Drip [Worm AU | Alt-Power]

Her power would be much more dangerous if it was replacing the fluid with air. Removing some blood is fine(ish) - certainly reasonably predictable in effect, and you can scale based on how much you want to hurt them - but an air bubble in a blood vessel? That's really dangerous.
Probably not, she has taken Newter Blood on separate days, which she probably wouldn't be able to do if he was dead.
Probably not, she has taken Newter Blood on separate days, which she probably wouldn't be able to do if he was dead.
Eh, he wouldn't have been dead long enough for all the blood to decay. But I don't think that's how it works anyway, was just pointing out that replacing it would be far too deadly.
Looks like I'm not the only one who thought it might be Cauldron vials!

How about "[Target]'s synovial fluid" if she has line of sight? It lubricates joints. It wouldn't be lethal even if fully drained and any cartilage damage might well reverse fully if the joints are rested, but the lack would make moving difficult.

Draining stomach acid presumably would have uncomfortable results, too, and provide a decent offense.

Draining mucus would be likely result in coughing. And who wants their own phlegm tossed at them?

Draining adrenaline might defuse fights. If nothing else, it would probably counter Lung.

No one owns lava, and Crawler could hardly object to his acid being smatched for a Brute offense.
Mundane utility: "Taylor Hebert's urine in this jar." "Taylor Hebert's pimple pus in this toilet."
New Newterjuice: Urine. Unlike, say, blood, he probably isn't going to mind rarely needing a bathroom.

Blood plasma might prove safer than actual blood.

Not to mention, most moveable machinery involves liquid as fuel, coolant, or lubricant. This Taylor is likely a hard counter to Squealer...

Most of this is combat, though. With her power, Taylor needs excellent PR, and there's a way to get it. She's capable of drawing any bodily fluid without a needle. Logically, she can take a sample of cerebrospinal fluid for a doctor to test without piercing the dura mater. Assuming blood donation is a thing in Brockton, she can painlessly process 4 patients per minute. If someone is terrified of or immune to needles, she can draw enough blood for almost any procedure in half a second.

She can painlessly draw bone marrow for a transplant. She can say "intracellular fluid from this suspicious lump" for a very gentle biopsy. Actually... could she just say "cytoplasm from cancerous cells within this room?" If she drains said cytoplasm dry, that's an entire hospital ward of patients who no longer have cancer, because the cells are dead! Come to think of it, if I remember correctly DNA and RNA are fluid, though viscous. In addition to pulling it out of tumors for the same results as the above, might "bacterial DNA/viral RNA located within the adjacent room" cure most diseases in addition to sterilizing surfaces, at the cost of targets needing probiotics?

If any oil spills or similar have happened on Bet - probable even in Brockton given all the sunken ships - she could help clean up the environment. "Mercury from the Bay" perhaps? "Hydrocarbons from the Bay?"

Come to think of it, what about "cytoplasm from Bonesaw's Corona Pollentia?" If something like that works it might take down at least some of the Nine without death as a result.

Maybe "DNA from every microorganism and virus in Bonesaw's body in this sealed canister"? That would at least reduce the plagues and possibly allow Amy to create a counter.
You don't ask for viral DNA without phrasing it very carefully and making sure that endogenous retroviruses don't count (and any retroviruses may be a problem, if it takes the virus by ripping it out of DNA and not closing the gap safely.)

Of course, if she actually wants to use the power for medical purposes, she should have a couple of doctors and scientists helping her just to think of the obvious ways the attempt would fail. Any loophole we can think of here is something they should be able to think up too.

Also, removing the corona is stated in canon to result in powers going out of control, not loss of powers. I have no idea how this is consistent with Contessa shooting Taylor in the head to remove her powers,
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Really? I don't remember that being mentioned in the WOG about him.

I figured he worked for a trash company or a smelter while technically being a ward.

By sheer coincidence, I actually just yesterday reread the canon chapter where he and Taylor and the Undersiders go up against Jack's Aliens scenario (with Murder Rats and Mannequins as the Xenomorphs)

He not only outright said he could do the bubble without the fire, he demonstrated it on the hidden Nyx clone.

Until, of course, Taylor ordered him to incinerate her. And then he did.
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Damn it. I was hoping everyone was wrong about this, since that turns a useful power into a shitty one. It reminds of of another story where Taylor gains the power of a living voodoo doll; it's exactly as shitty a power as you'd expect.

Honestly, not sure if I'm interested in an alt-fic where Taylor's power makes her a fire-bucket carrier.
It's not shitty at all. All she has to do now is find an air-tight, heavily-reinforced container and fill it with ALL of Bonesaw's blood.

Rinse and repeat for every other S-class non-endbringer threat out there.
It's not shitty at all. All she has to do now is find an air-tight, heavily-reinforced container and fill it with ALL of Bonesaw's blood.

Rinse and repeat for every other S-class non-endbringer threat out there.
Really, such an attempt should be vetted by quite a few thinkers before being used. Also we should keep in mind that she's almost certainly on Contessa's radar after stealing the contents of two Cauldron vials.
So set Taylor up next to a pool with a note that reads.

A fluid that when enough is gathered will cause code name Edens partner to be come no longer a threat to Earth Bet
Edit: as fast as possible.
And empty the pool as needed
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Jeez Louise, talk about a kick to the teeth. I'm pretty sure most of us suspected this twist from the start, but it doesn't make the reveal any easier. That said, at least she didn't find out after killing someone. We've established that shards are bullshit, but asking for any kind of liquid and receiving it seemed a little off to me. It would've made more sense for her to be a tinker and now we see why.

