DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: Beneath an Endless Sky (5e quest!)

NAME Bolanhachīhula "Boots" Arkemoulin
SPECIES: Goblin | RACE: Demihuman

DOB: 4/11/594PF | SEX: Male ~Yes~ | CLASS: Warlock

HP: 15/15 | AC: 13 | LUCK: 2 | 630/900 XP
STR: 10 (+0) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 13 (+1) | INT: 14 (+2) | WIS: 11 (+0) | CHA: 17 (+3)
SAVE:+0 +2 +1 +2 +2 +5
SKILLS: Stealth (+4), Arcana (+4), Insight (+2), Persuasion (+5)
TOOLS: ???

SMALL: Mr. Arkemoulin is approximately 1 meter in height.
NIMBLE: May move through any space of a creature larger.
LUCKY: Re-roll 1s.
SPEED: 5 meters/6 seconds.
DARKVISION: 60ft dark vision.
KNOWN DEMIPLANAR EXOCORTEX: Mr. Arkemoulin has a parasitic exocortex, source defunct Faewild, 87% Probability Winter Court. Provides Vancian crosstalk along arcane lines, refresh rate 1 hour.
PARASOCIAL FIELD EMISSIONS: Mr. Arkemoulin can as an on turn action force WISAVE/SPELLDC to induce Charmed or Frightened effects for approximately 6 seconds, refresh rate 6 hours.
SPELLCASTING QUALIFICATION: Mr. Arkemoulin can cast spells and is rated at 2 C0 class Vancian/Standard interaction events and 2 L1 class Vancian/Standard interaction events.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 2 Meters
EFFECT: Create one of the following paranatural effects. up to three may be maintained at one time.
  • Instant, harmless sensory effect (shower of sparks, puff of wind, musical notes)
  • Light or snuff a fire, including electrical fires, smaller than 1m in diameter.
  • Soil or clean object or person.
  • Chill, Warm, or Flavor 10 cubic centimeters of nonliving matter.
  • Create symbol or marker on surface for duration.
  • Can create small objects or trinkets that fit within the hand and last for 6 seconds.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 24 Meters
DURATION: Instant.
EFFECT: Channels paranatural force from the demiplane of gravity. RANGED ATTACK, 1d10 damage (force.)
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: Self
TARGET: Self | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [0.2 Liters H20 or Appropriate Foci]
EFFECT: Creates paranatural ice suspended in a jacketed probabilistic field with key-triggers on hostility and proximity. +5 temporary hit points, if struck in melee, the enemy takes 5 cold damage.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 18 Meters
TARGET: 4 Meter Radius | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [1 milligram of silicate dust or 1 Cricket or Appropriate Foci]
DURATION: 60 Seconds
EFFECT: Induces sleep via triggering unwanted Vancian interactions in untrained and unprepared minds. Roll 5d8 - this is the number of HP this effects, targeting creatures in the AOE of your choice, working from lowest HP to highest.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 10 Meters
EFFECT: If the target fails a Wisdom saving throw, they regard you as a friend and boon companion. After the spell ends, they know you charmed them. You may be prosecuted.
Spydraco Autonomy 6 Stainless Steel Switchblade
Attack: +4 | Damage: 1d6+2 (1 on a miss)
Intimidation Modifier: -1
EVA Suit
Helmet: Foldable (-5 to passive perception, can be folded and unfolded as a free action)
Suit: Mechanical Counerpressure Suit (Standard Suit)
Gloves: Standard Gloves (disadvantage to any skill requiring physical finesse, concentration check for spellcasting)
Tank: Standard tank (16 hours standard, modified up or down based on how strenuous)
Attachment 1: RCS Rig (Provides full mobility for 1 hour)
Attachment 2: Foci Mount (Provides advantage to concentration checks in space)
Quirks: Too Many Straps (once per session, in a tight area, the GM may say a strap is caught, losing 1/2 your movement.)
Leather Jacket
AC: 13
Wyiot: -4 (+0)
Wisehome: -4 (-8)
31 Gold Coins, 5 Silver Coins
The Somnambulist Sorcerer​
Trade Barque, registered Centarus Colonial Authority 609 PF to CPT. CROAT​
Mortgage: 15 Specie a month to Earth Industries LLC​
50 ton dry weight, 100 ton "wet" weight​
Handling: +2 | AC: 13 | EW: 3 Locks, 1 Jam​
10 [4] Engines​
5 Thrusters​
2 [4] C3​
9 [4] Life Support (3 radiators, 2 recycle filter units, 4 cabins)​
59 [3] Externalities​
Port Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Starboard Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Keel Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Dorsal Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
E-War Systems​
Kender Class D/T-ARC System [5 Spaces]​
Cargo Hold​
5 Tons of 4cm armor piercing teflon coated rounds (1 damage)​
Danse: 1/10 Stress
Kel: 1/10 Stress
Boots: 2/10 Stress
Xan: 1/10 Stress

