[Endbringer Quest] The Last Among Beasts!

NSMS said:
The power over a given surface is the same. The thing is, octagons are much harder to fit together into a structure without leaving gaps (places with no coverage at all) than hexagons- they don't tessellate well- so you'd need multiple layers, which is power-inefficient. That reduces their utility by a minor amount- but that minor amount could be important at some point.

Honestly, the simplest solution to solve any debate would be to replace 'hexagonal' or 'octagonal' with 'any regular two-dimensional shape'.
Irrelevant. Octagons, hexagons, or scribbles have no bearing on the effect of the power. The effect is the same for the same effort no matter what shape its in, this is an entirely cosmetic mountain you are making out of a molehill. The GM even backs me up on this.
biigoh said:

Or so you think. The things you can do with flat planes that are transdimensional. ^_^
Admiral Vesca said:
Slicey slicey stabby stabby.


Doing this:
Xicree said:
Thing is the defense works as if it were an object being deflected off of a sphere.... a perfect sphere which is spinning in EVERY possible direction... at the same time.... while being a 'flat' object across our dimensions of space.

Also note that many of those possible dimensions would not exist within the universe as we know it.
with a Barrier that's thinner than an atom is going to end badly for whatever's on the other end. Essentially infinite, or close enough for this argument anyway, energy applied to an area thinner than an atom...
Admiral Vesca said:
Does it matter so much? Its all cosmetic and has no bearing on the effect of the shard.
Yes, actually. We know that it works regardless of shape, if the barrier gets hit. Being able to alter the barrier's shape from a planar octagon to a planar tessellation of planar hexagons to a spherical tessellation of planar hexagons affects how likely the barrier is to intercept an attack in the first place.
Immanent Thing said:
I agree, but... isn't Barrier / Adaptor more of a a defensive build, anyway? It doesn't seem like a 'meh, we can run away and regenerate later' way to do things.
We would be the only Endbringer that demonstrated learning from one encounter to the next. Also, go read AsukaQuest and then tell me with a straight face that barriers and adaptation is a purely defensive build. RKKV shotgun for the win!
Admiral Vesca said:
Irrelevant. Octagons, hexagons, or scribbles have no bearing on the effect of the power. The effect is the same for the same effort no matter what shape its in, this is an entirely cosmetic mountain you are making out of a molehill. The GM even backs me up on this.
Eh... that post only seems to refer to the deflecting ability of the surface, rather than the coverage the shape provides (the two are distinct issues). Honestly, I'm not deliberately trying to make this a big thing (I'm fully aware that it's gotten ridiculous)- it's basically just the following has happened: 'I notice the post specifies a specific shape to the barrier' -> 'I realise potential issues with that shape, mention them, and explain them' -> 'repeat this several times, as I'm kind of bad at explanations so my point is not being acknowledged or noticed or something'.

It's basically a desire to avoid being locked out of potential power uses because of a cosmetic factor to the barriers (plus a curiosity over the attachment to the octagon shape that nobody's explained- why is it apparently preferred when it actually does something worse and provides no advantage anybody's mentioned?). Personally, I blame an irrational fear of GM's being evil and exploiting every little flaw that may be present in a character design.
samdamandias said:
Yes, actually. We know that it works regardless of shape, if the barrier gets hit. Being able to alter the barrier's shape from a planar octagon to a planar tessellation of planar hexagons to a spherical tessellation of planar hexagons affects how likely the barrier is to intercept an attack in the first place.

We would be the only Endbringer that demonstrated learning from one encounter to the next. Also, go read AsukaQuest and then tell me with a straight face that barriers and adaptation is a purely defensive build. RKKV shotgun for the win!
What do you mean likely? The barrier is a perfect sphere, it only appears as an octagon.
Xicree said:
Indeed when what you are actually doing with that shard is collapsing multiple dimensional layers on top of each other to create what could be considered separate universes comprised of a single dimension and woven together as a lattice which redirects all energy it encounters into a near infinite number of different directions all at once to the point where all that is being encountered is probably less than 1 joule per second for every trillion or so Joule's of energy directed at it...

