Eclipse (MLP)

A fair enough choice of assassin. I'll admit I was holding out hope for a crazed fan. Or an expie from Batman's Rogue Gallery might have been another fun, "What even is my life!?!" moment for Page.
Mm. Not a fan of forced hospitalization, especially for someone who is almost certainly just bigoted instead of actually mentally ill. I honestly feel like it would have been more appropriate to just strip him of his titles and influence and let him try to eke out life in the middle class.
The outcome wasn't about what punishment is appropriate for him, it was about preventing copycats. If you imprison/kill the man, you make a martyr; if you ruin a man's reputation, you destroy his influence.
My thing is, I'm looking at a completely different area of precedent here: the precedent is now "alicorns don't need proof or at least a doctor's professional opinion to lock a political opponent away in a mental hospital as long as they can make them seem to be unhinged". And that is a dangerous precedent, even with immortal leaders who don't experience much in the way of morality drift. Ruining his reputation is one thing; setting a legal precedent of being able to legally discredit political figures for mental illness without any medical training whatsoever is a whole different, much worse thing. You gotta protect the rights of even the worst people in society, or that precedent will inevitably be turned around and used against someone who doesn't deserve it. Even in a society with immortal god-rulers who don't intend for that to happen.

EDIT: Even just regular old jail would have been better than this.
My thing is, I'm looking at a completely different area of precedent here: the precedent is now "alicorns don't need proof or at least a doctor's professional opinion to lock a political opponent away in a mental hospital as long as they can make them seem to be unhinged". And that is a dangerous precedent, even with immortal leaders who don't experience much in the way of morality drift. Ruining his reputation is one thing; setting a legal precedent of being able to legally discredit political figures for mental illness without any medical training whatsoever is a whole different, much worse thing. You gotta protect the rights of even the worst people in society, or that precedent will inevitably be turned around and used against someone who doesn't deserve it. Even in a society with immortal god-rulers who don't intend for that to happen.

EDIT: Even just regular old jail would have been better than this.

Anyone who attempts an assassination is a political figure. The only real precedent here is that the monarchs get to decide your punishment. His behavior is what is discrediting him, if he seemed sane and competent, them sending him to a mental hospital would be seen differently. There's no fabricated charges, and (As far as we can tell) he's being put into an actual facility and not just thrown into a black site, which means that he'll get actual care, which he may actually need.

The outcomes here are:
1. Tartarus: He becomes a martyr for race-based violence and suffers for however long he lasts.
2. Mental Health Facility: He's viewed as a mentally ill crackpot (Which is true. Racism is a mental illness, or at least a mental hygiene problem. It ruins your method of thinking and turns you into something unable to interact with society in a healthy way) and is given (Presumably) compassionate care to change this without emboldening a racist movement.
3. Normal Prison, which you recommended: The attempted assassination of an underrepresented, discriminated-against race's primary representative is treated with kid-gloves and encourages others to take their shot. This would be more possible if Page wasn't a head of state and there wasn't already a precedent for what happens when you try to kill an Alicorn.
EDIT: Even just regular old jail would have been better than this.
I mean, as was already said, this was a politically motivated assassination attempt, the only option was banishing his ass to FACTUAL HELL.

Not to mention that the guy is LITERALLY VILLAIN RANTING at people about how the MC is responsible for everything that ever happened to anyone ever, if that's not 'Plausible Grounds to send this guy to get Professional Help', I'm not sure what is.

Just, fuck, you're saying that banishing the guy to hell is the better option.
well, this is going to have a profound effect on pony politics. The Crown just showed that they're more than willing to ignore their own laws and declare someone "medically incompetent" to make a point. It does nothing but undermined their entire judicial process, and instead establishes that the Crown makes and breaks laws however, they want. Which intern will lead to an actual revolution, because all that has happened here is that the ideas have become actually entrenched. Due to the profound miss handling of this case.

If he had just been banished, it would be one thing, heck if he had been beheaded, it would've been acceptable, but the fact that the reigning monarchs decide to throw all their laws out. The window means that no one can trust them to actually follow their word.
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(Which is true. Racism is a mental illness, or at least a mental hygiene problem. It ruins your method of thinking and turns you into something unable to interact with society in a healthy way)

NO THE FUCK IT ISN'T. Racism is a choice people make, any kind of bigotry is a choice. To conflate that with mental illness, which is something that can't actually be chosen, is extremely insulting to people with mental health issues. "Being unable to interact with society in a healthy way" isn't synonymous with "mentally ill", they just usually go together. It's a correlation, not a diagnostic factor.

3. Normal Prison, which you recommended: The attempted assassination of an underrepresented, discriminated-against race's primary representative is treated with kid-gloves and encourages others to take their shot. This would be more possible if Page wasn't a head of state and there wasn't already a precedent for what happens when you try to kill an Alicorn.

Since when is normal prison kid gloves?

I mean, as was already said, this was a politically motivated assassination attempt, the only option was banishing his ass to FACTUAL HELL.

Nice dichotomy. What lies outside of it? Hell is the only other option that was presented, not the only other option that existed.

Not to mention that the guy is LITERALLY VILLAIN RANTING at people about how the MC is responsible for everything that ever happened to anyone ever, if that's not 'Plausible Grounds to send this guy to get Professional Help', I'm not sure what is.