Buying: Commercial Goods (2 Gold, 3 Silver per ton)
Sellling: Biological Goods (3 Gold per ton, perishable), Manufactured Goods (1 gold, 8 silver per ton)
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[X] plan: flood the hab

We're not getting that oxygenator, are we?
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Jul 9, 2022 at 2:13 PM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.
  • 10

    [X] Plan Purge The Blight
    -[X] Fall back to Oxygen Processing. Making O2 from water creates buckets more of Hydrogen, which is stored in tanks for other purposes. Between that supply, emergency portable airtanks, and whatever hardware we can scrounge from that should get us portable tanks of very flammable high pressure hydrogen. A Flamer is just a fuel source and nozzle with a pilot light and enough pressure to push the fuel out a distance, Presto covers the pilot light.
    -[X] Armed with the improvised Blight purging, seal up in your suits to preserve your own air cause we are going to be making air not breathable. And Oxygen Processing likely won't work once we are done.
    -[X] Aim for whatever space may be sealed, clearing out the moss you come across, using occasional radio checks to see if any pirates survived. They may have been drug dealers responsible for this shit but leaving them to get eaten by a Blight is cruel, and they may know where they stored the Oxygen Processor.
    -[X] Also make a note to crack this operation station like an egg so the plants and Blight fucking drown
    [X] Sneak into Admin, get that delicious shotty, then clear the room of any ambulator blight members. Then see about hacking the computers
    [x] plan: flood the hab
    -[x] return to oxygen processing and try to rig up a cutting torch with a tank of hydrogen.
    -[x] go to an airlock and manually force it to start flooding the chamber with the door open.
    -[x] go room by room flooding the habitat, cutting through the doors with the torch where necessary

Okay! Roll me a 1d20+4 (with advantage) for finagling together a flamer!
Chapter Two: Under a Tideless Sea (1.9)
"...they have hydrogen tanks here, don't they?" Danse says.

"Yeah," you say. "OP gets hydrogen by cracking the water, same as our ship does. And, like our ship, the main issue is getting rid of it. We- OH!" Your eyes widen.

"Think you can do a little something with that?" Danse asks. You start to giggle, rubbing your palms together, your ears perking up.

"Oh boy," Xan whispered, sheathing her knife with a twist of her lips. "Is this...goblin mode?"

"Ehehehe..." you chuckle. "No, this is Boots mode." Your eyes flare. "Come on!"

Danse and Kels take over watch at the two entries into OP, their eyes narrowed as they looked out into the dark, dank corridors of the undersea factory. You, meanwhile, were working with Xan. "I hate this...bloody fucking place more every fucking minute," she said, snarling as she worked her wrench on some pipes that you had decided were probably not hooked to anything of value. You had found some extra scuba gear and wet suits and after slowly and safeishly releasing the pressurized air in the tanks. There were a lot of valves and tubes and bits of metal for you to work with and a lot of tools - but you still needed to reinforce more than you'd want with duct tape to get it to work. Fortunately, you had a nearly perfect ignition source thanks to your prestidigitation. You could...aim your little gizmo, spark it, and FOOSH!

"It'll be short ranged," you say, holding up the bulky collection of tape, tubes and containers. "But it will make a lot of burning!"

