The year is 1007 ALB, and the world stands on the brink of an era of progress. An age of industry, science and untold wonders. While many are declaring this coming time to be a Golden Age, many still wallow in poverty and misery. Even a golden time has it's dark side, and it could not have manifested itself in a worse way than this. New and terrifying weapons now roll off assembly lines, while conflicts, both external and internal, brew and bubble just beneath the surface. In the west, Queen Chrysalis has done what many thought impossible, and united the Changeling Hives for the sole purpose of invading the hated Equestria for a second time. In the east, the death of the Griffonian Empire has plunged the continent into a chaotic spiral of economic hardship, famines and civil wars. The question on everypony's mind is; what happens now?
Welcome one and all to Equestria at War. This will be a Nation Game inspired by the Hearts of Iron 4 mod of the same name, which places the world of Equestria from the TV show My Little Pony into a Second World War-style scenario. While the idea probably sounds absurd to many, the effort put into the mod by it's creators is truly impressive, so much in fact that I got into it, even while being no fan of the show myself.
1. This game uses the Three Claims System, decided by a lottery.
2. The game will run through 3 months in-game per real-life turn. Turns last 2 weeks, unless I specify otherwise.
3. While events will mostly be taken from the mod, I will be taking some liberties where there is little or no lore, or I will be required to change something to keep up with the 3-month progress.
4. That doesn't mean the GM can't foul up something. Feel free to ask me if something was intentional or not, if you are in doubt.
5. This game will be using the Major Action system. Each nation has 4 actions they can commit to growing itself. Great Powers receive 5 actions. The Great Powers at the start of the game are:
- Equestria
- Changeling Lands
- Griffonian Empire
- Kingdom of Aquileia
- Kingdom of Wingbardy
Great Power status can be gained or lost depending on the circumstances you find yourself in, as the game progresses.
6. Warplans will take up 1 Action to perform, and are to be made in the following format:
Combined Forces: (Taken from the Army and Fleet numbers listed below.)
7. All plans are to be typed in clear and legible English. I'm not expecting English-major levels, but please take care to write your actions and plans properly.
8. Appeals are to be made 24 hours after turn reports.
9. Please include the GM in all conversations.
10. Some factions have unique traits or conditions that will be explained in a PM. Additionally, not all armies are created equal. Different races have different strengths after all.
11. Please attempt to be civil in OOC chat.
12. Please also have fun!
Army/Navy Numbers below. Special thanks to @Ceslas for giving me permission to use his combat system.
Equestria: 5 Armies/5 Maximum : 4 Navies/4 Maximum
Buffalo Chiefdom: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Kingdom of Olenia: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
Changeling Lands: 7 Armies/7 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
Crystal Empire: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Kingdom of Yakyakistan: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Jaki-Clan: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Griffon Frontier: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Nova Griffonia: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
Kingdom of Pingland: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Our Town: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Stalliongrad: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Dragon Tribe: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Polar Bear Communities: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Griffonian Empire: 4 Armies/4 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Free City of Romau: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Grand Duchy of Feathisia: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 3 Navies/3 Maximum
Griffonian Republic: 4 Armies/4 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Sunstriker Clan: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Arcturian Order: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
Dread League: 4 Armies/4 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Farbrook: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 2 Navy/2 Maximum
Greneclyf: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Firtree Villages: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Knightly Order of Hellquill: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
County of Longsword: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Principality of Lushi: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Gryphian Host: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Griffon Liberation Army: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Kingdom of Brodfeld: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Blackrock's Bandits: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Falcor Principality: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Kingdom of Wingbardy: 4 Armies/4 Maximum : 3 Navies/3 Maximum
Commonealth of New Mareland: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Barony of Arantiga: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Barony of Rumare: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Kingdom of Aquileia: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
City of Flowena: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
County of Greifwald: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Skyfall Trade Federation: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 5 Navies/5 Maximum
Nyumba ya Kaskazini: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 3 Navies/3 Maximum
Ponaidhean: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Wittenland: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
River Republic: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/ 0 Maximum
Nimbusia: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Lake City: 3 Armies/3 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Diamond Mountain: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Katerin Principality: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Barony of Angriver: 1 Armies/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Duchy of Yaledom: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Duchy of Greifenheim: 1 Armies/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Strawberry Duchy: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
County of Bronzehill: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Haukland: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
Kingdom of Vedina: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Socialist Republic of Free Griffons: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Northern Tribes: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Watertowns: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Free Towns of Gryphus: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
County of Cyanolisia: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Minotauria: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
Federated Parishes of Sicameon: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
Duchy of Talouse: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
County of Franmistria: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Kingdom of Griffonstone: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
House Eyrie: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
House Erie: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
House Avian: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Pomovarra: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Barony of Pridea: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 3 Navies/3 Maximum
Duchy of Rila: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Duchy of Vinovia: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Marcher-Lordship of Westkeep: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
County of Adelart: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Township of Fezera: 2 Armies/2 Maximum : 2 Navies/2 Maximum
Barrad Mageocracy: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Nytt Rådjur Land: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 1 Navy/1 Maximum
Bakara: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 3 Navies/3 Maximum
Deponya: 1 Army/1 Maximum : 0 Navies/0 Maximum
Many may have noticed the fact that there are certain nations labeled PCs or NPCs. This is a conscious decision on my part. I assume a lot of players may not have heard of the MLP setting, or otherwise been shying away from reading up on it for various reasons. That is why I will only allow nations from the mod with a finished focus tree to be playable, at least for now. Note however that the focus trees I will provide should not be seen as hard rules on what your nation can or can't do. Rather you should look upon the various focuses as guidelines on what is probably important for your nation to do. The rest will be up to you.
Nation List:
(Due to the limitations of how many pictures I can post, my original plan of providing each playable nation entry with flags, ruler portraits and maps will instead be provided in separate posts. Just ask for them and you'll get them.)
History: Legends speak of the Three Tribes of Ponies that united in the face of Windigo aggression. Earth Ponies with strength and affinity for growth and life, Pegasi, able to fly and manipulate the weather, and Unicorns, capable of impressive feats of magic. The nation these tribes founded became known as Equestria, defended by the Alicorn sisters, Princesses Celestia and Luna.
Controlling the passage of day and night, the sisters ruled together for many years. Sadly this would not last, as Luna became bitter and resentful of the Ponies, as they shunned the night, preferring to work and play in her sister's day. This jealousy eventually boiled over, and Celestia was forced to banish her sister to the moon, creating the basis for the modern calendar. All that transpired before the banishment would be known as BLB (Before Lunar Banishment), while the years after the banishment would be known as ALB (After Lunar Banishment).
Equestria would enjoy almost a millennium of peace afterwards, only broken on the 1000th anniversary of Luna's banishment, when her dark form returned to Equestria. Her usurpation attempt did not last long, as 6 Ponies together with the Elements of Harmony defeated her. This event would nonetheless mark the end of Equestria's peaceful era. The Crystal Empire's return, tensions with the Buffalo Tribes, an attack by the demigod Discord, and finally a surprise invasion by the Changelings cemented the fact that Equestria was ill-prepared to face the modern world.
While modern machinery and technology dot many cities across the land, these are the exceptions, and not the norm. Most ponies live as they always have, tending the land like their ancestors. Canterlot may be praised as a Pony-made paradise, but it is also poorly defended, relying only on a magical barrier that cannot be sustained without one of the Princesses present within it's walls for protection. While the newly established School of Harmony spreads Harmonic values to the many states across the globe, Equestrian ponies have shown themselves unwilling to change. Even as Queen Chrysalis openly plots her revenge against Equestria, and as the troubles of Griffonia continue to spiral further and further out of control, nopony wishes to disturb the status quo. A scathing report by an investigative commission made after the Changeling invasion showed that the Equestrian army was horribly outdated. Still, Princess Celestia adamantly refuses to change her mind. There will be no major changes to Equestrian society for the time being. No conscription, no press censorship. Many critics of the Princess are loudly complaining of the lack of preparations, and how vulnerable Equestria still remains to Changeling infiltration. It seems however like the majority of ponies would like to continue to follow the Princess' way of thinking.
The era of heroes is ending. No more can Equestria rely on a mere 6 Ponies to solve it's problems. An age of industry and warfare is upon them. Equestria stands at the crossroads, and nopony knows what the future holds...
History: The origins of the Crystal Empire have been lost to time. What is known however is that Earth Pony tribesponies stumbled upon the region a long time ago, and for centuries settled in the region, morphing them into the Crystal Ponies. Able to sparkle and refract the magical lights of the crystals that abound in the Empire's lands. The peaceful lives of the Crystal Ponies were shattered by the appearance of the Umbrum, creatures of shadow that sought the destruction of the ponies and their nation. All seemed lost until the discovery of the Crystal Heart, the very center of the magical crystals across their lands. With the Heart's power, the Umbrum were banished deep below the earth and thought gone forever.
The Umbrum plan to escape from their earthly prison came in the form of a Umbrum within the shell of a young Earth Pony, allowing it to ascend to the surface. The young colt was found unconscious in the snow by border guards, only able to say a single word. "Sombra", so that became his name. As Sombra grew, he began to experience visions of the Umbrums' return, and these visions drove him to madness. Attempting to steal the Crystal Heart and free his people, he was banished by the combined might of the Equestrian Princesses. Vengeful, Sombra cursed the Crystal Empire, and it vanished alongside him, not to return for nearly a millenium.
In 1002 ALB, the Crystal Empire returned, and Sombra was defeated and banished to a realm outside the known world. Since then, Princess Mi Amore Candenza (Candance) and Shining Armour have ruled the Empire. While many Crystal Ponies accepted the Equestrian rulers, not all did. while close ties now bind the Empire to Equestria, a number of Crystal Ponies finds this demeaning and humiliating. Discontent continues to brew beneath the surface, while in the shadows a dark cult gathers power, planning to bring back the rightful King, who could restore the Empire's independence and glory.
History: 12 years ago, the Equestrian Severnaya region was one of the poorest in the entire country. Matters worsened thanks to a dry summer and harsh winter, which in turn led to food shortages and economic turmoil. Civil unrest grew, leading to some ponies questioning the basis of the Harmonic system. The pony known as Steel Stallion was one of them. Drawing ideas from an old pony scholar, Caramel Marks, a revolutionary movement was founded around this new ideology.
In 994 ALB, the Equestrian Guard responded to this with unprecedented violence. Enraged ponies took to the streets in a bloody battle, routing the Guard. This event would become known as the December Revolution. Proclaiming independence from Equestria not long after, the Guard returned in full to crush the uprising. A brutal grinding week of combat would ensue.
Princess Celestia, appalled and horrified by the violence of the spiraling disaster, withdrew all Equestrian forces and fired the Captain of the Guard, effectively conceding to the revolutionaries. Shortly afterwards Steel Stallion would die of illness and the capital, along with the region itself, would be renamed Stalliongrad in his honor. With no clear leader, the Supreme Soviet was established instead, and from then on decisions on the country's future would be decided by representatives of the workers upon the council. The current chairman of the Supreme Soviet is Altidiya Revoltsova, although her faction finds itself in an unproductive stalemate with another influential council member, Vasiliy Pantsushenko.
While this hasn't stopped Stalliongrad from rapidly modernizing, boasting much higher industrial output, a larger and modern army, a respectable navy and air force, and a strong scientific base to keep the nation abreast of modern progress. In a bitterly ironic fashion however, repeated agricultural collectivization efforts have failed to resolve Stalliongrads food shortages, the very reason for the revolution.
The deadlock remains. Diplomacy has begun to fail, shared ideology has turned to polarizing factions, and debate turned to deadlock. One thing is for certain though, the unproductive stalemate between Altidiya and Vasiliy cannot continue if Stalliongrad is to prosper.
History: While Stalliongrad is widely accepted as the first communist state and the home of the ideology, it is not in fact, the truth. Years before the seeds of revolution even took root in the poor Equestrian province, Starlight Glimmer had brought everyone together in a truly equal, cutie mark-less society. Our Town. In 1004 ALB Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony came to Our town and outed Starlight Glimmer as a fraud. While she preached true equality, she refused to embrace it herself and remove her own cutie mark.
Since then, Our Town has flourished culturally and scientifically. With no divisions in society, all can work together for the betterment of all. Our Town does however now find itself trapped between Stalliongrad and Nova Griffonia, and as such cut off from the rest of the world. This isolation has crippled the city-state's ability to trade, as it's only neighbors are equally cut off.
Forced to formalize a communist-leaning government under pressure from Stalliongrad, Starlight Glimmer's former second-in-command, Double Diamond now leads Our Town. The future looks very uncertain, as Stalliongrad has been inching towards annexing the tiny nation with each passing year. Their growing influence must be halted if Our Town is to have any hope of retaining it's independence in the years to come...
History: The area of present-day Nova Griffonia was previously settled by both Penguins and Yaks, but otherwise remained sparsely populated by minor tribes and communities. In 800 ALB the Griffonian Empire made landfall in the area and Nova Griffonia was created as a colonial administration of the region answering to the Emperor directly. For almost 200 years the colony's borders crept inwards into the Equestrian continent, encountering both friendly natives, hostile tribes, and if rumors are to be believed, a community of cannibals living in the inland mountains.
In 978 ALB however the Griffonian Empire collapsed. As chaos and anarchy ravaged Griffonia to it's very core, Nova Griffonia found itself for the first time independent in all but name. Over the next 30 years, the economy of the colony slowly withered away as the supplies they depended upon from the Empire ceased coming. Lacking an industrial base of their own, becoming self-sufficient has been a painfully slow process. Even three decades later, they have still not reached their goals.
Nova Griffonia now finds itself on the brink of disaster. While Governor Teafeather has kept the former colony together by the skin of her beak, bandits, smugglers and tribals roam the countryside unopposed. The Nova Griffonian army is made up of a few barely trained militia group led by self-appointed commanders, while their air force and naval assets salvaged from pre-collapse Imperial garrisons. In the cities things fare little better. The colony took on the role of being a dumping ground for dissidents against the Imperial regime, and now with the Empire gone, many of these groups find themselves in a prime position to seize power for themselves. If Teafeather retires or is removed from power, there is little doubt that the entire region could erupt into a state of civil war.
History: Living on the Frontier has never been an easy task. Suffering from years upon years of corruption within the government, powerful bandit clans and a near complete lack of funding from the government at Weter, the Frontier has been on it's last legs for as long as any Griffon can remember. Governor Muck, the current leader of the Frontier, has however begun to draw up plans to revitalize the North and to finally turn the Frontier into a proper Griffonian province. The only major roadblock left to him is the Weter government's extreme reluctance to grant him the funds he so desperately needs for this project.
Settled in the later years of the Nova Griffonian colonization effort, the Griffon Frontier has long been a mostly lawless region with very few actual Griffons to draw upon for policing actions and pacification. The few that do serve have become increasingly corrupt as central authority from the rest of the government continues to crumble. Local police forces regularly accept bribes and bow down to intimidation from local bandits. A practice by previous Frontier governors of hoarding food within the walls of the capital, Frosthill, has seen cannibalism spread to alarming rates, with the entirety of the northern mountains being under the domain of such vile tribes. In the south, bandit clans raid and steal whatever they can.
The most successful of these bandits is a Griffon simply known as "Virgil". Ambitious and dangerous, he and his group have been amassing a powerful force and gathering weapons over the past year. If it had not been for the recent appointment of Governor Muck, it is likely that Virgil and his bandits would have already overrun Frosthill. Such an act would irreparably shatter government authority across the entire Frontier, and basically leave it at the mercy of tribal and bandit warlords.
