[Endbringer Quest II] Birth of Beasts. (Thread 2)

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Endbringer QUEST II | Birth Of Beasts!
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Name: BAKKHOS - The bringer of Madness

Shards: Adaptor, Barrier, Homeostasis

Faction: Endbringers

Objective points: 0

Size: Small (17 Feet in height)

Mass: Low (20 tons)

Base Armour Rating: Light (Will not directly resist most forms of heavy attack)

Base Mobility Rating: Higher than Average (40 Mph at full tilt, but takes time to get there.)

Threat Class: S

Brute [7]
Breaker [-]
Changer [-]
Stranger [-]
Mover [4]
Shaker [-]
Striker [6]
Master [12]
Blaster [?]
Tinker [?]
Thinker [?]
Trump [4]


Consumption - Choose a single target, and consume it. While consumed, you take over the connection the target has with its shard, study the shard's libraries and copy portions of the libraries' information into your own.Gain the Target's power, in your Lesser self as well as its experience in utilizing said power. The consumed target is then ejected when you're driven off. (Adaptor Shard)
UPGRADE - Allows you to create an unstable area between yourself and your prey, pulling it towards you for consumption. Consumption gains a range of 25 metres.

Rending Motion - Allows you create an area of condensed space in a line, causing your body to be ejected though the spacial anomaly, anything in this path is crushed by your body and the condensed space as it travels.(Barrier Shard)
UPGRADE - Bonus speed and damage as your lesser-self travels. Distance covered by the attack increased to 150 metres.

Neutron Annihilator – Allows you to cause an area you are touching to collapse into a super dense soup of material. Every use of this shard will cause an amount of growth equal to the area's worth of material taken. Also repairs broken armour (Barrier Shard)

Unholy Might - Allows you to utilize the barrier shard tie yourself into multiple dimensions all at the same time. Using this anchorage you are able to express a far greater amount of physical strength than your size and mass should permit.
UPGRADE - [Dance of Bacchus] – Applies Homeostasis on our own body to conserve rotational momentum within the whole body and within individual parts, allowing each part to gain and maintain a high powered spin.

Unbearable Force - Allows you to utilize the mechanics of your barrier to improve the density and force of your attacks, grinding your way through barriers and allowing you to apply your force in far better concentrations.

Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.

Red in Tooth and Claw - You produce an array of antennae which access and assess every lifeform in a 20 mile radius then utilizing information from ecosystems which you have studied and then calculates massive scale mutations to create super-predatory adaptations unique to every organism in the region. The process begins when you enter an area and will gradually quicken the longer you stay. Does not affect Para-humans.

Fractured Spaces - This allows you with some effort to rend the fabric between dimensions, giving your lesser self a path between worlds to follow for both the beginning of combat and to retreat at the end.

Special Attributes
Alien Emulation - There is something strange within your mind something which urges you onward makes you 'want' to carry out actions for their own sakes. You have not yet explored what this means.

Invasive - You are able to access the feeding grounds of other shards despite dimension locks and safeguards against such intrusion...

Strength Above ALL - You are the very embodiment of might, crafted to evoke a sense of power and awe from the Creator's targets. As such when challenged directly by any Para-human fighter you will not hesitate to face them, and if beaten in single combat of any time will concede the fight and leave even if your Mission target has not been achieved.

Undeniable Might - You are strong, so strong that you are able to apply your might to the very dimensions which divvy the world with naught but your own massive strength. You are capable of affecting all forms of energy and their motivating forces directly with your strength.

Tactical Regen - You are now able when ever not using specific tactical adaptations to focus its computational capabilities in directing your vampiric healing capabilities to gain studier armour though better structural composition.
[X] Tactical Adaptation (2 points)
[X] Neutron Annihilator (2 points)
[X] UPGRADE (Unholy Might) - Dance of Bakkhos (1 point)

You are satiated and your lesser self shifts and changes in response to its new stimuli as the shards which govern its existence are expanded. There was much new information gained from the hunt and thus your shards are now bustlingly filled with potential.

Potential spent in the formation of new sublet shards which now share in the grazing grounds between which all of your greater self is now connected.

You rest and wait now, digesting and processing what is left over from your recent conflicts. The soft thing is lost in your uncaring shifts and changes... ground down to a fine paste by the tidal forces which rage within your changing selves. It is a regrettable loss, but you have gained much in the way of information from it already...


Your parasite tingle emulates concepts which resonate with the rest of your greater self, boiling them down into system processes deeply integrated with your primal drives. You... regret... not having dived into examining the soft thing with greater detail. It would have been an... interesting?... yes interesting experience. You remember these words and the composition of concepts connecting too them as you parse the information gained into useably integrated information systems and install them to work with the proper processes.

Eagerly you expand your greater self, now weaving your body though vast tracks of dissolving territory as your shards work together to create a new system of equilibrium.

