End of Infinities- A Science Fantasy GSRP

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Since the glimmer of sapient thought first entered the Children of the Godhead, we have looked...
boundless optimism
Since the glimmer of sapient thought first entered the Children of the Godhead, we have looked to the sky, and its firmament of stars, and all named it Heaven. It called to us, in a wordless urge that we could not articulate. We obeyed, and built vessels of metal in a precarious manner to step into its hallowed vaults.

We first entered Heaven, that realm of unending light and unsounded hymns, expecting a sterile, empty void. For then, we only had eyes of dim glass and wires, and not the supernal senses common now. But the first into Heaven, the first hammerblow onto the celestial sphere containing the terrestrial circle, Yuri Gagarin, showed strange winged figures, burning with smokeless fire, set against a backdrop of glimmering forms and supernal links in a primitive recorder.

The two mightiest nations banded together. In those days, they were called the United States of America and the Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, and they had a fearsome enmity, born of a hatred of each other's scripture of law and economy. Indeed, they had daggers to each other's throats, a primitive way of releasing the heavenly spark inside base matter in a conflagration that would sear the land with knowledge that we could not comprehend, stored inside long darts that could cross nations and ford oceans.

But the crucible of fear stripped away the enmity they had for each other. They turned their attention to the sky, murmuring in fear. They sent a second. A second hammer blow. A third. Another. A fourth, a fifth, a sixth. And on the seventh, they cracked open the seal that covered the Earth, and divine light and wisdom enriched the earth.

We experienced a loss of forgetfulness. The seal barred the way to more than Heaven, for we uncovered records that spoke of a tower that would have allowed us to step foot in Heaven and live there like new kings, until the Will spoke and struck us with the loss of our language. And without language, we could not pass around our forgotten history, and it passed into incorrect story and myth. When the Light struck the Earth, the liminal places where our cousins lived half lives, broke open and we rejoiced in their presence.


It's one hundred and six years After Revelations now. Mankind has spread throughout the system. Mankind, along with their cousins in the liminal realms. Civilizations of subterranean svartalfs. Legions of Myrmidons. Spirit-folk, the dragons, and ten thousand other races have exploded out of hidden places and joined humans in the mad race to the celestial spheres. In Venusian, Saturnine, and Jupiter cloud cities, in self contained habitats, and buried deep beneath the surface of Mercury and the moons of the gas giants, the Children of Heaven thrives.

You are one of them. Take your rightful place upon the Unity of Nations, o New King.

Setting Physics
End of Infinities takes place in the Solar System, but not one we would readily recognize. Any place where Heaven is a physically accessible place. Heaven is filled with the strange- asters burning through the roads chanting gibberish hymns, things etched in burning Godspeak that proclaims glory, and other strange things. The Children of Heaven, the name for the myriad races, have found out ways to utilize these. It should be noted that whenever Supernal Forms or Godspeak enters the equation, they burn away the dross of mundane things. For example, a blade forged with top of the line scientific procedures without tapping into the Forms, underperforms against a bronze blade that does.

The Light of Heaven, radiating from the Divine Center in the Sun, defines reality. It's presence allows matter to exist, it allows life to exist, and from it, the Forms arise. In it, there are the Asters, beings of pure Light, the remnants of Creation. They are alien intelligences that are intervene based on their nonsense pattern. They can lift a nation out of dust and sober it with fire. Asters are the stuff of obsession, but always out of reach.

The places where Light does not reach is termed Qlippoth Space, where the metes and bounds set by Heaven break down and dissolve in rampant entrophy. Preferably, one would prefer not to go there.

Supernal Forms are symbols of perfection, ideals that everyone, subconsciously or consciously, fulfill. To strive for perfection in a task is to strive to mimic or embody a Supernal Form. With these, the Children can accomplish things impossible. For example, the artist that taps into the Form of beauty can make a sculpture that brings all who look upon it to weep at the splendour. A strongman that lifts up a building and throws it is tapping into the Form of Strength. The ability to tap into Forms is not just reserved for sapient beings. Cities, objects of art, battleships, as well as concepts such as 'worth,' anything that exists can fulfill a Form. As above, so below, and through this simple law does the Forms reveal themselves in mundane work.

Tapping into Supernal Forms is a common and well known practice. The other, Godspeak, is both rare and common. True Godspeak, the language that the Asters know by heart (and perhaps the ancient men), is perfectly intelligible. It gets across it's intent with crystal clarity, and the supernal meanings in the words of the Godspeak. However, Children cannot speak Godspeak, or else the words catch fire inside their minds and tongues. Literal fire, that scourges the soul. To counteract this, Children speak derived tongues that can mimic its effects, but without the danger. However, derived tongues are much less potent. Godspeak and it's children tongues alters the world immediately, not constrained to the few aspects of the Supernal Forms, but it's difficult to learn and master.

There are ways to speak true Godspeak. They should be complicated, massive endeavors that are basically the in setting equivalent of revealing a Death Star.

Other Setting Information

End of Infinities takes place in a setting that I prefer to describe as a mix between Eclipse Phase and Mage the Awakening. It's filled with weird and esoteric things, and the nations made should reflect that, to an extent. Essentially, your nations should be cult-ish in the sense that they take a concept that's incredibly dear to them and then elevate and worship them. For instance, let's say you want to make a bank nation. They should then be obsessed with money and worth, and will have a whacked out system of thought revolving around that. For instance, the Bank of the Useful Idol, the premier money-lending agency, holds that everything can be quantized into pure worth. To gather more is to become more powerful, so they must seek to become the richest men. It is a dogma to them, more true to them than that the skies of earth are blue.

Nation Name:
Location and Capital:
Where did your nation come from? How did it get where it is?
Culture: What little idiosyncrasies make your nation?
Gnosis: Gnosis is at it's crudest, your nation's technology base. But it should be more. Gnosis should be what your faction revolves around. It is their guiding ideal, what they truly believe in. To draw an example, it's like if the burning belief in democracy in America was also the religion of Americans and also gave magic powers to Americans.

In game, Gnosis serves a few functions. First, they serve as how you fluff out your faction. If your Gnosis revolves around Asters and the hymns they chant, then your army should be structured around choruses of people imitating their chants, and other things to that further the theme, so to speak. They also serve as the set of powers or spells you can expect for your heroes to use.

Stats: Yeah, this RP has them. They're more general guidelines I can use to compare stuff between different factions. You get twenty points to split between them. They scale from one to ten.
  • Sword: Sword measures how disciplined your military is
  • Stave: This stat measures how big your nation is.
  • Banquet: Banquet measures how much soft power you have.
  • Coin: This indicates how wealthy your nation is.
  • Crown: This measures how much your citizens trust the nation.
Armies and Fleets: Armies and Fleets, other than heroes, are your primary way of exercising direct force on others. They exist as individual units, instead of x many troops and x many ships. To find out how many armies and fleets you have, see take your Sword Rating and look for it in the Information Spoiler.