There are real-life bigots who are exactly this level of bigoted against real-life minorities. They don't have mental illnesses causing that: they just hate for stupid reasons. Kindly do not conflate having a mental illness with "I have chosen to hate, and to kill in the name of that hate, because I refuse to see my opponents as people."

Just, fuck, you're saying that banishing the guy to hell is the better option.

I literally never said that. To be clear, my stance on Tartarus is that it's basically a death sentence with extra steps. Which I also don't approve of. Regular prison is not good by any means, but in terms of "keep him from hurting anyone else without trampling over his rights or using an inhumane punishment", it's the best option out of a bunch of unpleasant choices. My personal preference is still "punt him to the middle class and let that serve as a warning to other rich ponies because nobility tends to fear death much less than they do a loss of privilege and influence", but prison is what I would realistically expect from a reasonably uncorrupt justice system.

It does nothing but undermined their entire judicial process, and instead establishes that the Crown makes and breaks laws however, they want. Which intern will lead to an actual revolution, because all that has happened here is that the ideas have become actually entrenched.

That being said, I don't think a full-blown revolution is in the cards as a result of this. Celestia and Luna are much-loved and people are more likely to try to renegotiate with them on the legalities than to have a serious uprising. Page is... not so well-loved, but he's also over in Nocturnis most of the time so it'll only take a couple of news cycles for the media to move on to the next scandal. Most likely short-term result of this is a lot of lawyers and pony rights activists having serious headaches for the next several years.

Nope. Don't like this.

If the punishment on the books is Tartarus then do that. None of this "got to get rid of the wrong think" nonsense.

Racists are assholes not mentally ill. This both reduces the fault of the racist because it's only a mental illness it's not their fault and demeans people with actual mental illnesses by associating their not by choice disabilities with racism.
The Crown just showed that they're more than willing to ignore their own laws and declare someone "medically incompetent" to make a point.
They didn't ignore a law. They did set a new precedent rather than continuing with the traditional one, but that's hardly an undermining of the laws since the way they did it leaves plenty of room for both.
I feel as if the reaction to this chapter is overblown/people read too much into it. Page is still mortal/young to ruling, this might be a case of Celestia letting him make a mistake (if it is one) to learn. But that is a stretch. Similarly, change has always frightened people, and got them to do fairly silly things. Self-justification and wilful delusion is one of humanity's (and ponies, apparently) greatest... strengths/weaknesses/virtues/vices.

But looking at it from Page's point of view – he's been quite vocal about the shortcomings of Tartarus. And while he might have genuine sympathy for the assassin, I think he is also well aware that he just pulled of a quite thorough character assassination which will hopefully bring an end to further recruiting to Neighsay's cause (on ideological grounds at least). Fanatics and the power hungry won't be dissuaded, but that will be a problem for a few generations more.

Making a martyr of Neoghsay will prolong the problem for a few more generations. Let's face it, of all the things that Neighsay accused Page of,the racism bit is very much secondary it feels to me. And if you remove the racism bit from the accusations, that doesn't change the judicial options or the optics for the ponies.
Mm. Not a fan of forced hospitalization, especially for someone who is almost certainly just bigoted instead of actually mentally ill. I honestly feel like it would have been more appropriate to just strip him of his titles and influence and let him try to eke out life in the middle class.
Neither am I usually, but you don't think the other stuff isn't going to happen as well? Someone this unhinged isn't going to be trusted with power again. And he did actually commit high treason, whatever reasons he told himself. Frankly, he came across as Spanish inquisitior zealot after two sentences, and just kept confirming it.

That wouldnt have discredited him, and leaving a murderer to roam free is a joke. Even in societies with rehabilitation justice he'd still be kept somewhat separate from society.

Where there any encounters earlier in the series about this guy, or did he just become like this off-screen?
The fire happily crackled away in the middle of the small clearing just next to the lakeshore. The moons shone among the shimmering stars above, making the calm lake look like liquid silver when it hit it just right.

After today, using my dark and evil devil powers of looking tired and like my side ached to convince everypony that we should take a nap was rather easy. Mostly because I was tired and my side had hurt.

This was Midnight's first time in Sanctuary and she had a million questions. Luckily, mostly those Twilight had already asked which allowed Sparks to fill her in for me.

"Corrupting the pure Princesses, huh?" I asked Celestia quietly with a smirk as I looked up at her from my spot more or less wedged in between her and Luna with Sunset, Twilight and Midnight facing us across the fire, "Hiding so much of your personal life from your ponies? Bad Princess."

Celestia raised an eyebrow at me as she smiled, "The power of good public relations, Page."

"And the fact that you hide it when you find somepony you love has nothing to do with it?" Luna asked and looked at her with an eyebrow raised as well, "When was the last time the public knew you were married? Or had a lover, sister?"

Sunshine smiled and her wing resting on my back fluffed up slightly, "That would be... oh It has been a while since I had a public marriage," she admitted with a small fond smile, "That would be Silver Dream."

Luna looked at her in amusement, "Silver Dream, unicorn, lithe with white coat and platinum mane?"

Celestia nodded.

"I knew Silver Dream," Luna told me, "She lived fifty years before my exile."

