[X] Delegation from Germany, you really need to talk to them about that heavily armed, train robbing gang
You start the conversation lightly, increasing diplomatic ties and improving trade.
Needed 30/100. Score 71/100 Success +$100,000 Trade
The Germans are more than happy to befriend neighbors and make money.
Then you go on to more troubling topics, that train gang.
Needed 30/100. Score 29+3+10=42/100 Success
They almost walk away, perceiving an insult. However, with your fast talking, you convince them that you want to help them in a mutually satisfactory manner.
+Permission to send armed forces into Alsace-Lorraine Region of Germany without causing a war.
+Joint operation unlocked
Who do you talk to second?
[] Lucrestein bourgeoisie, your popularity has increased dramatically this year, why not keep up the good vibes.
[] Delegation from Former Spanish Guinea, take some time to get to know your new colony
[] Delegation from Spain, they may be a failing empire, but they are still very rich.
[] Delegation from France, perhaps settle any territorial claim issues
[] Delegations from the automotive industry
[] Delegations from the electrical industry
[] Delegation from (write in country)