Dumbest vs/fiction arguments you've ever heard?

Speaking as someone who likes warhammer 40k. I must admit that it is a gigantic black hole of when it comes to Vs debates. Characters and factions are hyped up absolutely absurd levels. Enormous flaws are ignored and hyperbole is taken as gospel.
Speaking as someone who likes warhammer 40k. I must admit that it is a gigantic black hole of when it comes to Vs debates. Characters and factions are hyped up absolutely absurd levels. Enormous flaws are ignored and hyperbole is taken as gospel.
It's completely hilarious and I love it. The versus fans are a literal parody of themselves, with the self-awareness of particularly irate chipmunks. I fondly remember the time someone calced the broadside armnament of an average ship as being multiple gigatons around because of some rando Space Marines book.

Magnus is especially hilarious when he comes up.
Saitama can beat Goku because Goku never defeated anyone in one punch. Reccoome doesn't count, because that was a 'gag scene'.
Well, I mean, depends on the Goku :p Saitama is very much in the DBZ AoE. That dude he fought at the end of Season 1 was literally a Frieza expy. I'd expect them to pretty much stalemate each other. Goku loses round 1 because he wasn't ready for when Saitama pulls out his Serious Series Punch, trains real hard, comes back, wins. Saitama has something to train for again, goes off, has a shounen training montage, comes back, draw. They both train together because now they've met their soulmate.

damn I kinda wanna write this, it'd be a pretty cute love story
Again, this isn't about the validity of the claims, but the arguments used to support them.
"All 40k ships are planet busters because I read a spacemarine book that mentioned a gigaton detonation at one point" is a pretty stupid argument. As is "Magnus said he could rip all the ships from the sky, therefore he can do so casually no chance he was bluffing" :p
"Women aren't as strong as men, therefore I can beat Supergirl."

Morgoth of the Silmarillion setting has invested the bulk of his essence into the world of Arda much as Sauron did into his Ring, and therefore can't be destroyed without destroying Arda. The Avada Kedavra spell of the Harry Potter setting can kill anything it hits. Therefore, Voldemort can kill Morgoth by firing an Avada Kedavra at the ground and killing the world.
Damn you I remember this guy. The same logic was applied to say that Voldemort could kill Illuvatar by apparating and firing a Killing Curse because it can't be blocked.
I can't find the thread, but there was this one versus where the OP pitted Warhammer 40k Space Marines agaisnt a modern tank covered in human skin because the skin would somehow provide extra resistance to bolter fire.

It was in fact used, and in a thread with a ton of bad arguments.

Including but not limited to, culture cannot get/learn magic (not even if they clone a wizard), and no wizard would ever turn traitor to the culture no matter what happened. Because loyalty is so 100% in the Wizarding World and Faerun (the two discussed magic sides in the thread).

Bolter shells detonate when they hit people, people are covered in skin, if a tank was covered in armor it'd therefore detonate the shells before penetrating, QED.
That thread (really all his threads) was gold. His specific argument was
Bolter shells have been known to reduce normal humans to scraps of flesh, therefore they will explode on contact with human skin, therefore they will explode before they penetrate any actual armor, protecting the tank.

He then proceeded with:
But that's impossible, the bullet can't magically know that there is heavy armour hiding behind the skin, it will either explode on the skin, or explode in the armour. Also, the skin is tightly draped over the tank, not just resting slightly on it.

His arguing that the War of the Worlds aliens could beat the modern world was pretty incoherent too.

Edit: oh yes, it was that tanks can't kill Tripods because they are too tall; the guns couldn't elevate enough!
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Personally is the effort to match characters from completely incompatible settings.

Like... I remember threads trying to match up your run of the mill wizards or fighters against top DBZ characters. Or the ones trying to match up Primarchs against frigging Thanos?
I can't find the thread, but there was this one versus where the OP pitted Warhammer 40k Space Marines agaisnt a modern tank covered in human skin because the skin would somehow provide extra resistance to bolter fire.