Armies and Fleets will have one High Concept, one Trouble, and three Aspects, like FATE. I'm not using the skills and Stunts system, though. These just provide further information I take into account while determining the outcome of battles. For those who do not know, a High Concept is the central lynchpin of your character, translated to armies and fleets. For example, is your army a well organized, info centric army or is it a mob of howling flagellants driven on by divine inspiration? A trouble is something your army is bad at. For instance, the info-centric army has several critical nodes of command, which can be destroyed for massive damage. Aspects are just other things you want to put down to flesh out your army more.

Fleet Template:
  • High Concept
  • Trouble
  • Aspects
Army Template
  • High Concept
  • Trouble
  • Aspects
Heroes: Heroes are your other way of exerting force. Each of them is worth just as much as much as an army or a fleet. To find out how many heroes you have, compare your Crown score to the table in the Information tab.
  • Name: Self Explanatory.
  • History: Self Explanatory.
  • Legend: The real meat and bones. Legend is what your hero excels in. It's basically a skills section. However, I'd like for it to include flaws and failings in addition to superpowers. For example, if I was statting out Achilles like this, I would put down his temper and his Heel on top of his invincibility.

War Plan:
Nation Name:
Name of Nation
Allies: Name of Allies
Enemies: Name of Enemies
Location: Theatre of Conflict
Goals: What you're fighting for.
Strategy: List your cunning stratagems here.

Sword Rating determines number of military units you can have in the beginning of the game.
Sword 0: One fleet or One Army
Sword 1: One fleet and one army
Sword 5: Two fleets and two armies
Sword 7: Three fleets, three armies
Sword 10: Four fleets, four armies.

Crown determines how many heroes you can field in the beginning in the game.
Crown 0: One Hero
Crown 3: Two Heroes
Crown 5: Three Heroes
Crown 7: Four Heroes
Crown 10: Five Heroes

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Areas and NPCs

The Fleet Footed Body. The closest to Sol, the one that carves its way through the heavens with celerity. Mercury is tidally locked to Sol, never rotating. One side is bathed in eternal light, a burning land, stripped of all mundane life, blasted by holy light. The other is in the grip of darkness, covered in ice. And in a thin belt in the middle, trapped in eternal dusk. The Habitable Belt is the most populous of this, metropolises rising above mountainous rocks covered in lichen. Plants here, are rare and treasured. In the sun-side, vast subterrenean cities are common. And on the other side, the glaciers are home to a few tribes of wanderers that live in it's ice sheets.
Venus was always the brightest planet of them all. Even in the times before Revelations, the divine light shining off of it's clouds were visible to the Children on Earth. Now, Venus is a popular subject for the philosophers to debate- it's bright clouds filled with supernal light stands in stark contrast with the dark, shady ground, practically a microcosm of Heaven and the Planets. Asters tend to congregate here, which lend some credence to the theories. Primarily, it's habitants live in cloud cities, suspended off of orbiting asteroids. However, there are more than a few polities that live on solid Venusian ground, subsisting in it's constant, cloud covered conditions.
Our cradle. Our Eden, where we were formed out of a soup of amino acids and the divine light of wisdom, where we transgressed Heaven and were thrown out of the Heavenly House for our hubris, where we reached Heaven once again. It's older polities are gone, in their place are twenty successor kingdoms, ruling a world transformed by supernal might. By dint of long age and their existing networks of trade and accumulated population, Earth polities remain a sizable diplomatic force. In addition, Earth is still the most pleasant place for baseliners to live, with the biosphere restored to its former splendour with words of power.
Mars has long been associated with war and fire. And ever since the first two kingdoms touched red earth, it was bathed in conflict. First were two diametrically opposed nations, who spoke the word of Fire and rendered the Hellas Planitia a boiling lake of oil. Then, two miner kingdoms, who fought over a rich ore vein, murdered each other's shareholder-kings in a quick and violent struggle. And so it goes. The red deserts and mountains of Mars is littered with the remnants of war, everything from bio-titans to legions of tanks. Inhabited primarily by various tribes descended from the wars that scarred it's surface, to more civilized metropolises. For a more than fifty years, war has never touched the surface of Mars.
Asteroid Belt
Every place has their outskirts, places where the lost and the wandering come to rest their heels. In the System, this place is the asteroid belt, sandwiched between the wealthy inhabitants of Mars and Jupiter. It is a patchwork of habitats, hollowed out asteroids, and more. The Belt, once proud of it's frontier spirit, is rapidly fading to the encroachment of nations and corporations turning to the Belt to devour it's mineral bounty. Still, the Belt is a vast place, trillions of asteroid shoals stretching around the system. There are yet unknown places in the Belt, and perhaps fortune hidden in them.
It is a common axiom that they who control Jupiter and Saturn controls the world. There is a certain grain of truth to it, for Jupiter and Saturn and their satellites are rich in mineral, energy, and supernal bounty. And yet, no one polity can claim the truly rule either of these, for the bounty had attracted many in their dash to claim a piece of territory. Jupiter and Saturn's nations are at peace, but it is a wary one. Plots and assassins are common in the palatial habitats in the atomosphere, the moons are home to century old machinations set against each other.
The Outer Objects: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
The Children have created wonders, and can cross vast distances with ease in their Heaven Crossing Vessels. However, even they find it hard to inhabit the places where the Light of Heaven dims and fades into the unreal Qlippoth Space. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are habitable without any precautions past the standard sealed habitats. However, past that, Qlippoth Space intrudes, with it bringing their denizens. Most of which are iminically hostile. However, a ship carrying aliens, real aliens, who come from another star, has crashed into Pluto. Diplomatic addresses are going underway, hampered by the fact that many methods of communication are insufficient.