Time is still running out, even with Muck's stabilization efforts. Without support from the Weter government, all of his efforts will be in vain.
History: Little is known of the origin of the Penguins, although local legends tell of a great migration from the north as the temperatures worsened and food grew scarce. The frozen tundra that makes up most of the Kingdom's land today must have reminded these early settlers of home, and so Pingland was founded. The Is Dynasty has ruled this land since it's founding, and the kingdom has mostly known peace over the last millenia, excluding the occasional Polar Bear raid to the west. Things changed with the arrival of the Griffons however.
Still a pre-industrial society, with little understanding of modern technology, and with muskets as their most advanced weapon, Pingland was swiftly forced out of the eastern shores and tundras by the advancing Griffon Imperial Army. While the Penguins never truly forgave Griffonian aggression, they were forced to accept the facts of their lands now being lost to them. Retreating into isolation, it was hoped if the Penguins were as unimportant as possible in world affairs, the great powers would leave them be.
That thought has kept them safe for the last few decades, although as the world becomes more integrated, voices have begun to appear even as far north as Pingland, clamoring for change. The world is rapidly evolving before their eyes, and even if the Penguins wishes for nothing more than to be left alone, the world in turn may not respect their wish. The Griffons showed that clearly enough.
History: Yakyakistan, the ancient home of the Yaks, is a solitary society hidden deep within the mountains north of the Crystal Empire. Over many centuries, they have practiced and embraced this solitude and isolation from the rest of the world, so much that it is an essential part of the Yak way of life. Prince Rutherford, the gruff leader of the Yak Kingdom, has however now opened the borders to Equestria. This opening was a success, thanks in part to the efforts of Pinkie Pie, who became the official Equestrian Ambassador to the Yaks.
Now, Yakyakistan is exposed to the outside world and it desperately needs modernization, as it's agrarian society cannot compete with the growing industrial powerhouses of the continent. Yakistani independence itself may be in danger. But just as much as Yaks want peace, they are a proud people, and more than willing to stand up for their traditions, and to defend what is their own.
Prince Rutherford's troubles do not end there however. He has also repeatedly come into conflict with many other influential Yaks, including his brother Prince Bradford, head of the powerful Jaki-Clan. While the Yaks still hope for a peaceful resolution to the brotherly feud, many also fear what will transpire if cooler heads do not prevail, and armed conflict breaks out between the two princes...
History: The Jaki-Clan have long held a dominant position in Yak society, holding much land in the fertile eastern valleys of the kingdom, tended to by clan serfs and servants. Feeding the kingdom has brought them much prestige and power, which has been exerted over the centuries to ensure their sole source of power is not broken.
Now as Prince Rutherford opens up the kingdom to the foreigners, the traditional ways of life for all Yaks, not just the Jaki-Clan, are threatened. These new ways have no place within the mountains of Yakyakistan, and Prince Bradford knows as well as any yak. Terrible influences have already overtaken the mind of his brother, but it shall not have him within his grasp. While Prince Bradford attempts again and again to make his brother change his mind, both seems set in their ways.
If nothing is changed soon, the Jaki-Clan may be forced to take up arms to preserve the yak way of life. A way of life that has worked for far longer than there ever has been a state for ponies, or griffons, or whomever. The final decision however must be made soon on what to do, before it is impossible to force out the insidious forces of Equestrian influence Harmonic thinking.
History: The exact origin of the Changelings remains a mystery, even into the modern day. Nopony outside of the Changelings themselves know where they came from, when and why. What is known however, after extensive research by Equestrian scholars, is that while the Changelings may appear similar to ponies in their normal physical appearance, psychologically they are more akin to insects than mammals. Changelings begin their lives hatching from eggs in a Hive, cared for by the local Hive Queen. Feeding upon positive emotions of others until there is nothing left to drain, Changelings mature rapidly to adulthood. It is at this stage where they are at their most dangerous. Using shapeshifting magic, Changelings can shift form, voice and even size with stunning rapidity.
This ability was put to great use by the most infamous of the Changelings, Queen Chrysalis. Kidnapping and impersonating Princess Mi Amore Candenza in 1002 ALB, the Queen managed to infiltrate the highest levels of the Equestrian government. A last minute discovery by Twilight Sparkle prevented Canterlot from becoming a feasting ground for Queen Chrysalis and her Hive. After a long struggle for control of the capital, Chrysalis was defeated and expelled back to the frigid north where the rest of the Changelings dwell.
Since her humiliating defeat, Queen Chrysalis has been slowly rebuilding her strength, in the process accomplishing something thought impossible. Unite all Changeling Hives beneath her in a stunningly short amount of time. Now, after an incredible industrialization effort by Chrysalis, the Changelings seems poised to avenge their earlier defeat a hundred times over, and no Changeling shall be satisfied until their panzers roll through the gates of Canterlot.
Despite all this however, there are whispers of doubts in the shadows, far from the Queen's ears.
The Kingdom of Olenia is an ancient one, tracing it's roots back to 2BLB, when King Harald Fairantlers of Hjortland united several of the petty kingdoms of the deer. Olenia has since been a powerful seagoing nation, with bustling and rich trade ports dotting it's long coastline. In it's early days, the deer of Olenia launched regular raids against Equestria, plundering their coastal villagers with deer longships. In 143 ALB however a permanent peace was signed, though occasional unauthorized raids have occurred since and Pony-Deer relations have remained somewhat standoffish.
The deers experienced their own industrial revolution alongside Equestria, and quickly become famous for their durable electrical equipment. Since the restoration of the Equestrian Diarchy between Celestia and Luna, the Olenian heir Princess Velvet became interested in Equestrian Harmonic principles, and Equestria eagerly awaited her ascension as Queen when her father, King Aldar II passed.
To everyone's surprise however, King Aldar died under suspicious circumstances. His illegitimate son Johan quickly seized the throne with the help of religious leaders, corrupt businessdeer and greedy nobles. "Queen" Velvet, the rightful heir, had no choice but to flee to Equestria. Still, the crown sits uneasily on Johan's head, as he faces pressure from all sides. Queen Velvet attempts to rally support with the superpower of Equestria, the people grumble under his rule, religious leaders wield too much influence, and corrupt businessdeer hold back the economy.
Worst of all, the Changeling Lands have done something that has never occurred before in recorded history - stopped fighting eachother - and they grow more powerful every day. One way or another, something is going to change.
History: The southwestern region of Equestria has long been the dominion of the Buffalos. The windswept plains and savannas created a perfect climate for their migratory tribes. Then pony settlers began to appear in the later half of the Equestrian Era of Peace. While the Equestrians established a tenuous hold over the south, the Buffalos in turn retreated further and further inland. While this let both nations homogenize culturally and ethnically in the region, many Buffalo tribes did not approve of the loss of land the tribes had suffered at the hand of the settlers.
Centuries passed, and the small Buffalo enclave became completely enveloped in time by the Equestrian borders. It seemed that both races would forever more remain uninterested in eachother, until Princess Celestia stepped forward in the time after Luna's return, uttering wishes of rapprochement with the Buffaloes to improve relations between both races. This has sparked debates within the Chiefdom, as none are sure of what to do now. Accepting the wishes of Celestia may indeed improve relations, but the primitive tribes would then be at the mercy of the modern industry and corporations of the Equestrian economy. Refusing meanwhile could however lead to outright war, if the need for integration is seen as important enough.
Polar Bear Communities
Capital: Mathair Fearrainn
Ruler: Paw Wellington
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Polar Bear
Faction: None
Population: 3.12 Million
History: Much like the Penguins, it is believed that the original Polar Bears migrated from the freezing arctic to northern Equestria over the course of the early Era of Peace. Settling along the bays and fjords of the northern tundra, the Polar Bears have always been more independent and fractious than the Penguins ever were. Over the course of the last centuries the Polar Bear tribes have been warring against eachother for as long as they have raided their neighbors. That changed in 1002 ALB.
Paw Wellington, chief of Mathair Fearrainn, united the tribes beneath his firm and fair leadership. The new nation of the Polar Bear Communities is still young however, with no industrial power of their own, and no real national identity. Wellington is working hard to rectify these matters, but he may be running out of time, with the Changelings in turn also uniting under one leader. Only time can really tell now if the Polar Bears will stand united or fracture, when the pressures of the modern world finally catch up with them.
Dragon Tribe
Capital: The Mountain
Ruler: Queen Ember
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Dragon
Faction: None
Population: 9295
History: Dragons have existed for as long as the landmasses have, at least according to ancient legends. Aloof, naturally isolationist, and incredibly powerful, the Dragons of Equestria have lived upon their island in the Fire Sea for as long as any of them can remember, and many of their kind still alive witnessed the original war against the Umbrum, the ascension of the Diarchy, the banishment of Luna, and many other events.
With the return of Luna and the recent criseses however, Equestrians have began to muse about the purpose of the Dragon Tribe retaining their enclave within the Badlands of southeastern Equestria. While it contains no living dragons, it has both sentimental value to the Dragons, and material value to the Equestrians due to it's resource-rich nature.
The newly ascended Queen Ember have fostered friendly relations with Equestria, and is attempted to introduce more Harmonic aspects into Dragon society, despite the pushback of reactionaries. So long as she remains the ruler of the Dragons, Equestria has little to fear regarding the upcoming Badlands negotiation.
Population: 5.17 Million / 26 Million (Including vassals)
History: Since time immemorial, Griffons have fought for wealth and power, with no king or country strong enough to unite the others. However, in 705 ALB, Grover, King of Griffonstone, used the Idol of Boreas, an artifact of incredible power dedicated to the head of the Griffon pantheon, to defeat the two most powerful kingdoms on Griffonia - Wingbardy and Aquileia. After their submission Grover claimed the title of Kaiser, or Emperor, which quickly prompted the rest of the Griffonian kingdoms, principalities and free cities to bend the knee. Grover the First, as he would be later known, had accomplished the impossible and united Griffonkind. The dynasty he would found would last over 300 years.
Over the course of the next three centuries, the Empire would prosper, although the difficulty of administrating such a vast territory with the primitive technology of the time meant that many regions acted more like autonomous subjects rather than proper provinces. When Grover the First's son, Grover the Second, ascended to the Imperial Throne, he passed stewardship of the family's ancestral homeland to his brother Guto, along with the Idol of Boreas, creating a cadet branch of the Imperial Family that would last up until the modern day.
Grover II was also known for beginning the centuries-long conflict with the Ponies of the Riverlands in eastern Griffonia. His crusades would carve out large swaths of territory for the Empire, until the foundation of the River Coaltion to oppose Imperial expansion. This uneasy peace would last until the death of Grover IV, who left the Empire to his sickly infant son. Tradition dictated that Guto the Sixth of Griffonstone would become the Regent until the young boy reached his age of majority. However, disaster struck at the worst possible time. A cyclops attacked Griffonstone, slaying Guto VI and his children. The Idol of Boreas was also stolen, but thankfully the cyclops was slain before it could escape with the sacred artifact. Sadly, the cyclops tumbled into the deep abyss beneath Griffonstone, and the Idol was lost forever with it.
Many blamed this as a ploy by the dark god Maar, or the gods displeasure of the Grover bloodline. This culminated in 978 ALB, when disgruntled peasants and revolutionaries stormed The Imperial City and proclaimed the Griffonian Republic. While the Republic's hold over the Imperial Heartlands would be short-lived, this action forever shattered Imperial authority and power. The two richest and most powerful regions of the Empire, Wingbardy and Aquileia, declared their independence. Just as their submission marked the beginning of the Empire, so did their departure mark it's end, as state after state seceded, or simply began to ignore Imperial edicts.
While the chaos of the revolutionary days are over, the Empire is not by any means stable. The current Emperor is Grover the Fifth, an elderly man with an infant son. It is not expected he will love for long, and when he dies, one must wonder who shall become Regent. Will it be the Emperor's cousin, the Duchess Gabriela Eagleclaw of the Strawberry Duchy? Or will it be Archon Eros VII, the Griff who saved the Emperor's life from the revolutionaries in their youth? Either way, the Empire's future remains uncertain.
History: The City of Romau has for the longest time been an area of political neutrality. As one of the Imperial Free Cities, Romau enjoys immense amounts of economic and political freedom, along with increased military protection than other vassals of the Griffonian Empire. This has caused the City to also become quite dependent on the Empire, however, and it's political structure might not survive any further troubles in the Empire, their main investor and protector. Dark times loom over the Empire, and it's fate could very well become the fate of small, little Romau.
Long before there ever was a Free City of Romau, there was a County of Romau which included the neighboring border regions of Rima, Thurwingen and Falconia. The County fought against Grover's expansion however, and was dismembered as punishment for it's resistance. It's status as a Imperial Free City was granted in the time of Grover the Third, and the city thrived with it's new freedoms. Astriding the meeting point between three major rivers, the city quickly grew wealthy and large from the trade.
Currently, Romau also houses one of the Three Archons of the Empire. While the Archon of Boreas remains within Griffenheim at all times and the Archon of Arcturius goes where ever there is a crusade, the Archonate of Eyr has settled within Romau due to it's rich and fertile nature. The current Archon of Eyr, Erion XII, is however more akin to a politician than a religious leader. As the youngest of the Archons, he seems to have an insatiable thirst for proving himself. Despite routinely going against the principles of his Archonate, he still acts as a fanatical religious zealot, making many of his fellow griffons regard him as an unhinged lunatic.
If chaos once again comes to Romau, it could be the opportunity Erion needs to seize power for himself.
History: Feathisia is unique among Griffon nations - a stable, democratic, constitutional monarchy, where ideas from across the spectrum are represented, and radicals remain unpopular, even among Communists and Nationalists. Their monarch, Grand Duke Gerlach the Fourth, is widely respected for his reasonable and consultative approach to leadership. However, the recent economic downturn in their main trading parter, the Skyfall Trade Federation, and the chaos gripping their master, the Griffonian Empire, has strained the once bright economy of the duchy. Parliament is soon to hopefully hammer out a solution to the crisis.
Feathisia is an ancient Grand Duchy within the Griffonian Empire, prospering under it's various Emperors, all the while enjoying it's own share of relatively large autonomy from Imperial rule. Known as famous explorers, Feathisian Griffons have traveled the seas for centuries, coming into contact with Equestria not long after Grover the First's death. The Feathisian Fleet Academy was one of the most renowned schools in the world for sailors and naval officers, and the first Griffonian submarine was built within it's dockyards. It's importance has however sadly diminished with the recent turmoil gripping the Empire.
As a relatively autonomous vassal of the Empire, Feathisia proudly calls itself a constitutional monarchy, with Grand Duke Gerlach IV at the very top. A personal friend of the current Emperor, Grover V, Gerlach has long supported the Empire as a catalyst for peace between the various Griffonian states, fighting against the Griffonian Republic, while it was briefly declared. The recent economic crisis however could see all of this falling down, if it is not dealt with soon. The current centralist coalition is at an impasse, and new elections may soon have to be called if the coalition is unable to deal with the economic collapse.
History: The Sunstriker bandit clan, led by Eriviar Sunstriker, have ruled the Whitetail Mountains for years, becoming rich off raiding and pillaging their Pony and Griffon neighbors. While usually restrained by Imperial authority, the collapse of the Griffonian Empire in 978 ALB brought opportunity to the doorstep of the bandit clans. While before they could only raid the primitive and savage northern Ponies, they could now strike into Imperial territory, rich and powerful from centuries of peace. Eriviar Sunstriker and his clan distinguished themselves in these raids, solidifying their control over the Whitetail Mountains.
