Dual Pokemon Quest

Starting off with the Pokemon Jumpchain! You will get a 1000 points to spend.

Obviously the location part of the jumpchain is dated, so the new roll to make if you don't want to pay for location is

1 Kanto
2 Johto
3 Hoenn
4 Sinnoh
5 Unova
6 Kalos
7 Alola
8 Galar
9 Paldea
10 Free Pick

Then just include name and gender, and I'll do a starter scenario of meeting your starter pokemon and heading off
Pokemon Jumpchain Selection
I'm rather dumb at times, and beg pardon. I posted my rolls and character in the recruitment thread

Solo Pokemon Quest: Closed to New Players

Here's my spending of 1000CP 50 City Life 300 Psionics (Discount from City Life) 150 Technician (Discount from City Life) 100 3x Masterballs -100 Silenced 0 Actual Starter (Charmander) 50 Shiny 150 Mental Bond 50 Medical Kit 50 Collapsible Baton 50 HM Collection...
I've copied it over to here.

Here's my spending of 1000CP
50 City Life
300 Psionics (Discount from City Life)
150 Technician (Discount from City Life)
100 3x Masterballs
-100 Silenced
0 Actual Starter (Charmander)
50 Shiny
150 Mental Bond
50 Medical Kit
50 Collapsible Baton
50 HM Collection
50 50k Pokedollars
50 50k Pokedollars
50 50k Pokedollars

Inclusive of Perks:

"Silenced" mentioned the relevance of sign language. I didn't see an option for extra languages besides Pokeglot. As such, I felt comfortable assuming I understand Common and Sign Language.

Starting equipment:
bag, pokegear, pokedex, 5x pokeballs, 3x potions, hat (red)

If not overly presumptuous, I'd assume that I've programmed my pokegear with a text to speech app through my Technician skill.

I'll be rolling for starting location, age, and gender, as I do not care about any of those. Well, that's not quite true. I've played Pokemon Red and Gold. I'd like to play this game without relying on the wiki and while exploring something not half remembered. However, I didn't have enough CP left over and I wouldn't mind a long game anyway.

Rolls results: Male, 11 years old, and free region pick. I don't care about the region as long as it's not Kanto or Johto. I'd enjoy a location with ruins and a secondary preference for getting a dratini earlier.
Tascion threw 10-faced dice Reason: Starting Region Total: 10

Tascion threw 8-faced dice Reason: Age Total: 2

Tascion threw 2-faced dice Reason: Gender Total: 1

Let me know if you'd like discussion of backstory :)

I'll go with Jaden, as a name, and I'd like the Hoenn region.

Possible plot (if you're not using one of the games) that came to mind:
Maybe Jaden stole something from the local Team Rocket. They're hunting him, so more and more powerful of their folk show up the longer he's in an area. The more challenging an area, and the further out, the longer it takes them to show up. Jaden could have stolen some kind of 'super' pokegear, with yet unexplained plot relevant powers. Maybe it has a built in silph scope, poke flute, something from the latter games, or some number of such things. Maybe that's where the HMs are stored, that I got from the jumpchain.
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Lee Character Sheet
Lee Hinsu
Character Sheet
(Starting Source)​

Age: 16
Sex: Male
Background: Small Town

Physical Fitness
Free Running
Survival Training
Increased Ghost Sensitivity
Mark of Groudon
Imprint of Kyogre

Special Training:
Fire-Type Training​

Aura Training:
Basic Training​
Form Shield (Self)​

- ~42,000 P
- Bag
- Pokegear
- Pokedex
- Rebreather

- Potions

- Pokeballs
- Ultra Ball (10)
- Master Ball (3)

- Root Fossil
- Claw Fossil

- Red Hat

- Heat Badge, Dynamo Badge


Archer (Rowlet - Starter)
Jolly; Alert
Ability: Overgrowth

- Teamwork w/Crunchbite, Fathom
- Flight Combat
- Evasion

- Tackle (Norm/Phys)
- Leafage (Grass/Phys) [Standard; 'Shotgun' Variant]
- Growl (Norm/Stat)
- Peck (Fly/Phys)
- Astonish (Ghost/Phys)
- Razor Leaf (Grass/Phys)

Crunchbite (Vibrava - Pokeball)
Careful; Quick tempered
Ability: Levitate

- Teamwork w/Archer, Nova (Sort of)
- Defense Training (w/Dig Emphasis)

- Sand Attack (Ground/Stat) [++Improved]
- Astonish (Ghost/Phys)
- Bite (Dark/Phys)
- Dig (Ground/Phys) [Standard Mastery; 'Combo' Variant ('Dig into X')]
- Sandstorm (Ground/Stat) [Improved Control: Teamwork Openings]
- Sand Tomb (Ground/Phys)
- Rock Tomb (Rock/Phys)
- Dragon Breath (Dragon/Spec)
- Supersonic (Norm/Stat)

Nova (Vulpix - Pokeball)
Brave, Likes to Fight
Ability: Flash Fire

- Teamwork w/Crunchbite (Sort of)
- Basic Control

- Ember (Fire/Spec) [Standard+Utility; Counter+Control]
- Tail Whip (Norm/Stat)
- Roar (Norm/Stat)
- Baby Doll Eyes (Norm/Stat)
- Quick Attack (Norm/Phys) [Improved]
- Confuse Ray (Ghost/Stat)
- Fire Spin (Fire/Spec)
- Flamethrower (Fire/Spec)

Fathom (Magikarp - Pokeball)
Rash, Likes Splashing
Ability: Swift Swim

Basic Training

- Splash (Normal/Stat)
- Water Gun (Water/Spec) [Underpowered]
- Tackle (Norm/Phys)
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Tascion's Start

Being born with psychic abilities is not easy. Most humans are born without abilities, "normal" types so to speak. Jaden however was born with abilities that left him far more aware and exposed to the world than a child should be. At least his powers started off relatively weak, but the older he got the louder the world grew, and he started to suffer from migraines. His parents had him tested again and again, but it didn't occur to them to test him for abilities. Psychics, as far as most of the world knew, did not suffer from their powers.

