Everyone is Zaealix Mafia (Mafia)

Okay so I've been busy all day, but I'm back and wow not a lot of talking huh?
tbh, doesn't surprise me in terms of the role spot I am in being seen as scum b/c of Atom's lack of activity
For me it's more based in taking a stance and then not responding when it was challenged. Although, I suppose the lack of activity does contribute to that.

So Nictis redirected you to investigate Nictis?

That honestly seems very strange to me honestly. Seems like Nictis was our witch, with the way it's been described as a 'compulsion' and honestly I've always seen witch as a solely scum power, though things could be different here on SV, is a towny witch possible?

If not then redirecting you at him so you can see his powers would reveal him as scum, and really not sure why he would do that. But then he did volunteer d1 and well it's Nictis, so I'm probably missing something here.

Still think he would of had his reasons for doing so, or there might be some sort of transport antics going on. Just seems like a bit of a strange choice to me otherwise.
Investigation protection, I suspect. "YP was like hey does anyone wanna volunteer to be copped? :)" and the two people who jumped on that were scum, which I don't think scum would do unless confident that it wouldn't fuck them.

[x] Vote Cyricubed

@Cyricubed in light of the non-conversation, I'd like to press you to either dayvig or explain why you faked having a dayvig on a leading vote and what you wanted to get out of it at the moment.
Yeah, I can support this line of pressure.
[x] Vote Cyricubed
@Scia how do you read Young Pyromancer in light of the Nictis flip and these claims?
I honestly can't make head or tail out of that, especially because either the redirect involved YP killing them. Or there not being a redirect and instead them being a vig.
but a vig with investigative power is I think not common?
YP still feels shady I would say from my gut but I am unsure , especially with the way that there is the talk of framing and cults, into him being a _second_ 3p instead of mafia?
Nictis has a town kill color, I don't think it was a self kill it's probably just flavor.
I...forgot the game started on sunday and not monday cause 3 day weekend things confuse the hell out of me and I'm catching up @~@
[X] Dayvig Zaealix

Gonna put it simply. Play the game and do something. Right now your just trying to jump on the bandwagon from yesterday without even observing the implications that Nictis redircted towards it and tried to push for it. At least look at the game state and make some observations.

YP claims to be redirected to nictis, who was scum.

Comi and myself were passed over to kill...Hailcapital. Honestly my 2nd strongest town read so now I need to review their suspicions.

Honestly comi being passed over is weirder to me than me being passed over. They claimed either watcher/tracker and seemingly hit the mark. So the question is did they fear a doctor? Or was something else at play. I have two theories-

Also, anyone else find it a bit suspicious that a claimed day-vig gets passed over? There's guessing around protectives of course, but Hail was getting somewhat scumread last I checked, so while I don't think they were the worst kill target, the choice strikes me as a bit odd.

With comi existing I figure it would have been dangerous to gamble it. a 1-1 is rarely worth it to scum.

But see Nictis got killed to a town ability. This means either we have a night vig(I really doubt this but if anyone is @Young Pyromancer did you actually vig Nictis? You mentioned a surprise at some point.) OR Nictis died because he attacked Hailcapital which could have been a vet/paranoid?

If it was a night vig then balance on this was fucked in some way.

@Cyricubed in light of the non-conversation, I'd like to press you to either dayvig or explain why you faked having a dayvig on a leading vote and what you wanted to get out of it at the moment.

Uhm...excuse me? You mean why did I choose to set a dayvig on the wagon that had alreadly lost traction and was going to be left alone in leu of targeting the 100% scum role for the vote? I acted the same way I would've acted as a night vig: Shot at trailing wagon given reasonable suspicions. YP had(and to some degre) has reasonable suspicion on them. Thier flip would have explained a lot.

I find it awefully suspicious that YP gets re-directed...and knows they were redirected and to whom? That's...way to loud to be effective for scum. It's like transporter but might as well day announce it! Note to self: write a game where all night actions are day announced. Insue complete pandamonium.

