Eclipse (MLP)

Slow burn till fiery inferno?
A very slow burn, but I imagine Celestia and Luna have already discussed this. The number of times Celestia and Page have been cuddling, touching, or comforting each other has slowly crept up story after story, and it feels a lot like how his initial relationship with Luna progressed.
They've been teasing each other for years now, I don't think there's much seduction coming from Page's side... Celestia, on the other hand... xD But also, I recall it being a minor plot point... I think 2 books ago? Where Page and Celestia knew they were in love, but not acting on it beyond teasing which drove Cadance up the wall.

I grumbled and held my wings tighter around myself. Sleepy. Warm. Comfortable.

"Page? Are you awake in there?"

I forced my eyes open with a yawn, "I'm awake," I answered, looking down at the floor beneath me, barely visible through the mass of fabric wrapped around me.

It had been a bit tricky to do while hanging from my tail, but tying a couple of blankets around myself had worked perfectly and even if the room was a bit cool, I was in a nice warm cocoon.

Celestia ducked down and then peered up into my cocoon, " Good morning. That can't be comfortable," she commented with a smile.

"I don't know what you are on about, this is amazing," I answered sleepily, hugging myself with my wings, holding my legs close to myself with a small yawn, "All nice and cozy."

"Are you certain you would not rather have a bed?" She asked as she laid down, looking up at me as she rolled onto her back, "My sister insisted that you would prefer a perch."

I shook my head, looking down at her, "This is crazy comfortable," I mumbled sleepily.

Celestia smiled up at me in amusement, "And how exactly are you planning to get down?"

Looking down at her, I then smiled sleepily and cast a teleport spell, reappearing a couple of meters away, standing on the floor.

Celestia squeaked as the pair of blankets landed on her. I just laughed as she struggled to get them off her.

"That's how," I teased, sticking my tongue out at her.

Rolling back onto her stomach, she shot me a look before she shook her head and adjusted the blankets beneath her instead as she lit her horn and stacked some wood into the fireplace before lighting it, causing light to flood through the chamber to join the sunlight filtering in through the high and narrow window, the light playing across her pure white coat.

I thankfully moved closer, slipping in between her and the fireplace as I felt the chill starting to sink through my coat, "Thanks," I said and raised a wing to gather more of the heat of the fire, "How is it so cold? It's the middle of the summer!"

"It's the wind, I'm told," Celestia explained, "It's coming from the snow covered peaks above."

"Why did we pick this place, I don't like cold," I grumbled and folded my wings again, lighting my horn and grabbing part of the blanket to set over my back.

"Luna picked it," Celestia said with a small frown and her wing settles across the blanket in turn, "It must not have mentioned it in the reports."

"Or she figured it'd be fine in the middle of high summer," I said and shrugged my wings a bit, "What time is it?"

"After ten."

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, "I can't decide if that's early or late. It feels like both."

"I can assure you, it's late."

I glowered at her, "Being awake during the day is not natural," I grumbled and shifted, leaning against her to make use of her warmth, "The sun is too bright and if out in it, it can burn your wings," I continued before glancing up at her, "...Any chance you can make it a bit less harsh?"

Celestia smiled and shook her head, "I'm sorry, that's not possible," she said and her nose touched my mane, "Go eat. We will start our lessons as soon as you're done."

"Kitchen is in the other tower?"

"Lowest floor," she confirmed, "Or we can ask the maid to bring you something if you like."

Shaking my head, I got to my hooves, "No, I'm not some spoiled noble. I can go get my own sandwich," and trotted over to my bags, digging through to find that cloak.

Slipping it over my back and tying it before my neck, I then paused as I looked at Celestia. She was laying on the blanket, stretched out in the light of the fire.

She was beautiful.

Then something hit me that was strange with the sight, "You're not wearing your regalia."

"I'm here as a teacher, not a Princess," she said with a smile and pushed herself up to sit before getting up, taking the blankets and starting to fold them up in her magic. She put the blanket down and raised her hoof to touch her chest where her heavy necklace usually hung, "I admit… it feels strange," she then admitted.

"Strange good or strange bad?" I asked as I walked to look up at her as I used my wings to adjust the cloak to get them comfortable beneath it.

"Just unused to it," she said and put her hoof back down, "I usually only take them off for sleeping or when they are being cleaned."

I nodded, "Maybe a tradition we can work on lessening," I said and smiled at her, "Because it's not like anypony would ever mistake you for anypony else."

She looked thoughtful, "Maybe," she admitted before she shook her head, "But I like how it looks."

"You look good no matter what."

"Thank you," she said and stretched her wings high, catching the light from the fireplace against her pure white feathers, before she smiled at me, "Now go eat. Then we can start working on shields."

Ah, a subject I actually knew! I bet I could surprise her on that one, I did learn a bit from Midnight's brother in addition to what Luna taught me.