"All right," Danse said. "We can work this carefully, burning as we go, securing room by room-"

The radio crackles.

Everyone shuts up.

Cracking. Hiss. Buzz.


Faintly: "-zzzzellozzzzzzz-"

"You heard that right?" You ask, adjusting the dial on your radio, straining to try and get a better signal. You stand on the plastic table at the corner of your room, holding your hand out to the rest of your crew...and then the voice comes through, thready and filled with the faint sound of bees, but you fucking have it.

"Hello? Repeat, hello? Is there someone out there?"

"Yeah!" you say. "Who is this?"

"Tetjan," the voice says, sounding shocked. "I, holy shit, are you from Mitty?"

"No," you say, without thinking.

"Fuck," Tetjan says, sighing. "Listen, me and, uh, six others are trapped in the main factory floor's storage room, right next to the Chutter's oxygen pump. We have no guns and no weapons and no magic - there's a bunch of the Blight outside, they've killed everyone else and-" There was a pause. "Huh? Yeah, I don't know who..." Pause. "Okay, uh, the boss asks who you are."

You look at Danse, then cover the reciever. "Six of the dealers are still alive," you say. "They want to know who we are?"

"Great," Xan groans.

"We have to help them, right?" Kels asks.

"No we don't!" Xan says.

"They have the oxygen generator," you say.

Danse pinches the bridge of his nose. "Ask them how secure they are?" You nod.

"My buddies need to know how secure you are," you say.

"Secure? We're in a metal box with just enough air through the vents that we're gonna have to start eating Smitty soon!" Tetjan says, sounding faintly hysterical. "There's a bunch of blights out there, just biding their time! So, ya know, we're fucking secure."

"Got it, got it," you say, then rely this to Danse. He rubs his palm over his face.

"We could just tell them, it's not like they're choosy," Kels says.

"Are you guys adventurers or something?" Tetjan asks, sounding anxious. "Listen, if you are...we'll give you anything you want from our stores just get us the fuck out of here."

Danse sighs. "Okay," he says, frowning. "We're going to help them out, I guess."

"Oh that's just bloody wonderful," Xan says, groaning.

The hatch creaks open and you and Danse step into the thick foliage of the room. The air smells rich and ...dead, like something is rotting. You think maybe you should put on your spacesuit helmet, but Danse speaks quickly. "Okay, we're going to start by burning a bit, see how the flamer works. It is-"

The wall before you...

Opens its eyes.

You realize you're standing before a humanoid collection of needles and twigs only seconds before it steps out and reaches out towards you, fingers gnarled and bent. You freeze, and the thought explodes through your head: This is impossible, this isn't how things work, this is impossible. The the claws slash down and dig into your arm. Blood flows, pain explodes and you scream, leap backwards, and realize you've almost stepped into another one. Its claws lift up.

You jam the flamer, makeshift or not, into its chest and snarl. "Vram!" Your free hand makes the gesture. Magic flares. Hydrogen gushes from the tank and sparks from your spell flare across the nozzle and the flames explode out and in a single second, the entire mass of needles and twigs explodes into flames. It lets out an eerie, hooting wailing noise, flailing as it steps backwards.

Danse shouts: "LOOK OUT!"

You glance back and see the creature that had clawed you is being driven back by hasty slashes from Xan's knife - while Kel and Danse stand back to back as more of the wall, and the floor, hump up. Humanoid figures, boiling out of everywhere. Your heart hammers, and the room is full of shouting and confusion - and the screeching, and the burning.

Danse goes down under claws, stumbling as the three blights around him manage to bring him down. Their claws flash up into the air - then one of them stumbles back, flames bursting along his flesh as Kel shouts orders in a tongue you cannot speak - holding up her artificial religious foci. That's enough room for Danse to shoulder two blights aside, then swing his sword upwards. It catches the flames, then flares - as if the two are working together to make his blade into a flaming one. He cuts the head off a blight, which topples to the ground with a spray of bracken and splinters.