Their raids into the Empire had become so serious, that by the time Emperor Grover V ascended to the Imperial Throne, he personally had to find a solution quickly. The chaos engulfing the Empire made it impossible to marshal any troops to deal with the bandits, which in turn forced Grover to make a deal. So long as Grover the Fifth sat upon the throne, the Sunstriker bandits would stop raiding the Empire, in exchange for Imperial support in the form of weapons and money. Eriviar for his part accepted the deal, as he was starting to face political opposition at home. With the Empire's support, the Sunstriker Clan was able to completely drive the Republicans led by Runa Teafeather into the Griffonian Republic, and the Communists under Guntbert Grayfeather into hiding.
While the raids have made the Griffons of the Whitetail Mountains quite wealthy, it has caused a number of issues over the years. Excessive banditry has made foreigners and even it's own people nervous of being in the mountains. As a result, skilled professionals such as scientists, engineers and artificers have emigrated to its much safer neighbors. As a collection of bandit clans, it lacks the bureaucracy, law and administrative powers of a nation. Revenue from raiding is not as fair, consistent or sustainable as tax collection.
Eriviar has now ruled the Whitetail Mountains without opposition for years. However, when the life of Grover V ends, so does the deal the bandits made with the Empire. With Imperial support gone, it would be a great opportunity for Eriviar's many political opponents to once again challenge his rule.
History: The Griffonian Empire had lasted for centuries by the year of 978 ALB. Counts, dukes and kings had all ruled their lands beneath the wing of the Empire as their ancestors had done. However, that would all soon change. The debauchery and corruption of the nobility had finally reached the boiling point, and the common griffs would no longer stand for their abuses. A wave of revolutionaries, rebelling peasants, and disillusioned Imperial officers all charged the barricades in The Imperial City, and declared the Griffonian Republic. With the collapse of the Empire's power, and the secession of a number of important territories, it seemed that the dream of flying the tricolor above Griffenheim would remain a reality.
Sadly, fate had different ideas. Reactionary forces rallied around Archon Eros VII, and the nobility retook The Imperial City, placing the old Grover the Fifth upon the Imperial Throne as their puppet. The remnants of the republicans had no choice but to retreat northwest, into the cold borderlands of the former Empire. Marshal Kemerskai, one of the Imperial officers that pledged himself to the Republic in it's early days declared himself the new President, and enacted wide emergency reforms, removing the term limit and placing himself firmly in power until the emergency of the Republic was over.
Since then, the republicans have been licking their wounds. With the Empire still in chaos 3 decades after the revolution, there have been no reprisals from the reactionaries. On the other hand, new problems have appeared on the homefront. As a collection of revolutionaries, exiles, criminals and former Imperials, the political state of the Republic is inherently fragile. This couldn't be demonstrated better, than with the splitting of the Republic's remaining territories earlier in the 9th century. The socialists, unhappy with the state of affairs within the Republic and suspicious of Kemerskai's intentions, officially seceded from the Republic to form the Socialist Republic of Free Griffons along the northern coasts of Griffonia.
Supply shortages and a collapse of the administration has severely increased the risk of the Republic and her citizens facing famine and starvation in the future. Self-declared commanders and their men are in outright rebellion, refusing commands from the government, instead seeking to plunder and steal all they can find within the Republic's borders. Worse still, the people are losing hope in the republican dream. Much must be done soon, or the Griffonian Republic may soon find itself resigned to the pages of history, to be replaced by another region in Griffonia engulfed in warlordism and civil war.
History: The odd bird amongst the states of the shattered Griffonian Empire, the Skyfall Trade Federation is a mercantile coalition of towns and companies that has prospered while the Empire has declined and withered away. Yet even the Federation has it's issues. A deep class divide between rich and poor has led to the greatest and longest lasting organised labor strike in Griffonian history. It's annual budget could be confused for nesting material, with a massive amount of the Trade Federation's profits being invested into maintaining the outdated and frankly obsolete Imperial Fleet, which the Federation inherited when the Empire fell. Finally, the Woodpecker Society, a secret oligarchy of rich businessgriffs, seeks to manipulate the political situation to their benefit.
The Trade Federation was originally founded within the walls of Skyfall, the premier trading port and financial capital of the entire Empire. Mercantile guilds, independent merchants and later entire corporations operated solely within the lands administered by the trading league. Thanks to lax Imperial control and high amounts of local autonomy, Skyfall flourished, even while the Empire itself was in decline. When the Empire finally collapsed in 978 ALB, the effects it had upon the economies of the continent was disastrous to say the least, aside from Skyfall that is. As a coastal settlement with strong naval traditions, the trading that Skyfall relied so heavily upon came from outside the Empire, rather than from within it, allowing it to continue to prosper, even as the rest of the continent burned.
That changed some time ago. While the Trade Federation has implemented a number of business-friendly policies and a general rule of low regulation, this has led to a number of abuses of the Federation's lower class. Workers began to band together, creating their own Congress of Syndicalist Unions to oppose any further deregulation. The Skyfall Trade Council and it's current chancellor, Genevieve Guildedwing, have attempted to maintain the status quo where-ever possible, completely abstaining from radical measures. This however cannot continue for long, as the workers in turn have now been striking for months. If reform is not implemented soon, then both the radical left and radical right may decide to take matters into their own hands.
History: The County of Greifwald has long mastered the art of political balancing. Sitting between the Kingdom of Aquileia and the Griffonian Empire for most of it's history, it had little choice but to accomodate both powers, and has therefore been part of both nations in the past. That seemed to finally change when the Empire collapsed. With both their larger neighbors engulfed in revolutions and rebellion, it seemed like finally Greifwald could stretch her wings, free at last from the neighboring powers.
However, that was not how it was meant to be it seems. In the mid-980's the territories of Lissay and Eagletown broke away from Greifwald, declaring themselves independent as the County of Adelart. While opinions in Greifwald are generally fractious, most agree that a reconquest of Adelart must happen in the near future to restore the prestige of Greifwald. Count Cloudet's rule has also been challenged at home, facing two powerful opposition groups in the form of the Greifwald Anarchist Party led by Nestor Bernier, and Prelate Ludwig Ebonwing of the Church. While the anarchists seem content to gather their strength for a violent takeover, the Prelate instead has focused his efforts on a battle of public perception. While his ideas are perhaps sound, none trust his intentions to be out of the good nature of his heart.
The growing poverty and continued economic and social problems must be addressed soon by the government cabinet and the Count, lest his opponents capitalize on his weakness to seize control over the government. If either the Empire or Aquileia faces a resurgence, then Greifwald will be facing external threats in addition to their many internal ones...
History: While the city known as Flowena has exist for many centuries, the actual city-state is young, born out of the Griffonian Empire's collapse. Declaring independence shortly after Imperial authority was shattered, Flowena became a merchant republic, run by a mayor elected from among the richest and most influential merchants and landowners. Over the past 3 decades the City has experienced it's ups and downs with this government model.
Recently however the city has hit a crisis point with the ascension of Mayor Chokolade to the leadership of the city. Chokolade is a highly corrupt, decadant and inept leader who lives and works only to funnel money into his own pockets and ignores the poverty, starvation and disease plaguing his city. His grand parties thrown at the mayoral palace while beggars line the streets outside and bread lines become ever longer has not endeared him at all to the city's population, nor has his corruption and severe abuses of power earned him any friends in the high circles of the city.
This has lead to three groups forming in opposition to Chokolade's rule. The far more competent brother of Mayor Chokolade, Zygmund Emerald, seeks to assume leadership via convincing his brother to step down. It is unknown however how much progress the griff is making with his brother, as their familial affairs are closely concealed and hidden from public view. General Richter, head of the City Guards, grows more and more irritated at the mayors moves to divert funding away from the armed forces to continue his partying, and as a result a military coup may be in the city's future. Finally, the discontented masses in the streets, emboldened by socialist propaganda spreading from across the sea in Stalliongrad, seek to violently overthrow the Mayor's government and install a communist regime in it's place.
While all the pieces are on the board, none dare make the first move. A drastic event however is all that is needed the light the sparks that will send the city into freefall.
Population: 5.04 Million / 11.90 Million (including vassals)
History: Little is known of Aquileia's history before the 8th century ALB. It is however known that the kingdom is one of the oldest civilizations on Griffonia, existing long before the birth of the Griffonian Empire. In the early 700s, Aquileia and Wingbardy were defeated by Grover I of Griffinstone, unifying the major powers of the continent into the Griffonian Empire, with Grover as it's Emperor.
The history of Aquileia as a subject kingdom of the Empire is mixed to say the least. After Grover I died, the king of Aquileia rebelled against the Empire, expecting other kingdoms and rulers to join him in his struggle. He was mistaken. Suffering crushing defeats against the Imperial Armies of Grover II, a humiliating peace was signed, including marrying the king's daughter to Grover the Second. She would remain a thinly veiled hostage for the rest of her life, aiding Grover II with his crusades to the east.
In modern days, after the death of Emperor Grover IV and the secession of Wingbardy from the Empire, Aquileia followed suit. Now ruled by Gerad Discret, the kingdom was allowed to peacefully declare independence, but still the kingdom struggled with extreme class differences, political unrest, economic turmoils, debts and famine. In the wake of the Griffonian Revolution that saw a Griffonian Republic briefly declared, griffons disgruntled with the poor ruling of the Discret dynasty in turn also rose up in rebellion, forcing the king into exile and for a brief time declare Aquileia a republic. This would last for five years, until 985 ALB.
It was in this year that a group of monarchist officers and nobles led by Maréchal Albert Berthelot launched a counter-revolution, quickly defeating the republicans and returning King Gerad to the throne. What followed would be later known as the Reign of Terror, a wide-reaching purge of republican and democratic sympathizers. Some managed to escape, but many did not, and there are still stories of mass-graves being uncovered in the countryside.
Since then, the King's rule over his Kingdom has been shaky to put it best. While the immediate area around the capital seems pacified, the highly autonomous vassal regions of Aquileia are perfect havens for both republicans, bandits and traitors alike. The economic downturn of the Empire's collapse has not aided Aquileia in the slightest, and with Albert Berthelot now dead, a second revolution may be just around the corner...
History: In 649 ALB, the first Equestrian traders, led by Coltlumbus, settled on the coast of southern Griffonia and founded the colony of Celestia. Since then, years of immigration, colonization and one-sided trade deals have resulted in the Commonwealth of New Mareland, a beacon of Equestria and Harmonic principles on Griffonian shores. While nominally part of Equestria, the great distances between the colony and the motherland necessitated the creation of a separate government located upon the Griffonian continent. The Commonwealth Congress is subject to it's own laws, and as a result of lax industrial and employment regulations, along with the valuable griffon market, many Equestrian businesses have settled down in New Mareland over the past centuries.
New Mareland's economy boomed because of this, filled with ponies of adventure and drive, who shook off the Harmonic stagnation that plagued their sedate homeland. Even the collapse of the Griffonian Empire only brought New Mareland into a minor recession, while their spirit remained strong. Many ponies began to take pride in the New Mareland spirit, a unique blend of humor, optimism and stubbornness in the face of adversity. As traders turned away from the dying economies of the Imperials and secessionists, investment speculation reached an all-time high. This was however a sign that the New Mareland economy was turning inward, which would have dire consequences on the 29th October 999 ALB, when the New Manehattan stock market crashed. In what would become known as Black Wednesday, thousands of New Marelanders suddenly found themselves without a job and the nation's economy nosedived. Many turned to Equestria for help, but the homeland did little to help alleviate their problems, instead chiding them for their lack of regulations and carelessness.
Now, almost a decade later, the effects of the crash are still felt. Many New Marelanders feel abandoned by Princess Celestia, and calls for outright independence are growing stronger, championed by several charismatic ponies such as Glademane, Kingfisher and Duke Haygle. The newly appointed Governor-General Jet Set still possesses a solid powerbase within the Congress, and for now enjoys popular support among the general population. While Jet Set works to maintain the status quo from before Black Wednesday, storm clouds are gathering on the horizon of both Equestria and Griffonia, and again, the future of New Mareland looks grim.
History: The Kingdom of Wingbardy is one of the oldest and most powerful of Griffon nations. Located on the southern coast of the continent, it has long been a home to trade, manufacturing and technological innovation. Wingbardy was conquered in 705 ALB by Grover I, and it's conquest marked the beginning of the Griffonian Empire. For centuries, Wingbardy was the Jewel of the Imperial Crown, one of the richest and most prosperous nations in the Empire, the envy of the north. This has made Wingbardy the target of many a aristocratic scheme aimed at undermining their power.
This came to a head in 971 ALB, when King Griffberto died under suspicious circumstances while attending a party in Griffenheim. His son, the newly crowned Garibald Talonuel III, demanded a full investigation launched into the incident. When his demands fell on deaf ears, Wingbardy officially seceded from the Empire, taking their former vassals, the Duchy Talouse, the County of Franmistria and the Barnoy of Arantiga with them. This move would trigger the collapse of the Griffonian Empire, and while politically this was inconsequential to Wingbardy, the plummeting of the kingdom's economy because of the unrest sadly wasn't. An attempt to alleviate these troubles via a war to unify the entire south underneath the kingdom only brought a small section of land and the capital of the Falcor Principality, the city of Falcor itself, under the kingdom's dominion. The war cost the kingdom terribly however in terms of griffonpower, and the end of the war only brought more economic downturns as the army was downsized.
Wingbardy today suffers from rampant unemployment, a continuing economic decline, famines and political instability. National unity is at an all-time low, and the radicals on both sides of the political spectrum capitalizing on this. The two most powerful political blocks is the fascist PNF lead by Giulio Beakolini and the communist PCW lead by Antonio Proletarino. Drawing in new recruits every day with a promise of a better tomorrow, it seems a clash between the two sides is inevitable unless the king endorses one of the sides. Beakolini for his part is already preparing for this, organizing a march on Karthin in an attempt to seize power from the elected government with popular support. If the march takes place, it is likely that Beakolini will become the new prime minister, although Garibald is still the king, and he has the final say thanks to his own power base. Whether he sides with the fascists, or cracks down on both radical parties, the future of the kingdom is now in his talons.
History: Arantiga is a name as old as Griffonia itself. In ancient times, back when the world itself was young, Arantigos Featherin took an army of mighty griffon soldiers to conquer most of Griffonia. The great Strategist had no equal on the field of battle and Arantiga was feared and respected across the continent. However, fortune is a cruel mistress, as Arantigos died, with his successors squandering their inheritances with petty infighting. One of the greatest empires of the world was dead and gone by it's second generation.
Today Arantiga is a tiny barony on the southwestern edge of Lake Rumare. Still ruled over by the Featherin dynasty all these centuries later, Arantiga was once a fully integrated province of Wingbardy. Granted autonomy by the Griffonian Empire in it's heyday and then outright independence when the Empire in turn collapsed, the tiny Barony returned to the embrace of Wingbardy's Karthinian Pact shortly after 980 ALB.
While little troubles Arantiga externally due to it's lowly and isolated nature, internal matters are a completely different story. While Baroness Margareth rules, she is not completely secure in her power just yet. Her pacifistic and Harmonic-leaning tendencies has enraged a number of army commanders, who now look to her younger brother, Dorotheos Featherin, as a possible replacement. His unrivaled ambition is hoped will one day reshape the world. The die will soon be cast, and the future of Arantiga, maybe Griffonia itself, will be changed forever.