"More has been known by the castle staff since," Celestia said in protest, "And by some other ponies. I don't sneak around in the dead of night and hide it. I just don't... announce it from the rooftops. It's better for everypony involved. They can have some semblance of normal life and I get to keep at least part of mine private."

"I'm not sure anything can be fully private anymore," Midnight pointed out from across the fire, "If an alicorn does something, everypony pays attention. Usually front page news."

I nodded, "Which is one reason why I made this place," I said and leaned against Luna's side, "Somewhere we can be away from such things, somewhere for just us, our families, our friends. It's not done yet, I need to keep adding new animals and plants, but it is good enough to be used."

Sunset stretched at the other side of the fireplace, looking at me, "Would it have killed you to add some buildings?"

I smiled at her, "Why? The weather, at least in this valley, is pleasantly warm. It may rain, but even that's not cold, especially at this time of the year. We don't need protection from the elements, we don't need to store food or hide from predators. Even the fire we have going is mostly because it's cozy."

Sunset frowned, "Rain might not be cold, wingboy, but it's still wet. I don't like being rained on."

I shrugged my wings beneath Celestias, "So do like ponies do. Build something. I made a place to allow us to just be normal ponies for a bit."

"I believe I still remember how to make a tent," Celestia said thoughtfully before looking at Luna with a small smile, "It has been a while though."

Luna nodded, "It has. And I'm not sure the plants we wove the canvas from even exist here."

"Not sure what you used," I said, "But I did make sure there are trees that have bark that can be used for something similar."

It was a pretty brilliant idea in my opinion. If you removed it from the tree, you could split the bark into thinner pieces, flexible and pretty similar to leather in material.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at me and I smiled, "What, I knew there were ponies that wanted to build once they got here just to have something familiar that wasn't just a forest. Just because I'm not providing anything already built doesn't mean I will stop anypony from building for themselves."

"So if we want a house..." Sparks said, "We have to build it here?"

"How are you with a hammer?" I asked her with a smile.

"Not the best," she admitted, "But Applejack is pretty good. Could I invite her?"

I smiled at her, "You can invite anypony you like, Sparks. In fact, inviting your friends is one of the things this place is for. I'm sure Fluttershy would love to see the rest more often even if there isn't a lot of schedule overlap."

Sparks got up and rounded the fire, "Luna, scoot over," she said and slipped in between us. Luna smiled and did so, allowing Sparks to cuddle close, kissing my cheek, "Thank you."

Smiling, I pulled her closer and gave her a real kiss, causing Sunset to laugh and Midnight to look away.

Finally Sparks got comfortable, resting her head against my neck, watching the fire.

"You did good, I think," Celestia whispered into my ear.

I smiled at her before resting my head against Sparks mane. Sunset got up from next to Midnight and settled down next to Luna instead who put her wing around the unicorn.

We stayed like that, just watching the fire for a long time before I spoke up, "We should do something."

"And that's me leaving," Midnight said, getting up.

"Not that," I said and rolled my eyes. Well, maybe that. But not now.

"Actually," Sunset said leaning a bit forward to look at me from across Luna, "I kinda want to explore this place more. You put a lot of thought into it."

"I do like world building," I agreed, ignoring the fact that most were fairly normal animals with glowing bits on them, "And I may have hidden secrets away for ponies to find."

"What do you say, Twi? Wanna come?"

Sparks looked torn for a second, hesitating before she nodded, "Sure," she finally said and pushed herself onto her hooves, "Midnight?"

Midnight nodded, "Sounds fun," she agreed with a smile before she frowned, "We have been here for a while though, we should wake up pretty soon."

"Another hour should be fine," Celestia told her reassuringly, "I think everypony here needs some time to relax."

"And we get as much rest being here as sleeping normally," I said with a smile.

Midnight nodded, "Well, in that case," she said with a smile, looking around, "How about those hills over there?"

"Race you there!" Sunset said and disappeared in a flash of teleport. Two identical flashes later and Sparks and Midnight were gone as well.

I looked at the spots they had been in before settling down again, "Maybe I should disable teleportation magic," I mused, "Makes things too easy."

I did put in some puzzles that would make it way too easy too. Hmm, maybe I should. Or maybe just in those areas. Oh, a mineral that stopped teleportation in an area around it, that could work!

"You say that, but what if you need to go somewhere quickly?" Luna asked, looking amused, "And I thought you tried to keep this realistic."

"Realistic just means internally consistent," I said, "not a copy of the real world."

Celestia slowly stood up, wings stretched before she glanced back over her shoulder, "I for one find that lake interesting. I think I will go for a swim. It's been... so long since I bathed in a lake."

With that, she pulled back and vaded into the cool water until it reached halfway up her barrel.

"You know, I always thought she looked a bit like a swan when she did that," Luna confided with a whisper in my ear, "I never had the heart to tell her. One of the propaganda things one of our early enemies used was to depict her as a swan with a carrot on its head. She still does not like swans."

I suppressed a smile as I watched. A bit like a swan. But with her mane and tail glittering against the silvery water in the light of the moons, I thought she looked more like a sunrise.

"Let's join her, My Page," Luna said and got up, "It has been a while since I bathed in a lake as well."

That really did sound like a nice idea. In fact, that might be the best idea ever suggested in the history of ideas.