This isn't even the most interesting part of that dude's absurd posting career - almost every single vs thread he made had like 5k words of absolutely insane backstory to justify its existence.

The battle is the T-850 Terminator VS Two naked World Eaters and here is how we got there:


One day, two pre-Heresy World Eaters are fighting for glory in the name of the Emperor! on their battlefield, when all of a sudden, they are ISOT'ed back to the past, into the present timeline of the 'The Terminator' film.

The World Eaters end up in the modern earth of 1984 and are completely naked and are equipped with only their chainaxes, however after wandering around a little, they soon run into a tabletop-selling shop, upon which they enter and find WH:FB games. They soon become filled with anger, and slaughter everyone present in the shop, and are exiting the shop when they discover a calendar on the wall, and are shocked to realize where they are. After pondering on the calendar, they realize they have been ISOT'ed back into the past and wonder what to do until suddenly, an Eldar Farseer appears and explains the situation to them. According to the Farseer, they are to protect a woman named Sarah Connor because one day she will birth the son which will protect humanity from an army of intelligent machines, but at 'intelligent machines', the Eaters immediately hacked the Farseer into small pieces, and also ripped apart some strange men dressed in blue which were throwing tiny bits of lead at them for some reason.

The Eaters know knew what their mission was, but didn't know where to even start, when they noticed a bit of paper that the Farseer left on the ground, and notices that a man named Kyle Reese is engraved onto the photo, and then they realize that the photo was being carried by the Farseer (they detect the Farseer's scent on it). They then travel to the house of Kyle Reese, fighting off swaths of blue lead-throwing men at the same time. By the time they reach Kyle's house, there are literally hundreds of blue men tossing tens of thousands of bits of metal the Eaters. The Eaters grow a notion that they should get rid of the blue men before they meet Kyle, or the blue men might throw some metal at him, which might scare him off. 20 minutes later, all the strange blue men are dead, yet more are on their way, and this time the blue men brought some blue and white flying bugs with them. The Eaters literally eat the flying bugs, which are also made of metal, and also eat the reinforcing blue men. Soon, all the blue men are dead, but the Eaters can pick up more blue men approaching some 30 miles away.

The Eaters dislike the idea of letting humanity be destroyed because they were too busy killing harmless blue men throwing metal at them, so they run over to Kyle's house, and discover that Kyle is also throwing bits of metal at them. The Eaters attempt to calm Kyle down, all he does is scream and throwing bits of metal at them. Eventually, the Eaters grab Kyle and take him to a hidden hideout, where they begin to question him. They inform Kyle that they are great metal soldiers of the future, and hoping to comfort him, mention that they are partly machine. Kyle seems to be calmed by this, so he tells them where Connor should be, and they immediately leave. Suddenly, Kyle realizes that the Eaters are probably a newer variant of the Terminators, and runs after them, screaming and throwing strange metal tubs at them. The Eaters catch the metal tubes, which soon disappear in their very hands! At first, the Eaters think that Kyle is some sort of Chaos soccer, and prepare to kill him, but eventually realize that the metal tube actually broke up into small pieces and scattered themselves over the terrain for some reason. The Eaters are greatly calmed, and continue on their way, ignoring the disappearing metal tubs and tiny bits of lead.

Meanwhile, the police department of the city are extremely confused on why a significant portion of their patrols have stopped responding to their calls. They keep being confused, until a madman rushes in, blabbering about giant naked men running around with cursed axes ripping people apart in the streets. The cop at the counter doesn't believe him at first, but then a look outside, and sees to his horror that the man is right! Outside the police station, there are hundreds and hundreds of badly-mutilated corpses littering the streets, and he didn't even notice! The constable runs back into the station, and calls for backup, which quickly arrives. He questions the backup squad at first, and then quickly agrees that they need heavier equipment to take on this strange new phenomenon which has killed hundreds of people. The constable and the backup notify the National Guard, which then prepares the assault the city in two hours. However, all is not right when the National Guard is preparing to invade the city, the commanding officer sees pictures and images of the marauding Eaters, and wrongly concludes that the Eaters are infact demons, and have come because of the evilness of the city people. The CO then commands a force of 20,000 Guardsmen to invade the city and exterminate all the civilians in the city and burn them on a great sacrifice altar, believing this will appease the invading demons, saving humanity.

