"It should not be possible for you to be here, vermin, but then I suppose thou myth is one of expectation breaking and change, indeed. Regardless, thy defiance of the true master of the Multiverse, my great liege, Maldurion, will end with thy own end. Perish."

Then it charges for Zoss, scythe swinging swiftly, as the world itself seems to push against Zoss, seeking to pin him.
"It should not be possible for you to be here, vermin, but then I suppose thou myth is one of expectation breaking and change, indeed. Regardless, thy defiance of the true master of the Multiverse, my great liege, Maldurion, will end with thy own end. Perish."

Then it charges for Zoss, scythe swinging swiftly, as the world itself seems to push against Zoss, seeking to pin him.
The King of Kings chuckled mockingly at His opponent, seemingly unheeding of the incoming blow.

"Do you fear me so, creature? Does my existence worry you to the point that you feel the need to deal with me personally?" He sneered. "Why not just cower in the shadows and send more of your underlings to die in your place, like your craven master seems oh so fond of doing?"

He felt space push in around Him, but the Master of the Multiverse paid it no heed, and so it ceased to affect him.

"But no, perhaps I should commend you, for finally stepping forth and dealing with myself personally!" He bellowed, moving His hands together. "For you save me the trouble of having to drag you from the shadows by the scruff of your neck!"

From His palm, Zoss drew once more the Sword of Want, its length glowing and burning like white lighting, writhing in His grasp as it burned away the space around Him. And He took it in His hands, its power working to fully burn away the space around Him that tried to futilely to keep the King of Kings pinned, and in a sweeping blow He brought the blade up to meet his enemies with a roar.

For He had smote the Prime Angels from their thrones and inherited Gods Duality.

What could possibly stop Him?
The Assassin seems stern as the blades are blocked, but also unconcerned, though perhaps that is just being made of stone. As the Northwards Pole drives towards it, the two drawing closer and closer together...
Santa winds up the Northwards Pole for a swing-

Well, Santa isn't entire sure what happens. One moment, he was about to strike, the next, the Assassin dropped from view, and he was several miles up moving rapidly skyward, his stomach aching as if from a mighty blow.

Santa regains consciousness on a ballistic arc, hurtling high above the battlefield.

And yet, there is a suggestion of a possibility, as for a scant second after the strike, Santa can detect the Myth of the being he was fighting. Stripescarf, it is called, and it bears the Myth of being the fastest of all Assassins- and then the Myth is cloaked in metaphorical darkness once more, and Santa is no longer sure its position, or able to discern further of its nature. Perhaps the being accelerated, and was no longer able to hide its nature while doing so.

Santa is alive, but far out of position at the moment, and not uninjured.
Santa moves swiftly.

His first priority is to ascertain whether the prison of It-That-Slays, this cyst formed out of the realm of Castae, has a ceiling. And if so, roughly how long he has before he collides with it. The enhancing power of the Christmas magic may have saved him from being torn to pieces by the stony assassin's blow when they battled at speed, and it may even now stop him from being more than buffeted by winds as he hurtles through the skies of the Wood Plane at cannonball speeds... But it might avail him little against a solid barrier.

His second is to hurriedly reach into the Bag, still held firmly to his side. The weight of the Bag is greater than that of a mountain, and the straps holding it in place are made to comparable strength. Dislodging it from his person would require far greater might than even Stripescarf has shown. From the Bag, with the eyewatering contortion of space required to withdraw a vehicle from such a seemingly small container, Santa retrieves his rocket sleigh. If It-That-Slays is aware of the movements of the Woven enchantments armoring the sleigh, this may be its first clue that anything has gone wrong for Santa. Or it may have already been aware. In either case, having boarded the rocket sleigh, Santa hastily fires up the main engines and regains control of his movements.

Then his third action. This is something of a desperate improvisation; Santa rarely has use for communications devices when moving at speed, as few beings can keep up with him well enough to understand. He hadn't expected to need to prepare for this kind of event, and in a sense underestimated the Castaean forces. It has been a long time since Father Christmas was forced into war. Grimacing at he ache in his gut, he pulls an enchanted amulet of silvery metal found in no periodic table from the Bag. He clasps it in his gloved hand, concentrating, willing. Perhaps the mental message will reach It-That-Slays; perhaps not. If it does reach him, the amulet's magic should permit the Dragon to respond in kind, even if its own native abilities do not permit this. It may not perform as he hopes, used in ways somewhat beyond the original intent with which it was made... but he'd have to think long and hard to find a gift he was sure could do the job here.

<Watch out! The Assassins are led by a very swift champion in a striped scarf, who gained the upper hand over me and knocked me away. I'll be returning to the fight, but watch your back!>

Fourthly, Santa strings the amulet around his neck beneath the outermost layer of his warm clothes, and retrieves from the Bag a little flask, filled with a healing cordial, made from the fire-flowers that grew in the mountains of the Sun. A few drops on his tongue restore him shivering to good health, easing the pain from bruised belly-muscle and perhaps other, worse injuries. And he places the bottle back in the Bag with a shade more kindly reverence than is usual for his handling of his gifts.

