Equestrian Celestial Forge (Celestial Forge/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Chapter 13 - Dear Diary
"You want us to keep a journal?"

"That's right." Twilight reached under the crystal table and pulled out a set of six identical books that she then passed out to her gathered fiends. "I can see now what the problem was with my initial theory."

"It was wrong?" Rainbow Dash said through a smirk.

"It ignored very obvious contradictions?" Applejack added.

"You never came up with a catchy name for it?" was Pinkie's contribution.

Twilight gave them a level look. She loved her friends, dearly so, but stars above did they know exactly how to push her buttons. "The problem was that it wasn't broad enough. I tried to analyze each individual ability as a singular anomaly, when I really should have been looking at the event as a whole."

As always, the problem was tunnel-vision. She'd thought she'd found a reasonable (not to mention ground-breaking) solution early on, then tried to force the new data to fit it. Only the arrival of a complete workshop and all its tools had managed to finally convince her that her second Special Talent theory didn't cut the mustard.

Which brought her back to the drawing board. No more assumptions, no more wild conjecture. This time everything would stem from the three fundamentally true facts that she knew.

One. Starswirl created a spell for an unknown purpose, but could not complete it.

Two. She completed the spell by incorporating friendship which led to a wildly different result when cast.

Three. On an irregular basis, she and her friends compoundingly receive new abilities, objects, and tools.

Everything else had to stem from those facts. Logically, the next step was research.

"One of the fundamental truths of the scientific method," she said, "is that if you collect enough data, eventually a pattern will emerge. That's why I'd like to request everyone's help in recording as much data as possible."

"Sounds like a fine idea by me." Applejack rifled through the pages, letting them whisper past the edge of her hoof as a clever bit of spellwork added new pages when she got near the end. "What exactly should we write?"

An expected question, and one Twilight was ready for. "Anything and everything. Details of new abilities you get. How they interact with your existing ones. The weather and what activities you were doing when a new ability appeared. I'm happy if you just use it as a normal journal and write down your daily thoughts." She rather hoped they would, in fact. It'd be an excellent record to see if there were any subtle mental changes going on that they might not notice otherwise. "There's no such thing as too much data."

"You say that now," Dash said, idly tossing and catching her book. "But that's just 'cause Pinkie and Rarity haven't filled theirs up with party plans and dress sketches."

"No worries here," Pinkie countered, "I have whole filing cabinets of party plans. This little book wouldn't even hold the ones I have for Fluttershy alone!"

"If you flip to the back," Twilight instructed, "You'll find a handy reference guide with a list of all the abilities we've documented so far along with a brief description of them. Please use the listed names for each power when writing about them so we don't mix up similar ones."

The sound of pages turning filled the air as they all flipped to the relevant pages, followed by a shout of surprise.

"My skill's supposed to be for making monster traps!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "That's… actually kinda awesome. Why didn't anypony tell me? Wait, why did someone else know and I didn't?"

"You'll find the answer in my section." Rarity visibly preened in anticipation of oncoming praise. "Page vii, subsection two."

"Perk: Hoarder's Eyes," Pinkie Pie read aloud, "'The ability to manifest textboxes containing the name of any object along with a short description.' Neato! What do I have?" She flipped a page. "Huh. MacGyver, Medaka, and Tool box. The last one makes sense, but what are those others? They sound like pastries from Fleece."

"We're not sure, but I think they're words in some foreign language that don't have an Equestrian equivalent," Twilight answered. "For some reason, Rarity's identifying ability acts differently when trying to perceive other abilities."

Rarity nodded. "It's hard enough to pin them down as it is—like trying to focus on a shimmer of heat haze in the distance—and when I do the color of the text is different and some of the words are difficult to read."

"A Mushroom Kingdom..." Fluttershy mused quietly as she read her own entries. "That's why it's so big."

"In any case," Twilight continued, "I've enchanted the journals so whenever Rarity or I make an edit to the index, either to add a new listing or fill in more details as we discover them, the change should propagate into your copies as well."

"Cool. Yeah, sure, I'll make sure I write stuff in it or whatever." Rainbow Dash tossed her journal through the door that led back to her house. "More importantly: who wants to help me trap a monster?"

"That may be the plumb stu—"

"I haven't the time for—"

"Hey, if no one's up for it, I'm sure the Crusaders would be more than willing."

