Dumbest vs/fiction arguments you've ever heard?

He outsmarted the Champion, forcing him to trade the gem for a ride after the Champion destroyed the planet with a single punch. Champion can survive in space but not fly.

After completely outmaneuvering and making a fool out of him in their fight.

This is becoming an off-topic tangent, though.
Is the worst thing from that thread a dumb argument or just logical incoherence?

I am of course speaking of "as long as there's fuel turning turbines in an underground bunker, and a message is being radioed to the tank, the tank will continue moving around at top speed even though there's no actual fuel inside the tank."
Oh, yeah, the wifi engine!
Which is much more likely and possible than self-aware exploding bullets. It's just a jet engine providing thrust through a wireless signal, so instead of directly influencing the air, and moving the tank, it instead sends a message through a antenna to the tank's drivetrain, which applies the same amount of thrust and horsepower. I mean, we DO have wireless/mobile internet available today, it's not hard to imagine that a futuristic tank would have this feature.
The God Hands from Berserk could beat Sailor Moon because

Which is utterly ludicrous if you know anything about Sailor Moon.

Oh man, I remember that one. Like, the guy was stretching with all kinds of absurd arguments about how they would coat her body in a skin-tight web of forcefields and reflect all her shit back at her and I think he got really weird about how turning her attacks back on her would make her orgasm and ???? While everyone else was like: Uh.... Usagi is tailor made to curbstomp the Godhand.

Also, Super Forensic Da Bloodz in the Maul vs Bloods thread. Up bringing in the US military to defend the Bloodz. /thread.

Oh! And the one where Orks could chop up the TARDIS with axes and the Doctor would be trapped because....
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Not strictly a VS debate thread or anything, but I once saw someone argue that because Vasavi Shakti is classed as an Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm, it must specifically be only good against gods and would deal less damage to Scáthach, who is an "anti-god" and therefore resistant to it. Neither of these are true, needless to say :V
Oh man, I remember that one. Like, the guy was stretching with all kinds of absurd arguments about how they would coat her body in a skin-tight web of forcefields and reflect all her shit back at her and I think he got really weird about how turning her attacks back on her would make her orgasm and ???? While everyone else was like: Uh.... Usagi is tailor made to curbstomp the Godhand.
Hah, that's quite the image.







"Alright who thought it was clever to make her orgasm from beating us up? Because I'd like to have a word with them."
Archinist was endlessly amusing while he lasted. From page 2 of the Tank thread:
I doubt the Ultramarines will be able to leap off the ground, latch onto the hovering, spinning tank, and start tearing the latches off. That tank is going to be spinning and spazzing out at random directions, and 30 tons is still probably more than the average Ultramarine. Also, there is the sheer shock value. I mean, I doubt the Ultramarines have ever seen a tank covered with human skin, producing jet engine noise from apparently nowhere, and also producing enough thrust to lift off the ground and start spinning in mid-air, all while hammering the poor Marines with .60 caliber bullets? They're going to be pretty damn startled, so muich so that a weaker Marine might even turn to Chaos.
He just keeps going, getting stupider and stupider. I highly recommend reading through the thread for a few laughs if you have the time.
The Downstreamers lose to the Xeelee because:

- The Xeelee control all baryonic particles (untrue)
- The Downstreamers consist only of neutrinos (untrue)
- Neutrinos are baryons (untrue)

Sijowies was a riot sometimes.

Also, Eve Online beats all other verses because their weapons have yields in the gigajoules.

The medieval Spanish can burn down a South America-sized chunk of Pandora and kill all the Na'vi and this is totally possible because the poster proposing it has a 'fire science degree'.

The Makai realm from Yu Yu Hakusho is stated to be infinite in size, when he was dying of hunger Raizen's stomach rumbling could be heard throughout/shook the whole thing, therefore Raizen is infinitely powerful and in his prime he was even more powerful.
Fingolfin's fight with Morgoth was a total outlier because:
1. Valar and Maia are immune to mortal weapons, which we know because of that one time Ganealf told the fellowship "None of you have any weapons that can harm me."

2. Legolas is an elf, with elven weapons.

3. Fingolfin's is also an elf with elven weapons.

4. Therefore, Fingolfon was unable to harm Morgoth on his own, and must have had assistance from Eru.
I think crown jewel for things that people have been actually serious about, goes to the guy who tried to tell me, in all seriousness, that an ultramarine would kick the shit out of DBZ Krillin.
I think crown jewel for things that people have been actually serious about, goes to the guy who tried to tell me, in all seriousness, that an ultramarine would kick the shit out of DBZ Krillin.
Eeeh... Start of DBZ or end of DBZ Krillin? Also is this the ultramarine in full armour and weapon loadout or as equipped as Krillin?
Can I just say that If The Emperor Had A Text-To-Speech Device has completely overtaken canon 40k in my head-canon space? Just the reminder of Cato Sicarius put it in my head.

I fully agree. Hell, I got back into 40k lore throughout TTS.

I think crown jewel for things that people have been actually serious about, goes to the guy who tried to tell me, in all seriousness, that an ultramarine would kick the shit out of DBZ Krillin.

TTS Ultramarines could do it. :p
Thanos is the single most inconsistent character in Marvel. He can fight beings confirmed ftl speed, but by his own admission has trouble landing a hit on Gamora, admits to being unable to defeat The Champion, having to trick him out of his Gem, but can match Galactus who stands above any of the Elders. Is threatened by Drax, is completely above Drax in every way. Etc...
It's actually pretty easy to sort out. Just note whether he's being written by Jim Starlin or not. :V

(And seeing how Starlin no longer writes anything for Marvel, not even the occasional mini-series where Thanos explains how he totally didn't lose the last cosmic event which every other writer politely ignores, it will only get clearer from now on!)
Metafiction stuff, like authors are not invulnerable and even the average vs-debater can harass them over the '4th wall'. Call it what it is, just another facet of reality warping.
The "it's just lowbrow fiction, it's not high literature" argument.

There's good lowbrow fiction and bad lowbrow fiction.
Ooh, how about the guy who argued that the Godhand from Berserk would be able to beat Sailor Moon (end of manga) by reflecting her attacks back at her with a dimensional portal.