Kinda want to join in as a unit... but it feels like it's for the whole group so I'd rather just watch and see how it unfolds since I'm afraid of botching things up @_@;. The combat system is easy to understand (for me anyway) so curious how things will go from here. @_@;
Kinda want to join in as a unit... but it feels like it's for the whole group so I'd rather just watch and see how it unfolds since I'm afraid of botching things up @_@;. The combat system is easy to understand (for me anyway) so curious how things will go from here. @_@;
Go for it, there are still a few E-Frames left - you can either take over "Engineer A" or "Melee" if you just want to try things out, or roll out another one of the E-Frames that hasn't been taken yet (see the "Available E-Frames" info post). Don't worry too much about messing it up, the more E-Frames there are active, the less individual mistakes matter.
Go for it, there are still a few E-Frames left - you can either take over "Engineer A" or "Melee" if you just want to try things out, or roll out another one of the E-Frames that hasn't been taken yet (see the "Available E-Frames" info post). Don't worry too much about messing it up, the more E-Frames there are active, the less individual mistakes matter.
[X] Engineer A
-[X] Deploy on C6
-[X] [Blue] Move C5
-[X] [Red] Missile anything in sight
[X] Engineer B
-Deploy B6
-Move left
-Drag wraith A7->A6
[Note: I meant for A6 and D6 not to be valid deployment locations, but must have made the update after Plague Doc orders were posted - but having a "spare" E-Frame let me make it work, so all is good]
Engineer B deploys B6
Wraith deploys A7
Melee deploys B6
Falcon deploys C6
Engineer A deploys C6
Hostile Movement:
All sensor contacts down to row 1
5x new sensor contact in row 0
Lt. Tom "Joker" Ward
As the pirate sensor contacts begin to close in, you decide to create an arrowhead formation, intending to punch through the pirate line and get the jump troop shuttle through - you don't need to blow up every pirate, the capital ships and trailing... er... escorting E-Frames can take care of that; you just need to blow up enough to get the jump troops through. Them and their boots with the ridiculously large feet that look more like diving flippers.
"Easy-eight, engage your boosters and take point." you order. "Easy-six, designate targets for missile fire. Everyone else, maintain formation on Easy-eight."
"Acknowledged, flight lead." Lestari reports. You smirk - like most other "sergeant" E-Frame pilots, she's probably just itching to fire up those boosters and go shred some pirates. Unlike most other "sergeant" E-Frame pilots, she doesn't show it.
"Negative flight lead, unable to comply. Friendly units in line of sight." Plague Doc replies, somewhat curtly. You blink for a couple of seconds, navigating the flight map to figure out what the hell he's talking about. Yep, Easy-four has moved into his assigned slot in the formation, but Plague Doc has fallen behind for whatever reason and now the engineering E-Frame's sensor shadow is completely blocking the Wraith's line of "sight". You sigh, mouthing something along the lines of "are you fraggin' kidding me?"
"Easy-four, Easy-six, sort yourselves out and get into formation." you order.
"No problem, sir." Josh replies. Soon enough, your sensors show, the two E-Frames in proper formation and a pirate corvette is briefly designated on your targeting map by Plague Doc's sensors. He engages it without delay (or waiting for orders), the missile flying out as soon as the contact shows. A brief flash is barely visible against the looming surface of Tethys, and you consider the issue settled for the moment.
"Hey, leave some for the rest of us!" Em calls out.
"Yeah, man, I pulled you into position, I can just as easily pull you back out." Josh adds. "It'll be just like they do in ExoBall!"
"Hey, you think we'll get this wrapped up in time for us to watch the next broadcast?" Em continues. "I wanna see it live, my team's playing."
"Cut the chatter and focus." Lestari calls out. "We've got pirates literally fifteen seconds from weapons range."
You sigh, again. "First of all, it's on a one-hour delay 'cause of light-speed lag, so nobody's seeing anything live. Second, Easy-eight is correct - cut the chatter, and the B-Complex is on me when we get back."