[Author's Note: Maybe I'd better save Santa's next round of actions until after Terrabrand replies to what Bill's doing?]
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Fully half of the rampart line is shattered, spreading chaos among the enemy ranks as casualties mount and cover is lost. Survivors thrown clear of the blast are hunted down by It-That-Slays Wyrms, and swiftly shattered by mystically manifested ice.
Another blast is fired at the remaining half of the ramparts, and-

His second is to hurriedly reach into the Bag, still held firmly to his side. The weight of the Bag is greater than that of a mountain, and the straps holding it in place are made to comparable strength. Dislodging it from his person would require far greater might than even Stripescarf has shown. From the Bag, with the eyewatering contortion of space required to withdraw a vehicle from such a seemingly small container, Santa retrieves his rocket sleigh. If It-That-Slays is aware of the movements of the Woven enchantments armoring the sleigh, this may be its first clue that anything has gone wrong for Santa. Or it may have already been aware. In either case, having boarded the rocket sleigh, Santa hastily fires up the main engines and regains control of his movements.

Then his third action. This is something of a desperate improvisation; Santa rarely has use for communications devices when moving at speed, as few beings can keep up with him well enough to understand. He hadn't expected to need to prepare for this kind of event, and in a sense underestimated the Castaean forces. It has been a long time since Father Christmas was forced into war. Grimacing at he ache in his gut, he pulls an enchanted amulet of silvery metal found in no periodic table from the Bag. He clasps it in his gloved hand, concentrating, willing. Perhaps the mental message will reach It-That-Slays; perhaps not. If it does reach him, the amulet's magic should permit the Dragon to respond in kind, even if its own native abilities do not permit this. It may not perform as he hopes, used in ways somewhat beyond the original intent with which it was made... but he'd have to think long and hard to find a gift he was sure could do the job here.

<Watch out! The Assassins are led by a very swift champion in a striped scarf, who gained the upper hand over me and knocked me away. I'll be returning to the fight, but watch your back!>
Stormbreaker hums, Beta Ray Bill following the threads of mystic energy up... and up... and up...

There! Santa, far above the battlefield, now riding his sleigh. His enhanced eyesight can just make out the mythical figure drinking something from a flask. A refreshment, perhaps, or more ominously, a healing draught of the kind the Asgardians sometimes indulged in. With the change in position, the latter is significantly more likely.

So. An enemy, near It-That-Slays, who on closer examination is losing ground against a great many stone figures steadily encroaching on the Dragon's territory. Whether that enemy goes after the Dragon or Santa, It-That-Slays will likely need assistance, and with the flanking maneuver defeated, he is in the best position to do so.

Hurling Stormbreaker, Bill flies towards It-That-Slays' portion of the battlefield, intent on colliding hammer-first with one of the stone figures.
Back in the Bone Plane

Edon nods in acknowledgement. "Brute power is not everything. Sometimes, it is the weaker warrior who has the greatest advantage. As for myself, I possess the common capabilities of the Dragons of this multiverse. I can claim Territory as my own, making it subject to my Influence, I can Weave enchantments upon objects that are within my Territory or very close to my physical location, and unweave the same as laid by any opposing Dragons or their Wyrms, and generate Wyrms proportionate to the Territory held. Only from within my Territory, however. Additionally, I can actually leave my own Territory, a feat impossible for most, if not all other Dragons, and have acquired a few other Quirks, the unique powers of individual Dragons, from slaying their prior owners. One such Quirk allows me to command the Jight, including Zirtash and Wotash here."

Wotash speaks up then. "If we are covering our contributions, my role in my emperor's forces is that of both shield and sword, so to speak. All Jight command Daemons, push Mythic Narratives, possess the ability to form a body, lay down Taint, as the proper term is for our equivalent ability to claim Territory. In battle, my body is a tool, and you should not risk yourselves to protect me in any condition: merely destroying my physical form will not kill me, and even should the enemy destroy my actual self I can be restored again and again. Therefore, it would be senseless to trade your life for my body. Moreover, I am meant to hold against Maldurion himself, and so it is unlikely any threat that could kill me would be survived by you. Other powers we Jight collectively hold are the ability to manifest the nature of our Myth within our Taint, both passively and by Daemonic magic through our Daemons, changing the laws of physics and enforcing effects. Perhaps most fearsomely, we can elevate beings to the status of Hero, binding them to our Myth forevermore, and raising their abilities to grander heights. They do, however, need to be closely affiliated with us, willing, and worthy of the title. "

Wotash pauses for a moment, before saying "The Jarrow and Jyre are similar in capabilities, but the Jarrow lack Daemons entirely, working solely through mortal retinues instead, and the Jyre lack the apparent ability to form a body. In turn, I am reliably informed that we Jight lack the normally incredible natural senses of other Jind." Wotash glances at Edon as she says that last bit. Then she continues, saying "It is my place in the overall composition of our war host to produce soldiers that can hold the line against the greatest of enemy soldiers, both basic foot soldiers and essential supporting elements to handle assorted problems."