NPC Factions
Buy! Buy! Buy gold! Buy a new infopad. A new corvette. A Heaven-palace, all to your own. All you need is to sign here, and we'll finance you with a loan. The Bank of the Useful Idol is more than a bank. It is an entire syndicate of companies that can service nearly every demand. From agriculture, to shipbuilding, to finance, to medicine, to even things like pursuing the words of true Godspeak and others. The Bank seeks one thing: and that is the pursuit of profit, from which they manipulate through sorceries and incovations to generate more of the same. After all, to have profit is to accrue more of the util, the base unit of all worth.
  • They have a system of incovations based of the pure form of worth, a concept they name the Util, of which they are a master of. Several other bank-nations also understand this concept, but the BUI is first amongst them. With their money-sorcery, they can do things such as buy things, even immaterial things, discern true worth, and tax the soul out of people, and laugh at the blows of cheap things.
  • The BUI is headed by its Chair, who holds the position for life. Assassination attempts are common, so Chairs are usually canny men and women who can hold their position. There's also a Board, which the Chair usually has to sell their concepts too. A weak Chair is beholden to the Board, a strong Chair can force through their ideas with little resistance.
A cyanide pill slipped into drink, the knife in the dark, the poisonous rumor floated around in the halls of the powerful. These are the calling cards of those who serve the Leviathan. A mystery cult, members seeded throughout the governments, from the meanest paper-pusher to the eldest of statesmen, the Leviathans pluck the strings of governments like masters, marching governments to the order of the Supernal Tyrant, named Leviathan. They can help or hinder, but frankly the system is better off without them.
  • The Servitors believe that God shows his face in the State, and perhaps that they are one and the same. Their innovations draw heavily on the forms of Law and Governance. Their powers almost always draw from them enforcing laws, whether those are mortal or supernal. For instance, in the pursuit of a criminal, to better fulfill their duty, a Servitor may run as fast as they need to chase them down. This invocation is also shared amongst other governmental agencies, but generally the Servitors are, like the BUI, the masters of it.
  • Their leadership is the oddest of all. The Servitors devote themselves to an external force, alternatively named the Iron Pyramid, the Watch, or the Leviathan, which gives them orders that seem built to march them to their future goal.
In the world After Revelations, none were schismed as severely as the Roman Catholic Church. The College of Cardinals, manly learned priests and theologians from across the world debated and argued the meaning. Under all this, though, thirteen radicals planned and plotted. They reached to the Asters, begging them to lift up the faithful into the bosom of the Lord. The Asters responded, lifting up Italy and much of the Roman Catholic population in a flash of light, situating them in a palatial radiance orbiting Venus. There, the newly christened Astropetrei flourished, the Italian government submitting themselves under the rule of the Pope. In modern times, the Astropetrei is the spiritual voice of a vast amount of Children, in the Inner and Outer Systems alike.
  • The Astropetrei are most skilled in the arts of Godspeak. Their liturgies, prayers, and hymns in their derived tounges are the closest in form to true Godspeak. Indeed, they hold the most words of Godspeak in a polity, a precise seven thousand seven hundred and seventy. This allows them to enact large scale changes with comparative ease.
  • The Astropetrei's leader is still the Pope, however, instead of being chosen by a College of Cardinals, strange omens and portents leading up to the previous Pope's death point out Heaven's Will in selecting the next Pope. In addition, the Mortal Governance, the descendant of the Italian Government, still selects their leaders in much the same way as they did before Revelations.
As on Earth, as in Heaven. Topple the thrones of the Tyrants, and the common man will not want for sustenance. The Progeny of the Revolution are everywhere, usually amongst the poorer class. They range from simple reformists to the bloodiest of revolutionists. Their aims are simple: to push for an utopia all are equal, no matter the cost. Of course, the way to the Utopia is wrought with difficulties, and they cannot agree on the endstate beyond the broadest of strokes. Therefore, civil wars amongst this faction is more than a little common.
  • They have no dedicated ways. While they have intricate secrete codes and the like, on the area of magic, they would use anything that they can get their hands on.
  • The Progeny have no leader. While charismatic people may command great respect over them, they come and go easily. This state is leads to the Progeny to be fractured. Instead, most cells function by themselves, and come to a democratic concensus amongst themselves when they cooperate. In theory, at least.

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Well, that's one of the wackier games I've seen here. I'm certainly interested, but I'll need a couple of days to come up with something fitting.
Independant Koronis Federation
Nation Name: The Independent Koronis Coalition
Location and Capital: Asteroid Belt, Koronis
History: The asteroid belt. It had never been overlooked, but was not prestigious in the same way planets were. The largest and most relevant asteroids were also generally among the first settled, and around which the most intense wars were fought. Beyond that, not many are truly known, forgotten about except as spreadsheet lines for corporate magnates and national finance departments. However, that doesn't mean that there's nothing relevant outside of that infamous initial wave of colonization.

The IKC thus proudly traces their history back to the early but not too early days of belt colonization, pointedly declaring that they showed up after the worst of the fighting and extermination campaigns that plagued humanity's original expansions throughout the solar system. Independent pioneers one and all, practically the entire Koronis family of asteroids was colonized. From the original habitats centered around the main asteroids of Koronis, Urda, Lacrimosa and Ida, to a (comparatively) vast network of mines, shipyards and hydroponic farms throughout almost the entire cluster. Despite initial strife, external pressures forced the disparate states to unite into the Independent Koronis Coalition.

There are greater asteroids, of course, such as grand Ceres and mighty Pallas. They and their own attendant swarm of lesser rocks will be far more important, powerful and famous than the IKC could ever be. Still, the IKC does have one thing to pride itself on that goes above and beyond its more prestigious fellow habitats: its independence from all things. The corporations, other nations, angels, aliens, itself...

Most of the rest of its history could be called comparatively uneventful, which is just the way they like it. Still, that doesn't mean without tension. As inner sphere interlopers turn their attention towards the belt and its people, it has become all too clear that without measures taken the Coalition would fall under the greedy thumb of others in the name of its resources. To this end, there has been a rare showing of assent from the Iron Assembly to increase military spending. With an impressive military and slightly restricted trade, the IKC looks to be in an acceptable position for the near future. Still, there is always the matter of external expansion...
Culture: "Ask ten connies a question, and you'll get eleven answers."

The Coalition is a fundamentally fractious entity. It has no real common culture beyond the ideal of personal and national independence, and each major asteroid functions with a high degree of autonomy. There is a ruling body, the Iron Assembly, which has members appointed to it by the IKC's component states based mostly on population. It is grudgingly complied with on matters of great import, primarily those of military and foreign policy. Although there is little risk of any member nation outright leaving the Coalition , the power of veto has been spread liberally, and heads butt often. In recent times, minor centralization measures and increasing bureaucratic inertia have seen greater levels of unity, but compared to almost any other nation the Coalition is still highly disunited.

As it is impossible to give a significant amount of detail on the IKC's overall culture, since there isn't one, here are five examples. These are comparatively short for the sake of sanity, and of course are highly generalized. There are exceptions to every rule of a "culture", and this fact is most certainly true in the Coalition.

