Because Ebeli has a 15 dice demonology pool
Subsouls of the Ebon Dragon:
Fetich: Unknown
Asking may get Orabillis to throw you into the sky.
Elsaileff, the White Tower
Second Soul of the Ebon Dragon
Those brave enough, heroic enough, determined and doomed enough to wander the shadowed depths of the demon city may find themselves at the base of an enormous white tower that shines like a beacon in the darkness. This is Elsaileff- the White Tower. The Beacon of Champions. The Matron of Heroes. Upon entry, they are greeted by her other form, a beautiful woman with alabaster skin and hair of shadow, who offers them a place to rest, food and drink, and supplies for their long journey. She listens to their stories and gives them hope for their struggles, and sends them on their way, for she loves all who are doomed in their heroic ways.
Those who know her are surprised to find she is a third circle of the Adversary. But it is in the Ebon Dragon's nature to oppose, and the closer one comes to his heart, the more the souls oppose him. Elsaileff has always opposed him- she loves him for he is doomed as she is doomed, and she represents his own love of doom. Since the Times of Glory, perhaps even before, she would be the beacon to all who opposed his villainy and his plots, for she sees beauty in doomed heroism, of the striving of those with will to change the world. She embraces her own doom, for she knew it would come.
However, it never did. When the Primordial War ended, the Unconquered Sun himself descended to destroy her. Instead, he spend a week and a day within her tower, binding her. He has not returned since. Many years later, a champion, born of sun and shadow, departed the tower to seek his way to Creation.
Motivation: To guide heroes to their destinies and dooms. She has intimacies towards doom, destiny, heroism, and light.
Second Circles:
Valrath, the Apocryphal Dragon
Third Soul of the Ebon Dragon
Where the souls of the Ebon Dragon oppose him, his third soul opposes them. Valrath, the Apocryphal Dragon, is the closest the Ebon Dragon has to a true ally and second. In fact, many tales of the Dragon appearing to mortals and exalted outside of his prison, in lesser plots and tales, are of this demon, for he takes a form much like his progenitor. An immense serpent of shadow, he takes a form more suited for combat- with an immense, flaming maw and great rending talons that suck the light from the world around it.
Where Elsaileff is his love of doom, Erembour his love of shadows, and Marsilion his love of secrets, Valrath represents the Ebon Dragon's love of villainy. Ever plotting, ever scheming, the Apocryphal Dragon seeks to increase his own power and standing. Yet he is himself a brute- his own scheming is his own weakness, for in his focus on power he opens himself up to his own death at the hands of his own Progenitor Soul, the Heretical Dragon, who may usurp him.
Motivation: To conquer, to seize, and to have all bow before him. He has intimacies towards conquest, power, villainy, and schemes.
Second Circles:
-Valkyrion, The Heretical Dragon, Progenitor
--The Swords of Policy (first circle)
Marsilion, the Eidolon of Shadow
Fourth Soul of the Ebon Dragon
Second Circles:
Erembour, That Which Calls to the Shadows
Sixth Soul of the Ebon Dragon
Second Circles:
-Mara, the Shadow Lover, Defining
-Alveua, Keeper of the Forge of Night, Expressive
-Makarios, the Sigil's Dreamer, Warden