Jaden knew he was hearing thoughts, but separating those out and explaining that was unfortunately beyond the child's experience, especially as he had no normal to compare against to know how to describe his experiences. How could he explain what made him different when he didn't know what other people's experiences were like? At least when he was out free running he could outpace the noise.

It was coming up on time for Jaden to head out on his pokemon journey. Technically he was in fact late, considering his migraines had kept him back from traveling, but kids did start between 10 and 12, so he wasn't terribly behind. All that was left was getting his starter. There were of course the usual lab starters to pick from: treecko, mudkip, and torchic. If he didn't want those, he could look into catching one of the tamer pokemon, or try to fish something out of the ocean.

Jaden truthfully wasn't sure what he wanted as a starter. He knew he wanted a powerful companion, and that one of the pokemon he would pick would be able to fly. Unfortunately he didn't have a particular type preference. He was thinking of just signing up for a lab starter and seeing what the selection was once he got there when he came across a young shiny charmander.

This charmander should not have existed. At least not like this. People loved shiny pokemon, and people adored the charizard line. Charizards also weren't native to Hoenn, so the only way that such a pokemon could be here was if a person brought them over. Yet here he was, on the roof of a building Jaden had been running over, tucked into what looked like a makeshift nest, with no sign of the parent charizard or any human owner.

The charmander rasped at Jaden and toddled over. He reached out to steady the pokemon, and found himself getting chomped on. The bite didn't hurt like it would have if the charmander was serious, thankfully, more of a playful holding of his hand in the charmander's too hot mouth. The charmander rasped again tail wagging. Jaden could feel something pressing at his mind. He flinched back from it, afraid of another migraine. The something actually retreated, surprisingly. That had never happened before.

"What are you doing out here?" he murmured gently to the charmander. The charmander simply let go of Jaden's hand and decided to start trying to climb up him, clearly deeply amused by this choice in game. Well, this was a sign if nothing else. Jaden had found his starter.

It didn't occur to him to worry about the charmander belonging to someone else, or someone claiming him or taking him away. He just caught the charmander and brought him down to a pokemon center to be registered to him. The nurse on duty was shocked to see an eleven year old with a shiny charmander, and even more so to find that it registered as wild caught in the registry scan, but there it was. Jaden now had his starter and was ready to head out on his journey.

One Shiny Charmander Acquired
sassy, loves play fighting (even against grass)

What's his name?
[ ]Write-in

What do you want to do?

City Actions
[ ]Visit the contest hall
-[ ]Sign up for a one time contest class
-[ ]Watch a show with your charmander
[ ]Take your pokemon on a tour of the Lilycove Museum!
[ ]Visit the Battle Tower
-[ ]Watch battles
-[ ]Sign up for a battle
[ ]Visit the pokemon fan club
-[ ]Join the pokemon fan club-free advice on pokemon care and get to show off your pokemon
-[ ]See what events the fan club might be running
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train your charmander in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
[ ]Spend time getting to know your pokemon
[ ]Play with your pokemon
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Take a ship to Sootopolis City
[ ]Take a ship to Mossdeep City
[ ]Walk west on Route 121
Space Jawa Starter

Pokemon journeys start at ten. It's traditional. Some people argue that the age should be moved up. Kalos has an older age for starting out on their journeys after all, and they bring out plenty of talented trainers. It would be safer. But pokemon journeys at a later age are known to be harder. No one agrees why that is. Some say it's because people are more stressed at that age. Some say it's because the balance of school and travel is more difficult. Some say the awareness of the journey means people are less willing to participate in such a journey.

Lee is too aware of why journeys start at ten. It's because it's the age when children are the most open to connect with pokemon without losing themselves in their nature. Children who start on a journey too young come back strange. Pokemon love them, but they never quite fit in with other humans again. And the older a person becomes, the more set they are, the less they are influenced and shaped by the pokemon they interact with. Between ten and twelve is the optimal age to ensure that people understand and connect with pokemon without being overwhelmed by them.

Lee doesn't know if he's lucky or unlucky that he doesn't have to worry about not having that connection. When eight he'd gotten lost in the mountains during one of the camps meant to help kids prep for going on their pokemon journey. A zangoose had found him and taken care of him for a couple months before he was found, and even followed him back to Fallarbor and his parents' berry farm. The zangoose had liked him enough to train him in self defense, and he had found himself developing an extra sense of the world. It was like the world was filled with currents that moved with the beat of life. He didn't understand everything the zangoose tried to teach him, but it was enough to get him started down the path of using aura.

If his parents hadn't realized that he knew aura perhaps he still would have gone out on his journey a year later, perhaps with the zangoose as his starter. Instead his parents had contacted fighting type specialists to help him train. It wasn't always useful. Sometimes they would know things that helped him expand his new aura sense. Sometimes it didn't connect with him at all.