History: The Falcor region of Griffonia is unique among griffon nations for it's happy embrace of pacifism and Harmonic theories. Peace-loving and serene, the mountainous regions of south insulated the region from both Imperial authority, and later, the collapse of the Empire. Peacefully breaking away, the Principality under Princess Maximilliana provided much needed stability to a region in desperate need of it as the Empire retreated. The peace would last for over two decades, until the arrival of the Kingdom of Wingbardy.
The Wingbardian government wished a quick war to distract their downtrodden people from the plights at home, and the Falcor Principality proved to be an easy target. The war was long and bloody for both sides, and in the end the mountain claimed many lives. While the war was mostly inconclusive, Wingbardy managed to occupy and claim the Principality's crown jewel. The capital city of Falcor.
With it's capital lost, army defeated and citizens divided, the Principality began it's death spiral into. Political unrest became widespread, and the Princess must now act quickly to address these issues, lest her country fall into chaos. The ruling political party of Falcor, the "Principality and People" party, is attempted to take a more defensive position, sticking to the status quo as best as they can. While many wish to beat back Wingbardy and retake Falcor, the Princess reasons that diplomacy and maintaining good relations with the nation's neighbors is the best way to preserve the Principality's independence.
With internal strife gripping the nation, Joaquin Picasso, leader of the Falcor Reclaimation Front as well as Falcor's resident fascist party, has taken advantage of the nation's instability to instill a sense of revanchism in the griffons of the Principality. Along with this, Joaquin espouses a strong stance against the communist influences of the east, in order to truly keep Falcor safe. The Principality's end now seems imminent, and it will take a firm claw to guide them through these troubled times.
History: The Barony of Rumare, one of the cradles of Griffonian civilization, is considered by most as a paradise on earth, with it's scenic beaches, beautiful landscapes, ancient architecture and interesting history. This reputation as an idyllic retreat has ensured that any noble family of any note has at least one holiday retreat upon the island, and the Barony's reputation has only been reinforced in recent years as seemingly only Rumare was capable of avoiding the bloodshed and violence that followed as a result of the Empire's collapse.
The two tiny islands of Rumare, resting upon the lake bearing the same name, has for many generations been ruled by the benevolent claws of the Dawnbreaker family, whom are matrilineally descended from the Grover dynasty of Emperors. This connection has in turn granted them many favors with the old aristocracy of the Empire, and could be exploited in the future to ensure Rumare's independence. Both Wingbardy in the south and the remnants of the Empire in the north are sure to want the strategic islands under their control if they ever decide to once again expand their borders.
Closer to home, the recent death of Baron Recimir Dawnbreaker has shaken the small country to it's core. His son Alaric in turn has returned from his tour as a mercenary abroad and now intends to put into practice everything he has learned over the course of his journey, to finally bring Rumare into the modern age, and the place it so richly deserves.
History: When Emperor Grover I founded the Griffonian Empire, he did so with the blessing of the Idol of Boreas. His successor Grover II however, was not blessed by it. In fact, the Idol refused to bless him, despite a number of attempts. In order to retain stability in his sprawling empire, Grover II gathered the militaries of Griffonia to march to the east, to battle the Ponies of Griffonia. While numerous territories were conquered, the final objective of conquering the rich and fertile Riverlands failed. In fact, the Griffon invasion allowed the nations of the region to band together under the flag of the River Coalition. In order to safeguard the eastern borders of the Empire, Grover II granted recently conquered lands to orders of holy knights. The Knightly Order of Hellquill was one of these orders.
Granted the fertile lands to the east of The Imperial City, the Knightly Order swore an oath, that they and their successors would forever fight the Pony menace, and that the Empire would never have reason to fear their loyalty. Many years of honorable service to the Empire passed. Though Grover II's crusades brought them much land, Grover III seemed to have little interest in continuing them. Further conquests would be solely funded by the Knightly Orders, and they were. Lands seized in the east were originally opened to mass griffon settlement at the expense of their original pony inhabitants. As the Order's lands continued to grow however, ponies tended to be left in peace so long as they were disarmed. Even today a large number of pony minorities find themselves subject of the Order, providing taxes to their griffon overlords.
Recently the perpetual stalemate of the east was broken, with the Knights of Hellquill even managing to briefly advance into the Diamond Mountain, seizing the rich treasury of the Diamond Dogs. Trouble however would soon loom in the Empire. As internal conflicts and rebellions tore it apart, it became clear that while the Knights had not failed in their oaths, the Empire had. When Grover V was crowned in 979 ALB, the Order refused to renew their oaths of loyalty. This decision would for the first time make them independent in all but name.
Currently led by Grandmaster Siegfried Trappenfeld, who has served the Knights loyally over his long life, the Order now finds itself standing at the crossroads. The Grandmaster is old and feeling he is not up to the task of leading Hellquill in this new age. While the Knightly Council debates on and on about the successor of the Grandmaster, a far more insidious political group has formed right under their noses. The Reformisten, or more commonly known as Black Cloaks, are a group of rather...enthusiastic knights, to say the least. Led by Wingfried von Katerinburg, the Reformisten seek to create a highly centralized and modern state, while at the same time more "living space" for the griffons, at the further expense of the ponies. This is to be accomplished by completely exterminating the ponies across Griffonia. Even among the Knightly Order, who has not exactly treated ponies well in the past, the Reformisten are considered dangerous radicals. The Knightly Order is at a turning point, and the new Grandmaster will define the Order for centuries to come.
History: Grover the Second instituted many changes in the Griffonian Empire over the course of his lifetime. One of these was the inclusion of the Knightly Orders of Hellquill and Longsword as Marches of the Empire following the conclusion of his crusades against the Riverlands. While Hellquill was obviously the more powerful and successful of the two, Longsword enjoyed it's role as the supporting order for a time. Even today, after Longsword discarded it's knightly past in the favor of a modern system of government, the two neighbors remain close allies.
During the chaotic period and the republican declaration in The Imperial City, Longsword renounced their vows to the Empire and elected one of their own as the new Count of Longsword. The Dusktalon family won this election, and for the past 3 decades they have enjoyed much support from the griffons, though not so much the pony minorities still living within his new domain. Not long after it's formal independence, Pallas Dusktalon would assume the role of Count. At first it seemed he was perfectly content with keeping the traditions of old in place, however that all changed when he heard of the rapidly growing ideology within the Knightly Order of Hellquill. This radical group, calling themselves the Reformisten, believed in griffon supremacy over all, holding the ponies as mortal enemies of all of griffonkind, and blaming them as the sole reason of all their problems.
These radical ideas interest the Count, and he proceeded to invite a large number of their supporters into his government, and to teach him of their ideas. Over time, this radical ideology of racial supremacy and hatred took root in Dusktalon's heart, and he would begin to implement the policies the Reformisten had in mind, which would then spiral into a bloodbath against ponykind. It would soon be known to outsiders as the "Longswordian Genocide." The ponies of Longsword were however not ready to go quietly into oblivion. A group of partisans, lead by Starry Night, dreamed of a communist state, where both griffons and ponies would be equal. While they have been actively sabotaging the Reformisten efforts at purifying the country, during these recent years the Count's efforts to cleanse the nation have furthered intensified. Ponies now face a very real threat of complete annihilation within Longsword.
But the pony minorities are not the only ones to oppose these crimes. General Silvertalon and the army as a whole are extremely skeptical of the Count's plans. While they don't share any real love for the ponies, they understand that slaughtering them will lead to nothing but pointless death and suffering, and overall ruin for the entire nation. As such, they have agreed to try one last time to talk some sense into Dusktalon, in order to stop this madness. Should this attempt be in vain however, they will have no choice but to openly oppose the Reformisten regime.
History: Carved out of Riverpony territories during the crusades of Grover II, the Principality of Lushi has long been considered a backwater, even by the standards of the Griffonian continent. As if stuck in time, feudalism still operates much like it did 3 centuries ago, with serf peasants tied to the lands of their lords, with no social mobility, and no prospects aside from working the land much like their ancestors have done, by hand. Despite these horrible conditions, the monarchy has managed to survive for quite some time. With few ties to the Griffonian Empire, the Principality managed to escape the collapse of the Empire relatively unscathed, as most of it's neighboring realms did.
Currently ruled over by Prince Elias Whitecrest, some could perhaps hope that the future looks brighter for the common man. Despite his obvious youth and inexperience, having only ascended to the throne last year in 1006 ALB, Elias cares about the peasants. A open-minded griff and a wholeheartedly progressive reformer, the Prince seeks to do away with the feudal society now actively harming his people, and institute a modern constitutional monarchy. He faces many opponents at home, as his brother cares little for the peasants, and his three allies, the Lords Marven Drak, Gorden Matton and Kelvin Rosefeather together retain a monopoly on all things vital to the economy. What little industry the Principality has resides upon Rosefeather's lands, the Matton lands contain the value iron and crystal mines, while the Drak lands are the most populous of the regions by far.
Worse yet. the civil war raging through the Kingdom of Brodfeld to the south has allowed the radical communists of the GLA to export their ideals to the downtrodden people of Lushi, and unrest is growing in the borderlands. Perhaps even worse than that however is that if the communists win the civil war, there is no doubt that Lushi will be one of their first targets. Much must be done to reverse the path the Principality finds it on, and quickly too, lest all the nobles find themselves hanging from a noose in the near future.
History: The region the Blackrock Bandits today inhabit were not always a lawless and economically devastated region run by would-be conquerors. Once upon a time, almost three centuries ago, the County of Blackhollow occupied the mountains that today house Blackrock and her ilk. The most noticeable event in the history of the county occurred when Gorver I crossed the Creeper Mountains in the south of Blackhollow territory with a vast army to attack the Evi River Valley.
During the collapse of the Griffonian Empire the County of Blackhollow declared independence, although this would not last for long. Seeing her chance, the feared bandit Blackrock gathered an army of thieves, outlaws and marauders, starting a revolt that toppled the government of the County, and forcing the remaining loyalists to flee to foreign lands, or hide away in the mountains of the region. Even now, decades after the conquest of the region, Blackrock and her bandits maintain an iron grip over the lowlands and hills, but the mountains remain in the hands of the remaining nobility and other rebels to Blackrock's rule. The economy has flatlined long ago, as anything of value within the region has already been looted or burned by the bandits. This in turn forces Blackrock to conduct multiple raids against the neighboring nations, lest she runs out of money to fund her ever-growing army.
Her opponents at home however are once again returning from their hiding spots. Royalists seeking a restoration of the County of Blackhollow have been preperating for over 20 years now. Rallying around one of the few surviving relatives of the last Count, Countess Cyrille Bluecrest has vowed to never rest until her birthright is restored to her, and Blackrock overthrown. The other large faction of resistance that Blackrock faces comes in the form of the communists, under the revolutionary Reeve Blyeddin. Reeves has recently returned to Blackhollow from a number of foreign adventures rallying peasants into action. Taking inspiration from Our Town, he wishes to implement his vision of a perfect society where everygriff is equal.
Only time will tell if Blackrock will be able to retain her control over the region, or if stability and peace can finally be brought back to the poor suffering peoples of Blackhollow.
History: The land of Prywhen, nestled east of the Creeper Mountains within the Evi Valley, has long been one of the more isolated realms of Griffonia. A land of forests, marshes and golden fields of wheat, barley and oats, it remained divided between three Principalities of Brodfeld, Kivessin and Sydia for centuries. The nations never knew the prestige and power of some of their western neighbors, and it's griffons were content with their peaceful and simple lives. Then the Griffonian Empire under Kaiser Grover I arrived.
Leading an army across the mountains, the eastern griffon realms were subjugated under his rule. The distances between The Imperial City and the Eri Valley however made autonomy a necessity. In 853 the de Kissau family, under Kihai de Kissau, united the Principalities into the first iteration of the Kingdom. His assassination the very same year divided the lands back into three. When the Empire finally collapsed, Prywhen was only affected in the most minor of ways. It's griffons had never depended on the Empire for sustainability or defense in any real fashion, and their new independence allowed Prince Loseu de Kissau to crown himself the King of Brodfeld in 973. A new era had begun.
Over the decades, old crops were replaced entirely with profitable rice and Brodfeld became known as the "Ricebasket of Griffonia", it's landowners becoming incredibly rich from vast exports of rice to urbanizing countries such as Wingbardy and Sicameon. Yet the increased power of the greedy aristocracy meant that the situation of the peasants grew worse. Kloseu's act of abolishing serfdom stripped them of their protections and many were forced to sell their lands to nobles. It did not take long for the new ideas of communism to slowly but surely leak their way to the common griffs of Brodfeld.
The Great Famine of 995 was a disaster. Rice blight had arrived and because of monoculture it's effects were devastating. Multiple harvests failed and most of the food that should have been in emergency stores had been sold abroad by crop speculators. A fifth of the population starved to death. Years of turmoil and economic instability followed, only brought to a sudden halt by King Kloseu signing the Emergency Constitution, granting himself dictatorial powers. In response to repeated abuses, the boiling point had finally been reached. The Griffonian Liberation Army rose up in armed rebellion and for two years Brodfeld tore itself apart. While the GLA has managed to cut off the capital from the bulk of the Royal Army, both sides are growing increasingly desperate. The rice blight has still not abated, and starvation for both sides now appear very likely unless the civil war is ended soon. Who will break first however, nopony can tell.
Griffon Liberation Army (Socialist Republic of Prywhen)
History: Prywhen. A forgettable griffon backwater between bandit infested mountains and the wild Griffon frontier. Prywhen. A rice farming country, illiterate, with poor infrastructure and primitive technology. Prywhen. The birthplace of Griffon Communism. A seed of greatness, waiting to take root, and grow.
While the history of Prywhen as part of the Three Principalities and later the Kingdom of Brodfeld is extremely long and rich, the GLA only concerns itself with the recent past and the present for now. Founded just before the Great Famine of 995, inspired by the uprising of similarly-minded ponies in Stalliongrad, the poor peasants of Brodfeld began to dream of a society free from greedy nobles and landowners, who seemed to only live to torment the working class. The famine had demonstrated that material wealth trumped all other concerns, and it let to a fifth of the entire population starving to death. Men, women and children, all of them from the castes of peasants and laborers. This great injustice was about to be rectified through glorious revolution, when the King assumed dictatorial powers after a lone assassin attempted to take his life.
Blaming the whole affair on all communists and the GLA in particular, the King's secret police forced peasants and workers out of their homes, and taken away to places where they would vanish forever. Forced into the hills and forests, the GLA began it's long campaign for liberating the country began there, in 1005 ALB. The Liberation Army, using stolen weapons and supplies from neighboring nations, lead an uprising against the King and his forces. Two bloody years would go by, and slowly bot surely the Royalist line began to buckle. After a desperate push towards the eastern borders, brave soldiers of the GLA have cut off the King and the capital from the majority of the Royal Army. If it can be forced to surrender, cut off from their supplies and commanders in Kivessin, the brutal civil war will finally be over.
When the dust has finally settled, the Socialist Republic of Prywhen shall carry the torch of communism proudly, and spread the revolution far and wide!
