Endbringer Curbstomp

Man that was a long time since i saw ff unlimited

Garp the hero
End game complete ffx team
All might
Sin ffx
Seven deadly sins escanor or merlin
The One Piece world is filled with people who could take down endbringers as long as they have a good grasp of haki.
Armament as a counter to the multidimensional bodies thing as it makes the user hurt the real body regardless of kind of ability, so no replenishing bodymass from alternate earths, just chipping away down to the core.
and observation for counter predicting Ziz and locating and reacting to the fast moving ones, maybe even discovering the core.
As long as a DF-user with a form or ability to render him immune to energy attacks and extreme temperatures takes on Behemoth (light, magma, fire ,lightning, blast furnace even wax guy) then non of the others should be a problem for long or at most until a capable DF- ability is found
I'M BACK! updated matchups
so, after a surprise throat infection, a few weeks of trying to make my first insurance payment (for my car) while still making enough money for Christmas, AND finishing my class for the semester, I'm back and threadmarking again. I've added one new matchup to the list:

Samael vs. Leviathan

and an omake, since there's no way he could've pulled it off:

All-Might vs. Leviathan

but there's a few match-up's here where I've got no idea who the characters involved are, so they're still in consideration until I can get a look at some of their feats:

King (OPM) (featuring Saitama) vs Smirugh

Made this snippet in the form of a documentary or biography. The fight was such a fast curbstomp that no-one saw it occur. Ignore the fact that it was very convenient that no-one ever saw King defeat every Endbringer since a flash of light occurred just before King touched one.
so, after a surprise throat infection, a few weeks of trying to make my first insurance payment (for my car) while still making enough money for Christmas, AND finishing my class for the semester, I'm back and threadmarking again. I've added one new matchup to the list:

Samael vs. Leviathan

and an omake, since there's no way he could've pulled it off:

All-Might vs. Leviathan

but there's a few match-up's here where I've got no idea who the characters involved are, so they're still in consideration until I can get a look at some of their feats:

Forgot to post it, This one is also in consideration. nicely done you guys, I just need to double check the characters first to make sure
Got inspired, and belted this out in about thirty minutes or so.

Kaze/Black Wind (Final Fantasy Unlimited) vs Simurgh

Right, so heres an interesting idea. Leviathan vs everyones favourite unlucky/lucky bastard, Touma Kamijou. Incidentally, this takes place during the Kyushu attack.

Alexandria snarled in frustration as Leviathan almost casually danced around the gigantic, for armed dragon who was battling the Endbringer with such ferocity that not even she could get close. The battle had been going on for only an hour and already she could tell that the consequences of the battle were going to be devastating for the entire contrary of Japan, not just Kyushu, mostly thanks to Leviathan's constant battering of the island nation with is massive tsunamis. It certainly didnt help that the Thinkers were screaming down the line about how, if the battle went on for much longer, there was a very good chance that the Endbringer would actually sink the island.

She pulled herself out of the pile of rubble where she'd been smacked by the Endbringer and was about to take off to try and get another few hits in before Leviathan or Lung sent her flying again when a crunch of stone from behind her made her turn and stare.

Stood on the pile of rubble, bent over and gasping for breath, was a perfectly normal looking teenage boy in a school uniform. He clearly wasn't a Cape, so ALexandria had to wonder what he was doing so close to the battle when all of the Civilians who hadnt got to a shelter or been killed attempting to evacuate were cowering in whatever shelter they could find.

"What are you doing here kid?" she asked, "You need to get somewhere safe before you get killed!"

The boy regained his breath and straightened, looking the Invincible Woman in the eye with a look of determination she hadnt seen since Hero.

"I need you to throw me at Leviathan," he said.

Alexandria stared at him.

"I beg your pardon?" she said.

"I think I can stop Leviathan," he said, "But I need to get close enough to touch him."

Alexandria stared at him some more.

"You...think you can stop Leviathan?" she asked, "How?"

"I...I can destroy powers," he said, looking down at his right hand, "If I touch them with my right hand, any power is negated. I...I dont know if it'll work, but it might be enough to stop Leviathan."

