[Endbringer Quest] The Last Among Beasts!

[X]Investigator (Allows the entity to 'fill in missing information' at all levels of interaction)
[x] Warp

Info-gathering + space-warping?
Yes please... though I would be fine with Crafter rather than Warp as well.
Shard Tally (The return of Tally!)

[9]Crafter (Served as entity shard customization shard)
Malbutorius, Merior, Bzzt3421, mc2rpg, Darik29, steelcondor, Blaze121o, Murderhobo of Nod, drake_azathoth

[3]Warp (Allowed the entities manipulate space for its circulatory systems)
Wyldcard4, SolipsistSerpen, Krain

[6]Integrator (Allows disparate functions to work smoothly together no matter their distance apart.)
Eva-Sayajin, Bzzt3421, Demonic Spoon, mc2rpg, Drakebane, drake_azathoth

[1]Preserver (Manipulates time to 'harden' defenses against otherwise catastrophic attack)

[5]Liar (Aggressive editor shard, allowing an entity powerful camouflage functions and mimicry of systems)
Vanathor, Artantasys, Scya, Jiven, Ridiculously Average Guy

[28]Adaptor (Aggressive editor shard which allows an entity to rapidly search its information libraries for solutions)
SirLagginton, Demonic Spoon, Enderofworlds, Biigoh, Happerry, Eva-sayajin, Vanathor, Dark Lord Bob, Silver Sun 17, Drakebane, Darik29, CrossyCross, Koden, Grimmair, Admiral Vesca, Nervaqus987, Kinglugia, SolipsistSerpen, NSMS, Carrnage, krahe, Vanathor, RLDX, Walker Of The Yellow Path, Nekraa, Cyanios, Immanent Thing, Night_stalker

[12]Investigator (Allows the entity to 'fill in missing information' at all levels of interaction)
Merior, Artantasys, Malbutorius, Wyldcard4, Dark Lord Bob, steelcondor, Blaze121o, Carrnage, krahe, Jiven, Ridiculously Average Guy, Krain

[1] Memory (allowing you to recall stuff and more importantly to edit out informations from those around you)

[18] Barrier (Defensive shard, one of the primary/secondary entity defense system. Creates Hexagonal barriers across multiple realities to prevent physical and transreality attacks. Can be overwhelmed by Sting or attacks with sufficient energy in a single or multiple realities).
Biigoh, Enderofworlds, Happerry, Silver Sun 17, CrossyCross, Koden, Grimmair, Admiral Vesca, Nervaqus987, Kinglugia, Vanathor, RLDX, Walker Of The Yellow Path, Nekraa, Cyanios, Master Basher, Immanent Thing, Night_stalker

[1] Feeder (Breaks matter/energy down to a more basic form (e.g. complex tissues and arrangements of molecules-> molecules-> atoms-> sub-atomic particles-> energy, etc) as required and absorbs it for use by the entity)

[1] Infestor (Allows the infiltration of a foreign lifeform while avoiding defences, akin to a viral or bacterial attack.)
Murderhobo of Nod

[1] Generator (Shard that allows for efficient energy generation on a massive scale, mostly through internal matter annihilation reactions.)

[1] Conductor (Shard that allows for loss free energy transfer across every dimension and any distance. Keeps the parts of an entities body that experience a net energy loss functional and keeps the generator shard from overheating.)
Seeing as it's one of the winning options, can we change 'Barrier' to hexagon barriers, not octagon barriers? Hexagons can easily interlink without gaps, something that octagons simply don't do, and there's literally no advantage I can think of to octagons over them.
NSMS said:
Seeing as it's one of the winning options, can we change 'Barrier' to hexagon barriers, not octagon barriers? Hexagons can easily interlink without gaps, something that octagons simply don't do, and there's literally no advantage I can think of to octagons over them.
Admiral Vesca said:
The way I see it, its all cosmetic.
If you need to make any kind of shape from them by linking them together, octagons just don't work as well. You can't really make anything except a single-octagon, flat-plane barrier that doesn't have gaps.
Assassin Endbringer, unseen and locked on.
[X]Liar (Aggressive editor shard, allowing an entity powerful camouflage functions and mimicry of systems)
[X]Investigator (Allows the entity to 'fill in missing information' at all levels of interaction)
Eidolon, we're coming for you!
Admiral Vesca said:
The way I see it, its all cosmetic.
Indeed when what you are actually doing with that shard is collapsing multiple dimensional layers on top of each other to create what could be considered separate universes comprised of a single dimension and woven together as a lattice which redirects all energy it encounters into a near infinite number of different directions all at once to the point where all that is being encountered is probably less than 1 joule per second for every trillion or so Joule's of energy directed at it...

Such things become some odds trivial...

Btw The Barrier shard was the same one which 'Gavel' would have been using. The one that let him Consistently tank attacks from Scion.
biigoh said:
Note that the barrier does NOT need to be small.

I know, but what if you need to defend from multiple directions? Or make a barrier that fits to a shape (a dome, or something)? With a single layer of octagons, it just doesn't work without leaving gaps- and whilst you could use multiple layers, that's just inefficient unless that level of protection is actually needed.

Basically, octagons have a weakness that hexagons don't here, and I can't think of a single advantage they possess over hexagons.

