(Exalted 3E) A Bridge Across Creation (oc thread: all filled up)

Right. 5 normal exp. Will you be giving us any sidereal XP to work with or not?

Yes, and bonus for really badass moments, like defeating another exalt or a clever solution and cool roleplay. Currently I'm thinking about giving a bonus to Accumulated Wisdom. His rp was really good.
It's been almost two weeks with no interaction.

Sooooo, are we still doing this? Or shall we call this a good attempt and stop here?
I'm probably going to need to bite the bullet and drop out, which is a bummer. :(

Just say that my character got called back to Heaven for something, maybe.
Well shit.

Fist off I'm sorry for not responding. I was busy myself IRL. That said, shall we continue this campaign or stop here? Do you guys still wana play? I can alternately stop or restart this as a quest. Or maybe another solution?
Same. Am still interested.

I would not mind a restart as well now that I have some experience with playing a Sidereal. I made the char without really thinking about Sidereal xp and need to adjust the kismet accordingly.
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Okay..... then i'll post the next scene tomorrow? I'll also post the exp rewards.
Sorry for this, but i'll be pulling out as well.

My problem is not the delays, as I have played plenty of PbP and am used to it, but Sidereals in general.

The splat is just not growing on me and I am finding it hard to have fun with it. Which is an honest shame as you were a good GM and that plot twist with the bear Lunar was damn good.

Sorry for problems caused but I am just not clicking with sidereals and am dropping out.

If you are rebooting this with Solars or even that Infernal conversion then I'll be the first to apply but I really cannot continue with sidereals. Sorry man but while you are a good ST the splat is just not for me.