anyone called that one yet?

If not can i claim it? I had an idea where the commander uses the "mana" to summon his units and structures, instead of metal and energy.

Not quite sure of the color combos yet that would be required.

That wouldn't be a commander, it would be OC Magic robot. Which would be fine, just not a PASI
Yeah or this story that starts in Nanoha... Wardan's Run - A Planetary Annihilation SI/Multicross
69 - Dis
Uploading this now because it looks like I'm going to be hella busy tonight.

69 - Dis
The Mining Fabricators made quick work of the short distances between my underground fort and the nearest metal deposits, hurriedly establishing the Metal Extractors I needed to continue constructions within said base.

It was almost completely dug out, now - a large square, two kilometres across, with the fifty metre silo entrance in the dead centre. I'd mentally divided the room into quadrants, assigning each quadrant its own purpose. Due to the rotation of the room, North did not correspond perfectly to one wall, but was rather towards one corner. Not wanting to fuck around, I simply assigned that quadrant the designation North and worked from there.

North was the factory quadrant. Row after row of Factories occupied the space - ten rows of Land Factories feeding into five aisles, each of which was lined with Phase Teleporter Pads and capped at each end with currently inactive Teleport Gates. Alongside the Land Factories were four Advanced Airfields, dominating that half of the Northern quadrant with very little room left over. Each of those was also capped at each end by Teleporter Gates, again currently inactive. Once I got the asteroid shipyard up and running - a process that was taking an unfortunately long time for reasons I'll get to later, - I could construct my Corvettes and Frigates in the safety of the base before deploying them elsewhere.

East was the unit storage area - as in, it was pretty much just a huge multi-levelled area much like a parking garage, every inch of space underfoot crammed full of Phase Teleporter Pads. Currently there was nothing there, but once I figured out how exactly I was going to go about my war, and I had the resources to do so, I would flood the place with units, ready to be deployed at a later date.

South was what I referred to as the 'service' quadrant. It was home to yet more factories - this time including a pair of Advanced Air Factories, not just Land Factories, - and these factories were solely responsible for pumping out as many Fabricators as they could. Those Fabricators were the ones who then spread themselves throughout the facility, aiding factories in the construction of new units for my army. Or, they would, once I started making the army. It was also the location of my Dimensional Gate, although I hadn't yet activated it.

West was my resource and storage quadrant. It was absolutely filled to the brim with Resource Cores, Energy Generators, and both kinds of storage building, outputting enough power to run the facility several times over - and then storing in, in cells that could, at maximum charge, run the facility for days unaided. Which didn't seem like a long time for an underground military base, but one has to remember that the single most prohibitively time consuming construct in the Progenitor's arsenal is a Resource Core. Which takes ten minutes to make.

And finally, in the centre of the base, directly underneath the silo, a single Orbital Launcher - my ticket to the stars. Well, one of them.

Of course, this base was to be merely the first of many. Already I had plans to construct additional facilities on other planets - I'd need all the industrial base I could get if I wanted to stand the slightest chance at stopping the Reapers. Without resorting to Deus Ex Starchild, that is.

But before I could build on other planets, I needed to get there. My Orbital Fabricator had flown quite a distance to reach the asteroid field, and from there had constructed not only an Orbital Factory but an anchor point that bound the factory to one of the nearby asteroids. Then, it and the Factory had focused efforts on constructing more Fabricators. Unfortunately, this was less a brilliant plan on my part and more because I forgot to turn off auto-queue, but it nevertheless proved useful once they were complete. The relatively large number of Orbital Fabricators were able to rapidly construct new Orbital Factories, quickly bringing the number up to eight factories, each anchored by way of thick metal columns to the largest of the nearby asteroids. From there, I ordered them to start hollowing out the rock, and they quickly complied.

Whilst they were doing that, I had one of the factories build a couple of my Gagea scout fighters, sending one to each of the other four worlds in the system and one more to move through the asteroid field, to make sure I wouldn't get any nasty surprises from anything lying in wait. I figured I'd have probably detected something if that was the case, but it never hurt to be careful.


As the last of my Gagea fighters reported a successful survey and dropped into a stable orbit, I checked over the finding reports.

Planet number two was another worthless rock with a worthless atmosphere of methane and argon, but at least it had… well, eighty percent Earth's gravity. Slightly better, still worthless. And a somewhat warm 58 degrees - certainly more livable than this pile of silicate. It also had a moon rich in titanium, which I wanted for its delicious delicious metal.

