Kyouko and Sayaka have been magi for twenty years. They have a child named Minako, a rambunctious little teenager who just discovered that they're incredibly gay for a girl named Takane.
The only problem is that Takane is a magical girl.
The secret that Minako's mothers kept hidden from them is about to fall apart. And the system that Sayaka and Kyouko have openly defied for decades is about to come in the form of a six-winged seraphim upon the holy wings of her Glow.
The Statue witch, with an Artistic nature. She prizes her artwork above all else, and her personality is swaying enough to convince even the most ardent of witches. She is a socialite at heart, a lover of work and other pieces, and can effortlessly talk others into becoming one with her pieces.
Of course, to tear at her canvas without her consent is tantamount to heresy, and she will smash your body and use you as paint.
Aspen is a Sunlight witch with a Gardening nature. Surrounded by his great forest of trees, aspen seeks to grow a forest of familiars. He loves his forest, loves to grow his Children as tall and as wide as possible. Yes indeed, does he love the people who wander into his forest.
They make excellent fertilizer.
Rebeka is a Transportation witch with a Kludged nature. She should not be. She is a tramway and a bus held together by flesh, and a corruption of the souls that build her being.
And she knows it.
Her familiars work with conflicting orders, two sets of instructions that should tell them to operate in two diametrically opposed way. And so they exist, waiting to be picked up, waiting to pick others up, waiting to travel to a tramway that will never come.
Eadgifu is a Queenly witch with an Egotistical nature. She is a forceful queen. A proud queen. Her belly is made of a stove, her crown stolen and her cape fashioned out of cards. She rules over the kingdom with an iron fist; a terrible tyrant that lords over her subjects.
And yet they seem not to take her seriously. Her sky is false, her sun plastered in. Her subjects are playing an eternal game with her.
And on some level she knows it. And on all levels, she loathes when people point it out to her.
She will seek out combat one-on-one with those she deems worthy.
But those that insult her will wish they were dead.