He was late, far too late for a normal pokemon journey. But Lee was finally going on one. He had put his foot down after the zangoose left him last year, demanding that he get a chance for a journey. Every other kid he knew in town had already gone. There were whispers about why he was being held back, that something had happened when he had gone missing years ago that had made him unfit for a journey. He was old enough to emancipate himself, and did so with little regret. He needed his freedom.

Lee had enough money to purchase a rowlet as his starter. Using his aura had helped him save up enough money to get the pokemon he wanted. The only thing left was the choice. He looked at the pair of rowlets that had been brought over for him to choose from. One of them blinked up at him calmly, while the other chirped happily under his gaze and puffed up for his attention.

[ ]Pick the cheerful energetic rowlet
-[ ]What's his name?
[ ]Pick the calm rowlet
-[ ]What's his name?

Lee had his pokemon now. Now to get out of Fallarbor and leave it behind as fast as possible.

[ ]Head south to Meteor Falls
[ ]Head east towards the desert
I forgot that in the setting of Pokemon, I don't have to justify setting off to risk life and limb for glory as an eleven year old.

Very sensible changes to the backstory.

Any limit on number of actions in a turn?

[X]Take your pokemon on a tour of the Lilycove Museum!
-[X] it's quieter here than most places. When I'm in the area and tired, it's nice.
[X]Spend time getting to know your pokemon
[X]Train your charmander in battle
-[X] Show me what you do best!

One Shiny Charmander Acquired
sassy, loves play fighting (even against grass)

What's his name?

What do you want to do?

City Actions
[ ]Visit the contest hall
-[ ]Sign up for a one time contest class
-[ ]Watch a show with your charmander
[X]Take your pokemon on a tour of the Lilycove Museum!
[ ]Visit the Battle Tower
-[ ]Watch battles
-[ ]Sign up for a battle
[ ]Visit the pokemon fan club
-[ ]Join the pokemon fan club-free advice on pokemon care and get to show off your pokemon
-[ ]See what events the fan club might be running
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train your charmander in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
[X]Spend time getting to know your pokemon
[ ]Play with your pokemon
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Take a ship to Sootopolis City
[ ]Take a ship to Mossdeep City
[ ]Walk west on Route 121
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Currently I don't have limits, I will ask you to be sensible at how much you ask for me to do in a single post though. Some activities are higher cost writing wise than others
Lee had enough money to purchase a rowlet as his starter. Using his aura had helped him save up enough money to get the pokemon he wanted. The only thing left was the choice. He looked at the pair of rowlets that had been brought over for him to choose from. One of them blinked up at him calmly, while the other chirped happily under his gaze and puffed up for his attention.

[ ]Pick the cheerful energetic rowlet
-[ ]What's his name?
[ ]Pick the calm rowlet
-[ ]What's his name?

Lee had his pokemon now. Now to get out of Fallarbor and leave it behind as fast as possible.

[ ]Head south to Meteor Falls
[ ]Head east towards the desert

Not everyone went on a 'traditional' Pokemon journey. True, more did than didn't as a kind of right of passage. Most of those who did came back home before long, having experienced the world beyond, but happy to come back home and return to the comfort of the known, returning to a life not unlike that which they would have had if they'd never left at all, but still wiser, with a greater appreciation for the world, and with some real-world experience to make them a more well-rounded human being.

Lee Hinsu had known from an early age that following in his parent's footsteps was not for him. He understood how the farm worked, to be sure. If he really wanted, he could probably cut it as a farmer himself with what he already knew. Or even something in a field not far removed, if he wasn't inclined to leave the business entirely but still wanted something different for himself. He'd certainly shown an aptitude for machinery, at any rate.

To his parents credit, they'd recognized that. Even aside that they didn't have fears that they'd be left without someone to carry on the farm for them, or that they thought that maybe Lee would come back to the farm sooner rather than later same as his siblings - his brother had been gone a year before returning home, his sisters' journeys had each lasted six months before returning him. But they'd understood that while Lee could make the farm life work, it just didn't click naturally for him, it was unlikely that he every would have been truly happy with it.

Then had come his disappearance, and everything had changed.

His parents had never truly gotten over that nightmare, the fear that Lee had been lost for good, those sleepless nights that they might never see him again. Even years later, those fears hung over them like a dark cloud. The fear that if Lee left again like that, they might never hear from him again.

It was that as much as anything that drove Lee now. It wasn't just because he'd missed out on the same opportunity as his brother or his sisters, that he'd been denied the opportunity that he should have gotten years ago. It was to prove them wrong, that setting out from home didn't mean Lee faced certain doom. To put an end to those nightmares that had followed him and his entire family since.

To prove not just his parents wrong, that their fears had been for nothing, but to prove wrong the small voices in his head that questioned if maybe his parents were right.

To prove to everyone that those fears could finally be put to rest.

[X] Pick the cheerful energetic rowlet
-[X] Archer

Confronted with a pick between two possible Pokemon, Lee Hinsu saw a mirror in the kind of journey he meant to set out on. One was ready to go, ready to prove something. The other seemed, well, less so. If he was going to do this right, he didn't need a Pokemon that was going to speak to the voices telling him that he was wrong, to take it slow, to be cautious. He needed a Pokemon that was going to push him forward and encourage him to prove the world wrong.

"You look ready to take on the world." Lee said as he picked up the energetic bird.

While he was no Pokemon expert, he did know a thing or two. Enough to get by, enough to do his research. Considering his new Pokemon's name, he looked to the future and what the Rowlet would one day become. So he settled on something simple but descriptive. One day, the Rowlet would become a bird that centered around a theme of the bow and arrow. An archery bird.

