You aren't wasting your time outside of classes. Your mother would be proud, you think. You eat meals with your peers, explore the area, and meet people as you do so. You give bits and pieces of information (Don't sign up for Rising Smoke's classes, he's a poor teacher, if need money for your family talk to Crystal Lotus, she'll sponsor you if you pay her back) and you listen. And you trade that information too, as well as less important things. Seats as a table. Introductions to peers. You weave spiderwebs of connections around everyone you talk to, and pull on them so gently that it goes unnoticed.
Roll - Manipulation + Socialize + Excellency
1, 5, 4, 4, 2, 7, 5, 6, 2, 10, 7. 4 successes
You have no family name to back you up, no allies with real skill in this, no position to support you. If you were any less skilled you would fail. But barely, slowly, by the grace of Hesiesh and every drop of skill you have won, you make contacts. You make connections. You weave, lightly, barely, but you have succeeded.
Background Gained - Connections 1 - Climbing Vines
To go farther would require station, name, or connections. You cannot make contacts with those of greater stations without leverage you simply don't yet have.
You have succeeded.
And you make time to teach Climbing Roses the skills she will need. Combat, if she insists on being so reckless as to seek it, and social grace, to better serve you. Archery will suit her well. First, to obtain a bow.
Work - Intelligence + Linguistics - 5 Dice
You spent two hours copying a few pages of a text that one of your peers needs. The sect, sensibly, pays for part of the copying, which means that she could afford to pay you a sect point (Some sort of script currency. Perhaps they are aware that sacred jade is too precious for mortals to use for so mundane a use). This is enough to barter for a bow from a wealthier student, who sells mundane items to other disciples in return for the sect's script, which cannot be easily converted to and from silver coinage.
Teaching - Perception + Archery
10, 2, 1, 10, 1, 3, 3, 7. 5 successes. 5/25 successes banked.
She is clearly delighted to be learning a weapon, and carries her new bow with her at all times. You do manage to teach her how to string and unstring it properly. She only tried to mimic your habit at first, and you managed to explain how that wouldn't work for an ordinary bow surprisingly easily.
Teaching - Perception + Socialize + Excellency
1, 6, 6, 5, 10, 10, 5, 2, 6, 10, 7. 7 successes. 7/25 successes banked.
She isn't a complete novice towards social interaction as she is in combat, and she is clearly less interested, but you do manage, pointing out each method you use as you build your budding network over the week, and testing her on reading people as you go about your daily life. She learns well, though with less enthusiasm.
And you explore the sect. You walk over the grounds, you read signs, and you talk to people. You question contacts, you make inferences, and you investigate in person when these things fail to inform you to your satisfaction.
Contacts 1
Discovered - Patronage System
Crystal Lotus, among other students born to local nobility, sponsors her peers with coin to send to families and use for their own purposes in return for sect points, acting as a system of arbitrage that lets them leverage their families resources to get ahead of their peers.
Resources 1 - 3 sect points a week.
Resources 2 - 10 sect points a week.
Resources 3 - This amount of money requires a personal patron, and specific negotiations, probably with contracts that give a noble scion exclusive access to the products of an artisan or the services of a skilled bodyguard.
Roll - Wits + Socialize + Excellency
7, 5, 2, 2, 8, 9, 5, 7. 4 successes.
You estimate that you could probably negotiate this sort of contract for 25 sect points a week, and the implication of future negotiations, without actually promising anything.
Allies 2
Discovered - Demesne Rental
Starlit Night drags you to a demesne they found, and when you ask later, explains how to reserve the use of a place of power in return for sect points. If you go in too late, though, the essence flows may be so diminished as to be unusable.
Demesne - 5 points per dot per action cultivating.
Roll - Perception + Awareness
8, 5, 5, 10, 8. 4 successes.
You walk around for almost an hour, and spend time reading over the rules for sect points, and how spending them works.
Discovered - Alchemical Aids
Apparently, cultivators are fond of using potions and other alchemical thaumaturgies to aid them in their duties. And they are evidently quite advanced in this art.
(Potions - A potion is a thaumaturgical creation that grants a number of mutation points for a certain period of time. Each week, a number of potions equal to Stamina can be drunk safely. More than this only poisons the drinker. Exotic potions are made using exotic ingredients, and are more powerful and much more dangerous. The sect charges 2 points for a basic potion.)
The most common potions sold to disciples are the Eye of Essence, a potion which makes the drinker able to perceive the flow of Essense, but blinds the drinker to the mundane world, lasting for two hours, the Skin of Iron, which hardens the drinkers skin like iron but induces recklessness, lasting for an hour, and the Lucid Dreamer, a potion that makes the drinker's dreams lucid for the next 8 hours, but also brings terrible nightmares if the drinker is not sleeping in a demesne aspected to a specific element, induces sleep almost instantly, and marks the drinker to any spirits of dreams as a being that seeks to cheat them of their due.
Discovered - Tutors
Sect points can also be used to pay tutors to teach a specific skill, for 5 points an hour. It seems more costly than practical, but perhaps some find it useful.
