Dual Pokemon Quest

Jaden Year 2 Spring Petalberg Woods 16
Jaden was slow to start the next morning. Some time being quiet and just with his team instead of rushing around to the next adventure seemed like a good idea. Perhaps the peace would help everyone be more ready when they got started. Sam was restless as the morning first started, but it slowly sank into him and he was as calm as Uri when the hour spent relaxing together with everyone finally came to a close. Oliver had straight up fallen asleep, while Zahra peacefully sunned.

They returned back to the fairy ring and through to the unique space where the fairy community lived. Once more plenty of cheer and excitement greeted the group. Jaden kept everyone close today. He didn't want to do any fighting. Zahra looked like she was considering breaking away to do so anyways, but Jaden pulled her attention to the klefki that came to greet them anyways. Sam was curious about the new pokemon, while Zahra looked like she was contemplating whether or not the klefki was edible.

[ ]Play with the klefki
[ ]Discuss the klefki joining the team
[ ]Write-in
[x]Discuss the klefki joining the team
-[x]Tell the klefki stories about what the team has been doing
-[x]Ask the klefki about what it would like out of joining a team, and possibly joining this one
Jaden Year 2 Spring Petalberg Woods 17
Jaden grinned at the klefki, and quickly invited it to join them in telling stories. He had quite a lot of adventures to share with the klefki about what he'd seen out there. There was the dragon island that Groudon had made, and the waterfall of leaping magikarp. He'd met a shuppet and almost walked to death, and played games with psychic pokemon. The klefki chimed softly as it listened, and finally Jaden asked if it would want to join them. The klefki eagerly chimed and let itself be captured with ease.

A klefki has joined the team!

[ ]Name

[ ]Celebrate klefki joining the team with the fairy pokemon
[ ]Celebrate klefki joining the team with just the team
[ ]Train klefki
[ ]Travel south towards Petalberg City
[ ]Travel north towards Rustboro
[ ]Write-in
Lee Year 2 Spring Mt Pyre 19
Lee quickly had Crunchbite tunnel again and start up a sandstorm. As it swirled and began to cover things Crunchbite launched into another Astonish. The slowpoke let out a low sound of complaint just in time to be slammed with sand tomb. Kai grimaced and returned the slowpoke to his pokeball. "I really need to work on her reaction times. Good battle."

[ ]Write-in
"I don't know if working on reaction times is the right approach." Lee suggested. "She is a Slowpoke, after all, being slow is in their nature. You may want to instead consider alternative options. Perhaps find ways to battle with her that render reaction times irrelevant?"

"And you did really well with Hex." He added. "I'm curious if he'll still be able to pull the same stunt now that he's evolved. Would make him really dangerous as a Silcoon."

[X] Offer encouragement
[x]Celebrate klefki joining the team with the fairy pokemon
-[x]Offer Roni as a name
-[x]Share food
-[x]Meet Roni's friends. Make sure Roni has a chance to say goodbye, because it may be a while before we're back.
-[x]In the evening, head back to camp. Encourage Roni to show off moves and watch the rest of the team show off their moves. No complicated training, just demonstrations.
Lee Year 2 Spring Mt Pyre 20
"Oh, that's an idea! Focusing on building up, perhaps shaping the arena and traps." Kai grinned as he planned out possible strategies. "Sound advice, thanks for that. Oh, I've completely interrupted your training, haven't I?" He laughed. "Sorry about that."

[ ]Continue aura training
[ ]Train pokemon
[ ]Hang out with Kai
[ ]Plan where to travel next
[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 2 Spring Petalberg Woods 18
It turned out the fairy pokemon really knew how to party. There was music, and dancing, and Jaden lost track of everything but the thrill of Roni joining the team. When they stumbled out again it was to the sight of a small town, with the woods visible in the distance. Everyone was still in good spirits, Uri amused by this turn out from the party.

[ ]Explore the town
[ ]Have Uri teleport everyone back to camp
[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot
Jaden headed into town full of curiosity. He knew enough to know to be careful. Fairy pokemon were tricky after all. There could be more to this town than there appeared to be. Or there could not. They could have simply tossed him out somewhere randomly out of amusement. There wasn't any way to tell until he checked it out for himself, and Jaden was too curious to just walk away.

The small town was comfortable and sleepy looking, with all the amenities of a small place away from civilization that mostly kept to itself. There was of course a pokemon center and pokemart. A diner could be seen as one of the standout places in the town. Then there was the ranch, and the large lab that was set up next to it. Just peering past the fence Jaden could see what looked like a small paradise for pokemon. It was like the Safari on a smaller scale. Even better, Jaden saw pokemon from Unova and Kanto mixed in with the local pokemon!

