Dual Pokemon Quest

[x]Leave and look for other things to do on route 121
-[x] No worries, the call of adventure often has people returning to previous areas, after accruing power, treasure, and knowledge. We're just getting ahead of the curve on finding areas to come back and visit.
-[x] Head further west! Ask Oliver to lead. Have him try and outrun Sam and Jaden, so everybody can practice racing around in the woods. See how well freerunning a city translates into moving through the forest!
-[x] Seek out the strange and weird, but without risk of losing track of the route.
Jaden Year 1 Summer Route 121 - 4
Jaden turned and retreated from the fairy garden.

Or he tried to, at least. Finding his way back was more difficult than he expected. He had thought it had been a simple route to follow, but he actually didn't see anything familiar. Jaden wasn't sure how long he spent wandering around. The fairy pokemon were at least polite about him being lost in their home, a ralts stopping by to offer them some berries to snack on and a group of marills being happy with him taking a break by the stream they were playing in. It seemed this little grotto was a lot bigger than he had thought.

Eventually he came out, surprised to find that it was noon. He could have sworn it was later when he first entered the fairy garden, but he was feeling generally confused about time at this point, and was just happy to sit down and take a break. Then they could keep going. That had actually been really cool to find, and Jaden was definitely planning on going back later. It was an awesome adventure! Just not one he had been quite ready for yet.

The next day Jaden asked Oliver to take the lead. The zigzagoon was more than happy to be the one to lead them along the path further down along it and investigating what was there. He found another patch of berries, this time aspear ones. He tended to wander on and off the path as they went. He wasn't used to traveling beyond the territory he'd once lived in, and while he was more than happy to take the lead while Sam took the chance to chase off and pounce on anything that came near them, his meandering path was a clear mark of his inexperience.

Jaden challenging him to race with him and Sam through the forest had the cheerful zigzagoon pumped up. So was Sam, eager to prove himself against the zigzagoon and once more reaffirm his place as the top pokemon. Oliver might not have a mental bond with Jaden like Sam did, but Sam was still eager to earn that position. He loved his human, and would do anything to keep him close with him. The fact Jaden loved him back in an endless flow of adoration only strengthened Sam's eagerness.

Running through the forest was quite different from free running in a city. The ground was much more uneven, and there were more things to snag on. Jaden found himself falling further back behind his pokemon as he figured out how to keep his balance without being slowed down by the undergrowth. That would take practice, but so had learning to run through the city in the first place. It was really cool running with his pokemon like this, watching them flick in and out of view as they darted through the wilds.

They actually found a pack of poochyena playing with a skeleton of a blaziken they had taken down. It had clearly been dead for a while, with feathers mostly gone and the bones picked clean. The pack was just having a good time. They perked up at the group's approach, one approaching boldly to demand tribute from the group traveling by. Yes they were near the path, but most humans liked poochyena. Surely this would be an easy human to coax food from.

[ ]Give treats to the wild poochyena pack
[ ]Leave the wild poochyena away
[ ]Battle the wild poochyena
-[ ]Challenge one on one
-[ ]Group battle
[ ]Write-in

Camp Actions
[ ]Explore what pokemon live off the path
[ ]Look for hidden secrets that might exist!
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train your pokemon in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
--[ ]Train both pokemon
--[ ]Train Oliver
--[ ]Train Sam
[ ]Play with your pokemon
-[ ]With both
-[ ]With Oliver
-[ ]With Sam
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Walk west on Route 121
[ ]Head back to Lilycove
[ ]Head up to the Safari
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 111 Ranger Station - 3
Cara lead the way to a small kitchen with a table set up in it. An absol was sitting nearby and studied Lee with close interest as he entered. It let out a sound before getting up and padding over to Ash, standing guard between him and Lee. Ash petted the absol. "Something up Discord?" The absol let out another low noise as it watched Lee.

The rangers prepared pasta for the meal and set it up, everyone sitting down and digging in. The rangers asked how Lee's trip had been going so far. When it came out that this was, in fact, his pokemon journey, both were surprised. They had thought that he was traveling for a job, or taking a break, not just barely starting.

"That's a really late start," Ash said awkwardly.

