- Location
- Wörms, the half continent
Nation Name: The Artists At the Edge of Creation
Location and Capital: Pantalaimon, Triton, Neptune
History: The Moon of the Artists is not so much a nation as a location. Out, surrounded by Quillipoth Space, the light of the sun travels long to get here, but it arrives not to find a nation, or a state, or a government. They are a society, a people, a commune, perhaps.
The first people to come to Triton, in the last years of the twentieth century, were called thieves, and noted as such. They had taken with them the Louvre, the concert halls of a dozen countries, museums and galleries and streets besides, flung off into into space with the sound of a thousand songs and the whisper of a thousand paintings laughing at such base rules as gravity.
They were artists all, these first few, and left to find somewhere new. Somewhere where the blossom of Divine Beauty could flourish, somewhere where their muses could grow, somewhere away from repression and money and a thousand things besides.
And they founded Pantalaimon - all mercies. No, founded isn't the right word. They set down, and Pantalaimon grew up from then. They refused the usual trappings of society, and forged one from the Divine Beauty, an overflowing of bounty. They painted, they sung, they carved, they played.
More would come, with time, as Triton refused to kill them, and as they broadcasted their new creations, new songs, new plays, new games. They fling it freely into the world.
It has been decades aplenty since they first left, taking the art of the old world with them. More join, to come practice the arts, to enjoy them. The largest tourist hub in the solar system, a wonderous expression of every form of art the human mind can think, available to any who can come and more besides. An endless Carnival, as they worship and create as one.
They don't call them Thieves anymore. No, they have a new name.
The Artists at the Edge of Creation.
Or, more commonly, The Artists.
Let us be clear. Not even a plurality of the artists of humanity live on Triton. No, there are artists everywhere, and good ones too. Excellent ones, even.
But those artists who are obsessed? Those strange masters, those who can do nothing but project their muse onto paper, onto stone, into plays and games and cinema and more besides? They find their way to Pantalaimon, to Kirjava, to Stelmaria, to any of the seventeen cities of Triton as their mind takes them.
The Artists, like their individual components, are obsessed. For some it may be a subtle obsession, a drive to create the perfect coffee, to draw better than they did a month ago, a year. But to look upon the society itself is to see this obsession revealed. They create, they improve, they drive forwards. Forms of art that can only be perceived by those with the correct mindset, paintings with a million lines of code. The Artists say nothing about what is art, for them it is clear.
Art is Art, and that is the fullness of the matter.
Gnosis: Art is the fundamental expression of the Divine Beauty.
This is the underpinning of the beliefs of the Artists. Art, at its core, is the divine beauty made manifest. For this reason, that is why most (estimated at 87.8% of the total population, but you try doing demographics on a place that doesn't differentiate between tourists and natives) of the population have integrated art with themselves. Whether that is arms sculpted from ossified Light, entirely new senses grafted from Limericks and mid-19th century neo-Renascence art, or weirder things besides, they try to reflect the infinite glory of the divine Beauty in their bodies.
But that is not to say that is all Art can do in their hands. They can forge buildings from paintings, or the inverse. They can shatter stone with music, and grow new life with performances of Twelfth Night. But, whatever the result, whatever the objective, it is known of one limit.
It must be Beautiful.
Triton doesn't really have Armies or Fleets so much as vast works of art that can be re-purposed for defence. Offense would require getting the Artists to agree on a cohesive line of action long enough for it to happen, so... it doesn't.
Location and Capital: Pantalaimon, Triton, Neptune
History: The Moon of the Artists is not so much a nation as a location. Out, surrounded by Quillipoth Space, the light of the sun travels long to get here, but it arrives not to find a nation, or a state, or a government. They are a society, a people, a commune, perhaps.
The first people to come to Triton, in the last years of the twentieth century, were called thieves, and noted as such. They had taken with them the Louvre, the concert halls of a dozen countries, museums and galleries and streets besides, flung off into into space with the sound of a thousand songs and the whisper of a thousand paintings laughing at such base rules as gravity.
They were artists all, these first few, and left to find somewhere new. Somewhere where the blossom of Divine Beauty could flourish, somewhere where their muses could grow, somewhere away from repression and money and a thousand things besides.