Gah...okay it's well past sleep time for me. But that's my in a few minutes thoughts.
Keeping in mind that I'm trying not to reveal my role, and that as I'm not actually an investigator this is only incredibly highly likely and not actually 100% confirmed (and this goes for the information about the role of Zaealix Prime being Mafia, Young Pyro): I visited HailCapital N1, and so confirm that to the best of my knowledge he is vanilla town.
Investigation protection, I suspect. "YP was like hey does anyone wanna volunteer to be copped? :)" and the two people who jumped on that were scum, which I don't think scum would do unless confident that it wouldn't fuck them.
This is a very good point.
anyone is @Young Pyromancer did you actually vig Nictis? You mentioned a surprise at some point.)
*No. I have no vig capabilities, I can promise you that*
and knows they were redirected and to whom?
*the flavor of it was that I was ordered to target Nictis, which makes sense with Zaealix Prime. @Scia , what was the flavor on your roleblock, if you don't mind me asking?*
It's more like I don't trust that I won't run out of steam half-way through if I had immeadiately gone for it, and that if I give Young time he'll pull shenanigans.
But fine, you want reasons?
Young claims D1 he's a role cop, or role cop adjacent right?
D2 he twists that into an ability cop.
Now, D3 he's got this story of having copped Nictis, found the redirect power that Nictis holds, Nictis USES that redirect on Young Pyromancer, targeting himself, and SOMEHOW that redirect power being used on Young Pyromancer, leads to a night kill? When nightkilling shouldn't be a part of Young Pyro's stated powers unless he's scum?
No way!
@Scia how do you read Young Pyromancer in light of the Nictis flip and these claims?
@LostDeviljho thoughts on pushing Cyri here over yesterday?
@Zaealix top scumread and why?
So, Nictis flipping Scum has me super suspicious of Young Pyro, because Nictis at least twice did a big effort post explaining why we should look elsewhere for lynch D2, and generally lead the effort to clear Young, culminating in Snickers getting focused on and killed.
Follow that up with Young's D3 claim that somehow him getting redirected to Nictis did not Override him trying to investigate Nictis but instead turned into a night kill, and I'm highly suspicious of that story.
At page 19 for my review of day 2. Some things are jumping out at me.

Comiturtle, or Ct, is someone that falls in the frustrating category of being completely beyond my abilities when it comes to individual posts. This means that any read on them I have is useless. It's like a dc 21 roll when I don't have any bonuses, meaning even attempting doesn't have a point.

Instead, what I CAN do is ignore everything they say, and listen to what people I can attempt to read say about them instead. Or look exclusively at actions. Or hunt via mechanics. There's a couple of ways to do it, but I think you get my point.

So far, they haven't done much, but nictis trusts them iirc, and no one seems to be complaining about them that much, so I trust them for now. Subject to rapid change, as most of my middle reads are.

That Nictis trusts them seemed rather specific there. Do you have a town read on Nictis then? Thought you might of been sus on them like devil is for surviving N1.

Also will say that I really don't like that argument of Nic surviving N1 and therefore is sus. Like the argument on why he's a target is sound, but the part I don't really like is that I have yet to have seen mentioned in that argument is him also being a good target for protectives, lookouts ext, for exactly the same reason.

Draxy pointed this out early on and looking at it post reveal I...really don't like the slip. Like, a lot points towards Nictis <-> Pyro being unaligned but it also feels really strange that they thought nictis trusts comi. It feels out of place.

On a more serious note:

Mafia killed Roach probably because wanted to continue a bunch of town v town so they took out somebody who wasn't contributing at all, I'd wager they have at least one member who's higher experience and willing to try riskier strats. I'm not HAPPY with YP's EOD but I think the kill raises the odds of him being town in my eyes.

The SK is like 80/20 odds a veteran player who knows that LoR can pull some wild shit out mid/late and also knows that he's probably the lowest of the higher-skill bracket to draw protectives by likelyhood - in essence this was just a safe-kill. Look for low-risk plays, probably is semi-actively scum hunting in the day but more just to figure out who they are rather than push them down unless backed to a wall.

This is another real early post that bothers me. It feels too on the nose. Ori also was bouncing back and forth with nictis a lot D2 and with the flip this post gets really called into question of just good guesswork or informed slip? Like...'one member who's higher experience and willing ot try riskier strats' is right up Nictis alleyway.
It's more like I don't trust that I won't run out of steam half-way through if I had immeadiately gone for it, and that if I give Young time he'll pull shenanigans.
But fine, you want reasons?
Young claims D1 he's a role cop, or role cop adjacent right?
D2 he twists that into an ability cop.
Now, D3 he's got this story of having copped Nictis, found the redirect power that Nictis holds, Nictis USES that redirect on Young Pyromancer, targeting himself, and SOMEHOW that redirect power being used on Young Pyromancer, leads to a night kill? When nightkilling shouldn't be a part of Young Pyro's stated powers unless he's scum?
No way!
I have no idea how you legitimately came to this conclusion. Like, I just explicitly clarified that one of these was false, when someone asked just in case.
[X] Vote Zaealix *
At page 19 for my review of day 2. Some things are jumping out at me.