You turn and see Xan is now facing two blights - another has come out of nowhere. It reaches for her - but Xan leaps over his limbs, landing behind him in the light gravity of Gallion. Then the other is on you again. Its claws grab onto your shoulders, but rather than biting into you, it picks you up and you scream, dropping the flamer to try and wriggle, struggle. You kick, hard, and your boot slams into the needle and branches that make up the wooden creature's belly. Something mossy gives under your toe and it drops you. You slam onto the floor after a dreamlike slow fall, then grab the flamer. You scramble away, feel a sting on your thigh, then spin around.

Xan has stabbed her blade into the spine of the blight she has leaped over. It falls, and then she leaps up to the blight that had tried to grab you, snarling. "Get away from Boots, you bugger!"

You barely notice anything else - just thumps and cries of more magical notes from Kels. Then the blight that had its attentions on you, drawn by Xan, turns. She grunts, dodging - but you see a flash of red blood on its claws. You scramble to your knees, hold up your flamer, and snarl. "Hey! You want something hot? Have some of this! Vram!"

Hydrogen belches, bursts into nearly invisible flame. Then the blight goes up like a torch. Xan kicks it away from her with a snarl. "Burn, you branchy bastard!" she shouts as it falls onto the ground, flailing. Wailing. She nods to you, grins, then sprints towards Danse and Kel, who have winnowed their enemies down to...to just one! Your heart leaps. Hope!

Xan springs onto its back, but it catches her arm, then swings the whole drow around it like she was a rag doll. Xan tries to kick free - but then she smashes against the side of one of the heavy, metal desks. Even covered with moss and green, the crunch sound is horrible. Xan hits the ground and lets out a groaning: "Fucking...cunting bitch!" She grabs at her thigh - as the Blight steps to her - then flares with an inner light, fire scorching around it as Kels incants.

The blight freezes - then Danse's sword slashes it in half.

The room is full with the smell of smoke. A single reedy smoke alarm is letting out chirrups, trying to signal the full alarm, but it can't get much out.

"Shit, shit, shit!" You say, dropping the flamer and scrambling to Xan. "Xan, Xan, are you okay!?"

"Fine! Just...my...fucking leg!" She closed her eyes. "I think it's broken." You say.

Kels, being the medtech, hisses softly as she gently slides her hand along Xan's leg. Xan, faintly dizzy sounding, says; "Finally got you to feel me up, you useless tiefling lesbian," she says, then laughs, then screams. "Ow ow ow ow ow!"

"You big drow baby," Kels says, her voice ragged. "Okay, it feels like a pretty serious fracture - I can jolt you with healing magic."

"Y-Yeah! Yeah, you can do that, you can do that!"

"Okay, I'm going to do that, just...hold still," Kels pauses. "...shit. Okay, wait, my cycle rate is eight hours. I only have two slots. If we blow a slot here..." She trails off, biting her lip.

Xan closes her eyes, rolling her head back.

"There's a shotgun," you say. "Xan, you're a good shot?"

"Good shot? Good...I'm a bloody fantastic shot!" Xan says, raggedly.

"We can splint you, painkiller you, and you can just stick to overwatch and limping," Kels says, nodding. "It's...kind of a resource thing."

"Why is it...always...a fucking resource thing with this goddamn job!?" Xan asks, her voice ragged. "Spell slots! Ammo! Remass that one fuckin' time!"

"The perils of Vancian magic, I suppose," Danse said, sighing. "I have my own stuff - but, no, I should do it, my particular methods are less flexible." He smiled. "And I have a bit more finesse on the actual heal-through." He sets his sword down, then kneels beside Xan. "I assure you, my lady, I am merely going to be touching you to heal you."

"I wish!" Xan laughed, her eyes closing. "You're too pretty to not make this-"

Danse's hands flare.

"-WORTH IT!" Xan barks out, then laughs, the raggedy laugh you recognize from that time you got smashed by some asshole on a bike. Unending agony that lasted forever until that lovely, wonderful medtech popped your dislocated shoulder back into place with a jerk of his hands and a single word of magic. Xan stands, slowly, then tests her weight. She nods. "Okay. I'm good!" She smiles, then kisses Danse's cheek.