Nodding, I headed for the door and went downstairs. Blinking against the bright sunlight as I exited, I considered getting the day goggles for a second before deciding against it and quickly crossing the chilly courtyard towards the other tower.

Let's see what food we can chase down!
Luna picked it," Celestia said with a small frown and her wing settles across the blanket in turn, "It must not have mentioned it in the reports."

"Or she figured it'd be fine in the middle of high summer," I said and shrugged my wings a bit, "What time is it?"
Ah yes, Luna was clearly unaware the temperature will force them into close proximity. Thats the only explanation.
Glad Luna isn't feeling any jealousy. I'd been afraid of that happening.
Ponies just dont seem to experience jealousy like humans do here. Especially true for the royal sisters who have had a very long time to stop caring about that sort of thing.
Eh... I forget which of the previous story segments, but it was already mentioned that Luna and Celestia had already accepted that any Pony that could be either's Stallion/Mare Friend for a considerable length of time would ultimately end up being boths. Noticeably there wasn't any mention toward pony that only had a lifetime to spend with either. So~ less not jealous, and more that they already worked through the issue... Apparently before Celestia sent Luna to the Moon.

{Edit}And, well, Sunny, and Twilight were trained by Celestia... Plus, protagonist swagger. Means the typical jealousies are non starters. But, eh, Equis Ponies, do in fact, get jealous like humans. In Hiver's story no less. Plenty of character interaction in which several Mares of both the Protagonist's acquaintance, and of Twilight's, have turned down the harem participation due to not wanting to be one of many that Page would have to divide his attention with.
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I thought I knew how to cast shield spells.

In theory, I did. I had cast many shield spells, I was pretty fast at it too. And absolutely nothing about casting spells normally had anything to do with what Celestia was teaching me.

The shields and such Luna had taught me was all about stopping me from getting hurt. They were very good at it.

"And again," Celestia said from next to me as I regained my breath.

Nodding, I focused, eyes half closed behind my day goggles as I looked at the icecube sitting on a small tea saucer on the stone floor.

Casting the shield spell, I formed a slightly golden shimmering bubble over the ice, saucer and all. I kept my focus on it.

Celestia moved in, running her hoof through the bubble with no resistance. Then she lit her horn and lifted the icecube a little bit before putting it back down.

Then her horn flashed and a stream of fire struck down against the bubble. I instantly felt a strain and I added more magic into it, grinding my teeth as I held against the immense heat and bracing with my hooves against the floor.

I felt the hair getting hotter and quickly, it was like standing by a blast furnace and I was forced to take a step back. I felt the shield wavering even as I put more power into it.

Suddenly the beam of fire cut off and I gasped for breath, my horn feeling burning hot as I sank down to sit.

But for the first time, the icecube remained, the saucer was still there and not a melted pile of glowing goo on the floor. The floor, of course, was still okay because of the way it was protected.

Celestia smiled, her wings raising as she looked at me, "Very well done, Page!" she said, looking very pleased.

"H-how is that so much more effort!?" I asked and pushed my goggles up to just beneath my horn now when I didn't risk blinding myself.

"Because you are only trying to hold one thing back," Celestia said and faced me across the saucer on the floor, picking the icecube up, "In this case, heat. There are numerous times you want to block just one aspect, be it sound, light, heat, physical force or even water."

"I know how to cast a water shield already."

Celestia nodded, "Yes, but that is more like a normal shield. This shield I'm teaching you now can be used for any specific thing. Or several at once. It will serve you well."

I frowned in thought before I nodded, "I can see the uses. But it takes so much more effort."

"It will get easier with time," she reassured me and picked the saucer up, putting it away, "And you will find that when shielding against very powerful things, being able to limit the thing you specifically shield against can be very useful. And in the end, use less energy."

Considering that for several long moments, I scraped a hoof against the cooling stone before I nodded, "...I see your point. I have to practice that one."

"Also, it has more than one use," Celestia said with a smile, "Such as?"

I slowly tapped my hoof on the stone as I thought before getting to my hooves, "Well, it can specifically keep heat and cold out," I mused, "It could keep food and drink cold or hot."

"Indeed," she agreed as she turned to me, "But you may find that there are more efficient ways of doing that. What else?"

Flicking one ear in thought, I considered that before I shook my head, "...Basically anything that needs you to filter something out that's not disrupted by the shield itself, really."

"It has quite some uses, especially in such things as some sensitive potion making," Celestia agreed, "And in practicing spells."

"Practicing spells?"

She nodded and smiled, "If you, for example, live in a wooden building up in a tree and wish to safely practice fire magic…"

"Oh!" I said, my wings rising, "That's very useful!" I said before I folded my wings, frowning again, "Wait, how can I cast it and practice other magic at the same time?"

"That," Celestia said, "Is a much future lesson. But you already know how to cast two spells at the same time."

"Yeah, something like light and telekinesis," I said and stomped my hoof, "that is a bit different! Those are very basic spells!"

