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What happens when Dragon Cobolt takes a break and reads 300 odd pages of drow themed quasipornographic sci-fi bullshit?

His brain breaks and he makes this quest - DROWQUEST!

What's it about?




In this quest, we will design our very own take on the drow, put them in our very own world, and see what shenanigans some sensual spiderloving subterranean sylvans sequentially start!

The rules are...

1) Democracy is good!​
2) Write ins are acceptable​
3) i am going to try and get banned off SV by how much soft and hardcore drow porn I can write there will be a reasonable amount of adults only content which will be spoilered​
Fake Name: Ga'la Frey Moonshadow
Real Name: ???

Playbook: Scion/Witch
STRESS: 1/10
XP: 0


Estate: You have an Estate (the town of Cinterburn.) It has a wealth score of 1 (max 5). Each Routine, roll 2d10+Wealth. On a 16+, it gains 2 wealth. On a miss, it loses 1 wealth. At any time, you may tap the resources of the estate, reducing the wealth by 1 and gaining 10 gold coins. When you visit your Estate, you may give it 15 gold OR do a single job pro bono once per session to add +1 wealth. At -3 wealth, they revolt.


The Finer Things: Each routine, you must spend an additional gold coin on your personal upkeep. If you do not, gain +2 stress. The second time you Burn Out, this move goes away.

Teacher: You can teach other characters how to use Magic as part of a Move Exchange. The student gains a Wild of -1 and a Focus whose nature matches their character. You can also help them create Bonds to a Focus: you take the Stress, they get the Focus

Don't You Know Who I Am: When you use your title and bluster to get what you want, Press the Issue + your personal Company Value.

Annexation: When you incorporate a new town into your Estate, add +2 Wealth. If they join willingly, add +4.




Once per battle: Advantage with Hard
Once per battle: Set Enemy ON Fire Fire
Once Per Battle Advantage with Eyeball or Bomb a Target

Air: Flighty, spontaneous, unbound! Reveal what's hidden, move things, deceive, trick, escape, fly, Induce or stop a Stall, push things away, catch a falling person. Reveal hidden foes, create illusory distractions, fool scouts, raise a fog or bitter wind, accelerate or lift vehicles, throw aside incoming aircraft or bombs, or even teleport.
Fire: Destruction, rebirth, anger, hatred. Consume with flames or rage, destroy things, provide light. Start a fire, deal 1d10 damage/2 Injury, double a weapon's damage. Blind the foe with light, illuminate a dark night, burn down cover, tear apart buildings, strike fear into your foes, reignite a dead engine, give attacks a burning edge, or even shield yourself from harm in a halo of flame.
Water: Soft, gentle, kind, life-giving. Communicate, heal and repair, gain empathy, induce sympathy. Repair a part, heal 1 Injury, fix 10 Damage, revive someone. Act as a human radio, turn the ground into mud, put doubt in your enemies, repair vehicles, heal wounds, summon and control beasts, or even bring a lost comrade back.

The Sky Destroyer Malevelous
Speed: 5 | Handling: 15
Hardness: 9 | Soak: 0

DAMAGE: Fine | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | Sinking

Two Light Egg Tossers | Fore (x1) | Starward (x2) | Sunward (x2) | Aft (x1) | Up (-)
Six Heavy Sticks | Fore (x2) | Starward (x1 [2 damaged]) | Sunward (x3) | Aft (x2) | Up (x6)
Two Automatic Ballistas | Fore (-) | Starward (- [1 damaged]) | Sunward (x1) | Aft: (-) | Up (-)

Light Egg Tosser
Egg: 1 Mass | Fire Rate: 3 | Accuracy: 2 | Min Range: Close

Heavy Stick (Blast)
Hits: 5 | Damage: 2 | AP 0 | Range: Long
Burst, +1 AP versus Unarmored Vehicles, -3 to hit airplanes
Special: Can fire rapid fire (roll x2 burst attacks)

Heavy Stick (Beam)
Hits: 1(2)| Damage: 16 | AP 3 | Range: Close
-3 to hit airplanes

Automatic Ballista
Hits: 3(6) | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Range: Long

x5 launch catapults

0 Eggs, 0 Ballista reloads


Dropoff: 11 | Reliability: -3 | Overspeed: 24 | Altitude: 0-29 | Fuel: 6
Visibility: -2 | Stability: +2 | Energy Loss: 4 | Turn Bleed: 1