Such things become some odds trivial...

Btw The Barrier shard was the same one which 'Gavel' would have been using. The one that let him Consistently tank attacks from Scion.
I rest my case. Its a minor quibble at best.
Walker Of The Yellow Path said:
[JK] Why don't we simplify it for everyone and call it a square.

But the DM already changed it to Hexagon.

I noticed that, actually- by that point I was more clarifying why hexagons work better to other voters rather than trying to convince the GM. Although speaking of the GM, even better than hexagons would be any regular 2D shape we want. *looks at Xicree hopefully, makes pupppydog eyes*
biigoh said:
I'm moderately sleep-deprived and heavily caffeine-deprived (so my judgement as to what's a good idea and my impulse control are both currently a bit wonky), I have nothing better to do at the moment, and it was a vaguely engaging debate. I'm honestly surprised that I didn't decide to start trying to calculate mathematical proofs or draw 3D diagrams to try and better demonstrate my point.
Well in truth the shape does kind of matter and ideas involving clever uses of them would be rewarded. On the other hand if it had been a shape that doesn't provide full coverage then it would have simply had secondary layer to work with.

Now you still have another phase of voting to go to determine HOW your Endbringer mainly makes use of its shard... (Leviathan, Behemoth and the others all make do with about 3 or 4 main macro scale uses of their abilities and then just work from there)
Let's see, some possible barrier focuses:
  • Defensive barrier
  • Pseudo-telekinesis
  • Slicing attacks
  • RKKV
  • Physical invulnerability (layer of surface barriers)
  • Entrapment
Some possible adaptation focuses:
  • Crawler's power (i.e. adapt to become immune to powers and types of damage)
  • Replication of attacks/abilities we're hit with
  • Alteration of attacker's abilities to render them useless/ineffective/non-functional
Are any of these okay?
If the Endbringers are even remotely similar to the other shards, they'll have a limited pool. It'll be huge, but still limited.

Depending on the power, shards will be connected a number of dimensions (Earths) they can mine for power. Powers can run out. Doormaker's power ran out. Many of Eidolon's better powers ran out (until he figured out how to steal the well of other parahumans). Scion was limited in his use of Contessa's power because it kept burning years off his life.

I imagine creating a force field in EVERY SINGLE DIMENSION IN EXISTENCE is rather power-extensive. Even Foil was limited to making a small piece of metal/wood multi-dimensional and piercing. In the Scion interlude, the narrator mentioned that there are more dimensions than there are atoms in the universe.

Sting and this defensive variant are just too power-hungry to use. I mean, if the GM cares about this sort of stuff.

The Siberian's power is the next best thing. It removes bits of space from reality, creating an absolute defense. You project a hole in reality. Unfortunately, sting will go right through it. But I imagine you could project as many holes in reality as you want - cover the entire planet, maybe - until you even begin to approach the energy it takes to create even a single barrier.

I'm speculating, of course, because who knows how much power it takes to remove space from reality or to create force fields in every dimension in existence.
TeaSpoon said:
If the Endbringers are even remotely similar to the other shards, they'll have a limited pool. It'll be huge, but still limited.

Depending on the power, shards will be connected a number of dimensions (Earths) they can mine for power. Powers can run out. Doormaker's power ran out. Many of Eidolon's better powers ran out (until he figured out how to steal the well of other parahumans). Scion was limited in his use of Contessa's power because it kept burning years off his life.

I imagine creating a force field in EVERY SINGLE DIMENSION IN EXISTENCE is rather power-extensive. Even Foil was limited to making a small piece of metal/wood multi-dimensional and piercing. In the Scion interlude, the narrator mentioned that there are more dimensions than there are atoms in the universe.

Sting and this defensive variant are just too power-hungry to use. I mean, if the GM cares about this sort of stuff.

The Siberian's power is the next best thing. It removes bits of space from reality, creating an absolute defense. You project a hole in reality. Unfortunately, sting will go right through it. But I imagine you could project as many holes in reality as you want - cover the entire planet, maybe - until you even begin to approach the energy it takes to create even a single barrier.