[ ]Explain why late
[ ]Make up an excuse
[ ]Brush it off
[ ]Write-in

Cara did take the time to show Lee around the place after they ate and cleaned up. There was the ranger's rooms, a couple guest rooms, and a far more complete infirmary than one would expect out here, set up almost as well as a pokemon center. There was a garden out back, plus a dedicated space set aside for pokemon training. A salamance was lounging out there, and looked up with some curiosity at the new human visiting. It flexed its wings and let out a deep roar, showing off.

[ ]Use the training grounds
[ ]Ask for tips on training
[ ]Ask about Ranger work
[ ]Ask for a training battle
[ ]Just rest for the night to be prepared to head out again tomorrow
[ ]Write-in
Lee felt a certain regret that mention of 'Pokemon Journey' had come out, but there was no taking it back now.

"Might as well be honest about it." Lee thought.

"When I was young, I got lost in the mountains." Lee said, somewhat remorsefully. "Was missing for months. Fortunately, a Zangoose kept me safe, ensured I got home again. But my parents, it was a fright they never got over. They thought they lost me once, they couldn't handle the idea of losing me again. If it was up to them, I'd still probably be at home."

A bit of silence followed.

"So, here I am now. I had to set out eventually. I couldn't handle being stuck in one place my whole life. So now I'm trying to find my place in the world. And, I guess, trying to prove that those fears were wrong."

"Better late than never I guess. Right?"

[X][Journey] Explain Why Late

[X][Ranger Station] Ask for tips on training
-[X] Ask for a training battle

[X][Ranger Station] Before you leave, try tapping into the local current
[X]Battle the wild poochyena
-[X]Group battle
-[X]Throw some berries to the poochyena, and then place some extra ones right in front of us and challenge two of them to battle with Sam and Oliver!

[X]Look for hidden secrets that might exist!

[X]Play with your pokemon
-[X]With both

[X]Walk west on Route 121
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 111 Ranger Station - 4
The rangers thankfully let the subject of Lee being so late in starting his journey immediately. There was something that passed between the pair when Lee explained, but then it was just a shift to a far more comfortable subject, of what it was like in the mountains and the rescue missions the rangers had to run when someone managed to get lost in the area.

The request for a training battle was absolutely snatched by the rangers with enthusiasm. "Normally we just have each other and wild pokemon to train with, the few people we do see don't normally ask to battle with us," Cara explained happily.

"You've got a solid start to your team with your pokemon, do you plan to evolve them completely? That'll change how you train them, as you'll want to keep it flexible for when their form changes," Ash said.

They headed out to the back, and Ash let out a whistle. A breloom came bounding out, its form clearly heavy with muscle. It would have insane kicks. "Let's keep it simple to start, one of your pokemon at a time," Ash said calmly. He grinned.

[ ]Release your pokemon into field with a strategy
While Lee kept Crunchbite out and at the ready - hopefully the pokemon might be able to pick up some pointers even if the Trapinch didn't, or rather couldn't, have the same combat style as a Rowlett - the obvious first pick for the fight was Archer.

[X][Pokemon] "Show them what you've got, Archer." Lee said with determination. "Keep it fast and loose, just like we trained."
-[X][Strategy] Keep arial and mobile, use Growl and Spread Leafage[V2] to harass and keep the Breloom off balance, then look for openings to move in, use Peck, and pull back again.
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@Tascion quick question, how do you feel about battles? You want more participation like Space Jawa does, or good leaving it up to me?
I'd lean towards leaving it mostly up to you. I'd say I'd like to make between 0 and 3 choices in a battle. Basically when things reach inflection points is when I'd like input. So far, I think it's been well-balanced.
Something vaguely like:
Fighting oddish with charmander? Only a question of trying to capture at the end or not.
Fighting a goldeen with charmander? I'll write-in a strategy at the start, if I think there's a particular one I'd like to pursue, and I'd like a choice if things start going poorly.
Trainer battle with several pokemon? Maybe when charmander gets down to half health, or I'll write-in a strategy of when to switch (such as training up another pokemon).
Jaden Year 1 Summer Route 121 - 5
The pack perked up when Jaden took out the berries and offered them to the pack. The request for a battle challenge carried across clearly, and the pack was eager and interested in what was being offered before them. The pack took a moment to get organized, clearly excited for the entertainment and the challenge of battling against a human trainer. Eventually two of them sorted themselves out from the pack and held themselves forward against Sam and Oliver.