The CO and his 20,000 men are now driving down the road to the city, when the President appears on the road, and tells them to stop, waving an American flag violently. The CO tells the President that demons are invading and that everyone in the city must be killed to appease the demons, so the President agrees and prepares some 500 20 MT nuclear missiles to be prepared in firing upon the city. The President is about to leave, when the CO tells the President that the demons will only be appeased if the corpses are burned on a special altar, and that their blood must flow freely down a holy drain. The President quickly apologizes and instead assigns a force of the entire U.S. military in assaulting the city. Since most of the U.S. military won't be willing to murder their own civilians, or even any civilians at all, the President tells them it is only an exceptionally realistic training program that has been released recently. All of the President's men agree, so the President arranges a meeting in the White House, to discuss this dramatic change of affairs with his fellow men. However, this set-up is a trick, and the White House is soon invaded by 500 drunken men that the President ordered to invade, in order to make the invasion look like a common crime happening, instead of something a bit higher up. The drunken men bash everyone in the White House to death, and skin the corpses of the more important members and nail their skin over their already existing skins to make them look like the dead men.

The President then calls the 100 drunken skinwalker men to travel to the city and calm down the citizens reassure everyone that everything is under control and everything will be fine. However, the police department seems to know better and they arrest the drunken men and lock them up in cells for the night. The citizens, however, are extremely enraged at this; so they organize an invasion force of 300 citizens to attack the police department head-on, and they are armed with nothing but crowbars. However, the crowbars soon break after bashing only a few people with them, so the citizen's rebel leader then assigns 3 crowbars for each person. Now, equipped with the holy number of 3, the 300 citizens proceed to attack the city's police department with their full force, and absolutely slaughter the remaining mixture of 400 tactical police officers and standard police men. The 200 citizens release the 100 drunken skinwalking men, when, to their extreme horror, they realize that the skinwalkers are indeed skinwalkers and think that they are demons! Now, the entire citizen rebel force commits suicide in an attempt to the appease the drunken skinwalker demons, and the drunken men pour out into the streets.

Meanwhile, the Eaters are making their way to Connor's house, when they realize many people are dying in the city's CBD. They become very worried, since Connor could be amongst the casualties, and start to run very quickly, weeping as they go. Eventually, they reach Connor's house, and are utterly relieved to find that Connor is alive and well, yet the Eaters have some work to do. They have been extremely stressed out as they worried about the future of humanity, and they definitely wouldn't want to accidentally kill Connor if she panicked when she saw them, so instead of smashing through the walls of her apartment, they decide to murder all of her neighbors until the entire neighborhood is filled with corpses. By then, it is now nighttime, but the Eaters think they should wait until daylight, or at least morning until their capture her, so they use up their time by making horrific effigies of the neighborhood bodies in honor to the Emperor. They continue crafting gruesome trophies and effigies in complete service to the Emperor, until the sky turns red and something that shouldn't exist yet appears in front of them in a flash of blinding light. The Eaters are horrified at the Chaos demon which has appeared, so they quickly hack the demon the pieces and put covering sheets made of clothes and tents over the effigies, so they will never be discovered by men until they're ready.