I'm speculating, of course, because who knows how much power it takes to remove space from reality or to create force fields in every dimension in existence.
If we have a limited pool, it will be functionally endless given we have never once seen an Endbringer even get close to running out juice.
Living Shards are for all intents and purposes limited only by how much time they've had to recharge by eating... with a limit which is based on intake vs output rates.

Dead Shards like Eidolon's and Door maker's they run down, because they weren't programed with the ability to eat and grow. Eidolon can cheat this because of the specific nature of his shard, drinking the energy pools of Other shards which he commands to commandeer their energy supplies for shards he desires to have them.

Lung on the other hand has the ability to connect with other shards and drink from THEIR energy supplies so that his POWER output becomes larger and larger by stacking the power outputs of multiple shards though his function. Id imagine his shard worked as something of a power management system.

[X] The Adaptor
[X] The Barrier

Slowly you trudge, your greater self insinuating itself within the barren feeding planet, even as the lesser you works its way across the surface, searching for a place which runs between places... and groping again at what was lost. It is a grim static which burns itself at the edges of your senses, run jagged shards though your archives and forces you to forget the power from which you were made.


Again you feel the parasite tingle of Alien conception... yet this time from within your own mental emulations and not from the Alien hot mind which seemed too familiar... But it drives you in new ways, slotting together solutions to your problems though compositions of programmed optimization rather than force processing thought emulation of all known factors. Still you work at those broken connections relearning and recreating the process of recognition and connection... the shard which you are aiding your reconstruction of your abilities.

The greater you continues its insinuations into the locale... its voracious appetite only growing as it settles in the crash having depleted your normally vast reserves in a spectacular ignition of forces... a large part of the reason you have not yet recovered. The damage had been... extensive... even for one of your kind. Still you are content, you can recover and all the materials you would need for your reserves are here for the taking...

Only you are not the only one who's greater self as insinuated itself into the world. Another shard lurks... it should not be possible, you should have been locked off from landing upon the world of another shard, to prevent undue redundant competition between components. But you remember breaching the dimensional skin here with ease... attracted rather than repelled by the integral flavour of the instance of reality.

~Surprise/Wariness/H̲̩̙͓̬͚͢u̺̳̘͖͝n̡̯̰͖͖͉̯̪g͍̣̱ͅe҉r̙̠ ~

Your senses shift. The interaction with the material remnants of another shard... a living thriving shard from the Unmaker beckons you... invigorates you. The parasite tingle from within coupled with the alien emulation of mind, brings you to a powerful conclusion...

~ F̲̟̼ͪͪ̄̀̍e̿̾̆̑a̵̼̤͓̟̝͚͍͗͑͐ͪ̍ͤ͢ͅt̖͇̥͍̯̩̞̎̑̂̍̆͠ /Need/ E̴̛͡A̡͏҉̶͢ ~

The greater you attacks!

It is rapid and ruthless, tearing into the constructs of its brother shard piercing deep into its body and working rapidly to overwhelm its mind.

Sluggishly at first then with ever more vigour the shard defends itself, creating isolating segments of ever more complex Barrier constructs annoying hard to manoeuvre about. Back and forth you struggle with the other shard, your rapid initial attack having left you deep enough to not simply be isolated and removed. With slow deliberation your prey attempts to remove your presence with microscopic barriers, ripping out your ever changing influence even as you worked to circumvent its own.

It was a war of hours... but the basic nature of your shard prevailed, adaptation after would be tried, would be lost, would be counter then would find headway, the untapped libraries of the enemy shard coming to actively aid you in your endeavour as your shard slowly used the information provided by them as a marker in an evolutionary goal post. Slowly but surely you would gain adaptation after adaptation which would slowly bring you to the ever changing goal post of circumventing the barrier of worlds forced into imposition upon each other, and set to spin with impossible directions. It is only a matter of time till you encounter a mutation favourable to the task, your body warping physical laws such that all directions would lead back to the source of the barrier spin... a perfected ricochet across those warped impediments, bouncing between any empty space to meet back up at perfected vectors within the target and continuing the process of indoctrination until your prey has given up the struggle and submits to your will.

