Endbringer Curbstomp

Also Nono from Die buster.

Hope Through Overwhelming Firepower

It's been done... or at least "Nono accidentally's QA and, while trying to fix it, turns Taylor into a Buster Machine due to Shenanigans" has been done. It should probably be on here as a reference link because, as the title implies, EVERYTHING in Worm gets stomped. Even Golden Boy himself. Possibly the only fic I've ever seen to pull that trick.

Eidolon looked at her flatly. "You'll excuse me if the thought of misleading the girl who just had about as much trouble dealing with the Endbringers as I do my morning breakfast never crossed my mind."

"Statistically, based upon Taylor Hebert's demonstrated invulnerability level, you'd have been more likely to die choking on a cornflake than for the Endbringers to have accomplished anything of note against her in that battle." The Number Man pointed out with his usual seriousness.
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Typhon from Creatures of Light and Darkness could most likely do it; he's basically a black hole (the "Skagganauk Abyss") surrounded by a horse-shaped shadow. He once engulfed the rubble of an entire planet; a relatively tiny Endbringer wouldn't be much of a challenge. He also doesn't seem to be at all material on the conventional sense; it's unlikely the Endbringers could do anything to him.
Heres an idea, more for the lulz than anything, but imagine the Simurgh vs the Grabbin Dragon. Or, for those who havent spent the last week laughing themselves sick at the Anime, Issei Hyoudou from DXD. Not only is he the holder of a weapon powerful enough to destroy God himself, but considering what the Animes like, theres a strong possibility that the fight would devolve into Issei chasing Ziz around the battlefield trying to molest her.
I have a silly idea...

Simurgh v/s Lucifer Morningstar (Any Iteration)

"Someone is stealing MY THUNDER!" *Zorch*
Hmm... That gave me the thought of taking Shin Megami Tensei's Lucifer and bidding him against the Endbringers.

As in, the "An entity born from mankind's desires for absolute and unfaltered freedom, with not a semblance of order and structure" kinda Lucifer.
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Hmm... That gave me the thought of taking Shin Megami Tensei's Lucifer and bidding him against the Endbringers.

As in, the "An entity born from mankind's desires for absolute and unfaltered freedom, with not a semblance of order and structure" kinda Lucifer.
Reminds of those overpowered Universe!Minato crossover fanfics.
Hm... This is lacking in Exalted crossovers. Which is sad as they have loads of ways of stomping endbringers.

Thing is, what to go for? Chejop Kejak slapping them so hard they turn into hamsters? The First and Forsaken Lion showing why an old solar is a walking Vlad Tsepes award? Or just a Raksha in the Wlyd OOCPing into oblivion?
Hm... This is lacking in Exalted crossovers. Which is sad as they have loads of ways of stomping endbringers.

Thing is, what to go for? Chejop Kejak slapping them so hard they turn into hamsters? The First and Forsaken Lion showing why an old solar is a walking Vlad Tsepes award? Or just a Raksha in the Wlyd OOCPing into oblivion?
or Autocthon being himself :3
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Can I say, I'm just a little bit salty my Sangunius Vs Simurg piece I spent an afternoon on hasn't been threadmarked or even mentioned by OP?