Zirtash then speaks up. "For myself, by contrast sister Zirtash, I am the smith and weapons master of our emperor. I make arms and armor of the highest quality, and also serve as our general means of interplanar transport, for which I was first configured. My Daemons, in turn, are tools more often than warriors. On a basic level, I share the same powers, of course, but it is the Myth that creates unique and powerful variation."

Edon nods. "Aside the Jight, I possess the Quirk of Ninjutsu, claimed from killing its original owner. Due to the nature of the Quirk, I have favored enhancing it, in general. It is flexible and difficult to counter."

Shirou's eyes light up at the description of Zirtash's role and abilities. Not only did he take the form of a sword, but he was also a master weaponsmith to boot. As someone whose power essentially centered around analyzing and recreating weapons, he had a feeling that the two of them would have plenty to talk about. For the moment though, he held himself back from that line of thought, as there were other matters that needed to be discussed.

"I notice the term 'Daemon' has been used alot. On my world, they usually refer to malevolent supernatural creatures, but here it sounds more like a specific class of spirit entity. Admittedly, I'm not sure if I'm on the mark there," Shirou commented.

"That actually brings me to my next point. I myself am a mortal human, nothing special there aside from my Magic Circuits and the abilities they provide. But Lancer is different," he says, gesturing to Karna. "He is what Mages refer to as a Servant, a physical manifestation of a Heroic Spirit, famous heroes and legendary figures from mankind's history whose stories became so well known that they ascended to a higher plane of existence. Servants are given physical form by a special summoning ritual that is usually tied to a Holy Grail War. That in itself is an entire story all of its own, but essentially, Servants are outright superhuman beings with powerful abilities shaped by their respective legends. It's normally impossible for a Magus to summon a Servant outside of a Grail War or some other very powerful magic ritual, as their very existence borders on miraculous. At least, that's the way it is in my day and age."

"Every Servant wields a Noble Phantasm, a crystallized Mystery that transcends the normal limits of Magecraft. They usually take the form of the signature weapon from a Heroic Spirit's legend, though sometimes they can be sublimated into a special power or ability inherent to the Servant. They are not just powerful, but are also conceptual in nature, allowing them to override reality to an extent in order to enforce their effects. This makes Noble Phantasms one of the only class of abilities that can kill other Servants, as they are spiritual beings who cannot be killed by mundane means. Even most Magecraft is less effective against them, and there are some Servants who are outright resistant to it."

"But all of this power comes at a cost. Normally, Servants require a contract with a human Master, who acts as a magical lifeline to refuel their abilities and maintain their physical body. A Master's Command Seals are proof of this contract," Shirou explains, raising his hand to show the red sunburst crest emblazoned on the back of it. "As the name suggests, they can be used to issue binding commands to a Servant, forcing them to obey. But more more importantly, they can be used to bolster a Servant's actions, amplifying the power of an attack or defensive action. To my understanding, all Masters are given three Command Seals to start with, and this case appears to be no different. Once they are consumed, they cannot be regained except under special circumstances."

"Finally, Servants are generally divided into seven classes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Berserker, Caster, and Assassin. Their roles are largely self-explanatory, and honestly, the specific details of each class aren't likely to matter as much here unless we come across other Servants."

"There's one other thing...normally, Servants are summoned to fight other Servants, and thus keep their True Names hidden from everyone except their Master, and sometimes even from them. After all, if an enemy learns of a Servant's true identity and legend, they can also glean the Servant's weaknesses from it."

Shirou then turned to Karna, meeting his gaze directly. "But our circumstances are different this time, Lancer. I know that this is asking a great deal of you...but I think we should let everyone here know your true identity and abilities, so that we can formulate a strategy against Maldurion. At the same time, I know how sensitive a Servant's identity is, so ultimately, its your decision."

Karna nodded with understanding. "I understand your logic, Master. I do have reservations about revealing all of my abilities at this time, but in deference to your judgement, I shall reveal my True Name and a summary of my nature," he replied before turning to the others. A golden spear with a front array of spikes in the shape of a sunburst manifested in his hand, which he planted in the ground next to him like a walking staff.

"My origin lies on planet Earth, in the land of ancient India. My story is woven into the Mahabharata, an old epic of two heroes fated by destiny to clash against one another. My True Name is Karna, and I am the child of the mortal Kunti and the Sun God Surya. It is a pleasure to meet you all," he greeted with a bow.

To anyone who had been assessing Karna's potential abilities, their initial assessment of the quality of his armor and weapon, as well as his overall martial ability and other attributes, suddenly jumped up by a notable margin after he revealed his True Name.

