They are quick and probably don't take much effort away from other things- since it's just for a two minute vid, they didn't spend as long trying to get a perfect Light.
They are quick and probably don't take much effort away from other things- since it's just for a two minute vid, they didn't spend as long trying to get a perfect Light.
Also that all of these have guest editors, and possibly guest writers.

Its probably serving double duty as a way for them to find someone who can help out with editing actual episodes.
So apparently this was a thing Funimation got TFS for that went unused in the Dub episode that aired on Toonami last night.

So apparently this was a thing Funimation got TFS for that went unused in the Dub episode that aired on Toonami last night.

It's a bit more confusing than that.
It went unused on their broadcast versions, but was used in the on demand versions, and team four star denies it even exists.
So thats weird.
So apparently this was a thing Funimation got TFS for that went unused in the Dub episode that aired on Toonami last night.

What are you talking about? I was watching Toonami this last weekend and I definitely remember that part airing.

Edit: OOooh, it's an alternate dub track. The animation part was definitely in.
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Yeah, it literally couldn't have gone any other way. Well, it could have gone one other way, but TFS can't do that for obvious reasons.
He was likely just surprised Cell wasn't intimidated into a coma by him directly charging, which is why Cell's hit was able to land.
Best Part: 16's inner singing.

Worst Part: Mr. Satan honestly. Felt too much like his canon lines. He'll be great in the Buu saga I'm sure but other than the laundry list of titles he was giving Cell it wasn't as natural as everyone else and just tacked on. Though I guess that is what he is right now.

Still, a fantastic episode.
"I see you've brought the whole gang along to witness our battle. Piccolo, Trunks-" beat "Tenshinhan..."
"Ki-ko-how ya doing?"

I love this show so much