...I can't believe I'm actually seriously debating the relative merits of hexagons over octagons. What has gone wrong in my life? :eek:
NSMS said:
I know, but what if you need to defend from multiple directions? Or make a barrier that fits to a shape (a dome, or something)? With a single layer of octagons, it just doesn't work without leaving gaps- and whilst you could use multiple layers, that's just inefficient unless that level of protection is actually needed.

Basically, octagons have a weakness that hexagons don't here, and I can't think of a single advantage they possess over hexagons.

...I can't believe I'm actually seriously debating the relative merits of hexagons over octagons. What has gone wrong in my life? :eek:
Hexagons versus octagons in the service of giant space monsters.

I'd say, things have gone right.
NSMS said:
I know, but what if you need to defend from multiple directions? Or make a barrier that fits to a shape (a dome, or something)? With a single layer of octagons, it just doesn't work without leaving gaps- and whilst you could use multiple layers, that's just inefficient unless that level of protection is actually needed.

Basically, octagons have a weakness that hexagons don't here, and I can't think of a single advantage they possess over hexagons.

...I can't believe I'm actually seriously debating the relative merits of hexagons over octagons. What has gone wrong in my life? :eek:
Thing is the defense works as if it were an object being deflected off of a sphere.... a perfect sphere which is spinning in EVERY possible direction... at the same time.... while being a 'flat' object across our dimensions of space.

Also note that many of those possible dimensions would not exist within the universe as we know it.
Xicree said:
Thing is the defense works as if it were an object being deflected off of a sphere.... a perfect sphere which is spinning in EVERY possible direction... at the same time.... while being a 'flat' object across our dimensions of space.
This is what I'm referring to:

Basically, octagons don't fit together without leaving gaps- how the defense works doesn't matter if it isn't actually there in the space being attacked. And whilst you can cover this up by using multiple layers, that's power-inefficient. And you get basically the same problem when you try to make 3-D shapes from octagons- they just don't like fitting together without gaps. Hexagons do much better in this area.
biigoh said:
Until you get a giant octagon! :3
Still doesn't solve the problem of 3D shapes made from octagons (i.e. making barriers to defend from multiple directions at once, making barriers in specific shapes, etc) being hard to make without gaps.
NSMS said:
Still doesn't solve the problem of 3D shapes made from octagons (i.e. making barriers to defend from multiple directions at once, making barriers in specific shapes, etc) being hard to make without gaps.
Dude, we're an Endbringer... We can tank continent busting attacks and continue fighting. Yes, this does mean that we can survive nukes to the face without the use of our forcefield . The only things we have to watch out for are Sting [An Anti-Entity Weapon used by Entities], and one of the Entities.

That's it.

There's nothing wrong with sustaining X damage and retreating. That's what Kaijuu do.
biigoh said:
Dude, we're an Endbringer... We can tank continent busting attacks and continue fighting. Yes, this does mean that we can survive nukes to the face without the use of our forcefield . The only things we have to watch out for are Sting [An Anti-Entity Weapon used by Entities], and one of the Entities.

That's it.

There's nothing wrong with sustaining X damage and retreating. That's what Kaijuu do.
Yes... but that doesn't mean there's any reason to deliberately choose a slightly sub-standard option for our powers. Octagon shaped barriers offer no advantage I can see over hexagon ones, whilst hexagon barriers hold a slight advantage in the flexibility and range of unbroken shapes and barrier forms that can constructed from them. So with that in mind, why go for oct over hex?
NSMS said:
Yes... but that doesn't mean there's any reason to deliberately choose a slightly sub-standard option for our powers. Octagon shaped barriers offer no advantage I can see over hexagon ones, whilst hexagon barriers hold a slight advantage in the flexibility and range of unbroken shapes and barrier forms that can constructed from them. So with that in mind, why go for oct over hex?
Its entirely cosmetic, octagon hexagon or whatever has no effect on the stated power.
Immanent Thing said:
I agree, but... isn't Barrier / Adaptor more of a a defensive build, anyway? It doesn't seem like a 'meh, we can run away and regenerate later' way to do things.

Or so you think. The things you can do with flat planes that are transdimensional. ^_^
NSMS said:
Still doesn't solve the problem of 3D shapes made from octagons (i.e. making barriers to defend from multiple directions at once, making barriers in specific shapes, etc) being hard to make without gaps.
Tell you what. Let's say that the shackling (don't use powers to their full extent, back off after taking X damage) has us just using one octagon at a time, and when unshackled, we can make it any shape we want, and perhaps make it selectively permeable.
Admiral Vesca said:
Its entirely cosmetic, octagon hexagon or whatever has no effect on the stated power.
The power over a given surface is the same. The thing is, octagons are much harder to fit together into a structure without leaving gaps (places with no coverage at all) than hexagons- they don't tessellate as well- so you'd need multiple layers, which is power-inefficient. That reduces their utility by a minor amount- but that minor amount could be important at some point.

Honestly, the simplest solution to solve any debate would be to replace 'hexagonal' or 'octagonal' with 'any regular two-dimensional shape'.
samdamandias said:
Tell you what. Let's say that the shackling (don't use powers to their full extent, back off after taking X damage) has us just using one octagon at a time, and when unshackled, we can make it any shape we want, and perhaps make it selectively permeable.
Does it matter so much? Its all cosmetic and has no bearing on the effect of the shard.