"Theres also a chance you could die," said Alexandria.

"I know, but if I just stand back, I will die, and so will everyone else," said the boy, "I wont let that happen, so just throw me damn it!"

Alexandria groaned, but grabbed him by the back of the shirt.

"I hope you know what your doing kid," she said as she took off and flew towards the battle.

"So do I," he muttered.

"Alright, here we go," said Alexandria, coming to a stop above the fight, "Get ready kid!"


With a yell, Alexandria threw the boy directly at Leviathan as Lung managed to pin the Endbringer for a few seconds and watched as he slammed into the monsters face right between the eyes and slammed his right palm into the Endbringers body. For a moment, nothing happened, before...


There was a high pitched sound, followed by an implosion as Leviathan vanished into thin air, leaving Lung to fall flat on his face at the sudden lack of resistance. The entire battlefield froze at the sudden disappearance of the Endbringer, the abrupt silence broken only by the rain and the sound of Touma Kamijou screaming as he plummeted towards the ground.


Imagine Breaker can erase Angels and supposedly God himself. Endbringers are a tad less impressive than that. Hell, he could probably erase Zion if he touched him.
Oh yeah. Mr. "Touch me Master" can beat EBs if he can touch them. Luck and Unluck for the EBs they cause a huge battle to break out when they show up so he may get killed in the crossfire or may get close enough (in this case thrown) to touch them. A balanced curbstomp. What a rare sight.
... when they show up so he may get killed in the crossfire or may get close enough (in this case thrown) to touch them. A balanced curbstomp. What a rare sight.
He's too unlucky to die from that, instead he would be so injured that he's bedridden for months with very big, strong but not very carefull nurses out of fear of accidentaly removing panacea's power
What about Nobilis?

News at 5:Gravity 'no longer likes' Behemoth, Leviathan; flung off face of Earth.


"Florist combines deadly nightshade and dandelions in bouquet; Simurgh vanishes from existence forever."
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We're sure he isn't a parahuman?
Yes. He is just that good. His arm seems to have it's own healing factor (regrows and reattaches easily), but the rest of his body gets trashed pretty consistently. Said doctor keeps him running and out of the hospital within a few weeks at most, consistently. If said doctor was using powers he wouldn't be able to do that to Touma, his arm would prevent it. It blocks luck, red string, telepathy and general targeted magic and esper powers, few of which are targeted at his hand, meaning that most powers are fully negated in relation to his whole body. The full power canceling requires the hand though.
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What about Nobilis?

News at 5:Gravity 'no longer likes' Behemoth, Leviathan; flung off face of Earth.


"Florist combines deadly nightshade and dandelions in bouquet; Simurgh vanishes from existence forever."

Put some more meat on that and we've got a winner. Nobilis is scary-powerful when you start getting into it.

EDIT: I accidentally a word. Fixed.
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Yes. He is just that good. His arm seems to have it's own healing factor (regrows and reattaches easily), but the rest of his body gets trashed pretty consistently. Said doctor keeps him running and out of the hospital within a few weeks at most, consistently. If said doctor was using powers he wouldn't be able to do that to Touma, his arm would prevent it. It blocks luck, red string, telepathy and general targeted magic and esper powers, few of which are targeted at his hand, meaning that most powers are fully negated in relation to his whole body. The full power canceling requires the hand though.

I was actually talking about the doctor (Mr. as long as their alive when they get to me I can save them.)

Doctor Frog could easily show Bonesaw a thing or two.
I was actually talking about the doctor (Mr. as long as their alive when they get to me I can save them.)

Doctor Frog could easily show Bonesaw a thing or two.
I think I phrased that wrong. The doctor has to be bonesaw level as you said, but all natural skill. Imagine Breaker would stop any form of healing magic or power used on his body. It gives Touma's entire body a low level power immunity (fate/luck/telepathy) that the doctor has consistently got around.

I think we were/are in agreement.
depends on how this attack affects their body i guess.
Sin's suction/wind up either matches or outpaces the most an EB can do. They are still working off of entity rules, so they are limited in range of effect. Space is usually the cut off for them and outside of Ziz who only originated from behind the moon, we never see them interact with anything past orbit.