History: Originally known as the Kingdom of Zaphzia, the nation was formed during a violent rebellion against the Principality of Lake City, who had subjugated the griffon tribes of the area a few centuries before. These "Cossack" griffons were a proud and strong people, living just as their ancestors had, launching daring raids against neighboring realms to secure wealth and resources for their own kingdom. When Grover I and his armies arrived in the Eri River Valley however, the Zaphans made an oath to the Griffon Kaiser. The Kingdom of Zaphzia was no more, replaced by the Gryphian Host, another Imperial border march against the riverponies. Over time, they became known as the terror of riverponies and the protectors of Griffonkind.
Since the fall of the Empire however, this reputation has "slipped" as of late. While during the Empire the Host was restricted to raiding riverpony territories, since their declaration of independence the Cossacks have stolen as much from their charges as they did the ponies. Still, this has not been enough to keep the Host's coffers full. Facing rapid loss of money and with no outside support, the aging Hetman Calas Bulba must plan a large raid against the realms surrounding him. Letting the Host's finances dry up completely will most likely result in the Cossacks splintering into warlord territories independent in all but name, and such chaos is sure to provoke the feudal peasants tied to the land of the Gryphian Host to rise up in rebellion.
Even now however, another internal crisis looms. The Hetman's health is failing, which is sure to bring about instability in the coming years. While there are two candidates ready to assume control over the host, Borad Grifnitsky, a charismatic Cossack advocating for democratic and social reforms, and Yeven Krawevelets, the Hetman's grandnephew, who is far more conservative and traditional compared to his opponent. Both should however do well not to underestimate eachother.
The civil war in Brodfeld has also allowed the communist GLA to smuggle weapons and instructors into the Host's territory, and the communist revolutionaries are spreading like a cancer through the woods and hills of the Host. In a worst-case scenario, a peasant uprising could be the spark the communists have been waiting for, which could see the whole realm gripped in revolutionary fever. No matter the cost, the next raid cannot fail.
History: An oddity on the Griffonian Continent. Roughly translated to "The Northern Home", Nyumba ya Kaskazini is a former colony of the Zebrican Empire. The Zebras are said to be the dominant race of the continent of Zebrica, although their lack of technological progress in recent centuries would make one think they would be incapable of overseas exploration and colonization. These people would be half-right at least. While Nyumba still exists, it severed all ties with it's motherland a long time ago. Most scholars do not even know if there is a Zebrican Empire left for the former colony to swear allegiance to, if it wanted to do so.
Today, Nyumba is run by a council of captains, the fleets of the nation serving beneath swearing loyalty to their captains first, profit second and the nation a distant third. As the center of the slave trade and a major pirate haven, Nyumba has grown wealthy off these illegal trades and raiding, both against their Griffonian neighbors, and even as far south as the coasts of Zebrica. Currently ruled over by a Zebra named Khalfani, the young nation has mostly kept to itself, it's captains acting as they see fit, and the only time they ever all banded together was in the face of an invasion from the griffons.
However, it seems that while Khalfani is outwardly a dull and humorless individual, he has grand plans for Nyumba. Seeking to raid the wealthy southern city of Sao Macaw and selling it's parrot population into slavery will earn him enough funding to finally realize his dreams of expanding and uniting the nation, with himself as their Admiral. Already he is eyeing the small realms around Nyumba as future expansion areas, with many new and exotic slaves to sell, and coasts to settle on.
History: One of the countless states that succeeded the old River Empire, Wittenland is composed almost entirely out of Unicorns and this has gifted the nation with some of the most skilled mages in the world. This talent has naturally shaped Wittenland as a whole and magic permeates through every level of society. Mages serve as the core of the army and magical skill is a strong indicator of status. In fact the Wittenland crown is entirely meritocratic, instead of passing from parent to child it instead goes to whichever mage is skilled enough to best the current monarch in a duel. Industrialization has done little to challenge this dominance, all that has changed is that instead of making enchanted blades, the designers of Wittenland instead dream up magic guns and tanks.
The other thing Wittenland is known for is the extravagance of the parties thrown by its nobility. When not scheming or honing their magic the aristocracy indulges in decadent feasting while their peasants toil in the fields. Any challenge to this is quickly shut down with arguments about magical supremacy, willfully ignoring that the poor can not afford the time needed to master the magical arts. Much as the nobility wishes to deny it, this situation is not sustainable. The parties consume an ever increasing amount of the economy and the peasants are steadily radicalizing.
Of course it wasn't always like this. Once upon a time Wittenland was a shining land of prosperity that truly lived up to its ideals. A meritocracy where even the lowest peasant could become Monarch if they worked hard enough. This golden age came to an end during the Griffonian crusades. As the western riverponies desperately fought off the griffons the Grand Principality of Rijekograd grew rich from trade and sought to expand her lands and launched an invasion of Wittenland. Though the Wittenlanders fought bravely and wiped out the Riejokgrad royal family they ultimately lost the war and Riejokgrad, now styling itself as the River Republic annexed Coltstream, the ancient capital of Wittenland. With the loss of the capital the slide into decadence began. The nobles grew more and more corrupt until eventually southern practitioners of the dark arts split off and formed their own wicked nation.
White Star the current queen wishes to Wittenland to her days of glory. Unlike her predecessors however she does not plan to do this through military might. Instead she seeks to bring Wittenland into the modern age, reign in the parties, empower the peasants and end the Coltstream feud. She faces fierce opposition from the nobility who constantly plot and scheme against her. All the while the peasants grow ever more weary of their lot in life. Soon one of these factions will seize power and decide the fate of this ancient nation.
History: Located in the heart of the Riverlands the River Republic has a long and storied history. Starting out as the Grand Principality of the Riejokgrad the nation lived in relative obscurity until the Griffonian Crusades. While other Ponies fought for their lives against the encroaching Griffons, Rijekograd grew rich and fat from trade. Eventually the state began harboring ambitions on Wittenland in the south, and a bloody war followed that ultimately resulted in the annexation of the Wittenland capital and the onset of republicanism.
In the aftermath the newly formed republic abandoned the militarism of Rijekograd and focused on diplomacy.
Her efforts eventually resulted in the 898 Treaty of Coltstream. While it started out as merely a defensive alliance to deter Griffon aggression it has evolved into something far more than that. No longer feuding amongst themselves the treaty has resulted in a common kinship among the riverponies, not seen since the days of the River Empire. Many now clamor for an ever closer River Union. Naturally as the main driver behind the treaty this sentiment is strongest in the River Republic and many of her subjects see the creation of a united River Federation as their destiny.
Politically the Republic is divided into two camps, the Harmonists and the Socialists. Both agree on Riverlands unification and little else. While the Harmonists under River Swirl look to Equestria as model to follow the Socialists are split into two competing factions united in a tenuous alliance. The first led by the charismatic Nova Whirl advocates for peaceful socialist reform throughout the republic and the coalition. The other under the authoritarian general Caramel Haze advocates for direct armed revolution to seize not just the republic but also the Riverlands as a whole. While they are united for now these factions will likely come to blow if their Harmonist opposition can be removed.
Finally there is also the Office of Harmonic Services. Originally created to prevent a monarchist restoration the decaying OHS would have likely faded into obscurity had it not been for the arrival of the Red Wave. Capitalizing on the fear generated by the rise of the socialists the enigmatic director the OHS Arclight has slowly been steadily amassing power. The OHS is still quite weak though and Arclight will need to win River Swirl over to his side to get the power he so desires. Should he be successful and the Socialists prove to be a grave enough threat it is likely that this pony would take all needed actions to save his republic. After all the ends justify the means.
History: Ponaidhean An Taigh Fada, or Ponaidhean for short, is a small nation on the eastern coast of the Riverlands, consisting of small pony tribes instead of a more civilized government structure. These clans are all lead by multiple Triaths, which usually consist of important families within the tribe, though anyone can take on the clan's name and become a member should the current Triath allow it. These Triaths follow a Toisich, and both are eligible for a seat in Priomh Chomhairle, which is effectively a council of Tousichs and Triaths, and together they will elect a Taoiseach, who acts as the leader of the nation and as the protector of all the clans.
The currently elected Taoiseach is Crimson Heart, a riverpony that desperately wishes to move away from the decadent lifestyle that has taken root so deeply in Ponaidhean society. As a collection of tribes the nation is agrarian in nature with no industry nor meaningful amounts of modern infrastructure, which stands in stark contrast to places like Wittenland or the River Republic. The ponies of Ponaidhean feel that this is fine, at least for the moment. As they continue to revel in their desired way of life however, the world continues to march on. In a time where many armies are experimenting with machine guns and repeating rifles, Ponaidhean still relies on medieval pre-gunpowder weapons such as swords and lances.
Despite the increasing threats like the pony genocides to the west or the new communist ideology brewing in the south, Crimson's efforts appear to be in vain, and her ideas remain widely opposed by both the council and the general population. Such threats are of no concern to Ponaidhean. After all, is it not Lake City's duty to protect the Riverlands from such matters? Ponaidhean has far more important matters to attend to, like the newest wine batch, or the latest work of art by one of their many talent painters and artisans.
It seems it will be up to the outside world to finally wake the decadent nation up from it's deep sleep, and when that wake-up call comes, will the decadence finally be cast off and Ponaidhean take her place amongst the modern nations of the world? Or will they cling to tradition and ancient ways, even in the face of total annihilation?
History: The mountainous coastline which marks the eastern boundary of the River coalition harbors little room for pony settlement. The many myths and legends which surround the founding of Nimbusia's first cities tell the same narrative of how the area was first settled. Ponies that came to the Riverlands from the north were divided by their tribe; earth pony, pegasus and unicorn. The rugged mountains of Nimbusia were left of the pegasi guardians of the expedition, as they would be easily able to settle the area which was hard to traverse on hoof. Only later did the other tribes make their way into Nimbusia, but this initial divide has left its mark on Nimbusian society today. Initially many disconnected cities, or poleis, dotted the country, but the ponies from Nimbusi, the largest polis, managed to subjugate the other cities with their disciplined pegasi army. Combining discipline instilled from youth and an almost complete lack of ground units, the Nimbusian army has been the marvel of East-Griffonia ever since, with even Grover II ending his days at the end of a Nimbusian spear during his crusades.
Nimbusia, unlike other Republics, is a Direct Democracy, in which the citizenry directly vote on issues, instead of representatives. It is made up of 2 separate bodies, the Boule and the Ecclesia. The Boule is the governing council made up of 500 citizens randomly selected each year from a pool of candidates chosen by each of the 10 tribes. The Boule is a place for debate and while it has some legislative powers, it is the Ecclesia, made up off all the citizens that votes on and determines if certain laws and proposals are passed. Obviously however most of the population are not citizens. Nimbusian society is divided into three rigid castes, with the citizens composed almost exclusively of pegasi that have undertaken the Agoge and passed the Trials of the Cycle, possessing all the political power and are required to serve in the military. The non-citizen perioikoi, who, while they are not represented in the political system, are free citizens, mostly serving as merchants, artisans and bureaucrats for the martial pegasi. The helots form the backbone of Nimbusian agriculture. These helots are mostly from conquered cities, the defeat of their ancestors haunting them to the present day.
As slaves in all but name, the helots have risen up multiple times against their would-be oppressors. While these rebellions have been put down, they require more and more effort to do so. Given the rapidly growing population thanks to modern sciences, the helots now outnumber the citizens almost ten to one. It is becoming obvious that Nimbusia may not survive a helot rebellion supported by a foreign power with modern weaponry and tactics, especially if the Traditionalists continue to keep a stranglehold on the government. The leading Traditionalist Pegalaios, while experienced in matters of both war and politics, seems blind to the approaching violence. The Reformists in turn seek to finally gain some semblence of power to stave off the death of their society. Led by Metakeros, a well-respected citizen unicorn, it is hoped granting new freedoms to the helots and reforming the caste system will avoid all-out civil war. The Traditionalists will be there to fight them every step of the way.
History: In 66 ALB Grand Prince Blessed Sword faced Strategos Adynatos of Nimbusia and defeated him in battle. This proved to be the last obstacle to the establishment of the River Empire and Lake City's domination of the Riverlands for centuries to come, later on considered a golden age for the nation, as the powers of eastern Griffonia all bent their knees to the pony conquerors. All good things could not last forever however. In 353 ALB the Zaphzan Griffons broke away from the River Empire, followed suit by the Principality of Rijekograd and so many others.
In 752 the capital Jezeragrad was sacked by the invading Imperial Army of the Griffonian Empire. In the following turmoil Prince Frail Spear was forced to abdicate the throne, and the merchant guilds in turn launched a coup backed by the military later that year, establishing a democratic republic with considerable merchant and military influence. In 898 ALB Lake City signed the Treaty of Coltstream, becoming one of it's founding members.
Since then, Lake City has stood as the frontier of the Coalition, always watching the western borders for any signs of renewed Griffon aggression. This constant alertness has in turn allowed the merchants influence to diminish, but not the military. While their power wards off the griffons to the west and south, they have also shown a general distaste for the democratic system, regularly using violence and threats to get their way, and even going so far as to assassinating the previous president to install Springtime Frost as their puppet ruler. Openly advocating for a restoration of the Lake City monarchy, such an act would see the nation spiraling into authoritarianism that would make the rest of the River Coalition nervous to say the least, especially if the potential Grand Prince seeks to reclaim all the ancient lands of the River Empire...
History: Diamond Dogs have long been present across Griffonia and Equestria. However their underground nature and hit and run slaving meant that they typically worked hidden from the societies above their tunnels. Diamond Mountain is the exception. A fortified stronghold from which their opponents could be enslaved and forced to mine the great mountain for it's riches. The Kings under The Mountain jealously guarded this wealth, accrued from the use of a large caste of slaves. However, over time decadence and overconfidence caused the dogs vigilance to grow ever weaker. Jealous eyes searched for a way in. Eventually the Knights of Hellquill, at a stalemate against the united ponies of the Riverlands, decided to push north for easier targets in 972 ALB.
During the reign of King Tug the Boneless griffons broke into The Mountain, sacked the capital and flew off with almost all the treasures of the Kingdom. Ever since, the dogs hunger for revenge. Now ruled over by Tug's son, Rover Diamondshield, the Mountain Kingdom is finally regaining it's former glory, gem by bloody gem. The Diamond Dogs have aligned themselves with the ponies of the River Coalition against the threat of the griffons of the West. However, if the dogs are to fight the knights, much remains to be done. Firstly, a large revolt of slaves must be brought to heel. A new book has been circulating amongst them and the slaves now scream a new word; "Revolution!" How these revolutionaries are dealt with might well shape the very course of the Kingdom. Although the King simply wishes to crush them, his daughter, Princess Molly, quietly hopes for a calmer approach.
It remains to be seen what the monuments to Rover Diamondshield will say about him. Will the King reclaim that which was stolen from his father and finally grant the Diamond Dogs the revenge they so richly crave, will the Mountain Kingdom succumb to internal rebellion and strife, or will an outside power seize control of the riches underneath Diamond Mountain?
History: Most of the history of northeastern Griffonia is unknown, as little is written down outside of Farbrook on the coast. History for the pony tribes in the interior in turn are only passed down orally, or forgotten completely. Thus it is hard to determine when the Firtree Villages were established as a national entity. What is known however is that a group of villages and tribes located within the Firtree Forest all banded together under the Coldmouth Clan to ward off hostile neighbors. The complete lack of industry and advancement within the forested regions has also been a factor, as few of the would-be conquerors of Griffonia have ever considered the region worth the manpower one had to expend to conquer it.