Time passes, and your selves slumber.

Until the moment that the song sings within you once more... vibrations of if unstable structures playing in harmony across every possible spectrum and vibrating against every local dimension... your Sibling sings to you, each note designed to deliver and embed information. It is wide ranging, spanning across multiple topics.

The shape of conflict across the entirety of this single dimension; a distinct report of your siblings' last conflicts as they stem and connect to results of your own previous actions. Multitudes of threads of connection spinning and unraveling, desperately changing and warping plan after plan set in motion by your sibling which crests the outer heavens.

Your parasite tingle cannot help but interpret the otherwise perfectly neutral exchange of information as holding a tinge of Irritation. You have done something... during or after the battle once you retreated into your hole where it could no longer observe or even guess at your activities directly... and now that you have returned its vision spirals into multiple directions once again.


Farther you track and straighten the records, making no indication as to your understanding of the unfolding timeline. Your sibling once more presents you with choices... for it needs choices to model your interactions with the world... and thus once more visions unfold before you.

A land of Ice and bitter cold you see something spin and stray, a young soft thing, delicate even by their soft standards spins his power in careful consideration... the forces of creation begin there, and end there... he is among those he loves. But he is dangerous, his power though seeming weak and playful holds dreadful secrets, secrets which will shatter should he loose the wrong things... He will not fight. He must not die. He cannot lose everything... He must not gain nothing.

A view unfolds to a hand in the shadows. They play games between the grand beast in the light... and the knives in the darkness. You watch a scene unfold, one stabs two. Two stabs three... and in the breaking of unfolding conflict Light turns to Dark, Dark becomes Light. To kill becomes a question... to stay its hand an answer it cannot afford. Political machinations and intrigue poison the city to its core, and the dark underground wells up in defiance of tradition... In opposition to conflict brewed. This soft one you seek loves nothing, holds nothing dear... or so it believes. Enter its city, break its world open and expose the darkness to the light.

Observation, reflection and study. Not one man, but a chain. Organization, power and ruin in its wake. They reach for knowledge and yearn to learn, each one playing vital roles which keep the clock ticking as they work with the utmost diligence. One of them should have begun a line of research influenced by your Airy sibling's screams, an opportunity missed by your rise and the changes which you have wrought, but an opportunity comes, they are near and they will come to you... to learn, to know. For ambition. For hope and for adulation... This is your opportunity, for in the right hands hope is a poison and understanding a curse.

Behind the grandest structure of the world lays the seeds of betrayal and distrust. The power to take power and redistribute it has given rise to organization to synergy, to entity... Within its limits lays corruption and bitterness the likes of which will spill forth in a conflagrations of conflict from end to end of the nation. Crush the regime give reign to freedom and slay he that holds the chains which bind all as one.

An opportunity grows once more where it was forgotten. The tensions still heavy between factions though now the power has shifted even as the leader has been ground to dust. The city must fall it is true. But now it must not burn... free reign is given that conflict might spread. Identify the leadership of every faction for whom hope is pinned now upon the city and destroy them that their successors may sow the seeds of anarchy... the city shall be honey for the trap. And you shall scatter them to fight for their claims to it.

Choose ONE of the following:

[] China: Broken Chains
[] Canada: Nothing is perfection
[] Brazil: King on the hill
[] India: Broken Shadows
[] America: Killed the cat
Because they weren't in order, here are the paragraphs matched to the options as best I can.

Choose ONE of the following:

[] Canada: Nothing is perfection
A land of Ice and bitter cold you see something spin and stray, a young soft thing, delicate even by their soft standards spins his power in careful consideration... the forces of creation begin there, and end there... he is among those he loves. But he is dangerous, his power though seeming weak and playful holds dreadful secrets, secrets which will shatter should he loose the wrong things... He will not fight. He must not die. He cannot lose everything... He must not gain nothing.

[] India: Broken Shadows
A view unfolds to a hand in the shadows. They play games between the grand beast in the light... and the knives in the darkness. You watch a scene unfold, one stabs two. Two stabs three... and in the breaking of unfolding conflict Light turns to Dark, Dark becomes Light. To kill becomes a question... to stay its hand an answer it cannot afford. Political machinations and intrigue poison the city to its core, and the dark underground wells up in defiance of tradition... In opposition to conflict brewed. This soft one you seek loves nothing, holds nothing dear... or so it believes. Enter its city, break its world open and expose the darkness to the light.

[] America: Killed the cat
Observation, reflection and study. Not one man, but a chain. Organization, power and ruin in its wake. They reach for knowledge and yearn to learn, each one playing vital roles which keep the clock ticking as they work with the utmost diligence. One of them should have begun a line of research influenced by your Airy sibling's screams, an opportunity missed by your rise and the changes which you have wrought, but an opportunity comes, they are near and they will come to you... to learn, to know. For ambition. For hope and for adulation... This is your opportunity, for in the right hands hope is a poison and understanding a curse.

