It's not the oxygen, because the people on Mars can still breath even after the terraformer is wrecked.
I vaguely recall it being that the terraformer made the atmosphere not heavily ionized.

Edit: Stupid autocorrect.

Just checked. They can't survive Earth-like atmospheric conditions, or "pure air."
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...I'm glad I never played Armageddon. Sounds like hack writing across the board for that game,as well as criminally stupid game design; In a game about altering the terrain to your advantage,the game's most prevalent enemy can just ignore anything you can do with the terrain. I think I'm gonna like Faith and Hope styling all over the Zerg Swarm Plague and EDF.
Huh, that makes way more sense than I was expecting. I thought it'd be lemon juice or something. O2​ is some highly reactive shit. It's like if we found a planet where they breathed ammonia or swam in acid or something.
If I remember correctly O2 was was used by microbes on this one blue planet for chemical warfare. They produced it as a waste byproduct and gassed their competitors into submission. Isn't nature grand?
Just checked. They can't survive Earth-like atmospheric conditions, or "pure air."

As I explain in the next chapter:
"Air. Earthlike air." She explained. "The highly ionised air here is good for them, but get rid of that, they get sick, disoriented. Add a pinch more oxygen, bam, one dead bug. Or, you know. A couple million."

Oxygen makes them sick. Non-ionised air makes them sick. Either one makes them dead soon, both makes them dead right the fuck now.
EDIT: Oh. Ha! I just figured out how commander faith is gonna figure out the weakness. Hope is going to take a Plague to the science station, expose it to a Earth norm atmosphere, and be very confused when the thing keels over and dies.

The glass shattered as the Behemoth rammed it once more, a full body charge that put it straight through the glass and across the room.

The Behemoth let out a keening scream, and then keeled over and died.


Called it!~

EDIT: ...and apparently Faith literally used my exact wording? "Keeled over and died". Lol, actually took me a second of looking at my own post to realize. :D
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Called it!~

EDIT: ...and apparently Faith literally used my exact wording? "Keeled over and died". Lol, actually took me a second of looking at my own post to realize. :D

I swear to god that was unintentional - I didn't realize either until I looked back at your post. Mea culpa.

EDIT: Also, Ovid. 2, maybe 3 chapters from now, you'll be adding a new ship to your signature. Mark my words.
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I wonder... Does Faith believe in the whole "Hugeass spinal railgun" school of spaceship design?
EDIT: Also, Ovid. 2, maybe 3 chapters from now, you'll be adding a new ship to your signature. Mark my words.

Promises promises. :ogles:

And also, to quote River Song, "Spoilers!~"

EDIT: Also, dammit Faith! I'm trying to give your post an Informative and a Funny like, and SV won't let me! Boo!
...and now I'm thinking of adding/changing it to a Hug too...
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Nah, if it was just a big-ass railgun with engines, that wouldn't make the list. That's just an artillery platform.

The main list is for ships that are exceptionally well written in their introduction, and instill in me a sense of awe/Do-Want! as I read it. A carrier could be awesomely designed, but there's a certain tingly feeling that only happens with battlefield dominators.

Though, to be fair, Faith HAS already made two designs that I liked enough to make a new category for. So, they are kinda already starting at an advantage.
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Nah, if it was just a big-ass railgun with engines, that wouldn't make the list. That's just an artillery platform.

The main list is for ships that are exceptionally well written in their introduction, and instill in me a sense of awe/Do-Want! as I read it. A carrier could be awesomely designed, but there's a certain tingly feeling that only happens with battlefield dominators.

Though, to be fair, Faith HAS already made two designs that I liked enough to make a new category for. So, they are kinda already starting at an advantage.
I was just taking the mickey out of my own scenario. Still,though. Ten click long railgun. Point that on a lush,bountiful world... And watch it crack,blacken,and rot,with one shot. ERROR 404: OVERKILL NOT FOUND.
"Come to think of it,slapping engines and some armour plates on a ten kilometer long railgun hardly makes it a ship. But dammit,this is MY spaceship! Nobody else's!"

"There's only enough living space to barely seat one person... so it's technically a lifeboat."

"What kind of lifeboat comes with a ten kilometer long railgun?!"

"The kind that wants to make an example of whoever trashed their ship."
All together now; Kinetic weapons are just BETTER!
Actually, it depends on a bunch of things...

Lasers/masers/grasers are great for accuracy, and can be made to be good at armour penetration, but if you really want to mess someone's day up, kinetic weapons are better for those without a certain level of armour. Though their maximum accurate range is much less than a laser unless their have a guidance system, they also don't have a range at which diffusion renders the laser useless for more than illuminating a target... and not the good kind of illuminating...

Plasma weapon is also a very good weapon, though they are similar to kinetics, just swapping the impact shockwave for a thermal shockwave, as well as better armour degradation. That said, they've got an even shorter range than lasers...

Then we have particle beams... those are one of my favourites, for the simple reason that they are almost as accurate as lasers, deal kinetic and thermal damage so it doesn't matter if the enemy's made their armour resistant to energy weapons or kinetics, it'll always damage, and possess the armour penetration abilities of a laser or kinetic penetrator round, whilst still creating a minor crater.

The other favourite is missiles because they can do so many things, and even if the enemy has brilliant point defenses, depending on what their warhead is, they can still be useful.

Then you have the' go away' railgun's of Proximal Flame's Nemesis...

She's a dreadnought class with 6 spinal railguns that fire corvette(at least) sized rounds that are guided. It doesn't matter where you are in the system, she can hit you with those. And if you don't dodge, you are either dead, or crippled.
The Meteor Rounds are the size of a small starship and consist entirely of armour with several buried sensors where you are shooting them as well as being a rather sizably percentage of C...

Do you really think your lasers are going to do anything to those rounds fast enough? That said, you can dodge them, just make sure it's not a near miss as I believe they have internal warheads... though it's been months since I read those chapters so I could be wrong about the standard round having a warhead...

But then, considering the railguns are spinal and at least 4 kilometres long I believe, they are an 'out there' example...

And that's ignoring her Cthulugun...

Ok, now let's go back to having faith in superior firepower, rather than selecting preferred superior firepower :p