She shook her head, "Not quite, but also yes. But nothing you need to worry about now," she said and stretched her wings, "But I believe we are done with practical demonstrations for today."

"I can keep going, we should make use of as much of this time as we can," I said, shaking my head, "I'm good."

"You may be able to continue," Celestia said and stepped close, "But by tomorrow your horn will ache from overuse and if you push it then, it will be out of commission for a week or more."

That was a good point. My horn was still feeling warm.

But I smirked up at her, "I'd have you know that my horn can keep going for a long time. All day if necessary."

She smiled back, moving a bit closer, "So I heard. But I think we should put some other part of you to use for the rest of the day."

"And what would that be?" I asked and moved towards her, slowly passing past as I rounded her to stand by her other side, brushing my wing against each of hers.

Celestia smiled, "We will read."

"And what will we read?" I asked, looking up at her, "I can think of a few things you may enjoy."

"So can I, but last time we tried that, you ended up writing me a book," she answered with a small smirk of her own, "Instead I was thinking we would study magic circles in a continuation of the shielding theme.."

That sounded interesting.
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*Remembers Luna going Nightmare Moon due to some jealousy like feelings.*
"No one is paying attention to my beautiful night and only showing any love towards my sister" is a very different kind of jealousy from "my husband is sleeping with my sister".
Eh... I forget which of the previous story segments, but it was already mentioned that Luna and Celestia had already accepted that any Pony that could be either's Stallion/Mare Friend for a considerable length of time would ultimately end up being boths. Noticeably there wasn't any mention toward pony that only had a lifetime to spend with either. So~ less not jealous, and more that they already worked through the issue... Apparently before Celestia sent Luna to the Moon.
Yeah. They've had enough time to get over it and stop caring about that sort of thing.
How long before they meet at breakfast by kissing and not register it until they drink their tea and make a spectacular double spit-take?
The wind tugged at my mane and at my cloak. I used my horn and pulled the cloak tighter around myself against the cold wind as I looked out over the forest below, the moon shining high in the sky above.

I could see faint lights of a village far in the distance, but mostly it was just dark woods stretching out towards the horizon.

The heating spell on me and the cloak took the worst of the cold away, but I likely shouldn't be out here for too long anyway.

But I needed some fresh air as my brain felt like mush.

Twelve hours of studying and spellworking tended to do that and quite frankly, I was uncertain I would be able to keep it going for the next month.

Sparks had very much been right, vacation this was not. But Sunshine seemed to be really enjoying herself.

I could do this for a month if it made her happy. Sunshine should be a teacher, not a ruler. I should be a writer, not a ruler.


…No, Luna was made to be a Princess. A warrior princess. She had hobbies, painting and the like. But being a Princess made her happy.

Out of all of us, Luna was the one happiest being a ruler.

Twilight and Midnight wanted to study, spend time with their friends and do research. Cadance did enjoy ruling too, admittedly, even if she should likely be a lot happier running a matchmaking service or something.

But out of all of us, Luna was the one most suited to be a Princess.

I turned my eyes upwards, looking up towards the moon high in the sky. My beautiful Sky. Turning around, I climbed the stairs down from the wall instead of gliding down from my wings. Keeping my wings against my sides beneath the cloak was chilly enough.

I was tired, I wanted to sleep. Luna would be somewhere in the dream realm too during the night for her patrol of ponies dreams, I'd be able to meet her there.

Putting my hoof against the door, I pushed it open and started up the stairs, giving the door a small kick with my rear hoof on the way in to close it.

Out of the wind, the chill faded away some, but it was still chilly and I hurried up the stairs to slip into my chambers. The fireplace was crackling away happily, spreading warmth through the room so I slipped my cloak off and moved up to it, spreading my wings to catch as much of it as I could for a couple of minutes.

Soon feeling less like an ice cube I let out a sigh and sat down for several more minutes, eyes half closed and just soaking in the warmth of the fireplace.

Once fairly sure I wouldn't freeze to death, I pulled away and spread my wings, launching myself upwards, kicking off the mantle of the fireplace and twisted, slipping to catch the perch with my tail, wrapping around it firmly.

I slowly swung in place, getting comfortable. Up by the rafters it was nice and warm, but that fire would fade away in a couple of hours and then the chill would come. So after pulling my legs to myself and wrapping my wings around myself, I lit my horn and picked up my two blankets and wrapped them around myself, tying them firmly in place, leaving me into a nice and comfy cocoon of soft warmth.

Too bad ponies don't purr. I feel like this would have been a purring moment.

Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh. All that was missing with my girls and this would be perfect.

I let myself drift off to sleep.

Opening my eyes once more, I looked out across the dream world. I'll meet Luna later, but if she followed her usual schedule, it would be hours more until she entered the dream world.

So I had some time to kill. If I planned to join Luna for her dream patrols, doing it on my own now would be a bit redundant.

Spending a minute looking around the sparkling dreamscape, I then made up my mind and summoned my dream sphere.

