Rigsfælleskabet - The Unity of the Realm:
Location and Capital: Greenland and Northern Canada, Earth
History: It is said that history does not repeat, but that it does rhyme to some degree. It is said that history is a lie, and nothing new can ever happen, that myth-structures surround Man in a harmonious choreography of dancing stories. Many things are said.
Once upon a time, a dark queen ruled over a northern kingdom, dead men marching at her command. She was a child of heinous crime, and broken hospitality, and she would come to doom her half-brother and rule darkly from a throne made of dead men. History marches on, and she is no more.
Once upon a time, a cold queen united three northern kingdoms, her father was sent from Heaven, and his most trusted advisor had broken the last foreign god. Her rule stretched across the ocean, and she died, beloved of three kingdoms, the echo of her presence sounding like the ringing of a bell, through the halls of history. History marches on, and she is no more.
Once upon a time, in the lands of Never, a frozen queen ruled a land that never was. Her father had born her through marriage to an empty page, and she was exiled to an icy world, far away from the kingdom of her father. She sought to render the hearts of the world as cold and empty as her halls, by using a mirror made by the devil. History marches on, and she never was.
Once upon the future, in the lands of Not Yet, a joyous queen will rule a vast kingdom of joyous peoples, bound together as fingers in a fist, each and everyone savouring and celebrating the beauty of their nation. Oh, what golden fields! Oh, what crimson flag! Oh, what blissful divinity of peace, that has brought them here! History marches on, and they are not, but they will be one day.
The Unity of the Realm, is an earthen state, considering itself the successor to all the northern realms, ruled by the Rigsvætte; the shadow of a queen that has not yet become, the Unity is more of an idea, than a polity. The dream of many people marching as an army, saluting as a nation, praying as a congregation, laughing as a family. In the Unity, past, present and future blend into one another, becoming a greater whole, across which the empire of the Unity of the Realm stretches it's rule. Thus, it can be hard to call the Unity of the Realm a successor state, as it has, in some way, always existed, while also being in the past and yet to be. This is not some vaunted holy grail of time travel, it is a realm of myth, where nothing new can ever truly happen, all events and all actions reflecting the dream beneath the state.
Culture: The Unity of the Realm exists at the Precipe of Time, where farmers live an idyllic agrarian existence amid golden fields, never needing to bother with the fear of hunger, never needing to fear the rage of winter, while perfectly formed swans, their coats a blend of beautiful silver and pale, white feathers, fly in the sky above, carrying soldiers to distant worlds and realms. Essential to the culture of the Unity of the Realm, is the love of the nation, for it is a nation sustained, maintained and born by love of a nation that never were, and might one day become; it is no more the Scandinavian kingdoms of ages past, than it is any particular polity at all, it is a nation without a state. Even the future shadow of the Queen-to-be, the Rigsvætte, is a shadow cast by the luminous fires of queenly figures, some of which have never lived at all.
Gnosis: The Realm
The Unity of the Realm once referred to a principle of petty legalities, in the Godless world before, but in the case of the Forever Nation, this is quite literal. All of the Unity of the Realm is an enshrinement of the love of the nation, of the crimson banner that exemplifies the Realm, and of the values that constitute it. The Unity of the Realm is a bizarre juxtaposition of living myth and the people that live there. Golden fields stretch as far as the eye can see, across perfect lands in an eternal sunset, coloring the lands below them in a rich, golden red, while the shadow of a queen that has yet to become, plays ruthless politics with foreign leaders; is she the puppet of the nation, or does she hold the strings of it?
In times of war, swans of interwoven threads of metal and feather fly to national anthems that contain no words, but communicate a willingness to fight forever, in the name of Queen and fatherland regardless. They dissolve into threads of light, carrying soldiers wearing elegant red jackets and wielding sabres that cut through steel as they would cut through cloth. They do not wear any particular armour; faith in God, love for the Nation and obedience to the Queen, will see them safely home.
- Sword: 5
- The Unity of the Realm maintains a sizeable fleet, although the Rigsvætte is reputed to hate it, as one of the echoes that constitute the Queen-to-be is said to have hated the reliance on soldiery that merely maintaining an army caused. It is primarily used to intervene in conflicts, and even then, mostly as a deterrent towards the aims of peace and equality.
- Stave: 2
- As impressive as the designs of the Unity of the Realm are, it is ultimately a small empire, ruling a paltry slice of what was once Europe, deliberately maintaining a small size out of fear of engaging in conflict and harming the faith of the nation.
- Banquet: 5
- The Unity of the Realm is well-trusted, for it's reliance on diplomacy and keeping of the peace. Although, it is rather strange, it ultimately keeps to it's word, and is quick to offer relief to a beleaguered nation, or even lend it's support to a weaker power in order to grant it more favourable bargaining terms. However, it should never be forgotten that as beautiful an animal as the swan of the Unity is, the swan is also a fearsome bird with no fear at all of fighting greater foes.