And they founded Pantalaimon - all mercies. No, founded isn't the right word. They set down, and Pantalaimon grew up from then. They refused the usual trappings of society, and forged one from the Divine Beauty, an overflowing of bounty. They painted, they sung, they carved, they played.
More would come, with time, as Triton refused to kill them, and as they broadcasted their new creations, new songs, new plays, new games. They fling it freely into the world.
It has been decades aplenty since they first left, taking the art of the old world with them. More join, to come practice the arts, to enjoy them. The largest tourist hub in the solar system, a wonderous expression of every form of art the human mind can think, available to any who can come and more besides. An endless Carnival, as they worship and create as one.
They don't call them Thieves anymore. No, they have a new name.
The Artists at the Edge of Creation.
Or, more commonly, The Artists.
Let us be clear. Not even a plurality of the artists of humanity live on Triton. No, there are artists everywhere, and good ones too. Excellent ones, even.
But those artists who are obsessed? Those strange masters, those who can do nothing but project their muse onto paper, onto stone, into plays and games and cinema and more besides? They find their way to Pantalaimon, to Kirjava, to Stelmaria, to any of the seventeen cities of Triton as their mind takes them.
The Artists, like their individual components, are obsessed. For some it may be a subtle obsession, a drive to create the perfect coffee, to draw better than they did a month ago, a year. But to look upon the society itself is to see this obsession revealed. They create, they improve, they drive forwards. Forms of art that can only be perceived by those with the correct mindset, paintings with a million lines of code. The Artists say nothing about what is art, for them it is clear.
Art is Art, and that is the fullness of the matter.
Obsession characterises the people of The Artists At the Edge. Each of them has seen the divine beauty, and swear to see it reflected.
Looking upon a crowd of Artists is a motly sight. People will craft themselves anew in their obession. Arms made of watercolours, eyes made of poetry. Transhumanists, some call them. Posthumanists, looking at the more extreme examples of them - the architect who has become the buildings they design, the game designer who has split himself into every NPC, the writer who lives as a dragon formed of written word. They know better. They are still, fundamentally human they say. For they can do what they believe is the province of the Children of the Godhead alone: Love art for arts sake.
As a collective, the people of the Artists are cheerful, gregarious, and welcoming, as befits such a place of mass tourism. They place no limits on how long you can stay, and food is as free as they can make it, as housing, as it the rest. But few stay for long. It is a great place to stay a week, or perhaps two, travelling to see architectural designs from inspired minds. To watch plays performed by great actors, to hear concerts of every genre by those who can do naught but love their creations.
But, fundamentally, they are obsessed. And most of them, most of the tourists are not. After a while they start to find it jarring, the questions and jokes, the invitations to try their hand at a new sport, a new form of painting invented not three months ago. They leave, to come back in a few years perhaps, and in the meantime listen to the songs and cinema they give to the rest of the system, to play the games they release. Not exclusively, of course, but the reach of Triton is long.
And for those who can understand the Artists? Those who fit in? Well, never let it be said Triton refuses an artist.
Looking upon a crowd of Artists is a motly sight. People will craft themselves anew in their obession. Arms made of watercolours, eyes made of poetry. Transhumanists, some call them. Posthumanists, looking at the more extreme examples of them - the architect who has become the buildings they design, the game designer who has split himself into every NPC, the writer who lives as a dragon formed of written word. They know better. They are still, fundamentally human they say. For they can do what they believe is the province of the Children of the Godhead alone: Love art for arts sake.
As a collective, the people of the Artists are cheerful, gregarious, and welcoming, as befits such a place of mass tourism. They place no limits on how long you can stay, and food is as free as they can make it, as housing, as it the rest. But few stay for long. It is a great place to stay a week, or perhaps two, travelling to see architectural designs from inspired minds. To watch plays performed by great actors, to hear concerts of every genre by those who can do naught but love their creations.
But, fundamentally, they are obsessed. And most of them, most of the tourists are not. After a while they start to find it jarring, the questions and jokes, the invitations to try their hand at a new sport, a new form of painting invented not three months ago. They leave, to come back in a few years perhaps, and in the meantime listen to the songs and cinema they give to the rest of the system, to play the games they release. Not exclusively, of course, but the reach of Triton is long.