Might as well get some more worldbuilding done.

Walking forward, I stepped through into the dark forest, two moons glowing in the sky. The air nice, warm and clear.

Soft sounds of night creatures in the distance. A glow rack deer passed the clearing, it's horns shining a soft blue as it grazed along the dew covered grass.

The air was scented with moon lilies and the stars shimmered brightly in the sky. A buzz bee slowly flew past, doing a circuit around my head before continuing on its way. Almost the same as material bees, they produced honey, but they didn't sting.

Instead they buzzed angrily and the swarm formed shapes in the air to scare you off.

Speaking of bugs, I had one of those on my list to do, so I settled down in the dew moist grass as the sun started to peek over the horizon in the distance.

Oh yeah, I set day and night to be similar to the material world but opposite. So when asleep during the day I would be able to have night here.

I could adjust that, the light was bothering my eyes. Hmm.

No, it's better if I played by the rules, I created them for a reason after all. Conjuring a pair of day goggles instead, I slipped them on before getting to work.

Smiling to myself, I focused on my magic, starting to shift the dream with my eyes half closed in concentration.

A small spot started to glow, grow, shifting and spreading before me as a butterfly appeared. Long wide wings slowly spreading, shifting into a heart shaped pattern. Actually a bit similar to Cadances cutiemark.

Raising my hoof, the butterfly landed on it, wings slowly spreading and folding again. Pushing my goggles up, I could see the wings shimmering in the daylight, leaving faint trails of light as they moved.

Should reflect any light hitting it nicely, both sun and moon. Not to make it visible, but to confuse any birds wanting to eat it.

Raising my hoof, the butterfly dissolved into sparkles, flying towards every part of the world. Reforming into countless new ones all through the lands.
I kept low, slowly approaching my prey.

Wings half spread, I moved on silent hooves, slipping forward like a shadow.

Luna turned her head and smiled in my direction, "Going to need to try a bit harder than that, My Page."

I stood up and glowered at her, "How did you spot me!?"

"I didn't," she said as she turned towards me with a smile, moving to meet me, "But you have a presence in the dream realm."

Walking up, I looked up at her before I smiled and raised my muzzle. Luna lowered her own in turn, looking into my eyes, her nose just about touching mine.

"You have a presence everywhere, my beautiful night sky," I answered as I looked up into her eyes.

Her cheeks colored slightly and she moved around without taking her nose from mine until her side was against mine, her wing brushing along my back, "You are in a good mood, My Page."

"...I am," I admitted and gave her a soft kiss before leaning against her with a smile, "It's been a good day."

"Enjoy your lessons then?"

"I am," I admitted before I smiled wider, "It's only been a day though and my brain feels a bit mush. I'm not sure I can keep it up for an entire month, I'm not Sparks. But I will try."

Luna smiled and nosed at my ear, "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. You deserve it and more."

I shifted, nosing up for another kiss before I looked up at her, "...And not to complain, but the place is freezing."

Luna looked at me with a small smile, "Oh? Truly? Even during the summer?"

"Yeah," I said and cuddled against her, "Something about the wind flowing in from the snow on top of the mountain. It's not too bad though, the fireplaces makes it nice and toasty and… well, I do have a literal alicorn of the sun teaching me."

Nodding, Luna sat down and slipped her forelegs around me, pulling me closer, "I'm glad it's not too bad."

I leaned against her, giving her a small kiss, "It's not. In fact, it's pretty cozy being bundled up in blankets like this."

Luna looked amused, "Did they install a bed?"

"Perch," I said with a grin, "I tied a pair of blankets around myself and hang from my tail. It's open in the lower half but keeping the heat in as it rises.

Grinning, she touched her nose against mine again, "Bat."

"You have no idea how comfortable it is," I countered, looking up into her eyes.

Luna looked doubtful and shook her head, "How is the fort otherwise?"

"Pretty nice," I admitted and cuddled against her, "My room is about the size of our home in Canterlot. Not as furnished, but there is a comfy couch, a big fireplace and some bookshelves. And a very nice perch."

Nodding, Luna slipped a wing around me, "Have you talked to Sunset and Twilight?"

I shook my head, "Not today, they're awake now. Maybe I'll have a chance after sunrise, but I bet Sunshine will wake me early."

Luna nodded and gave me a small kiss, "Want me to ask them to take naps during the night?"

Considering it for a second, I then shook my head, "No… It's difficult enough for them to switch being nocturnal anyway."

She frowned at me, "Page, you have to stop that."


"Let the ponies you love make their own choices. Stop deciding what's good for them."

I cringed and sighed, "...Sorry… It's just that I know it's dif-eep!"

Luna let go of my ear and looked down at me firmly, "What did I say, Page?

"Sorry," I said and reached up, rubbing my ear, "I guess you're right. Not my choice to make… I would like to see them."

Luna smiled, "Good colt," and gave me a small kiss.

"You know," I said as I leaned against her, "Your plan failed."