The third planet was a nice change of pace - a frozen shithole. Also about eighty percent gravity, also worthless atmosphere (this time ethane and carbon dioxide), and a rather chilly -35 degrees global average temperature. A single moon, silicate in nature, not particularly noteworthy otherwise.

The fourth rock from the sun, on the far side of the asteroid field, was somehow even worse. A gravity of just 0.28g, a thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide and krypton, and an average temperature below -80 degrees. No moons, or other notable redeeming qualities, although it was glowing. I wondered why that was. Perhaps it would be worth looking into.

The final planet wasn't even technically a rock - it was a hydrogen-helium gas giant. It had a couple of moons, tiny balls of rock and ice barely worth noting.

All in all, it was a very boring system.

Well, apart from the Reaper taking a dirtnap at the bottom of a crater on the other side of the planet I was currently inhabiting.

The solar system thoroughly scouted out, I ordered my Gageas to spread further, each one disabling their Phase Cloaks just long enough to jump to FTL. There were four stars within close proximity to the one I was currently orbiting, which worked out rather well given I had four scouts to spare. They shot off into the void, reactivating their Phase Cloaks as they dropped out of FTL.

Those orders given, I checked back on the status of my two facilities. My asteroid base was proceeding rather nicely as well - there was enough room inside to build a Land Factory, which began building Mining Fabricators as soon as it was able. Between them and the Orbital Fabricators, the asteroid would be almost completely hollowed out in no time, and then I could get to cramming the stupid rock full of Orbital Shipyards. My underground base was expanding nicely, tunnels being dug out to the various metal deposits on the planet.

Speaking of which, I ordered the construction of eight more Mining Fabricators - one for each other planet and moon in the system, barring, of course, the gas giant. As soon as they were completed they rolled over to the centre of the facility, at which point they were picked up by my also newly-constructed Astraeus units, to be carted away to planets far from here.

They were each under orders to replicate the base I had here once on each targeted planet and moon, digging deep below the surface before creating a fortress beneath the earth. Once that was done, they would expand through the planet's crust, creating extractors to draw from all available metal reserves.

The gas giant was slightly trickier - I had one of my Orbital Fabricators divert there to build a couple of orbital platforms, but there was only so much I could do stealthily…

Oh. Wait.

I have actual stealth tech now. Well. Semi-functional stealth tech. Hm.


After a bit of fiddling, I came up with a workable design. Based on the original Jig platform, it incorporated a Phase Cloak unit and a gratuitous amount of Metal and Energy storage in appropriate amounts to ensure that both would fill up at roughly the same rate - that is to say, they'd both reach 10% at the same time, they'd both reach 50% at the same time, etcetera.

Upon reaching 95% capacity, the Jigger would scan the area for any potential observers. If there were any, it would wait thirty seconds, then check again. Failing that, it would dip into the atmosphere of the gas giant - it wasn't feasible for long-term use, but the Jiggers could dip and and out with relative safety, thanks to the overly large thrusters I added just for that purpose. So long as they didn't try to stay there forever.

Once it was safe from prying eyes, it would disable the cloak, transfer the entirety of the tank across the resource network to the vast storage arrays at my base, and then re-cloak in a period of less than a second, repeating the process whilst maintaining stealth for approximately 99.6% of its operational time.

Of course, they wouldn't serve as heavily fortified bases like I would soon have on every other world, but they did provide a huge boost to my metal income and a fair boost to energy as well, which was nice.

As construction of my new bases began, I turned my attention back to the biggest problem in the system - the Reaper corpse.

There were several possibilities regarding the origin of this corpse, depending entirely on when in the Mass Effect timeline I was - was I in the Human slash Asari cycle? The Prothean cycle? Before that? After?

I didn't want to make any assumptions, and I certainly didn't want to break my stealth until I knew exactly what I was up against. To that end, I needed to find out who was in charge of the Citadel, and, assuming it's the Asari, what year it was according to the Humans.

Whilst my Gageas were off exploring to find out that information, however, I had another potential source just halfway around the planet from my primary base.

Again, obviously, the Reaper corpse.

If I was in the Asari cycle, pre-harvest, then I knew of three Reapers still in the galaxy. Sovereign, possibly now dead. The dead Reaper Cerberus found, where Legion was encountered in Mass Effect 2, and… the Leviathan of Dis.