"In my past life, I received several gifts that make up my current abilities. As a full-fledged demigod who ascended to the heavens after my death, I possess a significant Divinity ranking, which gives my abilities an extra degree of conceptual Authority. I possess a good degree of Magic Resistance, and I have great skill in Riding, allowing me to proficiently commandeer all but the most legendary of mounts. I am able to see through any mundane deception, and can discern the intent and tactics of those who I interact with in combat, be they friend or foe. Because of my solar heritage, I have a special affinity for fire, and can summon and control flames for both attack and defense. And as I'm sure some of you have noticed, I have a special ability that conceals the true extent of my power and skills from those who don't know my True Name. That being said, it can only conceal those attributes which I choose not to push to their limit."

"My first Noble Phantasm is Kavacha and Kundala, the armor and earring I currently bear. I was born with this armor in my legend, and it grants me protection from all attacks, even those of a conceptual nature, reducing the damage to a tenth of what they would normally inflict. That's in addition to the immense durability I possess innately as a Servant. Finally, by invoking the name of my spear, Brahmastra Kundala, I can inbue it with divine fire and launch it at my foe. It then becomes an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, capable of incinerating entire swaths of lands in a single blow."

Shirou couldn't helped but stare wide-eyed at Karna as he summarized his legend and abilities. Saber was certainly a powerful Servant, but Karna sounded like he was closer to the likes of Heracles or Gilgamesh.
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Shirou's eyes light up at the description of Zirtash's role and abilities. Not only did he take the form of a sword, but he was also a master weaponsmith to boot. As someone whose power essentially centered around analyzing and recreating weapons, he had a feeling that the two of them would have plenty to talk about. For the moment though, he held himself back from that line of thought, as there were other matters that needed to be discussed.

"I notice the term 'Daemon' has been used alot. On my world, they usually refer to malevolent supernatural creatures, but here it sounds more like a specific class of spirit entity. Admittedly, I'm not sure if I'm on the mark there," Shirou commented.

"That actually brings me to my next point. I myself am a mortal human, nothing special there aside from my Magic Circuits and the abilities they provide. But Lancer is different," he says, gesturing to Karna. "He is what Mages refer to as a Servant, a physical manifestation of a Heroic Spirit, famous heroes and legendary figures from mankind's history whose stories became so well known that they ascended to a higher plane of existence. Servants are given physical form by a special summoning ritual that is usually tied to a Holy Grail War. That in itself is an entire story all of its own, but essentially, Servants are outright superhuman beings with powerful abilities shaped by their respective legends. It's normally impossible for a Magus to summon a Servant outside of a Grail War or some other very powerful magic ritual, as their very existence borders on miraculous. At least, that's the way it is in my day and age."

"Every Servant wields a Noble Phantasm, a crystallized Mystery that transcends the normal limits of Magecraft. They usually take the form of the signature weapon from a Heroic Spirit's legend, though sometimes they can be sublimated into a special power or ability inherent to the Servant. They are not just powerful, but are also conceptual in nature, allowing them to override reality to an extent in order to enforce their effects. This makes Noble Phantasms one of the only class of abilities that can kill other Servants, as they are spiritual beings who cannot be killed by mundane means. Even most Magecraft is less effective against them, and there are some Servants who are outright resistant to it."

"But all of this power comes at a cost. Normally, Servants require a contract with a human Master, who acts as a magical lifeline to refuel their abilities and maintain their physical body. A Master's Command Seals are proof of this contract," Shirou explains, raising his hand to show the red sunburst crest emblazoned on the back of it. "As the name suggests, they can be used to issue binding commands to a Servant, forcing them to obey. But more more importantly, they can be used to bolster a Servant's actions, amplifying the power of an attack or defensive action. To my understanding, all Masters are given three Command Seals to start with, and this case appears to be no different. Once they are consumed, they cannot be regained except under special circumstances."

"Finally, Servants are generally divided into seven classes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Berserker, Caster, and Assassin. Their roles are largely self-explanatory, and honestly, the specific details of each class aren't likely to matter as much here unless we come across other Servants."

"There's one other thing...normally, Servants are summoned to fight other Servants, and thus keep their True Names hidden from everyone except their Master, and sometimes even from them. After all, if an enemy learns of a Servant's true identity and legend, they can also glean the Servant's weaknesses from it."

Shirou then turned to Karna, meeting his gaze directly. "But our circumstances are different this time, Lancer. I know that this is asking a great deal of you...but I think we should let everyone here know your true identity and abilities, so that we can formulate a strategy against Maldurion. At the same time, I know how sensitive a Servant's identity is, so ultimately, its your decision."

Karna nodded with understanding. "I understand your logic, Master. I do have reservations about revealing all of my abilities at this time, but in deference to your judgement, I shall reveal my True Name and a summary of my nature," he replied before turning to the others. A golden spear with a front array of spikes in the shape of a sunburst manifested in his hand, which he planted in the ground next to him like a walking staff.

"My origin lies on planet Earth, in the land of ancient India. My story is woven into the Mahabharata, an old epic of two heroes fated by destiny to clash against one another. My True Name is Karna, and I am the child of the mortal Kunti and the Sun God Surya. It is a pleasure to meet you all," he greeted with a bow.