"Lets check you now," Danse says. You, bleeding sluggishly form a few scratches...

You're at 6 HP out of 18. But, as they say...it is all about resource management. And if downed, you can use the table of ouch, as Xan does, to regain HP in exchange for a grievous injury!

[ ] "I'm good!" (Press on)
[ ] "Heal me up, Danse!" (Regain 5 HP)
[ ] "...Danse, dude." (Danse heals from 13 to 18 HP, since he's hurt too)
[ ] Write in

[ ] Lets clear crew quarters next. We want to make sure there's no flanking.
[ ] Lets go for the factory floor - its the widest space and...we have a shotgun!
[ ] Write In

There are six blights in this room...


Blight 4: 18
Blight 2: 13

Boots: 12
Xan: 10
Blight 3: 10
Blight 6: 9

Blight 5: 5
Kel: 4
Danse: 3
Blight 1: 2

Blight 4 and 2 shamble at Boots, who has the flamer. 5 and 22 to hit! One hit, doing 4 damage! But a scratch! (boots: 11/15)

Boots, reasonably, turns the flamer on em: I am MAKING UP RULES! Improvised guns do 1d4 gunshot damage, but jam on a nat 1 for the damage rolls. She gets a 15, even with disadvantage, against their gunshot AC of 6 and does 2 gunshot damage. They have 2 HD, so they have 2 luck and that drops them to 0. FOOSH!

Xan leaps onto Blight 2, gets a 7 - nothing doing.

Blight 3, 5 and 6 go after Danse! They all miss - his armor protects him!

Kel scorches Blight 3! 8 damage after they fail their save! (blight 3: 3/11)

Danse sweeps his blade at Blight 3: Miss! He spends 1 of his 2 luck points for a re-roll (since he IS surrounded) and gets a 20. Hit! 10 damage slays the blight!

Blight 1 shambles at Xan and gets a nat 1 - she dances aside and gets advantage on slashing him.


Blight 2 attempts to grab the flamer out of Boots' hands! They get a 12 versus Boots 7 - Boots is grappled and the flamer is knocked from her hands!

Boots attempts to escape - 7 versus their 4 - and accepts the OPP to get away, snatching up the flamer as she goes! The baddy gets a swipe - ouch! 5 damage! (6/15 for boots)

Xan stabs Blight 1 and does 19 damage! He's dead! Then she moves into threatening Blight 2 so Boots is no longer gonna be in danger!

Blight 5 and 6 try and claw up Danse, and one gets a hit, doing 5 damage, bringing Danse down to 13/18!

Kel and Danse focus fire on Blight 5: Kel does 1 damage, Danse does 10, dropping the blight!


Blight 2, threatened by Xan, swings at her for 7 damage, bringing Xan down to 8/15 HP!

Boots sticks a flamer into Blight 2 and lights them up for 5 gunshot damage. TURBO dead.

Xan runs to the blight facing off against Danse, gets a miss!

That blight swings and gets 8 against Xan! Xan drops to 0 HP! She can either start risking death saves, or she can take a hit on the TABLE OF OUCH to regain HP I want to test that, so she'll do that! She regains 12 HP (2 hit dice rolled, 1d6+1 each) and takes...a broken bone! She chose broken bone since it's a 2 HD effect and getting a 4 HD effect is...a lot. The Needle Blight shatters her kneecap. She's at 1/2 speed and takes 1 stress if she has to put weight on the bone. Ouch! Now, this IS NOT MECHANICALLY BAD: It only takes 5 HP of healing to heal that wound or a , meaning she has effectively gained 7 HP! Natch!

Kel and Danse, working together, kill it!

Danse heals Xan for 5 HP using 5/10 Healing Hands. This puts her from 12 to 15 HP! She's at full!
[x] "...Danse, dude." (Danse heals from 13 to 18 HP, since he's hurt too
Feel like this is a good choice, as he's the front liner, and Kel has the spell slots for healing if it comes to it.