Edit: He can also apparently create suction in space that reaches the moon. I would say large scale gravity singularity?
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Here's my first foray into murdering the world-killers via OOCTs. I hope you enjoy @Valley of River

Also, dibs on 40k stuff. Woot!

Where Angels Come to Die
(Galaxies of Darkness Sanguinius Vs. The Simurgh)​

Armsmaster grunted as his halberd swept in a wide arc, the macromolecular blade cutting through the chunk of concrete that had been hurling towards him and sending the weighty object off course, crashing into the street behind him harmlessly.

"Dragon, Miss Militia is down, I need a medivac on my position," the Hero ground out, panting with exhaustion as he kept watch for any more projectiles the Simurgh might deem to idly hurl their way.

'Copy Armsmaster, Mover inbound; be advised, you're getting close to Maximum Safe Exposure to the Simurgh's song.' The Tinker responded.

"Acknowledged." The man said, glancing behind him to where his fellow Brockton Cape was leaning against an overturned car, wheezing painfully as she kept pressure on the wide gash in her side.

"Help is coming," Colin said, Miss Militia nodding painfully in acknowledgement before he went back to staring at the hovering form of the Endbringer he had come to Australia to oppose, the winged bitch floating almost serenely within a swirling vortex of debris as flying capes zipped around her, attacking as best they could through her barrier; all the while, her damn Song resounded throughout the city.

Armsmaster ground his teeth in frustration as he watched the battle, powerless to do anything beyond defending his teammate in the face of this Endbringer.

Time was running out for Canberra, and he couldn't do anythi-

The Tinker's train of thoughts was cut off by a thunderous blast of light in front of him, the armored man stumbling backwards in the face of the light, as the taste of Ozone filled the air.

After a moment, Colin's vision returned, and he opened his eyes to see something...otherworldly.

Kneeling on the street before him was a man; a very, very large man, almost four meters tall, in a suit of red and gold power armor, armor that seemed to be a fusion of Knightly Plate, futuristic combat armor, and the musculature of a very fit man. Red eyes made from gems were scattered across the armor, and a faintly glowing white cape that seemed to emanate power hung from his shoulders, enveloping him, and a spiked Halo hung behind his head, glowing with Golden Light, a talisman hanging from his neck.

The man's head was bowed, his long, perfect golden locks hiding his face, but Armsmaster's gaze was drawn to the huge, perfect, angelic white wings that were spread behind the giant of a man, the wingspan reaching almost across the whole of the street. In his right hand was gripped a tall, two-headed spear, and at his waist was sheathed a huge broadsword.

Then, like a glacier shifting after eons of rest, the man stood, his wings folding behind him and his head rising to reveal a face that was so attractive, so....perfect, it almost seemed otherworldly, Inhuman. And yet...the Cape could tell that this man was Human; or rather, something more than human. Something...better.

Blood red eyes looked around for a moment, confused, before they settled on Armsmaster, before flickering to the injured Miss Militia behind him.

The Angel's eyes widened, and he took a step towards the woman, and that movement, at last, snapped Colin out of his haze. Expression hardening, the Tinker moved between the Angel and his comrade, his Halberd at the ready. He knew, deep in his gut, that he wouldn't last more than a moment against this man, but maybe that moment would be enough for Militia's Evac to get here and get her away.

The Angel paused as the Hero moved, brows furrowing for a moment, and his eyes burned with Ruby Fire for a moment, the golden glow about him intensifying for a moment, as Colin felt...something press against his mind, before darting away just as quickly.

The Cape froze at the contact, horror growing at the possibility that this man might be a Telepath (but that's impossible!) before the Angel spoke, slowly at first, hesitantly, before his speech became more normal.

"I mean...you no harm..." The Angel said, his voice smooth and melodic and perfect, casually jabbing his spear into the pavement and raising empty hands in an attempt to placate Armsmaster. "I can heal her." He continued, gesturing to the fallen heroine.