Since this wasn't in space and it was dead, I was leaning towards the third. If so… did that make the planet Dis, or the star Dis? Or was it named after something else entirely?


Either way, it was a possible identification for the Reaper. Until I found out otherwise, I was going to assume that it was, and therefore that I was relatively close to Batarian space - ground zero for the Reaper invasion.

However, since I wasn't stupid, I was also going to maintain my stealth as long as possible. Two Advanced Air Fabricators, each equipped with Phase Cloak devices, were the only things I sent out.

If I could assimilate the Reaper, that would be a huge boon to my technology - element zero was borderline if not outright physics breaking, and it was hardly the only thing I'd be getting. Hope would no doubt have a field day with the stuff.

That said, I was worried about a few things. First, the Reapers themselves were made up of tens if not hundreds of thousands of indoctrinated minds, the remnants of civilisations destroyed to form the core of the Reaper. There was no telling how that would interact with my hacking tech, or even if it would. The Reapers might be 'machine' enough to be hacked, or 'organic' enough to be mind controlled - or, worse, they might be neither.

And second, it might still be able to indoctrinate me - I couldn't remember whether the Geth were indoctrinated or hacked or just good-old-fashioned diplomacy'd onto the Reaper's side, but I was more complex than just a bunch of code - or so I assumed. And, as Cerberus's science teams had found out in Mass Effect 2, 'even dead gods can still dream'.

Both points were worrying in their own way, but in the absolute worst case, I could just steal the machine parts with nanobots and then nuke it. Hacking it would simply give me access to its memories, and even without its databanks, I would no doubt be able to find out the state of the galaxy once I reached the Citadel.

In the meantime, I needed to contact Hope.


My Commander stepped through the swirling vortex under the ground and emerged on the third floor of the Hub Spire.

Less than a second after I emerged, two figures teleported into the room - one of my NeoAvatars, and one of Hope's, dressed in a lab coat. I assumed control of the first NeoAvatar, turning to Hope and waving.

"I'm back. Just figured I'd pop in before I go for a tour of Omega and the Citadel."

Hope waved back, tapping an arm to her chin thoughtfully. "Mass Effect?" She guessed, although it wasn't much of a guess after the hints I'd given.

My Avatar nodded. "Dis, specifically. Still not sure if Dis is the star or the planet, but it's where the Leviathan of Dis is at. I'm about to loot that, so stand by for that sweet tech."

Hope nodded. "Nice, sounds fun. I've got a few projects cooking, but I'd prefer not to leave them without oversight. Send me the tech, and I'll look it over whilst I keep an eye on my stuff here. Once it's all set up, then I'll come and join you?"

I shrugged at that. "Sure, why not? The more, the merrier."
After a bit of fiddling, I came up with a workable design. Based on the original Jig platform, it incorporated a Phase Cloak unit and a gratuitous amount of Metal and Energy storage in appropriate amounts to ensure that both would fill up at roughly the same rate - that is to say, they'd both reach 10% at the same time, they'd both reach 50% at the same time, etcetera.

Upon reaching 95% capacity, the Jigger would scan the area for any potential observers. If there were any, it would wait thirty seconds, then check again. Failing that, it would dip into the atmosphere of the gas giant - it wasn't feasible for long-term use, but the Jiggers could dip and and out with relative safety, thanks to the overly large thrusters I added just for that purpose. So long as they didn't try to stay there forever.
Hmm.. I forget what the Jig is.

Is it basicly a resource core with wings? And now it has huge ass storage tanks so it can build up mass/energy while cutoff from the QRN while phased, phase in, drain tanks and then phase back out again?

Hmm, I wonder if there should be a unit list/details segment/spoiler post in the index/page one/threadmarks.
Hmm.. I forget what the Jig is.

Is it basicly a resource core with wings? And now it has huge ass storage tanks so it can build up mass/energy while cutoff from the QRN while phased, phase in, drain tanks and then phase back out again?

Hmm, I wonder if there should be a unit list/details segment/spoiler post in the index/page one/threadmarks.
Jigs are gas giant miners. They harvest the valuable gasses that make up the atmosphere,and somehow make metal out of it,while also making energy,presumably by spinning turbines at 0.5c.
It extracts metal and power from the atmosphere of gas giants. is a good place to look if you don't know what a unit is.
No resource core/ex nihlio generation of mass, and the power is also probably extracted from the gas giant somehow.
Jigs are gas giant miners. They harvest the valuable gasses that make up the atmosphere,and somehow make metal out of it,while also making energy,presumably by spinning turbines at 0.5c.
Interesting. That does bring up the question though that out of phase things can mine from normal phase sources, partially the same thing as the QRN not being available to the other QRN phase.
Interesting. That does bring up the question though that out of phase things can mine from normal phase sources, partially the same thing as the QRN not being available to the other QRN phase.