The Eaters now panic and quickly raid Connor's apartment, except they find she is waiting for theme with an entire bucket of throwing-lead at her doorstep. However, the Eaters ignore the lead which Connor throws at them, and keep coming until a man rushes out in front of them, yelling and screaming something at the head Eater! The man pulls out a knife, and begins to attempt to stab the Eater, but the Eater laughs and duck away, bounces in front, and stabs at the man's head! The severed part sails away in an arc, and the Eaters capture the much-panicked Connor. They take Connor down with them, and they run quickly and leap out of the 33th floor of the apartment, landing softly in the bushes outside. The other Eater leaps out, too, but almost misses the bushes, which could have killed him. The Other Eater is intensely stressed about this, so he goes and slaughters some civilians while the other Eater takes care of Connor. The Eaters now explain that the heretics from the future have come to kill Connor, and that she with birth some man that will make humanity become the Imperium of Man! and they will worship the Emperor! so they break down and weep and pray to the Emperor for guidance and assistance, when all of a sudden, they are stopped by the National Guardsmen, which are now invading the city. The Eaters devour the Guardsmen, which Connor hides behind a sheet of metal, until the Guardsmen arrive in M1 Abrams tanks. The Eaters attempt to devour the tanks, but finds them much too heavy for their stomachs to handle, and they vomit the tanks up instead. Now, the tanks are throwing giant bits of heavy metal at the Eaters which makes their skin tickle and itch.

The Eaters quickly punch out all the M1 Abrams tanks, which seems to make them quit throwing metal at them, and together they continue onwards, until some blue men appear with a man named Kyle in tow, and they also have some sort of modified aircraft in the air. The Eaters look at this aircraft, then look at each other, then back at the aircraft. There is something which resembles a long, thin pole which rotates around the top of the aircraft, and there is also an extremely strong radio presence being emitted from the aircraft. The aircraft is not flying gracefully and naturally like the flying metal bugs, but is instead wobbling around, with that strange rotating pole seeming to be the only thing making it fly. However, the worries of the Eaters quickly turned to absolute terror and disgust as they realized the aircraft was being powered by extremely advanced Chaos magic. It could even be Ork magic, the Eaters wondered, as they look upon this magical and mystical aircraft. It carried a similar amount of armour which the M1 Abrams tanks the Eaters had previously fought, but this abomination was no M1 Abrams, the Eaters knew. There was some kind of dark Warp presence being emitted from both left and right sides of the rear of the tank, almost as if the aircraft was using a primitive dual-turbine technology to propel it through the air, yet the Eaters could detect no such devices on the aircraft. There was also something else on the tank, some kind of flimsy fabric covering the tank, stretched over like the skin of an emaciated dog. Then it clicked in the Eater's heads, and they knew what kind of material was covering this aircraft. They also could take a guess at what the reasoning was for a covering of such material, and why it was there. The Eaters were suddenly extremely grateful that they have been given chainaxes instead of bolters in this mission. For it is said, that they knew bolt rounds were no good against this sort of aircraft, even though they created by the primitive humans as they were.

A crashing noise suddenly resonated from the spinning aircraft, and just in time, too! Thunder rains from the spinning aircraft as thunder also strikes from the ground as the aircraft's cannons rains hell down on the Eaters. The Eaters bolt and duck through a building, yet the spinning demonic aircraft follows them through the building, it's bolt-like shells crashing down upon the foundations, ripping through steel and brutalizing concrete. Fortunately, the Eaters also follow the aircraft-tank's strong radio signature, and are able to pinpoint it's location through the building's walls. The Eaters climb up the apartment block's walls, dodging the aircraft-tanks shells as they blow giant holes in the very concrete they were balanced on milliseconds earlier. Finally, they reach the top of the building, and there the abomination of a tank-craft is spinning. The Eaters are filled with righteous rage and fury at this point, and leap off the rooftop, their chainaxes raised, acidic spittle pouring out of this mouthholes. They slam into the demonic tank-craft at speeds exceeding 300 miles an hours, ripping great tears through the tank-craft's thick titanium armours. The Eaters are about the grab onto the top of the tank-craft, when the treacherous skin coating of the tank-craft reveals it's true colors and is torn free, and one of the Eaters falls down into the city, hundreds of meters below, for certain death indeed. The surviving Eater is almost completely overcome with grief, but manages to overcome him being overcome with overcomed grief, and raises his chainaxe and slices the skin-tank-craft clean in half with his chainaxe, watching in grim satisfaction as the tank crew remnants fall out, already unconscious and some dead, to their certain deaths below.