[ ]Visit the lab to see what they're doing
[ ]See if there's a way to visit the ranch
[ ]Go to the diner
[ ]Write-in
Lee Year 2 Spring Mt Pyre 21
The pair exchanged contact information. Kai asked that Lee keep in contact, eager to trade more tips in the future, before he left Lee to get back to his training. Once more Lee let himself sink down into himself and practice manipulating his aura. He let the hours pass as he practiced shaping it.

[ ]Form a shield
[ ]Form a fist
[ ]Enhance vision
[ ]Write-in
[x]Go to the diner
-[x]ask about the town and the various sights within it
-[x]get everybody some food and have a picnic
Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot - 2
Jaden headed into the diner. It looked perfectly normal, people and pokemon enjoying their food. He took a seat and happily ordered a picnic basket meal so he could eat outside. The waitress who took the order smiled at him and promised that it wouldn't take long. Jaden looked around and leaned over to where another diner sat munching on some fries. "So what is there in this town?"

The guy blinked. "Hm? Well, there's Professor Birch's lab. And the summer outdoor movie place should be set up right now."

"What's he got in the lab?"

"Uh, he's got the starter pokemon, and I guess whatever he's studying right now. Oh, and a bunch of pokemon he's stabling for trainers." The guy shrugged.

The waitress returned with the picnic basket. Jaden cheerfully thanked her and set up outside. Watermelon, roasted chicken, sandwiches, carrot slices, and fries were all brought out. Jaden's team eagerly began to dig through and pick out things to eat for themselves, Sam radiating the satisfaction of a hunt well done as he tore apart the chicken he claimed. Oliver looked to be torn between trying to hide the watermelon away and eating it right then and there. Zahra thankfully had an entire bucket of fish to herself to munch on and was happy with that.

The klefki accepted small pieces that Jaden offered, but didn't seem as interested in joining the feast as everyone else. Instead it was more interested in examining everything that had come out of the diner with the food.

[ ]Head to the lab to visit it
[ ]See a movie at the outdoor theatre
[ ]Head back up towards Petalberg
[ ]Write-in
Lee Year 2 Spring Mt Pyre 22
Lee wasn't completely prepared for the wash of steady power that covered his body when he formed a shield. He had thought it would be more like a solid barrier, or perhaps look like an actual physical shield. Instead he felt it wrap around him like an extra durable layer. A moment later it broke with his wavering concentration. Lee would have to keep working to be able to do it consistently, but now that he had done it once he knew he would be able to do it again.

[ ]Leave Mt Pyre heading south
[ ]Leave Mt Pyre heading north
[ ]Train with pokemon
[ ]Write-in
For as much benefit as he was getting from his stay at Mt. Pyre, it was well past time for Lee to continue his journey. He hadn't left home just so he could find a new place to live. It was creeping up on being a year since he'd first left home, and there was so much of Hoenn he hadn't seen yet!

The question was where to go. Groudon had been pretty quiet since leaving Lavaridge, meaning it was hard for Lee to say there was any urgency in reaching his previous planned destination of Sootopolis. Nor had he heard any news about Team Magma getting into trouble. Maybe they were lying low, maybe they were just being really sneaky about whatever they were up to, maybe news just wasn't reaching Mt. Pyre.

Yet Lee still felt some kind of calling to make his way to Sootopolis. Perhaps by taking the scenic route? It might also give Fathom opportunity to finally evolve before he reached a major body of water and needed a way across.

Lee decided to consult a map and consider what path to take next.

[X] Plan where to travel next
-[X] If Kai is still around, see if he'd be interested in coming with Lee. Could be a good opportunity for him to do some field research.
[x]See a movie at the outdoor theatre
-[x]Once the team is settled, take Sam aside and talk about fighting to exhaustion with the fairies
Lee Year 2 Spring Mt Pyre 23
Kai had been trying to document some of the ghost pokemon on Mt Pyre. Unfortunately ghost pokemon were not easy to record. Silph Co had only recently come up with technology that could reliably scan and identify ghost presences, and that didn't allow for the images to be saved. Kai had done his enthusiastic best before Lee found him.

"You're heading to Sootopolis? That's supposed to be the oldest city in Hoenn, right? How are we getting there, heading to Lilycove for a boat or renting a boat ourselves to go up from here to Sootopolis?" Kai asked, more than happy to tag along.

[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot - 3
The outdoor theatre sounded like a fantastic place to check out. They had blankets for people to grab and sit out with, and a large sheet set up with a projector for a movie to play on. The movie of the night was an old giant pokemon attack one, featuring a dragonite that had lost its mind and decided to rise from the depths of the ocean to drown the cities. They had built a city in miniature for the dragonite to attack, and it was obvious the pokemon was having an absolute blast wrecking havoc about itself. The story was pretty cool too as trainers raced to find what had driven the dragonite to such madness.