"Yeah," I said and looked up at her with a small smile, "This is not a vacation in any way. If anything, I think I'm actually working harder than before."

Luna looked like she was suppressing a grin for a second, "I'm sure," she then said and bumped her nose against mine, "But even so, I think the change might be nice."

"It is," I agreed and frowned in thought, "...It's only been a day and while I said it is exhausting, it actually makes me consider a degree or something."


"Mmm," I said and noses at her neck, "Not sure what in, but I bet it would help me get a job once ponies finally figure out the entire democracy thing."

Luna smiled and gave me a squeeze, "Silly bat."

"But seriously, I think it would still be good," I said, "I like learning things and will make me a more capable ruler."

Then I shook my head and reached to stroke her wing, "Enough about me," I said and looked up at her, "How are things in Canterlot with Celestia away?"

Luna hmmed softly, "I'm sure the nobles are annoyed as I followed your advice and kept to my schedule. If they want to talk to me, they have to adapt to me."


Serves them bucking right.

"But it is going well," Luna said and then smiled, "I have a couple of hours until I have court, but until then…"

She shifted closer and closer, one hoof on my chest, pushing me backwards until I was on my back with her standing over me as she smiled down at me, "I have some ideas about how to pass the time, my knight."

I used a bit of dream magic to give myself a set of Nocturnis armor, "But of course, your highness. How may I serve my Princess?"
I focused, feeling the magic flow around and through me, focusing through my horn as I poured power into it. I trembled from the effort, planting my hooves wide against the stone beneath them, wings half spread as I gritted my teeth.

I had a split seconds warning as I felt the spell starting to unravel and the next I knew, a force threw me backwards and upwards and the wall came in and smacked me hard enough to make my ears ring before I collapsed down onto the floor in a heap.


"Ow," I groaned and started to push myself onto my hooves.

"Stay down!" Celestia's voice snapped in a tone I never heard from her, one made of pure command and from somepony completely certain it would be obeyed.

I sank back down onto the stone floor.

"Guard! Bring the doctor!"

"Not so loud," I whined, folding my ears against my head.

"Stay down," Celestia ordered again firmly, her voice worried, "You may have hit your head."

"I'm fine," I grumbled, "I know how that feels. This isn't it."

The door opened and Steady Beat entered, the unicorn catching sight of me before he sighed and shook his head, "Again, your majesty?" he asked as he trotted over, opening his satchel.

"I'm fine, there was just a sudden wall," I sighed but stayed put as he started to check me over, his magic working along my head and neck before continuing to check every bone in order of importance.

"Does anywhere hurt?" Steady asked as he carefully extended my left wing.

"Everywhere. But considering I hit a wall, that makes sense."

"A spell malfunctioned and he was thrown across the room," Celestia said with a frown, "Is he injured?"

Steady shook his head, "Prince Page will be fine, Princess," he said as he checked my other wing before guiding me up to sit so he could check my ribs, "He has some heavy bruising and he will definitely feel it tomorrow, but he didn't take any serious damage. Just bruised."

I nodded and smiled, "Thanks Doc."

"Just be more careful, your majesty," he said and started to put his gear back into his bag, "I heard walls are in a hunting mood this time of the year."

"I'll remember," I said and folded my wings again and he gave me a nod before he left before I turned to Celestia, "Give me a minute, I'll go borrow a set of armor and then we'll try again."

"No, we're done for today," she said and stepped up to me, "We can try it again tomorrow."

Shaking my head, I pushed myself up to stand, "I can keep going."

"I know," she said to my surprise before she smiled, "But you don't need to. We have only been here for four days. We have plenty of time."

"...I guess you're right," I admitted with a small sigh, rubbing the side of my head. Steady was right, this would hurt tomorrow, my entire body ached.

"So, theory time?" I then asked, looking up at her.

To my surprise, Celestia shook her head, "Not today. Like the rest of you, your mind needs time to rest and recover. So no more studying today."

I hesitated, "...Sunshine, it's only been four days and we only have so much time."

"Yes, and you want to actually retain what I teach you, do you not?" she asked with a small smile.


Celestia smiled and poked my chest with her hoof, "So listen to me, I know what I'm doing. I have done this a couple of times before."

"So," I said with a smile, looking up at her, "Spend a lot of time working with stallions, have you?"

"Mmm," Celestia agreed and moved up closer and I pressed my side against hers to help ward the creeping chill off in turn, "Many times. Would you like to hear about them?" she teased back.

I smirked, "I think experiencing it is better. Don't need to hear about it to make use of all that experience."

"So listen to me."

Nodding, I then looked up at her, "...Okay, fine, we take a break for the rest of the day," I agreed, ""So what will you be doing?"

Celestia looked thoughtful for a moment before she smiled, "I think I will read a book."

"...That sounds kinda nice actually," I admitted and shifted my wings, "Or maybe do some writing," and then smiled, "And before you ask, it helps me clear my head, it's not work."

