
Hopefully these are better. Still pretty scratchy though.
Man it can get hard to convey race in a fantasy setting without our conception of things so here I am resorting to WoG. If it helps at all with doing their skintones, while the ifrit is basically Assyrian, Issachar is flat-out sub-Saharan African.
You're a good boy and you've done nothing wrong

You're goddamn right.

[X] Go find the incubus.

In terms of an actual argument I thiiiink...hrm. I think that the incubus's relationship advice is solid, I think that the guy himself is fairly non-threatening in terms of one on one interaction (even taking into account the monster high heels and Infernal Corruption stuff), and I personally find him kinda sweet and endearing. I dunno there's just something really kind of cute about a bara beefcake of a dude who's starting to get a little older and worries about his appearance and tries to stay in shape even as shit gets harder and harder. We don't have much to go on but there's something kind of...sad honestly? Not pathetic just kind of "o-oh" about his presentation.

Like we know that he's sort of desperate and hard up for contracts, which is why he took on such a long shot gig with basically zero notice. And we know that he's sort of selfconscious, when Eldingar confronts him he doesn't really bluster so much as kind of low-key roll over and go "(I'm doing the best I can man...)". And that he's basically already resigned himself to fucking up and not winning the whole love interest race which ties back into the idea of him being past his prime. All in all it paints this picture of a dude who needs some external affirmation almost as much as Eldingar does and to just, idk, feel valued. Which is something that the big blue dumbass understands pretty intimately.

Which tugs on a fuckton of my heartstrings in general I guess. The fact that he's a brawny, manly, demon-dude is just all kinds of gravy.
[X] Go find the ifrit.

Honestly I'd be fine with the incubus too, but he's not doing nearly as well in the polls and I mostly want to talk to someone other than Jun-ho. He's great and all but we've already spent yesterday afternoon getting drunk with him, whereas we've barely talked to the other two. We still don't even know their names!

I noticed as I started reading this story that you used Icelandic words for names of two things, those being Söfnun and Eldingar. Did you do that on purpouse or is this a coincidence?

BTW for those who don't know what these mean.

Söfnun = Gathering, it is a mutation of the word Safn (collection/museum).
Eldingar = Lightning Bolts, Elding is the singular for Lightning as a concept or a lightning bolt. It is itself based on Eldur which is the Icelandic word for fire.
[X] Go find the incubus.

Yeah okay, why not. We can at least learn all their names first, and the Ifrit, for all I like him, is kind of a prat.
Charity as a concept to a dragon is like helping someone who's been stabbed by stabbing yourself and trying to bleed into their wound, just complete madness.

Did you have in mind that blood transfusions are a thing in modern times when writing this?

[Q] Go find Sempai
[X] Go find Jun-ho
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I don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet, but it seems the Ifrit fulfills wishes by stealing shit. The barrels of wine he magics up are not created from nothing; Eldingar recognizes them as coming from a specific location. So there's a chance we'll get to meet the owner of the vineyard that our wine came from when he comes demanding payment. And it's also possible that he'll be a very handsome satyr.
Chapter Eleven - So How Crazy Was Yesterday, Right?
You should probably check on Jun-ho. You guess. You're kind of stuck with him thanks to Mother and he's not actively irritating so it's not too bad you guess. Leaving your new pile of gold just so you take flight, shifting up as you go (but only reaching full size once you're through the hole you keep meaning to widen) and glide outside into the grey midday light in search of him.

He's not very hard to find. You do a circuit of your spire and spy him at the cliffside, all coiled along the edge like the weird scaly noodle with hair that he is. Specifically soggy hair because it looks like he's still dripping wet. Freak rainstorm? No no, you would've heard it inside. You swoop down and alight on the grassy ground, folding up your wings and trotting to the cliff's edge beside him.

"Trying to sober up?" you ask, indicating his sogginess with a flick of your head.

"Hm? Oh." He glances at you. "No I-"

"Went for a fish and slipped in?" you suggest.

"No I just tried going for a swim but that... did not pan out," he explains with a sheepish look. "Water was a lot colder than it looked."

"... what, like. For fun?" you ask.


You shoot him a look as you try to work out if he's making a joke or just being weird again. It must be the latter because he looks away again and the conversation chills about as much as Jun-ho must've when he hit the water. The wind whistles across the surface of your little lofty island, perhaps moaning something unkind about your ability to talk to people under its breath. You really should've asked the incubus guy about those 'talking to guys' lessons huh?

"I enjoyed yesterday," you say out of the blue. It sounds like the sort of thing he'd appreciate and it's not like you have shit-else to talk about. "Even if it involved hangover headaches and the like. It was interesting to learn more about your homeland and... in all honesty I don't remember the last time I spoke to another dragon like that."