The America Tinker, in spite of his instincts...found himself trusting the Angel, and slowly stepping aside, weapon still ready to strike if anything happened. A part of his mind, a small part that was being smothered under the Primarch's sheer Presence, screamed that he might be Mastered, that he could be Compromised, but that part was ignored as he watched the Angel kneel next to Miss Militia, his massive size and huge wings making the female cape look almost childish by comparison.

Militia had passed out at some point, shaking slightly from the shock of her injury, but the Angel's touch steadied her, and with another Flare of his aura and a moment of burning red fire in his eyes, soothing green light enveloped the Blaster, and she stilled, her breathing becoming more regular and less strained as Colin watched the gash in her side closed.

The Angel smiled as he stood again, looking back at Colin with a look of genuine kindness and satisfaction, but before Armsmaster could say anything, the Angel froze, his eyes locked on something behind him.

Colin turned and saw the Simurgh floating in her cyclone of debris, completely still, staring intently at him and ignoring the Capes attacking her.

No. He thought, turning to the Angel, who had taken several silent steps to come level with him, gaze locked on the Endbringer, a look of anger and determination on his face. Not at me.

"What is she?" The Angel asked Armsmaster, his Spear appearing in his hands with a flash of ruby light.

"The Simurgh." Colin replied instantly, for how could he not answer one such as the Angel? "An Endbringer. If we don't stop her, she'll force us to abandon this whole city, and everyone inside."

The Angel frowned, his wings unfurling behind him as Colin felt the man's rage build, and reach a boiling point.

"Then she shall be stopped." He said matter-of-factly, and with a mighty flap, The Angel rocketed into the sky to do battle with the City Killer.

And as he flew, and Dragon's concerned voice broke over the coms, Colin realized.

The Simurgh had stopped Singing.

The world seemed to slow as the Angel rose from the streets to confront his Endbringer counterpart. As the man flew even with the Simurgh, himself almost as large as the Endbringer, the Capes who had gathered to battle the Endbringer stopped, watching this silent confrontation between Monster and Demigod.

There was a moment of utter stillness, of silence, as if the whole world held it's breath, only the beating of the Angel's wings and the churning of the Simurgh's telepathically held debris showing that this was not, in fact, a painting.

And then, as if a silent accord had been reached between the two Angels, every piece of the debris she had collected shot at the Angel faster than the speed of sound, all at once.

Only to shatter, pop, and vanish upon the Void Field generated by the Talisman of Baal.

The Angel, in response, Charged, firing beams of ruby energy from his Spear as he closed, the Endbringer managing to dodge each shot by less than a hair, but the salvo had done its purpose, and the Endbringer could not retreat before the Primarch was upon her.

The two became a blur, the Simurgh dodging and weaving desperately around the twirling arc of death that was the Spear of Telesto as the Angel sought to strike her while responding with her own hurled debris, the Endbringer's Precog battling against that of the Primarch, the battle becoming a game of duelling fates, as each warrior found themselves doing everything they could to bring the future they wanted to pass, while avoiding those that ended in their violent, bloody end.

And so the battle went, for what seemed like an eternity, the Capes of Earth Bet watching as one of their tormentors, their great Kaiju, met her match on the field of battle, watched the Simurgh abandon her Song, her greatest and most deadly weapon, in favour of just trying her very best to stay alive, and as the two duelled, the Angel's Aura brightened, his billowing white cape beginning to glow, and the disheartened and tired Capes felt their spirits bolstered, their strength returned, their flagging courage reinforced, and what was more: they felt angry, angry at the False-Angel who had taken so many lives, forced them to seal away friends and family for the safety of all. And now, with the Angel at their head, they could finally, finally, take their Vengeance.

And so, bolstered by the Eden Cloak and the Furor Angelus, the Capes renewed their attack as best they could, the Triumvirate of course leading the way: Legend zipping around the duelling Angels, blasting the Simurgh where the opportunity presented itself, Alexandra smashing away incoming projectiles aimed at the Angel, not daring to close to melee with the two, and Eidolon unleashing his massive arsenal of abilities to do his best to bolster the Angel and weaken the Endbringer.