Sam's tail flame had grown in size with his excitement for battle. Oliver had settled in beside him, digging into the ground and braced to fight. One of the poochyena in the pack let out a yip, signalling the start of the match, and the pokemon leaped towards each other. It was clear that the wild poochyena were experienced in working as a team, smoothly aiding each other in trying to pin Sam or Oliver for bites and nips. Oliver was good at holding his ground and not giving it though, and Sam was fast. They gave as good as they got in the battle. It was a good thing that Jaden was there to supervise, as the pokemon were able to battle harder and longer than they would have been without having healing for the scrapes and minor burns they were all accumulating.

Oliver went down first. As tough as the zigzagoon was, and as smart as he had played at using the dirt in sand attacks to disorient his opponents, it was still two on one. Sam helped, and Jaden had a good eye for the battle, calling out strategies and directing them to help each other, but the lack of practice as a team had them far more disjointed than the poochyena they were facing against. Sam took down a poochyena in a pin in return, leaving the last two to round on each other until finally Sam was pinned to the ground, struggling desperately to get up even as the poochyena got quite comfortable on its new charmander chair.

The pack cheered for their winners. Oliver immediately of course, forgave everything. He wasn't being eaten, and it had been a playful challenge, so all was good. He even was given a bone by one of the poochyenas to chew on. Sam was much more huffy about the entire thing, clearly deeply insulted that a dragon like himself had lost. The fact he was still very much a child of his species didn't impact his opinion on how he thought things should have gone at all. Jaden helping to patch everyone up when he had worked so hard to burn the poochyena had him sulking even harder.

[ ]Ignore Sam's sulking
[ ]Try to assure him it's fine
[ ]Promise Sam he just needs practice
[ ]Write-in

Playing with Oliver and Sam was really fun. It turned out both were big fans of chasing down random things that Jaden would point out, competing for who would bring the "treasure" back to their human. There were plenty of different things out there that were interesting enough to catch his eye. They even brought back a pokeball someone had lost at one point. Oliver wasn't nearly as fast as Sam, but he was incredibly agile and great at twisting his body up at odd angles. It gave him an edge in stealing things away from the charmander in their games. It ended with Oliver wrapping himself around Jaden's lap in a cuddle pile and Sam doing his best to climb up Jaden's back so he could join in.

Jaden was getting close to the safari, he could easily visit there now as they were walking. It would be cool to check out some of the more rare pokemon that lived there, and listen to the rangers talk about what they did fighting poachers.

Camp Actions
[ ]Explore what pokemon live off the path
[ ]Look for hidden secrets that might exist!
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train your pokemon in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
--[ ]Train both pokemon
--[ ]Train Oliver
--[ ]Train Sam
[ ]Play with your pokemon
-[ ]With both
-[ ]With Oliver
-[ ]With Sam
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Turn north up Route 120
[ ]Head to the dock to catch a boat towards Mt Pyre
[ ]Head back to Lilycove
[ ]Head up to the Safari
[X]Promise Sam he just needs practice
-[X] Don't worry about being beaten by some of the best in the route. We're going to keep growing, and they're sitting here satisfied with what they've got. I think this is like when my dad got my mom snorlax pajamas and reminded me that mom says to dress for the job you want. We're not going to get you charmander pajamas though, cause you'd set them on fire with your tail. That example is only a metaphor; I think. I was never really clear on the difference between metaphors and similes, but the point is that we're doing fine. I bet none of those poochyenas have explored a fairy cave before.
[X]Head up to the Safari
-[X]Let's swing by the Safari, and see what we can learn!
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 111 Ranger Station - 5
Archer puffed up proudly as he faced the breloom before him. The pokemon was enormous, but he knew with his human behind him he could do it! He listened to Lee's words and launched himself into the air. He got up just high enough so he could start focusing on gliding about in the small area before he started letting loose the odd version of Leafage that Lee had put so much effort into teaching him. He punctuated each one with hissing Growls meant to intimidate and drive the breloom back.