Perfect to get my mind off the speeches I held in Canterlot after the trial. I thought I was going a bit heavy on the acceptance and the importance of mental health, but Celestia thought it was good, so what do I know.

But now, I just wanted to put it all out of my mind.
"You know we should leave soon," I told Luna as we looked out over Canterlot, the moon just above the horizon.

"I'm aware, My Page," Luna said quietly before she looked at me, "But you are still injured."

I smiled faintly, "It will take a while until I'm fully healed. I can put full weight on my hoof even if it hurts and Steady Beat has cleared me for travel. I should return to my ponies."

Luna sighed softly before she nodded, "I know. Airship or train?"

"I think airship," I admitted, "It's slightly faster, if not by much."

Nodding, Luna's wing brushing across my back, "I am tempted to accompany you."

"I promise not to crash this time," I teased before I smiled, "And I would love that. For a visit or just for the journey?"

Luna considered that, "I believe I can stay for a few days," she admitted, "In fact, I will talk with my sister and see if she can come as well."

"...Can we risk that?" I asked, "Somepony may burn down the capital."

"Silly pony," Luna teased before she smiled, "It has been a while since I visited Nocturnis. Has much changed?"

"Some," I admitted, "There is the lower town now. Mostly ponies without wings which are more comfortable on the ground. Which I can't blame them for."

Luna nodded thoughtfully, "I can see why," she admitted and flicked one ear in thought before she looked up as Sunset poked her head out the door,

"Hey you two, our guest has arrived," she said before heading back inside.

I sighed softly, "Oh buck."

"Be a good colt now," Luna teased and guided me back towards the inside of the tower. Despite the fact that I could put weight on my hoof, it just hurt less to keep it off the ground so I limped along. Really not looking forward to going inside.

The door opened and Luna lead me in, "Page! Aunty Luna!" Cadance exclaimed with a smile as she, Shining Armor and Sunburst crossed the room to meet us, "So good to see you again!"

"Likewise," Luna said with a smile of her own.

I looked at Cadance. She looked at me.

The pink menace smirked slightly before going back to talking to Luna, the two mares steering away back towards Sunset and Twilight, leaving me with Shing and Sunburst.

I looked between them and scratched the side of my muzzle with a wing, "...On a scale of one to ten, how smug is she?"

"Actually, I think she looped back around to about a three," Sunburst said with a smile, holding his hoof out, "Good to see you again, Page."

"Same," I agreed, carefully bumping my right hoof against his before repeating it with Shining, "How's things in the Crystal Empire?"

"Snowy," Shining said with a smile, "We had the year's first snowstorm today."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "It's summer."

"Like I said, first of the year."

I suppressed a shudder. As pretty as the Crystal Empire was, and despite the field keeping it livable, I could never live there.

Way, way, way too cold even inside the shield.

Glancing towards the mares, I then turned to the two of them, "Pathfinder?" I asked.

"What's a pathfinder?" Sunburst asked before Shining shook his head,

"Princess Luna would skin me alive if I allowed you out in public after the attack," he said firmly.

I smiled at him, "Luckily, the assailant is safely in custody and it is important to show ponies that I have no fear of being among them. I already talked with everypony."

Shining Armor looked at me hesitantly, "And if I asked Princess Luna about it?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Go ahead. If you dare interrupt them."

Shining glanced back and hesitated before he frowned at me.

Sighing, I leaned to look around him, "Wife! We are going out!"

Luna laughed and looked over at us before making her way over, "Shining Armor hesitant to let you?" she asked with a smile.

"Just making sure," Shining said with a smile, "Page has a history."

"So he does," Luna agreed before she moved over and leaned down to bump her nose against my ear, "But in this case, as long as you bring the guards, it is no problem."

"See. I told you!" I said, glowering at him before I gave Luna a small kiss before I looked at him again, "I am an adult and somewhat responsible stallion. I go where I wish."

"Silly Page," Luna murmured against my ear, "Be careful."

I nodded, "We will," I said, glancing up at her, "have fun."

"You as well," Luna said and pulled away to return to Cadance. Looking over, I found that Skitter had joined them in the meanwhile. It was good to see that she was talking civilly with Cadance. What more, Cadance was smiling at her, something I wasn't sure would ever be possible even a couple of years ago.

I raised an eyebrow at Shining, "Well?"

He chuckled, "Okay, fine. You got me. Let's go… Cloud and Swift joining us?"

I nodded, "Eh, Swift is. Should meet us there in a bit. Cloud got his tail transferred out of the city by being too damn good at what he does."


"E-excuse me?" Sunburst said, one hood lifted off the floor as he looked between us, "What's a pathfinder?"
"E-excuse me?" Sunburst said, one hood lifted off the floor as he looked between us, "What's a pathfinder?"
Now I'm very curious to see how he'll handle it... either he'll be utterly unaffected by alcohol, or he'll be an extreme lightweight. It will probably be funnier if it is the former. Thanks for sharing, greatly enjoying this story as usual. :D
You know what I should have done before now?

Gotten Sunburst drunk. Because it's hilarious.

He was currently leaning against Shinings shoulder while using his magic to trying to build a tower out of playing cards on the table before him.

