Equestrian Celestial Forge (Celestial Forge/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Chapter 10 - A Spar A Day Keeps the Agent Away
Applejack watched as the clock ticked over to the appointed time and the last few ponies trickled into the Ponyville Community Center. When it finally seemed that no more were coming, she stomped twice to gather everyone's attention.

"Howdy, ya'll! Welcome to... uh... Applejack's Fightin' class? Whatever. S'not important. Ah'll figure out a name later."

There were more of them than she'd expected to show up, even given how many ponies had personally come and asked for lessons after her public demonstration a few days ago, but still it was no more than thirty present. A few normal folks from town whose jobs took them into the Everfree for one reason or another, a good portion of the local Guard contingent, and a small party of foals who now thought she was 'awesome' (including, of course, her little sis and friends). Also Bon Bon, for some reason. She never would have pegged the docile, if often exasperated, mare for someone interested in self defense.

"Now all ya'll are here for your own reasons," she started with her hastily prepared speech. "Maybe you want to learn to defend yourself. Maybe you're hoping to find a cutie mark." She sent a smile to her sister's group. "Or maybe you're just itchin' for a good tussle." A few of the guards chuckled at that, one shouldering their partner with a knowing look.

"Whatever your reason, Ah'm gonna do my best to teach ya what ya want to learn. Now Ah ain't a teacher, but Ah was one of the top of mah class at the Academy, so that oughta count for something. Ah ain't gonna teach you everything Ah know—" A few groans of complaint came from the younger section. "—mostly because most of it won't do ya a lick of good unless you're fighting a minotaur or some kind of yeti. But Ah will teach you what Ah can."

"For those of you looking for something a little more intense," She made eye contact with as many of the guards as she could (as well as Rainbow Dash, who was not-so-discreetly waiting just outside the window). "Come see me after this and we'll talk weapons. No, not you, Applebloom. Yer lucky Ah'm letting foals learn this at all and besides, you got homework to do after."

Not that she expected many of the foals to last more than the first few classes. She'd planned a rigorous course. Not nearly as in-depth as her own training had been, but most of that was irrelevant in Ponyville and she didn't have a few years to train them all besides. Still, it was going to be very physically demanding and she doubted there'd be many left who weren't already in the Guard by the time she reached the end of what she'd planned out.

"Everypony pair up with someone about your size. First thing we're learnin' is how to safely fall."

"Say, you ain't too bad." Applejack launched a three-strike attack that was blocked, blocked, and dodged in turn. "You ever take lessons before?"

"I grew up in Manehattan." Bon Bon turned a duck into a rolling leg sweeper. "A mare's gotta be able to keep herself safe."

Both were technically true statements, even if neither had anything to with the previous question. No sense taking any chances with the Bearer of Honesty. She spun on one hoof and flipped back out of the farmer's range. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"


"What do you think's going on with you and Twilight and the rest?"

"Tryin' to throw me off with philosophy ain't gonna work."

"Not trying to get an edge, just curious."

Applejack grunted as she broke through Bon Bon's leg lock. "To be honest, Ah don't know what to think. Twilight's got her theory about second Special Talents, but Ah never put much stock in it. Especially after Ah got more than one extra. Ah've met a lot of ponies and Ah've seen mah fair share of Special Talents, but Ah've never even heard of one that gives you years of training overnight. Heck, we didn't even get extra Cutie Marks. That ain't a Talent; that's something else."

"Something else?" Bon Bon probed her defenses with her words as much as she did with her punches. "Like what?"

"Ah'd like to know that as well. But until I learn somethin' that tells me otherwise, Ah've decided to chalk it up to Harmony. There's something comin' that we need to deal with and Harmony's giving us the tools we need just like it did with the Elements." She shrugged and slid away from a cross-punch. "Ah can't imagine what kind of problem would need repair skills, button-makin', and furniture-carvin' to fix, but a year ago Ah never thought Ah'd need to fight off anythin' more than a rogue Everfree monster in the orchards."

"But you do think there's something coming? Some kind of threat?"

"Ah'd be a fool not to. Why, the past year alone we've had Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, the changelings, and a dozen minor threats between them. Why would Ah think they'll stop comin' now?"

