Goddamnit. I should have asked that earlier; that even rules out office spaces and hospitals. Pretty much only homes will make mana.

This is why we should have taken Convoke, people. The mundanes can't help us at all.

Okay, so, leave them to die, need to focus on the magical girls.
To be clear here, does this work based upon individual humans only beginning to produce any mana at all after either sleeping or spending twelve hours in the place, or is it just that any given individual doesn't produce meaningful amounts in less time than that? That is, does it have to be a specific person spending most of the day there, or does it still function well with a high-density but frequently rotating population?

For example, a popular 24-hour restaurant might be about the right size for our Haven casting at the moment and never fall below ten people in its area even at the lowest point of the day, but only the staff will be present for more than a handful of hours at a time and no one will sleep there. If the spell generates mana based on average numbers of people present that's very different from having a ramp-up time for each specific individual; the restaurant could give us half a mote or even a full mote if everyone there is mundane in the first case but would provide nothing at all in the second.
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[1] Backrest
[2] Galaxy
[2] Barrier
[3] Sky
[4] Sunset
[5] Sakura
[6] Eyebrows
[-] Earring

[X] Head over to the NYPD HQ (Or whatever they call it) and and offer to help them with magical law enforcement.
-[X] Switch to Spring Raiment once you're there. The obvious display of magic should get their attention.
-[X] Be upfront about your capabilities: You're an inexperienced support, so for now, the best you can do is ward their stations and jails against violence one by one.
-[X] Bring your pets.
This is why we should have taken Convoke, people. The mundanes can't help us at all.

*hits with rolled-up newspaper* My policies regarding grumbling about the results of past votes remain in effect. Both abilities are excellent. Convoke encouraged public support; HH encourages covering Magical Girls first. By the time you should switch over to humans, you'll likely know how to reduce the time needed. You also get 1 free extra mana right off the bat, courtesy of you being a mage who lives in a HH. :p

To be clear here, does this work based upon individual humans only beginning to produce any mana at all after either sleeping or spending twelve hours in the place, or is it just that any given individual doesn't produce meaningful amounts in less time than that? That is, does it have to be a specific person spending most of the day there, or does it still function well with a high-density but frequently rotating population?
This one, at least for now:
does it have to be a specific person spending most of the day there
That might change when you're more skilled. You think it will.
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[1] Eyebrows
[3] Backrest
[5] Sakura
[4] Earring
[6] Sunset
[8] Galaxy
[7] Sky
[2] Barrier
Note to self: A 3-hour moratorium is too long for a new quest. Whoops. ^^;
Okay. So, first order of business: Not getting conscripted by any of the gangs. Getting conscripted means we lose access to the other gangs, cutting our supply of magical girls to a sixth what it could be. Getting conscripted probably also means all our pets die, one way or another, if only because we won't have enough freedom to take care of them. So this is unacceptable. Brainstorming our options:
  1. Publicize our ability to set up wards. The gangs' choices would then be a war to gain control of us, letting us protect everyone, or killing us immediately so we can't destabilize the political environment.
  2. As 1, but with mundane support: we get ourselves in the news and explicitly talk about our fears of being conscripted. All of a sudden, killing us or conscripting us puts the responsible group (and magical girls as a whole, really) in direct contention with mundane government.
  3. Contract with various groups to supply wards on the condition that they keep their hands off you. This doesn't work because conscripting us immediately, rather than contracting with us, is strictly superior for most of these organizations.
  4. As 3, but we request active protection instead of just grief seeds or neutrality. This is a much harder sell, and again, generally inferior to conscripting us. We'd have to back it up with some other incentives, like 2 or threatening to spark a war.
  5. Ward their houses without involving them at all. Use the hawks to find where magical girls live, lurk in alleys near their positions, leave wards on their living spaces without telling them anything at all. Too difficult and risky, and doing it without requesting any compensation at all raises questions about our motives and what we get out of it.
  6. As 3, but with direct NYPD support. Go to their office and tell them everything we know about the situation. They can't actually fight magical girl, but we might be able to convince them to send an officer with us, and I can't see any magical girls starting anything right in front of an officer. I'm not sure we'd actually be able to convince them to do that.

[] Go to the NYPD, clue them in about the impending reveal of magic and the fact that magical girl organizations range from "medieval fiefdom" to "totalitarian dictatorship" to "violent gang", and ask them to send an officer to observe your negotiations with other magical girls.
-[] You and the other magical girls involved gain legitimacy and safety, the NYPD get a foot in the door to a developing situation.

I think that attempting this doesn't actually lose us anything, interestingly. At worst they refuse and we have to fall back to something like 2, which is what we'd have been attempting anyway.