Toughness: 21/21 | Max Strain: 51/51 | Escape: +2 | Crash: -1 | Stress: 1

FULL FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 7 | Speed: 19
HALF FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 6 | Speed: 19
EMPTY: Boost: - | Handling: 96 | Climb: - | Stall: 6 | Speed: 0

Twin Fixed Forward Accessible Automatic Crossbow (Interrupter Golem)
Hits (knife/close/long/extreme): 8/6/4/2 | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Ammo: 10/10
Rapid Fire (can spend +1 ammo to get advantage while shooting) | Jam [1/2] (jams on a 1 or 2)
Gunsight: +1 to attack
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Baselines (0.1)
In the beginning, there was us.

And we are her.

We have had many names - Lloth, Lalune, the Spider Queen. We always weave our webs, when others aren't watching. Some call us evil.

We call them...


With a gentle twitch of our fingers, we reach out, and we find a new place to start a new web...among all the worlds and all the spheres, we have so very many choices...

Plan vote...or die!

Base World Template
[ ] Terrandia - a lush, verdant world of forests, mountains, plains and prairies. With two continents and a sprawling underdark, Terrandia is thick with the weave of magic, so much so that the properties of technology and science may be unworkable beyond a certain level. There's a...classic feeling to Terrandia, right down to having a vast and diverse range of men and monsters.
[ ] Skyvros - a world of floating islands that drift endlessly around a sun contained in crystal glass. Here, magic is more predictable and can be used to create something analogous to technology, making magical items (such as flying ships, sentient golems, and similar tools) very common. Each island is between five to five hundred leagues wide and has their own unique ecology.
[ ] Monarc - a world periodically blasted by fragments that fall from the half-destroyed moon that orbits overhead. This has forced all life to live in a cycle of below and above ground modes, and drives any that can master technology (which functions quite well aboveground, away from the natural mana crystals that provide arcane energies in the underdark) to reach for the heavens and the promise of the other moon that orbits Monarc, a green and verdent worldlette that promises a better life.
[ ] Write in (be sure to indicate how much magic/tech and what makes the world special.)

Base Drow Biology
[ ] Classic Drow - dark skinned elves with white hair, red eyes, humanoid. Immortal(ish.)
[ ] Diverse Drow - elves of all kinds of strange skin colors (purple, black, even pink!) Otherwise the same.
[ ] Dimorphic Drow - female drow are dark skinned elves, but male drow are six limbed panther creatures with tentacles and innate illusions. There also exists two other genders - Zi'drow are clouds of sentient fireflies which guide gestating drow young to the gender they wish, while Thy'drow are tentacle faced psionics.
[ ] Write in (They have to be some kind of drow, or else I'm throwing you out)

Base Mechanics
[ ] Fantasycraft - the only good d20 system.
[ ] Flying Circus - why not? What's @open_sketch gonna do, stop me?
[ ] Reign 2e - flexible game for fantasy rulership
[ ] Freeform - we don't need no stinking system!
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[X] Skyvros - a world of floating islands that drift endlessly around a sun contained in crystal glass. Here, magic is more predictable and can be used to create something analogous to technology, making magical items (such as flying ships, sentient golems, and similar tools) very common. Each island is between five to five hundred leagues wide and has their own unique ecology.

[X] Write in (Classic Drow but they have cool magitek prosthetics and/or robot people!)

[X] Flying Circus - why not? What's @open_sketch gonna do, stop me?

I don't know what Flying Circus is, but it sounds like something you can do drow sky pirates in and I want to do drow sky pirates. Hello, by the way!
[X] Skyvros - a world of floating islands that drift endlessly around a sun contained in crystal glass. Here, magic is more predictable and can be used to create something analogous to technology, making magical items (such as flying ships, sentient golems, and similar tools) very common. Each island is between five to five hundred leagues wide and has their own unique ecology.


[X] Diverse Drow - elves of all kinds of strange skin colors (purple, black, even pink!) Otherwise the same.
[X] Dimorphic Drow - female drow are dark skinned elves, but male drow are six limbed panther creatures with tentacles and innate illusions. There also exists two other genders - Zi'drow are clouds of sentient fireflies which guide gestating drow young to the gender they wish, while Thy'drow are tentacle faced psionics.

Both of these are cool!