"Not much of a drinker, your coltfriend?" Swift asked Shining with a smile, sipping his brandy.

"Not much, no," Shining admitted, "And is it too late to ask you to keep that quiet? We're still not fully public about Sunburst having joined me and Cadance."

I grinned, "Everypony in the bar has eyes, Shining," I said and shook my head, "If you were that worried, you should have used illusions."

Shining sighed but nodded, "I guess as long as we don't actively draw attention to ourselves, it's not that important," he admitted and used his magic to take Sunbursts glass away from him before raising a hoof and motioning to the waitress for some glasses of water.

Sunburst sighed and shook his head, "I'm not that drunk," he protested.

"Sure you're not," Shining said and shook his head, "But perhaps we should switch to water for a while. Trust me, your head will thank you tomorrow."

"He's not wrong," Swift pointed out, "take it from somepony that has made that mistake too many times, dude."

Sunburst nodded, "I guess you're right," he said and blinked, taking his glasses in his magic and starting to polish them as he pushed himself up to sit a bit unsteadily, "I'm not used to this sort of thing. I'm more of an O&O kind of pony."

"Only really played that once," I admitted, "With Spike and Talon. Was fun though."

"You know, we should play it," Shining said with a grin, "Maybe not tonight, but I bet we could get a real game going."

Swift looked hesitant, "I don't know if it's my kind of thing. I heard about it, but not sure it's for me."

"I bet you would like it under the right circumstances," I said thoughtfully, "Let me think a bit about it later, I may have some ideas."

I bet I could have another dream world for it. Or would that be larping? Uhm. That's also so, so much work to make a dream world. Maybe I should just make some dice in Sanctuary and we could play there. Buck, I bet I could just reuse a far away part of Sanctuary if we wanted to go the more active route. Just keep it isolated behind sheer cliff walls or something to keep any monsters from spreading.

He considered it before he shrugged, "Eh, I guess I could try it once," he admitted and sipped his drink again, "So when are you leaving for Nocturnis?"

I shook my head, "Not sure, but soon. A week at most, it depends on how quickly things can be put together."

The waitress joined us, putting a big glass of water before each of us. Swift ordered another brandy, I another cider. Shining shook his head and kept Sunburst from ordering anything.

As she left again, I continued, "We have been away too long as is. And I have something else to deal with when I do," I then added, shooting Swift a look.

He cringed slightly, "So… how did that go?"

I sighed, "I think I can spin it in a way my ponies will accept. But quite a lot of them won't be happy about it."

"At least until bits start to flow," Swift said.

I shrugged my wings, "I don't know. It might help at least," I said before I looked at Shining and Sunburst, "Sorry, I should explain. The Solar and Lunar guard want to establish a training base at Nocturnis. A lot of ponies in Nocturnis and likely somewhere else won't be happy about it."

Shining shook his head, "That's a bad idea. Not only are guards not going to be happy about being posted there, no offense, Page but the climate in Nocturnis sucks unless you're a bat."

"Admitted," I agreed.

"Also," Shining continued, "you're right about a lot of ponies in Nocturnis are going to be unhappy about this. How are you going to spin this?" he asked and sipped his water.

I shrugged and took a drink from my cider, "Money mostly," I admitted with a small shrug, "It's… something we don't have a lot of. It might be a mistake, but guards on leave have a tendency to spend any bits they have. Especially if stationed away from home."

Shining thought about that for a second before he nodded, "That they do," he agreed, "If there is anything to spend them on."

"Eh, we do make some pretty good alcohols," I said with a shrug, "That's always popular."

"But then you have a bunch of drink guardsponies," Shining said and rolled his eyes before glancing around, "There is a reason the owner has a heavy club behind his bar."

As on cue, a brawl broke out at a table at the other side of the bar where a cardgame has been going on. The table flipped and chairs fell as ponies got into it and the pony playing guitar by the fireplace stopped playing.

As we watched, the barkeep, a large earth pony started to come out from behind his bar, but he didn't have time to before somepony else stepped in.

The pegasus waitress stormed over and tossed a pitcher of ice water, pitcher and all, at the disrupters of peace. The clay jug shattered into a million pieces and the brawling ponies scrambled away from each other with yells of surprise.

Some had bloody noses but it didn't look like anything worse had gone down. And then I learned some new words as she started to dress them down in a way that would make any drill sergeant ask her to marry them on the spot.

I grinned and sipped my drink, "I think we can handle it. I'll let you know that the Nocturnis guard isn't any better."

Admittedly a lot of it never got before me, it was dealt with at a much lower level so I pretended not to notice it. In fact, I think the mares may actually be worse than the stallions. Which will be a real culture shock for any Solar or Lunar expecting things to be different.

Sunburst looked on as they were marched over the bar counter to pay for any damages and bills and then thrown out as the guitar music started up again "...What will happen to them?"

"Not much," Shining said with a grin and gave him a nuzzle at his closest ear, "Happens all the time. They'll be banned for a week or two and then they'll be back. They're guards, it happens."

"It happens," Swift agreed with a smile.

Sunburst looked between them, "...Either of you ever gotten in a fight here?"

"No, of course not," Shining said with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow at him before I glanced at Swift, "You buy that?" I asked him.