Koronis: As the rock the cluster is named after and the first asteroid settled, Koronis is a natural political capital. And considering it did bring the IKC into being it almost is, although in practice little regard is given to Koronis directly. Regardless, the citizens of Koronis are a sensitive sort, perhaps as a result of their colony ships being sent out more in the name of idealistic wanderlust than a pragmatic hunt for riches. Unsurprisingly, they are among those most in favor of the IKC and highly politically conscious. They have thus developed a reputation for being weepy yet adroit socialites and diplomats. The first part may not be exactly true, even though they are emotionally open, but the latter certainly is. Koronians are also not afraid of using more underhanded methods to achieve their goal should the need arise. Rulership is extremely localized into various elected councils with short terms, and the leaders of these councils are voted for in further elections to choose who will be members of the Assembly. It is also the asteroid that contains the meeting chambers of the Iron Assembly as a concession made during the unification process.

Ida: The most militaristic asteroid, settled by first mercenaries and soon after retired veterans from the belt extermination campaigns and then numerous martian wars. Originally a military base established for the protection of the other colonies, it soon grew into an independent nation in its own right. The military does not rule directly, but the independent power and authority of the civil government is limited. It can run without interference from the army most of the time, but it is entirely at the whim of the armed forces. Decisions can be overruled and de jure heads of state replaced at any time for almost any reason, and the citizenship have been conditioned to support this. Civilian life is not strictly speaking spartan in any way, but discipline is prized heavily and often enforced. Ida sends a mix of military and civilian members to the Assembly, but this is a mere formality, as the civilian members always vote with the military ones when it would matter. The War Academy of Ida is the best, largest and most respected of the various military schools of the belt, and the asteroid also holds the headquarters of both the Coalition Army and Navy.

Lacrimosa: The largest and most rich in metals of the Koronis family, Lacrimosa is thus also the manufacturing and business hub of the Coalition due to the original settlements being the most industrial focused. Although many of the asteroids are focused on one facet or other of a nation, Lacrimosa is the most blatant and extreme of these. It has no proper civil government, instead being populated entirely by corporate workers and led by CEOs. On Lacrimosa, raw materials are everything, the lifeblood of the miniature world. It is dominated by contracts and working hours, and its appointees to the Assembly are usually the leaders of or special representatives from the best performing companies. It is kept from monopolies mostly by the other members of the IKC specifically buying from most or all of the various companies in measured amounts specifically to avoid such a fate. The shipyards of Lacrimosa are an important secondary trade, and the only ones capable of producing the Coalition's largest bulk haulers and dreadnoughts.

Urda: Unique among the members of the Coalition, Urda is not led by any mere mortal, but a powerful intelligence of lightning and silicon. Built into the heart of the asteroid, the Hierarch Core runs all of Urda. The human citizens are well provided for, but live highly regulated and monitored lives, and all are free to become a citizen of Urda. Relatively few accept this ongoing offer. Many chastise the people of Urda for perceived laziness, and perhaps there is merit to these accusations. Still, their original achievement of making their mechanical ruler is undeniably impressive. The HC is truly massive, spreading for kilometers in every direction from a central point miles below the surface, maintained by thousands of drones and protected by potent war automatons working alongside fanatical cyborg soldiers. Other than that, Urda is a well rounded asteroid, producing a solid mixture of raw material, war machines, food, diplomats, and so on. Its sole notable focuses are of course robotics and cybernetics. A random willing human is selected to attend the Assembly in case of communications failure, along with a drone controlled directly by the HC that in normal circumstances counts as all of Urda's votes.

The Arlathon Bloc: Many of the smaller inhabited asteroids have their own culture, or are functionally mere outposts of a larger asteroid. One group, however, is the Arlathon Bloc. Not an official political union, these habitats have reacted to their minimal importance by striving yet further for independence, although none has actually left the Coalition yet. These believe that one can only reach true happiness and freedom entirely by themselves, for as an extension of their desires of independence they have developed a cult of individuality. Some say that they would have developed a unique form of Gnosis were it not for the Domes, but if so then it is impossible to teach it at all due to its very nature, and needless to say that means it can't spread very fast. This group was first identified by J. H. Arlathon, a shrewd Koronian political operator, and they threaten to secede at practically every opportunity. Luckily for the Assembly, since they're too individualist to work together they can easily be turned against one another.
Gnosis: The IKC will publicly tell you the above, but there is something else. Something equally known, but not anything they like to admit in public. Colonization of the asteroid belt began around 35 years After Revelations. The newest generation had grown up in a world of the fantastical and mystical. However, there were those, although dwindling, who remembered the time before, and there were also those who had grown up and rejected these early ideals of Gnosis, seeing what horrors it wrought on Mars. Or in many cases, simply disliking the idea that reality was so malleable and soft, preferring a cold and rigid reality.

For the most part, these people were few in number. Outcompeted by those willing to fully utilize their new capabilities and commit to an ideal, separated with no unifying cry, and in many cases tapping into the same Supernal Forms they feared. These strange creatures were usually quickly put down, but this is not quite their story.

This was not the case for all, however. Some resolved to take matters into their own hands. If the universe was strange and unknown, they resolved to make it known like their ancestors had striven to.

This was rather impossible, of course, which proved to be a minor issue with the entire affair. In the end, it was only though acknowledgement of the fact that reality was a strange and mystical place that could not be understood that reality could be demystified once again. These people are those who would reject the light of heaven and the revelations they brought in favor of a world purely of their own design.

The settlement of the Koronis family was an experiment, aiming to put these ideas to the test. The habitat domes were uniquely built not just to keep out air, but to keep out magic. The false sky of the various armored screens were constructed to expertly replicate the sky of pre-Revelations earth. No strange swirling nebula of color and miracles that proved how fake the distinctions between reality and belief truly were. A simple sky, with a sun providing light during the day and stars providing light at night. Not a single ray of the true Sun at the center of the system is allowed through, lest it contaminate this atmosphere of a world thought long since lost.

Inside, magic withers and dies. With the exception of the complicated quantum equations of the Hierarch Core, allowing it to manipulate reality in a special binary form of Derived Godspeak, no Gnosis other than that of science can be formed anew. This includes tapping into Supernal Forms. No special powers can be granted unless one can overpower the domes, which are far more durable than earth's shell ever was. The Gnosis of others remains intact, but is sapped heavily when used. The more obscene the magical act in question is, the more it is weakened. In accordance with the falsehood of an objective reality, such acts also take a weightier toll on the caster than they otherwise would. Entirely magical creatures such as dragons may even die outright under the oppressive light of the projected sun or filtered stars.