Maximizing chances of success... @Alivaril, how cute are our pets? Are the dogs and cats at least surface-level normal, or would the "take your pets with you" options involve a squad of eerily-well-trained bear- and jaguar-equivalents?
What's special about these songbirds? Are they magical songbirds that can sing the dogs and cats back to being healthy? Does the colorful plumage and chirpy musical talent distract from the part where they're cunning spies? Or are they just incredibly cute birdies?
Kyubey has set up a truly monstrous little loop: as pain produces Grief, painful countermeasures to Grief will never work out in the long run. Short-term gains may be had, but long-term fatigue will cancel them over time.
So uh, how hard would it be to deal with the "painful" part of these painful countermeasures? I assume something just a bit beyond pulling out the good drugs, but how far beyond?
. If a better way of making money exists than to cure chronic diseases, you can't think of it.
Being part of the US's nuclear deterrent, PC. The government subsidizes a meaningful fraction of the country's entire economy just to preserve that capability. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like it's safe to publicize HH's mana-ramp capabilities, which means we don't have any way to get this information upwards. HH is also hard-capped on the ratio of income gained per mote spent warding, which means there's no way for them to feed us and get us kicked off faster, which would have been the key selling point for that strategy from the PoV of a national defense strategist.
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Both abilities are excellent. Convoke encouraged public support; HH encourages covering Magical Girls first. By the time you should switch over to humans, you'll likely know how to reduce the time needed. You also get 1 free extra mana right off the bat, courtesy of you being a mage who lives in a HH. :p

How expensive is HH, by the way? Because if anything, I think HH may be overpowered for a starting ability; it's basically Magnostadt's dream come true, assuming they could draw upon the mana it produces. Free mana from population, with a very quick return on investment for mages, and a longer but still strategically tolerable ROI for civilians. Compared to other mana generation methods, it's sustainable, doesn't require any extra space, and doubles as a means of keeping the peace.
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[1] Eyebrows
[5] Backrest
[7] Sakura
[4] Earring
[2] Sunset
[3] Galaxy
[6] Sky
[8] Barrier

[X] Explore the surrounding area.
-[X] Bring your pets along.
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[1] Eyebrows
[6] Backrest
[8] Sakura
[7] Earring
[3] Sunset
[5] Galaxy
[4] Sky
[2] Barrier
So, first order of business: Not getting conscripted by any of the gangs. Getting conscripted means we lose access to the other gangs, cutting our supply of magical girls to a sixth what it could be. Getting conscripted probably also means all our pets die, one way or another, if only because we won't have enough freedom to take care of them. So this is unacceptable. Brainstorming our options:
Actually, you think you're pretty unlikely to end up conscripted-conscripted (for more than paying protection dues), especially if you offer Hallowed Havens to mundane (rich) people. MGs will still be pricks who tax your Grief Seed hunts and you'll need to hunt to keep up your cover, but apart from that, you don't think they'll try to drag you into anything until they learn just how good your buffs are — and by the time that's clear, you'll be too strong to booli.

Alivaril, how cute are our pets? Are the dogs and cats at least surface-level normal, or would the "take your pets with you" options involve a squad of eerily-well-trained bear- and jaguar-equivalents?

Carefully surface-level normal, at least for now. It won't take long to convert them into greatwolf-sized hounds and lion-sized felines should you decide to go that route; you'll need a bigger place for them to roam around if you do that. Alternatively, you can keep them small and just use temporary Growth Surges for combat, although that route is significantly more expensive.

I admit it didn't occur to me to find individual portraits for each animal, but average in cuteness for cats, dogs, and birds. In other words, cute.

What's special about these songbirds? Are they magical songbirds that can sing the dogs and cats back to being healthy? Does the colorful plumage and chirpy musical talent distract from the part where they're cunning spies? Or are they just incredibly cute birdies?

They are fabulous and don't you forget it

The three songbirds make excellent mana generators and eyes when they've been treated to Rapid Growth. The two hawks can grow to mythical sizes and are useful in combat.

So uh, how hard would it be to deal with the "painful" part of these painful countermeasures? I assume something just a bit beyond pulling out the good drugs, but how far beyond?

Without the feedback of increased or decreased amounts of pain, it's hard to know when you're damaging your own soul. MGs can't remove Grief from the souls of others, either, just their own.

How expensive is HH, by the way?
It cost you GGGWWW to turn your two-bedroom / 1 bathroom / 1 kitchen apartment into a HH.
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The three songbirds make excellent mana generators
...Birds of Paradise, rofl.

They are fabulous and don't you forget it

Carefully surface-level normal, at least for now. It won't take long to convert them into greatwolf-sized hounds and lion-sized felines should you decide to go that route; you'll need a bigger place for them to roam around if you do that. Alternatively, you can keep them small and just use temporary Growth Surges for combat, although that route is significantly more expensive.
Excellent. I think we may want to bring one or two of the cats with us, then? They'd be good for demonstrations.
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Excellent. I think we may want to bring one or two of the cats with us, then? They'd be good for demonstrations.

Probably. They'd be even more well-behaved if you let spectators lavish them with the love and attention they so obviously deserve.[/cat]

(Do not let spectators rub their bellies)
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Note to self: A 3-hour moratorium is too long for a new quest. Whoops. ^^;
Not at all.
But you usually want a threadmarked post indicating the moratorium's end if you want votes!