[] China: Broken Chains
Behind the grandest structure of the world lays the seeds of betrayal and distrust. The power to take power and redistribute it has given rise to organization to synergy, to entity... Within its limits lays corruption and bitterness the likes of which will spill forth in a conflagrations of conflict from end to end of the nation. Crush the regime give reign to freedom and slay he that holds the chains which bind all as one.

[] Brazil: King on the hill
An opportunity grows once more where it was forgotten. The tensions still heavy between factions though now the power has shifted even as the leader has been ground to dust. The city must fall it is true. But now it must not burn... free reign is given that conflict might spread. Identify the leadership of every faction for whom hope is pinned now upon the city and destroy them that their successors may sow the seeds of anarchy... the city shall be honey for the trap. And you shall scatter them to fight for their claims to it.
At a guess, Canada is a subtle and difficult task. China potentially has the most difficult fight, considering we'll be facing the Yangban and possibly the rest of the world (the Yangban doesn't help elsewhere, but might not accept help in order to prove their strength). Brazil has multiple, likely scattered targets. India ... what timeline is this? I don't think we'll run into Phir Se, in any case, and he could probably attack us anywhere. America ... are we inviting in Bakkhos cultists who want to gain power?

EDIT: India and China probably have the highest population density.
[X] China: Broken Chains

I first wanted to go for America or China, but then I realized they are going to throw everything at us to keep us from using RiTaC again, so going to the highest concentrations of capes would probably get us owned utterly. So I turned to Brazil.

But then I thought about it, and realized that once they realize we have evolved from our last fight they are going to shit all of the bricks and be prepared for the next time.
So I say we take the biggest surprise advantage we can get from that and use it where it hurts.

And that means either China or US.

On one hand, going for America would probably create the biggest shock, but on the other the Yangban would probably want to keep the rest of the superhero community out, while the americans would probably accept chinese assistance.

On the third hand, the Yangban are assholes.

So China it is.
I wonder what we'd get if we stole Null, One or Two's power. Null is the one that spreads powers, One "controls the squads" and Two is the power booster.

They do have Shen Yu, though, a Thinker who identifies weaknesses ... assuming his power works on us at all, it'll probably point out our antennae, which they already know about. So maybe not that bad.
[X] China
Because the capes that make the Yangban possible look very tasty. Also reflecting on it Neutron Annihlator makes enemies like Tar Baby a lot easier. By this point we are ny impossible to contain for any amount of time.
EDIT: also Yangban redux as brought to you by RITAC would be hilarious.
You know China is going to erupt into parahuman uprisings once the Yangban fall apart. Glorious shattering.
I knew people would jump all over china.

You all should take some time to consider just what is happening in each. Also America's refers to a research think tank/family involving at least a tinker or 2.

Discuss what you might be up against because thing here and now have implications for the future.
Xicree said:
I knew people would jump all over china.

You all should take some time to consider just what is happening in each. Also America's refers to a research think tank/family involving at least a tinker or 2.

Discuss what you might be up against because thing here and now have implications for the future.
Yeah but Yangban are arrogant assholes whose cries of despair shall lull us to sleep for many years to come.
[x] India: Broken Shadows

because as it is written, it's the easiest of them. basically appear and have the shadows expose themselves while trying to save civilians.
Dynamesmouse said:
[X] China: Broken Chains

I wanna see the Yangban interludes. Plus, the C.U.I. is a little too comfortable nowadays, with their isolationist policies. To be isolated is to stagnate, and to stagnate is to not adapt to the strong. We shall crush them and their arrogance for this insult.
eh, look at what we did to the shard that was basically stagnation :p
[X] Brazil: King on the hill

Because guys? China is well and good, fine. Yang an are people we all would like to off, but think. Going after the biggest targets is also the hardest for us to pull off. What if, instead, we go with the only target we had in our original post choices?

Brazil is literally perfect for our desires. We wish to engender mass conflicts that birth Parahumans. Brazil is literally perfectly set up for this.

Bonus points, its more likely than not Moord Nag is there, as one of the Warlords. Consider what eating Her would do for us, and think on how awesome it could be.

And aside from that, China's a target that might just escape us like last time. This time around, I Really doubt the Warlords are gonna run. Or be Able to run.
Canada - Looks like potential S-class, given the right kind of trauma to turn against the world and turn his power to destruction.
India - Reveal the Thanda to the public and let all hell break loose. RiTaC contraindicated
America - Bakhos cultist Tinker I think, wanting an opportunity to study RiTaC.
China - Break the Yangban and the artificial peace they enforce over China. Let the pot boil over and explode. RiTaC highly recommended.
Brazil - Drug lord wars to break into the open? Small dose of RiTaC, avoid large doses which would defeat the purpose.