Technology, however, remains mostly unaffected, albeit only for a specific type of technology vetted and approved by the Assembly. Fusion reactors, robots, particle beam cannons, all these are just the tip of the vast knowledge the Coalition possesses. Perhaps the most advanced in terms of raw technological prowess in the entire system, this is sadly limited in potency. A blade forged with top of the line scientific procedures without tapping into the Forms, underperforms against a bronze blade that does. Regardless, if a blade is made that cannot be enhanced magically, a Koronis blade shall beat it almost every time. And likewise, this means almost everything is replaceable. No one off relic works act as linchpins here, all that is lost can be easily enough replaced. Even the Hierarch Core could be replicated somewhat reliably with sufficient time and effort. In addition, it takes comparatively little time to train and equip a new soldier, especially if said soldier is a machine, compared to complex rituals other nations might attempt.

One final note is that this is not limited to the more material sciences. There have also been advances in psychology, economics, management, mathematical theory and so forth, giving the IKC the edge it needs to stay around although not supreme in a magical world.
  • Sword: 5
  • Stave: 5
  • Banquet: 3
  • Coin: 5
  • Crown: 2
Armies and Fleets:
2 Armies, 2 Fleets
Fleet Template:
  • High Concept: Juggernaut Armada
  • Trouble: Mobility of a Sloth
  • Aspects: Large And In Charge, Battleships Over Carriers, Triple Redundancy
Army Template
  • High Concept: Hard As Nails Space Marines
  • Trouble: No Supersoldiers
  • Aspects: Advanced Dropships, Urban Specialists, Eclectic Makeup
  • Name: The Hierarch Core
  • History: First created as an administrative intelligence for the large asteroid Urda, the Hierarchy Core rapidly grew over time as it proved its worth and demanded more and more processing power. Before long, it was taking on the responsibilities of running life support systems and research programs, and then it had taken control of the entire small world. Perhaps the single most powerful and important being in the Coalition, the Core continues its mission to loyally serve and improve the lives of the people of Urda, and despite some wariness on the part of its fellow member states has been mostly welcomed as an aid to the IKC. Despite having the capabilities to synthesize a natural human voice and manufacture drones that can pass for human, it prefers to speak with clearly unnatural reverberations and inhabit clearly artificial drone bodies.
  • Legend: The Hierarch Core naturally excels in both administration and research. However, as well as creating ever more advanced combat robots and efficiently running Urda, it also knows several words of Derived Godspeak. These focus around four aspects: personal attack, defense, wisdom and artifice, magnified by the great scale and powerful mind of the Core. Although it only knows a little of each, even a single word of Derived Godspeak is significant. However, it cannot speak these through its drones. The Godspeak must come from the Hierarch Core itself, which is completely immobile and stuck in Urda. In addition, despite being exceedingly well protected with troops and surveillance drones, a sufficiently skilled saboteur might be able to successfully disable the AI for a time by crippling critical components, or even permanently destroying it by striking at the central control node.
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Claiming the Saturn Moons of Titan, Enceladus, Hyperion, and a score of the smaller moons.

I'll have a full claim sheet up this afternoon for the Saturnite Consortium.
Claiming the Galian Moons of Jupiter. Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

The Baal-Jupiter Compact will rise.
Dracon Archonate
Nation Name: Dracon Archonate
Location and Capital: Jupiter, Brezzadium
History: The Dragons awoke from the seas of metallic hydrogen and burst, winged, into the crushing atmosphere of Jupiter. The seas of Jupiter bear intense magical energies, bathing the scions of the Dragons in pure Godspeak. The Dragons were born mighty and clawed, war waged in the atmosphere of Jupiter as the eyes of angels cried. The seas of Jupiter churned with ripped and flayed flesh of living stone. The great Dragon, Brezzad looked upon this chaos and declared it to be wrong, first spoke the dragon's version of Godspeak, Draconic. By these words was fire first breathed and the mighty warriors humbled. The dragons lived under the rule of Brezzad, flying forever on the winds of Jupiter, but Brezzad knew that while the dragons were mighty they were alone and haughty. Thus Brezzad spoke the true Godspeak and about his giant body formed the great floating capital of the Archonate, Brezzadium. A city of immense size, it was a sphere of a hundred thousand lines in which the great dragons could fly through the neverending caverns, held up by the bones of Brezzad. In the center of the hollow sphere stood the great Spire of the Archon, the palace of the Dragon Mages, a silver spire topped with the great head of Brezzad. The Council of Dragon Mages had been formed, a great Parliament of all dragons who wielded the art of Draconic wisdom and power. This Council would elect the Archon, the greatest among them who would bathe in the Brazier of the Eternal Fire, the burning heart of Brezzad which flames forever by the power of his words. The Archons have sought to prepare the dragons for wars against their neighbors, and desire to fly throughout all of Heaven.

Culture: The dragons are a ponderous, mighty, and haughty people. They desire knowledge, power, magical might, but also value extreme exertions of physical prowess. Violence, while taboo in society, holds a deep, primal obsession for the dragon. The Order of the Claw was founded by the second Archon Nundurunth to hunt dragons who gave in to the bloodlust of the claw, dragons who reverted to their natures and hunted other dragons in the open skies of Jupiter. Wealth, while respected, holds little value in dragon society which is based on pride, social status, and magic. Meanwhile, dragons are exceptionally slow to act at times, often sleeping for months to years at a time.

Gnosis: The dragons of the Archonate bear the Gnosis of Flight. For a dragon there is nothing of more worth than to fly, the bend the shape of the world to the will of the wing. The dragon seeks to fly ever higher, to dive ever lower, all his being compels him to defy the world to exert mastery over it. The dream of the dragon is to fly in Heaven, to fly on Winds of Light into the Divine Center.

  • Sword: 7
  • Stave: 3
  • Banquet: 5
  • Coin: 2
  • Crown: 3
Armies and Fleets:
Three Fleets and Three Armies
Fleet Template:

  • High Concept: Manipulation of Heaven
  • Trouble: Technological Inferiority
  • Aspects: Flight of a Thousand Dragons, Fire from a Thousand Maws, Spells from a Hundred Masters
Army Template:
  • High Concept: By Fire and Claw
  • Trouble: Picked Apart at Range
  • Aspects: Death from Above, Bloodlust of the Awakened Animal, Fire from the Skies
  • Name: Archon Azagarian
  • History: Azagarian was elected to the Archonate by the Council of Dragon Mages ten years ago. He made his fame by being the first dragon since the Awakening to dive back into the Hydrogen Sea of Jupiter. There he communed with the Thousand Eyed Angels and Asters by swimming with his maw upon, washing away the flames of the Godspeak in his lungs. He emerged from the Sea with great power and bathed in the Eternal Fire without injury.
  • Legend: He has spoken the pure Godspeak in the Hydrogen Sea and is the unparalleled master among the living Dragons of the Draconic magics. His words have formed islands in the skies of Jupiter and crumbled worlds of rebel Dragons, forcing great beasts of sinew and living stone to yield. His flaw is his pride, his vanity and arrogance knows no bounds, and like Icarus he may fly too close to the Sun.
  • Name: Warchief Camilingofil the Black
  • History: Camilingofil rose to prominence as a warrior in the Order of the Claw. With his fire and talons he alone captured fourteen rogue hunters who had waylaid and murdered travelling dragons. He commanded the Order of the Claw during the election of the Archon Azagarian and defeated the Mages who mounted a rebellion to oppose the new Archon. With claw and fire alone he brought down masters of the Draconic Arts and shrugged off mighty, shattering spells. For this he was named Warchief by the new Archon, Master of the Armies and Fleets of the Archonate.
  • Legend: The Warchief is a master of war, a champion of fire and claw. He has no truck with primitive savagery, except in the service of the mageocracy. While a mighty warrior he has no ability in politics, knowledge, or the esoteric studies of the Heavens.
Hmmm. This is a very curious setting and I think I would like to try playing in it. Claiming a bit of Mars for myself.
The Saturnite Consortium
Nation Name: The Saturnite Consortium
Location and Capital: Titan, Recke City

The Consortium history starts with one man in the murky, almost mythical past before Humanity broke the Seals of Heaven. Uradel von Recke, was a powerful corporate leader based in what was known as the United States of America. When the Seals broke, there was a period of confusion, and it took the better part of a decade for Humanity to reassess its position. The nation-state that pulled itself from the ashes of the USA, was known as the Technocracy of North America. TNA was of course short lived, founded purely on backlash against the new order of things, it could not hope to survive long term. However while it existed Uradel took great care to position himself high in its government and power structure, and accordingly benefited from its many technological breakthroughs before its inevitable collapse.

With the downfall of the Technocracy, Uradel von Recke did not intend to fall with it. While many pioneers were pushing into the asteroid belt as the new frontier, he planned to go further. Using his vast fortune and many political connections, he commissioned one of the most advanced starships of its day, loaded it with cutting edge equipment, the brightest minds he could gather, and hundreds of thousands of human embryos. Then he pushed far passed the Belt, into the outer system. For decades, no one heard anything from the expedition. Assuming it lost or failed, the Belters continued there industry, and the inner system continued its politics. Only the arrival of a sleek ship claiming to hail from Saturn, more specifically Titan, brought the fate of the man and the ship to light. Recke had meet with success, and built his own Empire on the Saturn moon. Soon trade goods and information were flowing across Sol from both directions, and the sheer size and extent of the Consortium worried many on Old Earth.

What was more baffling, was the fact that Recke was still apparently alive! Though he would have been pushing 100 years of age. Many disregarded the tail as pure propaganda, while others assumed he would pass of age within a few short years. Yet he never did, and when a Consortium Battle Cruiser, some escorts, and freighters full of riches arrived at Earth, many Kings and Emperors met with the man who looked no older than a brisk 25. He called himself Uradel Von Recke Alpha 3, and the truth was known. He was a clone, of the Alpha line. He and his brothers ruled the Consortium, and considered themselves to be the equal of any nation of Old Earth...


The vast majority of Consortium citizens are descended from old American stock. Within the population exist roughly three classes of citizens. The Serfs, are those descended from the original embryos brought from Earth, and grown to maturity on the Moon of Titan. They are the factory workers, farmers, menial laborers, and soldiers of the Consortium. They are the lowest level of society, and while they don't live in poverty, they also have few means of upward social progression.

The next level are the Guild Masters, these people are descended from the Scientist, Engineers, and Business Men who grew up in the United States and lived through its collapse, and that of the Technocracy. They rule daily life for the Serfs in a similar style that that of the European Aristocracy of old. They often hold there own military forces, and oversee the economic output of fiefs under there control.

The finial class is that of the Uradels. Separated into various lineages, such as the Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and so on. They rule the Consortium, with the most powerful members being on the Board of Fourteen, and the most powerful of them being the Alpha Blood Line, CEO of the Consortium.

*Individual Discriptions of various Consortium holdings to come*

Gnosis: The Gnosis of the Consortium depends on which Bloodline holds the position of CEO. With each House holding one of the 7 deadly sins, or 7 heavenly virtues as its highest tenant. Currently the House of Patience, Uradel von Recke Alpha the 3rd is the CEO, and so the Consortium as a who strives to exemplify that aspect of humanity. The Sin/Virtue a Bloodline represents is dogmatically enforced, and will be followed at all cost. Of course what exactly something like Envy or Charity personified means is up to debat, even within a House.

  • Sword: 5
  • Stave: 7
  • Banquet: 2
  • Coin: 3
  • Crown: 3
Armies and Fleets:

Fleet Template: Saturnite Armada
  • High Concept: Sleek, Fast, and Durable
  • Trouble: Slow Production Rate
  • Aspects: The Saturnite Armada is the combined fleets of all 14 Bloodlines, the ships are sleek, and on first glance fragile. Being made of what looks to be blown glass of various colors, and bubbles of crystal. This would be a mistake, forged in the upper atmosphere of Saturn, and doused in its high pressure and heat, the armor of these war ships is greater than anything mankind could have envisioned in the past.
Fleet Template: Guild Fleets
  • High Concept: Quick Manufacturer Time
  • Trouble: Mundane
  • Aspects: The Fleets of the High Guilds would be recognizable to those men and women who served in the nuclear submarine fleets of the distant past. Build using mundane methods, they are reliable, if not exceptionally powerful. The most common armaments being hydrogen warheads, and mass accelerator cannons. Armor is generally a steel-titanium composite.

Army Template: Consortium Guard
  • High Concept: Mystic Battle Mages
  • Trouble: Small in Number
  • Aspects: The Consortium Guard are the private combat forces of each Bloodline. While all are elite forces, some are more deadly than others. Such as the House of Wrath, whose Guard can enter a berserk rage or induce it in there allies, or the House of Diligence whose Guard have never, and some whisper can never be broken.
Army Template: Guild Militia
  • High Concept: Large Numbers
  • Trouble: Mundane
  • Aspects: The Guild Militia forces are many, and can number tens of thousands for even smaller High Guilds. They are also well versed in warfare, participating in internal conflicts often. But they lack the higher arts so often found in other armed forces. Being made up of average men, armed and armored with gear and weapons not to different from there counter-parts in the nation-state armies of the 20th and 21st centuries. When numbers are needed, or when territory needs a garrison force, it is often the Guild Militia that fills the role.