"Sweet Celestia, how can you keep talking like normal when you're fighting like that!?" Scootaloo exclaimed from the side of the room where the rest of the class was watching with rapt attention. "I can barely even see what you're doing, you're moving so fast!"

Both combatants came to a halt, each distracted just enough for their last punch to fall just short of the other one's muzzle, freezing them in an oddly beautiful moment of symmetry. Applejack cleared her throat as she dropped her battle stance and coughed awkwardly.

"Ah, right. Sorry, got a little caught up there. Thanks Bon Bon for volunteering to help with the demonstration. Though it feels more like you oughta be teachin' this class than me."

Bon Bon shook her head. "I know a few useful tricks. Nothing like what you have, sure, but I- Applejack are you okay?"

The apple farmer had frozen with an odd glassy look in her eye. She quickly shook it off. "Sorry, felt like Ah was gettin' somethin' new, but it was a dud. One of the other girls must've gotten it. Now, where were we? Right. Basic holds and throws."
So a funny thing about Star Trek martial arts is the martial art called ANBO, which would definitely be thought as an elective for star fleet security

at the level of true mastery, you can beat your opponents like deredevil by hearing their breathing/ whimpering grunts

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo981gwpen0

as explained by the comment below

1. What is Anbo-Jyutsu? ~ Introduced in [TNG 2x14 - "The Icarus Factor"], Anbo-Jyutsu is a competitive Martial Arts which trains in Blind Fighting.
- a.) Armor ~ The light armor is more ceremonial than actual combat armor. The primary and important armor-portion being the opaque visor to block vision (remember, blind fighting).
- b.) Sensor-Staff ~ So the Anbo-fighters do not wander aimlessly around the fight-circle (yet again, blind fighting), or blunder out of the fight-circle, the Anbo-fighters use a Sensor Staff. The hard cone end of the Staff beeps when detecting an opponent in its 90-degree cone-arc, with a constant tone when directly ahead. The Sensor Staff also has a warning sound if the Anbo-fighter is too close to the fight-circle border. The opposite end of the Sensor Staff is padded for striking the opponent.

2. (0:38) Mauled by Mariner ~ Some details to how badly Boimler and Rutherford are getting beaten down by Mariner..?
- a.) Break Pads ~ Mariner shattered Boimler's and Rutherford's visors with the PADDED side of her Sensor Staff, not the hard cone.
- b.) Pinned Down ~ Mariner pinned Rutherford to the floor by impaling Rutherford's hand THROUGH his armor-gauntlet (even if mostly ceremonial armor) with the sharp end of Mariner's snap-split Sensor Staff.
- c.) Blind Irony ~ The biggest irony..? Mariner was completely blind once Mariner snapped her Sensor Staff into halves in order to fight Escrima (dual-wielding fighting sticks) style. But Mariner was still able to pinpoint Boilmer and Rutherford (literally pin in Rutherford's case) because of the boys' constant screams of pain and shrieks of terror. ;)

so yeah, you can write a scene of apple jack fighting several people whilst blindfolded
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"What a rotten ability," she muttered. "Applejack gets years of Guard training in an instant, Fluttershy can make magic accessories now, and Pinkie has unlimited tools, but what do I get? A floating placard that tells me I can't tell luxury goods from well-made fakes. There's no fairness in the world."
I feels for ya. That's how them gacha rolls sometimes.
Chapter 11 - Don't Eat Magic Anime Rocks
"You know, Spike. I'm beginning to suspect that my hypothesis of second Cutie Mark Talents might not be as accurate as I'd originally hoped."

He shot Twilight an unamused look. "Really. What gave it away? The fact that Pinkie Pie's up to four now, or was it when it gave you a big box of shadow gems instead of a new skill?"

"The gems are a pretty firm hint. Additional Talents just meant my theory didn't go far enough, but I'm not ready to abandon my hypothesis yet. This could be some new unexplored aspect of it."

Spike just shook his head and turned his attention back to the newest addition to the strange new aspect of their lives.