"I wasn't going to, I have known more than a few authors in my time," Celestia said as we exited the spell chamber and started down the stairs.

I nodded, "What are you going to read?"

Celestia looked thoughtful before she smiled, "I have a book of poetry I have not looked at for a long time. I brought it along with some others. I think I'm in the mood for it today."

"I never got into poetry," I admitted and shifted my wings in thought, "I have read some, but they all felt…"

"Felt?" Celestia asked as we stopped outside her door.

"...I don't know," I admitted before I shook my head, "The poetry I have read has always felt forced. Like trying to distill emotions onto a page, but in such short format that it can never do it justice," I said before I looked up at her with a small smile, "Words can contain emotions, but short formats are a lackluster way of doing it. I'm not saying it can't do it, just that it never really clicked for me."

Celestia smiled, "You are so wrong."

"Oh really?"

She nodded, "Let me read some for you. I'll prove it to you."

"Okay," I agreed with a smile, "You're on. You read, I'll write."
'Ah yes, let the thousand-year-old demigod read poetry to me as we laze the day away in a remote castle. We're definitely just friends!'

Thanks for the chapter!
'Ah yes, let the thousand-year-old demigod read poetry to me as we laze the day away in a remote castle. We're definitely just friends!'

Thanks for the chapter!
They know they are more than friends, both of them.
Think of it as two demisexuals trying to seduce eachother into making the fist move, like that one anime, but friendly about it instead of a rivalry.
"A statue standing strong and tall
Amidst the ruins, standing tall
The stars above, they twinkle and glow
As a feather falls, oh so slow

Once a mighty city full of life
Now just ruins and endless strife
But the statue stands, a silent sentinel
Guarding the city, forever eternal

The feather falls, a gentle breeze
A reminder of the city's ease
Before the fall, before the strife
When the city was full of life

Now just a memory, a distant dream
But the statue stands, a silent gleam
Of a time gone by, a forgotten past
But still standing strong, until the last."

I rested my pen on the page before me, looking at the fireplace. I was laying next to Celestia, her warmth on the opposite side of the fireplace.

"Who wrote that one?" I asked after a couple of moments, glancing up at her.

Celestia smiled, "It's from a pegasus named Silent Mind. He lived just over two hundred years ago. What do you think about it?"

I shifted my wings in thought, pushing my notebook to the side so I could rest my head on my hooves for a couple of moments, "Read it to me again?"

Smiling, Celestia did so.

"It's sad," I said a minute after she finished, "Was it written in a time of strife?"

"No. It was a peaceful time."

Nodding, I rolled onto my back, looking up at her, "It's written about you. Or somepony like you. Or maybe the idea of a timeless pony remembering better times. Standing strong against the harshness around them, for the ponies around them."

"Maybe. That's one of the things about poems. They give back what you bring into them," Celestia said as she looked down at me.

"But it is written about you?"

Celestia shook her head, smiling a bit sadly, "As an alicorn, you will find that quite a lot of poetry is written about you."

"I guess it could also be about Equestria itself," I said, looking up at the ceiling in thought, "What did he mean?"

"I don't know."

I blinked at her, "You don't know?"

Celestia smiled sadly, "Never met him. Never even read anything of his until a hundred years ago."


Shifting a bit, I tried to relieve my aching back. Something that Celestia didn't miss.

"Are you feeling okay?"

I nodded, "I'll be fine, but Steady was right. I am going to feel it in the morning. Maybe we should take it a bit easier then?"

Sunshine nodded with a smile, "Of course we can."

Rolling over I slid my notebook back before me before I frowned and shook my head, closing it and sliding it away.

"Not feeling like writing?"

"No," I admitted, "Didn't get anywhere anyway," I said and rested my head on my forehooves, "What do you have in mind for tomorrow?"

Celestia smiled at me, "I'm considering fire magic."

"I thought we would not blow me up tomorrow?" I said and raised my head to frown up at her, "I don't do fire magic."

"Which is why we will start it easy and with simple spells. I suspect a lot of it is in your mind, there is nothing about your domain of stories or imaginations that is against fire, Page," Celestia said and brushed her wing across mine.

"...Maybe," I admitted, "I am hesitant about it… well, being on fire sucks."

"So I'm told," she said a bit dryly with a small smile.

"Okay, we'll try it."

"Do or do not, there is no try."

I snorted, "I never should have written that thing," I chuckled, "I'm never rid of that," I said before I bundled up the blanket a bit and stole one of her pillows from her bed before I settled down, rolling onto my back to look up at her again and shaking my mane back to keep it out of my eyes, "...Do you have any more poems from him?"

"A few," she said as she smiled down at me before she picked her book back up, turning pages before she nodded, "Here's one."

"A cloud, losing wisps of mist
In bright sunlight's golden kiss
A happy sight to see
As the cloud is set free

It dances in the sky
A joyous, happy cloud
As the sun shines down
Its wispy tendrils proud

It twirls and spins
A playful, carefree dance
A sight to behold
In this happy, sunny glance

The cloud may fade away
But its memory will remain
A happy moment captured
In the warmth of the sun's reign."