To anyone who had been assessing Karna's potential abilities, their initial assessment of the quality of his armor and weapon, as well as his overall martial ability and other attributes, suddenly jumped up by a notable margin after he revealed his True Name.

"In my past life, I received several gifts that make up my current abilities. As a full-fledged demigod who ascended to the heavens after my death, I possess a significant Divinity ranking, which gives my abilities an extra degree of conceptual Authority. I possess a good degree of Magic Resistance, and I have great skill in Riding, allowing me to proficiently commandeer all but the most legendary of mounts. I am able to see through any mundane deception, and can discern the intent and tactics of those who I interact with in combat, be they friend or foe. Because of my solar heritage, I have a special affinity for fire, and can summon and control flames for both attack and defense. And as I'm sure some of you have noticed, I have a special ability that conceals the true extent of my power and skills from those who don't know my True Name. That being said, it can only conceal those attributes which I choose not to push to their limit."

"My first Noble Phantasm is Kavacha and Kundala, the armor and earring I currently bear. I was born with this armor in my legend, and it grants me protection from all attacks, even those of a conceptual nature, reducing the damage to a tenth of what they would normally inflict. That's in addition to the immense durability I possess innately as a Servant. Finally, by invoking the name of my spear, Brahmastra Kundala, I can inbue it with divine fire and launch it at my foe. It then becomes an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, capable of incinerating entire swaths of lands in a single blow."

Shirou couldn't helped but stare wide-eyed at Karna as he summarized his legend and abilities. Saber was certainly a powerful Servant, but Karna sounded like he was closer to the likes of Heracles or Gilgamesh.

Agatha listened intently to what Shirou and Karna said. "You know..." she began. "My Authority allows me to gift any skill not locked off by biology to anyone else. We're from different multiverses, but that's not really a problem. I don't grant power so much as the knowledge of how to use that power. I highly doubt that, even with ki training, either of you would have the infinitely-scaling strength that people from my multiverse do. But I could give both of you the knowledge of ki use, power training, and associated techniques. For example, Karna, at your current power level, assuming it works, you would definitely be able to fly at supersonic speeds, catch bullets in midair, move faster than the eye could track, easily blow up mountains, hurl cars at people, et cetera."

Then she looked towards Shirou. "You'd see a big benefit too. Flight is a fairly basic ki technique, and even though your power level is only around that of a baseline human--meaning you wouldn't see a massive strength or speed boost--I'm sure you'd find hurling energy blasts without draining magic to be quite useful."

"Are either of you up to try it?"
Agatha listened intently to what Shirou and Karna said. "You know..." she began. "My Authority allows me to gift any skill not locked off by biology to anyone else. We're from different multiverses, but that's not really a problem. I don't grant power so much as the knowledge of how to use that power. I highly doubt that, even with ki training, either of you would have the infinitely-scaling strength that people from my multiverse do. But I could give both of you the knowledge of ki use, power training, and associated techniques. For example, Karna, at your current power level, assuming it works, you would definitely be able to fly at supersonic speeds, catch bullets in midair, move faster than the eye could track, easily blow up mountains, hurl cars at people, et cetera."

Then she looked towards Shirou. "You'd see a big benefit too. Flight is a fairly basic ki technique, and even though your power level is only around that of a baseline human--meaning you wouldn't see a massive strength or speed boost--I'm sure you'd find hurling energy blasts without draining magic to be quite useful."

"Are either of you up to try it?"

"I am uncertain as to whether it's possible for me to learn 'ki techniques', as I am not a normal human, but a spirit entity given physical form through magic," Karna replied evenly.

"Hmm," Shirou mused while holding his chin. "That does sound really useful, but are there any risks associated with using your Authority to grant this knowledge to those who already wield other types of power? And are spirit beings able to learn ki techniques in your own universe?"
"I am uncertain as to whether it's possible for me to learn 'ki techniques', as I am not a normal human, but a spirit entity given physical form through magic," Karna replied evenly.

"Hmm," Shirou mused while holding his chin. "That does sound really useful, but are there any risks associated with using your Authority to grant this knowledge to those who already wield other types of power? And are spirit beings able to learn ki techniques in your own universe?"

"There are no risks that I know of, but in general pretty much every sapient being has the potential to learn it. I've seen aliens do it, ghosts do it, demons do it, gods do it, and Hell, as an ascended mortal I was technically a ghost the second I got this Authority. Worst case scenario, you'd try to levitate a few feet off the ground and find it doesn't work."

EDIT: "That said, Edon did point out earlier that there were risk factors with the Potarra earrings..." She then turned to Edon the Grey, saying, "Hey Edon, do you think this would have any kind of special risks I don't know of?"

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The King of Kings chuckled mockingly at His opponent, seemingly unheeding of the incoming blow.

"Do you fear me so, creature? Does my existence worry you to the point that you feel the need to deal with me personally?" He sneered. "Why not just cower in the shadows and send more of your underlings to die in your place, like your craven master seems oh so fond of doing?"