He'd seen the inside of the Room With The Two Arrows (name pending) only once before, when Pinkie had retrieved her toolbox, and it looked much the same now as it had then. A long hall made of the same kind of crystal as the main room with rows and rows of empty shelves. This time, instead of a toolbox, one spot on the shelves was occupied by a heaping basket of dusky grey gemstones. They ranged in size from as small as a peanut to big enough that he'd need both claws to pick one up. They gleamed in the sourceless light of the room like smoke trapped in ice, some tinted slightly darker or lighter, but all sharing a similar translucent luster.

A quick little taste would—

"Spike!" He flinched back at Twilight's voice and dropped the sample he'd grabbed. "What have I said about eating mysterious gems?"

"To ask you first." He paused a beat. "Can I eat this?"

"What—no! Of course not!"

"Oh come on, Twilight. They're probably fine. Looks like some kind of smoky quartz. I haven't had a good smoky quartz since we moved out of Canterlot."

"But what if they're not that? They're rocks that literally appeared from nowhere. For all we know that could be refined evil essence trapped in glass!"

"I believe I may be able to help with that." They turned at Rarity's introduction. She entered the Arrow Room and appraised the basket of rocks with a gimlet eye. "I received the most surprisingly useful new Talent recently. One that tells me the name of anything I choose to look at as well as a brief summary of what it does."

Twilight's ears perked up like prairie dogs as she slipped into what Spike liked to call her Researcher mode. "Really? That's incredible! And it's always true and right? A limitless source of objectively true information would shake the foundations of the scientific and magical communities! Oh, I'm going to have so much fun working out double-blind tests to prove its veracity."

Rarity tittered and patted down some of Twilight's mane that was starting to spring up and curl in her mania. "Easy, Twilight, easy. It only tells me a little and I swear some of its descriptions have a bit of sass to them. Besides, wouldn't you like to know about these gems?"

Twilight shook herself into a calmer state (which also took two repetitions of a breathing exercise). "Yes, of course. What are they?"

Rarity picked up one of the smaller gems and rolled it in her hoof, letting it catch the light. "According to my new Talent, it's called Originite. Specifically, this is pure, highly refined Originite. It's a highly potent energy source and an important catalyst in the use of Arts." She paused. "What that means I have no idea, though it does explicitly say that it should not be eaten."

"Aw man," Spike griped. "Does it say why?"

"No, but I can't imagine eating anything called 'highly potent' would be a good idea."

Both unicorns twitched as the pings of a new power vibrated up and down their horns.

"Yours?" Twilight asked, after it passed.

"Not mine. Perhaps—"

A rumble passed through the crystalline floor, accompanied by a worrying grinding noise that rattled their teeth in their skulls like nails down a chalkboard. It passed as quickly as it arrived, leaving two ponies and a dragon unsteady on their hooves.

"What was that?" Spike asked.

"I don't know," Twilight said, "But I have an odd feeling. Follow me." She led them back into the main hall of the Hub.

The central room was unchanged. Same table, same doors, same light that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. As far as Spike could tell, they'd had an earthquake and nothing more.

And yet, his unicorn companions seemed drawn towards one particular door. The one that no one had managed to open yet with the weird grid on it.

Twilight pushed and it opened as easily as if the hinges had just been oiled.

"What in the—"

"Oh my!"

"What? What's in there?" He squeezed his way between the two door-blocking ponies until he could finally see inside.

It looked… kind of like a workshop. The walls weren't even crystal, but worn wood like Applejack's barn mixed with weathered stone columns. There were three work stations spread across the room that ranged from normal to unsettling. The first looked no different from the kind of home DIY repair stations he'd seen at various farms across Ponyville. A simple worn table with a rack of normal looking tools like hammers, screwdrivers, blade sharpeners, and bottles of polish and oil.

The second workstation was cleaner, with a table made of polished black stone and surrounded by complicated and precise tools that looked more like what a jeweler or dentist might need.

The last stretched the definition of work table to its limit. If anything it looked more like some kind of shrine, its surface cluttered with dozens of candles and roughly-forged tools whose use defied casual inspection.

"What is this place?"

"Hunter's Workshop," Rarity replied as she entered. "Used for maintenance and upgrades of a Hunter's tools."

"But what does that mean?"