Heroes: *WIP*
  • Name: Self Explanatory.
  • History: Self Explanatory.
  • Legend: The real meat and bones. Legend is what your hero excels in. It's basically a skills section. However, I'd like for it to include flaws and failings in addition to superpowers. For example, if I was statting out Achilles like this, I would put down his temper and his Heel on top of his invincibility.
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  • High Concept: Manipulation of Heaven
  • Trouble: Technological Inferiority
A few problems. What does Manipulation of Heaven mean? They don't tell me much about what you're fleet's based on. In addition, if I'm right about what your Trouble is- that your navy's got old, outdated tech. However, in EoI, tech isn't what we normally conceive of it. It's also spells, training, mystic stuff. So bringing a barge equipped with bronze cannons to a space battleship fight is, in fact, an even fight. Could you change that into something more pressing? Thanks.
@Laplace I would like to stake my claim over Europe and the mediterranean for now, while I work on the City- IE "What if Europe was an entire megalopolis."
The College of Creation
Nation Name: The College of Creation
Location and Capital: Nominally Madrid Spain on Old Earth, in practicality, Tetra City, Mercury

History: When the first astronomers flocked to the stars, they came in a scattered and tangled mess and burned themselves out like embers on a flame, smoting their selves in pursuit of the true Godspeak. But as the exodus organized, so did the astronomers who spearheaded the exploration. They formed themselves into many great houses, and formed those houses into a great college.

They set their capital in Madrid, for that was where the House Astrofisica, first among the houses, was based, but as humanity spread back into the Light of Heaven and Earth dimmed in its great significance as the cradle of humanity, so did the College in Madrid. Two of the College's campuses rose to prominence to fill the void then. The first upon Tetra City, was home to the Great Observatory where the most esteemed scholars listened to the music of creation and mapped the paths of Heaven's Light. The second, upon Pluto, was the jumping off point where the College brought Heavens Light to penetrate Quibbloth space, carving their way through the mist with the brand of Sol.

The College is not a national body, but its members are ubiquitous in space, for it its their musicians who make travel through beyond the planets on such a grand scale possible. The great nations of Sol might field their own musicians to light the paths for their military ships, but their trade and their civilian traffic would inevitably grind to a halt without the College's musicians. It owns no territory and holds no armies, yet their words are as law unto the many small nations of Sol Space and their suggestions are taken with great weight even by the vast juggernauts of the heavens.

It is for this reason that it maintains a campus in almost every single polity across Sol Space. Radicals within the college have agitated in recent years for the college to take a more active role in the affairs of the Heavenly Realm beyond the great bodies that cross the void, but they have been suppressed by the Dean of Music whose great and overwhelming authority has completely shut down discussion on that front.

Culture: When God first wove the worlds of Sol from His Light, he did it with a song.

The line between astronomer and musician has become blurred upon the Age of Divinity. To study the Stars means to study music and the wonderful notes of slurred Godspeak that the heavens produce. The chords of infinity, the symphony of creation, the aria of destruction, hidden within all of their notes lies the secrets of the Heavens. Through the myriad notes of the Heaven's music, the true Godspeak might be realized, if only through the blurred form of a melody or a tune.

The college itself has become intensely competitive, its houses engaged in an eternal competition for more budget and more resources. Fractiously they carry out feuds with each other across multiple campuses, multiple observatories, multiple planets. They dare not commit the sin of heresy of going against the Dean of Music, so his words quell their bickering, but he is only one and the Houses are everywhere.

However, while the Houses are the core of the college and the foundation from which it was birthed, it is not everything. Beyond the houses there lie countless musicians unattached to any of the College's internal organizations. The majority of them are loose musicians, who light the path for the trade vessels and the passanger liners of Sol Space and ply their lonely songs over the great reaches of the space between Heavenly bodies. But there are also great musicians who shulk off the trappings and benefits of the Houses, and explorers who care nothing for the space where Sol's light shines, but venture forth evermore into Quibbloth space.

Thus the College, more than anything, is defined by its culture. Its organization is haphazard and tottering, its organs never quite in alignment, but at heart each and every one of them are musicians and holds the enlightenment seeking mentality of the College in their hearts. It is the one thing that keeps this overgrown organization which is more powerful than some nations together with a common goal.

Gnosis: Sol is more than just a star. And a song is more than just sounds. Sol is the divine engine, the heavenly orchestra, that emits its notes of light and Godspeak across all that it can touch.

The College's goal is to understand that music. They have done great work on the subject already, managing to weave their little melodies and tunes in the great light of Sol, so that they can speed the passage of ships to ride upon Sol's light. They have understood the symphony of creation and the aria of destruction so that they might bring forth the world from where it did not exist and bring apart that which the world detests. They have understood the cadence which defines meaning and the tempo which creates self and all the more esoteric forms that the music of creation takes.

And yet they are still learning.

The study of music is a rabbit hole into which any individual might fall forever. Music is more than just vibrations of matter, more than just energy passed through a system. It is anything and everything. The Aster, the heavenly bodies, everything is part of a grand composition that God has created. But first, you have to learn to listen to the tune and find the tempo. After that, everything falls into place.

  • Sword: 0
  • Stave: 0
  • Banquet: 7
  • Coin: 3
  • Crown: 10
Armies and Fleets:
1 Fleet
Fleet Template:
High Concept: Explorator Fleet
Trouble: Primary Mission Research
Aspects: Esoteric Equipment, Fleet Full of Mad Scientists, These are its Voyages and its Adventures

Name: Bach
History: Something Something doing research on Mercury.
Legend: TBD

Name: Mozart
History: Something Something exploring quibbloth space. Haven't heard back from in a while.
Legend: TBD

Name: Beethoven
History: TBD
Legend: TBD

Name: Dean of Music
History: Staunch voice of the Collegiate conservatives.
Legend: Something something bureaucratic mastermind. TBD.

Name: Provost
History: Young maybe???
Legend: Something involving building a instrument out of Aster flesh.
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@Laplace I would like to stake my claim over Europe and the mediterranean for now, while I work on the City- IE "What if Europe was an entire megalopolis."
No problem, Ark.
With the downfall of the Technocracy, Uradel von Recke did not intend to fall with it. While many pioneers were pushing into the asteroid belt as the new frontier, he planned to go further. Using his vast fortune and many political connections, he commissioned one of the most advanced starships of its day, loaded it with cutting edge equipment, the brightest minds he could gather, and hundreds of thousands of human embryos. Then he pushed far passed the Belt, into the outer system. For decades, no one heard anything from the expedition. Assuming it lost or failed, the Belters continued there industry, and the inner system continued its politics. Only the arrival of a sleek ship claiming to hail from Saturn, more specifically Titan, brought the fate of the man and the ship to light. Recke had meet with success, and built his own Empire on the Saturn moon. Soon trade goods and information were flowing across Sol from both directions, and the sheer size and extent of the Consortium worried many on Old Earth.
Okay, so I have a couple of issues with your sheet. Lets start with specifics. In the After Revelations paradigm of 'lets colonize EVERYTHING' why would Recke's colonization efforts go unnoticed? Like, Titan's a pretty large moon. Why wouldn't anyone else decide to land a colony there? It's mostly the secret colony that's niggling me. If you'd make it clear that Recke got there first, staked his claim on it, that'd be good.