Draxy pointed this out early on and looking at it post reveal I...really don't like the slip. Like, a lot points towards Nictis <-> Pyro being unaligned but it also feels really strange that they thought nictis trusts comi. It feels out of place.

This is another real early post that bothers me. It feels too on the nose. Ori also was bouncing back and forth with nictis a lot D2 and with the flip this post gets really called into question of just good guesswork or informed slip? Like...'one member who's higher experience and willing ot try riskier strats' is right up Nictis alleyway.

Cyri this type of guesswork is literally my bread and butter, and has been for like as long as I've been around on SV, I'm probably the biggest proponant for reading into and trying to get into the mindset of how mafia plays nights as town.

I was bouncing off Nictis because Nictis was one of the only people who was actually willing to engage with me and was active yesterday. I guess by that manner I can be tarred by association but if your going to hang me on that I want you to actually engage with what I was saying the rest of that day that people are basically completely ignoring. I standby the Snickers hang being objectively correct if only to reduce anti-town KP but I feel like I was the only one trying to keep the rest of my reasoning actually alive and moving through while everyone shrugged their shoulders and went lolok.

We killed an SK with the hang not a mafia member - and I was pretty specifically hunting mafia the last 24h because we basically spent the vast majority of the first 48h debating SK shit, which I think actually is probably where I should've caught onto Nictis being mafia in the first place (it's not that Nictis left it unmentioned as a possibility but there was definitely more focus on the other potential factions and driving discussion away from Mafia specifically).

There's a reason that I can still basically push the same cases today if (more specifically when) I choose to, it's because I wasn't specifically hunting for an SK, or 3P, as much as I was hunting evils in general.
So, Nictis flipping Scum has me super suspicious of Young Pyro, because Nictis at least twice did a big effort post explaining why we should look elsewhere for lynch D2, and generally lead the effort to clear Young, culminating in Snickers getting focused on and killed.
Follow that up with Young's D3 claim that somehow him getting redirected to Nictis did not Override him trying to investigate Nictis but instead turned into a night kill, and I'm highly suspicious of that story.

Think you might be confused. I've been assuming that Young getting controlled and targetting Nic for investigation and Nic getting vig'd are entirely two separate things. Like our vig probably targeted Nic for reasons unrelated to this witchcraft, though the possibility of interaction between Zaealix-Prime-kun and Yandere-chan is still certainly possible.

Most of my questions on Young were answered the previous day, why he was lying about his name ext so my suspicions on him did ease then. That said still kinda worried on the 'secret' part and Nictis's flip as Zaealix Prime didn't help things there either, given Yandere-chan is the self proclaimed 'lover' of Zaealix. And if I'm fully honest, Young's described role sounds very third party to me and my gut says Zaealix Prime might have something to do with the 'secret' just not sure exactly on what, though that's likely my paranoia speaking.

As for Nictis trusting Comi; Is there nothing stating Nic's views on them earlier in the thread? I assumed there must of been at the time. Was more commenting on how aligning your views based off another was strange, without being absolutely certain they're town.
I am still just, puzzling over how ComiTurtle wasn't targeted in N2. It'd at least to me seem like something of a reasonable target for a watcher/tracker, but at the same time there is of course the sort of obvious choice to target them. Hmm.
Hoping it isn't a repeat of Cyri's play from last game, where he claimed gunslinger as scum. Scum invest could of gotten lucky and passed that info on with a false claim.

Other option is just that they're worried about doc's and other possible protectives, so are going for easier targets to get certain kills.
Now, D3 he's got this story of having copped Nictis, found the redirect power that Nictis holds, Nictis USES that redirect on Young Pyromancer, targeting himself, and SOMEHOW that redirect power being used on Young Pyromancer, leads to a night kill? When nightkilling shouldn't be a part of Young Pyro's stated powers unless he's scum?
No way!
I uh, don't know how you got that jumbled up but I literally can't tell what you think YP is saying.