Today, the Firtree Villages remain as they always have, an agrarian society trapped in the age before gunpowder, with a local religion venerating nature and ancestors as the focalpoint of daily life. Bandits hardly bother to raid them, and diplomats look over them on their maps. The only real problem of the Villages is the recent death of the Coldmouth Clan Chief without an official heir. While the Chief had a daughter, Shinespark was banished from the Villages for practicing foul necromancy. This has led to Iorweth the Spirit Speaker, the head priest of the Sacred Order, the Villages primary religious institution, to assume the leadership position within the Villages, at least temporarily.
In the meantime however, a secret society has appeared within the region. Known as the Golden Horns, these thugs and ruffians engage in petty thefts and civil disturbances, all to disrupt the peaceful society of the Villages. There is no doubt among the Elders that they are supporters of Shinespark. All the while, both groups have to ensure the tribal nation's army remains both ready and loyal, as their support will be critical if the situation between the Golden Horns and Harmonic supporters come to a head.
History: Located in the distant north-east of Griffonia, Farbrook is a small medieval feudal society. As if trapped in some sort of magical stasis, for almost a millenium the society has not advanced far technologically, but soon they may be forced to change. To the north, the Grim Arcturian Order keeps at bay the terrible darkness the fishermen and sailors of Farbrook can faintly see growing across the ocean. To their south lie the Riverponies, friendly but inscrutable neighbors. Finally, to the west prowl the Griffon Knights, historic oppressors and foes of all ponykind. In the face of such perils, will Farbrook turn to extremism?
Founded after the Equestrian pony migration to eastern Griffonia, Farbrook is a feudal elective monarchy, where the leaders of local groups are elected to the position of Chief for a set period of time, usually around eight years. While surrounded by many powers that could be considered neutral at best, Farbrook does have one reliable ally. Across the eastern sea lies the island of Greneclyf, home to a offshot of the Changelings. After a Farbrookian fishing expedition managed to stumble it's way to the island, it found the ruler of the local Changelings, Queen Dylis, starving. The Chieftain of Farkbrook at the time, Fingal, felt sympathy for the dying Changeling, and so allowed Dylis to feed on him.
This event, known as the First Sharing, has since cemented the two nations relationship, with a pair of tapestries created by both peoples shared to the other to symbolize their everlasting friendship. Collectively known as the Great Pacts, this hoofscraft stands as a testament that harmony is truly universal.
While the First Sharing was a heartwarming moment for both peoples, Farbrook now faces internal problems, as many feel that not enough is being done to prepare the country for the growing threats around them. Cenhelm, current ruler of the Ironhelm Tribe and the overall Chieftain, but his term is running out, leaving the door open for extremists to take power. Chief among these groups are the North Eastern Socialist Party and vicious and warlike White Hooves Clan. While NESP's leader Hempstand is an idealist at heart, he is quickly being sidelined by the fiery revolutionary Applethorn, who spent years in the Prywhen Civil War. The White Hooves Clan meanwhile is led by Hermane Gering, a self-delusional stallion driven by a relentless desire to have more. The fate of Farbrook will soon be decided when the Chief Council reconvenes at the end of Cenhelm's term.
History: There is no defined tale as to how the Changelings of Greneclyf managed to happen upon the isle, but there are recurring themes of seas of ice and a volcanic island acting as a refuge. For one reason or another, Changelings settled Greneclyf and would mostly stick to themselves, only leaving to prey upon the inhabitants of the mainland. These Changelings were much like the ones found in Equestria, but they were never as overt as those now serving under the infamous Queen Chrysalis. However, the mainlanders eventually gained the upper hand, driving them back to their island, and inhibiting them from draining the love of griffons and ponies across the waves. Due to this, the entire population was nearly driven to starvation.
This all changed when they had their first contact with Farbrook. After a Farbrookian fishing expedition managed to stumble it's way to Greneclyf, and finding a starving Queen Dylis, the Chieftain of Farbrook, Fingal, feeling sympathy and affection towards her, expressing them freely for her consumption. This even, known as the First Sharing, formed the first stable relationship between the Changelings of Greneclyf and the ponies of the mainland.
Today, Queen Gytha presides over the island of Greneclyf. Realizing just how large the world truly is, Gytha convenes with her council. She now wishes to present Greneclyf as a loyal friend to all who wish, but these new relationships are entirely dependent on whether or not the ponies and griffons wish to give her the day of day. If not, there are many factions who'd rather have the Changelings of Greneclyf for far more unscrupulous purposes. Only time will tell if the Changelings can rise above their dark nature, or be forced to embrace it.
History: Once upon a time, a thousand years ago, on a cold and long night, necromancers arrived from the east, on ships made of undead cadavers, and hatred for the living in their hearts. Their devastating attacks almost succeeded in wiping out griffonkind and bathing Griffonia in a never-ending dark age. In a last attempt to halt the undead, the church militants of Griffonia's faiths came together in the Arcturian Order. The Order led a coalition of surviving states against the necromancers of the Dread Empire, pushing them back to the aptly named Dead Peninsula. While the will was there to crush the undead once and for all, their strength was not. Instead, it was agreed that while the coalition would return home, the Arcturian Order would not. Establishing themselves permanently in the frigid northern wastelands, the Order would watch over the undead for nine centuries without pause.
The world around them in turn forgot about them and their mortal enemies. History became legend, legend became myth, and the state of affairs suited the Order well. Purposefully locking both themselves and the Dread League out of the rest of the world's affairs, merchants and explorers are turned away, and out of the few that come to join the Order, only those that are fully devoted to their holy cause is accepted. Often they are pilgrims, or criminals who have nowhere else to go, and wish to repent.
As the world enters the modern era, the Order now faces a succession question. Currently lead by Headmaster Torygg, an aged griffon who would much rather like to lead his men than sign paperwork and endlessly debate with the Order Senate, has no clear heir, and when he dies the Senate must convene to decide upon the next Headmaster. There are only two candidates available, one from each wing of the Senate. The first is William Steel Beak, a adamant reformer, and a popular griff among the Order's civilian population. He is of opinion that the Order's strict isolationism must soon be ended, so that once again the Order's ranks can swell, and they can make use out of modern advancements to fight the undead.
The traditionalist candidate and favorite of the Senate meanwhile is Østvald Vind. A seasoned warrior, with lots of grit and enough political sense to steer the Order into a better future, alone. Only when the Dread League is finally defeated and the undead finally cleansed, can the Arcturians focus on the rest of Griffonia once again.
The choice on who is to lead the Order must soon be made however, before the choice is made for them. Across the border, raids originating from the Dead Peninsula are increasing in frequency and strength, while mages of the Order have felt dark energies accumulating and gathering once again deep within the peninsula. The Arcturian Order must be ready to weather this storm, and quickly, lest the world suffer for their mistakes.
History: Over a millennia ago, an empire of necromancers and vampires spread terror of an undead scourge across Griffonia. This Dread Empire, lead by a council of skilled necromancers and a coven of vampires, created a vast army of the dead that in ancient times almost blanketed the entire continent. Their hope to snuff out all life however were cut short, as the griffons and their holy orders drove the Dread Empire back step by step, until they were exiled to a barren and desolate peninsula on the northern coast of Griffonia.
Since then, the remnants of this empire, the Dread League, have been licking their wounds for over a thousand years. Forgotten by the world, the only thing standing in the way of resuming the Black Crusade against the living is the descendants of the holy knights still watching over the north for any sign of the Dread League's return. Yet now, after centuries of decline, the hated Arcturian Order's resources grow scarce, their patrols more and more infrequent, and their strength sapped. Soon, the League will be ready to strike. First against the foolish knights, and then on to the rest of the world.
Leading this effort is Rosa Maledicta, a pony necromancer of skill, ambition and talent. A rising star within the Dark Council, she is prepared to go to any length to unite the Dread League and once again wipe away the curse of life from Griffonia. Her efforts however will all be in vain if she cannot unite the League behind her. The vampires and necromancers still blame eachother for their defeat a millenia ago, and refuse to cooperate with eachother. Maledicta will have to side with one of these groups over the other if she is to have any hope of getting anything done. In the meantime, another issue is arising in the form of the Ghouls, free undead who retain their intelligence from when they were alive. Now they are unionizing in an effort to stop the exploitation they suffer through day after day, and if they decide to go on strike the entire League may find itself crippled. Attempts to disrupt the Ghouls until now have failed, so something drastic may soon need be done.
If Maledicta can solve these issues, then she can finally begin her plans for snuffing out all life on Griffonia, and blanketing the world in darkness forever.
Katerin Principality
Capital: Katerinburg
Ruler: Princess Katalina the Insane
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Reichspakt
Population: 2.26 Million
History: The Katerin Principality is the odd one among the three southern vassals of the Griffonian Empire. Despite the abundance of religious influence and lack of any noteworthy nobility compared to the north-western realms, the Principality still retains an autocratic form of rule, with the Princes and Princesses of Katerinburg ruling almost completely unopposed. Still, they have been forced in the past to accept a few reforms their northern cousins would consider anathema, due to the threat of a rebellion egged on by the clerics.
Currently ruled over by Katalina the Insane, the Principality's future looks grim. Despite her obvious mental illness, there is little the advisors and courtiers of the Princess can do, as she has no living relatives that could replace her, and she has shown that her insanity can manifest in bouts of violence and anger, leading to her regularly purging her court of "dissidents". As the Princess continues to live in her own fantasy world, the countryside finds itself overrun by bandits and lawbreakers, and it is becoming an increasingly alarming problem not just for the Principality, but also it's neighbors.
Barony of Angriver
Capital: Griffing
Ruler: Baron Leer the Vicious
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Reichspakt
Population: 2.0 Million
History: The most outlying vassal realm of the Empire, guarding the east from bandits, communists and extremists alike. The new baron even made a name for himself by burning communists alive, not accepting surrenders from bandits and resorting to torture against suspected rabblerousers. While this has cowed the majority of the population, it has also angered many of the surrounding independent realms, and in turn allowed a internal resistance fester in the underbelly of his own lands.
In response to this, Baron Leer has been deep in talks with the Archons of the Empire, especially Eros VII, in regards to gaining Church support for his rule. Such an alliance would firmly cement the Baron's power and ensure no internal force will ever be able to unseat him from his throne. The prospect is worrisome to many, and outward forces like the Lushi Communists or Blackrock's Bandits may consider more drastic measures to stop the Baron's personal crusade against them.
Duchy of Yaledom
Capital: Greenback
Ruler: Graf Mikusian
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Reichspakt
Population: 2.66 Million
History: The Duchy of Yaledom is an interesting case. While officially a Duchy since it's inception, recently the Duchy's throne has sat empty with no duke or duchess to fill the void, after a case of plague wiped out the previous duke and all his relatives. To prevent an all-out collapse of authority, the Yaledom trading guilds have assumed power, lead by Graf Mikusian, and over the past years they have lead the Duchy through the troubles of the Imperial collapse reasonably well. While the economy remains sluggish and industrialization a far-off dream, a fall into outright anarchy has been prevented by the sound leadership of the guilds. If this kind of rule continues, the Duchy may see the first seeds of democracy planted within it's borders.
Like many other duchies in the south however, the population remains mostly illiterate, and the Griffonian Church wields immense influence in the region. Yaledom especially due to it's proximity to Romau and one of the three Archons of the Empire. What the Church wants, the Church gets, and the trade guilds know this.
Duchy of Greifenheim
Capital: Oldwingburg
Ruler: Duke Erebus
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Reichspakt
Population: 1.92 Million
History: A militaristic duchy that now finds itself on the border between traitorous realms and the remains of the Empire it serves to the north. Known for their excellent soldiers above all else, Greifenheim prides itself on being one of the first adopters of gunpowder and industrialization. The poor economy of the province however has left it dependent on the Empire for financial support, and the recent collapse has in turn forced the Duke to downsize his armies in the face of economic collapse.
While aid from the Empire in this desperate hour was not forthcoming, the Starberry Duchy and the Grand Duchy of Feathisia were more than happy to aid their southern neighbor, allowing both to build a number of fruitful relationships with the province's strong warrior-nobility. While they still nominally swear fealty to the Griffonian Empire above all others, the relationship between vassal and overlord has soured in the recent decades, and many within Greifenheim would rather the province seek stronger ties elsewhere.
Strawberry Duchy
Capital: Readewetter
Ruler: Duchess Gabriela Eagleclaw
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Reichspakt
Population: 3.10 Million
History: One of the wealthiest provinces of the Empire, the Strawberry Duchy owes this to it's excellent geographic location, rich mineral veins and fertile flatlands. While not modern by Equestrian standards, an extensive industrialization program conducted by the Duchess has allowed Strawberry to become one of the most powerful and advanced vassals of the Griffonian Empire, second only to the prosperous Feathisia.
On other fronts Strawberry has also prospered. As the gateway between the Heartlands and the north, much trade is conducted along it's borderlands, while hurt economically by the Empire's collapse, Strawberry has slowly been rebuilding itself from the ground-up, all under the Duchess' fine leadership. It is these skills and the prosperity she has brought with her that allows Gabriela Eagleclaw to exert as much influence as she does over the nobility of the Empire. Her blood connection to the Grover Dynasty only helps her case, and it seems if faith in the Empire fails, it will be her the nobles turn to.
County of Bronzehill
Capital: Bronzecross
Ruler: Count Friedhelm Stormcrest
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Reichspakt
Population: 1.31 Million
History: The northern Bronzehills were named as such because of the extensive amounts of copper and tin located within the mountains occupied by the county today. When the world was young and bronze was the most sought-after alloy for weapons, Bronzehill built a trading empire, exporting weapons and armour to their neighbors in exchange for favors and riches. When the demand for bronze diminished in favor of iron and steel, so too did the influence and power of Bronzehill diminish, until it surrendered without a fight when Grover I crowned himself Kaiser.
Since then the County of Bronzehill and it's many noble houses have wallowed within their mountain estates, looking back to their glory days and wishing something would help them bring that golden age back once again. The discovery of magical crystal deposits within their lands may be the spark needed to light that fire, but for now infrastructure remains inadequate to extract the deposits, and both the County and the Empire it serves are too impoverished to fully exploit this new resource.
Northern Tribes
Capital: Everfrost
Ruler: Princess Fiana II
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Mixed
Faction: None
Population: 1.43 Million
History: It is said that the ancestors of the tribespeople now inhabiting the Cold North came from the Heartlands and Riverlands to repopulate the lands left behind by the retreating Dread Empire. While these tales may be true, the savages occupying the northernmost coastline of Griffonia is a far cry from the heroic settlers from the stories. Tribal in nature and rejecting all forms of modern technology despite heavy amounts of contact with the southern griffons, the only reason that they have banded together at all are the dark tidings coming from the northeast, and the Dead Peninsula. Whether this unification will stand the test of time has yet to be decided.
Currently ruled over by Princess Fiana of the Everfrost Tribe, the tribes have for one reason or another been left along, aside from a brief stay within the Griffonian Empire's sphere of influence during their glory days. Since then, the tribes have sustained themselves as they always have. Through fishing, hunting, trading and raiding, and that does not seem to be changing anytime soon, unless the situation around them drastically changes.
Socialist Republic of the Free Griffons
Capital: Skynavia
Ruler: Asper Sickleclaw
Ideology: Communist
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 1.46 Million
History: When the Griffonian Republic was first declared, the revolutionaries that took The Imperial City came from all walks of life and political creeds, and it seemed that working out the exact nature of the republic's leading ideology would be left for when the revolution was completed. Sadly, the reactionaries forced the republic out of the Heartlands and into the frigid north. Defeated and crushed, the remaining revolutionaries began to turn on one-another. Asper Sickleclaw and his communists, disgusted by the apparent imminent collapse of the Republic, split off from the dying nation, taking his followers with him.