He sipped his drink and shook his head with a laugh, "Not for a second. I actually remember a story about a certain captain of the guard when he was a private and a much larger earth pony making some crack about the flanks of a certain pink alicorn."

Shining Armor had the grace to look a bit embarrassed, "In my defense, it was very crude. And I kicked his tail. We were banned for three weeks." he said before he glanced at Sunburst, "Don't tell Cadance."

Sunburst smiled, "I won't. What happened after three weeks?"

Shining grinned, "We were back at the same table, playing cards."
The pegasus waitress stormed over and tossed a pitcher of ice water, pitcher and all, at the disrupters of peace. The clay jug shattered into a million pieces and the brawling ponies scrambled away from each other with yells of surprise.

Some had bloody noses but it didn't look like anything worse had gone down. And then I learned some new words as she started to dress them down in a way that would make any drill sergeant ask her to marry them on the spot.
Say... this was the Guard bar, wasn't it? Isn't she the one that tried to rob the place several books back?
The sun shone bright outside.

It shone even brighter inside and Sunshine didn't even have her sungoddess spell going.

"You know," I said and leaned my head against her shoulder from my place next to her on the couch, "We're about to find out if we were right or not."

Celestia nodded, "Is that not what you created Sanctuary for?"

"...Partly," I admitted, "Eventually. First I just wanted to see if I could, but then I realized what I might be able to use it for. That's why I named it Sanctuary. A Sanctuary for all of us to be able to get away from everypony else's expectations, if just a little bit."

"You do realize that the more ponies we invite, the less it's going to be like that," Celestia told me gently, wing brushing my back, "Even if it's just Twilights friends and ponies like that, they still look on us as alicorns first, ponies a distant second."

I smiled, possibly a bit smugly as I glanced up at her, "But I thought of that. And I'm working on an area where only alicorns can enter. A lush mountain peak with a small crystal clear lake. Nopony can walk, fly or even teleport inside the barrier unless they are an alicorn"

Celestia nodded before raising an eyebrow at me, "And ponies such as Sunset, Shining and Sunburst?"

I shrugged my wings a bit beneath hers, "Still working on it, but I think I can get it to allow ponies inside if they are touching an alicorn when crossing the barrier," I said, "Adding individual ponies should also be possible, but annoying. Especially if Cadance's family keep growing."

Looking amused, Celestia smiled, "May I see it?"

"Not yet, still working on it," I said, "Another couple of weeks at least."

"I do have one request," Celestia said, nosing at my ear, "It rained last night and Sunset is right. Put in a roof somewhere."

I sighed, "Yeah, yeah," and leaned against her. Everypony's a critic. Rain wasn't even cold in the valley and nowhere near as thick as in Nocturnis.

We stayed like that for a while. I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep despite myself. Everything was warm and bright. Both things make me sleepy. Blinking my eyes to stay awake, I rolled onto my back, looking up at her.

Celestia smiled, raising her wings as she looked down at me in turn, "You could sleep you know," she said, "It will make things easier when you return."

"I don't want to sleep, I want to look at you," I told her with a smile.

"You know, somepony could write a poem about this," Celestia said thoughtfully, "A bat in love with the sun."

"More like an epic," I corrected her, "No poem could ever do you justice, it will take pages after pages."

Her cheeks turned slightly red, "I thought you did that already in those books you wrote for me," she said.

"Maybe I should do another sequel."

"I think I would very much enjoy that," Celestia admitted before she poked me with her hoof, "And just so we are clear, none of those are ever getting published."

I grinned, "You have the only copies."

She nodded and folded her wings before looking down at me thoughtfully,"What are you thinking about now?"

I smiled a bit sadly, "...Wondering if we were right before or now. If this was the right thing or not," I said, brushing my hoof along her wing.

"We're going to find out, but I have had long distance relationships in the past, they are always difficult," Celestia answered with a small smile, "And I believe your Sanctuary will help."

"It sucks," I answered with a small sigh, "I done it with Luna for years and… it really sucks. Dreams help, but it's not the same. I made Sanctuary as real as possible, but… I'm not sure it's the same either."

Celestia smiled softly, "It is better than letters, Page."

"True," I admitted and smiled back up at her, "Are you sure you can't come?"

She shook her head, "Not this time," she said and frowned at me, "You did too much of a good job with your plan regarding Neighsay and I need to be here to capitalize on it."

I sighed, "Well, I expected him to protest which would only increase the perception of it, but I didn't expect him to rant and rave like that. I think I may actually been right."

Celestia shook her head, "I think that's a given, Page. But that's up for the doctors to decide," before she scowled, "And I still believe Tartarus should have been where he belonged for what he did."

I could actually feel her wing growing hot ontop of me as I reached up to brushed my hoof along her side, "Calm, Sunshine."

She sighed and lowered her head, touching her nose against mine, "I'm sorry, Page. But watching you like that…"

Celestia shuddered and shook her head.

I thought about seeing her like that. Or Luna. Twilight or Sunset. I had no idea what I would do, possibly go into pieces. And then have a lot less restraint when it comes to whomever hurt them.

"Page," Celestia said gently, holding me closer, "Are you alright?"