The remaining Eater also realizes he has failed his mission, and the IoM will never exist, as he will surely die from falling from this demonic tank-craft, when suddenly a bright light shines, and the Eaters are back onto the ground, and realize they were having a terrible nightmare. They also realize that have been captured by the police department and are secured within a cell. They manage to defeat the other prisoners, free themselves and recover their weapons. They also realize that Connor is in an adjacent police station near them, and is being guarded by 500 police men. They know that the machine-man will kill all of the police men and kill Connor, so they leap out of the building, pleased to see no spinning skin-tanks in sight, they land softly outside in some bushes. They assault the station head-on, discovering that all of the police cars have broken suspensions. The Eaters ponder on this fact, before discovering that all the police cars with broken suspensions also have the scent of an Eater engraved into them. The Eaters allow themselves a small chuckle when they realize that the police broke all the suspensions on their cars when they tried to haul them to their police station just from the Eater's weight alone, when suddenly a much darker thought comes over their mind. Both Eaters now turn their heads to the single door in the garage, one with a strong radio signal resonating from behind. Two sets of hands reach for their chainaxes, and both Eaters crash through the garage door. They must settle this with the demonic skin-tank here and now, or never at all. At first it was so dark in the room that both Eaters couldn't see a thing, but then their eyes adjusted and they saw it.

The Thing. It was there all right, staring at them with unholy white eyes plastered over a red and black face. Static and squiggly text that the Eaters couldn't read was behind the face, with strange images painted behind other images, and red text canceling out pre-existing text. The Eaters knew what this was. It was what happened when intelligent machines mixed with cursed daemonic beings. When he was younger, he often wondered why intelligent machines were outlawed by the Imperium, by the great and loving Emperor which loved all his human children, so surely he could let them create artificial intelligence to love their children even more, and assist them in remarkable ways. He never dreamed it could have resulted to such mockeries of everything he knew such as that literal living embodiment of hell, that flying skin-tank-craft could. Suddenly, he became overcome with rage, and hacked and slashed and hacked and slashed at the red face on the monitor, until the monitor's ink itself was vaporized from existence. A great relief came over both Eagles, since they know knew humanity could live in peace from now on.

Suddenly, there was a crash and a crack of thunder, and a man wearing a black jacket with a shotgun walked into the room. A woman followed him, who was instantly recognized as Connor. The man pointed his shotgun at Connor, and slowly threw her into a car, and drove away. The Eaters followed their car to a heavily-fortified military base, where they were intercepted. A mad CO was pointing at them and shouting something abouts demons and flying tanks. There were rows of hundreds of technicians on computers, pointing and screaming excitedly at radar blips and blops on satellite monitoring screens.
The Eater took a look at one of the monitors, and was at first taken back by the xeno-like tripods marching about on the screen, vapourizing human cities and militaries with a flickering red-orange heat-ray which came out of a small tube on the front, when he realized they were obviously just watching some sort of entertainment film. The Eater thought it was rather unprofessional to entertain themselves at a time like this, but thought the better of reacting to it and continued to stare, instead. One screen showed Terra being destroyed by a strange, green fish-like ship which zoomed around Terra, and seemed to....put it into a box? The Eater blinked, and continued to the next monitor. Suddenly, he gasped, there was a strange aircraft on it, similar to the one he had previously fought! But, as he focused his eyes, he realized it was probably just nothing. The next monitor was showing a fleet of medieval-looking ships carrying some sort of heavily-armored humans in black armour, fighting what looked like giant blue men wearing armor shouting something about an emperor or god or mankind or something. They also appeared to have some type of firearm, since whenever the weapon they held flashed, one of the medieval humans, he assumed they were humans, exploded in a spray of gore. He looked closer and saw a white-haired man and a white-haired woman teleporting around a black ship, fighting the odd black humans. He moved onto the next monitor, and saw what looked to be another giant blue man fighting a single, rather large man dressed in black armour. The man in black was going completely berserk, he saw, was swinging around something which could not possibly be a sword. It appeared to be sword-like, but was too big, too rough, too heavy to ever be used as a sword. It looked more like a gigantic hunk of iron, such as you might find in a blacksmith's workshop. The Eater's eyes narrowed as he watched the man in black swing it around like it was nothing on the screen. "That guy sure has some serious guts to that sword around like, that, he could almost slay a dragon with that sword.", the Eater thought to himself. The giant man in blue was even having trouble with him, which was impressive, considering that he was a son of the Emp...no, he was just a giant man with what looked like a chainsword, he wasn't a son of the Emperor, you fool! The Eater almost thought he could be burned at the stake for heresy for that thought, so he stopped looking at the monitors and continue walking down a path.