Dash grinned.

Rarity and Applejack sent her dirty looks.

Dash grinned harder.

"...Consarnit Dash."

"Fine. But nothing more ferocious than a pukwudgie."

Basically, Rarity gets roughly the same end-of-chapter text you readers can see, but greatly summarized and boiled down to a single sentence.
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Does that actually apply here?
Yes. Both Rainbow Dash and Rarity have done the whole "oh woe is me my powers suck while the other have much better powers" when comparing.
any way for her to get Zerg powers?
I mean she wouldn't get Zerg Powers but more the ability to make them.
  1. Tech Expert (Starcraft Terran) (600): You have a full understanding of terran technology, and a proper foundation for understanding alien technology and biology, while you will never truly come to an understanding of zerg biology or protoss technology, the insight you have into them can be used to enhance other technology greatly.

  1. Organic Database (Starcraft Zerg) (600): It's a large, shell-encased... brain. The various wrinkles and lines within it seem to glimmer with green light, and aside from that it seems to be just odd. Within this brain, however, lies everything a growing leader of the Zerg could need to know: The genetic make-up and growth patterns of every Zerg organism ever, from the patterns of evolution that have resulted in the Zergling to the monolithic Leviathans used for interplanetary travel.
Chapter 14 - Test Log 1

From the Desk of Twilight Sparkle
Apprentice to HRH Princess Celestia
Golden Oaks Head Librarian

Research notes and test logs for Unidentified Magical Artifact no. 001 "Horatic Cube"

Object Description: UMA-001 is a metallic cube measuring approximately 0.5 meters on each side. It is composed of an unknown golden-brown metal with minor evidence of green corrosion. Each of the six sides is decorated with a unique pattern of unknown pictograms and symbols, primarily involving intersecting triangles and circles.

UMA-001 has four identified functions. Synthesis, in which materials with some shared aspect are combined into a single item of higher quality. Deconstruction, in which an object is broken down into lesser versions of itself (Addendum: Or in some cases, base materials). Repair, in which damaged items are combined with raw material or base magical reagents to restore defects or flaws. Refinement, in which an undamaged item is combined with magical reagents to produce a version with improved performance or empowered effects.

Activating UMA-001 is done through twisting one of the four corners of the top face (each corner selects a different mode of use) and placing the materials to be utilized on the top surface of the device. Materials are either rejected (see attached list of recorded conditions for rejection) or are absorbed into UMA-001 and replaced with an output after a period of time which scales with complexity of the task.

Transcription of Hoarder's Eyes Information:

Horadric Cube
A replica of a replica of an ancient alchemical artifact. Its purpose is the synthesis, deconstruction, repair, and refinement of magical and mundane materials on a conceptual level.

Testing log
Primary Researcher: Twilight Sparkle
Consulting Researcher (for output identification): Rarity Belle

Test No. 001
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: One (1) standard sheet of white paper
Output: N/A
Additional Notes: A test to determine the device's baseline limits. No change occurred after ten (10) minutes of waiting. Apparently it needs at least two inputs to activate.

Test No. 002
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: Two (2) standard sheets of white paper
Output: One (1) sheet of slightly higher quality white paper

Test No. 003
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: Three (3) standard sheets of white paper
Output: One (1) sheet of higher quality white paper

Test No. 013
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: Thirteen (13) standard sheets of white paper
Output: N/A
Additional Notes: Device failed to activate after ten (10) minutes of waiting. Papers returned unaltered. I think I might have hit some kind of limit, though whether it's a limit of volume, mass, quantity, or uses-per-hour, I don't know.

Test No. 014
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: Two (2) mass produced plain white coffee mugs
Output: One (1) plain white coffee mug of higher quality ceramic

Test No. 078
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: Thirteen (13) bottles of "Quik-Dri Ink"
Output: N/A
Additional Notes: It seems to have a hard limit of twelve distinct input items at once. No limit found yet on mass or volume.

Test No. 079
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: One (1) stamp-sized ruby, one (1) stamp-sized sapphire
Output: One (1) stamp-sized purple gem of unknown variety
Additional Notes: Rarity has confirmed that the gem is a purple corundum, which is technically still a type of ruby under the Equestrian Gem Grader's Guidebook. She noted that it is of very nice quality, but otherwise not particularly special.