It was only then I noticed I had been crying. Shaking my head, I pressed against her, "I… It just struck me that it could easily have been one of you. If he had… if he had just come to different conclusions…"

It could have been Twilight Or Sunset. Twilight is slightly smaller than me, that arrow could have… and Sunset is a unicorn.

Celestia shifted, wrapping her forelegs around me, warm wings slipping around me and holding me close as I clung to her.

"I'm sorry," I whispered against her warm coat, "I'll be more careful. I promise."

"We always have to be, Page," Celestia murmured softly against my mane, "We don't age. But we are almost as easy to hurt as any pony for those that know how."
Ponies were yelling in the background as the sun shone just above the horizon. Behind me ponies were loading the airship with the last of the cargo and supplies.

Nopony was happy.

Midnight was nervous about meeting Tempest and Talon.

Twilight was stressed about us having forgotten something.

Sunset was pissed because we were already behind schedule because the entire cargo apparently had to be restacked for a new weight balance.

Luna was unhappy to leave her sister to handle Equestria on her own for several weeks.

Celestia was unhappy because she couldn't come.

I was just unhappy in general for a multitude of reasons. Having to leave Celestia and the ache in my shoulder being first on my mind. Followed by going back home and to my duties.

"We'll come visit for Hearths Warming," Twilight said and looked to Cadance, "In the Crystal Empire."

Crystal Empire in the winter.


Cadance nodded, "We have everything planned," she confirmed with a smile.

Sunset glanced back, "Loading looks like it started to get done," she said, "We should board."

Twilight looked up from the list she and Midnight had been going through for the third time, "We should. I think we have everything."

Luna looked down at me and then poked me with her wing gently.

I glanced at her and then to Celestia before I stepped forward, "...Miss you, Sunshine."

"And I will miss you, Page," she answered just as quietly as she met my eyes, "Meet me for a lesson tonight?"

"Of course."

Cadence facehooved, "And I thought you were bad before," she groaned.

We both shook her an annoyed look.

"Buck off," I told her, "We're having a moment."

Cadance sighed, "Just kiss him you stupid filly," she told Celestia in annoyance before she brushed her wings across Shining and Sunbursts backs, "Come on, we have to prepare for todays' events. Everypony, I wish you a safe trip and we'll see you at hearths warming."

With that, they headed towards the entrance back inside.

I glowered after her, "Nosy pink narwhal," I grumbled and turned back before I found myself wrapped in sunwarm feathers and-

Strawberries. You wouldn't expect Celestia to taste like strawberries. But she did. Sun warm strawberries.

I kissed back, feeling myself lean against her. My pain, my worries about going home, suddenly none of it mattered as my mind just kinda went blank..

After a split second and the lifetime of the universe, Celestia slowly pulled back from the kiss and I was able to breathe again.

"W-what happened to being discrete?" I asked quietly as I looked up into her eyes.

"Think anypony noticed?" Celestia whispered back with a small smile.

I glanced out from between her feathers. Luna looked amused. Twilight was smiling and Sunset were hiding giggles behind her hoof. Midnight were still looking at the list and may actually have missed it.

Everypony else was doing that sort of thing where you were suddenly very busy with your duties and pretending they didn't see a thing.

"I think they did," I admitted and looked up at her, "Are you sure?"

Celestias nose touched mine softly, "Let them talk," she said, "Because I'm going to marry you and I think they may notice that. Not now, but eventually."

I smirked up at her, "So sure are you?"

She smirked back, "That's what I can do with a kiss," she whispered and nosed my ear, "Imagine what I can do with more. You only had a small taste before."


Celestia watched me for a second before she smiled and shifted. She pulled a feather from her right wing before nosing in and fitting it into the braid with the two I was already wearing, "There," she said as pulled back and folded her wings with a small playful smile, "Now they can really talk."

Luna smirked at Celestia as she walked up and slipped her wing across my back, "I told you, sister," she said as I tried, and failed, not to blush as I touched the feathers in my mane with my hoof.

"Yes you did," Celestia grumbled and glanced aside, "You were right."

"What was that sister?" Luna asked with a smile, "I didn't quite hear that?"

"You were right," Celestia repeated in slight annoyance, "Now you better go aboard, our Prince shouldn't be on that hoof for this long."

I looked up at her, "I'm perfectly fine and still not made out of glass, Celestia."

"No, but you were shot with a crossbow," she told me in turn, looking down at me before she smiled softly, "And we both know you are too stubborn not to overdo it. So excuse us for looking out for you."

I sighed softly, but in all honesty… she wasn't wrong. And I knew exactly how much I would worry about and dote over if it was one of them.

So I lifted my right hoof off the floor, "...Yeah, alright," I admitted, "And we should get going onboard anyway. I think everypony is waiting for us."

Celestia smiled and lowered her head to brush her lips against mine once more, "Safe travels, Page."

"I'll try. See you tonight, Sunshine."
I slowly blinked my eyes open, suppressing a yawn as I wrapped my wings a bit tighter around myself. With four of us, the bed in the royal quarters was a bit cramped. Especially as my side and shoulder still hurt if I put pressure on it.

We solved the issue by me wrapping my tail around one of the beams above it instead. Hanging like that kept pressure off my shoulder nicely.

Drawbacks involved a lack of cuddling.

Pros involved hurting less and waking up to the sight of Luna and Sparks cuddling in their sleep.