What followed was a grueling march northwards, to the northern coasts of Griffonia. It was here that the Socialist Republic of the Free Griffons was established. A place socialism could prosper without any attachments to the previous regimes. Sickleclaw had no intention of going south ever again, and over the decades the SRFG has slowly but surely transformed into a hermit state, with no trade or connections with the outside world. Sickleclaw in turn still rules the Republic, although elections are still not allowed until a true communist paradise can be established.
When or if that will happen is still up to debate. While Sickleclaw and his followers make up the majority of the nation's elite, the laborers and workers are made up of illiterate tribesgriffs that had not even managed to discover agriculture before the arrival of the socialists.
Kingdom of Vedina
Capital: Luckport
Ruler: King Wingstrong
Ideology: Harmony
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 4.85 Million
History: A rare Harmonic nation among Griffons. The Kingdom of Vedina has long enjoyed peace and independence, far from the troubles that plague the heartlands of the continent. Although historically it has nominally been a vassal of the Griffonian Empire, and mouthed words of loyalty, in practice it has been essentially untouched by Imperial edict or Imperial swords. A hereditary monarchy under the Wingstrong dynasty, Vedina attributes it's long stability to it's policy of isolationism, and it's ancient traditions of knighthood, chivalry and honor, led by it's proud force of Vendian Knights.
Given it's close proximity to the Equestrian continent, it's ports were used to launch the initial colony ships to Nova Griffonia, creating a strong bond between the two countries. Sadly, Vedina had little to offer Nova Griffonia in terms of assistance recently, as Vedina had little in the form of industrial power or processed goods to sell to the ailing colony. Eventually the centuries-long bond finally broke, and Vedina returned fully into isolation, while their friends over the sea collapsed into chaos.
Capital: Haukland
Ruler: Graf Herman Meyer
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 577 Thousand
History: Haukland is a small chain of islands located between Equestria and Griffonia. It's strategic position made it an important naval base for the old Griffonian Empire, from which they could police and patrol the oceans all the way to Equestria's maritime border. Traders wishing to travel to Griffonia from Equestria would also be mandated to stop by the islands, making them rich from trading posts and tariffs. When the Empire fell to revolution in 978, Haukland carried on as it always has, snagging a piece of the Imperial Navy to protect it's interests.
Since then, the Graf of Haukland, Herman Meyer, has ruled independently, although he has done little to actually build a nation. Rather, he seems to be aiming of turning Haukland into a personal fiefdom for himself and his family. His attempts to enrich himself has led to increasingly heavy tariffs as the years went by, until barely any foreign merchants even cared for visiting Griffonia, unless they took the southern route to New Mareland. The disastrous effects the lack of trade has had on the economies of the northern and western Griffonian states has made Haukland and it's ruler many enemies on the mainland.
Township of Fezera
Capital: Featherzne
Ruler: Gwenael Godard
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 1.43 Million
History: Fezera came into existence during the Imperial collapse, with it's most influential merchants and guilds coming together in the face of the sudden lack of Imperial authority. While the attempts by the new mercantile alliance to imitate the far more successful Skyfall Trade Federation to the north, Fezera simply lacked the means to police their trade routes, nor did they have anything particularly important to trade. At the very least the new nation has managed to remain relatively stable, even as it's northern neighbor is descending into economic ruin.
The towns of Fezera were once a part of the Kingdom of Aquileia at it's height, and the Kingdom has to this day still not relinquished their claims, forcing the ruling council of Fezera to desperately prepare a defense for an offensive that may soon come, once their southern and far more dangerous neighbor decides to expand it's borders once again. At the very least this fear has lead to Fezera becoming a haven for mercenaries, sellswords and many less reputable organizations. At least now the Fezerans can't say that Skyfall outshines them in all fields.
County of Adelart
Capital: Eagleton
Ruler: Merlock Wood
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 1.10 Million
History: Before the arrival of the Griffonian Empire, the region that the County of Adelart occupies today was part of the larger County of Greifwald, itself a subject of the Kingdom of Aquileia at it's peak. When Aquileia was subjugated so too was Greifwald, although now as an independent county answering to the Kaiser in Griffenheim instead of the king in Aquila. When the Imperial collapse arrived and Aquileia declared it's independence, Greifwald did the same, although not all of it would remain so.
Distrustful of Greifwaldian authorities and wishing to take their own path, the territories of Lissay and Eagleton broke away from the County of Greifwald in the mid-980's, while the County was facing another political crisis. Since then, despite the rethoric of Greifwaldian politicians, the County of Adelart remains firmly independent. It does not however have a Count to rule the lands, and their attempts to gain one have been unsuccessful. Wary of the resurgance of Greifwald and Aquileia both, Adelart may seek protection elsewhere. If the Griffonian Empire manages to reform and rebuild, it is certain that Adelart will request assistance from them.
Capital: Pomovarra
Ruler: Horman de Camris
Ideology: Harmony
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 984.51 Thousand
History: The County of Pomovarra traces it routes back to the Kingdom of Aquileia at it's height of power, when the Kings of Aquileia granted the region limited autonomy under a count selected by the royal court. Since the fall of Aquileia and rise of the Griffonian Empire, the region was pretty much forgotten. With few resources and an almost impenetrable forest making up the bulk of the county's terrain, it was never deigned to have anything important within it's borders. When the Empire collapsed, Pomovarra quietly declared it's independence. Years of isolation from normal Griffon culture made the inhabitants much more comfortable with Equestrian-style Harmonism, which they embraced wholeheartedly.
When the last Count of Pomovarra died with no heir, it's peoples simply abolished the title of count and moved to a more democratic form of government, with town councils now deciding upon most non-diplomatic matters, with one of their own being elected to be the face of the state. In this case it is Horman de Camris, said to be descendant from an Aquilian noble family that renounced their titles to live among the peasants. This rumor, whether true or not, has granted Horman much popularity.
House Avian
Capital: Avian
Ruler: Lady Rivertail
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 402.10 Thousand
History: House Avian is one of the few newly independent Griffon realms that has never held a title granted to them by a king or the Emperor. In fact, the only reason it left the Empire at all was because of fears regarding the question of what will happen to the un-aligned houses, even if the Imperials manage to reform and rebuild. With no title to lay claim to, it is very likely House Avian will find itself reduced to commoners, with their lands confiscated to be directly administered by the Empire, were they ever to seek reunification.
This at least has been the stance of all House Avian leaders up until the modern day. While their newest House Head in the form of Lady Rivertail is more neutral towards the Empire than many of her predecessors, she is also wary of perfoming lasting deals with the House's neighbors. After all, a path of neutrality and isolationism has worked fine for House Avian so far. Why should that not be the case in the future?
House Erie
Capital: Erie
Ruler: Duke Vincent Erie
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 1.21 Million
History: The histories of Houses Erie and Eyire are intertwined to say the least. While the origins of both noble houses remain murky, since their inception the two have been at eachother's throats, constantly locked in a perpetual rivalry that they could not even let go when Grover I and his armies came knocking at both their doorsteps. Since the fall of the Empire, the two houses have gone back to what they know best, fighting against eachother.
House Erie, the Griffon House of Night, claims it's noble ancestors emerged along the northern shores of Lake Rumare, carving out a kingdom across the central plains and forests, only for their king to be betrayed from within by those he considered as close as family. Thus, as the kingdom collapsed the king's family declared to never forgive the hated House Eyrie, nor trust any of their hated members ever again.
House Eyrie
Capital: Verenia
Ruler: Duke Vincent Erie
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 2.03 Million
History: The histories of Houses Erie and Eyire are intertwined to say the least. While the origins of both noble houses remain murky, since their inception the two have been at eachother's throats, constantly locked in a perpetual rivalry that they could not even let go when Grover I and his armies came knocking at both their doorsteps. Since the fall of the Empire, the two houses have gone back to what they know best, fighting against eachother.
House Eyrie, the Griffon House of Day, traces it's origins to a griffon kingdom stretching from the shores of Lake Rumare to the western coasts, serving as protectors of the realm until the arrival of a hated monarch who attempted to unjustly confiscate house lands. House Eyrie rose up with other like-minded nobles and overthrew the Tyrant. His reign of terror would have ended then, had not traitors within the coalition, the hated House Erie, revealed the time of their attack, thus allowing the hated king to escape the kingdom. Since then House Eyrie declared to never forgive the vile House Erie, nor trust any of their foul members ever again.
Duchy of Rila
Capital: Rila
Ruler: Duke Michel Discret
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Aquileia
Population: 3.26 Million
History: The Duchy of Rila has long been an important part of the Kingdom of Aquileia, supplying the kingdom with many able bodies of devoted troops over the course of the kingdom's lifetime. With good access to the sea aswell, the Duchy has profited from the trade lanes going between Equestria and Griffonia. In the wake of the Aquileian Revolution the Duchy was almost overrun by revolutionaries and traitor soldiers until the King's brother rallied the remaining Royalist defenders. In exchange for his bravery, the King rewarded his brother with the title of Duke of Rila. A title he still bears to this day.
Rila is however not completely rid of the problems it faced during the revolution. The declaration of independence from the Empire severely damaged the economy of the Duchy, and bandit clans made up of deserting soldiers still raid the countryside for food and supplies. The army is still severely plagued by morale issues and corruption, and worst of all, revolutionaries still roam the lands outside the cities, enciting more and more peasants to revolt. A crisis may soon strike the entire kingdom, and it is unknown if the Duchy will survive it.
Marcher-Lordship of Westkeep
Capital: Westkeep
Ruler: High Representative Colette Solide
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Aquileia
Population: 0.76 Million
History: A Marcher-Lordship is a title usually given to a frintier Lord, expected to work more independently from the Crown to fortify and maintain an outlying region or regions. Westkeep is one of these regions. At the border of Aquileian territory for most of it's existence, aside from the time of the kingdom's peak expansion, the Lords of Westkeep have enjoyed far greater autonomy than any other vassal of the kingdom in it's entire history. As a Marcher-Lordship, Westkeep also enjoys much support from the capital for maintaining a strong local army and fortifications along the border.
Currently there is no official lord holding Westkeep, although a High Representative has been chosen by the King to act in his stead until the official ascension of a new peer in the realm. Colonel Colette Solide was chosen for this position, and the King made a wise decision here at least. Colette's background as a Westkeep native is sure to give her much public support. While her popularity amongst the peasants remain high, Westkeep has also proven to house a number of strongholds of revolutionaries that fled the capital region of the kingdom in the wake of the failed revolution, which could cause problems if a Second Revolution comes to pass.
Barony of Pridea
Capital: Pridea
Ruler: Baron Dennis Discret
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Aquileia
Population: 1.54 Million
History: The smallest of the autonomous realms within the Kingdom of Aquileia, Pridea only really controls the city bearing the name of the barony and the surrounding coastline. It makes up for this lack of land with the fact that Pridea is one of the most populous and richest cities in the kingdom. As the main trading port between Aquileia and Equestrian territories, an influx of pony merchants have even established their own personal district within the city walls. The huge amount of outward trade however has brought both the ideas of Harmonism and Communism to the kingdom's gates, and it is believed Pridea is the original point from which all the revolutionary fervor spread out from.
Today, Pridea is ruled over by one of the King's many cousins, the Baron Dennis Discret. Young and inexperienced, Dennis nonetheless seems to be doing an commendable job of keeping the city's coffers full and rebellions supressed. He does seem however to have a fixation on the New Mareland territory of Freeside Island, who's position could allow the Equestrian colony to blockade much, if not all of the kingdom's imports with ease. All this in spite of what his advisors tell him.
Duchy of Vinovia
Capital: Vinovia
Ruler: Duke Gadiffer Discret
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Aquileia
Population: 1.29 Million
History: The breadbasket and vineyard of the Kingdom of Aquileia. Vinovia has enjoyed centuries of peace, with it's rolling hills and farm-covered grasslands, the region was incredibly prosperous and a tempting target, but with Westkeep to it's north guarding the borders, any incursion into Vinovia could be easily cut off and defeated. Even the Aquileian Revolution only temporarily disrupted food production, as the revolting peasants had access to few modern weapons, and this ultimately doomed their efforts against the Royal Army.
Since the return of the King to Aquila, rulership has been handed over to Duke Gadiffer Discret, the King's uncle. While the griff is stoic and a passable administrator, his true passion has always laid with the military. As such, he would much rather rule Westkeep. It would also have been incredibly insulting of him to refuse a royal gift like Vinovia, so for now the Duke busies himself with his few interests, while outside his view revolutionaries gather and distribute arms once again in preperation for another revolt against the old order.
Duchy of Talouse
Capital: Talononte
Ruler: Duchess Ginerva
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Karthinian Pact
Population: 2.47 Million
History: While culturally Talouse is much more closer to the Aquileians than Wingbardians, economic and political necessities determined that there would never be a possibility of them joining with Aquileia. For a time a fully integrated part of the Kingdom of Wingbardy, Talouse did not suffer much under Wingbardian rule. It's ports were used to house warships battling against the Aquileians, and for a time it was the frontline of the wars between the two giants, but that time came and went.
When Grover the I conquered Wingbardy, he intented for them to never be able to challenge the Empire, and so broke off a number of former provinces to form a new independent Duchy. When the Empire in turn collapsed centuries later, Wingbardy had returned to use their economy to integrate the Duchy, rather than force. Seeing little other choice, the Duchess has attempted her best to cooperate, joining the Karthinian Pact and heavily joining the economy of her realm with that of Wingbardy. When the economy of Wingbardy crashed, Talouse suffered heavily in turn.
County of Franmistria
Capital: Francistria
Ruler: Count Martlewing II
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: Karthinian Pact
Population: 2.77 Million
History: In the glory days of Aquileia Franmistria was one of their most forward border marches, guarding the southern flank of their kingdom against the aggressive expansionism of Wingbardy. It has also enjoyed a time directly under Wingbardian rule over the course of it's long history, fought over constantly in the 700s by both kingdoms until the arrival of Grover I. To weaken both powers, Grover had Franmistria become it's own separate subordinate county from the two kingdoms, and the situation remained as such until the Imperial collapse and Griffonian Revolution.
With there suddenly being no Imperial authority, and with Wingbardy and Aquileia both having declared independence, Franmistria in turn declared independence, and moved back into Wingbardy's orbit as a member of it's new Karthinian Pact. Count Martlewing II may not enjoy these state of affairs, but knows it is better for the people under his rule to not see their lands turned into a battlefield between the major powers. Now the Count simply hopes he can keep the balancing act going, between retaining Franmistrian independence and maintaining good relations with the obviously more-powerful Wingbardy.
Kingdom of Griffonstone
Capital: Griffonstone
Ruler: Grandpa Gruff
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 2.54 Million
History: Griffonstone. The legendary first home of Griffonkind. The equally legendary birthplace of the Grover and Guto families. The seat of the Idol of Boreas, the most revered religious artifact of the griffons. All those things however are in the past now, and seem so far away. Grover's Empire fractured, the Guto family was slain by monsters, the Idol of Boreas now seems lost forever in the abyss beneath the capital city.