Test No. 080
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: One (1) stamp-sized citrine, one (1) stamp-sized sapphire
Output: One (1) green gem of unknown variety
Additional Notes: Rarity says this one is just an emerald, which doesn't make any sense. I can understand the logic of the previous test, since rubies and sapphires have very similar chemical structures, but emeralds are nothing like either of the gems I inputted. Is it valuing color theory over chemistry? Or maybe there's something more symbolic going on. More testing is needed.

Test No. 081
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: One (1) stamp-sized citrine, one (1) stamp-sized sapphire
Output: One (1) green gem of unknown variety
Additional Notes: Another emerald, though this one's in a pear cut instead of a square. Neither of the input gems were cut that way.

Test No. 220
Test Type: Synthesis
Test Material Input: One (1) half-eaten sandwich (Rye, mayo, roses, swiss), One (1) "Quills & Sofas" brand writing quill with snapped nib
Output: N/A
Additional Notes: An important discovery. Some items do not have enough in common to be combined. This will need further testing to determine the exact limits, but I'm running out of prepared materials to test with as well as quills and scrolls to record the data.
*Testing to resume at a later date*

Test No. 221
Test Type: Deconstruction
Test Material Input: The output of test No. 012
Output: Twelve (12) standard sheets of white paper
Additional Notes: So it can also uncombine what it made before. That's good to know. Spike wants his Power Ponies issues back.

Test No. 245
Test Type: Deconstruction
Test Material Input: One (1) wooden hoof-carved figure of a royal guard enchanted with a low-power Come to Life spell
Output: Three (3) smaller carved figures of similar quality
Additional Notes: The original was provided enough magic to animate its marching for one minute before the spell collapsed. Each outputted figure marched for exactly twenty seconds. Further testing on subdivision of magic power?

Test No. 277
Test Type: Deconstruction
Test Material Input: One (1) "Sleepy Stomp" badge provided by Fluttershy
Output: Two (2) unknown badges of similar design
Additional notes: Rarity was able to identify the output as "Drowsy Stomp" badges. Fluttershy claims that they "feel" like her other badges, but that she does not know how to make a Drowsy Stomp badge from scratch like she can her others.

Test No. 311
Test Type: Repair
Test Material Input: One (1) 245g lapis lazuli (cracked) enchanted with a basic mana storage charm, five (5) lapis lazuli pebbles totaling ~10g (unenchanted)
Output: One (1) 252g lapis lazuli (undamaged) enchanted with a basic mana storage charm
Additional notes: It repaired it as expected, but where did the additional mass go?

Test No. 345
Test Type: Repair
Test Material Input: One (1) very damaged horseshoe (heavy rusting, multiple cracks, multiple missing fragments), 100g Originite crystal
Output: One (1) pristine steel horseshoe containing a significant unstable magical charge
Additional Notes: Horseshoe was safely disposed of via defenestration before it detonated. Resulting crater measured approximately 1.4 meters across, 0.4 deep in packed earth. An important discovery, but greater safety measures are needed before testing can continue. Given it doesn't seem to take the stability of the material into account, I'm especially hesitant to test the Refinement feature.

Twilight, I found this sticky note stuck to the back of your notes when I went to clean this morning. Thought you should see it first thing.

Head Researcher: Pinkie Pie!
Assistant Researcher: Gummy

Test No. My First one
Test Type: Upgrade
Test Material Input: My party cannon and two hunks of originite
Output: FUN!!
Additional Notes: Pinkie wants Big Boom

Author's Note:
Huh. Word Count 0. Didn't expect that to happen. I guess SV treats textboxes differently. Oh well. Might mess up my word count a little, but I like the aesthetic.
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Now i just imagine when spike want to snack on a high quality gems, he just go synthesize some
And maybe try to see what combination do what
Like "what would 7 different colored gems give as a output in synthesis?"
There nothing that say he cant use the cube
Head Researcher: Pinkie Pie!
Assistant Researcher: Gummy

Test No. My First one
Test Type: Upgrade
Test Material Input: My party cannon and two hunks of originite
Output: FUN!!
Additional Notes: Pinkie wants Big Boom
Author's Note:
Huh. Word Count 0. Didn't expect that to happen. I guess SV treats textboxes differently. Oh well. Might mess up my word count a little, but I like the aesthetic.
Anyone smart is going to want to check-out that Party Cannon... From a safe distance...