- Coin: 3
- The Unity is not particularly rich, not particularly poor. The monetary politics of foreign nations elude the minds of the Realm, but it is no nation of paupers.
- Crown: 5
- Any natural citizen of the Unity of the Realm trusts the nation by the mere implication of being a natural citizen; they are just as much a part of the living myth as the Rigsvætte is. However, the many peoples absorbed or offered refuge are less quick to trust it; the human heart is a fickle thing, and the unconditional love demanded by the Unity of the Realm is simply impossible for many people to even think about giving.
Armies and Fleets:
The most iconic aspect of the Unity of the Realm, is perhaps the
Kongelige Rigsfælleskabelige Flåde, the KRF, or simply
Rigsflåden. In an older tongue, this meant the Fleet of the Realm, or Royal Fleet of the Unity of the Realm. Composed of swan-constructs woven from materials arcane, and borne aloft by pride and faith, their perfect, unmoving forms are just as likely to shear the steel of enemy battleships apart, as they are to unweave themselves, revealing troops and materials
- High Concept: Giant swans borne aloft by winds of prayer.
- Trouble: Sustained purely by morale, and the love of the nation.
- Aspects:
- Beacons of Hope and Purity.
- Woven of Light, Feathers, Ice and Steel.
- Cold Heralds of the Realm.
Kongelige Rigsfælleskabelige Flåde Rolf Krake:
It began as one of the first "space ships", nearly bankrupting the nations that once built it. A successful battle made the captain a war hero, and then another, and then another, and another; the successful battles stack upon themselves into absurdity and metal plate replaces itself with the invulnerability of the idea. There is no ship left, only the idea of the ship; a myth long gone into the annals of history, which still ends up, ever-ready and ever-faithful in the most perilous of times, for a myth is a living thing, with little time to spare for such inconveniences as impossibility.
- High Concept: Ghost ship that only appears in the greatest need.
- Trouble: Literally only appears in the greatest need.
- Aspects:
- Wonder of Faith and Technology.
- Cannons like Thunder.
- Attacks like Lightning.
- Faith like Steel.
- Plating like Ideas.
Red jackets, feathered helmets, deadly sabres; these are the attributes of the feared Swan Hussars. The Swan Hussars are more than merely elite soldiers, they consist of immigrants and refugees alone, and do not necessarily have any love at all for the nation, they replace that with an absolute certainty in the righteousness of the cause of peace, and thus manage to still ride the prayer-borne swans of the Unity. When they charge, foes fall; when they call, foes flee; when they draw, allies recover.
- High Concept: Swan-borne soldiers of peace.
- Trouble: Fight for no nation, but peace itself.
- Aspects
- Murderous Charge.
- No Fear but Fear Itself.
- Inspirational Existence.
The standard army, consisting of volunteer sons and daughters leaving home to fight in distant wars for distant causes, the People's Ward is no slouch in warfare at all.
- High Concept: Fearless volunteer army.
- Trouble: Bad with offensive strategies.
- Aspects:
- Tireless March.
- Glory of Swans Above.
- In War, No Fury.
- In Peace, No Hesitation.
- Name: Rigsvætten.
- History: The shadowy echo of queens that have been, queens that have never been, and the queen that will be. It is impossible to describe how the Rigsvætte looks, as she is a perfect amalgamation of queens of past, present and neverwhen. She is more of an emotion, or an impression than she is a person; the patriotic love that fills the heart, or a great desire for some indescribable, intangible feeling. She is the ultimate ruler of the Unity of the Realm, but considers herself equal to any peasant or soldier.
- Legend: The Rigsvætte is said to have centuries of queenly experience to draw on, as well as powers over ice and cold. She is a diplomatic genius, and can call forth the spirits of the righteous death of the Unity in times of need.
The Thunderous Admiral
- Name: Admiral of the Rolf Krake.
- History: In the earliest times, the Thunderous Admiral served aboard a thousand, billion ships, although they are most well known as the captain and admiral of the Rolf Krake. They appear to lead and take command of any battle along with the appearance of the Rolf Krake in times of need.
- Legend: The Thunderous Admiral is reputed to be the greatest admiral that the Unity of the Realm has ever produced, and the only thing said to exceed his skills of leadership is the power of his voice and it's ability to quite literally slam through communication jamming to ensure that proper orders are relayed.
The Knight
- Name: Long Forgotten.
- History: Once, the knight sat on a throne of stone, before a table of stone, in a hall of stone. They rise when the country needed it, but when it needed them most, they were nowhere to find; a weathered statue that could not even fool a fish. Perhaps, somewhere the statue stills stands, maintaining it's lonely vigil over a dead Realm. The knight volunteers their services in the most suicidal of missions, leading the charge in every situation. Perhaps they have not forgiven their mistake yet?
- Legend: It is said that the knight can defeat all but the strongest threats alone, as long as they are a direct threat to the nation itself, and it is said that when fighting, on the nation's soil, the knight needs no weapons at all, for the Unity of the Realm fights with him.