[1] Barrier
[2] Sunset
[3] Backrest
[4] Sky
[5] Eyebrows
[6] Galaxy

[X] Head over to the NYPD HQ (Or whatever they call it) and and offer to help them with magical law enforcement.
-[X] Be upfront about your capabilities: You're an inexperienced support, so for now, the best you can do is ward their stations and jails against violence one by one.

Anyways we won't get a whole lot of mana out of this...but we do get a fair bit of goodwill I imagine. Which we can leverage further because police stations and jails are White(and sometimes Black-White). Good lands for us to use.
Also White is perfectly happy with buffing law enforcement mooks into monster-stopping mooks.
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[X] Explore the surrounding area.
-[X] Bring your pets along.
-[x] Try to take note of landmarks, especially ones that aren't buildings, such as flower patches or trees.
[X] Go hunting for Witches with your pets.
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[X] Head over to a local hospital and find out what you'd need to do to register as a healer. You expect (and look forward to) the media circus that will ensue when they realize you aren't joking and are perfectly willing to cut yourself to demonstrate.
[X] Explore the surrounding area.

The PC said it herself: offering help to the NYPD against witches is a bit of a pointless gesture. If you want the protection publicity offers, healing at a hospital or conducting an interview are better options. We can't afford to set up HH for the NYPD at the moment.
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The PC said it herself: offering help to the NYPD against witches is a bit of a pointless gesture. If you want the protection publicity offers, healing at a hospital or conducting an interview are better options. We can't afford to set up HH for the NYPD at the moment.
I think that what we can do is offer them a foot in the door to magical girl politics, which they're absolutely going to want and need if they're going to have any hope at all of maintaining the pretense of authority. And I think that the NYPD can offer decent publicity and an excellent amount of protection; it's one thing to be implicitly operating a protection racket, it's another thing entirely to do it in front of a police observer.

[x] Go to the NYPD, clue them in about magical girls and their usual politics, say you're worried about ending up conscripted instead of "just" laboring under a protection racket, and ask them to send an officer to observe some negotiations.
-[x] You and the other magical girls involved gain legitimacy and safety (you from conscription, them from you doing bad things with the knowledge of where they live), the NYPD gets a foot in the door to magical girl politics.
-[x] Let them know that as your skills develop you'll be able to offer warding and buffs, but it's too expensive right now.
-[x] Bring a couple cats. They're cute and will make a better demonstration than armor would.
[8] Eyebrows
[2] Backrest
[6] Sakura
[1] Earring
[7] Sunset
[4] Galaxy
[3] Sky
[5] Barrier

Not sure I need to copy this, but I like keeping my vote information all in one place.

[X] Go hunting for Witches with your pets.

I'm of the mind that it's just more fun to jump into a situation feet first, and it'll be easier to get a foot in on the MG population this way.
Alternatively, you can keep them small and just use temporary Growth Surges for combat, although that route is significantly more expensive.
How does Growth Surge work on something that's already huge thanks to Rapid Growth?
The two hawks can grow to mythical sizes and are useful in combat.
...So now all we need is a featherfall enchantment and our go-to combat opening becomes obvious: fly into battle on a hawk and then carpet-bomb the combat zone with elephant-sized war-dogs. I approve.
[] Go hunting for Witches with your pets.
It is safe to assume that New York is at magical girl carrying capacity and that every square inch of it is claimed by a gang. Poaching on someone's territory is a great way to start off negotiations with them at a massive disadvantage, leading to a less-favorable deal that'll have long-term negative consequences. So this is a no-go: If you want to talk to a magical girl, just grow a big tree.

On "let's get some action":
Knight's Oath would turn the rocket-tag nature of Witch battles into something closer to... well, bullet tag. Still pretty bad, but not instantly fatal after certain mistakes.
Witch fights right now are explicitly rocket tag. Even with Summer Raiment it's probably not great. So let's not go hunting witches quiet yet.
But permanent for plants? If so, which one is more cost-efficient?
Growth Surge is temporary for plants as well, but just like Rapid Growth (I am this close to renaming that to Nurture :p ), plants get more out of it. It's just... they're plants.

Witch fights right now are explicitly rocket tag. Even with Summer Raiment it's probably not great. So let's not go hunting witches quiet yet.

As an aside, you have killed a Witch before, but she was terrifying. Spring Raiment protected you from toothy Familiars, but you still had to rely heavily on a bus-sized wolf and could only pick off Familiars and Regenerate the good doggie while it mauled the Witch.
[1] Earring
[2] Galaxy
[3] Backrest
[4] Eyebrows
[5] Sunset
[6] Sakura
[7] Sky
[8] Barrier

[X] Head over to the NYPD HQ (Or whatever they call it) and and offer to help them with magical law enforcement.
-[X] Switch to Spring Raiment once you're there. The obvious display of magic should get their attention.
-[X] Be upfront about your capabilities: You're an inexperienced support, so for now, the best you can do is ward their stations and jails against violence one by one.
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After learning more about HH it has become obvious that the best we can do is not ward their stations and jails against violence. The best we can do is take them along while we negotiate to ward other magical girls' homes so that those other magical girls can't betray us without getting everyone angry at them.