At the end of the path, the military men loaded him and the other Eater into a car, and drove away. The Eaters were now very tired, after experiencing the happenings and events of that day, and were quite annoyed when they pulled up in a large arena, with the man in black with a shotgun standing in the center. The military said to him that he has to fight that guy in the center, but be careful, because he's very powerful. The Eaters sniffed the air, and could already smell the oil and strong electrical currents pouring out of the 'man'. The military men chucked the Eaters inside, and confiscated their chainaxes. The now-exhausted Eaters stumble out onto the field, the military man telling them that if they lose, Connor will be killed, but if they win, Connor will not be killed.
Soma Cruz moves faster than light. Because he once wasnt hit by some energy beam thing that bounces of mirrors. Clearly that was a laser (nevermind it dosent act like a laser in any way really), and he dodged it by being faster (nevermind, that you can see it move slowly, and paranoia could hardly telegraph its attacks any more clearly).

Oh and the belmonts are multiversal in power. Because they kill dracula (the guy whos known for being dangerous for having a medieval castle full of classic monsters), who is clearly universal+ in power. How do we know he is this powerful? Because once during a fight with him, the weird distorted background looked vaguely like stars and galaxies collapsing.
AtLA and Elder Scrolls spawn some pretty fun arguments about how their populations are all superhuman.
In AtLA this is generally due to a combo of people surviving hits that really should have turned them to jelly if it weren't an animated show and feats pulled off by Suki, Mai and Ty Lee.
Elder Scrolls are worse: in those arguments the superhuman proponents will cite obscure passages from in game books about people smashing boulders and whatnot.
An attack explicitly stated to be supersonic could just as easily be hypersonic or FTL because 'supersonic just means faster than sound, and doesn't have to mean slower than light'.

Inuyasha can beat the Shrike because he has 'fought robots before' (technically the cyborg Ginkotsu, not that it matters)

Edward Cullen would beat the Beyonder because 'he is so pretty the Beyonder wouldn't want to hurt him'

Samurai Jack would lose to Himura Kenshin because 'Jack has no skill' - specifically meaning that he doesn't have a bunch of specifically named techniques

Moving faster than light in outer space is not impressive, as anyone could do that if they were in outer space, even Spider-Man

Naruto would beat God because God doesn't have 'awesome ninja skills'

Roronoa Zoro once said that there is nothing that his swords can't cut, therefore he could cut the Earth in half

Han Solo said that the Millennium Falcon can 'make point five past lightspeed', so that means that the maximum speed of SW hyperdrive is 1.5c, and all of the planets and stars seen in the movies are all in the same solar system

Related to the above, one episode of Star Trek TNG featured a star map in the background showing a large part of the galaxy, therefore Federation warp drive can cross the galaxy in a few days (completely ignoring evidence up to and including the entire premise of Voyager)

Superman could have beaten Emperor Joker (Joker with the majority of Mxyzptlk's power) but he didn't because he was 'holding back'

Because Saitama once defeated a virtual simulation of himself with one punch, that means he is beyond infinitely powerful

Aizen from Bleach could beat the Hindu gods because they don't have reiatsu, so they would be paralyzed by his reiatsu pressure