[x] Lets go for the factory floor - its the widest space and...we have a shotgun!
Shotgun! But also, the one encounter was pretty rough, so dealing with the pirates after three encounters vs two feels like a better idea, even if they are unarmed.
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[X] "Heal me up, Danse!" (Regain 5 HP)
[X] Lets clear crew quarters next. We want to make sure there's no flanking.
[X] "...Danse, dude." (Danse heals from 13 to 18 HP, since he's hurt too)
[X] Lets go for the factory floor - its the widest space and...we have a shotgun!

I say we start clearing these abominations before even THINKING of going near tight spaces. We've all seen Alien and Dead Space! Tight Spaces Are Not Our Friends!!!
Clearing the crew quarters does seem like the smart move. Although if we can lock it down that would suffice.
@DragonCobolt how much juice have we got left in the flame thrower?
[X] "...Danse, dude." (Danse heals from 13 to 18 HP, since he's hurt too)
[X] Lets go for the factory floor - its the widest space and...we have a shotgun!
[x] "...Danse, dude." (Danse heals from 13 to 18 HP, since he's hurt too)
[X] Lets clear crew quarters next. We want to make sure there's no flanking.
We shall complete this adventure with the power of friendship and this gun we found.

[X] "...Danse, dude." (Danse heals from 13 to 18 HP, since he's hurt too)
[X] Lets go for the factory floor - its the widest space and...we have a shotgun!
[X] "Heal me up, Danse!" (Regain 5 HP)
[X] Lets go for the factory floor - its the widest space and...we have a shotgun!
Hey guys, just a quick update: "Where's more posts?"

Simple answer: I find 5e's actual gameplay to be outstandingly dull and I hate it, and grew to hate it even more when playing it with myself (as running a quest often is.) So, my enthusiasm on updating this quest tanked, then I went to sleep for a few weeks, then I started my Star Trek quest...

"Well, wait, then why are you making a 5e splatbook?"

To get more kickstarter money!

but yeah, I'm not sure I will update this thread, and I am sorry for that! I hope you enjoyed what was here and that the weirdoes who like 5e will enjoy my book once it's done!
Couldn't you just switch to a system you actually enjoy rather than keep using the one you hate? Granted, I know absolutely jack shit when it comes to different systems, how they work, or if it's even possible to modify one to fit this game..... So please ignore my dumbass if that's not an option.

Either way this story was fun, and if you decide to continue (either as a quest, story or whatever) I'm pretty sure all of us will love it.
Hey, I love 5e, but I'm also the first to say that while it does do a pretty good job of tactical fantasy combat, it can struggle in more narrative adventures (such as a typical quest).

If you're interested in a new system to scratch your sci-fi itch then have you given Lancer a try? I know you've run a Kill Six Billion Demons quest and Tom Parkinson Morgan, the author of K6BD co-designed and wrote Lancer while Abadon the artist of K6BD did most of the art, including all the mech designs. The base rules are free, buying the book just gets you the GM-side things like NPC statblocks.


Lancer Core Book: First Edition PDF (Free) by Massif Press

The free version of the core rulebook and setting guide for Lancer, a game centered on pilots and their mechs.

they recently also released a sister game set in the same universe, Lancer: Battlegroup, which is a space naval wargame where players assemble and design mini-fleets or "battlegroups" and pit them against an NPC force controlled by the GM.
Couldn't you just switch to a system you actually enjoy rather than keep using the one you hate? Granted, I know absolutely jack shit when it comes to different systems, how they work, or if it's even possible to modify one to fit this game..... So please ignore my dumbass if that's not an option.

Either way this story was fun, and if you decide to continue (either as a quest, story or whatever) I'm pretty sure all of us will love it.

Thank you so much! And while I could switch to, say, Fantasycraft...

...I could switch to Fantasycraft...

But my goal is the admittedly mercenary one of attracting a small amount of the vast amount of money slushing around in the 5e/D&D One space. See, my idea is that people hear 'D&D in space', buy it, then I ambush them with communism. So the mechanics should ostensibly work with 5e...