you do elemental fury for yourself which even its description as well as its lore in stone's you find on your way up to 7000 steps states it is enchantmentokay my question if he is me or doesn't know how to use magic in the Skyrim way how is he enchanting his weapons? I mean I know he's supposed to be using the voice but you don't really enchant weapons with the voice in Tamriel
for teammates its battle fury if am not mistaken the name
then there are items like mask of alkosh a mask enchanted with draconic divine power (not regular divine power) of akatosh
there is amulet of kings which is enchanted pretty much with divine power of akatosh
the rest of the dragon priest masks you find in skyrim are enchanted by dragons
and dont you think a staff capable of opening a portal to sovngarde a pocket of aetherius the heaven of the 9 gods is a making of draconic power ?
all the more reason that dragonborn is capable of invading tenkai
***Tobi a melted down version of healing ice in form of not holy but rather spirit water can be done and it would be hm "lovely" to think of black mesa's xen healing water and its singing voice
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