Jaden was more than happy to bring his team in to the pokemon center and collapse comfortably on a bed when night arrived. He did take Sam apart from the rest of the team before everyone fell asleep. He wanted to talk to his starter about battling to exhaustion. Jaden knew that Sam had a lot of spirit, and could do plenty of incredible things. But Sam burning himself out was bad. Sam agreed with Jaden. Talking about it it was clear Sam hadn't recognized his limits at all. Despite being completely exhausted he had believed he could keep going, just one more fight over and over.

[ ]Figure out a strategy to snap Sam from that kind of hyper focus
[ ]Promise to tell Sam if he's gone too far
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Head to the lab to visit it
[ ]Head back up towards Petalberg
[ ]Train pokemon
[ ]Play with pokemon
[ ]Write-in
"I'm planning to take a scenic route." Lee explained. "I'm planning to go to Sootopolis, but I'm not currently trying to rush there. So probably going to Lilygrove, but the Safari Zone is close enough that it might be fun to make a detour on the way."

[X] Plan to travel north.
-[X] Contact home to let them know you're leaving Mt Pyre, try not to have a long conversation if nothing important has happened since last talking to the family.
-[X] Try to contact Kate and Jasper, see if you can find out where they are and where they're going, if your paths might cross maybe we can meet up again along the way.
[x]Suggest that Sam doesn't battle without Jaden, unless it's serious, like life or death. Jaden can pull back mentally, to let Sam make his own decisions in battle, but still be present to help Sam keep himself grounded.
[x]Talk to Roni about collecting keys. Offer Jaden's housekey as a first key, as long as the key is returned instead of discarded, if replaced with a fancier key.
[x]Head to the lab to visit it
Lee Year 2 Spring Safari
"Ah, the safari zone! That sounds like a great stop! You're really fine with me traveling along?" Kai asked happily. There was plenty of things he could check out in the safari zone that would be interesting. There was supposed to be plenty of psychic pokemon in the safari zone as well that he could perhaps study to see what he could do for Gazer.

Kate was more than pleased to hear from Lee and agreed to meet him at the safari zone. The conversation with his family over the phone was also pleasant, if dragged out slightly longer than Lee had hoped for with his mother sharing stories about what had happened to one of her friends at the market.

At last though they were out and leaving Mt Pyre behind, traveling up and towards the Safari Zone. Jasper and Kate met up with them a couple hours out, Kai happy to geek out over science at new people. Jasper looked taken aback by how talkative Lee's new friend was, and hovered closer to Kate than usual with a frown on his face. Eventually the party arrived at the building the reception and side museum for the safari was set in.

"Good day," the receptionist greeted with cheer. "How can I help you?" They would need to register which area of the safari they were visiting. Outside pokeballs were not allowed, but if they were interested in capturing pokemon there were safari balls that would specifically register which pokemon were listed on the no-catch list and allow them to look for a pokemon to take. Pokemon were allowed to leave the safari on their own, but it was meant as a sanctuary and a place for at risk populations to be able to increase their numbers.

[ ]Tour the small side museum first
[ ]Visit the Water Area
[ ]Visit the Psychic Area
[ ]Visit the Forest Area
[ ]Visit the Fields Area
[ ]Visit the Jungle Area
[ ]Ask to learn from a ranger
[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot - 4
Sam let out a deep sigh as Jaden talked to him about letting Jaden be there in battles and Sam not do it without him. They could work better together that way. Sam could fight, and Jaden could make sure his partner didn't overpush himself. The charmander agreed, pressing into Jaden's side. They were a team, this would work best.

When Jaden presented his housekey as an option for Roni the klefki went mad with excitement. It didn't waste any time adding the key to its ring, and danced about wildly. It was a good twenty minutes before Jaden managed to calm Roni down enough to make Roni return that first key to him if it ever tired of it instead of simply discarding it. Roni looked almost offended at the thought of discarding its first every true key, but agreed anyway with plenty more jingling delight.

The lab was set up very differently from the meteor lab that Jaden had visited before. There were more desks set up for people to write in, and far fewer cases to display things in. The building even looked smaller. There were some plants here and there, but far less pokemon than Jaden had been expecting to see. Then again, there was a very large ranch for the lab pokemon to be staying in instead of inside the building.

One of the workers in the building was heading out as Jaden approached and slowed down. They were dressed more for a day out in the forest than a day of working in a lab like Jaden was expecting. "Oh! Hello, are you here to look at the starters?"

[ ]Ask to see the starter pokemon
[ ]Explain about visiting
[ ]Ask what they study in the lab
[ ]Ask where they're going
[ ]Write-in