Two things defined Ojin Nolat's mortal life - honour and the sword. From the time he could walk a blade was put in his hand and from the moment he began his schooling his duties to family, liege and land were emphasised above all else. By twelve his marriage to a suitable girl - a daughter of another noble family - had been arranged and he never questioned or resisted. By fifteen he graduated from the dojo that trained him in the art of the blade and began serving his lord in the court and upon the battlefield, proving himself a capable servant and a formidable warrior. By sixteen he was married with a son, properly dedicated to the gods and ancestors as he was before him. By nineteen his wife had given him a set of twins, a boy and a girl, though birth complications cost her her life. Ojin went through the rites of mourning for the girl, barely a woman, though he did not truly love her. Oh he respected her and was thankful for the children she had given him and was... fond of her in his own way, but between them there was no spark of passion.
At twenty four he had given up all three of his children to the state-driven education apparatus that had produced him with nothing but joy in his heart. Even before they began their schooling he had seen them little, prefering to leave them with tutors and nannies while he fought battle after battle against encroaching beastmen and rival clans. It was at twenty six that a man clad in starlight and wielding a impossibly long blade made from shining steel broke him upon the battlefield and raised him up, revealed that he had a greater duty, a divine purpose. Giving him the sword with the knowledge it had belonged to an ancestor who had the same duty the man spirited him away to the dojos of the Celestial City, elevating his already prodigious skills to a razor edge and teaching him to utilize the fate-given gift of Exaltation to serve the Maidens and the Loom Of Destiny.
After completing his training Ojin emerged to a changed world. His children were grown and upon their own journeys, his name was almost forgotten in Creation and now the simple work of a swordsman wasn't enough to complete his duties. Now he had to lie with every breath, deceive, cheat and murder to ensure that the will of Heaven was carried out. Though his honour was tarnished by the deeds he was forced to perform in service to the Bureau Of Fate, Ojin carried out his duty, even when he learned that his eldest son had cast aside his honour, family and duty to become a base assassin, a murderer for hire, Ojin continued his duty. When his youngest son was killed in battle, he said a prayer and carried on. When his daughter was married off to a brute of a man he bowed his head and carried out his duty.
However, now Ojin has a secret. He has fallen in love with a courtesan in the pleasure houses of Yu-Shan - a love that consumes him so thoroughly he has compromised his duty.
There we go, some changes to the intimacies, and some backstory (mostly mashed up cliches). The identity/nature of the courtesan is left up to the whim of the GM.
*insert generic samurai picture here*
So he's a man consumed by honour and he's just now learning what it means to live for something other than family, liege and ancestors. If his love will free him or destroy him, well that's the story. In terms of his Exaltation... it didn't truly change him; it was merely an extension and elevation of what he already was. Perhaps he would have followed the exact same path on a smaller scale if he was not fated to Exalt, or perhaps he would have just died on that battlefield, his fate cut short.