"Are you sure you never met him?" I asked her with a smile.

Celestia shook her head, "If I did, I never knew his name. Or he wrote under a pseudonym. I wish I had known him, I like his poetry."

"It is nice," I admitted and flicked one ear, "...I'm still not sure I'm the right pony for it though. I can tell that it's good, but it's just… a single scene. I want more."

Celestia smiled down at me, "My sister does not have patience for poetry either."

I shook my head, "No, that's not it. It's nice, I just don't have any experience in it. And it's so… short. It leaves you with emotions but no substance."

"Page," Celestia said, sounding amused, "I think you may be missing the point of poetry."

I smiled back, "Maybe I have," I admitted and stretched out slightly, shaking my head a bit to stop it tugging on my mane, getting comfortable as I looked up at her, "Read me some more?"

Meeting my eyes, she did.
I'm suddenly seeing a future scene about Page going on his knee, pony fashion, and declaring a poem about his wonderful teacher who stays paralyzed and blushing radiantly.

Of course, everypony else understood it was a love declaration.
I entered the dream and spread my wings, gliding down along the air as Io felt around for the dreams inhabitant.

Passing along the main bridge in Nocturnis, I banked around before coming in to land on the middle of the main street where Sunset were trying in frustration to move a humongous grape the size of a house sitting in the middle of the square while also warding hungry batponies off as you don't eat food off the floor.

Grinning, I watched in amusement for a couple of moments before tapping my hoof and solidifying the dream.

Sunset sank down to sit, "Oh," she said before she groaned, "It's a dream!" and then looked up at the gigantic grape, "Why didn't I ever realize it was a dream!?"

I grinned and trotted up to touch my horn to hers, "It's what dreams do."

"I just figured I'd start to recognize it, not like you haven't done this enough," she said and then looked into my eyes with a small smile, "How's practice?"

I smiled at her, "I only blew myself up once."

Sunset leaned back slightly, raising an eyebrow, "You do know that's once more than you should, right?"

I sat down and smiled at her, "Was barely an explosion, just threw me back a bit."

She looked up at me with a small smile, "What were you doing anyway?"

"Force spell," I said and shrugged my wings, "I was meant to make a sphere of force to throw, causing a concussive effect."

She grinned, "Sounds like Starwhirls bombast. That's pretty advanced actually. Did you forget to throw it?"

"No, I lost control before I could," I admitted, "I'll try again tomorrow, but Sunshine made me quit for the day."

"So one pony there has some sense at least," Sunset teased and scooted closer.

I smiled and bumped my nose against hers, "And how's things in Nocturnis?" I asked, glancing at the giant grape, "This caused by something."

"Oh, other than needing to herd bats around?" Sunset commented and then shook her head, "No, it's actually going pretty well. Everypony is just antsy for the rain to stop."

I nodded. More than understandable that. The rest of the year was significantly warmer, but even for non-bats it was easier to deal with that than being confined indoors at all hours of the night.

"And the fields?"

Sunset frowned at me before she poked my chest, "Don't you worry about that. You have more important things right now, leave Nocturnis to Twi and me."

I frowned at her in turn before I sighed and shook my head, "...Can't do anything from where I am anyway," I admitted and scowled, "I'm not used to being out of the loop."

"I know," Sunset said, smiling softly up at me, giving my lips a small kiss, "But if Princess Celestia can take time away, so can you. So focus on what's important right now and let us handle your ponies."

My ponies.

I flicked one ear and glanced down before pressing my nose against her mane, pulling her close with a foreleg.

Sunset shifted closer, resting her head against my neck.

We stayed like that for a while before Sunset shifted back to smile up at me again, "So… you're dying to eat that grape, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah," I answered with a toothy grin, "I would love to eat your grape."

Sunset's cheeks reddened slightly.

"Of course," I then added and nosed at her ear, "I'm not in Nocturnis, so I suppose I have to leave that duty to Sparks too. Make sure she does it properly and thoroughly."

Sunset blushed deeper as she glared a bit up at me, "Stop th-"

"I think tha-"

Sunset pounced, pushing me over onto my back, her hooves on my chest pinning me down, "Page!" she exclaimed, blushing to the tips of her ears.

I grinned up at her, "Yes?"

Still blushing, she settled down, "You are impossible," she said as she slid off me to lay next to me.

Smiling, I rolled onto my side to face her, "...And I also want to eat the grape."

"Bat," she said, rolling her eyes before she sighed and scooted closer. I pulled her close, nosing at her mane.

"So how are things really?" I asked softly.


"Okay, okay!" I agreed and sighed, "No questions. Sparks going to have a nap later as well?"

Sunset shook her head, "No," she admitted and rolled over to face me, touching her horn to mine, "She has court tonight. But she told me to tell you that she's going to tonight."