[X] Flying Circus - why not? What's @open_sketch gonna do, stop me?

I want Storm Hawks: The TTRPG!
Remember, plan votes! Or I kill you!

...actually, wait, I don't think you need plan votes for this...

...since, like, you can vote for both diverse and dimorphic drow, like Cyber did...

Yeah, it's fine, death order rescinded (probably.)
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A plan vote, for future reference goes like this

[ ] Plan
-[ ] Choice One
-[ ] Choice Two
-[ ] Choice three

And so on! Then people can just type [ ] Plan and vote for the whole plan!
[X] Monarc - a world periodically blasted by fragments that fall from the half-destroyed moon that orbits overhead. This has forced all life to live in a cycle of below and above ground modes, and drives any that can master technology (which functions quite well aboveground, away from the natural mana crystals that provide arcane energies in the underdark) to reach for the heavens and the promise of the other moon that orbits Monarc, a green and verdent worldlette that promises a better life.

[X] Diverse Drow - elves of all kinds of strange skin colors (purple, black, even pink!) Otherwise the same.
[JK] Write in:
-[JK] The Drow are Drow Skeletons, which are the skeletons of drow. How do people differentiate them from human/elf/really-tall-hobbit skeletons? They just do. Stripped of their flesh, Drow Skeletons only want one thing: to bone.

[X] Skyvros
[X] Diverse Drow
[X] Flying Circus
[X] Skyvros - a world of floating islands that drift endlessly around a sun contained in crystal glass. Here, magic is more predictable and can be used to create something analogous to technology, making magical items (such as flying ships, sentient golems, and similar tools) very common. Each island is between five to five hundred leagues wide and has their own unique ecology.

[X] Flying Circus - why not? What's @open_sketch gonna do, stop me?

[X] Diverse Drow - elves of all kinds of strange skin colors (purple, black, even pink!) Otherwise the same
[X] Terrandia

[X] Classic Drow

[X] Fantasycraft - the only good d20 system.

I love drow so... give me more!!!

What do you have read to ispire to write this?
[X] Fantasycraft - the only good d20 system.
[X] Dimorphic Drow - female drow are dark skinned elves, but male drow are six limbed panther creatures with tentacles and innate illusions. There also exists two other genders - Zi'drow are clouds of sentient fireflies which guide gestating drow young to the gender they wish, while Thy'drow are tentacle faced psionics.
[X] Skyvros - a world of floating islands that drift endlessly around a sun contained in crystal glass. Here, magic is more predictable and can be used to create something analogous to technology, making magical items (such as flying ships, sentient golems, and similar tools) very common. Each island is between five to five hundred leagues wide and has their own unique ecology.
[X] Plan Pervy Space Drow
-[X] The crash site of the Ark Ana. The Ark Ana was a massive magictech terraformation vessel commanded by a powerful AI with the goal to terraform a lifeless rock into a high fantasy world and populate it with all the fantasy races. Unfortunately, navigating hyperspace is an imprecise venture at best and the fleet came out too close to a dwarf planet (no, not that kind of dwarf, the ship in charge of the is The World Anvil) and they all crashed. While many were outright destroyed, some survived well enough to try and complete their mission, though their governing AIs were reduced to subsapient levels and would aim to carry out their mission parameters by unloading their Arcanite terraformation drones and prepping the gestation pods even without the original God AIs direction. The Ark Ana was one of the deepest crash sites that still had a quasi functional ship afterwards, so it sought to create the Underdark. However, the admiral of the fleet had a fantasy and monstergirl/boy fetish and somehow their porn folder got incorporated into the biotemplate files as a result of the crash
-[X] Write in (They have to be some kind of drow, or else I'm throwing you)
--[x] Diverse skin colors but of the dark or deep colors, and everyone looks like fetish art.
-[X] Fantasycraft - the only good d20 system.
[X] Dimorphic Drow - female drow are dark skinned elves, but male drow are six limbed panther creatures with tentacles and innate illusions. There also exists two other genders - Zi'drow are clouds of sentient fireflies which guide gestating drow young to the gender they wish, while Thy'drow are tentacle faced psionics.

[X] Terrandia - a lush, verdant world of forests, mountains, plains and prairies. With two continents and a sprawling underdark, Terrandia is thick with the weave of magic, so much so that the properties of technology and science may be unworkable beyond a certain level. There's a...classic feeling to Terrandia, right down to having a vast and diverse range of men and monsters.