Other capes joined in, and yet the Simurgh was forced to ignore them in favour of the greater threat currently trying to slice her apart, the Angel's face a grim, determined visage, his spear's blades and his eyes burning with Crimson Warpfyre, his own Spells and Psykic Might acting constantly to counteract the Simurgh's constant telepathic attempts to seize his weapons, his armor, or simply his Body, the circumstances forcing the Endbringer to bypass some of her safeguards in an attempt to preserve her existence.

And yet, even as her colossal Telekinetic Might tried to rip the Primarch's twin hearts from his chest, it was rebuffed, blocked, dispelled by the Angel's Warpcraft, and all the while he kept up his constant, blurring attack, pressing her back, and back, and back, always giving ground, always retreating, always-

And then, the Angel smiled-a savage, bloodthirsty grin that looked out of place on his noble visage, two long fangs peeking out from behind his upper lip.

"You are a worthy opponent, Simurgh." He said, his soothing voice audible over even the roar of the winds and the attacks of the other capes, But the Defenders of this Earth have rallied, and you cannot defeat me. We are matched." His voice took on something of a pitiful tone, and he continued. "I have seen what you are, that your actions are driven by the desires of another. You have my pity, Creature."

His gaze, and voice, hardened once again. "But Vengance must have it's due."

And suddenly, The Angel stopped preventing the Simurgh from seizing the Spear of Telesto.

There was an audible gasp from the surrounding capes as the Spear soared away; even the Simurgh was for a moment, surprised.

She hadn't foreseen that.

But the Angel did not pause, the Angel did not hesitate. In a single, fluid motion, he drew the Blade Encarmine from his side, the adamantium blade gleaming in the sunlight as it was wreathed in both a master-crafted power field and the Angel's own Psykic Power, and lashed out at the Simurgh's arm, the weapon moving as if an extension of the Primarch's own Will and Mind.

And, with a single blow, the Blood Angel's blade cleaved through the very skeins of fate, bypassing the Endbringer's Precognition, and cleaved her arm off at the shoulder.

And at last, as the Angel landed his first blow, his greatest ability gifted to him by his father manifested.

The Ninth Son was He who could Conquer the Indomitable. Through his sheer force of will, he could force the laws of reality onto beings who did not play by its rules. By his power, he could Strangle to death a Daemon who had boasted of his immortality by holding his breath for millions of years. By his Will, he could snap the back of a Bloodthirster over his knee, breaking bones made of little more than the concept of Structure and paralyzing the being of pure Thought and Emotion for millennia to come. In his presence, warp-born plagues collapsed as they were forced to play by the rules of the material universe, rules they were never designed to comply with. The Undead crumbles as they are forced to accept that they have Died, and the Immortal feel Death's cold embrace enveloping them as he slew them.

Where the Blood Angel walked, the Uncomprehensible Monsters, the Beasts who played outside the lines, beyond the rules, were forced to be as Men: Mortal, Frail, and Scared.

Endbringers, though creatures of Matter, rely on mechanics and rules not bound to our universe to exist in our world. They had no organs, no muscle, no blood, nothing to let them live. Their mass was incomprehensively more massive than what the Capes of Earth Bet battled for the last thirty years, more durable than anything their size had any right to be.

And yet, when the Blade Encarmine severed the Simurgh's arm, the Endbringer was forced to abide by the rules of Mortal Beings.

And so the City Killer screamed as she fell from the sky, pain wracking her body for the first time, as black, viscous 'blood' poured from her great wound, spraying across the buildings below and the surprised Alexandria before she smashed into the street with a loud crunch.

The Capes froze, staring at the fallen Endbringer writhing and mewling pitifully in its crater, as the Angel slowly, gently, glided to the ground, alighting on the edge of the crater lightly, and slowly walking towards the Simurgh.

The Capes nearby gathered at the Crater's edge, all feeling what was about to happen, but none truly believing it. Men and women from across the world watched as the Angel stopped at the Simurgh's side, his Sword resting easily at his side, his perfect features...sad, as he watched the mighty creature reduced so low, brought here by a foe beyond her scope, under orders she could not deny, and that her Commander did not know existed.