Sunset was missing, but she almost always was the first one up and awake. That and while she liked cuddles, she didn't like sleeping like it. Way too hot for the unicorn, especially in Nocturnis.

Sparks on the other hoof was a real cuddle bug in her sleep and clung to whomever was in range. Usually me back home, but Luna seemed to be enjoying it as well.

They looked very cute like that.

Watching for a couple of moments, I then suppressed a yawn as I stretched, pleasantly surprised to find that my side ached a lot less than even last night.

Amazing how much it helped not to accidentally lay on it during the night.

Yep, staying sleeping like this until I was all better was definitely the ticket. Low on cuddle factor, but getting better faster meant more cuddles later which made it worth it. Especially as it gave me a nice view to fall asleep to.

I considered for a second of risking using my wings on the way down, but felt that may put a bit too much stress on things, so instead I charged a teleport, depositing myself on three hooves on the deck just outside the darkness bubble across the bed.


I quickly covered my eyes with a wing, blinking. Damn it, Celestia! We have to have a talk about that dumb thing you insist on having in the sky!

Blinking, I squinted against the bright light before making my escape to the narrow hallway and the relative darkness away from the glare of the sun.

"Good Afternoon, your majesty," Shade Leaf said as I exited before she pulled the door closed behind me as I stepped out between Shade, Leaf and a pair of Night Guards I didn't recognize.

"Good Morning Shade, Leaf, Guardponies," I told them with a smile, "Looking forward to getting back home?"

Leaf nodded, "Yes, your majesty. Canterlot is nice and all-"

"Ignoring assassinations," Shade interjected.

"But being awake during the days is not natural," Leaf continued and shifted her wings against her armour, "We always got into trouble in school back in the day, falling asleep all the time. You know, Before."

Before Nocturnis. Before the decursing. I had heard bats call it Before in the past and you could actually hear the capital B.

I nodded and suppressed another yawn, "Sunlight make me sleepy," I confided, "Sunset leave long ago?"

"About an hour," Shade said, "Heading to the galley with the boss."

"And that's where I am also heading then," I said and gave the two Nightguards a nod before heading down the hallway, Leaf and Shade falling in behind me.

Look at me, being a good colt keeping his right forehoof off the floor.

Pushing the door to the galley open with my magic, I entered. Sun shone in through one of the little evil windows, but it wasn't too bad.

Other than the chef, the only ponies inside so far was Steady Beat, the doctor. He was reading in one corner, a cup of evil evil coffee sitting next to him. Sunset and Moon Glow were at the other table, a pair of empty plates before them.

Sunset looked up when we entered and smiled, giving us a small wave.

I moved over, "Sunny, Glow. Good… afternoon? What time is it?"

"Good afternoon," Sunset said with a smile and touched her horn softly to mine for a second, "And it's just after four. Twi and Luna still asleep?"

I smiled and nodded, carefully climbing to sit next to her on the bench, "Very cutely so. Didn't want to wake them."

Some very enticing smells were drifting out of the small kitchen.

I knew that scent. That was frying meat! Turtle if I wasn't wrong. I wasn't the only pony sniffing at the air either. Leaf and Shade were both trying to look like they weren't, but their noses were definitely flaring a bit.

Sunset stuck her tongue out a bit at the smell before she sighed softly, "Bats."

"Ah come on, it smells good!" I protested.

"Not sure I can agree there, your majesty" Moon Glow said with a small smile, "But it doesn't bother me as much anymore."

"Actually," Steady Beat said as he joined us, "Pardon me for interrupting, but this is part of my interests. Non-bats can actually eat meat, it's mostly cultural to why we don't," he said before she grinned a bit, "Well, mostly. Too much makes our stomachs act up."

"But not ours!" I said cheerfully.

He nodded, "Indeed. How are you feeling, your highness?"

"Really good," I admitted and carefully moved my shoulder, "Still not healed, but much better."

Steady nodded, "Good to hear. Visit me after breakfast and I will change your bandages."

"Sounds good, thank you, Doc."

"And eat some more fruit," he told me before he grinned, "You know, I never have to tell bats that, but I still do after all these years. Reflex, I suppose."

I grinned as he moved on towards the door, his book floating along in his magic. I turned back just in time to see the griffon exit the kitchen. He smiled and moved to put a plate with pieces of various fruits and a smaller plate of strips of fried meat before me. And a cup of ice tea.

I was about to thank him when my stomach growled loudly.

He grinned and nodded firmly before returning to the kitchen before I could say anything else.
Eh, now that we've gotten a proper arc out of Hiver... nothing. At the point in time. Unless Hiver is about to go on one of their mythical two (plus) adventure arc, we've gotten a proper arc, so this is likely the wrap up.

They'll make it back, there'll be some sappy "Glad to Be Back Home." scene and it'll cut, or fade, to black. And we'll be waiting for the next segment/episode.

It's about the only gripe I have about Hiver maining so many stories at the same time. While we do get an episodic addition when it comes around, Hiver is writing so many that it keeps taking longer, each time, to get back to this series of stories. Their other stories however, so far, haven't interested me. I don't simp/hump Warhammer xxK, and I just can't get into the HoloAI Star Trek series. I can't remember the other... two(?)