Viz textboxes, I think it assumes that they're quotes of some else's work... So, unless you add to them, zero word count?

It might work to replace them with 'code' and '/code' tags? (I tried that, above.) The 'article' tag might be worth trying, too:

Head Researcher: Pinkie Pie!
Assistant Researcher: Gummy
Test No. My First one
Test Type: Upgrade
Test Material Input: My party cannon and two hunks of originite
Output: FUN!!
Additional Notes: Pinkie wants Big Boom
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OH SHIT. That party cannon can probably now set up an entire festival with a single shot. Take cover, and mind the Ferris wheel!
Ok, i dont know if you commented on it, but would the movie with sunset happen?
I mean, it would be a good excuse to see if the workshop work between dimensions (the workshop sound like a better place to sleep than a bed made out of books)
I am eagerly waiting for the first victim of oripathy to come out. My guess its whoever's nearest to the cannon when it goes off.
Ok, i dont know if you commented on it, but would the movie with sunset happen?
I mean, it would be a good excuse to see if the workshop work between dimensions (the workshop sound like a better place to sleep than a bed made out of books)

she immediately recognize several things immediately, like the laboratorium skulls being human, as no one in equestrian could recognize a human skull even if they could with bones, or that the mechs are humanoids

heck, she can be the version of Joe discovering that his powers come from fiction

she probably wouldn't figure stuff after the movie came out
she immediately recognize several things immediately, like the laboratorium skulls being human, as no one in equestrian could recognize a human skull even if they could with bones, or that the mechs are humanoids

heck, she can be the version of Joe discovering that his powers come from fiction

she probably wouldn't figure stuff after the movie came out
I'm... mostly certain, that ShowbizRex was talking about the first Equestria Girls Movie. To which, I can forgive them for completely glossing over the update that covered exactly that movie. It was the one were Cadence was certain that Celestia set Twilight up to get robbed of the Tiara Of Harmonious Relations inset with the Gemstone Of Friendship, by her former student Sunset Shimmer; all as "yet another test for Twilight."

So, if there were any testing, it weren't mentioned, and the first EG movie is done and passed.
Ok, i dont know if you commented on it, but would the movie with sunset happen?
I mean, it would be a good excuse to see if the workshop work between dimensions (the workshop sound like a better place to sleep than a bed made out of books)

she probably wouldn't figure stuff after the movie came out

I'm... mostly certain, that ShowbizRex was talking about the first Equestria Girls Movie. To which, I can forgive them for completely glossing over the update that covered exactly that movie. It was the one were Cadence was certain that Celestia set Twilight up to get robbed of the Tiara Of Harmonious Relations inset with the Gemstone Of Friendship, by her former student Sunset Shimmer; all as "yet another test for Twilight."

So, if there were any testing, it weren't mentioned, and the first EG movie is done and passed.

Indeed, WCSII has it right. The Equestria Girls Movie took place in the background of chapter twelve. For the sake of not having to retcon, I'll establish that Twilight was too preoccupied with the nation's most powerful magical artifact being stolen (and her sudden onset bipedalism) to think about doing any testing with the other crazy magical shenanigan that happened to her only a few days prior.

As for "Does the Key work in Humanquestria?" this is an excellent case for why readers and commenters are so important. To point out the things the author overlooked. Thank you for that. While the Key would work [since Humanquestria is in the same "local reality" as Equestria (as opposed to a separate franchise entirely, as happens in some CF stories)] it would still be held to the same restrictions it has locally. So no daytrips to Two-legged-Town for smoothies and googling.

...For now. We do have more movies coming down the timeline, and more Perks to unlock before we get there.
Oh... if you ever need to figure out how much time passes in Human Land vs. Pony World, Ruby; I've done some thinking, and either the Mirror connects far more frequently, or there's incongruous time spacing for longer periods.