You hope you don't have to remind them or take any disciplinary action - you've got a fantasy ExoBall team that's got a lot riding on that game, while disciplinary action requires paperwork.
Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn
Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (5/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.
Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) one space towards this E-Frame OR prevent designated target from moving away
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) one space towards this E-Frame OR prevent designated target from moving away
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR grab a mission-critical object.
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Pilot: (Name TBD)
[] Recon - Pick deployment space (A7-D7, B6 or C6)
[] Recon - Pick a name (and optionally a call sign), up to three keywords describing the character
[] Recon - Pick a color (ideally not one already taken)
Also Recon:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4x)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target from moving away OR grab a mission-critical object
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
Pilot: Ian 'Jumper' Lorenze
[X] Recon - Pick deployment space: C6.
[X] Recon - Pick a name (and optionally a call sign), up to three keywords describing the character: Ian Lorenze ('Jumper'), Aggressive, Perceptive, Coolheaded.
[X] Recon - Pick a color (ideally not one already taken): Emerald. If not that, then Green. If not that, then Pear.
Pilot: Ian 'Jumper' Lorenze
[X] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction. (C6 to C5)
[X] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio
- Move one space in the grid in any direction. (C5 to C4)
Contemplating, but QM do the Enemies have missiles or only Torpedos so far? ..?
The pirates have missiles (e.g. last scenario they had a couple of MLRS-type units that showed up and got blown up almost right away). However, their missile tech is all "last generation" at best, so they don't have nearly the range that ExoFleet missile systems do.
The pirates have missiles (e.g. last scenario they had a couple of MLRS-type units that showed up and got blown up almost right away). However, their missile tech is all "last generation" at best, so they don't have nearly the range that ExoFleet missile systems do.
Ah, gotcha, was worried for a moment till I checked the Informational on the previous mission. Curious how 'Jumper' will appear and be portrayed on the next update...
Kinda want to join in as a unit... but it feels like it's for the whole group so I'd rather just watch and see how it unfolds since I'm afraid of botching things up @_@;. The combat system is easy to understand (for me anyway) so curious how things will go from here. @_@;
Engineer A is grappling Engineer B to get him closer to the shuttle for support.
Melee is using the additional Blue command to get in front of the shuttle and get the best position for next turn. Moving forward doesnt work because it would expose the frame to an enemy once the sensor contact moves forward
..morbidly curious. But can we 'grab' the shuttle as an E-Frame (if you have the appropriate [RED] action for it) and move with it (via [BLUE] or [GRAY])? I'm assuming no but something tells me it might be possible..? Maybe?
..morbidly curious. But can we 'grab' the shuttle as an E-Frame (if you have the appropriate [RED] action for it) and move with it (via [BLUE] or [GRAY])? I'm assuming no but something tells me it might be possible..? Maybe?
I've thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that an Engineer E-Frame can use the magnetic grapple to pull itself towards "heavy" objects like shuttles and capital ships.
Actually, now that I think about it, I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to use the Recon E-Frame's [RED] Claw or a Sergeant E-Frame's [RED] Fist to grab onto the shuttle. You're giving up your offensive action in exchange for extra movement, which I think is a reasonable tradeoff.
I've thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that an Engineer E-Frame can use the magnetic grapple to pull itself towards "heavy" objects like shuttles and capital ships.
Actually, now that I think about it, I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to use the Recon E-Frame's [RED] Claw or a Sergeant E-Frame's [RED] Fist to grab onto the shuttle. You're giving up your offensive action in exchange for extra movement, which I think is a reasonable tradeoff.
Oooh, good to know. Though do we need to use the [RED] Claw option again to release said shuttle? I'm assuming yes? Unless they fly on their own again once Ally Phase starts after Enemy Phase.
