European Micronation Fantasy Quest


I was thinking similarly. Though I think we should speak with both the automotive and electrical industries. We need more money. We are spending way more than we generate.
[X] Delegation from Germany, you really need to talk to them about that heavily armed, train robbing gang

Those bloody bandits are an urgent problem and negatively affect both our reputation and Germany's.

After that, it depends how many we can speak to. Our colony's delegation is a must, but if we can i'd talk to the industries first. After those three, france.
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[X] Afrikanisch Lucrestein

[X] Delegation from Germany, you really need to talk to them about that heavily armed, train robbing gang

An urgent problem. Seriously.
[X] Delegation from France, perhaps settle any territorial claim issues

No opinion on the name, but territorial disputes are always top priority because we can't offer military resistance at all if they decide to go beyond diplomacy.

Bandits are just nasty, but not really something the party can change, unless we can talk them into cleaning out the bandits on their border. They are better armed than we are, so even if we get permission from Berlin to hunt bandits, we can't always win.
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[X] Delegation from the Netherlands that blond is looking very nice maybe we could hammer out some Trade deals.
Guys we are sitting on the Rhine all shipping goes to the Dutch port of Rotterdam.

Sweden would be cool to if only because of this video.
[X] Centenary
We got it at the turn of the century, name it after such

[X] Le French
Because territory disputes may result in suddenly Centenary being Le Petite France

After this definitely electric then automotive, then if time Germany for that dashing rival train robber (goddamn that guy has swagger with that note)
At the very least, that bandit problem needs sorting before we try upgrading our guns again. Other wise we're just throwing money away.

On another note: that cavalry deal's a Lot better than it looks. machineguns (or even modern rifles) have stripped cavalry of most, if not all, of their shock value, but they still represent a Massive mobility advantage. They're already the best recon unit available until aircraft, Wonderful for securing territory (patrols and such), spectacular for ambushes (machineguns are only dangerous to them if actually prepared, as yet), and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Train them as dragoons/mounted rifles, add machinegun carts/wagons (i forget the name) and they can fill most infantry roles too.

They only thing they're really terrible for is assulting fixed positions. Cavalry are, unsurprisingly, Crap at trench warfare and assulting fortifications (though they are arguably a huge help in besieging such.) They don't really become non-viable as a proper combat unit until proper armoured cars and tanks start showing up (basically invulnerable to cavalry weapons And faster than them And machinegun armed.) ... and evem in ww2, polish dragoons (kitted out with anti tank gear) were a credable threat to such in the earliest parts of the war.
[x] Delegation from Germany, you really need to talk to them about that heavily armed, train robbing gang
[X] Delegation from Germany, you really need to talk to them about that heavily armed, train robbing gang
[X] Delegation from Germany, you really need to talk to them about that heavily armed, train robbing gang

You start the conversation lightly, increasing diplomatic ties and improving trade.
Needed 30/100. Score 71/100 Success +$100,000 Trade

The Germans are more than happy to befriend neighbors and make money.

Then you go on to more troubling topics, that train gang.
Needed 30/100. Score 29+3+10=42/100 Success

They almost walk away, perceiving an insult. However, with your fast talking, you convince them that you want to help them in a mutually satisfactory manner.

+Permission to send armed forces into Alsace-Lorraine Region of Germany without causing a war.
+Joint operation unlocked

Who do you talk to second?
[] Lucrestein bourgeoisie, your popularity has increased dramatically this year, why not keep up the good vibes.
[] Delegation from Former Spanish Guinea, take some time to get to know your new colony
[] Delegation from Spain, they may be a failing empire, but they are still very rich.
[] Delegation from France, perhaps settle any territorial claim issues
[] Delegations from the automotive industry
[] Delegations from the electrical industry
[] Delegation from (write in country)
That went well.

[X] Delegation from France, perhaps settle any territorial claim issues

Now, to the other elephant in the room, the one who squeezes us with Germany.
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[X] Delegation from France, perhaps settle any territorial claim issues

Let's sort out this territorial business.
Well yes, and as far as I know we don't have access to the sea.

So our colonies are a really, really risky enterprise.
Frankly, I would rather talk with the industries but we need to establish the best relations with both the German Empire and France. Otherwise we won't like it when they come guns blazing as shortcut to each other.

Though, if we manage to stay neutral as Switzerland, we might avoid being utterly destroyed when the Great War comes rolling.

Or we could invent a powerful mechanical monstrosity born from the tortured mind of our scientists. I doubt it will happen in time though. :/

[X] Delegation from France, perhaps settle any territorial claim issues