And so 'Archer' it was.

[X] Head east towards the desert

Lee also was fairly familiar with the general layout of Hoenn. He'd certainly studied maps of the island enough. It didn't even take much studying to know that there was far more land to the east than there was to the south. If he was trying to put distance between himself and the place that had kept him confined for far too long, going in the direction where there was more ground to cover seemed the obvious option.

So with Archer riding on his shoulder, Lee Hinsu went east.
Jaden's Team

Male Charmander
Sassy, loves to play fight (even against grass)
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Dragon Breath, Smokescreen, Slash, Incinerate, Dragon Dance

Male Linoone
Jolly, disorganized/leaves things lying around
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Sand Attack, Tail Whip, Covet, Headbutt, Bite, Pin Missile

Male Kadabra
Brave, persistent
Moves: Teleport, Disable, Confusion, Hypnosis, Psybeam, Reflect, Barrier

Female Gyarados
Persistent, naughty
Moves: Tackle, Splash, Watergun, Bite, Crunch, Whirlpool

Quiet, skittish
Moves: Astonish, Tackle, Thief, Fairy Wind, Torment

Lee's Team

Male Rowlet
Jolly, alert
Moves: Tackle, Leafage (Regular, Var 2[Shotgun]), Growl, Peck, Astonish, Razor Leaf

Male Vibrava
Careful, quick tempered
Moves: Sand Attack, Astonish, Bite, Dig, Sandstorm, Sand Tomb, Rock Tomb, Dragon Breath, Supersonic

Female Vulpix
Brave, Likes to Fight
Moves: Ember, Tail Whip, Roar, Baby Doll Eyes, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray, Fire Spin, Flamethrower

Male Magikarp
Rash, likes splashing
Moves: Splash, Watergun (underpowered), Tackle
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Jaden Year 1 Summer Lilycove
Sam was a tiny delight. The charmander had little hesitation in exploring the world, and would happily pounce on anything that he came in contact with. Jaden had already managed to lose a shirt when Sam set it on fire playing with it, and had a few scorch marks added to his bed. Jaden was lucky that a young charmander's flame didn't burn that hot while they were still learning how to control its burning, otherwise he would likely have burns on himself as well.

Jaden was in love, and Sam was happy to prove that that was the proper response by following Jaden everywhere he could, and being willing to try to fight doors when he couldn't. The new weight in Jaden's mind hadn't gone away, but it hadn't pressed down on him again since he had first felt it. Jaden suspected he would have to reach out and touch it himself if he wanted to figure out what was going on there, but since it was pleasant in comparison to the rest of the noise that would bombard him, Jaden was happy to ignore it. He didn't want to change things and have it start hurting him too. At least Sam was more than happy to guard him when Jaden wasn't doing well, even if that mainly meant sitting on him and growling at anything he perceived as a threat, including the fan when it turned on.

Jaden took Sam out to one of the pokemon parks in the city during the week to get some actual battle practice in. Sam was going to be a champion fighter, he could already tell. Sam was a dragon pokemon after all, even if he didn't have the typing! He was so eager to get going and fight. Sam was immediately up and exploring the park when they entered, happily barreling into everything and testing how it stood up against his swipes.

"Alright Sam, show me what you've got!" The charmander perked up eagerly at Jaden's voice. He braced himself and ran over to tackle hug Jaden's leg knocking him over. Jaden laughed. "Sam! Not me, the target!" He pointed to a nearby wood post pokemon could play with in the park. Sam perked up at the new challenge and charged at it. He swiped furiously at it with his claws before spitting a handful of sparks at it in a weak ember. He puffed himself up eagerly and let out a growl.

"Yeah! Ember again!" Sam answered the order by trying to fit the post in his mouth. Ok, clearly they were going to have to work on connecting what Jaden said to what Sam should do.

[ ]Use treats to train Sam
[ ]Mock fight along Sam
[ ]Call out the word that matches what Sam does
[ ]Write-in

Jaden woke up on a bad day with a growing headache. He needed quiet. Sam curled close to him. He could feel the extra weight sitting there, wanting to dip down. He really didn't want that, not today. He picked up Sam and held him close. The warmth of the little reptile helped to chase some of the growing pain off. He got a simple breakfast before heading out to the museum with Sam.

The charmander peered curiously around as they walked around the statues and settled on the second floor in one of the wings displaying a modern artist's take on pokemon. The digital art was interesting to look at, but mostly the room was quiet without visitors. Sam let out a soft worried chirp and pushed further into Jaden. He smiled down at the charmander. "It's nice here. The art's pretty, and...it's quiet. Sometimes if it's getting to be a lot, I can come here, and the headache won't become a migraine." Sam let out a soft trill and laid down. The energetic charmander stayed quietly beside him the entire day, not pushing to do anything or run around despite how clear it was that the charmander was full of energy. No, he would stay with his human, and take care of him.

Jaden quietly talked to Sam about his favorite pieces in the museum as they sat together. His headache stayed to a low rolling pulse. Next time Jaden brought Sam here, he promised they'd get a full look around.

City Actions
[ ]Visit the contest hall
-[ ]Sign up for a one time contest class
-[ ]Watch a show with your charmander
[ ]Take your pokemon on a proper tour of the museum
[ ]Visit the Battle Tower
-[ ]Watch battles
-[ ]Sign up for a battle
[ ]Visit the pokemon fan club
-[ ]Join the pokemon fan club-free advice on pokemon care and get to show off your pokemon
-[ ]See what events the fan club might be running
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train your charmander in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
[ ]Spend time getting to know your pokemon
[ ]Play with your pokemon
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Take a ship to Sootopolis City
[ ]Take a ship to Mossdeep City
[ ]Walk west on Route 121
[X]Mock fight along Sam

The obvious choice, I think.