Discovered - Rent
After the first week, the sect begins to charge its disciples rent. Each disciple is charged one point per week for room and board, and one point for each servant, increasing rapidly with each additional servant. While you and Climbing Roses are housed for two points a week, two servants would require three points, and three servants six points. High quality housing, in a manse built to aid sleep and rejuvenation, can be rented for 5 points each week.
Discovered - Jobs
While the bounties the sect issues are available at any time, and can in fact be issued by anyone as long as the sect is able to take their cut of the profits, most sect points are issued in the form of smaller tasks.
Routine tasks, such as cleaning a building or running messages, usually pay a point for two hours of labor.
Copying is also almost always available, and the average copyist is paid about the same.
(Copying texts pays one point per two pages, and costs one point for three pages, because it is partly subsidized. A copyist can copy one page in an hour for each five dice in their calligraphy pool they have.)
More complex tasks, such as repairing books or brewing potions, usually pay five to eight points for an hour's labor, assuming that the disciple has enough skill to do so very well indeed. Even you would struggle with work to such a quality.
(An expert's task requires ten dice in an appropriate skill pool, including specialty dice.)
Roll - Wits + Investigation + Interviews
8, 1, 8, 7, 3. 3 successes.
Discovered - Exotic Ingredient Bounties
According to the handsome secretary you strike up a conversation with named Bright Victory, the sect also pays for exotic ingredients, to be used in artifacts, potions, and sometimes even cooking. You have no idea how magical materials and frozen lightning would be used in food of all things, until he explains that that usually means the meat of powerful beasts and essence active herbs.
The sect pays forty points for an exotic ingredient.
Discovered - Library
Bright Victory is so kind as to walk you to the library when you ask what you think the most important thing that new disciples need to learn about is. The library requires that a disciples pay a single point for an entry pass, after students one year played so many pranks on one poor librarian that a rare book was destroyed, and it was decided that making it more difficult to start causing problems would be more effective than punishing those who abused the privilege. Unfortunate, but still a low price for a permanent pass, in the end. A book in the main section can be borrowed for three points a week.
And you make sure to spend time with Starlit Night, who, ever cheerful, shows you the demesne that they somehow found in the woods nearby.
"How did you find this?"
They shrug. "I was just exploring, looking around, and trying to find something cool. And I did!"
"I mean, yes. Definitely. But…how? It's close enough that someone should have claimed it by now, right? Other demesnes claimed by the sect are farther than this. Not much farther, but farther away."
"I mean, it looks pretty overgrown, and it's off the beaten path, and looks abandoned. There were actually some herbs growing in it that I traded into the sect for some points. Should last me a while, actually."
"It still seems unlikely."
You'll think about it later.
"Anyway! We're here. And I noticed that you weren't in class, so I wanted to show you how to cultivate. So. How I do it, anyway, is I start meditating, and I push the essence into my body…
Breathing Pattern Discovered - Willful or Ignorant Breathing Pattern
Roll Willpower. Respirate Successes of Essence, to store or spend immediately.
Starlit Night respirates 8 Essence, and spends it and 4 Essence they have stored to cultivate an artificial dot of Stamina. Their three dot demesne now has 109/125 Essence.
"So, you try it!"
Roll Willpower
7, 1, 5, 10, 9, 5, 5, 4, 6, 10. 5 successes.
You draw Essence from the world, wrenching it into your body by force of your will alone. Your own Essence flies through your veins, answering to your every though without a moment's delay. This stuff isn't your Essence, it's drawn from the world, and fights every moment you try to carry it. You think of what you were taught. You don't have enough power to infuse your bones and flesh, it would sink back into the earth. But you can reinforce yourself. And so you layer power into your soul, building a foundation. It feels like it should be wrong. You are of the air, and this stuff is wood through and through. But it isn't. You place the last limb into place, and you rise. Your soul is more solid, but no less you. The wood changes, the element of life becoming part of your life, and so the power of your blood transforms it. You have built a foundation of clouds and winds, solid like the wall of a hurricane's eye. You feel more like yourself than you have since you drew your Second Breath.
(The only Path Theresa has unlocked is Body Refinement, which requires 11 Essence to perform. As she has no way of storing Essence, she spends 5 Essence to break through into the Second Step. She may now choose up to two Paths of the second step or lower. She does not need to choose immediately. This choice cannot be taken back.)
[Choose up to 2 Paths to develop. While almost every cultivator chooses Core Refinement, other Paths are chosen occasionally. Theresa does not know of every Path; she may perform further research, or even attempt to create her own.]
Later, as you both walk home, and you thank Starlit Night for the teachings they have given you.
"Don't worry about it. I can't let my favorite rival fail out!"
You roll your eyes. Like they could be your rival. No matter how lucky they seem to be.
Roll - Intelligence + Occult
4, 8. 1 success.
Starlit Night….Starlit.
"Did you ever mention why your parents named you Starlit Night, anyway? It seems a pretty odd name."
"Uh. I think my mother told me that she saw a new star the night I was born."
[X] Write-in You think that destiny may have laid a hand on Starlit Night, considering the odd coincidences that tend to follow them around, and the Loom is rarely kind to those it touches. Do you say anything? And if so, what? Write in a few sentences about the matter, or change the topic and ask them a few questions you have.