"Spore cloud," Ash spoke calmly. The breloom tilted its head before shaking it, letting loose a thick cloud of spores that shimmered in the air. A mixture of stun spore with a touch of poison. Then the breloom bounced up and tried to grab Archer right out of the sky. Archer shrieked in alarm and flew back. He sent a regular leafage after that. The breloom fell back into its cloud of spores and frowned as it shifted. It started making more of the spores as it moved around to claim ground.

[ ]Response
Jaden Year 1 Summer Safari
Sam listened to Jaden's words. He had a point. They had seen a fairy grotto, and they were going to travel far. Sam was a dragon, he was going to be a charizard. Yes he lost this time, but he was going to grow! He perked up and nuzzled into his human. Jaden had managed to lift all the weight off of him with his words. He would get better, and improve, and they would leave losing to a poochyena far behind.

The safari was vast wild grounds. There were divisions in the area of course, as certain pokemon couldn't be allowed to run into each other. This place was meant as both a sanctuary for pokemon, and a place where more at risk populations could grow in numbers. That wouldn't work if they were eating each other. The safari had a grand gate decorating it, and a large comfortable building with a lobby within. There was a small area that could be self toured, speaking about how the safari came to be and the types of pokemon that were kept within. A receptionist worked at the front and welcomed Jaden with a warm smile, asking if he wanted to look into ranger work, or was hoping to explore an area of the safari. He would have to register for which area he would be visiting of course, and would not be allowed to bring his own pokeballs. If he wanted to catch a pokemon from the safari they had pokeballs here that would specifically fail to catch any pokemon they had listed as being unavailable for catching.

[ ]Tour the small side museum first
[ ]Visit the Water Area
[ ]Visit the Psychic Area
[ ]Visit the Forest Area
[ ]Visit the Fields Area
[ ]Visit the Jungle Area
[ ]Ask to learn from a ranger
[ ]Write-in
[X]Tour the small side museum first
-[X] Quiet places are good. Better than lots of people. Explain to Sam and Oliver about the safari zone using the exhibits.
-[X] See what Pokemon are in the areas, and if any would be good opponents for a battle, such as learning new ways of using fire for Sam.
Lee had to make an effort to resist panicking. The scene before him was one unlike anything he might anticipated. Fortunately, he was able to reason around the situation before he did anything stupid.

Among the primary realizations he had was that Archer still had the advantage - the Rowlett could still fly and attack from range. The Breloom could protect itself from Archer coming at it, but either it was holding any ranged attacks in its arsenal in reserve, or else it still had to go to Archer to actually cause any damage.

[X][Battle] Archer stay clear of the 'Spore Cloud' and keep airborne
-[X] Continue harassing the Breloom with Leafage
--[X] Secretly try to lure the Breloom into jumping out of the cloud to attack Archer again
---[X] Secretly plan to try countering with a Peck when the Breloom leaps at Archer again, but try not to get grabbed.
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 111 Ranger Station - 6
Archer listened to Lee's instructions. This was something he could handle. He could harrass the breloom with his leafage until the breloom leaped forward. He switched up to using the more dizzying aerial feats that Lee had taught him for dodging and agility. The breloom slowly tracked him keeping up as best as it could. It was obvious that they would have to leave their spore cloud in order to strike again. The breloom pulled itself together and leaped forward. This was his moment! Archer dove forward and successfully pecked the breloom before zooming back out again. He'd done it!

Ash grinned. "Good job adapting," he told Lee. "Tai, leech seed." The breloom bobbed their head and released the seed. Archer dove quickly doing his best to dodge and respond with more leafage.

[ ]Change things up
[ ]Focus on wearing the breloom down
Jaden Year 1 Summer Safari - 2
Jaden bounced along over to the small museum. It started with a description of the founder, a pokemon professor who had noted with concerns the struggling populations of certain pokemon. She had enough wealth and influence within the community to purchase the land the safari was now built on, and began to use it to breed up those pokemon with lower numbers. As time passed the pokemon they brought in changed, as well as how they set up the environments. It was very much a false environment, considering how the pokemon weren't allowed to eat each other and had access to plentiful food, but this place wasn't meant for pokemon to live naturally in. It was meant to protect them.