Then couldn't she set up two separate QRNs one in 'real-space' and the other that comes in-and-out of phase ?

That way her modded jigs could continue to function continuously in phase-space
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Then couldn't she set up two separate QRNs one in 'real-space' and the other that comes in-and-out of phase ?

That way her modded jigs could continue to function continuously in phase-space
If I remember correctly from the time in FTL, that happened automatically. The QRN works across phased space or non-phased space. Two separate networks basically. I think that she had made some phased energy/mass storage so that the phased units had a source when they needed it.
If I remember correctly from the time in FTL, that happened automatically. The QRN works across phased space or non-phased space. Two separate networks basically. I think that she had made some phased energy/mass storage so that the phased units had a source when they needed it.

Huh, forgot about that if it actually did happen that way.

And to Faith

Why only one base per planet?
And, as Cerberus's science teams had found out in Mass Effect 2, 'even dead gods can still dream'.
Yeah, best be super careful with any Reaper tech unless you are sure you are safe from indoctrination/hacking from them.

Your not like Drich who can bitch slap any attempt like that.
Both points were worrying in their own way, but in the absolute worst case, I could just steal the machine parts with nanobots and then nuke it.
Noooo, the absolute worst case is "oh, you thought I was dead? ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!" :o:facepalm:

Jigs are gas giant miners. They harvest the valuable gasses that make up the atmosphere,and somehow make metal out of it,while also making energy,presumably by spinning turbines at 0.5c.
After checking out the cited db and some vids, my guess is they're basically (gigantic) mining/fusion reactor plants. Suck up matter, fuse the lighter elements into heavier ones for large amounts of power, use some of that fusion power to make "metal" from the heavier ones, store/send both power and metal.

Also: huh. Based on the pa-db, SC has mass fabricators, but PA doesn't... is there any official lore re whether PA actually has ex-nihilo energy generation or energy-to-matter conversion tech?
Read, Liked and Waiting for more.

BTW, why does your sig say this fic is rebooting?
You. Saw. Nothing.
It's because I put it to that when I uploaded Interlude: Troublemakers (ie when the fic was 'rebooting', so to speak) and then forgot to change it.

Hmm.. I forget what the Jig is.

Is it basicly a resource core with wings? And now it has huge ass storage tanks so it can build up mass/energy while cutoff from the QRN while phased, phase in, drain tanks and then phase back out again?
No, it's a -
It extracts metal and power from the atmosphere of gas giants. is a good place to look if you don't know what a unit is.
No resource core/ex nihlio generation of mass, and the power is also probably extracted from the gas giant somehow.
Jigs are gas giant miners. They harvest the valuable gasses that make up the atmosphere,and somehow make metal out of it,while also making energy,presumably by spinning turbines at 0.5c.
- oh. Yeah. That.

Hmm, I wonder if there should be a unit list/details segment/spoiler post in the index/page one/threadmarks.
There actually is a Faith Foundation Unit Catalogue, but it's a few chapters ahead. I might remove the spoilery stuff to a separate document and then link it maybe.

So one can say Dis gonna be gud?

I'm not sorry. :p
I dunno, I thought Dis chapter was pretty good myself :D

Hey, no beating up my customers! Go do that in your own thread!

Interesting. That does bring up the question though that out of phase things can mine from normal phase sources, partially the same thing as the QRN not being available to the other QRN phase.
Then couldn't she set up two separate QRNs one in 'real-space' and the other that comes in-and-out of phase ?

That way her modded jigs could continue to function continuously in phase-space
If I remember correctly from the time in FTL, that happened automatically. The QRN works across phased space or non-phased space. Two separate networks basically. I think that she had made some phased energy/mass storage so that the phased units had a source when they needed it.
Huh, forgot about that if it actually did happen that way.
Unlike the Phase FTL, which is complete separation from reality, the Phase Cloak is only a partial separation. This means that Cloaked vessels can still interact with the world around them, to a limited degree - enough to use sensors, fire weapons, or mine resources through the power of NANOMACH- *shot*

That is to say, the station can still mine whilst cloaked. However, the resource network relies on scientific fuckery the likes of which does not play well with Cloaking. As a result, Phased and non-Phased resource networks cannot connect to each other. The station disabling Cloak periodically allows it to sync its own resource network with Faith's global resource network, which allows resource distribution before the station re-cloaks.