And for those who can understand the Artists? Those who fit in? Well, never let it be said Triton refuses an artist.
You seem to be confusing artists for politicians and bureaucrats. What government?
Seventeen cities dot the surface of Triton. Each of them are connected to the other through vast landscapes of the other cities, and each one specialises in different arts. Kirjava, for example, specialises primarily in neoclassical music, watercolour portraits, and surrealist video games. But all of them contain places to find every art.
For those who want to live outside the city, you can usually find architects willing to help build whatever you want provided you let them design it. This also applies for people who want to live in the cities.
For those who want to live outside the city, you can usually find architects willing to help build whatever you want provided you let them design it. This also applies for people who want to live in the cities.
If you're eating food, it will be artisan food. Get used to it.
Most of the raw ingredients for food are made in specialised rooms in restaurants through playing a nine part dirge made for the electronic saxophone. Some prefer Oboes, however.
Most of the raw ingredients for food are made in specialised rooms in restaurants through playing a nine part dirge made for the electronic saxophone. Some prefer Oboes, however.
This is the underpinning of the beliefs of the Artists. Art, at its core, is the divine beauty made manifest. For this reason, that is why most (estimated at 87.8% of the total population, but you try doing demographics on a place that doesn't differentiate between tourists and natives) of the population have integrated art with themselves. Whether that is arms sculpted from ossified Light, entirely new senses grafted from Limericks and mid-19th century neo-Renascence art, or weirder things besides, they try to reflect the infinite glory of the divine Beauty in their bodies.
But that is not to say that is all Art can do in their hands. They can forge buildings from paintings, or the inverse. They can shatter stone with music, and grow new life with performances of Twelfth Night. But, whatever the result, whatever the objective, it is known of one limit.
It must be Beautiful.
- Sword: 0 (With no government, worth speaking off, it's very hard to have anything called an army)
- Stave: 3
- Banquet: 10 (You are wearing our blue jeans and listening to our pop music)
- Coin: 7 (The Divine Beauty is infinite in it's glory)
- Crown: 0 (What Government is there to be loyal to?)
Triton doesn't really have Armies or Fleets so much as vast works of art that can be re-purposed for defence. Offense would require getting the Artists to agree on a cohesive line of action long enough for it to happen, so... it doesn't.
- Name: Alyss Iggulden
- History: Alyss is a musician, some say. Alyss is a painter, others say. A Writer. A Games designer, A playwright, a poet. Oh, they attribute every art to Alyss. And they're right in doing so. Born of the first generation native to Triton, Alyss never found something she loved. Something she obsessed over. She could sculpt, but there was no passion. She could write, but it was wooden. She was passable in most every art, as are most of this moon. But unlike the others, unlike even those born of her generation, she could not find something that she saw the divine Beauty come from.
And then she looked up. She built a boat, forged of Ice from comets a billion miles from the sun, and set to it sails of spun Star Light. She set forth, towards one thing she knew was of unquestionable beauty.
She flew into the Sun.
She has come out a changed woman. Her once ordinary ginger hair is now sculpted sun-stuff, and her eyes like stars. The rest of her body is covered in dozens of lines of pencil thick burns, never to heal, the untouched skin a sharp contrast to the Light irradiated skin.
Alyss has found her divine beauty. She has found her obsession and crafted it into her skin, into her body. She burnt beauty itself into her skin, until she could stand it no more.
She still practices every art found on this moon. But now all are done equally. All are done with Passion. - Legend: Alyss is a master at every form of art. She can conduct a symphony one night and then build a hab-bloc hte next. And with this, she forges divine Beauty like nobody else. She is forty eight years old now, and most everyone on the moon respects her, if not for her skills then for one of the works of art she has made throughout the years. But for submersing herself in the Light itslef, until it permeated her completely.
But it came with a cost. She wanted to find an obsession, something she could love and work with. She has them now. A million of them, burnt into her soul, a firestorm lying where most humans would have but glowing embers, and even other Artists would have only few fires. She does it out of love. Out of need. Because should she stop making art for long enough, stop feeding the fire in her soul, that fire will consume her, in a pyre worthy of a king.
She also, as you might expect, lacks focus in the extreme. She really cannot plan beyond one project, one composition, one performance.
But oh! What performances they are.
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