[X] visit the poke center for a checkup
-[X] shiny Pokemon are special. A pokemon fan club is asking for migraine
[X] visit a pokemart, get a poke ball for Sam
-[X] (how should shopping be handled? Should I assume that 'generic stuff' is available and you just veto me if I overreach?)
[X]Train your charmander in battle
-[X] if another kid shows up with a Pokemon, challenge the pair of them to a race of everyone through part of the city.

I'm enjoying the character building, to understand the basis of the respective personalities
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 113
Archer's head twisted around cheerfully from his perch on Lee's shoulder tracking things in the mountainous terrain that Lee couldn't. The pulse of the mountains around them was different from the one in Fallarbor. It was hard to put a finger on exactly what it was that made it different. Perhaps the currents felt more jagged? Or the waves welled and crashed faster? If Lee wanted to know he would need to take the time to try and tap into it, but he was still too close to Fallarbor to do that.

He was looking at a solid month's worth of travel through the mountains to the rest stop before the desert. It wouldn't be easy. Sticking to the main path would be his best bet if he wanted to travel swiftly and move on to other parts of the country. He could take a chance and spend more time here however, venture off the path and away from what was safely marked for human passage into the territory of wild pokemon that were much less understanding of human intruders. That would be a risk, especially when Lee hadn't yet caught more than one pokemon or put in time for training. Still, high risk, high reward.

Camp Actions
[ ]Look at what pokemon are near the path, open for human interaction
[ ]Leave the main path, head deeper into the mountains, with the dangers that involves
[ ]Look to catch a spinda, they are supposed to live in this area
[ ]Look to catch a shroomish, they can be found almost anywhere
[ ]Look for zangoose, does it live here? Can you still find them?
[ ]Look to catch a swinub, they make a great powerhouse
[ ]Take the risk of tapping into the current
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train Archer in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
[ ]Spend time getting to know Archer
[ ]Play with Archer
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Focus on traveling east as fast as you can
[ ]Take your time traveling east
[X] visit a pokemart, get a poke ball for Sam
-[X] (how should shopping be handled? Should I assume that 'generic stuff' is available and you just veto me if I overreach?)

I'm enjoying the character building, to understand the basis of the respective personalities
Glad you're enjoying it so far! Sam does already have a pokeball, unless you want to swap it out for another type, or just get stickers to decorate it. And you are right, anything generic is available in the pokemart! Anything more specialized just let me know and I'll let you know if you need a specialty shop or if it's more expensive
He was looking at a solid month's worth of travel through the mountains to the rest stop before the desert. It wouldn't be easy. Sticking to the main path would be his best bet if he wanted to travel swiftly and move on to other parts of the country. He could take a chance and spend more time here however, venture off the path and away from what was safely marked for human passage into the territory of wild pokemon that were much less understanding of human intruders. That would be a risk, especially when Lee hadn't yet caught more than one pokemon or put in time for training. Still, high risk, high reward.

Camp Actions
[ ]Look at what pokemon are near the path, open for human interaction
[ ]Leave the main path, head deeper into the mountains, with the dangers that involves
[ ]Look to catch a spinda, they are supposed to live in this area
[ ]Look to catch a shroomish, they can be found almost anywhere
[ ]Look for zangoose, does it live here? Can you still find them?
[ ]Look to catch a swinub, they make a great powerhouse
[ ]Take the risk of tapping into the current
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train Archer in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
[ ]Spend time getting to know Archer
[ ]Play with Archer
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Focus on traveling east as fast as you can
[ ]Take your time traveling east

While Lee wanted to prove himself, he was neither stupid nor suicidal. He certainly wasn't going to prove his parents right by wandering into the deepest, darkest places of the world from the get-go when he had little really going for him besides a single Pokemon he'd only just met.

[X][Travel] Stick to the main path for now as you continue East.

He couldn't even be certain that that old Zangoose might show up to save his butt if he got into real trouble.

Could he? Lee felt certain apprehension. He didn't want to go off getting himself killed looking for that one specific Pokemon, but it didn't feel good just wandering on by and completely ignoring any possibility that they might cross paths again.

[X][Camp Action] Look at what pokemon are near the path, open for human interaction.
-[X] Keep an eye open for any signs that the Zangoose might be nearby.

As he went along, Lee took the time to get better acquainted with his new Pokemon. On the surface, some might have questioned not taking the time to train right away, but Lee had heard that sometimes, the bond between a Pokemon and its trainer was the greatest strength a Pokemon could have going for it, even stronger than more 'traditional' training.

[X][Pokemon Action] Spend time getting to know Archer.
Jaden Year 1 Summer Lilycove - 2
There was only one choice in training with Sam, really. Jaden jumped forward to fight beside Sam. He called out the attacks and acted them out with exaggeration. The charmander was quickly swept up in the energy and excitement of fighting alongside Jaden and matching him stroke for stroke. Jaden would punch out, Sam would swipe with his claws. Jaden would puff up like he was pretending to breath fire, Sam shot sparks. There couldn't be anything better in Sam's mind than having his human right alongside him. And he learned.