He felt space push in around Him, but the Master of the Multiverse paid it no heed, and so it ceased to affect him.

"But no, perhaps I should commend you, for finally stepping forth and dealing with myself personally!" He bellowed, moving His hands together. "For you save me the trouble of having to drag you from the shadows by the scruff of your neck!"

From His palm, Zoss drew once more the Sword of Want, its length glowing and burning like white lighting, writhing in His grasp as it burned away the space around Him. And He took it in His hands, its power working to fully burn away the space around Him that tried to futilely to keep the King of Kings pinned, and in a sweeping blow He brought the blade up to meet his enemies with a roar.

For He had smote the Prime Angels from their thrones and inherited Gods Duality.

What could possibly stop Him?

As Zoss pushes against the realm around him, he feels himself being pushed... out by his own efforts. Still, he has enough time to swing his blade and for a moment energy blade clashes with scythe... And then in a blinding blast of light, he finds himself back, back on the field of battle where he left Revolution Dawn. What happened to Raliant is unclear. Revolution Dawn seems to be cleanly routing the enemy. Zoss's claimed territory has vanished, but it is likely he could repeat the trick if needed.

Alright. Lord Boros thinks for a moment, but then decides to test if they stand up to eye beams. Should that work, he'll use those to break through. He doesn't expect that to happen, and plans to begin a more physical assault, attempting to juke around the new obstacles or just physically go through them. He's making progress, otherwise Aerguon wouldn't have upped his game.

They are not immune to the eye-beams, but the sheer mass of foes precludes any swift penetration of their ranks on those alone. Juking around becomes obviously infeasible as the enemies fill the air.

Once he meets the shadow things hand to dark flowing blades, he finds they are far from invincible, but quite sturdy nevertheless.

... And then Aerguon's voice rises in triumph, before suddenly a beam of burning light punches straight through the shadow creatures and blasts into Aerguon, bouncing around and smashing rocks. The strange limit on speed abruptly lifts, as Aerguon goes screaming backwards.

And It-That-Slays does not even lower its hands for a second before starting to repeat the process that brought about the assault launched.

A second later, the region of space around Boros starts to grow lightless, but full speed remains possible. Well, aside all the enemies swarming him.

Santa moves swiftly.

His first priority is to ascertain whether the prison of It-That-Slays, this cyst formed out of the realm of Castae, has a ceiling. And if so, roughly how long he has before he collides with it. The enhancing power of the Christmas magic may have saved him from being torn to pieces by the stony assassin's blow when they battled at speed, and it may even now stop him from being more than buffeted by winds as he hurtles through the skies of the Wood Plane at cannonball speeds... But it might avail him little against a solid barrier.

The Realm of It-That Slays extends high, up and up, far beyond the range at which one would reach space. Aside the sun, the great heights are fairly barren, and even at these speeds Santa does not seem to approach a vertical limit to the realm, certainly not swiftly.

His second is to hurriedly reach into the Bag, still held firmly to his side. The weight of the Bag is greater than that of a mountain, and the straps holding it in place are made to comparable strength. Dislodging it from his person would require far greater might than even Stripescarf has shown. From the Bag, with the eyewatering contortion of space required to withdraw a vehicle from such a seemingly small container, Santa retrieves his rocket sleigh. If It-That-Slays is aware of the movements of the Woven enchantments armoring the sleigh, this may be its first clue that anything has gone wrong for Santa. Or it may have already been aware. In either case, having boarded the rocket sleigh, Santa hastily fires up the main engines and regains control of his movements.

Nothing interrupts Santa's efforts to seize the reigns of his own destiny via rocket powered sleigh.

Then his third action. This is something of a desperate improvisation; Santa rarely has use for communications devices when moving at speed, as few beings can keep up with him well enough to understand. He hadn't expected to need to prepare for this kind of event, and in a sense underestimated the Castaean forces. It has been a long time since Father Christmas was forced into war. Grimacing at he ache in his gut, he pulls an enchanted amulet of silvery metal found in no periodic table from the Bag. He clasps it in his gloved hand, concentrating, willing. Perhaps the mental message will reach It-That-Slays; perhaps not. If it does reach him, the amulet's magic should permit the Dragon to respond in kind, even if its own native abilities do not permit this. It may not perform as he hopes, used in ways somewhat beyond the original intent with which it was made... but he'd have to think long and hard to find a gift he was sure could do the job here.

<Watch out! The Assassins are led by a very swift champion in a striped scarf, who gained the upper hand over me and knocked me away. I'll be returning to the fight, but watch your back!>

It-That-Slays does not communicate a return message, be it through inability or unwillingness.

Another blast is fired at the remaining half of the ramparts, and-

Stormbreaker hums, Beta Ray Bill following the threads of mystic energy up... and up... and up...

There! Santa, far above the battlefield, now riding his sleigh. His enhanced eyesight can just make out the mythical figure drinking something from a flask. A refreshment, perhaps, or more ominously, a healing draught of the kind the Asgardians sometimes indulged in. With the change in position, the latter is significantly more likely.

