[X] Korea: Korea is the most sadly underappreciated East Asian state in the triat that also includes Japan and China, which sucks because Korea is cool as hell, so this game is gonna be about playing Kingdom if instead of fighting zombies they fought an eternal hell war against the Manchus and instead of fighting because they are evil arisen dead they are fighting because they're really angry we burnt all their homes down and forced them to speak Korean. I don't like besmirching Korea's perfect peninsular shape, so this game will include a lot of vassals to fight under our glorious banner and will of course involve asking ourselves whether we want to remain loyal to the Ming dynasty or go our own way.
[X] Eastern Roman Empire: Return the Empire of Constantine to its rightful place as the hegemon of the world! Destroy the Ottoman-Muslim pretenders to the east, destroy the Latin-Catholic pretenders to the west, and restore Mare Nostrum. Constantinople will become the City of the World's Desire once again.
[X] Eastern Roman Empire: Return the Empire of Constantine to its rightful place as the hegemon of the world! Destroy the Ottoman-Muslim pretenders to the east, destroy the Latin-Catholic pretenders to the west, and restore Mare Nostrum. Constantinople will become the City of the World's Desire once again.