Jaden is a responsible pokemon trainer. It's why the first thing he does is take Sam to a pokemon center for a check up. Well, after naming him. And spending time with him. And showing him around the city-ok, so it wasn't the first thing he did. But he did get around to it! He brought Sam in to be looked over by Nurse Joy, so if anything was bad he could make it better.

Nurse Joy's check up went well. Besides being shiny, Sam was on the small end of the scale for a charmander. It was unlikely he would ever be as big as some of his kind could get, but considering a small charizard would be around twelve feet tall that wasn't a problem. Tricks for battling bigger pokemon would be useful for Sam to learn, but as long as he got all the nutrients a growing carnivorous firetype needed he would be just fine. Nurse Joy did warn him to take it easy on how many treats Sam consumed, but that was more of a standard warning that all pokemon nurses gave at a check up.

Jaden wasn't sure where he was going on his journey yet, but he knew that he was going to make sure Sam was the best. No other pokemon could possibly match his wonderful starter. Even better, that weight on his mind he felt seemed to be helping to push back some of the other weight that came from being around others. Jaden didn't get it yet, but he loved it. So they would be starting by making Sam the fastest charmander there was.

Speed training primarily consisted of the pair racing around the park and Jaden directing Sam through some of the tricks of the agility equipment in the pokemon area. Sam was more than delighted to go running around with Jaden. Hopefully when Sam was bigger he could join Jaden free running.

When a kid showed up with their torchic Jaden knew he had to challenge them to a race. They were on. They would race three blocks down the street and three blocks back to the park. They all burst into a run at the shout of go. Sam had learned tricks for keeping up with Jaden from the week spent running around, and kept himself close behind his human. The torchic and their human were slightly slower at first, until the torchic started picking up speed as they neared the end. Jaden shouted in frustration and celebration as the torchic came in first. It was a good fun race though, and closer than it could have been. Torchics were speedy buggers after all! He was super proud at how well he and Sam had done. Maybe next time they'd even win!

City Actions
[ ]Visit the contest hall
-[ ]Sign up for a one time contest class
-[ ]Watch a show with your charmander
[ ]Take your pokemon on a proper tour of the museum
[ ]Visit the Battle Tower
-[ ]Watch battles
-[ ]Sign up for a battle
[ ]Visit the pokemon fan club
-[ ]Join the pokemon fan club-free advice on pokemon care and get to show off your pokemon
-[ ]See what events the fan club might be running
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train your charmander in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
[ ]Spend time getting to know your pokemon
[ ]Play with your pokemon
[ ]Write-in

[ ]Take a ship to Sootopolis City
[ ]Take a ship to Mossdeep City
[ ]Walk west on Route 121
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 113 - 2
Archer loves his human. He loved traveling with him down the path. He didn't like the high point of the day much. It was too bright then, and he liked to nap on Lee's shoulder then. But waking up before the sun and watching the world around them until his human woke up, and staying up late watching the stars, warmed Archer's heart.

There was so much to see in the world. It felt like he was constantly rushing to try and track all the things he heard in the mountains around them. There were other bird pokemon here, but none that were like him. He was different from all the pokemon here along the mountains. He knew he came from a place where there had been many nest mates like himself, and then he had traveled far with another rowlet to meet his human. And now they were off to see the entire world together.

Archer thinks his human might be looking for something as they're traveling. He tries to be helpful, looking around himself, but he doesn't know what it is. It has to be something interesting, something beyond the normal pokemon they encounter as they walk. So Archer plans to make a racket if he spots anything unusual to make sure that his human doesn't miss it.

They encountered a couple spindas dizzily crossing their way across the path. Archer hooted in amusement seeing them try to find their way. They doubled back on their path at least twice before managing to cross.

[ ]Try to interact
[ ]Just watch

They found an entire cluster of shroomish in a dark shaded part of the trail, staring grumpily at those who had dared to interrupt them.

[ ]Try to interact
[ ]Just watch

They even spotted a seviper on the hunt. It looked very interested in the food that Archer's human was preparing for supper. Archer fluffed himself up and spread his wings. No food thieves allowed here!

[ ]Try to interact
[ ]Just watch
[ ]Chase off

Between traveling Archer's human took the time to speak to him. Archer didn't know how humans spoke yet, but he listened carefully. He did his best to give his own replies. He wanted to encourage his human, and let him know he thought he was awesome! Archer got distracted sometimes by a sound he heard, but he always did his best to pay attention when his human was talking. He had a lot to say. And he was great at figuring out the best spot on Archer's head to scritch into his feathers and really rub so it felt just right. Archer would find himself melting into a ball of feathers when it was done just right, giving sleepy coos of pleasure.

Archer's human joined him looking at the stars at night a couple times. That might have been some of his favorite times. He loved getting to share how bright and vibrant the stars were with his human. There was something about the view that just called to Archer. He would never tire of it.

Camp Actions
[ ]Look at what pokemon are near the path, open for human interaction
[ ]Leave the main path, head deeper into the mountains, with the dangers that involves
[ ]Look to catch a spinda, they are supposed to live in this area
[ ]Look to catch a shroomish, they can be found almost anywhere
[ ]Look to catch a swinub, they make a great powerhouse
[ ]Take the risk of tapping into the current
[ ]Stargaze
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train Archer in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
[ ]Spend time getting to know Archer
[ ]Play with Archer
[ ]Write-in
It was a tricky balance, properly handling wild pokemon. One of the major elements of any pokemon journey was wild pokemon - battling them, catching them, sometimes just befriending them.