One thing I feel the need to point out; Your characterization is amazing so far. I'm looking forward to future interludes and I've already followed the story. I wish you luck on any future chapters.
Reasonably sure. Unless she just kept taking his blood, which is a possibility. Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure we can lose two to three liters of blood before there are lethal consequences. Granted you don't want to lose nearly that amount and there will be serious consequences regardless. When you donate blood, you donate around a liter and an average adult has something like 9-10 liters. He'll probably have gone into shock if she took more than two liters. But I don't think she did, unless it was offscreen.
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I find it interesting that no one has brought up the possibility (as far as I've seen) that Taylor could well still be Manton limited-- just because she can take fluids from someone doesn't mean her power will let her kill with that theft. It could be that as soon as she starts getting to the point where this is dangerous for someone her power simply stops supplying the liquid.
She frowned. "Something's not right. I can feel resistance over there, but nothing huge, like Hellhound's dogs."


"My power. It's Manton limits stop me from stretching space in the vicinity of living creatures. But that also means I can sort of detect where people are by trying to stretch space around them. It's hard to make out any details though."
Vista's Manton limit only cares about humans, not living things in general. During Golden Morning she was able to warp space on continental scale on an Earth with no humans (but with existing biosphere).
That is not what the Manton limit is, or how it works.
Manton limit is term for any arbitrary limitation parahuman power has. It can be being affect self, only being affect others, only living beings, only non-living objects, only humans, only specific species or type of organism, only parahumans, etc.
Major Events Summary
Hello again,

It has been a while since my last update, I know. The main problem I have been having is a lack of enthusiasm/initiative. I have lots of story ideas clamoring for my attention, but they are all for other stories. I wanted to finish this one first, but I've been having difficulty figuring out how to write the interlude. I know what needs to happen, plot-wise, but can't seem to get the words out.

I promised I would let you know if I was going to stop writing this fic, and I think at this point I should just call it. Unfortunately, right now is where the payoff is beginning in the story, so I am sorry for not delivering on the promises I made.

Early on, I made some mistakes with Taylor's characterization, and those might be part of the problem. I think I have difficulty writing certain personalities, and am trying to get better at this.

Another issue is that I underestimated the thinker aspect of her power going into this. There isn't a great justification to avoid yes/no questions, and being able to tap into her power's omniscience is way too broken for good storytelling. Death Note (a similar power) was better in this respect because despite the omnipotence of the notebook, the protagonist had to work with limited information. Wellspring can divine pretty much any information she wants with creative queries.

This was my first attempt at fanfiction, and I learned a lot from it. I've outlined the rest of the major events in the story below (spoiler tag probably not necessary, but I'll do it anyway), if anybody is curious; as much as I would like to write it out in detail, if I am being honest with myself I don't think I will ever get around to it.

Thank you all for giving my attempt at a story a chance. Hopefully, I can do better with the next one.

Basically, this was intended to wind up as a Death Note style story, with a protagonist eliminating evil, concealing her true nature while collaborating with the very authorities searching for her. Following the current place in the story, the major plot events planned out are:

0. Undersiders except for Grue are captured (already occurred by this point in story)

1. Shadow Stalker attacks Taylor; Taylor accidentally kills her (blinds her by pulling her vitreous humors into Taylor's shoe, then SS phases through some electrical wires in a panicked escape). Discovers her identity as Sophia, becomes mistrustful of PRT as a result (but stays as a Ward; just decides not to tell them the truth about her power)

2. Taylor uses her power to remotely neutralize Bakuda and Oni Lee during the bombing campaign (by draining the water from selective parts of their nervous systems to disable their eyes/legs/hands); Brockton Bay becomes aware of a mysterious new cape ("Phantom")

3. Taylor remotely kills the Slaughterhouse 9, except for Crawler and Siberian. Siberian kills Crawler, then begins a rampage.

4. Coil becomes aware of Taylor, kidnaps her father to persuade her not to act against him.

5. Taylor uses her power to locate Coil's base with a water-based "compass" formed from four coffee cups in a carton ("Give me water from the cup closest to Danny Hebert")

6. Taylor disables Coil and all his employees (including spies and the Undersiders), then rescues her father and Dinah. Thomas Calvert survives (Dinah told him kidnapping Danny Hebert had a reasonably high chance of preventing his eventual death at the hands of Phantom), but is comatose.

7. The Siberian attacks Brockton Bay looking for Phantom. The PRT enlists the aid of Tattletale to help defeat her, releasing the captured Undersiders.

8. Tattletale figures out Taylor's secret, and figures out that the Siberian is a projection. Taylor kills the Siberian. Tattletale keeps Taylor's power a secret from the PRT.

9. Leviathan attacks Brockton Bay. Taylor is assigned to assist Panacea by producing various medical supplies.

10. Inspired by the revelation about the Siberian's secret, Taylor tries killing whoever is making the endbringers attack on the off chance that they are projections. As a result Eidolon dies in the middle of the fight, and Leviathan retreats aimlessly back into the sea. For violating the Endbringer truce, the PRT puts out a kill order on Phantom.

11. Taylor starts disabling or killing dangerous parahumans all over the world.

12. Cauldron kidnaps and masters Taylor using Pretender.

Other smaller events would naturally happen in between these (conflict with the Merchants, the Empire, etc., growing relationships with the wards, and so forth).

I would be happy to answer questions, and would love any overall feedback on ways to improve.
12. Cauldron kidnaps and masters Taylor using Pretender.
Yeesh. I mean, I can't imagine that there would be any other way for that to end, but it's still a rather shocking downer ending. Taylor was out of control and killing too many useful capes, but her power was simply too useful an asset to waste. Thus, the Alexandria treatment.
Yeah, to be honest if that's the ending as you planned it I'm kinda glad it ended this way. For my part if you'd had however long to build this up and then posted that chapter and told me it was the epilogue it would have left me depressed as hell. That's really grim.