Esper Quest (Toaru/???)

Shura12305 said:
She was only barely surviving against Brunhild though, who was using a giant metal sword to fight her, and tanked her electricity like it was nothing, and blew away her 360 degree iron sand needle attack, Saints are monsters whom only Accelerator, Kakine 2.0, and maybe Gunha can fight with fair chance of winning.
Was she? I kind of skimmed the volume.

That said, considering that Mikoto is a middle schooler, it's kind of terrifying to think about what she'll be doing as an adult.
Shura12305 said:
Wait, you skimmed the volume?
C'mon that volume had some of the best fights in the series with Birdway, and later Thor versus Touma, anyway the Parameter List exists, so I doubt she'll be that much better by the time she's an adult.
I skimmed it because I was planning on a second read, which I'll get to as soon as I find the time. Regarding Mikoto, I don't think she's going to gain more raw power, but I think it's reasonable to conclude that she'll become better at using it as she picks up experience.
[X]"Apology accepted."

Also, level 5 time. Meltdowner can do her sgit and still be level 5, we can beat up a gang of espers no consenquence.
[x] "It's fine. It's my fault anyway for doing something that stupid."

What I find funny here is how Minoru is likely misunderstanding the situation. Misaka knows he didn't use the Level Upper because he told her.

As for Level 5: Sad but we're not going to rank up. If they'd Ranked Minoru up based upon the testimony of Misaka, Nakamura and the Anti-Skill soldiers who watched Minoru slaughter the AIM Burst we could have got Level 5 but as is we'll intentionally flunk the test to keep a low profile.
UberJJK said:
[x] "It's fine. It's my fault anyway for doing something that stupid."

What I find funny here is how Minoru is likely misunderstanding the situation. Misaka knows he didn't use the Level Upper because he told her.
Misaka actually thinks that Minoru was confused about what she was saying/didn't hear her clearly when he caught up to her at the highway. This is in part due to you cutting off your sentence midway, indicating that you realized your error, and the fact that you didn't correct Judgement and Anti-Skill when they confirmed the series of events with you.
RedSurv said:
Level 5s do get some benefits, but there are also drawbacks. The benefit is you get multi-million dollar contracts for it, a (or sometimes several) research facility dedicated only to studying your power, and people respect and fear you. The downside is you draw alot of attention, tend to get wrapped up in stupid schemes, and other bloodthirsty level 5s tend to pick fights with you.

If the latter is already happening to this guy I suppose there's no real drawback though, i'm not really caught up on this Quest yet.
I wouldn't call Misaka bloodthirsty. She only got interested in Minoru because he cockblocked interrupted her fight with Touma.

The whole attention thing is a big downside when you apart of a 'secret' society like Minoru is. As for why we'd want to stay with them, besides the fact that Leader (I can't remember his name) has already helped out Minoru a couple times over the course of the question it's also a unique and potentially interesting plot line.

Besides Minoru can't just steal all of Misaka's plotlines.
Is liking to fight actually being bloodthirsty? I'd think wanting to kill is a requirement for being bloodthirsty, so I don't think Gunha counts.
RedSurv said:
It's not just Misaka. Mugino really wanted to prove she was the real #3 by killing Misaka, Kakine wanted to become the #1 by killing Accel, Gunha fights anyone who he thinks is a good opponent.

So the moral is, don't let the level 5s think you're stronger than them or you're gonna have a bad time.
I was responding to the comment that Minoru is already dealing with:
tend to get wrapped up in stupid schemes, and other bloodthirsty level 5s tend to pick fights with you.
Which isn't entirely true because the only Level 5 that's tried picking a fight with Minoru is Misaka, who's not bloodthirsty.
No update today, because of issues with writing dialogue and stuff like that. Apologies.
Vote tally:
[X] Press the emergency button. "Apology accepted."
Number of votes:1

[X] "It's actually my fault for being so stupid. In any case, let's not fight anymore."
Number of votes:2

[X]"Apology accepted.
Number of votes:4

[x] "It's fine. It's my fault anyway for doing something that stupid."
Number of votes:5

[x] It's fine. When's our rematch?
Number of votes:1

Also, [x] "It's fine. It's my fault anyway for doing something that stupid."
Number of votes:1

[X] Mash the emergency button. "Apology accepted."
Number of votes:1
Ridiculously Average Guy
[X] It's fine. It's my fault anyway for doing something that stupid.

"Aheh..." you scratch your head awkwardly, unsure how to respond. "It's fine. It's my fault anyway for doing something that stupid."

"No, really, it's only because of my threat that you used Level Upper," she says.

Uh, this is getting really awkward, really quickly. How do you react when someone you're pretty sure wants to kill you suddenly apologizes and says that they shouldn't have tried to kill you?

"Uh, in that case, I, uh..." You take a look around the room for anything that might help you right now. Like a flying pig. Unfortunately, you don't find one. "... accept your apology?" you finish lamely.

That seems to do the trick, to your relief - Misaka comes up out of her bow.

If she hadn't you would have just hidden under your blanket and hoped that all the bad things would go away.

You walk out of the hospital after you have a talk with a doctor that tried to be kind, but was obviously repeating the same things that he told every Level Upper user. That was done after a short conversation with Misaka, of course - it had gone... well, in your opinion. You weren't friends, though if you had to describe your relationship with her you would say... acquaintances.

In any case, it's summer break, and incredibly enough you don't have detention for every day of it for using Level Upper. After the events of the past few days however, you just don't know what to do - looking at flowers on your computer just doesn't seem to quite keep your attention anymore- your flowers!

How long has it been since you've watered them?!

You rush home, accidentally knocking down a few people along the way, but you don't care. That strangely dressed guy smoking a cigarette is irrelevant compared to your flowers.

You slam open the door and don't even bother to close it as you run in as fast as you can, shoving the device out of the way-

The flowers are all right. They lack a bit of water, but they're alive.

You sink to your knees, crying tears of relief.

It is nearly midnight when you finally tear yourself from your flowers, sure that they're alright.

As you sit on your bed, you wonder what you're going to do...

[] Your sister. It's time to resolve this.
[] Flower girl seems to share the same interest with you - flowers.
[] Maybe you could see about freeing that other guy from the Railgun's wrath as well.


[] Timeskip.
I'm ridiculously bad at understanding the character and personality of characters from media, which is why this took so long. Originally, I was just going to write [APOLOGY SCENE HERE] - not that what I wrote was much better anyway - and make you guys fill it in with your imagination, but then I just decided to wing it. Just an explanation for why this took so long.
Amusingly enough if we go after our Sister I bet we still end up running into Misaka and/or Kuroko. After all they all go to Tokiwadai.

[X] Your sister. It's time to resolve this.

Much as I'd like to spend more time with Uiharu and co Minoru hasn't talked to his sister for 11 years, since he poked out her eye. "Hey Sis. Hows the eye?"
[x] Maybe you could see about freeing that other guy from the Railgun's wrath as well.

maybe we can prevent touma from losing his memories this time..