There was an exhibit talking about the rangers stationed at the safari and how they trained to handle the semi wild pokemon. It talked about enrichment in the environments and how the pokemon here were often eager for battle and testing themselves. They began allowing people to catch pokemon here when it became clear that certain pokemon would bond with a human and start causing stress when refused being allowed to leave. Of course they still had a duty to keep the numbers up, so that followed up with a section on how the safari pokeballs worked. Nothing about the actual technology, of course, as they didn't want anyone hacking them, but a review of how they were used and adapted and the system the safari workers used.

Looking through what pokemon the safari currently proudly declared as part of their efforts was fun too. Jaden hoped he might find a possible future teammate here, or at least some fun new battles.

Natu, Girafarig, Wobuffet, Abra, Chimeco

Reticanth, Spheal, Goldeen

Pikachu, Pinsir, Hoothoot, Spinarak, Stantler, Slakoth, Nincada


Ledyba, Heracross

[ ]Visit the Water Area
[ ]Visit the Psychic Area
[ ]Visit the Forest Area
[ ]Visit the Fields Area
[ ]Visit the Jungle Area
[ ]Ask to learn from a ranger
[ ]Write-in
[X] Ask to learn from a ranger
-[X]"How come a pokemon preserve lets people catch even just some of the pokemon in it? That seems counterintuitive to me and Sam and Oliver"
-[X]"Do pokemon ever take vacations in preserves?"
-[X]"I'd like to catch an Abra. Any advice?"
-[X]"How come Reticanth exist? A water and rock pokemon seems kind of weird."
[X]Visit the Psychic Area
-[X]Look for an Abra
Lee felt a great deal of apprehension. That his previous maneuver had succeeded was great. However, Lee suspected he'd underestimated the Breloom. Perhaps it was even going easy on him as part of it being a training fight. His previous assessment that it couldn't attack from range, it no longer held up. While Lee was pleased by Archer's successful maneuvers, to bet everything on Lee dodging indefinitely would have been the height of arrogance. And he doubted that Archer could just keep pulling off the same move over and over again.

He needed a change in strategy to avoid getting complacent and letting the Breloom achieve victory through overcoming complacency and predictability.

Problem was that Lee didn't know what that strategy was.

[X][Battle] Focus on wearing the breloom down
-[X] Look for weaknesses the Breloom has that Archer could exploit and build a strategy around to avoid being predictable.
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 111 Ranger Station - 7
Archer was quick and sharp, and he had his human. The breloom was the toughest opponent he'd ever had, but still he braved his way forward scattering leafage around the breloom and doing his best to keep himself tricky to track through the air. A leech seed did hit him after a couple tries, but even with the drain on his energy he wasn't going to stop. Not until his human called him back!

The breloom lunged forward to hit him again, and Archer dove in with an unearthly shriek going for the eyes. The breloom flinched.

Archer has learned Astonish

The breloom hesitated a moment as Archer latched on to it, tired and weary but fully willing to keep fighting the giant pokemon. Then it collapsed in an overdramatic fashion to show its defeat. Archer puffed up proudly and looked back at Lee. He had done it! He'd won!

Ash grinned and returned his breloom. "Well. You've certainly got a tough one on your hands there! And you've got some nice creativity in using what he's got. He'll be a sight to see once he's older. I'd look at giving him a couple more ranged moves, but he's really got a solid base on what he already has." He looked at Lee. "You want your trapinch to battle too?"
Jaden Year 1 Summer Safari - 3
Jaden headed back around and asked if he could talk to a ranger about the safari. One came down with a pair of mightyenas. Both of them were very happy to greet the small team. Oliver was jovial and happy about poking his nose in about the mightyenas and gently pawing back at them. Sam was more withdrawn about the mightyenas, especially since he had recently battled a poochyena and lost. The fact Jaden had assured him it hadn't been his fault helped, but he was still a prideful little beast.

If he did reach out to investigate the mightyenas, bright and curious, it was clearly a trick of the mind. He was definitely not trying to sink into their fur.

"Hey, I'm Terry. Great to meet you," the ranger greeted happily. "This is Rax and Jak."

Jaden grinned widely back at her. "Hi! The safari's really cool! I'm super excited to explore it! But why do you let people catch pokemon here? Isn't that against what you do to preserve them?"