[X] Fantasycraft - the only good d20 system.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Apr 1, 2023 at 2:35 PM, finished with 19 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Skyvros - a world of floating islands that drift endlessly around a sun contained in crystal glass. Here, magic is more predictable and can be used to create something analogous to technology, making magical items (such as flying ships, sentient golems, and similar tools) very common. Each island is between five to five hundred leagues wide and has their own unique ecology.
    [X] Flying Circus - why not? What's @open_sketch gonna do, stop me?
    [X] Diverse Drow - elves of all kinds of strange skin colors (purple, black, even pink!) Otherwise the same.
    [X] Dimorphic Drow - female drow are dark skinned elves, but male drow are six limbed panther creatures with tentacles and innate illusions. There also exists two other genders - Zi'drow are clouds of sentient fireflies which guide gestating drow young to the gender they wish, while Thy'drow are tentacle faced psionics.
    [X] Skyvros
    [X] Fantasycraft - the only good d20 system.
    [X] Diverse Drow
    [X] Classic Drow
    [X] Write in (Classic Drow but they have cool magitek prosthetics and/or robot people!)
    [X] Monarc - a world periodically blasted by fragments that fall from the half-destroyed moon that orbits overhead. This has forced all life to live in a cycle of below and above ground modes, and drives any that can master technology (which functions quite well aboveground, away from the natural mana crystals that provide arcane energies in the underdark) to reach for the heavens and the promise of the other moon that orbits Monarc, a green and verdent worldlette that promises a better life.
    [X] Fantasycraft
    [X] Flying Circus
    [X] Terrandia
    [X] Plan Pervy Space Drow
    -[X] The crash site of the Ark Ana. The Ark Ana was a massive magictech terraformation vessel commanded by a powerful AI with the goal to terraform a lifeless rock into a high fantasy world and populate it with all the fantasy races. Unfortunately, navigating hyperspace is an imprecise venture at best and the fleet came out too close to a dwarf planet (no, not that kind of dwarf, the ship in charge of the is The World Anvil) and they all crashed. While many were outright destroyed, some survived well enough to try and complete their mission, though their governing AIs were reduced to subsapient levels and would aim to carry out their mission parameters by unloading their Arcanite terraformation drones and prepping the gestation pods even without the original God AIs direction. The Ark Ana was one of the deepest crash sites that still had a quasi functional ship afterwards, so it sought to create the Underdark. However, the admiral of the fleet had a fantasy and monstergirl/boy fetish and somehow their porn folder got incorporated into the biotemplate files as a result of the crash
    -[X] Write in (They have to be some kind of drow, or else I'm throwing you)
    --[x] Diverse skin colors but of the dark or deep colors, and everyone looks like fetish art.
    -[X] Fantasycraft - the only good d20 system.
    [x] Dimorphic Drow
    [X] Terrandia - a lush, verdant world of forests, mountains, plains and prairies. With two continents and a sprawling underdark, Terrandia is thick with the weave of magic, so much so that the properties of technology and science may be unworkable beyond a certain level. There's a...classic feeling to Terrandia, right down to having a vast and diverse range of men and monsters.

Looks like Diverse Drow, Skyvros, and a tie between FC and FC currently!
[x] Skyvros
[] Freeform - we don't need no stinking system!
[x] Metamorphosing Drow - drow begin life as fist sized spiders which grow to roughly ya-human in mass for their first 20 or so years of life. They then undergo metamorphosis into your classic drow for their middle age. The final stage involves being sexily bitten and wrapped in silk by someone in the third stage, at which point they do second metamorphosis into a large spider-centaur.

Want driders, but the hot large spider bf/gf/ef kind, not the stupid dnd mindless evil kind.

Edit: also, why not
[X] Flying Circus
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[X]Plan: Semi-Traditional
-[X] Terrandia - a lush, verdant world of forests, mountains, plains and prairies. With two continents and a sprawling underdark, Terrandia is thick with the weave of magic, so much so that the properties of technology and science may be unworkable beyond a certain level. There's a...classic feeling to Terrandia, right down to having a vast and diverse range of men and monsters.
-[X] Diverse Drow - elves of all kinds of strange skin colors (purple, black, even pink!) Otherwise the same.
-[X] Freeform - we don't need no stinking system!