So the scene sat, for a moment: the Simurgh laid low, the Angel standing tall over her, with Heroes and Villains, capes from throughout the world gathered around for the first, but not last, event of its kind.

The Blood Angel muttered a phrase beneath his breath, raising his blade, and sunk the burning Blade Encarmine into the Simurgh's chest, the sword piercing her Core with barely a hesitation when powered by the Primarch's will, strength, and Psykic Might, the False-Angel letting out a faint gasp as she was Ended.

Eidolon let out a cry as the Endbringer's body unravelled, it's mass returning from whence it came, falling unconscious only to be caught by Alexandria, but no one seemed to notice, all eyes on the Angel as he sheathed his blade and turned to the Capes around him, smiling warmly.

"Thank you," He said, "for your aid in ending this grave threat."

Legend floated forward, seemingly the only one not completely enraptured by the Primarch's Aura, though he was close.

"It is us who should be thanking you." He said, looking at the place where the Simurgh once was. "We...we could not have done what you have done. You have saved...countless lives today, Hero. What...what is your name? Where do you come from?" The leader of the Protectorate asked.

The Angel's wings rustled, and he nodded to Legend. "My name is Sanguinius." He said, looking around at the city he had saved. "And I think...I am a long, long way from home."

Well...that was fun to write.

I'm not using Cannon Sanguinius, this is one from a much larger-scale 40k universe being created by @Mental Omega, which I have helped with. Galaxies of Darkness has a higher power-level than normal 40k, so I figured that would let me go more epic.

Plus, Mental has a whole Stat-Sheet for Sanguinius, plus his gear, that I figured including would help make this Canon.

Primarch in Brief (Sanguinius)
Hair colour: Gold
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 3.9 metres
Weight: 550 kilograms
Homeworld: Baal
Specialty: Most complete inheritor of the Emperor's abilities

Special ability:
Conquering the Indomitable: Those who rely on defences based on the warp or attacks similarly based on the impossible will find themselves soon overcome by Sanguinius. Daemonic or Undead beings who normally care nothing for the rules of anatomy such as Daemons who prove their immortality by holding their breath for a span of two million years will find themselves easily strangled to death by Sanguinius. Bloodthirsters whose bones are mostly the simple idea of structure rather than anything wholly physical will find Sanguinius breaking their spines over his knee and leaving them paralysed for centuries even in the warp. Plagues built on impossible curses find themselves no longer able to properly function as they are suddenly forced to abide by rules they were never designed to play under and are thus left impotent. The deadly curse of an Athame simply becomes another blade injury unless he chooses to suffer from it. Even all the power granted to Horus several times over by the Chaos Gods could not stop Horus from suffering a serious injury when Sanguinius finally struck him in their final duel, a blow said to have in a small way; wounded the Dark Gods themselves as they invested themselves into Horus. The power of the warp also cannot heal injuries he inflicts, not even those of perpetuals, whom he can permanently slay.
The Blood Thirst: When Sanguinius drinks of the blood of another, he is able to access all of their memories and use the energies of that blood to heal himself and restore his vitality and energies. Even tainted blood will do, though it will usually taste foul he cannot be directly affected by such corruptions. This allows him to stay in peak physical condition for far longer than most could ever manage to do and allows him to quickly gather the intelligence he desires. Just the sight, touch, or smell of blood can invigorate Sanguinius, and it is his self control that prevents him from going wild in every battle.
Furor Angelus: It is rare to see Sanguinius angry and hard to spark his anger, but when he does it is a thing of dreadful power. The anger he feels is felt by his sons and daughters and even other allies who do not share his genes to a lesser extent and their power grows in proportion to their fury. When truly riled even the Daemons of Khorne cannot contain the apocalyptic rage of the blood angels as Ka'bandha found out on Signus as the Blood Angels shattered most of his army after he crippled Sanguinius. Every injury inflicted upon Sanguinius seems to further enrage the Blood Angels and those commanded by Sanguinius, but tragically this ability formed the Black Rage with his death; cursing the Blood Angels with eventual madness. It did however, make the Blood Angels nearly unstoppable during the siege of Terra when Sanguinius entered the fray, every insult dealt to their Primarch only making it easier for the Blood Angels to tear the traitors apart until Horus decided to take measures into his own hands.
The Angelic Prophet: Sanguinius is gifted with clarity and foresight from his abilities, letting him see snippets of the future with greater accuracy than most who try to peruse the skeins of fate. This manifests as a powerful battle sense as well as a guide on his tactics, operations, and strategies, and it also tells him how to safely and easily channel the powers of the warp to the point that he suffers very little in the ways of its perils when he casts his powers. This makes it easy for him to access more of his abilities and cast the spells and manifest the powers he needs to in any given situation while he can ensure that the powers he casts strike when and where they are needed or offer the aid that is necessary at any given time at the best possible moment. It also makes him preternaturally lucky in most situations.
Greatest Flaw: Has a serious martyr complex driven by his shame of his mutations from his wings and the red thirst that his legion suffers. Far too willing to sacrifice himself in the name of others.
Status: Slain by Horus, with his dying psychic agony reverberating throughout the Blood Angels and those who served closely with Sanguinius to become the Black Rage. His spirit however, manifests along with the Sanguinary host as the Great Sanguinor; one of the great Angeloi of the Imperium.
Gender: Male