"Heh, thanks." Jun-ho smiles slightly, the wind ruffling his spun-gold locks something close to dry again as he turns to look at you. "The same to you. I don't know about the uh, the drinking part so much -or at least not as much- but I'd like to do something like that again sometime. If you are, I mean."

"Mm. And hopefully the next time won't have more strange men barging into my home to interrupt," you add. "It doesn't trouble you that they've decided to hang around like bad smells too, does it?"

"Oh no, not at all. They've been extra company!" Jun-ho looks out across the roiling grey-white sea at the featureless horizon far beyond. "I mean, Makram's kind of snooty and unpleasant but Belial's easy to talk to, very laid-back."

"Wh- oh. Yes. Of course," you recover quickly.

Jun-ho side-eyes you with one half-lidded emerald eye. "... did you not know their names?"

"I was going to get around to it I've been very busy!" you protest rapidly. "And- and anyway at least now you know I was telling the truth about having to fight an ifrit!"

"I always believed you!" Jun-ho replies, equally as convincingly. "I've just... never seen an ifrit up close, is all! So I went to talk to him and Makram was mostly just- well you met him first you'd know."


A brief silence falls. Lightning flashes far off in the distance, a brilliant white bolt striking the sea far below in a flash of burnt water and smoke. You're craving a recharge but the storm's too far out for now. You can wait.

"You know there was another one just now?" you mention.


"Another strange man breaking into my home! 'Issachar' he said his name was, tried to feed me some yarn about being a friendly lightning farm neighbour of no consequence but he'd have had to fly or teleport in to get the drop on me so..." You shrug. It doesn't really work as well in quadrupedal form. "And he wasn't even looking for anything logical like how whatsisname the incubus wants sex or Makram wants... I don't know probably just to see me break down and cry. He was trying to teach me manners."

"That must have been quite a shock to you," Jun-ho says.

"I know right? He told me where to find him and said his door was always open if I wanted help and he said it'd always be free how weird is that?"

"Think you will?" he asks. "Fly over to his place and ask for anything, I mean."

"I suppose I might as well at some point," you say. "He said some lah-de-dah about my having an important destiny too so I presume he'll be dropping in seemingly at random to offer advice no matter what I do, might as well get out in front of it if it means free stuff." You pause. "So what I mean is, if you see a human just sort of wandering around the place, it's probably Issachar so don't worry about it."

"Right, right." He lets out a gentle snort. "Did you start wearing magic cologne or something? It's like you're a magnet for guys all of a sudden."

"Mm. What I wouldn't have given for that four or five decades ago," you say with a grimace. You open your mouth to say something else, something along the lines of 'you don't mind all these strange attractive men hanging around because this is just arranged, right?' but even you can tell that'd be monumentally stupid to say out loud. Instead you ask "Are you hungry?"

"A bit. Why?"

"Because if you are I can arrange some food for you, this isn't brain surgery," you grumble.

"Oh, sorry." Jun-ho rapidly drums his claws on the edge of the cliff, glancing to the side for a moment as if to take a break from eye contact. His gaze returns to yours. "Whaaaat did you have in mind? I don't know what the options are around here so, whatever you think works."

Hm. Well you have no idea what Jun-ho might like, given for all you know dragons lick the moss from the undersides of boulders where he's from, so you might as well just pick something you want and hope for the best.

[ ] Hunt the land for something, like cattle or game. That's a pretty safe bet, right? Can never go wrong with a good old side of beef or venison. You know all the best spots by now.
[ ] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[ ] Go into Söfnun as mortals and have dinner together. There's a much wider variety of cuisine on display and thus a much greater chance of Jun-ho liking whatever it is you settle on - but it might come off more romantic and you don't know how you'll handle that. Probably badly.
Adhoc vote count started by ZerbanDaGreat on May 8, 2018 at 6:43 PM, finished with 857 posts and 32 votes.
"That must have been quite a shock to you," Jun-ho says.
oh ho ho the boy's got sass.

[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Picking this because it's more obviously cooperative, which means more conversation, and yeah I want to mention the map to get rolling on touring the other spots. Actually, @ZerbanDaGreat would it be valid to add that in as a write-in sub-vote?
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[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Seafood is the best.
plus this will be a chance for Zerban to introduce squid/shark husbando.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Not quite ready for a date just yet.

A friendly bout of hunting together though will be just the ticket.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

I'm still holding out hope for mermaids, but Jun-he likes water anyway.
[X] Go into Söfnun as mortals and have dinner together. There's a much wider variety of cuisine on display and thus a much greater chance of Jun-ho liking whatever it is you settle on - but it might come off more romantic and you don't know how you'll handle that. Probably badly.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.