But Lee Hinsu couldn't just go picking fights with every pokemon he crossed paths with. Not only was that jerk behavior, but each fight could easily turn out to be biting off more than he could chew. It was still a long ways to the next town, where he would have opportunity to have his pokemon fully healed and put his money supply to work. It would be a longer ways still if he made a mistake that left him without an active pokemon.

Neither was he prepared to just catch the first pokemon that presented an opportunity. Acquiring a second pokemon was important, to be sure. But he needed to consider his future team in the long term. If he was going to catch another pokemon, it needed to be one that spoke to him in some way.

Spinda certainly didn't speak to him, even if he did catch one he expected he'd replace it at near the earliest opportunity, which was both a waste and not fair to the caught Spinda.

Shroomish...Lee was willing to classify Shroomish as a 'maybe'. Not an ideal second pick, mainly because Archer was already a grass type. But Lee was prepared to keep an open mind to the possibility, especially if he went long enough without picking up a better option.

[X][Spinda] Just Watch
[X][Shroomish] Just Watch
[X][Seviper] Chase Off

Then there was the Seviper. Not a bad potential pokemon to catch, but despite the lack of success thus far, Lee hadn't yet given up hope on finding that Zangoose. If there was one thing everyone knew about Zangoose and Seviper, it was their infamous rivalry. As long as he held out hope of yet reuniting with Zangoose, he wasn't going to premptively spoil whatever moment might result by having a Seviper around.

Perhaps it was a long-shot hope. The odds off meeting that same Zangoose, it was probably never a very likely possibility. Even if he was actively looking for the Zangoose, even if he was willing to risk more treacherous terrain, the odds of finding a very specific pokemon - not just a Zangoose, but one very specific Zangoose - the odds were never in Lee's favor.

But still, he wasn't willing to abandon hope entirely. Not yet. It raised his spirits just a little as it seemed Archer was keeping his eyes open, looking for something. Lee could only take a guess, but he got the impression that Archer had picked up on how Lee was looking for something specific, and was in turn looking for whatever Lee was searching for without knowing what it was they were looking for.

Making use of his pokedex, Lee tried to see if he could aid Archer in the search. He hadn't really examined the Pokedex much yet, so he didn't know if it was truly pre-filled or if it required work to make it truly useful. So he tried to find information on Zangoose in the Pokedex - in particular any visual information, possibly a cry - and show it to Archer to get across what Lee was looking for.

[X][Camp Actions] Look at what pokemon are near the path, open for human interaction
-[X] See if Zangoose information is on your Pokedex so you can show it to Archer and he knows what you're looking for
[X][Camp Actions] Stargaze

Having established an initial connection with his adorable grass bird, Lee turned focus to training Archer in the art of battle so he had some confidence that they could actually win a fight and do more than just take a very long nature walk. He rated maneuvers as initial priority, something that would both serve a long-term benefit and in the short term would maximize Archer's ability to battle while lessening the risk that Archer might be left without a pokemon capable of battling.

Given that Archer was a bird, it seemed obvious to Lee to train Archer to make the most of his arial capabilities for moving around in combat. At the very least, it would make Archer more difficult to pin down and target. Even better would be if they could work out making it more difficult for an opposing pokemon to evade Archer because of difficulty figuring out where he was coming from and having a lot greater area of potential attack to defend against.

[X][Pokemon Actions] Train Archer in Battle
-[X] Archer is a bird pokemon that can fly through the air. Use that, train Archer in making the most of all three dimensions on the battlefield for improved combat maneuverability.

Side note, that post written from Archer's perspective is downright adorable. ^___^
Jaden Year 1 Summer Route 121
Jaden was eager to take Sam out of the city to actually go see other wild pokemon. Oh sure, there were probably some wild pokemon in the parks and the like, but that wasn't the same as a pokemon taken from outside the city. That was a proper adventure. Jaden excitedly told Sam his plans to go out on route 121 to look for wild pokemon to challenge to a battle. Maybe they'd find a new team member. Maybe not. But it would be awesome however it was done.

The route starts with meadows and a few berry farms. Further along the route where it starts to turn to hills as it reaches the mountains is the safari. But they aren't going that far out this time. No, this time they're focusing on checking out what pokemon are living in the meadows.

[ ]Investigate on the path
[ ]Investigate off the path
Lee Year 1 Summer Route 113 - 3
The spinda eventually find their way off the path once more and off to wherever it is the creatures were trying to head. One of them pauses to acknowledge the pair before running off to catch up with its comrades.

The shroomish are calm and watchful as Lee passes by with Archer. They are in sync with each other, their own pulses beating together.

The seviper is the hardest to deal with. It braces itself and hisses sharply at Lee's approach to chase it off. Archer of course isn't taking any of this, and is quick to puff himself up even further and let out a screeching growl to warn the seviper off. The seviper finally backs off and starts heading back into the rocks it came from, clearly irritated that it couldn't get any of the food. Of course, if an aggressive pokemon had been pushing too hard along paths people travel, rangers and battlers would have been called in to deal with the problem. If it wanted to stay living as it was, it couldn't push too hard. Human paths meant human rules.

The pokedex was a marvel of technology, containing map, phone, internet, and of course an encyclopedia of current pokemon knowledge. There were even specific apps that could be downloaded for the pokedex, depending on what one decided they wanted, most aimed towards modifying a pokedex to more specifically cater toward a user's pokemon interests. The very latest studies were locked unless a user allowed the data their pokedex gathered to be used in further pokemon research, but that was considered a bonus for those who were interested in studying pokemon more in depth.