Primarch Equipment:
Spear of Telesto: The preferred weapon of Sanguinius, the Spear of Telesto is a magnificent highly stylised two headed golden force and power weapon that contains many symbols of importance to the ninth legion. Not only can the spear generate long ranged crimson energy blasts capable of incinerating all things not recognized as kin by Sanguinius caught by it, but when it strikes an enemy it begins to boil their blood from the inside out before setting it on fire to kill them at last. This also works against the fuel of vehicles, and any substitutes for blood Xenos or Daemons may use. The Spear also can short out shielding entirely, denying the enemy the usage of it or their warp based defences for some time before these defences can be restored, and the pain and damage the weapon inflicts can devastate the enemy's ability to fight back.
Blade Encarmine: The blood red sword of Sanguinius himself, the Blade Encarmine strikes with supernatural speed and agility, moving with the user's thoughts as much as their arm, working to correct any missed or undesired blows or failed parries. This sword furthermore cuts through the weaves of prophecies, surprising many enemies who relied on their foresight to avoid incoming blows and denying them their prescient abilities to dodge and avoid while each blow seems to invigorate Sanguinius as he feeds off of the injuries he deals. The blade can also project deadly melta or volkite energy forward or with its slashes, incinerating the enemies of Sanguinius with their incredible heat.
Helm of Michael: This winged helm of red and gold is fitted with a splendid and kingly crown atop while white wings emerge from the side and spread outwards as if taking flight. The Helm of Michael contains systems to shield Sanguinius from harm. The helm can also draw in blood, letting it feed Sanguinius' abilities while continuing to keep his head safe, and can instill a calmness in the warp and feed tactical data to allow for reinforcements to arrive without complications and when he needs them. It also projects an aura of restoration around itself, letting himself and his allies heal more quickly and ignore injuries to make themselves even more resilient.
Eden Cloak: A magnificent white foot length cape, the Eden Cloak projects an aura of safety around himself. It aids in denying the power of harmful sorcery and assisting in the casting of beneficial abilities. Its simple presence inspires greater courage and banishes doubt and infuses the tired with a new energy to do what they felt that they could not before. It protects Sanguinius from the blows of cowards and can even potentially shatter some weapons that would strike this mysterious relic of the Emperor.
Armour of Blood and Gold: A splendid suit of aurite and adamantine artificer armour, the Armour of Blood and Gold was made by the Emperor and Empress themselves. It significantly enhances the strength of Sanguinius even more than his already prodigious powers do, and it disrupts the power fields of power weapons and force weapons as well as deadening the armour penetration capabilities of most attacks in general. Its shielding can even absorb attacks to augment its artificial musculature and servomotors to let him go faster and strike harder, and it has significant self repair capabilities to keep up with his own prodigious healing powers. It also serves to protect his wings, ensuring that they are not harmed by attacks.
Talisman of Baal: The Talisman of Baal is worn around Sanguinius' neck, and was a gift from Ayaka and Magnus. The Talisman of Baal grants Sanguinius and those around him the ability to teleport and to project a void field around themselves without the risk of implosion as most personal void field generators do, defending large sections of his army from ranged attack. The Talisman can also absorb warp based attacks that it and Sanguinius' other relics and abilities successfully defeat, and when sufficiently charged are able to open a vortex bomb like rift at a place of Sanguinius' choosing to unleash apocalyptic devastation on most foes.
Summary: Basically bloodthirsty warrior Jesus, the brother everyone looked up to and wished they could be, the hero the Imperium needed but not necessarily the one it deserved. Truly there were none better, rest in peace you fabulous hawk boy. 07.
Appearance: Even among the male primarchs; handsome men one and all; Sanguinius was transcendantly appealing. Muscled but not bulky, an ideal balance of masculinity and androgynity, with hair of such golden radiance it seemed to be more lustrous than the precious metal itself, eyes of striking red, and skin without flaw. With his appearances alone, Sanguinius could have probably gotten anything he wanted in life, and this is before one even gets into his magnificent pure white wings which never seem to get stained, dirtied or diminished. Even to this day, in the Imperium Sanguinius is usually held as the epitome of male human form, and is usually depicted by artists as taking what they know for fact about him and marrying it to their vision of the perfect man.
Sanguinius' red and gold armour was sculpted like a combination of knightly armour, the plate of an astartes, and according to his musculature. It is almost immediately attention grabbing even among the flashy colours of the Sanguinary Guard, and is designed for speed and power, while still providing impeccable defence. The helmet is somewhat akin to a closed face barbute, with red eye pieces and an Aquilla styled mouthguard to show his devotion to the Imperium of man. Red eyes are spread around the armour, and the white cape he wears extends from his shoulers all the way down to his feet, while his helm's wings extend to the inner rim of his pauldrons and his halo hangs behind his head, usually glowing with magnificent power.
As the Grand Sanguinor, Sanguinius appears much like he did in life, with more perfected armour and skin almost seeming to be made out of the stuff of platinum and gold at times before returning to normal. A smile is usually on his face unless he faces those who would oppose the Imperium, and especially the traitor forces of the Black Legion or the legions of Ka'Bandha who feel an inescapable dread and horror when they know that Sanguinius is near.