So. An enemy, near It-That-Slays, who on closer examination is losing ground against a great many stone figures steadily encroaching on the Dragon's territory. Whether that enemy goes after the Dragon or Santa, It-That-Slays will likely need assistance, and with the flanking maneuver defeated, he is in the best position to do so.

Hurling Stormbreaker, Bill flies towards It-That-Slays' portion of the battlefield, intent on colliding hammer-first with one of the stone figures.

The second half of the rampart is blasted apart as easily as the first. The stone figures dance nimbly out of the way, breaking ranks to dart clear of Bill's path, and attempt to push past him.

And a storm of stone daggers descends upon Beta Ray Bill like a whirlwind, as he feels a very large number of punches delivered to him from a blurrring shape. The force is honestly insignificant per punch, but he is getting slowly pushed around by the extremely rapid figure assaulting him. A striped scarf dances in and out of his vision...

"There are no risks that I know of, but in general pretty much every sapient being has the potential to learn it. I've seen aliens do it, ghosts do it, demons do it, gods do it, and Hell, as an ascended mortal I was technically a ghost the second I got this Authority. Worst case scenario, you'd try to levitate a few feet off the ground and find it doesn't work."

EDIT: "That said, Edon did point out earlier that there were risk factors with the Potarra earrings..." She then turned to Edon the Grey, saying, "Hey Edon, do you think this would have any kind of special risks I don't know of?"


Edon tilts his head. "That depends. Do you know how you grant knowledge, mechanically speaking? For example, I have seen other Dragons bestow knowledge and skills upon their mortal troops by directly altering their brains to have memories as copied from those with the knowledge or skills. There is more than one way such a thing might give the knowledge. Some would be more likely to be harmful than others. It sounds as if you are closer to each other than you are to the local populace, but it can be difficult to say. I would suggest that if you do not know, attempting to grant such abilities to Wotash would likely be the safest test to observe the mechanism, as a Jight is even more difficult to kill than a Dragon."

Wotash nods at that statement.
They are not immune to the eye-beams, but the sheer mass of foes precludes any swift penetration of their ranks on those alone. Juking around becomes obviously infeasible as the enemies fill the air.

Once he meets the shadow things hand to dark flowing blades, he finds they are far from invincible, but quite sturdy nevertheless.

... And then Aerguon's voice rises in triumph, before suddenly a beam of burning light punches straight through the shadow creatures and blasts into Aerguon, bouncing around and smashing rocks. The strange limit on speed abruptly lifts, as Aerguon goes screaming backwards.

And It-That-Slays does not even lower its hands for a second before starting to repeat the process that brought about the assault launched.

A second later, the region of space around Boros starts to grow lightless, but full speed remains possible. Well, aside all the enemies swarming him.
Well, now that he can actually hit the damn things, it's time to finally hit his specialty. Lord Boros rushes forwards at a single enemy in what is around the middle of the crowd. When he hts that foe, he enhances the shockwave from hitting it at such high speeds with energy projection, hoping to perform a mass dispersal of his foes.
The Realm of It-That Slays extends high, up and up, far beyond the range at which one would reach space. Aside the sun, the great heights are fairly barren, and even at these speeds Santa does not seem to approach a vertical limit to the realm, certainly not swiftly. Nothing interrupts Santa's efforts to seize the reigns of his own destiny via rocket powered sleigh. It-That-Slays does not communicate a return message, be it through inability or unwillingness.

The second half of the rampart is blasted apart as easily as the first. The stone figures dance nimbly out of the way, breaking ranks to dart clear of Bill's path, and attempt to push past him.

And a storm of stone daggers descends upon Beta Ray Bill like a whirlwind, as he feels a very large number of punches delivered to him from a blurrring shape. The force is honestly insignificant per punch, but he is getting slowly pushed around by the extremely rapid figure assaulting him. A striped scarf dances in and out of his vision...
Santa Claus angles the Bag downward, whispering words of command. The rocket sleigh angles towards the ground, swooping upon the scene where Stripescarf is assaulting Beta Ray Bill. He circles the area at some distance and altitude, keeping a wary eye on Stripescarf at all costs. Then he tips the bag, pouring a sudden deluge of glimmering material from the Bag, which for this moment behaves for all the world as though it didn't contain anything other than that which the jolly old elf wishes to pour out upon the ground of the Wood Plane.

He speaks the final word of command.


And the shimmering lametta butterflies, multiplying exponentially into a nigh-uncountable cloud, begin to fall, wings tucked in and spreading as they reach the ground, forming a great ring in the air around Bill's position. As they thicken in their myriads, they converge inward, closing the ring. Should Stripescarf brush against them, he will find them adhering to his stony hide. One such thing would be not even an inconvenience to the assassin. Hundreds? Thousands? The magic, flexible metal will not cut, burn, or dissolve easily...

The little creatures of tinsel do not thus adhere to the Korbinite.
The second half of the rampart is blasted apart as easily as the first. The stone figures dance nimbly out of the way, breaking ranks to dart clear of Bill's path, and attempt to push past him.