Archer was very interested in watching Lee play around with the pokedex, trying to tap at the screen with his beak to see what he could do. Alas, the pokedex was indeed responsive to his actions, making navigating the pokedex around a curious rowlet more challenging than it might have been otherwise. Archer was very interested to listen to Lee explain how he was looking for a zangoose and study what the pictures looked like. Archer hadn't seen a pokemon like that before, and he rather liked it. He liked the idea of finding one for Lee. He puffed himself up and trilled his intent to scour everywhere around them until they found a zangoose like Lee was hoping for.

Archer did find more pidgey, a pidgeotto, and several taillows. But the real prize came when Archer spotted a zangoose ahead of Lee. He lifted off his human's shoulder and shot ahead to where the zangoose was currently eating a seviper. He hooted happily and flew around to make sure that Lee could spot them with ease. The zangoose watched the rowlet and approaching human warily. This wasn't the old zangoose that Lee had hoped for, but Archer had successfully found one.

[ ]Try to ask the zangoose about the zangoose Lee knows
[ ]Catch the zangoose
[ ]Just watch the zangoose

Archer was proud to have done so good for his human. Even better, Lee stayed up that night to watch the stars with him. Something felt truly right about having Lee there watching the night sky with him. Archer knew he would do anything for his human.

Archer had grown very used to spending his days listening to Lee talk and flying about to look at what was around them. It was comfortable. Archer was more than happy with exploring the world and learning about it as his human spoke. So it was a surprise when Lee interrupted their routine to offer something new. Archer was absolutely thrilled to try this new thing that Lee was offering, and listened closely to do his best to understand what he was being asked.

It seemed like flight practice. Archer was definitely being asked to fly around. But it wasn't simple straightforward flights or dives. No, he was being asked to fly in circles, and do dips, and try to move sideways. There were so many new ways being suggested on what he could do flying in the air. Some of it was easy, but other parts Archer had never put together in such a way before, despite having done parts of it individually. It was incredible! How was his human so good at figuring out how to direct Archer in flying when he didn't have wings himself? He wasn't hiding any, was he? Archer checked, but no Lee was definitely flightless. He was super amazing to have figured out all these new tricks that Archer could do! Every time that there was a stop and Lee called for him to fly Archer was eager to show off what he'd been taught and see if there was anything else he could do he hadn't realized yet.

I realized I don't actually know how much time detail you want to spend on traveling along the Route, if you want a day-by-day, or week, or speed up to the end of the route. So let me know your thoughts there!

Camp Actions
[ ]Look at what pokemon are near the path, open for human interaction
[ ]Leave the main path, head deeper into the mountains, with the dangers that involves
[ ]Look to catch a spinda, they are supposed to live in this area
[ ]Look to catch a shroomish, they can be found almost anywhere
[ ]Look to catch a swinub, they make a great powerhouse
[ ]Take the risk of tapping into the current
[ ]Stargaze
[ ]Write-in

Pokemon Actions
[ ]Train Archer in battle
-[ ]Write-in specific training (speed, offense, dodging, train a move)
[ ]Spend time getting to know Archer
[ ]Play with Archer
[ ]Write-in
"Good job, Archer." Lee said, complimenting his pokemon. He'd certainly performed as well as Lee could have hoped for, finding a Zangoose at all. While there was an initial feeling of disappointment that it wasn't the Zangoose, what Archer had found was impressive enough on its own.

"Hello." Lee said to the Zangoose in question, trying not to appear hostile or aggressive. Deep down, it felt a little silly, trying to speak with the Zangoose. A little desperate, perhaps even. It wasn't as if all pokemon of a given species knew all other pokemon of that same species.

But even so...Archer had found Lee a Zangoose. If the Zangoose he was looking for was anywhere nearby, this was probably the best hope thus far Lee might have had for actually tracking down and reuniting with that Zangoose once more.

Assuming Lee could actually communicate with the thing.

[X][Zangoose] Try to ask the zangoose about the zangoose Lee knows

Continuing on his way, Lee tried switching things up a little by searching not for pokemon, but items of interest. He'd heard about how sometimes valuable items just wound up abandoned, lying around, just waiting for someone to come along and claim them. He didn't know how much success he might have, but why not give it a shot?

[X][Camp Actions] Stay near the path
-[X] Look for items of interest

Satisfied with Archer's initial success with flight combat, Lee shifted focus to more direct flight-themed training. Archer was a duel-type grass/flying pokemon. Defensively, he certainly had all the benefits. But while Archer had a grass attack move, he didn't have a flight attack move, which left him with a glaring shortcoming when it came to battling pokemon that had weakness to flying types.

Lee decided to focus on fixing that problem.

[X][Pokemon Action] Train Archer in battle
-[X] Train a Move - Learn a Flying-type attack move

I realized I don't actually know how much time detail you want to spend on traveling along the Route, if you want a day-by-day, or week, or speed up to the end of the route. So let me know your thoughts there!

I guess I don't really know myself.

On the one hand, as long as we keep having interesting events to work with, I'm good just traveling along the route at a more casual OOC rate for now. We can speed it up if either Lee gets a reason to try to speed up toward the next location or else we run out of interesting things to do along the route and it turns into a turn-by-turn routine that needs a new location to shake things up and keep them fresh.
[X]Investigate off the path
-[X]Go looking for grass pokemon. Fight smart!
-[X]Pull up on funny looking tufts of grass, in case it's an oddish
-[X]Look for old buildings and stuff

I'm not sure if you, @Blacksheep are looking for more expansive write-ins. Just let me know if that's the case and I'll try to adjust.