The Flash is slower than street level anime/manga characters from series like Rurouni Kenshin, early Naruto, and Fist of the North Star because he isn't drawn with the exact same style of afterimages and motion blur
Again, this isn't about the validity of the claims, but the arguments used to support them.
Okay then. A more specific 40k one that often comes up in versus debates or such is declaring 40k the winner because the chaos gods are all powerful/all knowing/all corrupting unbeatable forces of nature when like a solid 80 percent of the setting is groups of non chaos people successfully fighting off chaos (to admittedly varying degrees).
AtLA and Elder Scrolls spawn some pretty fun arguments about how their populations are all superhuman.
In AtLA this is generally due to a combo of people surviving hits that really should have turned them to jelly if it weren't an animated show and feats pulled off by Suki, Mai and Ty Lee.
Elder Scrolls are worse: in those arguments the superhuman proponents will cite obscure passages from in game books about people smashing boulders and whatnot.
To be fair to Elder Scrolls, those lore depictions are pretty consistent, iirc.

Thread tax: Haku is as fast as light. Naruto beats Haku. Therefore, just about every Naruto character we see is ftl.
Elder Scrolls are worse: in those arguments the superhuman proponents will cite obscure passages from in game books about people smashing boulders and whatnot.
Wait, I've heard a stupid one based on this: in the Elder Scroll series, the idea of CHIM is often treated as an allegory to console commands in-game. So that means that Elder Scroll protagonist can win aganist everyone because they can "hack" the universe.
The God Hands from Berserk could beat Sailor Moon because
judging from the happy-dandy anime Scottish-schoolgirl theme of Sailor Moon, they could probably traumatize her sufficiently, and cause enough mental damage for a victory. That, and I think that they can influence people's minds.

Which is utterly ludicrous if you know anything about Sailor Moon.
Personally is the effort to match characters from completely incompatible settings.

Like... I remember threads trying to match up your run of the mill wizards or fighters against top DBZ characters. Or the ones trying to match up Primarchs against frigging Thanos?
Thanos is the single most inconsistent character in Marvel. He can fight beings confirmed ftl speed, but by his own admission has trouble landing a hit on Gamora, admits to being unable to defeat The Champion, having to trick him out of his Gem, but can match Galactus who stands above any of the Elders. Is threatened by Drax, is completely above Drax in every way. Etc...
Thanos is the single most inconsistent character in Marvel. He can fight beings confirmed ftl speed, but by his own admission has trouble landing a hit on Gamora, admits to being unable to defeat The Champion, having to trick him out of his Gem, but can match Galactus who stands above any of the Elders. Is threatened by Drax, is completely above Drax in every way. Etc...

I recall him defeating Champion rather easily, only making a minor comment during the fight about being unsure about matching pure physical strength with him. With Drax though, he was specifically created by Kronos to kill Thanos, and his first attempt seemed to be to make him as powerful as possible, but when that didn't work, Drax was remade into a much weaker overall character, but with a specific 'Kryptonite factor' that allowed him to kill Thanos.
I'm guessing game mechanics were banned in that thread, else the go-to strategy would be to use some ridiculous Pun-Pun build to annihilate the Culture (and the Sublimed for good measure).

It was talking about the setting/world in specific and not 'D&D', so while some mechanics were used, stuff that exists on Faerun only, and Pun Pun doesn't.

Edward Cullen would beat the Beyonder because 'he is so pretty the Beyonder wouldn't want to hurt him'

This one seems good.
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I recall him defeating Champion rather easily, only making a minor comment during the fight about being unsure about matching pure physical strength with him. With Drax though, he was specifically created by Kronos to kill Thanos, and his first attempt seemed to be to make him as powerful as possible, but when that didn't work, Drax was remade into a much weaker overall character, but with a specific 'Kryptonite factor' that allowed him to kill Thanos.
He outsmarted the Champion, forcing him to trade the gem for a ride after the Champion destroyed the planet with a single punch. Champion can survive in space but not fly.
That thread (really all his threads) was gold. His specific argument was
He then proceeded with:
Is the worst thing from that thread a dumb argument or just logical incoherence?

I am of course speaking of "as long as there's fuel turning turbines in an underground bunker, and a message is being radioed to the tank, the tank will continue moving around at top speed even though there's no actual fuel inside the tank."