"I don't know. I'm quite literally reading it off a little hovering panel of text. What I say is all I know." She gestured to the first table. "For example, for this I get, verbatim: 'Worn Hunter's Workbench. A simple and sturdy workbench equipped to help a Hunter maintain and repair their tools.' That's it. As opposed to this other one which reads: 'Hunter's Upgrading Workbench. A clean and well-equipped workspace with tools to upgrade a Hunter's tools with'… oh my… it says 'with Blood Stones and Blood Gems.' And not a hint as to what those dreadful sounding things are."

"What about the last one?" Twilight pressed, a quill scratching away behind her as she wrote down, more likely than not, every single thing Rarity said.

"That one says—" Rarity froze in place. Only her eyes moved as they read lines visible only to her.


"Caryll Rune Workshop Tool," she said slowly, "A set of hand-forged tools used to inscribe or remove Caryll Runes from the mind of the user."

The room was silent for a long moment.

"So." Spike's voice broke the silence like shattering glass. "How's this fit into your extra Special Talent theory?"

Twilight groaned, a soul-wrenching sound known to all those who dabble in the fringe and cutting-edge aspects of academia. "It's back to the drawing board then."

Just as she spoke, the room began to rumble once more.

Originite Prime Bundle (Arknights) (100CP)

You gain access to several crates of pure Originium* that can be utilized for various means, and will restock itself every week. Normally even being near raw Originium would be dangerous, but luckily for you, your supply has been treated so it will be perfectly safe to use. Just don't eat it.

*A common mineral in Terra, this semi-transparent black crystal contains enormous energy, and is the primary factor of causing Catastrophes. Widely used in the field of Arts, it works as the basic material and catalyst of all kinds of Arts and Arts items. Without Originium, the efficiency of Arts would, without a doubt, drop dramatically. As technologies develop, more and more countries start to use it as an energy source.

Workshop Equipment (Bloodborne) (300CP)

This is actually a package deal containing a variety of workshop tools. The first tool set has some basic tools for repairing equipment and some more specialized tools for upgrading weaponry with varying Blood Stones. The second set of tools allows for the slotting and removal of Blood Gems, items that as previously mentioned can greatly empower weaponry. The last set of tools allows you to etch Caryll Runes into the mind to attain their wondrous strength, or remove them just as easily. Runesmith Caryll, student of Byrgenwerth, transcribed the inhuman utterings of the Great Ones into what are now called Caryll Runes. Etching these runes into your mind can provide a number of benefits. Benefits can range from resisting certain types of damage, increasing resistance to various poisons or increasing stamina and vitality, among other effects. You may etch up to three runes into your mind at a time. These runes can be found scattered around this world.
* Enhance weapons by slotting in blood gems
* Transcribe eldritch god utterings into your mind for powers

This is one of the rare times when I use my narrative authority as Author to make a tweak to the details of a Perk. I'm no expert on Arknights, but even just some brief research made it seem rather terribly unfair to me to "reward" my protagonists a box of super-cancer "don't-even-breathe-the-air-near-these" death rocks without any sort of containment or even knowledge that they're dangerous. So now, I've made it so they don't give you turn-into-a-living-frag-grenade-in-three-days disease.


In addition, it is at this point in originally writing this story that I reduced the earning rate to 100CP for every 2000 words because, as I feared, it kept taking me just about as many words to describe each new ability as it did to earn the next one.
Blood Stones and Blood Gems
Remember Spike, don't eat the Blood Gems. Just stick to Griffonian Blood Pudding if you want Sanguine Foods.

That one says—" Rarity froze in place. Only her eyes moved as they read lines visible only to her.
Oh uh. Did Rarity gain INSIGHT or did her fiat-backed Perk guard her mind?

Also, who rolled for the workshop?

Edit: Wait, was it Applejack? I thought the glassy eyed stare was indicative of a dud, not memories.
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"Caryll Rune Workshop Tool," she said slowly, "A set of hand-forged tools used to inscribe or remove Caryll Runes from the mind of the user."
Hmm. So, visit to Tartarus to see if there's any templates for these runes? Do you get the really good shapeshifting if you use one of 'Neil's?

... Does Discord count as a rune source???

And, just how safe is messing with those runes???
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Poor Rarity. She thinks something called Bood Gems is bad... Unmoded Originium is much worse. Caryll Runes could still be worse considering what you'd need to know to use them. I'd rate them better than Originium.