Where there were two, now stands but one purpose.


The alien emulation preens at the success of the whole. You have done something... strange... and your damaged memories tell you nothing of the actions... only that it worked against the will of both the Creator and Unmaker... that it would be a necessity for your survival with all which had gone askew. Slowly the counter adaptations are lost, their brute forced attributes too costly to maintain now that the objective has been achieved. The massive brute force calculations needed had taken much power and the act of vectored nano-assembly though the vector redirecting infinities had been taxing.

Still you have won, and while the greater you feasted upon the spoils, the lesser you begins to mend its shattered form, utilizing ever shifting senses, from massively microstate force interaction to material sampling to light absorption... adapting scanning and searching for defects in your form as you worked to improve your body and ready yourself for the next call to order from the Alien Hot mind which held the Mother Creator's touch.

Piece by piece you reassemble your form searching indexes left behind within your lesser self to determine the figure which you were supposed to resemble. Even as you carefully work your way though the reserves of the living shard and began infesting the planet proper... tendrils infiltrating and converting material mass into high density stores of liberated energy even as other tendrils spread out working to sample materials and gather from sources of heat and light... nothing would be wasted.

Your body assembles and with reference to the archives of your lesser self, you resemble a figure of myth and legend... of Power.

This is not incidental.

You Look like [Vote may include a picture]:-
[] Griffin
[] Angel (provide a general description of the type if not a picture)
[] Dragon
[] God?
[] Worshiped Animal figure (Spider? Jaguar? Bat?)
[] Write in (provide a description or a picture which is otherwise unclassifiable.)

You are:-
[] Massive amoung your brethren (At least 80 feet tall)
[] Akin to the size of most of your brethren (about 40 feet tall)
[] You are the smallest of your brethren (about 15 feet tall)

The defining theme of your powers:-
[] Traps
[] Sleep
[] Causal Chains
[] Energy
[] Water
[] Light
[] Strength
[] Distortion
[] Time
[] Write In
[x] Foo Dog
[X] You are the smallest of your brethren (about 15 feet tall)
[x] Distortion

If we're going to do infiltration, we can't be huge.

...I wonder what Causal Chains would've been like...
You Look like [Vote may include a picture]:-
[X] Kitsune

You are:-
[X] You are the smallest of your brethren (about 15 feet tall)

The defining theme of your powers:-
[X] Counter-attacks
Danbooru - /posts/675005

[X] Plan Bii

[X] Angel points upwards :3
[X] Massive amoung your brethren (At least 80 feet tall)
[X] Strength like the Arm of God!
Also remember. The more Alien and Monstrous you can get while staying to a familiar look the happier i will be.
[X] Angel points upwards :3
[X] Massive amoung your brethren (At least 80 feet tall)
[X] Strength like the Arm of God!
[x] Kasa-obake
[x] Massive amoung your brethren (At least 80 feet tall)
[x] Surprise

I want our Endbringer to be a giant umbrella whose purpose is trolling the fuck out of humanity.

[edit] And the theme works!

Umbrellas are shields against rain! And Kasa-obake are monsters that have adapted/transformed from normal umbrellas. In popular culture, Kasa-obake can shapeshift into other forms, which is like our adaption power, and they scare people, which is the purpose for which we are created.
Xicree said:
You'd be surprised with the powers afforded you.
Speaking of size, are there any non-obvious benefits/downsides to the different sizes (like small is easier to damage but gets stronger powers, for example)?
Actually you nailed abit of it.

Basically according to the size ranges are the kinds of powers i will allow you to pick. The bigger you are the more wide spread... but your dynamic combat capabilities suffer for it such that hit and run tactics become easier to run on you.

Smallest sized and your 'Cataclysm' level abilities are sealed as 'aftermath' or one shots. But you make up for this in power which allow you far more powerful dynamic combat capabilities while you BREAK SHIT. Also a bit more personal interaction during fight scenes.

Ie. Do you want to be Godzilla? A Dragon? Or Shin Akuma?