And to Faith

Why only one base per planet?
Because Commander Faith is still being cautious and trying not to attract too much attention, she's only sending a single Astraeus (and, necessarily, a single Fabricator) to each planet. Once they set up the first base, they will expand slowly outwards until...

...her bases will BE the planet.
Senpai gets it :D

Yeah, best be super careful with any Reaper tech unless you are sure you are safe from indoctrination/hacking from them.

You're not like Drich who can bitch slap any attempt like that.
Reaper tech is to be poked carefully, with a long stick, through a proxy connected to a proxy connected to a proxy connected to your brain.

Noooo, the absolute worst case is "oh, you thought I was dead? ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!" :o:facepalm:
Shush, you.

After checking out the cited db and some vids, my guess is they're basically (gigantic) mining/fusion reactor plants. Suck up matter, fuse the lighter elements into heavier ones for large amounts of power, use some of that fusion power to make "metal" from the heavier ones, store/send both power and metal.
Yeah, I guess. Honestly that wasn't something I really considered the mechanics behind - just like the in-depth description of Jartar last chapter, it exists mainly for padding. :p

Also: huh. Based on the pa-db, SC has mass fabricators, but PA doesn't... is there any official lore re whether PA actually has ex-nihilo energy generation or energy-to-matter conversion tech?
They do, they are in the commanders.

No, but then, there's not a whole lot of official lore full stop, so... eh. We make do and mend. That said, there are no requirements for special placement for the Energy Generators and they always produce the same output, which means it can't be thermal/wind/solar/whatever, and they don't consume any metal during their operations to use as fuel, so...? Commanders are in the same boat - no input, energy output.

Besides, at this point I think pretty much everyone is using Drich's Commander as the stepping off point, in which case ex-nihilo energy generation (and ex-nihilo energy destruction) was established almost two years ago - September 1st, 2014, in Drich's third log entry.
Noooo, the absolute worst case is "oh, you thought I was dead? ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!" :o:facepalm:

After checking out the cited db and some vids, my guess is they're basically (gigantic) mining/fusion reactor plants. Suck up matter, fuse the lighter elements into heavier ones for large amounts of power, use some of that fusion power to make "metal" from the heavier ones, store/send both power and metal.

Also: huh. Based on the pa-db, SC has mass fabricators, but PA doesn't... is there any official lore re whether PA actually has ex-nihilo energy generation or energy-to-matter conversion tech?
It's common fanon that Resource Cores are why commanders have resource generation at the start of a match.
I'm personally of the opinion it's a probability field-thing/zero-point generator combo.
Fuck with probability, harvest the particle/antiparticles that don't annihilate because you forbade them to, generate the power with space fuckery.
I dunno, I thought Dis chapter was pretty good myself :D
I am fully capable of duel-wielding newpapers.
It's common fanon that Resource Cores are why commanders have resource generation at the start of a match.
I'm personally of the opinion it's a probability field-thing/zero-point generator combo.
Fuck with probability, harvest the particle/antiparticles that don't annihilate because you forbade them to, generate the power with space fuckery.
Meanwhile, I'm over here making up my own physics and PA lore. Asymmetric reactions for the win.
Unlike the Phase FTL, which is complete separation from reality, the Phase Cloak is only a partial separation. This means that Cloaked vessels can still interact with the world around them, to a limited degree - enough to use sensors, fire weapons, or mine resources through the power of NANOMACH- *shot*

That is to say, the station can still mine whilst cloaked. However, the resource network relies on scientific fuckery the likes of which does not play well with Cloaking. As a result, Phased and non-Phased resource networks cannot connect to each other. The station disabling Cloak periodically allows it to sync its own resource network with Faith's global resource network, which allows resource distribution before the station re-cloaks.
Hmmm, well, looking at it this way, I wonder why the mining rigs ever decloak in the first place. It would likely be much more secure to simply have specialized vehicles specifically to cloak and decloak regularly with huge storage capacities. In fact, having most all of your econ and infrastructure in a cloaked state permanently would likely be the best path to go from a pure resource security perspective. Just have the ships that you want interacting directly with the full sync decloak when the situation calls for it.