There's also the fact that it's um, kind of bland? Like, it'd be a perfectly serviceable faction- excellent, even- for a hard science sci-fi nation game. End of Infinities, however, is not a hard science fiction game. There's a lot of potential there, for example, making Recke into some sort of messiah figure. I'm just not seeing it in your current history section. @EternalStruggle is also kind of guilty about that, too.

Also, I've got some example NPCs up in the Areas post, currently renamed Areas and NPCs, for those who want a better idea in what kind of factions I'd like too see.
How old is the Progeny of the Revolution faction? If they're more than fifty years old, then they'd work well as the origin for the nation I'm building.
No problem, Ark.

Okay, so I have a couple of issues with your sheet. Lets start with specifics. In the After Revelations paradigm of 'lets colonize EVERYTHING' why would Recke's colonization efforts go unnoticed? Like, Titan's a pretty large moon. Why wouldn't anyone else decide to land a colony there? It's mostly the secret colony that's niggling me. If you'd make it clear that Recke got there first, staked his claim on it, that'd be good.

There's also the fact that it's um, kind of bland? Like, it'd be a perfectly serviceable faction- excellent, even- for a hard science sci-fi nation game. End of Infinities, however, is not a hard science fiction game. There's a lot of potential there, for example, making Recke into some sort of messiah figure. I'm just not seeing it in your current history section. @EternalStruggle is also kind of guilty about that, too.

Also, I've got some example NPCs up in the Areas post, currently renamed Areas and NPCs, for those who want a better idea in what kind of factions I'd like too see.

My idea was that he went to titan, way before anyone else. Like, when the Belt was just getting its first settlers. My idea was that in the confusion of the paradime shift, and a new reality opening he and his expedition went unnoticed and was pretty much lost in common knowledge.

As to the man himself, I know you want a lot of intrigue in the Saturn-Jupiter area and thats what I hope to provide with the different Clone Bloodlines. They are all cloned from a very driven and individualistic man. Each Bloodline has there own goals and plans. With lots of opertunity for assassination and political manuvers. Thats not even getting into the Guilds.
My idea was that he went to titan, way before anyone else. Like, when the Belt was just getting its first settlers. My idea was that in the confusion of the paradime shift, and a new reality opening he and his expedition went unnoticed and was pretty much lost in common knowledge.
Mm, so you're saying the secrecy thing was very temporary? Okay, I can work with that.
As to the man himself, I know you want a lot of intrigue in the Saturn-Jupiter area and thats what I hope to provide with the different Clone Bloodlines. They are all cloned from a very driven and individualistic man. Each Bloodline has there own goals and plans. With lots of opertunity for assassination and political manuvers. Thats not even getting into the Guilds.
The clone-lines are interesting, and they definitely do fulfill the intrigue bits. However, that's not my main quibble. I sincerely wish for a lot of nations to be fantastical. The Archonate and the College are excellent examples. I'm just not getting that vibe from the Consortium.
Mm, so you're saying the secrecy thing was very temporary? Okay, I can work with that.

The clone-lines are interesting, and they definitely do fulfill the intrigue bits. However, that's not my main quibble. I sincerely wish for a lot of nations to be fantastical. The Archonate and the College are excellent examples. I'm just not getting that vibe from the Consortium.

Yes it was temporary, probably less than 20 years.

I'm still working on the fantasy elements. My current idea is that the Bloodlines will be sorcerers of a sort.
Yes it was temporary, probably less than 20 years.

I'm still working on the fantasy elements. My current idea is that the Bloodlines will be sorcerers of a sort.
Cool cool.

As for fantastical elements, why take some inspiration from Adam Kadmon? Each of them a fragment of Heaven's perfect creation. You could also have Recke be some type of Messiah, inspired by Asters. Just some suggestions.
The Neighborhood

Nation Name: The Neighborhood
Location and Capital: Mars, Greenville
There are those that say that Mars once had sand that was white before mankind colonized the planet bring with it all of its problem turning it red from the countless and bloody wars. Those people are fools but no one can deny that the planet named after the Roman god of wars could not be more aptly named.

In the aftermath of the last great war on Mars fifty years ago commonly known as the Big One there were no real winners. Of these survivors was a coalition of the winners, losers and those who had nothing left forced to work together out of fear of their chances of survival. Lead by the charismatic Commander Chuck Rosewater he was able to unite those who previously been foes and bitter rivals into partners and searched for a new home able to support his followers. Collecting war machines and soldiers in their march across the planet they made short work of the scattered tribes and scavenger who got in their way until they came across the land that would become Greenville. Rosewater inspired by the records of an era on Earth of idyllic peacetime after an era of total war sought to emulate the aesthetic and mentality of that society. So the Neighborhood was born.

The Neighborhood has a very sharp contrast between what is assumed about them and the reality. Unlike the majority of the planet the territory belonging to the Neighborhood is covered in terraformed green grass and fields able to support the growing population of it.The tribes of Mars have learned to fear the Peacekeeper tripods who enforced brutal treaties of many tribes forces to give the best loot of the mountains of Martian scrap and prewar loot or their extermination.

Culture: The people of the Neighborhood have worked hard to build a future that they are happy to see their children live in. They will not allow anything to get in the way of that because they believe they are rightfully owed that. The rest of the stars are there merely to see to it that Neighborhood's high standard level of living. Th

Neighborhood technology is known for its excessive showmanship of bright lights and loud noises. Flying saucers, tripods and laser beams are the norm. Neighborhood scientists spend most of their time finding ways to improve the livelihood of their citizenry or rediscovering Martian machines of war determined to maintain their lead over their tribal neighbors.

  • Sword: 5
  • Stave: 3
  • Banquet: 1
  • Coin: 6
  • Crown: 5
Armies and Fleets:

Fleet Template:
  • High Concept: Doomsday Fleet
  • Trouble: We chose Quality over Quantity
  • Aspects: Our Best and Brightest, Doomsday Lightshow, The Size of Our Ships Shall Blot Out the Stars
Army Template
  • High Concept: Deathray Shooting Tripod Robot Overlords
  • Trouble: Tactics Are By the Numbers
  • Aspects: Ironwill, Nuclear Powered Murder Machine, All Terrain Machines