Then there are all the various perks that deal with using the soul. I'm not talking about RWBY Aura, I'm talking about using it as a crafting ingredient or making a weapon.

I don't mind you making sure that any resources/knowledge was cleaned up and safe. Unless they started to use them or play with them.

Bad things should only happen if Spike manages to eat one. It does have a warning against that. I'm not sure the gains would be worth the cost of using that resource. If I knew that I had that, I'd store it in a secure box and never, ever open it.
oh spike will definitely try to eat it, and it will be BAD, and possibly hilarious

Honestly I'm quite happy with the hunters' workshop, it's both bad and unsettling enough to be disturbing

can't wait for Luna to be invited and freak out as she feel a faintest echo of moon presence in the workshop the first time she visits
I am morbidly curious how badly Luna or Celestia will react to the Hunter's Workshop, because Bloodborne is a cesspool of darkness, curses and blasphemy rarely matched in fiction. Actually, I would be really curious what Luna's reaction specifically would be, because Dreams fall under her domain and if anyone were to see beyond the veil and witness the Truth, it would be her.
"Oh come on, Twilight. They're probably fine. Looks like some kind of smoky quartz. I haven't had a good smoky quartz since we moved out of Canterlot."
Poor Spike, I feel bad that he's being left out.

"Really? That's incredible! And it's always true and right? A limitless source of objectively true information would shake the foundations of the scientific and magical communities! Oh, I'm going to have so much fun working out double-blind tests to prove its veracity."
Too bad they can't swap, eh?
No no, these crystals have been cleaned by both perk fiat, and author fiat.
Only so long as no one eats them (looking at you Spike).
Hmm. Not being computer gamer this is the first I've heard of 'Arknights'...

I... think it unlikely that anypony will know of a suitable draconic experimental subject (out loud, anyway). But, I suspect that's one of the few ways you'll put Spike off at least an experimental nibble...
I can't wait for one of them to get an Admech perk or any Imperium of Man perks purely because of all the shenanigans it will cause.
Basically, anything Warty-Forty (WH40K) is bad news. The whole reality is toxic.

I'd be a bit curious what the Mane Six would/will make of Transformers stuff, though... Equestria is not a setting heavy on vehicles (bar trains, the odd wagon, and (I think) one airship)...

The idea of ponies messing with Bubblegum Crisis tech does entertain, though... Rarity might appreciate some of the (lingerie-inspired) hard-suit designs...

Also (*wave hoof*), 'These are not the ponies you were looking for. Move along.'. :)
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Actually strike witches works great with MLP, they don't wear pants already, and four propellers are definitely easier to use than two (look at drones vs remote control helicopters)

ok going to lookat interesting perks from BCF that would be neat in here

pinkie gets Rocket Hammer (GUNNM/Battle Angel Alita) and a tinkaton Pokémon companion

4th Generation Fighter Plane (Ace Combat) will have the pagasus creating a massive conspiracy to keep their monopoly

any armors will either be ponies adapted or will it remain human armor?

Same with guns now that I think about it, they don't work since ponied don't have fingers

Life Fiber Spool (Kill la Kill)

would be super neat, it's basically an enemy of the week that can be befriended

Garment Gloves of course is iconic, as she ought to be

Elven Enchantment (Lord of the Rings), is close enough to the Devine creation to raise a massive amount of flags with celestial and Luna

Divine Child - Hephaestus is going to be awkward, especially if the pony in question doesn't have parents, I can totally see heaphestus seeing a kid and trying to be nice to them, like him being extremely clingy and emotional

with tears in their eyes "d-dont w-w-worry kid i-i will never trow you off a clif"

pony concern "do...you need a hug?"

heaphestus crying "yeeeeessssss"

Inexplicable Innuendo (Bayonetta) Free:

is absolutely hilarious and should be a non-controlable ability, or slip out during times of nervousness and anxiety

either for rarity or twiling, since they are the most uptight

Dust (RWBY) Free

another crystal for sparkle to eat and go very badly

Gadget Master (007)

bonbon is going gaga over the gadgets, then trying to not show interest in them like a kid at a candy store that thinks its too mature for toys

Starting Gear (Fallout 4)

have rarity look at the raider outfits and go on a rant