For almost 4 decades now the Kingdom of Griffonstone has been a kingdom without a king. Plagued with poverty and devastation from the days of the Empire's collapse, the remains of the once proud kingdom has barricaded themselves within the capital city, to ride out the storm around them. Bandits and communists assault from the east, and raiders from the west. The griffons of Griffonstone are tired of the fighting, and would welcome any power as a liberator. None have done so far, as the occupation of Grover's birthplace can be perceived as a declaration of that power's ambitions for the Imperial Throne.
Federated Parishes of Sicameon
Capital: Midoria
Ruler: Doge Landuin d'Sicameon
Ideology: Harmony
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 3.27 Million
History: The Parishes of Sicameon are a long-standing anomaly within Griffonia. A proto-syndical, federal republic that has never truly been subjugated by the Griffonian Empire nor it's splinter kingdoms. Snugly nestled on the Makomo Peninsula and guarded by the Arahno and Snowtop Mountains, the geography of the region has lent itself to a highly individualistic mindset, and ensured it's protection from would-be conquerors.
The country itself is named for the Griffonian sea goddess Sycaecia, and thusly Sicameon boasts a great seafaring culture, greatly valuing sea-bound commerce and maintaining a strong navy. As a consequence of it's relatively laissez-faire economic policies however, pirates such as the homegrown Freeholder's Syndicate have managed to take root in the cracks. While a comparatively stable, prosperous and educated nation, suffering from no economic crises, famines, brain drain or a high degree of illiteracy, the Doge and the legislature still stand at a tumultuous set of crossroads. What will happen when the Empire or it's successors finally march on Midoria?
County of Cyanolisia
Capital: Auropallieta
Ruler: Countess Taillow Marshquill
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 1.61 Million
History: Another former territory of the Griffonian Empire that has found itself cast adrift and without assistance when the Empire collapsed. While Cyanolisia does not face starvation as many other former Imperial states thanks to it's vibrant fishing and sailing enterprises, Cyanolisia has found itself held back educationally, industrially and diplomatically. Mass illiteracy and economic troubles continue well over 3 decades since the County found itself independent, and there is nary a friend it can turn to for assistance.
What is worse however is the growing communist power to it's east. With Brodfeld seemingly more likely to buckle under the pressures of it's civil war each day, the thought of having a socialist republic on it's very doorstep is sure to doom the Countess to a quick execution and the lands of the lords distributed amongst the peasants. The County desperately requires allies now, lest it be the one of many nations forcibly joined to the communist revolution.
Capital: Minotauria
Ruler: King Taurus III
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Minotaur
Faction: None
Population: 1.61 Million
History: An ancient land, Minotauria has been the home of the mighty Minotaurs as far back as anyone can remember. Before the founding of the Griffon kingdoms and later the Griffonian Empire, it ruled much of the lands that now comprise the County of Cyanolisia and the Federated Parishes of Sicameon. These areas were however lost over many wars of reconquest conducted by the Griffons, with their last stronghold on the mainland falling to Grover himself during his wars of conquest.
Since the days of Grover the First the Minotaurs have been content to remain upon their island homes, avoiding contact with the outside world, aside from fighting off the occasional pirate attack or slaver raid from the eastern Zebras. King Taurus the Third is said to be an unusually calm individual for his race, and seems to wish for the continuation of Minotaur isolation, although that does not mean he is blind to the outside world. Having been overseas for a time, Taurus wishes to slowly modernize his kingdom on his own terms, and if someone were to threaten his efforts, then he will not be above seeking help from the mainland.
Free Towns of Gryphus
Capital: Stripeport
Ruler: Master Yeve
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 2.53 Million
History: The Free Towns of Gryphus is a coalition of trade cities located on the so-called East Griffon Frontier, a strip of lands between the pony states of the east and the griffon heartlands to the west. While the region is said to be both wild and highly dangerous, the fact of the matter is that reputation really only holds weight west of the mountains these days. Priding themselves on never having been conquered by the Griffonian Empire in it's lifetime, the Free Towns have busied themselves with what they know best for centuries. Settling lands and trading.
While this strategy has both made the nation a large power of the east and extremely rich from lucrative trades to the west and south, it has also made them a target for many. Zebran raiders and pirates stalk the seas taking away invaluable trading vessels and their equally rich cargo to parts unknown, and their close proximity to Brodfeld and it's civil war has allowed a number of communist agitators to cross the borders to spread their troublesome ideology. Local unrest is growing, but for now the traders see little that can be done to rid them of their problems.
Barrad Mageocracy
Capital: Elysium
Ruler: Silver Star
Ideology: Fascist
Race: Pony
Faction: None
Population: 643 Thousand
History: Barrad as it stands is a very young nation, formed during the recent years of decadence within the Kingdom of Wittenland. While the kingdom is said to be a haven of magic, they do not accept all types of magic, and this has for the longest time infuriated a number of nobles. The weakening of Wittenland with it's constant parties and celebrations finally gave the opening a number of like-minded mages needed to seize control over the southernmost lands of the kingdom and declared their own state, where magic above all else would be allowed to thrive.
Sadly for the general population, this now made them nothing more than prime targets for magical experimentation. The dark arts forbidden in Wittenland became a mainstay tool within the new Mageocracy. Ponies were dragged off by undead horrors to suffer endless live experimentation until they finally expired, at which point their carcass would be reanimated to join the hordes of undead to start the cycle all anew. The current leader of the nation is Silver Star, another enthusiastic ex-Wittenland noble who has taken a "first-among-equals" approach to ruling, forming a council who's members are comprised of other powerful Barrad mages. While on paper this would allow the nation to be more fairly ruled, at least for the mages, in practice the council mostly bickers amongst itself rather than doing anything productive.
Nytt Rådjur Land
Capital: Oulu
Ruler: Jarl Einir Solmarsson
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Deer
Faction: None
Population: 903.42 Thousand
History: Nytt Rådjur Land is a tribal society of deer on the south-eastern coast of Griffonia. Their origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is likely they immigrated from the homeland of Olenia on Equestria in ancient times, either as an attempt at colonizing new lands, or fleeing some sort of disaster at home. Either way, the Deer of Rådjur have yet to discover gunpowder, and have had limited opportunities to trade with their many neighbors, due to their isolationist tendencies. Highly religious, the practices of Rådjur have much in common with ancient Olenian worship.
The target of many slave raids by the Zebras of Nyumba ya Kaskazini to the south, these kidnappings have produced nothing but tensions between the two races, and the newest leader of Rådjur, Jarl Einir Solmarsson, has made his intentions clear regarding the Zebras. Their evil ways must be stopped, and the Deer taken from them must be freed, no matter the cost.
Capital: Bakara
Ruler: Silver Star
Ideology: Harmony
Race: Pony
Faction: River Coalition
Population: 2.95 Million
History: Bakara's original settlers are believed to be earth ponies leaving Equestria for a variety of reasons that have since been lost to time. While there is certainly much correlation between the tales of Bakara and Nimbusia, there are many differences that leave historians debating to this day however.
Joining the River Coalition due to fears of further griffon attacks following the end of Grover II's crusades, the Bakaran ponies proved their worth to the Coalition as excellent sailors and navigators, allowing the trade network built up within the Riverlands to spread much further over the seas, reaching as far back as their ancient motherland in Equestria. Today the bulk of the River Coalition's fleets also find themselves anchored along the rugged coastline and it's many port cities.
Capital: Buckanburg
Ruler: King Grimhoof
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Pony
Faction: River Coalition
Population: 2.39 Million
History: Deponya is located at the crossroads of three major rivers within the aptly named Riverlands. Historically much weaker than any of it's neighbors, the agrarian nation joined the young River Coalition in a bid for protection against griffon crusaders and pony raiders. In turn for this protection Deponya became the breadbasket of the Riverlands, it's bountiful fields stretching on seemingly forever, feeding the nations of the Riverlands.
Ruled over by King Grimhoof, who remains king due to his extensive agrarian holdings, Deponya in recent years have had brief stints of attempted industrialization, with little, if any success in each attempt. This did however allow Deponya to grow a healthy relationship with Lake City. In exchange for increased food exports Lake City technicians would travel to Buckanburg to investigate the feasibility of Deponya reaping the bounties of modern industry.
Capital: Watertown
Ruler: Keeper Eathelin
Ideology: Communist
Race: Pony
Faction: None
Population: 803 Thousand
History: An isolated group of pony communities and villages located within the deep northern forests of Griffonia. Historically the group had ties to the Firtree Villages, but the groups drifted apart over the centuries. Now embracing a agrarian form of communism, which reached the attention of the communities through traders talking of the Stalliongrad and Prywhen revolutions, the Watertowns reject all forms of industrialization and advanced technology, and as a result their militia armies still rely on pre-gunpowder weaponry.
A series of sacred springs blesses the woods the Watertowns call home, and the land and their inhabitants are both healthy and fertile. There are even whispers of the fabled Fountain of Youth being hidden somewhere within the deepest parts of their forests. However, not all that hides is a boon, for there are whispers of dark secrets and horrors also lurking in the woods, a relic of a Dreaded past...
Capital: Watertown
Ruler: Keeper Eathelin
Ideology: Communist
Race: Pony
Faction: None
Population: 803 Thousand
History: An isolated group of pony communities and villages located within the deep northern forests of Griffonia. Historically the group had ties to the Firtree Villages, but the groups drifted apart over the centuries. Now embracing a agrarian form of communism, which reached the attention of the communities through traders talking of the Stalliongrad and Prywhen revolutions, the Watertowns reject all forms of industrialization and advanced technology, and as a result their militia armies still rely on pre-gunpowder weaponry.
A series of sacred springs blesses the woods the Watertowns call home, and the land and their inhabitants are both healthy and fertile. There are even whispers of the fabled Fountain of Youth being hidden somewhere within the deepest parts of their forests. However, not all that hides is a boon, for there are whispers of dark secrets and horrors also lurking in the woods, a relic of a Dreaded past...
(Continued from above because of spoiler-related issues.)
Player List:
Equestrian Continent
Equestria: @Demonic Spoon
Crystal Empire: @RandomWriter
Stalliongrad: @Ceslas
Our Town:
Nova Griffonia:
Griffon Frontier:
Kingdom of Pingland: @Hallesworth49
Changeling Lands: @Cloak&Dagger
Kingdom of Olenia:
Buffalo Chiefdom:
Griffonian Continent
Griffonian Empire: @Satoshixkasumi
Free City of Romau:
Grand Duchy of Feathisia:
Sunstriker Clan:
Griffonian Republic:
Skyfall Trade Federation:
County of Greifwald:
City of Flowena:
Kingdom of Aquileia: @Walker Of Chaos
Commonwealth of New Mareland: @triumph8w
Kingdom of Wingbardy:
Barony of Arantiga:
Falcor Principality:
Barony of Rumare:
Knightly Order of Hellquill:
County of Longsword:
Principality of Lushi:
Blackrock's Bandits:
Kingdom of Brodfeld:
Griffon Liberation Army: @Mr Wumbo
Gryphian Host:
Nyumba ya Kaskazini:
Kingdom of Wittenland: @EternalLurker
River Republic:
Lake City: @TheShiftingSands
Diamond Mountain: @SteelWriter77
Firtree Villages:
Greneclyf: @Merunes
Arcturian Order:
Dread League: @SalvaW
If there is anything else I missed, be sure to remind me, given it is my first time going as a GM.
Otherwise, thanks for coming and I hope we can all get some fun out of this.
Been waiting for this
1 The Revolutionary Republic of Aquelia (Currently occupied by treasonous Monarchists) - Established after the collapse of the decadent and tyranicall Griffonian Empire the Republic of Aquelia was a shining beacon of peace and prosperity in a time of chaos. Under its guiding claw Aquelia was able to enter a Golden Era while the rest of the continent burned. Alas it was not to last and the Monarchists seized their chance to install tyrants on the throne once more. However the spirit of freedom will not be crushed so easily!
2 The Kingdom of Wingabardy - Mightiest amongst the southern Griffons Wingabardy has at last freed herself from northern tyranny. Though her first attempt to forge an Empire might have failed Wingabardy will not be denied her destiny. For as long as she lives the south shall follow her will
3 The Empire of Griffonia - Battered but not broken the empire forged by Grover I still lives on. Though her vassals might have betrayed her and the priesthood poisoned her commoners the empire will endure. She shall rise from her ashes like a majestic phoenix and reunify the continent once more. Ein Kaiser! Ein Reich!
1. Equestria - Princesses are the most logical form of government
2. Crystal Empire - Shiny
3. Changelings - For too long have the ponies gone unconquered.
1) Lake City. 6 mil pop? Decent geography? Sounds pretty good to me.
2) Stalliongrad. Played as them in my first playthrough of the mod itself.
3) Honestly, anything non-aligned. Picking an optimal start (for me at least) is getting boring.
1) Stalliongrad-Communism is Harmony perfected.
2) Nova Griffonia-The Empire is dead! Long live the Empire!
3) Kingdom of Wingbardy-Il Duce ha sempre ragione
1. Diamond Mountain: if the Diamond Dogs are to make a mark on history, they must act
2. Blackrock's Bandits: all the bloodshed and gold you could want
3. Knightly Order of Hellquill: Knights Templar Cat-Bird edition
A focus tree is a branching (some branches may be incompatible) tree of 'national focuses' that take some time to complete, generally about 70 days (usually in Hoi4, but they can be any number).
A national focus is combination of events and government focuses coming to fruition. So for example in the Equestria tree, 'Trans-Equestrian Railway' when completed instantly adds some infrastructure to a few areas. Other types can be like 'Buffalo Relations' which instigates an event chain for peace or war with the Buffalo, while 'Ministry of Defense' puts Luna in the military as a general and increases war support.
While I feel that @Cloak&Dagger has explained plenty already, I'll add a little bit myself. As was said earlier in my introductory post the national focuses I am providing should be considered guidelines instead of rules. They can show you what you probably should do with your nation's Actions, but by no means do you have to rigidly base all your decisions on what is and isn't within the focus tree.
It all depends on the wheel. After I've gotten a sufficient amount of players, I'll add them onto a list and then insert that list into Wheel Decide
Then, I spin the wheel and when it lands on the name of a player I check their claims here. If their first pick remains unclaimed, they get it. If not, then I look at their second claim and so on. If the player is so unfortunate that all three of their claims were already picked by the time the wheel came to them, I'll send them a PM and allow them to choose any one remaining nation that is unclaimed.
Either way, after the player has been assigned a country, I remove their name from the list, and repeat the process until all players have a nation to play.
Well, I thought that since I am rather inexperienced and don't know many people here I'd let random chance decide. If you guys have any other suggestions I'd be open to them.
Well, I thought that since I am rather inexperienced and don't know many people here I'd let random chance decide. If you guys have any other suggestions I'd be open to them.
Well, I thought that since I am rather inexperienced and don't know many people here I'd let random chance decide. If you guys have any other suggestions I'd be open to them.
Well, given it seems that I won't be getting anyone else joining, I could do it now and start to hand out nations, although with my work schedule I'm thinking Wednesday will be the day that I post the IC thread. Want to do it earlier but IRL commitments sadly must take priority.
Cloak&Dagger's claims were already taken by the time the Wheel came around to them, but I've sent them a PM so we can work out who else they could be interested in playing. I'm aiming for starting up the IC thread on Wednesday, because I'm really busy on Mondays and Tuesdays with work.
yes, now to rule the Diamond Dogs to a new age of peace and HA HA HA HA HA, almost got through that, no the enslavements will come to the Griffon (plus any other species we can get without drawing my "allies" to war me)