But, if the former, then I fairly believe that it's on a seven week human world timer. After disconnecting from Linking, the Pony World would start accelerating until by the end of the first week time was passing twice as fast, then by the end of the second week three times, and by the end of third week, four. Only to start slowing back down such that by the end of the fourth week back down to three, then down to twice at the end of the fifth week, and finally synchronizing at 1:1 at the end of the sixth week. And still slowing down during the first half connecting week, until half way through its as low as half speed in Equestria for a day on Earth before speeding back up to 1:1 by the end of the Sync week. And repeats. This would synchronize Equis and Earth roughly every season, and some change in Equistria, and a little under every two months on Earth. Which semi tracks. As EG 2 gave the sense of barely even a month having passed in the Human world, while several months had gone by in Pony Land, up to a new crystal tree house, and including a whole reteaching lesson on the Bearers Elements' natures. What since Twilight was still moving into the Crystal Tree Castle at the beginning of EG 2. (Though, apparently it was several months on Earth between EG 2, and EG 3)

I may have been somewhat focused on the timing aspect so... it might not completely line up.

Although, I do have to ask. Do you plan to follow up on the show writers heavy handed implication to Sunset being a Seventh Harmonious Element? And if so, have you figured out which Element they were cold fish slapping the audience in the face with?
Indeed, WCSII has it right. The Equestria Girls Movie took place in the background of chapter twelve. For the sake of not having to retcon, I'll establish that Twilight was too preoccupied with the nation's most powerful magical artifact being stolen (and her sudden onset bipedalism) to think about doing any testing with the other crazy magical shenanigan that happened to her only a few days prior.

As for "Does the Key work in Humanquestria?" this is an excellent case for why readers and commenters are so important. To point out the things the author overlooked. Thank you for that. While the Key would work [since Humanquestria is in the same "local reality" as Equestria (as opposed to a separate franchise entirely, as happens in some CF stories)] it would still be held to the same restrictions it has locally. So no daytrips to Two-legged-Town for smoothies and googling.

...For now. We do have more movies coming down the timeline, and more Perks to unlock before we get there.

.... i forgot it happened in the background
Also, the second movie could be interesting at the time depending on the rolls
I mean, does there musical options (i mean as roll rewards) in the celestial forge?
Also, i was mostly thinking of a scene where one of her friends opened the workshop and see them sleeping as they humans self when i was thinking of the movie
Oh... if you ever need to figure out how much time passes in Human Land vs. Pony World, Ruby; I've done some thinking, and either the Mirror connects far more frequently, or there's incongruous time spacing for longer periods.

But, if the former, then I fairly believe that it's on a seven week human world timer. After disconnecting from Linking, the Pony World would start accelerating until by the end of the first week time was passing twice as fast, then by the end of the second week three times, and by the end of third week, four. Only to start slowing back down such that by the end of the fourth week back down to three, then down to twice at the end of the fifth week, and finally synchronizing at 1:1 at the end of the sixth week. And still slowing down during the first half connecting week, until half way through its as low as half speed in Equestria for a day on Earth before speeding back up to 1:1 by the end of the Sync week. And repeats. This would synchronize Equis and Earth roughly every season, and some change in Equistria, and a little under every two months on Earth. Which semi tracks. As EG 2 gave the sense of barely even a month having passed in the Human world, while several months had gone by in Pony Land, up to a new crystal tree house, and including a whole reteaching lesson on the Bearers Elements' natures. What since Twilight was still moving into the Crystal Tree Castle at the beginning of EG 2. (Though, apparently it was several months on Earth between EG 2, and EG 3)

I may have been somewhat focused on the timing aspect so... it might not completely line up.

Although, I do have to ask. Do you plan to follow up on the show writers heavy handed implication to Sunset being a Seventh Harmonious Element? And if so, have you figured out which Element they were cold fish slapping the audience in the face with?
I can see it work when the portals are close because of the moon thing reason
But didn't twilight found a way to alway have the portal activated by using the book?
Time would become really confusing at that moment between the two
Or did i get it wrong (what i got was when the portal open, it 1:1 And when it closed, it become like 3:1 or something like that)
Oh dang, I forgot this was being posted to other sites. I'm loving seeing all the new discussion on the old chapters.
I can see it work when the portals are close because of the moon thing reason
But didn't twilight found a way to alway have the portal activated by using the book?
Time would become really confusing at that moment between the two
Or did i get it wrong (what i got was when the portal open, it 1:1 And when it closed, it become like 3:1 or something like that)
Yes (She did use linked writing books to synchronize the portals starting EG 2), and yes (That was the general gist of my de-synchronization theory), and also yes (It very like could/would get very confusing between Equistria and the Human world).
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