"You would think that," Terry agreed. "But letting the pokemon here spread out when they reach high enough numbers helps our efforts. And that's not excluding the fact that pokemon are intelligent. Some of them want to go with a trainer. Trying to stop them from leaving would only make them unhappy, and that would go against what we're doing here. We do have all the pokemon here in the Safari registered in our database however, so we can lock out certain species from being captured by the safari balls, and lets us track who's taken so we can keep track of the information on the species. If we're lucky, the trainers who do capture a pokemon here will breed them, and help bring their numbers even farther up."

"Are there pokemon that aren't being preserved that come here on vacation?"

"Good question!" Terry looked at the pokemon playing around their feet. "That's a little more tricky. We have an invisible fence set up around the Safari that alerts us when pokemon and humans pass in and out of the safari. Pokemon that aren't being preserved can come here, and we have had pokemon come here for aid in the past, or to hide. But we have to keep a close eye on what's coming in, as we need to protect the pokemon here from predation. Which is where my team comes in: when we get a call that a pokemon that's not supposed to be here has crossed over, we go round it up and send it back out."

"How come relicanth are rock and water? That sounds like it shouldn't exist!"

Terry actually laughed at that question. "Why does any pokemon have the types that it has? Scientists think it's because relicanth are partial to sea caves, but we don't know for sure."

"I'd like to catch an abra. Do you have any advice?"

Terry paused to really consider that one. "Abras tend to be drawn to certain types of mindsets. Calm, safe, not actively hunting them. They're more of a pokemon you invite to you, than one you chase down. My best advice would be to head out to the psychic area and then set up to wait. If there's an abra there that likes how you feel mentally, it'll come to see you."

Jaden nodded. He guessed that kind of made sense. He certainly didn't like a lot of noise. If someone was basically yelling at full volume in their head at him he'd avoid them too.

Finding the psychic area of the safari is strange. It's like a building hum of warmth. He can feel it reaching out, softening the world somehow while also welcoming him in. Sam perks up, able to feel the change through his bond with Jaden as they enter a rather beautifully decorated area of hills and trees with a central area containing rocks that Jaden can tell are charged with psychic energy. They pass a small cluster of girafarig that are grazing nearby peacefully. Jaden almost feels dizzy walking through here. It's like when he first connected with Sam all over again. He can even connect with Oliver easier here! The zigzagoon is clearly confused by the connection with Jaden he hadn't even been aware of, poking at it curiously and trying to understand what's changed.

Jaden can sense all the psychic minds here, connecting and creating a safety net over the area that keeps it from being too loud while also networking together to inform each other of everything inside it. He hasn't entered it, though he knows he could. Just the feel of the place is alone to make him want to spend hours lounging. But if he reached out, how much more could he see?

[ ]Stick to the plan, relax and wait to see if an abra appears
[ ]Reach out to the psychic net
[ ]Write-in
Lee held Archer tightly and gave him some of his much beloved scritches on the head, making sure the bird had it easy following his hard-fought victory.

He looked to Crunchbite, and frankly, it was hard to say 'no' even if he hadn't even trained with the pokemon yet. He didn't want the Trapinch to feel left out, and it would help give Lee a good starting baseline for when they did start training in earnest.

[X] "Alright, Crunchbite. Get in there and let's show everyone what you can do."
[X]Reach out to the psychic net
-[X]Carefully, starting with Sam and Oliver. As neat as Abra are, knowing why this place is different is important. Self-training is just as important as training pokemon. Also, like the fairy nest, this place may be tricky and so best work on understanding it before spending a lot of time here.
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 111 Ranger Station - 8
Ash sent out his absol. The absol braced himself and looked at the small trapinch. Crunchbite responded by immediately starting to dig himself down into the ground. It was slow, and messy, a sign that he didn't really know Dig yet properly, but he was bracing himself to start defending his ground. Crunchbite sent up a flurry of dirt across the ground. Discord leaped forward and swiped at Crunchbite with his claws. Crunchbite lunged forward and locked his jaws around the absol's paw. The absol yowled in surprise and leaped back. He quickly worked to shake the trapinch off. The little trapinch spun across the ground and laid on the ground dizzily. He fought to right himself, and started digging a new hole.

[ ]Write-in