I hope you all enjoyed this. I plan to make another for Behemoth, called "Master of the Elements", and one for Leviathan called "Of Flames and Seas". Both use the GoD version of a canonical Primarch (as opposed to one of mental's 40+ OC Primarchs). I'll let yall guess who each Primarch is for each Story.

Also, question for people who have actually read Worm, and not just lots of Fanfics, which of the first 3 Endbringers would you say is the most 'hated'?
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Is Eidolon fainting gonna be a regular thing? ^_^ 'Cuz I'd dig that.

Most hated EB: Simurgh

Out-of-universe: She caused Noelle, Mannequin and a few other atrocities turned irritants.

In-universe: Her song boxes cities, she's caused so much paranoia, and anyone with a power and look even vaguely resembling her gets shafted (Canary's the biggest example).
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Ebs vs darkseid
Ebs vs galactus
Ebs vs death
Ebs vs lantern embodiments
Ebs vs braniac
Ebs vs trazyn
Ebs vs source wall
Ebs vs kerrigan xel naga
Ebs vs madara
Ebs vs bleach hollow with eye mind control possession power
Ebs vs a jumper
Ebs vs darkseid
Ebs vs galactus
Ebs vs death
Ebs vs lantern embodiments
Ebs vs braniac
Ebs vs trazyn
Ebs vs source wall
Ebs vs kerrigan xel naga
Ebs vs madara
Ebs vs bleach hollow with eye mind control possession power
Ebs vs a jumper
Mind putting some content in the post like how the battle would go down