For simplicity's sake, I'm going to say that there's no "carryover" between turns - all mag grapples and claws and such get released after the "hostile movement" phase. So if you want to stay attached to a shuttle, you'll have to use mag grapple/claw again on the subsequent turn.
[X] Recon - Pick a name (and optionally a call sign), up to three keywords describing the character: Ian Lorenze ('Jumper'), Aggressive, Perceptive, Coolheaded.
You count down the seconds to contact - Lestari hangs a right hook around your formation, forming the tip of the spear. You and Em form the wing, Josh and Plague Doc having fallen hopelessly far behind. Whether it's from dicking around with mag grapples or laziness, you're not sure. A friendly sensor contact comes up from behind you pretty rapidly - it's the recon E-Frame. You cringe when looking at it - despite the dynamic tinting on your cockpit glass it's still obnoxiously bright, the kind of green that comic book artists and video game developers use to signify that a substance is radioactive and you shouldn't step in it.
"Nice of you to join us, Jumper." you call out. "Tried to light your afterburner off in the launch bay and get stuck again?"
"Negative, lead. Just last in line." the pilot in the recon E-Frame replies. A small humanoid design, only slightly more bulky than a suit of jump trooper armor. Its limbs and above-head missile rack make it look like an upright crab - the two missile pods up top being the eyestalks, the single claw (and the other one replaced with a blaster) contributing the most to that look. The standard paintjob is an obnoxious pastel pink, but the emerald green isn't really much better, in your opinion. But you don't really care enough to give your people a hard time about what color they choose to paint their e-frames. "Looks like all the action is going to be here," he comments, "... so I thought I'd catch up."
"You're bloody right the action's gonna be here!" Em calls out.
You shrug. In about ten seconds, they're going to be right. The current plan is for Lestari to crack open the enemy formation, whatever it consists of, while you, Em and Jumper provide fire support and keep the pirates off her tail as best you can. Josh and Plague Doc... at this point, they're missile support. You sigh - you really don't want to have to have a lengthy discussion with them about staying in formation, but it's looking like you'll have to. You catch yourself fantasizing about them (or yourself) getting blown up so you don't have to, it's always kind of a bummer. But then you'd have to write a letter home explaining what happened, which is... well, you still haven't gotten around to writing your first one yet.
"Looks like a lot of contacts coming out of that debris field in A0, watch that vector." Josh calls out, presumably after having read Plague Doc's second sensor sweep of the area. You wonder where that debris field came from. Was it one of the early transport ships carrying convicts here? That was decades ago. No way the pirates left salvageable material hanging around that long. Maybe the remains of a hijacked freighter towed here then broken up for scrap? Whatever it is, it forms a great sensor shadow for pirate craft to hide behind as they come up from the moon's surface or some hidden hangar bay orbiting alongside the debris.
Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn
Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (5/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.
Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
Thinking about it... What's the enemy targetting priority I wonder if there are multiple ExoFleet units in one space? A 1dx roll? (Where x is the number of units there and each is represented by said number?)
Or could they just prioritize taking out the JumpTroop Shuttle?
Will 'Evading' whilst 'Holding' the Shuttle allow said Shuttle to Evade? @_@..? I'm guessing no since that doesn't seem to work that way I think.
Thinking about it... What's the enemy targetting priority I wonder if there are multiple ExoFleet units in one space? A 1dx roll? (Where x is the number of units there and each is represented by said number?)
Or could they just prioritize taking out the JumpTroop Shuttle?
Will 'Evading' whilst 'Holding' the Shuttle allow said Shuttle to Evade? @_@..? I'm guessing no since that doesn't seem to work that way I think.
E-Frames tend to attract more attention - so if there's a shuttle and two E-Frames in a space, the random odds are shuttle - 1, E-Frame A - 2/3, E-Frame B 4/5. An E-Frame's orders don't make a difference to the random targeting by themselves (if they do, it'll be explicitly called out).
The shuttle itself is incapable of evading, so it'll just keep moving forward.