And a storm of stone daggers descends upon Beta Ray Bill like a whirlwind, as he feels a very large number of punches delivered to him from a blurrring shape. The force is honestly insignificant per punch, but he is getting slowly pushed around by the extremely rapid figure assaulting him. A striped scarf dances in and out of his vision...
Swift is the word that comes to Beta Ray Bill's mind. Such speed is not unknown to him, but it is rare. His most troublesome opponents are usually similar to Thor or Stardust or Surtur's fire demons: exceptionally strong, unparalleled energy blasters, or simply numerous to ludicrous degrees.

But one does not become one of the greatest warriors alive and spar regularly with Gladiator without picking up some tricks to deal with a faster opponent. Bill utilizes one of them now, conjuring a dome-shaped force field in a five-foot radius around him. That would take care of the daggers, and with luck, his opponent would run right into it and daze itself.

Just in case, though, Bill begins charging up energy in his hammer.
As Zoss pushes against the realm around him, he feels himself being pushed... out by his own efforts. Still, he has enough time to swing his blade and for a moment energy blade clashes with scythe... And then in a blinding blast of light, he finds himself back, back on the field of battle where he left Revolution Dawn. What happened to Raliant is unclear. Revolution Dawn seems to be cleanly routing the enemy. Zoss's claimed territory has vanished, but it is likely he could repeat the trick if needed.
The King of Kings lowered His weapon, looking around. His surroundings had changed once again, and He was returned. What had become of His enemy, He was unsure. Being unsure was not something Zoss enjoyed.

With a casual flick of one hand, the Master of the Multiverse dissipated the Sword of Want in a flash of light, it's length shattering like glass and then burning to nothing. His hands thus empty, He crossed His arms, and looked around, observing the battle. Should any of His foe's remaining minions approach Him, they will find their lives ripped from their chest and crushed before their fading eyes, such was the weight the King of Kings output as He searched the throng for the one who called herself Revolution Dawn.
As Zoss pushes against the realm around him, he feels himself being pushed... out by his own efforts. Still, he has enough time to swing his blade and for a moment energy blade clashes with scythe... And then in a blinding blast of light, he finds himself back, back on the field of battle where he left Revolution Dawn. What happened to Raliant is unclear. Revolution Dawn seems to be cleanly routing the enemy. Zoss's claimed territory has vanished, but it is likely he could repeat the trick if needed.

They are not immune to the eye-beams, but the sheer mass of foes precludes any swift penetration of their ranks on those alone. Juking around becomes obviously infeasible as the enemies fill the air.

Once he meets the shadow things hand to dark flowing blades, he finds they are far from invincible, but quite sturdy nevertheless.

... And then Aerguon's voice rises in triumph, before suddenly a beam of burning light punches straight through the shadow creatures and blasts into Aerguon, bouncing around and smashing rocks. The strange limit on speed abruptly lifts, as Aerguon goes screaming backwards.

And It-That-Slays does not even lower its hands for a second before starting to repeat the process that brought about the assault launched.

A second later, the region of space around Boros starts to grow lightless, but full speed remains possible. Well, aside all the enemies swarming him.

The Realm of It-That Slays extends high, up and up, far beyond the range at which one would reach space. Aside the sun, the great heights are fairly barren, and even at these speeds Santa does not seem to approach a vertical limit to the realm, certainly not swiftly.

Nothing interrupts Santa's efforts to seize the reigns of his own destiny via rocket powered sleigh.

It-That-Slays does not communicate a return message, be it through inability or unwillingness.

The second half of the rampart is blasted apart as easily as the first. The stone figures dance nimbly out of the way, breaking ranks to dart clear of Bill's path, and attempt to push past him.

And a storm of stone daggers descends upon Beta Ray Bill like a whirlwind, as he feels a very large number of punches delivered to him from a blurrring shape. The force is honestly insignificant per punch, but he is getting slowly pushed around by the extremely rapid figure assaulting him. A striped scarf dances in and out of his vision...

Edon tilts his head. "That depends. Do you know how you grant knowledge, mechanically speaking? For example, I have seen other Dragons bestow knowledge and skills upon their mortal troops by directly altering their brains to have memories as copied from those with the knowledge or skills. There is more than one way such a thing might give the knowledge. Some would be more likely to be harmful than others. It sounds as if you are closer to each other than you are to the local populace, but it can be difficult to say. I would suggest that if you do not know, attempting to grant such abilities to Wotash would likely be the safest test to observe the mechanism, as a Jight is even more difficult to kill than a Dragon."

Wotash nods at that statement.

"Very well then," Agatha replies. She turns to Wotash and silently activates her Authority. It would be a simple matter to instill into Wotash the basics of ki, including flight, basic blast usage, and super-strength, super-speed, how to increase her power level, and one of the simplest special moves, the famous Kamehameha.

"Done. How do you feel? Can you demonstrate the Kamehameha?"