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I kinda assume that if we stole magical artifacts, we'd then take money from our hoard and just keep the magic artifacts, since Eldingar mentions their quirks entertaining him
Wel, they are still aliveDisagree.
For one thing, paper money is, by its nature, ephemeral and interchangeable. Magical artefacts, on the other hand, tend to be unique and rare. Stuff the Rossos have locked in their vault is highly likely to be one-of-a-kind.
For another thing, we absolutely will be showing off our stolen goods - we are stealing to keep the House afloat, which means auctioning this off or fencing it. Which means the Rossos will be smacked in the face by the realization that the idiot dragon they thought would be an easy mugging made an absolute joke of their security systems and is now selling off some of their most valued items like lemonade.
And bear in mind that the reputation hit for House Rosso comes with a reputation gain for House Elding - it will be a very loud statement that stealing from the dragon does not come without consequences.
TL; DR: it stands to reason to humiliate the Rossos and reinstate the reputation of Eldingar and House Elding. Stealing the magical items accomplishes this.
He did that by having a compelling, good argument brought forth in a Wel done effort post.All of you voting for the filthy paper money
Come on, @TenfoldShields! You've swayed the quest vote before! Back me up here!
He did that by having a compellI got argument brought forth in a Wel done effort post.
In other news,
People, remember we're doing this for the most humor,
It's funnier to see Katara go 'U wot' when we ignore her and grab the shinies becuase...
The paper money is smart and as we have established Eldingar is not good making smart life choices.
Those are questions I am unable to answer.A lot depends on our understanding of meta factors though. Like at what point is enough enough because we ran the joke into the ground?
If Elingar being a dragon is really an open secret, then the Russos would be wise not to point that out to the angry blue dragon.[X] The bearer bonds. The idea disgusts you as a dragon on every conceivable level, but Takara does have a point that it's more value per pound, and by design you can use them for whatever the fuck you want by virtue of holding them in your hand.
I'd go for magic items, but I'd BET those are recognizable
Beggars? BEGGARS?![X] The bearer bonds. The idea disgusts you as a dragon on every conceivable level, but Takara does have a point that it's more value per pound, and by design you can use them for whatever the fuck you want by virtue of holding them in your hand.
Beggars can't be choosers. Let's start with what we can take, and get picky once we're in a position to be picky again.
That's a good thing!
You fool! The last wish will inevitably be used for something selfless and love-related at the climax! This means that while it may seem like we have two wishes left, we actually only have one. We gotta be real careful what we use it on.If Elingar being a dragon is really an open secret, then the Russos would be wise not to point that out to the angry blue dragon.
He might sob at them and then the whole city wil hate them.
Beggars? BEGGARS?!
You think the Great Eldingar, the azure bold that spears the sky, is a BEGGER!
The most gravest of insults, dear sir/madam/[insert alternative]
Eldingar is many things, Dashing mans man; A refined gentleman; A dragon like no other; the cities unofficial mascot; A man magnet; oblivious overlord; master of lightning and many other things but he is not a beggar!
That and the deadline is in a week, long enough for another date- I mean, heist. For another heist, to get us money.
If worst comes to worst, Makram wil only be incredibly smug if we use our wish for this.
Eldingar would rather sleep on rocks.[X] The bearer bonds. The idea disgusts you as a dragon on every conceivable level, but Takara does have a point that it's more value per pound, and by design you can use them for whatever the fuck you want by virtue of holding them in your hand.
Now I kinda want Eldingar to go to sleep on a bed of bearer bonds. A more modern, Wall Street kind of dragon.
the joke is that she's already disappointed and she'd probably be glad that we're hoarding SOMETHING.
Someone in the upper echelons has some real taste, willing to compromise between keeping everything nice and orderly for ease of cataloguing and just letting it all spill out on the floor like any self-respecting hoard should.
'nonymouslyActually come to think of it...
Are we completely sure House Rosso itself does not contain any dragons?
Like that scene in south park with Cartman cashing in that large bill to fill a tub with pennies I think?[x]
Takara's right, and we can probably convert the bearer bonds into coin later if we want.
Savvy business move, likely.