"I'll look for her then," I said and stroked her mane, "Now go wake up before you won't be able to sleep this morning."

Sunset nodded and smiled, "Say Hi to Princess Celestia from me and Twi."

"I will."


I wrapped my cloak tighter around myself as I looked out over the forest below, lit by the noon sun before I glanced at Glow as she stood next to me, "How's everypony doing?"

"Everypony is doing well, your majesty." Glow answered with a nod, "There was some friction with the solar guard during the first couple of days, but things smoothed out soon enough."

I smirked, "Presumably around the time they realized that two thirds of the Nocturnis guards were mares?"

Glow looked amused, "Perhaps."

"Is that going to cause trouble?"

She hesitated and then shook her head, "No, I don't think so. Everypony is being professional. Maybe if we stayed longer than a month," before she grinned briefly, "Besides, privacy is at a premium here."

I thought about my empty chamber in the other tower. The same size as one floor of the barracks holding twenty ponies.

Should I share with Celestia? Or maybe we could move some beds over.

I ruthlessly stomped that impulse into the ground. They would go for it if I told them to do it, but none of the guards would be comfortable with the arrangement.

Not with me in the room anyway… or even if I shared with Sunshine, they would be uncomfortable, feeling like they displaced me.

"Not too cold?"

Glow shook her head, "It's a bit chilly, for the bats especially. But the barracks are nice and toasty. Fireplace and ponies make a good amount of heat and we did bring winter gear for the bats," she said and then shrugged her wings, "Wouldn't like to be here in the winter though," she admitted, "I understand the majority of ponies stationed here were earth ponies other than some messenger pegasi."

Which made sense. Pegasi could handle the cold fairly well, but earth ponies were just plain tougher. During a longer period, earth ponies would in general be better at it, if nothing else because they were larger and sturdier and with thicker coats.

"Me neither," I agreed and pulled the cloak a bit tighter against the wind.

"We are getting a bit low on wood though," Glow then said and pointed down towards the village at a distance in the forest, "We're sending a group down to the village to bring a pair of cart loads back tomorrow. My solar counterpart has already prearranged things."

I nodded, "Sounds good," before an idea struck me, "You know, I have to check with Celestia, but perhaps we could do tomorrow's lessons down in the forest."

Shouldn't be cold down there! Down there, it should be just normal summer warmth. I should have thought about this earlier!

Glow thought about it for a second, "As long as you bring guards I have no objection, your majesty."

I nodded before I smiled, "...And I think that's my lunch break over. Back to my studies I think."

"Good luck."

I gave her a nod and a smile before I moved to trot back inside and up to Celestia's chamber. Stopping outside, I raised my hoof to knock.


I pushed the door open and slipped inside, closing the door behind me as I slipped my cloak off. After having been outside, the room felt outright hot.

"Had a nice walk?" Celestia asked from her place by the fireplace, three books and some papers spread out before her.

"I did," I said with a smile, slipping around to lay down between the sun goddess and the fireplace.

Now I was nice and warm, the chill that trickled through my coat while I was out despite the cloak, quickly evaporating into nothing.

"Ready to continue?"

"Actually," I said, "Before we do, I talked with Moon Glow while I was out. They are going to do a firewood run tomorrow and I figured we could go down from the mountain as well, have our lesson for the day there?"

Celestia nodded, "That's a good idea," and then she shifted slightly, "...And I think I should have suggested it earlier, but I noticed that you…"

"...Am not comfortable on the forest floor," I agreed and shifted my wings, "And neither are most of my guards. A hazard from having lived in Nocturnis before the shield went up. And for those that venture outside of it. But it's something I need to work on as well."

Celestia nodded and settled a wing across my back, "And it will get you away from the cold," she said with a small smile.

"That too," I said with a small smile, "But it's not that bad. Honestly, Canterlot is worse in a normal winter. No snow, no moisture. No nobles."

Celestia laughed and shook her head, "No nobles," she agreed and then touched her nose to my mane, "Just a noble pony."

I shifted my hooves a bit uncomfortably, "So what are we going tomorrow? Anything planned?"

"Actually yes," Celestia said with a smile, "Fire magic. Let's try again."

I suppressed a groan and sighed, "You know I can't do that."

"I'm sure you can," Celestia said and folded her wings again, "There is no reason why you wouldn't be able to. All you need is practice."

I just sighed miserably, "Shall we return to something I may actually be able to do."

"Spell calculations," Celestia agreed and slid the paper over to me, "And if they work out, we can try casting it this afternoon."

Now that would be awesome, a custom light spell. My first ever self created spell! If I did it right, it would create a bit of candle light following me around.

If I fucked it up, it might set me on fire.

Better not fuck it up, setting me on fire was for the schedule for tomorrow, not today.
Well, with such a nice poke to Murphy and Discord...

We could easily see something like that (just put bat wings, change the gender to male, and remove the rage look):
